Why no audio playing in this website using OSX ML 10.8.2 / FP 11.4.x

I am trying to find out why this website does not play the audio streaming correctly on  Mac ML OSX 10.8.2 with Flash Player 11.4. (All Browsers are stuck all sound effect are playing well)
It works fine on 10.5.8, with older flash player)
The website address is www.quantika-sf.com Go to section "extrait" and try using the audio player...
Does someone experience the same issue? Is there a security reason somewhere? Cannot find what's wrong in the site or in my os.

Hi Eric,
I've also been able to reproduce this issue with 10.8.2 and Flash Player 11.4 (and 11.5).  It appears that this stopped functioning between Flash Player 10.3 and 11.2.  I've verified that the play button is enabled in 10.3, but in 11.2 the button is disabled.  Because this appears to have changed a while back your best bet for a fix would be to enter a bug over at bugbase.adobe.com and then tell others about this issue so they can add their votes and comments.  It's possible that this could be worked around programmatically in ActionScript, but we'd need to see the code to get a better idea.

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    This website is offline
    No cached version is available
    What's wrong?
    The most likely causes:
    The server is down for maintenance
    There may be a network problem
    The site may be experiencing excessive load
    Retry for a live version of the site
    What's CloudFlare?
    This website uses CloudFlare in order to help keep it online when the server is down by serving cached copies of pages when they are unavailable. Unfortunately, a cached copy of the page you requested is not available, but you may be able to reach other cached pages on the site.

    It is possible that the server is down or otherwise has problems.
    Can you post a link to a publicly accessible page that doesn't require authentication (log in) to access it?
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    *http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=<URL here>

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    I turned my computer off for a few hours, turned it back on, and the problem initially seemed as if it was gone. My speakers were working, the speaker in my system tray at the bottom did not have the red X there anymore, and I could play sound. Yet, this was only temporary because in the middle of a song or watching a video, the audio would disappear. After waiting for several minutes and replaying a song/video, the audio came back.
    I do not understand why my audio is behaving this way.
    I also see in my Device Manager that "Modem Device on High Definition Audio Bus" has a yellow caution triangle with a black exclamation mark inside of it.
    Earlier today I had the red X on the speakers, but now it is gone, but I have no idea when my sound will go away again.
    I don't know what to do to fix this issue.
    If you need additional information, I'll be sure to post as much as possible to fix this problem.
    Please help, HP.

    Hi Rodrigo,
    Long shot, but next time it happens...
    Open Audio Midi Setup in Applications>Utilities, see the input & output options & KHz setting there, some things will change it for their own use, then not set it back.

  • Verify if website use user agent information

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    mozilla plug ask thoses values
    Description ,User Agent:, App Name, App Version, Platform, vendor , Vendor Sub :
    spyber show this parameters:
    Your user agent, Your Browser, Screen information, Screen resolution,Color depth, Javascript check
    As i see i can not customize /change colorDepth and screen resolution in mozilla plug in so change user agent could not be efficient if the website ask for this value .
    1) is there a way to use PC browser and change all meta data that a browser send to the webserver ?
    2) where i could find all the value for a my blackberry device ?
    thank's for any helps 

    I have a similar question here:
    Did you ever figure out all of the correct values?
    Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit (6.1 Build 7600) | Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07) | Eclipse Version: 3.6.2 [M20110210-1200] | BlackBerry Eclipse Plug-in: | Java Compiler level: 1.3 | Targeting devices running OS 5 | Simulators: JDE 5.0 packaged 9700, 9630, 9300

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    thank You

    I think the problem is your OS. Firefox supports playback of H264 encoded video (mp4) but only where the ability to decode the stream is already included in the Operating System or in the hardware.
    This means that it will work for Windows Vista and above but not for XP since XP doesn't include the decoder.
    ''"To avoid patent issues, support for MPEG 4, H.264, MP3 and AAC is not built directly into Firefox. Instead it relies on support from the OS or hardware. Firefox supports these formats on the following platforms: Platform Firefox version Windows 7+ 21.0 Windows Vista 22.0 Android 20.0 Firefox OS 15.0"''
    See here for more:
    * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Supported_media_formats
    * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=799318
    I am not sure but it may work if you install the VLC plugin: https://wiki.videolan.org/Windows/#VLC_Plugin_for_Firefox_.28Mozilla.29
    If you have control over the site then I suggest using a different Video format which is not patent encumbered. The webm format is one option:
    I hope this helps.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Test Page - why am I directed to this page when I go to a specific website. It does not happen when I use other browsers so there is not a problem with the website.

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Test Page - why am I directed to this page when I go to a specific website. It does not happen when I use other browsers so there is not a problem with the website.
    Just started happening yesterday.

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Do you see any prefs related to that <b>knoxnews<i></i>.com</b> site on the <b>about:config</b> page if you enter that URL in the Filter?
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • HT204291 I cannot get video to play from my iPad.  I don't use this function often but it do work several upgrades ago.  The audio plays fine but no video....... Any advice or suggestions appreciated.

