Why does this class not read and write at same time???

I had another thread where i was trying to combine two class files together
I managed to do it myself but when i run the file it does not work right. If i write a file then try and open the file it says there are no records in the file, but if i close the gui down and open the file everything get read in as normal can anybody tell me why?
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import bank.BankUI;
import bank.*;
public class testing extends JFrame {
   private ObjectOutputStream output;
   private BankUI userInterface;
   private JButton SaveToFile, SaveAs, Exit; //////////savetofile also saves to store need to split up and have 2 buttons
   private Employee record;
//////////////////////////////////////from read
private ObjectInputStream input;
   private JButton nextButton, openButton, nextRecordButton ;
   private Store store = new Store(100);
     private Employee employeeList[] = new Employee[100];
     private int count = 0, next = 0;
/////////////////////////////////////////////from read end
   // set up GUI
   public testing()
      super( "Employee Data" ); // appears in top of gui
      // create instance of reusable user interface
      userInterface = new BankUI( 9 );  // nine textfields
      getContentPane().add( userInterface, BorderLayout.CENTER );
      // configure button doTask1 for use in this program
      SaveAs = userInterface.getSaveAsButton();
      SaveAs.setText( "Save as.." );
//////////////////from read
openButton = userInterface.getOpenFileButton();
      openButton.setText( "Open File" );
         // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
         new ActionListener() {
            // close file and terminate application
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addActionListener
      // register window listener for window closing event
         // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
         new WindowAdapter() {
            // close file and terminate application
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
               if ( input != null )
               System.exit( 0 );
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addWindowListener
      // get reference to generic task button doTask2 from BankUI
      nextButton = userInterface.getDoTask2Button();
      nextButton.setText( "Next Record" );
      nextButton.setEnabled( false );
      // register listener to call readRecord when button pressed
         // anonymous inner class to handle nextRecord event
         new ActionListener() {
            // call readRecord when user clicks nextRecord
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addActionListener
//get reference to generic task button do Task3 from BankUI
      // get reference to generic task button doTask3 from BankUI
      nextRecordButton = userInterface.getDoTask3Button();
      nextRecordButton.setText( "Get Next Record" );
      nextRecordButton.setEnabled( false );
      // register listener to call readRecord when button pressed
         // anonymous inner class to handle nextRecord event
         new ActionListener() {
            // call readRecord when user clicks nextRecord
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addActionListener
///////////from read end
      // register listener to call openFile when button pressed
         // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
         new ActionListener() {
            // call openFile when button pressed
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addActionListener
      // configure button doTask2 for use in this program
      SaveToFile = userInterface.getSaveStoreToFileButton();
      SaveToFile.setText( "Save to store and to file need to split this task up" );
      SaveToFile.setEnabled( false );  // disable button
      // register listener to call addRecord when button pressed
         // anonymous inner class to handle enterButton event
         new ActionListener() {
            // call addRecord when button pressed
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               addRecord(); // NEED TO SPLIT UP SO DONT DO BOTH
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addActionListener
Exit = userInterface.getExitAndSaveButton();
      Exit.setText( "Exit " );
      Exit.setEnabled( false );  // disable button
      // register listener to call addRecord when button pressed
         // anonymous inner class to handle enterButton event
         new ActionListener() {
            // call addRecord when button pressed
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
               addRecord(); // adds record to to file
               closeFile(); // closes everything
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addActionListener
      // register window listener to handle window closing event
         // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
         new WindowAdapter() {
            // add current record in GUI to file, then close file
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
                         if ( output != null )
         } // end anonymous inner class
      ); // end call to addWindowListener
      setSize( 600, 500 );
      setVisible( true );
     store = new Store(100);
   } // end CreateSequentialFile constructor
   // allow user to specify file name
////////////////from read
  // enable user to select file to open
   private void openFile()
      // display file dialog so user can select file to open
      JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
      fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
      int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
      // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
      if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
      // obtain selected file
      File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
      // display error if file name invalid
      if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name",
            "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      else {
         // open file
         try {
            input = new ObjectInputStream(
               new FileInputStream( fileName ) );
            openButton.setEnabled( false );
            nextButton.setEnabled( true );
         // process exceptions opening file
         catch ( IOException ioException ) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File",
               "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      } // end else
   } // end method openFile
public void readRecord() // need to merger with next record
      Employee record;
      // input the values from the file
      try {
     record = ( Employee ) input.readObject();
               employeeList[count++]= record;
               store.add(record);/////////ADDS record to Store
          System.out.println("Count is " + store.getCount());
         // create array of Strings to display in GUI
         String values[] = {
                    String.valueOf( record.getDateOfBirth()),
                    String.valueOf( record.getID()),
