Why KDE doesn't init if dhcpcd is running?

Hello, I have had a problem that was the following:
1- I start KDE.
2- I connect to wireless using dhcpcd.
3- I logout and come in KDE again and KDE doesn't work.
The solution for this problem was adding "ifconfig lo up" to rc.local, but I can't understand why dhcpcd makes KDE stop working.
Can anyone explain me the reasons?
If you need more information, please tell it to me and I will post it.

Network section:
INTERFACES=(lo eth0 eth1)
gateway="default gw"
Daemon Section:
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !network hal hwd @alsa ipw3945d !dhcdbd !networkmanager !fam autowifi !autofs @laptop-mode kdm !gdm !entranced !netfs !crond)

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  • Why bind doesn' work?

    Hi, please help me to understand why bind doesn't work.
    Here is my code:
    /** Simple enum used in bean. */
    public enum CommandType {
    /** just simple bean. */
    public class Command {
        private CommandType commandType;
        private Integer objectId;
        /** Getters and setters are here*/
        public String toString(){
            return "Command{commandType=>"+commandType.name()+",objectId=>"+objectId+"}";
    * Enum for singleton pattern realization.
    * The idea: currentCommand is changed in single threaded environment. JavaFX is binded on this filed.
    public enum CommandPublisher {
        /** For generating random Integers. */
        private Random random = new Random();
        /** Trying to bind JavaFX on this field value. */
        public Command currentCommand = new Command(CommandType.NOP, -1);
        /** Getter... */
        public Command currentCommand(){
            return currentCommand;
        /** Set new value. */
        public void setCommand(Command newCommand){
            currentCommand = newCommand;
        /** Utility method. Just set new command to currentCommand. */
        public Command generateRandomCommand(){
            return new Command(CommandType.CREATE, random.nextInt());
        public void setNewRandomObjectId(){
    /** JavaFX code*/
    /** on replace works only one: when CommandPublisher is initialized, javaFXcurrentCommand  gets new value,
    *   was: null, became: Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    var javaFXcurrentCommand = bind CommandPublisher.PUBLISHER.currentCommand on replace oldValue{
       println("Bind? oldValue={oldValue}, newValue={javaFXcurrentCommand}");
    Stage {
        title: "JavaFX bind on Java object field. "
        scene: Scene {
            width: 250
            height: 80
            content: [
                Text {
                    font : Font {
                        size : 16
                    x: 10
                    y: 30
                    content: "Application content"
                Button {
                     text: "Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher"
                    function(e: MouseEvent) {
                        println("Mouse clicked -> Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher");
                        /** JavaFX var realy gets new objectId though java object field. But "on replace"  doesn't work. */
                        /** Tried to use these methods: nothing happens. */
                        //CommandPublisher.PUBLISHER.currentCommand = CommandPublisher.PUBLISHER.generateRandomCommand();
                        println("currentCommand -> {javaFXcurrentCommand}");
                        println("Mouse clicked ##");
    }Sample output:
    Bind? oldValue=null, newValue=Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    Mouse clicked -> Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher
    currentCommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    javaFXcommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    Mouse clicked ##
    Mouse clicked -> Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher
    currentCommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    javaFXcommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    Mouse clicked ##
    As you can see, "on replace" is fired only once: when Enum became initialized.
    mouse clicking doesn't force "on replace" to work.
    What do I do wrong?

