Why have I suddenly got 2 desktops ?

After having a nightmare with the icloud , still having email issues on macbook but working on imac , I for somereason now have 2 desktops on my imac ? can anyone help here ? it seems apple make the me service no longer available = me spending a load of money and still no were near the service I had this time last year , please help !!

This forum is for questions about Apple Remote Desktop, Apple's software for managing networked Mac systems, and hence not the best place for your question. I'd suggest asking in the Mac OS X 10.7 forum or the iCloud forum.

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    Contact Apple and give them feedback at www.apple.com/feedback.

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    As nobody else has replied to you I will. Currently you appear to be connected to Tutbury exchange which has not been upgraded. Etwall and Micleovere are served by other exchanges that have but interestingly Church Broughton and Foston are apparently served by Sudbury exchange which has also not been done.
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    Depends on what input plug you'll be using on your TV. VGA, DVI, Composite or HDMI. You'll need a Mini-DVI adapter and a cable from that to your TV. Here's the various types of Mini-DVI adapters on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=min i-dvi&x=9&y=13
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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == When I installed latest version

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    Did you reset Firefox recently?
    If that is the case then you may have lost intermediate certificates that were stored in the cert8.db file in the Firefox profile folder.
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    Some firewalls monitor secure (https) connections and send their own certificate instead of the website's certificate.
    You can retrieve the certificate and check details like who issued certificates and expiration dates of certificates.
    *Click the link at the bottom of the error page: "I Understand the Risks"
    Let Firefox retrieve the certificate: "Add Exception" -> "Get Certificate".
    *Click the "View..." button and inspect the certificate and check who is the issuer.
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    what does appear after the photo "flashes"?
    Have you repaired permissions? If not backup your iPhoto library and option-command launch and repair permissions - then repair the database and if needed rebuild the database
    If that does not do it down iPhoto Library Manager on the iMac and use the free trial's rebuild command to create a totally new library leaving the existing one alone
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    In any event, that camera was first supported by ACR version 7.4 which needs at least CS6 to run.  Naturally, all later versions support it too.
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