Why is this not working??? Help Please!!!!!!!!

I am creating a deck class.
What I have so far, does compile and runs, but it doesn't swith cards. When I am dealing a card, it always returns the same card.
Also I am using Jokers and Ace = 1 or Ace = 14(depending on what the user wants), but they aren't working either.
public class Deck {
//instance Variables
private Card[] DeckOfCards;
private int[] JokerValue;
private boolean [] jokerInDeck;
private int cardsUsed;
public boolean AceHigh;
boolean hasJokers;
private int value;// The value of this card, from 1 to 15.
private int suit;// The suit of this card, one of the constants
//Names for suits
private final int Clubs = 0;
private final int Diamonds = 1;
private final int Hearths = 2;
private final int Spades = 3;
private final int Jokers= 4;
//Names for values
private final int Ace = 1;
private final int Two = 2;
private final int Three = 3;
private final int Four = 4;
private final int Five = 5;
private final int Six = 6;
private final int Seven = 7;
private final int Eight = 8;
private final int Nine = 9;
private final int Ten = 10;
private final int Jack = 11;
private final int Queen = 12;
private final int King = 13;
private final int HighAce = 14;
private final int Joker = 15;
//constructor deck of cards
public Deck() {
// Create an unshuffled deck of cards.
DeckOfCards = new Card[54];
int cardCt = 0;// How many cards have been created so far.
JokerValue = new int[2];//create joker
for(int j = 0; j<2;j++){
JokerValue[j] = 13;
//jokerInDeck[j] = true;// would this work
for (int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++)
for ( int value = 1; value <= 13; value++ ) {
DeckOfCards[cardCt] = new Card(value,suit);
cardsUsed = 0;
/*public Deck(boolean Jokers, boolean aceHigh) {
DeckOfCards = new Card[54];
int cardCt = 0;
hasJokers = Jokers;
AceHigh =aceHigh;
JokerValue = new int[2];
for(int j = 0; j<2;j++){
JokerValue[j] = 13;
jokerInDeck[j] = true;
for (int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++){
for ( int value = 1; value <= 13; value++ ) {
DeckOfCards[cardCt] = new Card(value,suit);
AceHigh = true;
cardsUsed = 0;
public void shuffle(){
// Put all the used cards back into the deck, and shuffle it into
// a random order.
for(int i = 53; i > 0; i--){
int rand = (int)(Math.random()*(i+1));
Card temp = DeckOfCards;
DeckOfCards[i] = DeckOfCards[rand];
DeckOfCards[rand] = temp;
cardsUsed = 0;
System.out.println("\nYour cards have been shuffled in a random order");
public Card dealCard(){
// Deals one card from the deck and returns it.
if (cardsUsed == 54)
return DeckOfCards[cardsUsed - 1];
//New inner Class
class Card {
// Construct a card with the specified value and suit.
// Value must be between 1 and 13. Suit must be between
// 0 and 3. If the parameters are outside these ranges,
// the constructed card object will be invalid.
public Card(int Value, int Suit){
value = Value;
suit = Suit;
// Return the int that codes for this card's suit.
public int getValue(){
return value;
// Return the int that codes for this card's value.
public int getSuit() {
return suit;
// Return a String representing the card's value
// (If the card's suit is invalid, "??" is returned.)
public String getValueAsString(){
case Ace: return "A";
case Two: return "2";
case Three: return "3";
case Four : return "4";
case Five: return "5";
case Six: return "6";
case Seven: return "7";
case Eight: return "8";
case Nine: return "9";
case Ten: return "T";
case Jack: return "J";
case 12: return "Q";
case 13: return "K";
default: return "*";
//Return a string representing the cards value
//but with Aces set as high
public String setAceHigh(){
AceHigh = true;
case HighAce: return "A";
case 2: return "2";
case 3: return "3";
case 4: return "4";
case 5: return "5";
case 6: return "6";
case 7: return "7";
case 8: return "8";
case 9: return "9";
case 10: return "T";
case 11: return "J";
case 12: return "Q";
case 13: return "K";
default: return "J";
} //would this set a value of an Ace as 14???
// Return a String representing the card's suit.
// (If the card's suit is invalid, "??" is returned.)
public String getSuitAsString(){
switch(suit) {
case 0: return "C";
case 1: return "D";
case 2: return "H";
case 3: return "S";
case 4: return "J";
default: return "";
// Return a String representation of this card, such as
public String toString(){
if (AceHigh = true){
return(setAceHigh() + "" + getSuitAsString());
return (getValueAsString() + "" + getSuitAsString());