    Hi, please help me to understand why bind doesn't work.
    Here is my code:
    /** Simple enum used in bean. */
    public enum CommandType {
    /** just simple bean. */
    public class Command {
        private CommandType commandType;
        private Integer objectId;
        /** Getters and setters are here*/
        public String toString(){
            return "Command{commandType=>"+commandType.name()+",objectId=>"+objectId+"}";
    * Enum for singleton pattern realization.
    * The idea: currentCommand is changed in single threaded environment. JavaFX is binded on this filed.
    public enum CommandPublisher {
        /** For generating random Integers. */
        private Random random = new Random();
        /** Trying to bind JavaFX on this field value. */
        public Command currentCommand = new Command(CommandType.NOP, -1);
        /** Getter... */
        public Command currentCommand(){
            return currentCommand;
        /** Set new value. */
        public void setCommand(Command newCommand){
            currentCommand = newCommand;
        /** Utility method. Just set new command to currentCommand. */
        public Command generateRandomCommand(){
            return new Command(CommandType.CREATE, random.nextInt());
        public void setNewRandomObjectId(){
    /** JavaFX code*/
    /** on replace works only one: when CommandPublisher is initialized, javaFXcurrentCommand  gets new value,
    *   was: null, became: Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    var javaFXcurrentCommand = bind CommandPublisher.PUBLISHER.currentCommand on replace oldValue{
       println("Bind? oldValue={oldValue}, newValue={javaFXcurrentCommand}");
    Stage {
        title: "JavaFX bind on Java object field. "
        scene: Scene {
            width: 250
            height: 80
            content: [
                Text {
                    font : Font {
                        size : 16
                    x: 10
                    y: 30
                    content: "Application content"
                Button {
                     text: "Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher"
                    function(e: MouseEvent) {
                        println("Mouse clicked -> Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher");
                        /** JavaFX var realy gets new objectId though java object field. But "on replace"  doesn't work. */
                        /** Tried to use these methods: nothing happens. */
                        //CommandPublisher.PUBLISHER.currentCommand = CommandPublisher.PUBLISHER.generateRandomCommand();
                        println("currentCommand -> {javaFXcurrentCommand}");
                        println("Mouse clicked ##");
    }Sample output:
    Bind? oldValue=null, newValue=Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    Mouse clicked -> Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher
    currentCommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    javaFXcommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    Mouse clicked ##
    Mouse clicked -> Change currentCommand through CommandPublisher
    currentCommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    javaFXcommand -> Command{commandType=>NOP,objectId=>-1}
    Mouse clicked ##
    As you can see, "on replace" is fired only once: when Enum became initialized.
    mouse clicking doesn't force "on replace" to work.
    What do I do wrong?

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    But I could also post my pacman.log if you wish.
    Thanks for help in advance.
    Last edited by Primoz (2010-11-06 18:11:10)

    Silly me I should check the ArchWiki first: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HA … zed_by_HAL
    Basically I only had to remove my cd and dvd rom from fstab and everything works.
    (I also just in case removed the usb from it too, even though it worked, and it still does.)
    PS.: Actually the Wiki is wrong. If you remove the /etc/hal/fdi/information/media-check-disable-storage_model_your-CD/DVD-model.fdi, HAL will just create new one after reboot. So changing it from false to true solves the problem.
    Last edited by Primoz (2010-11-07 19:31:43)

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  • One reason why commandLink doesn't work in dataTable

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    Unfortunately, when the user hits the commandLink, the list page simply refreshes, maybe even w/out table rows. The user doesn't get the details page as expected.
    Why not?
    Because: in the DECODE phase (even before validation and before "immediate" values have had their valueChangeListeners called), we ask the model bean for the table rows, so we can decode the commandLinks. Unfortunately, in "decode" phase, the request-scoped model bean has not had its row-generating criteria updated (that happens in the "update model" normally, or at the END of the decode phase if we got cute by (1) setting the "immediate" attribute on the row-generating criteria to "true" AND (2) set a valueChangeListener to allow us to update the model bean early. The END of the decode phase isn't good enough -- in the middle of that phase, when we're attempting to deocde commandLinks, the model bean has no citeria, so there's no row data. No row data means no iteration over commandLinks to decode them and queue ActionEvents. So, we march through the rest of the phases, process no events, and return to the screen of origin (the list screen) with no errors.
    So, what's the solution?
    One solution is to make the model bean session-scoped. Fine, maybe we can store a tiny bit of data in it (the search criteria), so it's not such a memory drag to have it live in the session forever. How do we get that data in? A managed property in faces-config.xml with value #{param.PARENT_KEY} won't work because it's assigning request-scoped data to a session-scoped holder. JBoss balks, and rightly so. Do we write code in the model bean that pulls the request parameter out of thin air? (FacesContext.getExternalContext()....) I don't really like to code the name of a specific http request parameter into the bean, I think it's the job of the JSP or faces-config.xml to achieve that binding (request parameter to model propery). Plus, I'd be sad to introduce a dependency on Faces in what was previously just a bean.
    Is there a better way?
    In my particular situation, we're grafting some Faces pages onto an already-existing non-Faces application. I don't get the luxury of presenting the user an input field and binding it to a bean. All I've got to work with is a request parameter.
    Hmm, I guess I just answered my own question. if all I've got to work with is a request parameter, some ugliness is inevitable, I guess.
    I guess the best fix is to cheat and have the bean constructor look for a request parameter. If it finds it, it initializes the criteria field (which, in my case, is the key of an object that has a bunch of associated objects (the rows data), but could be more-general d/b search criteria).
    (I looked at the "repeater" example code in the RI, but it basically statically-generates its data and then uses 100% Faces (of course) to manage the paging (where "page number" is essentially the "criteria").
    Comments? Did I miss something obvious?