    I do not use the function very often but AirPlay has worked fine in the past (several OS updates ago on both iPad and apple tv).  The audio plays fine but no video????  Any suggestions.

    interesting......  you know i tried other media and it worked fine.  i was trying to play 'amazon instant video'.  when you say 'blocked ... by the providor' it seems to me that Amazon would have no interest in restricting the play.  is it the producer of the content that resticts the play through some form of licensing or is it apple that restricts amazon play by limiting access to technology?  either way its anti-competitive.

  • Why the audio of my video in my itunes is not playing when i fullscreen it? :( HElp me please..

    why the audio of my video in my itunes is not playing when i fullscreen it? HElp me please..

    Hi eversonjm,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  If you are out of authorizations but only have 1 computer, deauthorizing all computers and reauthorizing your correct computer might be a good idea.  See this article for instructions:
    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization
    If after deauthorizing and reauthorizing your computer, you are still not authorized for the 96 songs, this article has some steps for seeing the account name that was used to purchase a song, in the event that a different account may have been used:
    Recovering a forgotten iTunes Store account name
    - Ari

  • Why I can't see Apple website videos on Samsung tablet? Used many browsers, same result...

    I could not find a website issues community and this one was the closest I could find. If this needs to be moved to a different community, please do so.
    I realize it's cross platforms, but web browsing should be the same for everyone, no matter what device is used.
    I can watch Apple website videos just fine on Windows/Chrome browser (or IE, Firefox) but can't on Samsung Android/Chrome browser (also tried Firefox, Opera, Samsung browser).
    Other websites embedded videos are working (i.e. youtube, vimeo, forums etc.) so far it is only the Apple website embedded videos that are not working.
    Any idea why?

    If it's any help, here is what Samsung Support says:
    Please wait for a Samsung Agent to respond.
    You are now chatting with 'Alberto'. There will be a brief survey at the end of our chat to share feedback on my performance today.
    Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK1125603600195X
    Alberto: Hi, thank you for reaching out to Samsung technical support. How may I assist you?
    Alex: Hi there
    Alex: Why I can't see Apple website videos on Samsung tablet? Used many browsers, same result...
    Alex: I can watch Apple website videos just fine on Windows/Chrome browser (or IE, Firefox) but can't on Samsung Android/Chrome browser (also tried Firefox, Opera, Samsung browser). Other websites embedded videos are working (i.e. youtube, vimeo, forums etc.) so far it is only the Apple website embedded videos that are not working. Any idea why?
    Alberto: Hello, I understand that you want to see apple website videos on Samsung tablet, is it correct?
    Alex: correct
    Alberto: Thank you for the confirmation.
    Alberto: What is the model number of your tablet? It starts with GT/SM which can be found on the rear panel.
    Alex: Don't have it with me but it's the Tab S 8.4
    Alex: Same goes for my phone, Galaxy S5
    Alberto: Okay,Do you see any error message while browsing?
    Alex: nope, no error, it just won't play any video on apple website, ALL other websites videos are plaing OKare
    Alex: playing Ok is what I meant
    Alex: and this is the same for my tablet AND my phone
    Alex: devices are updated to the latest software bla, bla
    Alberto: Alright, please restart the tablet once.
    Alex: scale of 1 to 10 on tech advance level, I am at 7-8, just so you don't take me through power recycle and such
    Alex: you just did
    Alex: it's not that
    Alberto: Could you give me a few minutes while I gather the information for you?
    Alex: you can grab a galaxy tablet or a phone and try for yourself and yo'll probably notice it won't work...
    Alberto: I appreciate your time and patience.
    Alberto: As you are able to see other website's embedded videos on your tablet, it could be an issue with the compatibility of Apple website.
    Alberto: There should be no issue with the trablet as other websites are working fine.
    Alex: Can you transfer me to your Guru tech person to see if I can get a more elaborate answer and maybe a fix for this?
    Alex: Then why the apple videos work fine on windows PC and the ONLY ones not working are Android devices?
    Alberto: I have rechecked the information.
    Alberto: As you are facing an issue only with a particular web site there should not be issue with the Samsung tablet.
    Alberto: Also tablet is working fine with other web sites which indicates that there is an issue with that particular web site.
    Alberto: There is no separate setting on the tablet to access any particular web site.
    Alex: This much I figured, problem is what is causing it and how it can be solved? Again, issue is only on Android devices. PC Windows and iOS devices work good
    Alberto: I am afraid; Samsung do not have information about the issues with a particular web site.
    Alberto: I would have surely helped, if there had been information available with me.
    Alex: Yes, I was afraid you'll say this...
    Alex: Do you have an android device there? Try it yourself and see it will not work. Whatever it is IT IS A PROBLEM!!!
    Alberto: I understand your requirement; however, it will not be possible for me to check this from here.
    Alberto: You need to contact the web site support for further assistance.
    Alberto: Is there anything I might be able to assist you with?
    Alex: yeah, it went as expected, no fix for this... do you have a level 2 or 3 or 4 tech there?
    Alberto: I will transfer this chat to my supervisor.
    Alberto: Please be online while I transfer this chat.
    Alex: sure, thanks
    Alberto: Not a problem.
    Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Sammy'.
    You are now chatting with 'Sammy'. There will be a brief survey at the end of our chat to share feedback on my performance today.
    Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK1125603600195X
    Sammy: Hello Alex. I am the supervisor of Alberto.
    Sammy: I am going through the previous chat session.
    Alex: Ok, thanks
    Sammy: You are welcome.
    Sammy: I appreciate your time and patience.
    Sammy: I see that you are unable to access Apple website videos on your tab.
    Alex: and on my S5
    Sammy: As you are able to access the videos from all the other web sites, it is not an issue with Samsung tab and Samsung do not have any control on this issue.
    Sammy: It is an issue with that particular web site and you need to contact the web site support for further assistance.
    Sammy: There is no separate setting on the tab to access a particular web site.
    Alex: Yes, I need to do that. At this point it's the technical aspect that bothers me, not that I can't watch the video, I can use my iPhone or my PC to watch the video, but why the Android can't?
    Alex: Thank you Alberto
    Alex: or Sammy
    Sammy: I understand your requirement; however, we do not have any information about this issue.
    Alex: Ok, thanks
    Sammy: I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Sammy: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
    Alex: no
    Sammy: Thanks for chatting with Samsung Support. If you have a minute, please click on the blue “X close” button to receive the transcript of your chat and fill out a brief survey to help us serve you better.
    Follow Samsung Service on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
    Chat session has been terminated by the Samsung Agent.