                         String.valueOf( record.getStartDate()),
                    String.valueOf( record.getSalary()),
                    String.valueOf( record.getAddress()),
                       String.valueOf( record.getNatInsNo()),
                    String.valueOf( record.getPhone())
// i added all those bits above split onto one line to look neater
         // display record contents
         userInterface.setFieldValues( values );
      // display message when end-of-file reached
      catch ( EOFException endOfFileException ) {
         nextButton.setEnabled( false );
      nextRecordButton.setEnabled( true );
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "No more records in file",
            "End of File", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      // display error message if class is not found
      catch ( ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException ) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Unable to create object",
            "Class Not Found", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      // display error message if cannot read due to problem with file
      catch ( IOException ioException ) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
            "Error during read from file",
            "Read Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
   } // end method readRecord
   private void getNextRecord()
           Employee record = employeeList[next++%count];//cycles throught accounts
      //create aray of string to display in GUI
      String values[] = {String.valueOf(record.getName()),
          String.valueOf( record.getStartDate() ), String.valueOf( record.getAddress()),
     String.valueOf( record.getNatInsNo()),
     String.valueOf( record.getPhone()),
         String.valueOf( record.getID() ),
           String.valueOf( record.getDateOfBirth() ),
     String.valueOf( record.getSalary() ) };
     //display record contents
     //display record content
///////////////////////////////////from read end
private void SaveLocation()
      // display file dialog, so user can choose file to open
      JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
      fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
      int result = fileChooser.showSaveDialog( this );
      // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
      if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
      File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); // get selected file
      // display error if invalid
      if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name",
            "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      else {
         // open file
         try {
            output = new ObjectOutputStream(
               new FileOutputStream( fileName ) );
            SaveAs.setEnabled( false );
            SaveToFile.setEnabled( true );
          Exit.setEnabled( true );
         // process exceptions from opening file
         catch ( IOException ioException ) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File",
               "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      } // end else
   } // end method openFile
   // close file and terminate application
private void closeFile()
      // close file
      try {
          //you want to cycle through each recordand add them to store here.
                                        int storeSize = store.getCount();
                                        for (int i = 0; i<storeSize;i++)
input.close();// from read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
         System.exit( 0 );
      // process exceptions from closing file
      catch( IOException ioException ) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error closing file",
            "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
         System.exit( 1 );
   } // end method closeFile
   // add record to file
   public void addRecord()
      int employeeNumber = 0;
      String fieldValues[] = userInterface.getFieldValues();
      // if account field value is not empty
      if ( ! fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ].equals( "" ) ) {
         // output values to file
         try {
            employeeNumber = Integer.parseInt(
               fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ] );
                    String dob = fieldValues[ BankUI.DOB ];
                    String[] dateofBirth = dob.split ("-"); // what used to put between number chnage to /
                    String sDate = fieldValues[ BankUI.START ];
                    String[] startDate = sDate.split ("-");
                    String sex = fieldValues[ BankUI.GENDER ];
                    char gender = (sex.charAt(0)); // check if m or f prob check in employee
if ( employeeNumber >= 0 ) {
              /* create new record =String name, char gender, Date dob, String add, String nin, String phone, String id, Date start, float salary*/
                record  = new Employee(
                fieldValues[ BankUI.NAME ],
                new Date(     Integer.parseInt(dateofBirth[0]),
                    fieldValues[ BankUI.ADDRESS ],
                    fieldValues[ BankUI.NATINTNO ],
                    fieldValues[ BankUI.PHONE ],
                    fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ],
          new Date(     Integer.parseInt(startDate[0]),
          Float.parseFloat( fieldValues[ BankUI.SALARY ] ));
                    if (!store.isFull())
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The Store is full you cannot add\n"+
                     "anymore employees. \nPlease Save Current File and Create a New File." );
                         System.out.println("Store full");
                    System.out.println("Count is " + store.getCount());
                              // output record and flush buffer
                              //output.writeObject( record );
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                   "Account number must be greater than 0",
                   "Bad account number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
            // clear textfields
         } // end try
         // process invalid account number or balance format
         catch ( NumberFormatException formatException ) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
               "Bad ID number, Date or Salary", "Invalid Number Format",
               JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
         // process exceptions from file output
         catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error with Start Date or Date of Birth\nPlease enter like: 01-01-2001",
                "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                  // process exceptions from file output
         catch ( IOException ioException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error writing to file",
                "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
      } // end if
   } // end method addRecord
   public static void main( String args[] )
      new testing();
} // end class CreateSequentialFile