> public class Deck {
//instance Variables
private Card[] DeckOfCards;It is almost universal in Java to write class names with upper case initial and variables with lower case; adopt it.
Currently I also favour using a trailing underscore to denote fields, but that is less universal.
>    private int[] JokerValue;
private boolean [] jokerInDeck;these are never used; what are they for?
>    private int cardsUsed;I'd call that cardsDealt: the deck deals them, but if they're put to any use it doesn't know ;).
>    public boolean AceHigh;
boolean hasJokers;
private int value;// The value of this card, from 1 to 15.
private int suit;// The suit of this card, one of the constantsWhat do you mean this card? These are the fields for the Deck class not for the Card class.
>    //Names for suits
//Names for valuesThese aren't names, they're values.
>    private final int King = 13;This is a final instance field with a constant value. Shouldn't it be a static field of the class, rather than taking up storage in every instance?
>    private final int HighAce = 14;No card appears to ever have this value
>    //constructor deck of cards
public Deck() {
// Create an unshuffled deck of cards.
DeckOfCards = new Card[54];
int cardCt = 0;// How many cards have been created so far.
JokerValue = new int[2];
for(int j = 0; j<2;j++){
JokerValue[j] = 13;
//jokerInDeck[j] = true;
}This can be better written using a static array assignment.
>    for (int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++)
for ( int value = 1; value <= 13; value++ ) {
DeckOfCards[cardCt] = new Card(value,suit);
}This passes the correct value and suit to each call to the Card constructor.
>       cardsUsed = 0;You now have an array of length 54 containing 52 Cards and 2 nulls.
>    }
public void shuffle(){Contrary to popular belief, this works fine. Though using Random.nextInt(deckSize) would be more efficient. The efficiency lost creating a double, then converting to int is greater than the gain in using a decrement.
>    public Card dealCard(){OK.
>     //New inner ClassIs this a meaningful comment? It's obviously an inner class, and 'New' doen;t mean anything here
>    class Card {
// Construct a card with the specified value and suit.
// Value must be between 1 and 13. Suit must be between
// 0 and 3. If the parameters are outside these ranges,
// the constructed card object will be invalid.Don't just put up with invalid inputs that cause unspecified behaviour later on. Make a fuss! Throw an exception.
>       public Card(int Value, int Suit){
value = Value;
suit = Suit;This constructor has no effect on the state of the Class object. The inner class does not declare any fields with these names, so these assignments set the field values in the outer class.
At the end of the outer loop in the constructor, the fields 'value' and 'suit' in the Deck object will be set to '13' and '3'.
>       }
// Return the int that codes for this card's suit.
public int getValue(){
return value;
}This method returns the value of the value field in the outer class instance; the Card class does not declare a field. The value returned will be the same for every class instance.
> // Return the int that codes for this card's value.Same bug as before.
>      // Return a String representing the card's value
// (If the card's suit is invalid, "??" is returned.)That's just a lie. The value returned has nothing to do with the suit.
>       public String getValueAsString(){
case Ace: return "A";...
default: return "*";} 
Stylistically I tend to do this sort of thing with arrays.
But that's not a big deal.       > //Return a string representing the cards value
//but with Aces set as high
public String setAceHigh(){
AceHigh = true;This is plain bad.
The aceHigh_ field is a property of the Deck, not the card; the method to set it should be in the Deck and getValueAsString should do what it says whether aces are high or not.
> // Return a String representing the card's suit.