  • Why Only when playing iTunes I have no audio, no sound?

    Why Only when playing iTunes I have no audio, no sound after setting up Apple TV? Worked fine before that.

    I had this problem, too. It was on my phone, though, but it seems to be a problem that many people have.
    I have fixed it. It cost me 99 cents.
    My phone said I had 247 photos/videos. Itunes said I had 1700+. Both said that Photos & Video were taking up 10.8 GB of storage.
    On my phone, I went to Settings --> iCloud --> Storage --> Change Storage Plan
    I selected the 20GB plan for $0.99 a month
    Then, I went to Settings --> iCloud --> Photos
    I enabled My Photo Stream (slider to the right/green)
    Then, I got on WiFi. I don't know how long it took, certainly not long enough to upload gigabytes of data, but I saw that my Photos & Camera app was using a far more reasonable amount of storage (1.3 GB, rather than 10.8 GB). I checked this by going to
    Settings --> General --> Usage --> Manage Storage
    Because I don't want the 20GB iCloud plan, I went back to
    Settings --> iCloud --> Storage --> Change Storage Plan --> Downgrade Options (at the bottom)
    ... and I selected the 5 GB Free plan again.
    Now for a little rant.
    I am very unhappy that I had to give Apple one thin dime to have this fixed. After spending a couple of hours trying to figure out why I can barely use any storage on my phone, I had to pay to fix it. Ridiculous.
    I still enjoy using Apple products, but I enjoy using them less and less over time. Not only is every release of iTunes less usable than the previous one, the last one wouldn't even install on my machine. That was about another six hours lost trying to figure out the problem.

  • The "Roman" font is not being recognized in Firefox 4.0. As such, I cannot read any previously posted topics or post any new topics on websites using this font.

    The "Roman" font is not being recognized in Firefox 4.0. As such, I cannot read any previously posted topics or post any new topics on websites using this font.

    I have had a similar problem with my system. I just recently (within a week of this post) built a brand new desktop. I installed Windows 7 64-bit Home and had a clean install, no problems. Using IE downloaded an anti-virus program, and then, because it was the latest version, downloaded and installed Firefox 4.0. As I began to search the internet for other programs to install after about maybe 10-15 minutes my computer crashes. Blank screen (yet monitor was still receiving a signal from computer) and completely frozen (couldn't even change the caps and num lock on keyboard). I thought I perhaps forgot to reboot after an update so I did a manual reboot and it started up fine.
    When ever I got on the internet (still using firefox) it would crash after anywhere between 5-15 minutes. Since I've had good experience with FF in the past I thought it must be either the drivers or a hardware problem. So in-between crashes I updated all the drivers. Still had the same problem. Took the computer to a friend who knows more about computers than I do, made sure all the drivers were updated, same problem. We thought that it might be a hardware problem (bad video card, chipset, overheating issues, etc.), but after my friend played around with my computer for a day he found that when he didn't start FF at all it worked fine, even after watching a movie, or going through a playlist on Youtube.
    At the time of this posting I'm going to try to uninstall FF 4.0 and download and install FF 3.6.16 which is currently on my laptop and works like a dream. Hopefully that will do the trick, because I love using FF and would hate to have to switch to another browser. Hopefully Mozilla will work out the kinks with FF 4 so I can continue to use it.
    I apologize for the lengthy post. Any feedback would be appreciated, but is not necessary. I will try and post back after I try FF 3.16.6.

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