    ...or I could just break down and do the thing I was hoping to avoid (outputLink instead of commandLink):
    <h:outputLink value="/faces/Detail.jsp">
      <f:param name="PARENT_KEY" value="#{bean.parentKey}"/>
      <h:outputText value="#{bean.label}"/>
    </h:outputLink>It's still a "hardcoded" parameter name, but at least the binding is in the JSP and faces-config.xml, not the bean Java code.

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    If Aperture were to send the RAW file name to Photoshop, Photoshop would open the RAW file and create a new PSD file. When it came time to save your edits, where would you save it. In order to get it back into Aperture's library, you would need some form of Photoshop to Aperture communication so that Photoshop would know where to save the edited file and Aperture would know to add it to the library. This would require collaboration between both Adobe and Apple and doesn't seem likely.
    I have a couple of ideas someone can try. These are only ideas and completely untested. I'd do it myself but I don't own Aperture (see my computer info below for the reason).
    1. Create two folders with automator actions. You export your RAW files from Aperture to a "Photoshop-IN" folder. Any new RAW image found in this folder will be automatically opened in Photoshop by the Automator action. Then you save the edited Photoshop file into a 2nd folder "Aperture-IN". Another Automator action imports this into Aperture.
    2. In iPhoto, if you try to edit a RAW image with an external editor, iPhoto creates an intermediate image file (JPEG I think) which it passes to Photoshop. But, if you drag the original RAW image thumbnail from iPhotos library window to the Photoshop icon in the dock, the original RAW image file is passed to Photoshop. You only have the problem of getting the saved Photoshop file back into iPhoto's library. Maybe this same thing would work in Aperture by dragging the Master image to the Photoshop icon in the dock.
    PowerMac G4 Dual 1.25GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   FW800, 4 internal HD - 550GB

    This is all well and good. I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of keeping the "master" sacrosanct. What I object to is not being able to do the conversion in Photoshop (or elsewhere)
    What I want is for Aperture to send the raw over to photoshop when I select "open in external editor", and then follow the current workflow (I do my edits, hit save, and a second master is added to Aperture's db.)
    It's totally possible for them to do this, and it wouldn't break anything in the system, or the philosophy. Of course it's a workaround that wouldn't be necessary if Aperture's converter were up to snuff. But it isn't, and I bet it would be easier to implement the workaround than to fix the fundamental defects in the converter itself.

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    have to select "apply to enclosed items" options

  • "why siri" doesn't seem to work unless we are charging the phone

    "why Siri" doesn't work unless we are charging our phones, why?

    I get that it's a safety issue and battery drain both, to not allow it unless plugged in but does that mean Google ("Ok Google") doesn't care about our safety?
    It's poor implementation I think. Battery drain isn't at all horrible on Android when it's always listening and I'm not starting that argument because i like iPhone and Apple just as well but it seems like there could have been other battery saving things to disable other than one that's very handy regardless of having to be plugged in.

  • Confused as to why this doesn't work...