// (If the card's suit is invalid, "??" is returned.)Again, the returned string is based on the suit field of the outer class, and the stated default value is not what the method returns.
> // Return a String representation of this card, such as
public String toString(){
if (AceHigh = true){
return(setAceHigh() + "" + getSuitAsString());
return (getValueAsString() + "" + getSuitAsString());
} The toString method of the inner class should not invoke methods which set fields in the outer class (even if it only sets them to the value they had before).
As the values of the srting returned is dependent onto on the state of the field in the outer class, this will return the same string for every class in the pack.
> }Fixing these, you might get something like:
import java.util.Random;
public class Deck {
  // class constants
  private static final int JOKER = 15;
  // essential instance state
  private final Card[] deckOfCards_;
  private final int jokers_;
  private final boolean aceHigh_;
  // mutable instance state
  private int cardsDealt_;
  // constructor deck of cards
  public Deck (int jokers, boolean aceHigh) {
    // complain if the number of jokers is invalid
    if ((jokers<0) || (jokers>2)) {
      throw new RuntimeException(jokers + " jokers? you must be joking!");
    jokers_ = jokers;
    aceHigh_ = aceHigh;
    // Create an unshuffled deck of cards.
    deckOfCards_ = new Card[52 + jokers];
    int cardCt = 0; // How many cards have been created so far.
    for (int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++) {
      for ( int value = 1; value <= 13; value++ ) {
        deckOfCards_[cardCt] = new Card(value, suit);
        cardCt ++;
    // create some jokers
    for (int i=0; i<jokers; i++) {
      deckOfCards_[cardCt] = new Card();
      cardCt ++;
    cardsDealt_ = 0;
  public void shuffle(){
    Random random = new Random();
    // Put all the used cards back into the deck, and shuffle it into
    // a random order.
    int deckSize = deckOfCards_.length;
    for(int i = deckSize-1; i > 0; i--){
      int rand = random.nextInt(deckSize);
      Card temp = deckOfCards_;
deckOfCards_[i] = deckOfCards_[rand];
deckOfCards_[rand] = temp;
cardsDealt_ = 0;
System.out.println("\nYour cards have been shuffled in a random order");
public Card dealCard(){
// Deals one card from the deck and returns it.
if (cardsDealt_ >= deckOfCards_.length) {
return deckOfCards_[cardsDealt_ - 1];
// Card
class Card {
// fields for the value and suit
private final int value_;
private final int suit_;
// Construct a card with the specified value and suit.
// Value must be between 1 and 13. Suit must be between
// 0 and 3. If the parameters are outside these ranges,
// an exception will be thrown.
public Card (int value, int suit) {
if ((value<1) || (value>13) ||
(suit<0) || (suit>3)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Illegal Card");
value_ = value;
suit_ = suit;
// constructor for Jokers
public Card () {
value_ = JOKER;
suit_ = 4;
// Return the int that codes for this card's suit.
public int getValue(){
return value_;
// Return the int that codes for this card's value.
public int getSuit() {
return suit_;
// Return a String representing the card's value
// (If the card's suit is invalid, "??" is returned.)
public String getValueAsString(){
return VALUES[value_];
// Return a String representing the card's suit.
// (If the card's suit is invalid, "??" is returned.)
public String getSuitAsString(){
return SUITS[suit_];
// Return a String representation of this card, such as
public String toString(){
return getSuitAsString() + " " + getValueAsString();
// Names of suits and cards
static final String[] SUITS = {"H", "C", "D", "S", "J"};
static final String[] VALUES = {"?", "A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A", "+"};
// test
public static void main (String[] args) {
Deck deck = new Deck(2, true);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

