Why does my session ID change actionResponse.sendRedirect()?

Any ideas why my session ID would change after executing actionResponse.sendRedirect(<insert absolute url to a page in the same application>)?
50% of the time my session id persists after sendRedirect(). The other 50% of the time the session id changes. This happens without making any changes to the application.
Any ideas are welcomed.

actionResponse.sendRedirect() supports 1)absolute URL and 2)full URI. try with full URI.
Apart from these,why do you need to do the redirection ? If requires that,you can do it very well using taskflow.

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    hi daniel.....
             i dont think there is a need for looping in this manner.
             you just get all the values of a node into an internal table.
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    Thanks Donald. This is good info to know.
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    The update is several hundred megs
    Which means it can't be done over 3G if you're trying it that way. And if your other internet connection isn't fast enough it will time out.
    People have also had issues with their firewalls or anti virus software....the software detects the update file as a virus or malware (incorrectly of course) and blocks it. So you can also try disabling your firewall or anti virus and give it a try and see if that helps.

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