Sure you can read and write at the same time. But normally you would be reading from one place and writing to another place.
I rather regret avoiding the OP's earlier post asking how to combine two classes. I looked at the two classes posted and realized the best thing to do was actually to break them into more classes. But I also realized it was going to be a big job explaining why and how, and I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing.
So now we have a Big Ball Of Tar&trade; and I feel partly responsible.

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    aiex4.cpp doesn't exist, as far as I can tell. I believe that while the examples were being named, the developer mis-numbered them and just skipped 4 :-S
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    From: FLY GAS
    Subject: Fwd: Website of Gordon Bennett 2012  
    Date: August 11, 2012 1:52:22 PM MDT
    To: René Louis  Cc: Mark Sullivan
    Hello René,   Thank you very much for your email. I am happy to work with you. I have been working on this all day. I still have not figured out why this is not working. I am Mark Sullivan and Cheri White's Crew Chief/Technical Support for the USA.
    The following products are being used:
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    Mac iPad, Version 5.1.1 (9B206)
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    I have tried the following browsers:
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    Safari: no responce
    Firefox: The connection has timed out                                                                The server at gordonbennett2012.ch is taking too long to respond.
    Google Chrome: Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to www.gordonbennett2012.ch
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    New Mexico on PC and iPhone: Site did not upload on either
    New Mexico on PC and iPhone: Site did upload
    I have also contacted Mac. Please let me know your thoughts so we can sort this out.  In the past I have been able to get your site. Just in the past month I have not been able to. I am getting a timed out error from ALL the above browsers.
    Kind regards,  Letitia
    Ms. Letitia Hill
    PO Box 7186
    Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194 USA
    TEL: 505-270-6759
    FAX: 505-503-8430
    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Website: www.flygas.net
    Begin forwarded message:
    From: René Louis 
    Subject: Website of Gordon Bennett 2012 Date: August 11, 2012 1:25:13 PM MDT
    To: [email protected]
    Dear Letitia  Thank you very much for your message about our website.
    I am also working with a Mac and could not find any problems.  I would be very interested to know which products you are using and what is not working so I could have a detailed look at it.
    Thank you very much.
    Best Regards
    Gordon Bennett 2012 Secretariat / Postfach 280 / CH-9650 Nesslau / Switzerland www.gordonbennett2012.ch  René Louis / Kirchweg 672 / CH-9650 Nesslau / Switzerland

