Why the Link to Other Countries?

Just what is the reason for the link to other countries' i-tunes stores on the home page when you are not allowed to purchase from them? I can't think of anything more lame than a link to something where you can't do anything but look.
If I had known i-tunes was going to be this worthless I wouldn't have bothered setting up an account here.
i-pod nano    

Just what is the reason for the link to other countries' i-tunes stores on the home page when you are not allowed to purchase from them? I can't think of anything more lame than a link to something where you can't do anything but look.
There is a link to stores in other countries because there are a few people who meet the requirements to purchase songs from the other stores. The links are there for their benefit.
It is silly that it isn't possible to buy songs from other stores. But until the record companies grant permission for the songs to be sold across borders, there isn't much that can be done about it.

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    How about a workaround?
    I have a second VOIP line attached to my UK phone, it has a US phone number. Any calls to that number ring on my phone so I still receive calls from the US wherever I am, and they are local US calls (to US callers). I would suggest that you use a Japanese phone and a US 2nd number.
    I use a service provider called TalkAtOne, (US based) and I am sure that others exist. Their rates are very low and the lines while a bit variable are average to good mostly.
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    My replies are in Bold.
    Thank you for your response and message.
    1. Are you seeing this problem with all kinds of PDF's or some specific  kinds like secure PDF's (with doc open password or printing  restrcitions), reader extended PDF's or PDF forms.
    This problem is with all kind's of PDF's.
    2. Are you opening a locally saved PDF by doing a drag drop in the  browser or right click and open with IE/FF or directly opening a PDF  hosted on the internet?
    It doesn't matter. However I do it, I see this problem in Firefox, IE & Google Chrome.
    3.  Can you also check the version of the Reader X browser plugin? you  could find it at C:\Program Files\Common  Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroPDF.dll. Right click -> Properties  -> Details
    If version is 9.0.x then you could try a clean install of Reader X.
    I have checked it. It's the latest plug-in (though at the moment, I have gone back to Adobe Reader 9.4.1, as I've mentioned before, because I need the reader to be working fine for my work and daily life. I am just waiting for a fix before I try Adobe Reader X again.
    As I've mentioned before, I am seeing this issue ONLY on my Windows 7 Ultimate (Laptop). In the desktop's at work, with Windows XP / Vista, I don't see it. Adobe Reader is working fine, browser integration is fine, the floating tool bar works fine, the right click menu pop' up where the right click is done...I can also save PDF' from the main toolbar at the top and so on...
    I really have run out of ideas.... and I am very surprised that no expert support personnel (if at all there is one) have dropped by or said anything or mentioned anything about this.
    Anyway.... Cheers.

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    This gets asked weekly.
    The owners of the copyright material have not licensed it globally.

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    -> Restart your System in Safe Mode
    * http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/boot_failsafe.mspx?mfr=true
    -> Uninstall your current Firefox => [[Uninstalling Firefox]]
    * Restart your system
    -> Do a MALWARE check with these Malware Scanning programs. You need to scan with all programs because each program detects different malware. Make sure that you UPDATE each program to get the latest version of their Databases before doing a Scan. Also, Close All other Applications (softwares) before Starting to Run Scans.
    * Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware -> http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free
    * SuperAntispyware -> http://www.superantispyware.com
    * Ad-Aware Free Internet Security -> http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php
    * Spybot Search & Destroy -> http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html
    * Anti-Rootkit Utility '''TDSSKiller''' -> http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208283363
    -> [[Installing Firefox on Windows]]
    Check and tell if its working.

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    Anyone can answer me this??
    thanks a lot!~

    If you bought a unlocked Iphone 4 from apple (in the UK) then yes. you can use the phone in other countries and use the countries sim cards if they compatible with the iphone 4.
    If you bought from o2, vodafone and so on. then you will have to use those sims in the other countries.
    also your warranty is only valid in the country where you bought the phone.(not 100% sure on this tho. just what i have heard)
    if i am wrong on this please correct me.
    Message was edited by: makan1

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    Ah that is different.
    It may be you are just seeing a preview of the pdf in the email, which is why the link is not working.
    I would certainly not rely on people seeing even that. Most PC users do not see pdfs embedded in their email, just an attachment. Even Mac users see various results depending on how many pages the pdf contains.
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    In order to buy from a certain country's iTMS, you do need
    either: a CC with a billing address in that country
    or: an address in that country plus a prepaid card/gift voucher issued by iTMS in that country.
    If you don't meet one of this conditions, there is no solution for you.
    -sorry but the copyright holders wanted it that way; it's their decision to offer a certain track in a certain country or not to offer it.
    Tip; This question on how to buy from another country is asked several times a week in the forums. In the future, I would suggest you do a search on your issue to see, if it has already been answered, that way you don't have to wait quite a long time for a response.

  • How to make the document dirty after updating the links?

    I am using the below code to update the link resources by providing new URI. The link resources are getting updated, but the document is not becoming dirty.
                    InterfacePtr<ICommand> updateCmd(CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kLinkResourceStateUpdateCmdBoss));
                    InterfacePtr<ILinkResourceStateUpdateCmdData> updateCmdData(updateCmd, UseDefaultIID());
    How do I make the document dirty after updating the resources?

    Thanks. It is working fine.
    I called PreDirty(docPtr), before updating the links.

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    The films I mean are mainly old British ones (1940s-1950) which were all previously £2.99. Admittedly this was cheap but still in line with other retailers. Now, all of these have gone up to £7.99 - more than double the price! I'm glad I purchased all the Terry Thomas films when I did as these are among the affected items, which also include films starring Norman Wisdom, Will Hay and others of that ilk.
    This goes far beyond the VAT issue which has previously been discussed. It seems Apple are just being brazenly greedy now with price rises left and right. Has anyone from the US or other countries noticed this happening in their stores too?

    I checked a few old films and Amazon's prices match iTunes:
    Oliver Twist (1948)
    iTunes Rent £2.49 Buy £9.99
    Amazon Rent £2.49 Buy £9.99 (or on DVD for £3.70)
    Oh, Mr. Porter (1937)
    iTunes Rent £2.49 Buy £7.99
    Amazon Buy only £7.99 (or on DVD for £4.10)
    The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934)
    iTunes Rent £2.49 Buy £4.99
    Amazon Rent £2.49 Buy 4.99
    A Tale of Two Cities (1935)
    iTunes Rent £2.49 Buy £9.99
    Amazon Rent £2.49 Buy £9.99
    excepting only that for some reason you can't rent Oh, Mr. Porter on Amazon. £9.99 does seem a little excessive for The Scarlet Pimpernel. I suppose it's a 'what the market can bear' calculation.
    La Dolce Vita
    iTunes SD Rent £3.49 Buy £9.99 (HD Rent £4.49 Buy £13.99)
    Not on Amazon except as a DVD £19.99 (of course it is a three hour film), but
    Curzon Cinema (not stated if SD or HD) Rent £2.00 no purchase.

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