Why no iTunes DJ?

Why did Apple discontinue the iTunes DJ?  I get that there is a new Plays Next feature which is similar, but to the extent its not, why not let us have the iTunes DJ as well?

Until they add the iTunes DJ feature back, here is a *temporary* solution:
Create a Smart Playlist
Select 'Checked' from the first dropdown list and let the next one default to 'is true'
Limit the list to whatever you choose. I opted for 10 hours of play
Keep 'Live updating' checked and click the OK button
Name your new playlist 'iTunes DJ'

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    travis184 wrote:
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    It freezes the first time I open it every time I turn on my computer. I can't change it's audio output to play through the speakers I want. I have exclamation points next to songs, saying iTunes can't find them, even though they have never moved.
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    Use playlists, not check marks. Check marks have other side effects and shouldn't really be used as a sync selection mechanism.
    Why do I have to re-download iTunes every time a slightly updated version is released? Why is iTunes this painful to use when Microsoft's had all this figured out with WMP for years? Does anyone have any idea on how to fix any of this?
    I'll take the 5th. You can let Apple know how you feel or make suggestions at iTunes Feedback.

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    The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico my first language is Spanish. I do not speak English, however I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
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    I've seen a couple of other threads over the last 10 minutes posting similar problems, so it appears to have affected other people as well - the poster on the first thread has now posted again saying that it's now working for him, so you could give it another try.
    Edit : your reply appeared as I was attempting to post this

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    Thanks if you can it is muc appreciated....!!

    hey, thanks for the reply. I don't know to be perfectly honest. When I close the lid without any music playing it sleeps fine. How could I check?
    So basically I pressed the power button and pressed sleep. The laptop turned off and the little white light turned on no problem. I did the same thing with closing the lid and it went to sleep no problem. (Can you confirm that when the little white light is on it means the laptop is sleeping)??.
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    What do you think  jessejarvi?

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    I'm not sure why this happens, but I found a workaround. Below the album title it will list the artist(s). The issue seems to happen when there are multiple artists. For example, an Album titled "Over the Sea to Skye" has The Chieftains and James Galway as artists. Some tracks (for whatever reason) will list only one of these and result in the playlist showing what appears to be multiple albums. You can click on the artists and it will highlight. Paste in what is appearing on the other "albums" and it will then show as one:
    Hope that is somewhat clear enough to help. Doesn't fix whatever the issue is but it is a workaround. For me this is only happening with CD's that I have imported.

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    I found this to be somewhat helpful: Grouping Tracks into Albums
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    I dont know anybody who likes the way itunes works.'
    This last version is beyond awful. It took an already hard to use program - but one that I had at least figured out and made it even harder.

    If you are experiencing a particular problem, please post specifics, and most likely someone here will be able to help.

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    Yup same here
    I am running the latest iTunes, the latest updates to the OS and on an iMac 3.4GHz Quad core i7 with 8GB of RAM and the music stored on local HDD.
    Still locks up iTunes for between 2 minutes up to 20 minutes.
    Really annoying.
    If you find a fix please, please let me know, I have just been throwing hardware at it with no joy at all

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    I have this same exact issue, however only with music. It happens when files are added in anyway: dragged, automatically added, opened from safari.
    I have Mountain Lion, a new MacBook Pro with Retina, and iTunes Match turned on. I have a feeling iTunes is trying to match/upload the songs first. I've just added 10 songs, iTunes said they were copied over but they don't show up in my library but I can see the cloud icon "working".
    EDIT: That's not the reason, the songs finally showed up but they are still waiting to be matched.

  • ITunes says I have authorized five computers so I can no longer play music I have purchased. I have not replaced my computer once. Why does iTunes say this?

    iTunes says I have authorized five computers so I can no longer play music I have purchased. I have not replaced my computer once. Why does iTunes say this?

    Hey Christownsend,
    Thanks for the question. To troubleshoot this issue, you may want to try deauthorizing all computers:
    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization
    To deauthorize all computers associated with your Apple ID
    If you need to authorize your new computer and are unable due to already having five authorized computers, you can deauthorize all computers by doing the following:
    1. Click iTunes Store on the left side of iTunes.
    2. If you're not signed in to the store, click the Account button, then enter your account name and password.
    3. Click the Account button again (your Apple ID appears on the button), enter your password, and then click View Account.
    4. In the Account Information window, click Deauthorize All.
    Note: You may only use this feature once per year. The Deauthorize All button will not appear if you have fewer than two authorized computers. If you need assistance on using this feature, please contact iTunes Store support via email (http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/store/).
    Matt M.

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