Why does terminal \h add a dash-number

I have noticed that mavericks has started to add a dash and a number to local machine names. For example, in a terminal window with a $PS1 \h prompt, "mymachine" has become "mymachine-4"
Why is this?

There are several possible causes for this problem.
1. Two (or more) computers on the local network have the same Bonjour name, such as "X's-MacBook-Pro.local".
2. You have two simultaneous connections to the same local network: probably Ethernet and Wi-Fi. If applicable, disconnect the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi.
3. A Mac wakes from sleep due to network traffic. This is a bug in OS X that may only affect some models.
4. A device that gets its network address from the router wakes from sleep, and the address it was using before has been assigned to another device.
5. A third-party wireless router has incompatible settings or firmware. In that case, refer to the manufacturer or ISP for support. Restarting the router may help, temporarily.
6. See also this support article.
Rename the computer in the Sharing preference pane.

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    aarliyu wrote:
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    The command is wrong; </etc/fstab> is a file, </etc/fstab/> is a directory. Maybe that's the issue on your machine, though it doesn't cause a freeze on mine. (Btw, pico on my machine is actually an alias for nano. I don't recall doing that myself, so it must be an SL default.)
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    $ sudo pico /etc/fstab
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    Try going to the Apple store (store.apple.com) and re-entering it in your account there and be sure that one click ordering is turned on and try again
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    You can check for problems with preferences.
    Delete possible user.js and numbered prefs-##.js files and rename (or delete) the prefs.js file to reset all prefs to the default value including prefs set via user.js and prefs that are no longer supported in the current Firefox release.
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    http://www.ernieflores.net/osx-page-4/how-to-enable-tab-completion-in-mac-os-x-t erminal/

    Done!  Thanks!
    https://bugreport.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/RadarWeb.woa/6/wo/iLhrfiEtEJtPFTt J8S23O0/
    https://bugreport.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/RadarWeb.woa/6/wo/iLhrfiEtEJtPFTt J8S23O0/

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    No other apple programs seem to do this.
    Where do I log a bug/feature request for this?

    Done!  Thanks!
    https://bugreport.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/RadarWeb.woa/6/wo/iLhrfiEtEJtPFTt J8S23O0/
    https://bugreport.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/RadarWeb.woa/6/wo/iLhrfiEtEJtPFTt J8S23O0/

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    Why is it so and how can I stop this behaviour?
    Go to Solution.

    Surely that didnt just happen because you saved it in 2010. You downloaded a new set of drivers for 2010 from here: http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_web_display.download_page?p_id_guid=AFAA2CBD85041C96E04400144F1EF8...
    The second driver has more features.
    Also, note that the two modes are different, in the second case you are specifying the current where as the first one is a constant current configuration for the load.
    Beginner? Try LabVIEW Basics
    Sharing bits of code? Try Snippets or LAVA Code Capture Tool
    Have you tried Quick Drop?, Visit QD Community.

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