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    set output to {"TODOS:
    set highpri to {}
    set medium to {}
    set low to {}
    set nada to {}
    tell application "iCal"
    repeat with i in calendars
    repeat with j in todos of i
    if (completion date of j as string) is equal to "" then
    if priority of j as string is equal to "high priority" then
    copy summary of j & "
    " to end of highpri
    end if
    if priority of j as string is equal to "medium priority" then
    copy summary of j & "
    " to end of medium
    end if
    if priority of j as string is equal to "low priority" then
    copy summary of j & "
    " to end of low
    end if
    if priority of j as string is equal to "no priority" then
    copy summary of j & "
    " to end of nada
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    end tell
    return (output & highpri & medium & low & nada) as string

    well, i'd been pulling my hair out for quite a while with this and decided it was time to ask for help, but I thought I'd give it one last shot and found a resolution almost immediately. I figured that problem had to be caused by the way applescript was concatenating the lists, so I got rid of the lists completely and it still wouldn't work. This convinced me that it must be newline related since that was the only special character left in the string. I opened up the script in vi, but the default compiled script format is not human readable. The osascript man page indicated that it would accept both compiled and text scripts, so I gave it a try, and osascript handled the raw text file wonderfully.

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    [private data removed]



    Both you and the recipient have to have active data connections, and both devices have to have iOS 5 or higher to be able to use iMessage. Also, they both have to have iMessage activated. If that is already the case, there is a possiblility that iMessage is down. It has gone up and down several times in the past week. Check this page for status, and if necessary you can report a problem with a link in the lower right corner. http://www.apple.com/support/icloud/systemstatus/

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    value = thisComp.layer("Audio Amplitude").effect("Both Channels")("Slider");
    if (value > 50) 20 else 0.01
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    P.S.: If I change the > sign to a < sign, it stays at 20. Why?
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    Message was edited by: James Wingate

    One way is to prepare a "Remap Speed" slider somewhere in the comp that will control the remapping speed, and animate it.
    0 = time lock, 1 = normal speed, 2 = speedx2, etc
    Then in the time remap property of the layer, set this expression:
    s = [pickwhip the "Remap Speed" slider]
    t=inPoint;    // normal time
    T=inPoint;    // remapped time
    dt = thisComp.frameDuration;
    TIME = time-0.001;
    while (t<TIME){
        T+= s.valueAtTime(t) * dt;
    Ok i reread the original post again, in your case the "Remap Speed" slider could have the expression:
    value = thisComp.layer("Audio Amplitude").effect("Both Channels")("Slider");
    if (value > 50) 1 else 0.01          // above 50 : normal speed, under : very small speed

  • Why does this keep popping up five tabs at a time: Index of file:///C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/ - please note that I recently updated firefox and tried disabling plug-ins, etc. My virus software is up to date. Thanks.

    The page listed above pops up in a Firefox browser window with five tabs open usually when checking email but sometimes while surfing the net and repeatedly. Some include a 'problem loading page' notice with the following:
    Firefox can't find the server at www.xn---jca9qmb.com.
    Firefox can't find the server at www.xn--dx%if-61a864d.com.
    These are the last two of the five tabs that pop up together.
    This has happened nine times in the past five to ten minutes.
    Since my Norton is up to date and I have recently updated Firefox and plug-ins, I assume this is a software problem however disabling plug-ins and other items has not solved the problem. Any help would be appreciated.

    YES it does, HOWEVER in the past Most (not all) Beta auto updates did not trigger Comodo Firewall problem (BUT occasionally did) and I resolved the same way (namely uninstalling and installing a full install.
    I do not know if having Aurora AND BETA both installed causes any conflicts regarding this issue
    I am NOW going to uninstall Maintenance service, Beta and Aurora retaining only my add-on and preferences. I will delete all Comodo rules for them Then I will download an older update of both Beta and Aurora and see what happens
    Will report back in 30 mins

  • Why does this iPad not save sent messages and won't allow a message to be sent to trash?