    I wrote this code correctly, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure if I'm leaving something out or not using something correctly. If anyone can tell me why this doesn't work, it would be greatly appreciated!
    P.S. in the actionPerformed method, I want to put the window to close once someone clicks an "ok" button. How is this done? I've tried using setDefaultCloseOperation(3), but it doesn't seem to work.
    //?2002 Copyright. MJA Technologies.  All Rights Reserved.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class About extends JFrame implements ActionListener
        JTextArea textarea;
        JPanel panel1;
        JButton okbutton;
        String output;
        public About()
            Container container = getContentPane();
            textarea = new JTextArea();
            textarea.setText("Pages 1.0 beta 0\n?2002 MJA Technologies.\nAll Rights Reserved.");
            setDefaultCloseOperation( 3);
            setSize(400, 300);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
            if(event.getSource() == okbutton)

    Oh see, you said this:
    "P.S. in the actionPerformed method, I want to put the window to close once someone clicks an "ok" button. How is this done? I've tried using setDefaultCloseOperation(3), but it doesn't seem to work."
    so I said this:
    NOOOOOOOOOOOW you say the TextArea doesn't show up...that's a whole other problem.
    So what layout manager are you using in the container? (hint hint)

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    I suspect the reasons are partly historical. A servlet is loaded dynamically, by class name and, once you've loaded the Class, it's easier to to a newInstance, using the default construtor than it is to search for a particular matching constructor and invoke it.

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    Just destroy my business of voice over. It makes me furious first thing in the morning!!Why????

    hey leonie you just don't get it,
    I understand your issue very well, only there is no solution but to use the provided tools in iOS 8.
    It looks like Apple blocked large email attachments completely for any app. I cannot mail any file larger than 10 MB in any way from my iPad or iPhone, neither photos nor videos. all ill bring up this warning.
    Since downgrading to iOS 7 and the earlier GarageBand version is not supported by Apple, you can only send feedback to Apple and report a usability problem and request a feature change.
    Use this form:  Apple - GarageBand IOS - Feedback
    BTW: none of my friends or family members can receive attachments larger than 10MB. It is only our university network that allows to mail larger files.

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    Apple may consider your suggestion if you suggest it to Apple directly.

  • Kde doesn't show cd

    Hey everyone!
    I installed a fresh Arch with KDE on my new laptop and now KDE doesn't show, when a CD gets inserted. I can mount the CD via console and all works fine, but I can't mount it via KDE, because it doesn't show up the notification. USB devices working fine. Has someone an idea?
    Best regards!