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    NOTE: Port 12 is not connected at this point on standby 3550 to the 2950t anymore as I have disconnected the cable since it was not working, this is why there are less details for interface fast ethernet port 12 on standby switch, if you need full details I can give you more details once I connect it again, even with it disconnected, show standby shows the standby 3550 as active for Vlan12, but yet vlan12 operates out of active 3550 even when port 12 was active on standby one.
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    Here is the data:
    --- ACTIVE 3550 -----------------
    interface FastEthernet0/12
    description Switch 8 Uplink
    switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
    switchport trunk native vlan 12
    switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,3,12,100
    switchport mode trunk
    mls qos trust cos
    macro description cisco-switch
    auto qos voip trust
    wrr-queue bandwidth 10 20 70 1
    wrr-queue min-reserve 1 5
    wrr-queue min-reserve 2 6
    wrr-queue min-reserve 3 7
    wrr-queue min-reserve 4 8
    wrr-queue cos-map 1 0 1
    wrr-queue cos-map 2 2 4
    wrr-queue cos-map 3 3 6 7
    wrr-queue cos-map 4 5
    priority-queue out
    spanning-tree link-type point-to-point
    interface Vlan12
    ip address 2XX.XX.XX.226
    no ip redirects
    standby 12 ip 2XX.XX.XX.225
    standby 12 priority 95
    standby 12 preempt
    Vlan12 - Group 12
    State is Standby
    4 state changes, last state change 1d08h
    Virtual IP address is 2XX.Xx.XX.225
    Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0c
    Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0c (v1 default)
    Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
    Next hello sent in 0.068 secs
    Preemption enabled
    Active router is 2XX.XX.XX.227, priority 110 (expires in 7.508 sec)
    Standby router is local
    Priority 95 (configured 95)
    IP redundancy name is "hsrp-Vl12-12" (default)
    Vlan100 - Group 10
    State is Active
    2 state changes, last state change 2d03h
    Virtual IP address is
    Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0a
    Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac0a (v1 default)
    Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
    Next hello sent in 0.064 secs
    Preemption enabled
    Active router is local
    Standby router is, priority 100 (expires in 9.608 sec)
    Priority 150 (configured 150)
    IP redundancy name is "Hsrp-Vlan100" (cfgd)
    ---- STANDBY 3550 -------------------------
    interface FastEthernet0/12
    switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
    switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,3,12,100
    switchport mode trunk
    interface Vlan12
    ip address 2XX.XX.XX.227
    no ip redirects
    standby 12 ip 2XX.XX.XX.225
    standby 12 priority 110
    standby 12 preempt
    Vlan12 - Group 12
    Local state is Active, priority 110, may preempt
    Hellotime 3 sec, holdtime 10 sec
    Next hello sent in 0.126
    Virtual IP address is 2XX.XX.XX.225 configured
    Active router is local
    Standby router is 2XX.XX.XX.226 expires in 7.756
    Virtual mac address is 0000.0c07.ac0c
    2 state changes, last state change 1d08h
    IP redundancy name is "hsrp-Vl12-12" (default)
    Vlan100 - Group 10
    Local state is Standby, priority 100, may preempt
    Preemption delayed at most a further 0 secs for syncs
    Hellotime 3 sec, holdtime 10 sec
    Next hello sent in 2.348
    Virtual IP address is configured
    Active router is, priority 150 expires in 7.752
    Standby router is local
    1 state changes, last state change 2d03h
    IP redundancy name is "Hsrp-Vlan100" (cfgd)
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    iPad Frozen? How to Force Quit an App, Reset or Restart Your iPad
    http://ipadacademy.com/2010/11/ipad-frozen-how-to-force-quit-an-app-reset-or-res tart-your-ipad
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     Cheers, Tom