    Received a used iPad as a gift.  In email, it won't save any sent messages, nor will it allow me to Trash a message.  Sent email goes out, but no copy saved in any folder. When I try to delete  a message, it temporarily disappears but comes back when I open mail again.  Also get message that says "Unable to move message to Trash."
    Thanks for your help

    For the deleting emails, try turning the account off and on : Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars , then tap the account on the right, slide Mail to 'off', exit settings and go back into the Mail app, and then go back to Settings and slide Mail back to 'on'
    A second option if that doesn't work then try closing the Mail app via the taskbar : double-click the home button to open the taskbar and then swipe or drag the Mail app's 'screen' up and off the top of the screen to close it, and click the home button to close the taskbar.
    And a third thing to try is to go into Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Then select the account on the right-hand side of that screen, select Account, then Advanced, Deleted Mailbox, and under On The Server tap the 'Trash' folder so that it gets a tick against it - then come out of that series of popups by tapping on the relevant buttons at the top of them and then see if you can delete emails.
    For the sent emails check what folder they are being stored, in a similar way to the above third option for deleting emails.

  • Why does this code not work?

    String answer = new String("");
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( connection.getInputStream ()));
    String test = new String("");
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++)
    answer = in.readLine();
    if (answer == null)
    System.out.println ("null");
    test += answer;
    System.out.println ("answer: " + answer);
    System.out.println ("test: " + test);
    Many times, the loop will go through 2 iterations but each time, test is only equal to the first answer. The second, third, fourth etc.time it goes through the loop, it should concatenate the value of answer to the end of the string variable test. So why is it that whenever i run the program that has this code, the loop might lloop many times (let's say 2 time) but the value of test is only the first answer, and not the first answer concatenated with the second answer.

    It worked for me...my code looks like this...i used FileInputStream instead of connection..
    import java.io.*;
    class Forum {
      public static void main(String a[]) throws IOException{
        String answer = new String("");
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream("hi.txt")));
        String test = new String("");
        for (int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++)
        answer = in.readLine();
        if (answer == null)
        System.out.println ("null");
        test += answer;
        System.out.println ("answer: " + answer);
        System.out.println ("test: " + test);
    my hi.txt is like this:
    fasd rea reks krie
    The output is
    answer: fasd rea reks krie
    answer: fsdfasd
    answer: asdfasd
    answer: sfasdf
    answer: asdfasd
    test: fasd rea reks kriefsdfasdasdfasdsfasdfasdfasd
    Is this not the way u want???

Maybe you are looking for

  • ICal in Leopard uses max CPU and must be force-quit

    I'm having a problem with iCal 3.0 in Leopard. When left running, eventually it will start to use my entire CPU for no reason. I have tried wiping out all of its preference files, and deleted all my "subscribed" calendars (in case it was maybe stuck

  • Multiple SOAP fault support in PI?

    Hi Guys, We have a webservice that has multiple SOAP faults as part of the WSDL. Normally a sync WS will have a request, a response and a fault. My question is does PI support multiple faults? If i look at the SI, it lets me add multiple fault messag

  • HTMLLoader problem with comboBox

    hi guys I'm trying to loader pdf file using XML to retrieve the URL  and I have CombBox to list all the files ,and I need to load another file every time I change the silder for the CombBox the problem is the pdf file load only first time and dosent 

  • Hp c7280 all in one printer fax option stopped working

    My fax option worked until yesterday afternoon.  Now I have a fax text report and it tells me that I  am not using the correct type of phone cord.  It has always worked with the phone cord I have plugged in before.  Is there a certain phone cord I sh

  • Multiple streams and sockets

    Currently I have client/server software that sends messages to each other. These messages are delimited strings. Now I have a need to make one of the delimited fields binary data. I am using a BufferedReader and BufferedWriter to read the strings. Ca