Why is the Star Transformation using two indexes for the same dimension?

Recently, I have made an investigation about the Star Transformation feature. I have found a strange test case, which plays an important role in my strategy for our overall DWH architecture. Here it is:
The Strategy:
I would like to have the classical Star Transformation approach (single column Bitmap Indexes for each dimension foreign key column in the fact table), together with additional Bitmap Join Indexes for some of the dimension attributes, which would benefit from the materialization of the join (bitmap merge operation will be skipped/optimized).
The query:
select dp.brand, ds. region_name, dc.region_name
     , count(*), sum(f.extended_price)
  from fact_line_item  f
     , dim_part       dp
     , dim_supplier   ds
     , dim_customer   dc
where dp.mfgr        = 10                 -- dimension selectivity = 1/10 --> acttual/fact selectivity = 6/10
   and f.part_dk      = dp.dk
   and ds.region_name = 'REGION #1' -- dimension selectivity = 1/9
   and f.supplier_dk  = ds.dk
   and dc.region_name = 'REGION #1' -- dimension selectivity = 1/11
   and f.customer_dk  = dc.dk
group by dp.brand, ds. region_name, dc.region_name
The actual plan:
| Id  | Operation                              | Name                        | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers | Reads  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |                             |      1 |        |  3247 (100)|      1 |00:01:42.05 |     264K|    220K|
|   1 |  HASH GROUP BY                         |                             |      1 |      2 |  3247   (1)|      1 |00:01:42.05 |     264K|    220K|
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN                            |                             |      1 |  33242 |  3037   (1)|    217K|00:01:29.67 |     264K|    220K|
|*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL                   | DIM_SUPPLIER                |      1 |   1112 |   102   (0)|   1112 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      4 |
|*  4 |    HASH JOIN                           |                             |      1 |  33245 |  2934   (1)|    217K|00:01:29.10 |     264K|    220K|
|*  5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL                  | DIM_CUSTOMER                |      1 |    910 |   102   (0)|    910 |00:00:00.08 |     316 |      8 |
|*  6 |     HASH JOIN                          |                             |      1 |  33248 |  2831   (1)|    217K|00:01:28.57 |     264K|    220K|
|*  7 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL                 | DIM_PART                    |      1 |     10 |     3   (0)|     10 |00:00:00.01 |       6 |      0 |
|   8 |      PARTITION RANGE ALL               |                             |      1 |  36211 |  2827   (1)|    217K|00:01:28.01 |     264K|    220K|
|   9 |       TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| FACT_LINE_ITEM              |      6 |  36211 |  2827   (1)|    217K|00:01:33.85 |     264K|    220K|
|  10 |        BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS     |                             |      6 |        |            |    217K|00:00:07.09 |   46980 |   3292 |
|  11 |         BITMAP AND                     |                             |      6 |        |            |     69 |00:00:08.33 |   46980 |   3292 |
|  12 |          BITMAP MERGE                  |                             |      6 |        |            |    193 |00:00:02.09 |    2408 |   1795 |
|  13 |           BITMAP KEY ITERATION         |                             |      6 |        |            |   4330 |00:00:04.66 |    2408 |   1795 |
|  14 |            BUFFER SORT                 |                             |      6 |        |            |     60 |00:00:00.01 |       6 |      0 |
|* 15 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL          | DIM_PART                    |      1 |     10 |     3   (0)|     10 |00:00:00.01 |       6 |      0 |
|* 16 |            BITMAP INDEX RANGE SCAN     | FACT_LI__P_PART_DIM_KEY_BIX |     60 |        |            |   4330 |00:00:02.11 |    2402 |   1795 |
|* 17 |          BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE     | FACT_LI__P_PART_MFGR_BJX    |      6 |        |            |   1747 |00:00:06.65 |     890 |    888 |
|  18 |          BITMAP MERGE                  |                             |      6 |        |            |    169 |00:00:02.78 |   16695 |    237 |
|  19 |           BITMAP KEY ITERATION         |                             |      6 |        |            |   5460 |00:00:01.56 |   16695 |    237 |
|  20 |            BUFFER SORT                 |                             |      6 |        |            |   5460 |00:00:00.02 |     316 |      0 |
|* 21 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL          | DIM_CUSTOMER                |      1 |    910 |   102   (0)|    910 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      0 |
|* 22 |            BITMAP INDEX RANGE SCAN     | FACT_LI__P_CUST_DIM_KEY_BIX |   5460 |        |            |   5460 |00:00:02.07 |   16379 |    237 |
|  23 |          BITMAP MERGE                  |                             |      6 |        |            |    170 |00:00:03.65 |   26987 |    372 |
|  24 |           BITMAP KEY ITERATION         |                             |      6 |        |            |   6672 |00:00:02.23 |   26987 |    372 |
|  25 |            BUFFER SORT                 |                             |      6 |        |            |   6672 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      0 |
|* 26 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL          | DIM_SUPPLIER                |      1 |   1112 |   102   (0)|   1112 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      0 |
|* 27 |            BITMAP INDEX RANGE SCAN     | FACT_LI__S_SUPP_DIM_KEY_BIX |   6672 |        |            |   6672 |00:00:02.74 |   26671 |    372 |
The Question:
Why is the Star Transformation using both indexes FACT_LI__P_PART_DIM_KEY_BIX and FACT_LI__P_PART_MFGR_BJX for the same dimension criteria (dp.mfgr = 10)?? The introduction of the additional Bitmap Join Index actually make Oracle to do the work twice !!!
Anybody, any idea ?!?