    Ok, I reinstalled k3b with all its dependencies and now KDE shows me the cd. But burning isnt working. I get the following error
    Senden der cue Datei nicht möglich
    Manchmal hilft es den TAO Modus zu verwenden
    If I use the TAO method, I get the following error:
    Das Medium ließ sich nicht fixieren
    Das Medium könnte immer noch lesbar sein
    Versuchen sie bitte den DAO Brennmodu
    And this is the long error log:
    Optiarc DVDRWBD BC-5540H 101A (/dev/sr0, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R doppelschichtig, BD-CD-ROM, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R doppelschichtig) [DVD-ROM, DVD-R sequenziell, Zweischichtige DVD-R sequenziell, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Eingeschränktes Überbrennen, DVD-RW sequenziell, DVD+RW, DVD+R, Zweischichtige DVD+R, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, BD-CD-ROM] [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96P, RAW/R96R, Eingeschränktes Überschreiben] [%7]
    K3b Version: 2.0.2
    KDE Version: 4.5.5 (KDE 4.5.5)
    QT Version: 4.7.1
    Kernel: 2.6.37-zen0-ck-00276-g999b248
    Used versions
    cdrecord: 1.1.11
    scsidev: '/dev/sr0'
    devname: '/dev/sr0'
    scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
    Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
    Wodim version: 1.1.11
    SCSI buffer size: 64512
    Beginning DMA speed test. Set CDR_NODMATEST environment variable if device
    communication breaks or freezes immediately after that.
    TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
    Driveropts: 'burnfree'
    Device type : Removable CD-ROM
    Version : 5
    Response Format: 2
    Capabilities :
    Vendor_info : 'Optiarc '
    Identification : 'DVDRWBD BC-5540H'
    Revision : '101A'
    Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
    Current: 0x000A (CD-RW)
    Profile: 0x0040 (BD-ROM)
    Profile: 0x002B (DVD+R/DL)
    Profile: 0x001B (DVD+R)
    Profile: 0x001A (DVD+RW)
    Profile: 0x0015 (DVD-R/DL sequential recording)
    Profile: 0x0014 (DVD-RW sequential recording)
    Profile: 0x0013 (DVD-RW restricted overwrite)
    Profile: 0x0012 (DVD-RAM)
    Profile: 0x0011 (DVD-R sequential recording)
    Profile: 0x0010 (DVD-ROM)
    Profile: 0x000A (CD-RW) (current)
    Profile: 0x0009 (CD-R)
    Profile: 0x0008 (CD-ROM) (current)
    Profile: 0x0002 (Removable disk)
    Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R/CD-RW driver (mmc_cdr).
    Driver flags : MMC-3 SWABAUDIO BURNFREE
    Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P RAW/R96R
    Drive buf size : 3143680 = 3070 KB
    FIFO size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
    Speed set to 706 KB/s
    Track 01: data 693 MB
    Total size: 796 MB (78:51.94) = 354896 sectors
    Lout start: 796 MB (78:53/71) = 354896 sectors
    Current Secsize: 2048
    ATIP info from disk:
    Indicated writing power: 5
    Reference speed: 2
    Is not unrestricted
    Is erasable
    ATIP start of lead in: -11625 (97:27/00)
    ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)
    1T speed low: 0 (reserved val 0) 1T speed high: 4
    2T speed low: 0 (reserved val 5) 2T speed high: 4
    power mult factor: 5 2
    recommended erase/write power: 3
    A1 values: 02 54 B0
    A2 values: 52 D2 36
    Disk type: Phase change
    Manuf. index: 0
    Manufacturer: Illegal Manufacturer code
    Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 4953
    Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4.0 in real SAO mode for single session.
    Last chance to quit, starting real write in 2 seconds.
    1 seconds.
    0 seconds. Operation starts.
    Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
    Performing OPC...
    Sending CUE sheet...
    /usr/bin/wodim: CUE sheet not accepted. Retrying with minimum pregapsize = 1.
    Errno: 5 (Input/output error), send_cue_sheet scsi sendcmd: no error
    CDB: 5D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00
    status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
    Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 27 00 00 00
    Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
    Sense Code: 0x27 Qual 0x00 (write protected) Fru 0x0
    Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
    cmd finished after 0.004s timeout 200s
    /usr/bin/wodim: CUE sheet still not accepted. Please try to write in RAW (-raw96r) mode.
    /usr/bin/wodim: Cannot send CUE sheet.
    /usr/bin/wodim: Could not write Lead-in.
    Writing time: 7.154s
    /usr/bin/wodim: fifo had 64 puts and 0 gets.
    /usr/bin/wodim: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%.
    cdrecord command:
    /usr/bin/wodim -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/sr0 speed=4 -sao driveropts=burnfree -data -tsize=354896s -
    Best regards!

  • HT2731 Why itunes doesn't accept my payment card

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    Currently i have Debit Master cards of banks
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    2. Punjab national Bank
    Please help me to create my apple id with iTunes store

    If you are trying to use debit cards then I don't think that they are still accepted as a valid payment method - they are not listed on this page and there have been a number of posts recently about them being declined. Do you have a credit card that you could use instead ? Credit cards are generally considered safer than debit cards.
    If you only have debit cards then you can try contacting iTunes support and see if they can help, but I don't think that you will be able to use them : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page

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    Is there a batch process that runs in the evening? Perhaps that ends up cleaning out the data from the buffer cache, turning logical I/O's into physical I/O's early in the morning.
    Can you check the statistics on the table before the process starts and after you re-gather statistics? Perhaps there is a nightly process that is altering the statistics at an unfortunate time or in an unfortunate way.
    The previous poster's comment about getting a trace file is excellent as well-- whatever your session is waiting on will be apparent in the trace.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

Maybe you are looking for