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    // Repeats for each Element in the User Configuration.
    item = doc.createElement("COMPANY_NAME"); // Create element
    item.appendChild( doc.createTextNode(SetupCompanyNameJText.getText()) );
    UserConfig.appendChild( item ); // atach element to User Config element
    item = doc.createElement("INTIALS"); // Create element
    item.appendChild( doc.createTextNode(SetupIntialsjComboBox.getSelectedItem()) );
    UserConfig.appendChild( item ); // atach element to User Config element
    item = doc.createElement("FIRST_NAME"); // Create element
    item.appendChild( doc.createTextNode(SetupFirstNamejText.getText()) );
    UserConfig.appendChild( item );

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    please if anyone can tell me what to do ill apreciate for life

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    properly installed, (Help > About iTunes) and that
    your computer does have USB 2.0 ports.
    Older USB ports on the computer can make it really
    difficult for the iPod to make a connection.
    Is the iPod displaying the Do Not Disconnect screen,
    when it is plugged in?
    how can you check to see if ports are older

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  • 100% width not working, help please?!

    Hopefully this image will help show the problem I am having, I will also paste the code I have so far just in case it is not readable in the image.
    I am working in Dreamweaver CC (current updates) on a Windows 7 64 bit platform.  I have built about a dozen web sites in dreamweaver, so I am not an expert, but I am not totally clueless either.  I have done what I am attempting to do on other websites, so I am completely stumped on what I am doing wrong here.  All help is appreciated!
    So, that's the intro!  Here is what I am trying to do:
    I want three background divs that are stacked one on top of the other, with all three of them spanning 100% of the screen, regardless of screen size (haven't set up media queries yet to go smaller, right now I am just trying to set it so that the backgrounds fill all screen sizes)
    So the top bar is the tan, then the middle bar is the dark brown, and the bottom bar is the yellowish.  At first I did not apply ANY width to "body" but I did try setting it to 100% as well.  Each of the three background divs were then added, and all three were set to 100%, with an image in the background (for the texture and color) set to repeat across.
    No matter what I try, the three bars seem to have a width limit of about 740 pixels.  It is not a setting I ever created, and I started the page as a blank html page--not from any template.  I can't find what is imposing this width setting on these elements.
    Here is the really weird thing...it actually DOES work on a wide screen--the bars go all the way across...it is on small screens (my fifteen inch test monitor, my iphone, ipad screen) that the backgrounds will not go across!
    The image in the header (all of the images are just one image) is 1280 pixels.
    I'm sure that someone is going to point me to something that makes me slap my forehead in total embarrassment, but I will gladly take the humiliation to be able to move forward on this project!  HELP?!
    Thank you,

    So, this is my update.  Taking all of Nancy's suggestions, I have rewritten my code, and as far as setting it up so that all three content areas have backgrounds that go all the way across the screen no matter what screen size (big or small) it all works--
    BUT, I do want to have the actual page contents confined to 1280 pixels at the largest (even if it involves scrolling on smaller screens), and I would like the confined content to be centered on the page.
    In the past, all I had to do was create a div container for that content, assign a width value, set right and left margins to auto, and this gave me centered content in the middle of the page.
    I attempted to create this center content by adding a div within the top bar (for example) and tried using both a "width: 1280px" value and a "min-width : 1280px" value, and both had the same affect that I was dealing with before--it imposes a width value on the 100% backgrounds--and the really weird thing to me is that it is NOT imposing a width value of 1280 on the backgrounds, it imposes a 780px value...even though that value is not used ANYWHERE on the page or in any of the css.
    This is the new html code, and below that is the new css style sheet:
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="css/new_main_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <style type="text/css"></style>
    <div id="header_Bar">
        <div id="headerContainer">
          <div id="HeaderTop"><img src="images/header_images/header_images.png" width="100%" height="426" alt="xxxxxe is xxxxx's hair salon and day spa"/></div>
          <div id="navbar"></div>
      <div id="main_contentBar">
      <div id="btm_contentBar"></div>
    @charset "utf-8";
              -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
              -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
              box-sizing: border-box;
              min-height: 369px;
    /**re-scales up to native image size**/
    img {max-width: 100%}
    body {
        background-color: #2c2117;
    #header_Bar, #main_contentBar, #btm_contentBar {
              min-height: 475px;
    #header_Bar {
              background-image: url(../images/backgrounds/header_background.png);
              background-repeat: repeat-x;
    #main_contentBar {
              min-height: 100px;
    #btm_contentBar {
              min-height: 379px;
              background-image: url(../images/backgrounds/bottom_background.png);
              background-repeat: repeat-x;
    #header_Bar #headerContainer {
              min-width: 1280px;
    #headerContainer #HeaderTop  {
    #navbar {
              min-height: 40px;

  • Wireless not working HELP PLEASE

    Just today my wireless was working perfectly not problems at all. And then i get back from college 4 hrs later and it seems to not work anymore i called cisco and they want to charge me to fix it, and i dont have the money for it. I have tried reseting the router (pressing the small button with a paper clip for 30 seconds). And i have also unplugged it and plugged it back in and still nothing. I called my internet provider and my modem is working fine (im actually writing this with my laptop plugged straight into the modem via ethernet).  Could you guys help me out? exams are coming up and i cant keep taking turns using the internet with other people in my house, and i cant keep going to the library to study and do homework. Thanks, you have no idea how thankful ill be if this gets resolved    btw i have a cisco linksys E2500 series wireless router
    Go to Solution.

    If you have an extra ethernet cable you may reconfigure the router manually. For step-by-step instructions you may check it out from homesupport.cisco.com. You may also download the setup wizard from this website.

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