Dom, here it is the plan with the predicates:
| Id  | Operation                              | Name                        | Starts | E-Rows | Cost (%CPU)| A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers | Reads  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |                             |      1 |        |  3638 (100)|      1 |00:06:41.17 |     445K|    236K|
|   1 |  HASH GROUP BY                         |                             |      1 |      2 |  3638   (1)|      1 |00:06:41.17 |     445K|    236K|
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN                            |                             |      1 |  33242 |  3429   (1)|    217K|00:08:18.02 |     445K|    236K|
|*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL                   | DIM_SUPPLIER                |      1 |   1112 |   102   (0)|   1112 |00:00:00.03 |     319 |    313 |
|*  4 |    HASH JOIN                           |                             |      1 |  33245 |  3326   (1)|    217K|00:08:17.47 |     445K|    236K|
|*  5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL                  | DIM_CUSTOMER                |      1 |    910 |   102   (0)|    910 |00:00:00.01 |     319 |    313 |
|*  6 |     HASH JOIN                          |                             |      1 |  33248 |  3223   (1)|    217K|00:08:16.63 |     445K|    236K|
|*  7 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL                 | DIM_PART                    |      1 |     10 |     3   (0)|     10 |00:00:00.01 |       6 |      0 |
|   8 |      PARTITION RANGE ALL               |                             |      1 |  36211 |  3219   (1)|    217K|00:08:16.30 |     445K|    236K|
|   9 |       TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| FACT_LINE_ITEM              |      6 |  36211 |  3219   (1)|    217K|00:08:40.89 |     445K|    236K|
|  10 |        BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS     |                             |      6 |        |            |    217K|00:00:32.00 |   46919 |  19331 |
|  11 |         BITMAP AND                     |                             |      6 |        |            |     69 |00:00:34.50 |   46919 |  19331 |
|  12 |          BITMAP MERGE                  |                             |      6 |        |            |    193 |00:00:00.58 |    2353 |      1 |
|  13 |           BITMAP KEY ITERATION         |                             |      6 |        |            |   4330 |00:00:00.10 |    2353 |      1 |
|  14 |            BUFFER SORT                 |                             |      6 |        |            |     60 |00:00:00.01 |       6 |      0 |
|* 15 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL          | DIM_PART                    |      1 |     10 |     3   (0)|     10 |00:00:00.01 |       6 |      0 |
|* 16 |            BITMAP INDEX RANGE SCAN     | FACT_LI__P_PART_DIM_KEY_BIX |     60 |        |            |   4330 |00:00:00.07 |    2347 |      1 |
|* 17 |          BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE     | FACT_LI__P_PART_MFGR_BJX    |      6 |        |            |   1747 |00:01:23.64 |     882 |    565 |
|  18 |          BITMAP MERGE                  |                             |      6 |        |            |    169 |00:00:09.14 |   16697 |   7628 |
|  19 |           BITMAP KEY ITERATION         |                             |      6 |        |            |   5460 |00:00:02.19 |   16697 |   7628 |
|  20 |            BUFFER SORT                 |                             |      6 |        |            |   5460 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      0 |
|* 21 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL          | DIM_CUSTOMER                |      1 |    910 |   102   (0)|    910 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      0 |
|* 22 |            BITMAP INDEX RANGE SCAN     | FACT_LI__P_CUST_DIM_KEY_BIX |   5460 |        |            |   5460 |00:00:08.78 |   16381 |   7628 |
|  23 |          BITMAP MERGE                  |                             |      6 |        |            |    170 |00:00:21.46 |   26987 |  11137 |
|  24 |           BITMAP KEY ITERATION         |                             |      6 |        |            |   6672 |00:00:10.29 |   26987 |  11137 |
|  25 |            BUFFER SORT                 |                             |      6 |        |            |   6672 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      0 |
|* 26 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL          | DIM_SUPPLIER                |      1 |   1112 |   102   (0)|   1112 |00:00:00.01 |     316 |      0 |
|* 27 |            BITMAP INDEX RANGE SCAN     | FACT_LI__S_SUPP_DIM_KEY_BIX |   6672 |        |            |   6672 |00:00:20.94 |   26671 |  11137 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):                                                                                                  
   2 - access("F"."SUPPLIER_DK"="DS"."DK")                                                                                                           
   3 - filter("DS"."REGION_NAME"='REGION #1')                                                                                                        
   4 - access("F"."CUSTOMER_DK"="DC"."DK")                                                                                                           
   5 - filter("DC"."REGION_NAME"='REGION #1')                                                                                                        
   6 - access("F"."PART_DK"="DP"."DK")                                                                                                               
   7 - filter("DP"."MFGR"=10)                                                                                                                        
  15 - filter("DP"."MFGR"=10)                                                                                                                        
  16 - access("F"."PART_DK"="DP"."DK")                                                                                                               
  17 - access("F"."SYS_NC00017$"=10)                                                                                                                 
  21 - filter("DC"."REGION_NAME"='REGION #1')                                                                                                        
  22 - access("F"."CUSTOMER_DK"="DC"."DK")                                                                                                           
  26 - filter("DS"."REGION_NAME"='REGION #1')                                                                                                        
  27 - access("F"."SUPPLIER_DK"="DS"."DK")                                                                                                           
   - star transformation used for this statement                                                                                                     

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    It's using that index for me:
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      3  mod(level,1000) medium_card ,
      4  mod(level,10) low_card ,
      5  '***' padding
      6  from dual
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    SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'x',cascade=>true,method_opt=>'for all indexed columns
    size auto');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1   select *
      2   from x
      3   where low_card = 70
      4   and medium_card = 70
      5*  and high_card = 70
    SQL> /
    no rows selected
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 775193209
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |           |     1 |    15 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| X         |     1 |    15 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | X_HIGH_IX |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
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       2 - access("HIGH_CARD"=70)
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              0  db block gets
              3  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
            454  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            370  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              1  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              0  rows processed
    SQL> set autot off
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
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    By the way, when i force optimizer to use index X_MED_LOW_IX, it does 2 CR for me.

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    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Index space and index stats are two different things.
    What you are interested to know?
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    select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_segments
    where (owner, segment_name) in
    (select owner, index_name from dba_indexes where
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    Offset: 52
    Hierarchy: Time
    RelativeMemberList: Lev0, Time
    UseFirstDescendant: leave unselected
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    AND   VBTYP_N = 'M'
    AND   VBTYP_V = 'J'.

    Your query will never be optimized if you do not check first whether your internal table used in the where clause has at least one row.
    If the table is empty you end up with a full table scan and this cannot be your objective.
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               c_buzei  TYPE  buzei VALUE '001'.
    using BSCH1 again i have two asign vaue
    can you just let me know
    Edited by: sravya_se38 on Nov 23, 2010 12:14 AM

    You can create a structure for that constant .
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                             02 TYPE bschl VALUE '02',
                          END OF c_pstkey.
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