Why two different forums

one for "general discussion" and one for "windows". I really don't see the big difference between theese two in content and otherwise. Did I miss something here ?
In my opinion they should be joined into one single unit

To me, the Windows and Mac sub-forums are for discussing issues specific to those platforms while
everything else goes into the general sub-forum. Why does that not make sense?
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  • Why two different explain plan for same objects?

    Believe or not there are two different databases, one for processing and one for reporting, plan is show different for same query. Table structure and indexes are same. It's 11G
    Good explain plan .. works fine..
    SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWSCost: 12,775  Bytes: 184  Cardinality: 1                                                                        
         27 SORT UNIQUE  Cost: 12,775  Bytes: 184  Cardinality: 1                                                                   
              26 NESTED LOOPS                                                              
                   24 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 12,774  Bytes: 184  Cardinality: 1                                                         
                        22 HASH JOIN  Cost: 12,772  Bytes: 178  Cardinality: 1                                                    
                             20 NESTED LOOPS SEMI  Cost: 30  Bytes: 166  Cardinality: 1                                               
                                  17 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 19  Bytes: 140  Cardinality: 1                                          
                                       14 NESTED LOOPS OUTER  Cost: 16  Bytes: 84  Cardinality: 1                                     
                                            11 VIEW DSSADM. Cost: 14  Bytes: 37  Cardinality: 1                                
                                                 10 NESTED LOOPS                           
                                                      8 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 14  Bytes: 103  Cardinality: 1                      
                                                           6 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 13  Bytes: 87  Cardinality: 1                 
                                                                3 INLIST ITERATOR            
                                                                     2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE DSSODS.DRV_PS_JOB_FAMILY_TBL Cost: 10  Bytes: 51  Cardinality: 1       
                                                                          1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX DSSODS.DRV_PS_JOB_FAMILY_TBL_CL_SETID Cost: 9  Cardinality: 1 
                                                                5 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE DSSADM.DIM_JOBCODE Cost: 3  Bytes: 36  Cardinality: 1            
                                                                     4 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX DSSADM.STAN_JB_FN_IDX Cost: 2  Cardinality: 1       
                                                           7 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) DSSODS.DRV_PS_JOBCODE_TBL_SEQ_KEY_RPT Cost: 0  Cardinality: 1                 
                                                      9 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE DSSODS.DRV_PS_JOBCODE_TBL_RPT Cost: 1  Bytes: 16  Cardinality: 1                      
                                            13 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE DSSODS.DRV_PSXLATITEM_RPT Cost: 2  Bytes: 47  Cardinality: 1                                
                                                 12 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX DSSODS.PK_DRV_RIXLATITEM_RPT Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1                           
                                       16 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE DSSADM.DIM_JOBCODE Cost: 3  Bytes: 56  Cardinality: 1                                     
                                            15 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX DSSADM.DIM_JOBCODE_EXPDT1 Cost: 2  Cardinality: 1                                
                                  19 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE DSSODS.DRV_PS_JOB_RPT Cost: 11  Bytes: 438,906  Cardinality: 16,881                                          
                                       18 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX DSSODS.DRV_PS_JOB_JOBCODE_RPT Cost: 2  Cardinality: 8                                     
                             21 INDEX FAST FULL SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) DSSADM.Z_PK_JOBCODE_PROMPT_TBL Cost: 12,699  Bytes: 66,790,236  Cardinality: 5,565,853                                               
                        23 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX DSSADM.DIM_PERSON_EMPL_RCD_SEQ_KEY Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1                                                    
                   25 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE DSSADM.DIM_PERSON_EMPL_RCD Cost: 2  Bytes: 6  Cardinality: 1                                                         This bad plan ... show merge join cartesian and full table ..
    SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWSCost: 3,585  Bytes: 237  Cardinality: 1                                                              
         26 SORT UNIQUE  Cost: 3,585  Bytes: 237  Cardinality: 1                                                         
              25 NESTED LOOPS SEMI  Cost: 3,584  Bytes: 237  Cardinality: 1                                                    
                   22 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 3,573  Bytes: 211  Cardinality: 1                                               
                        20 MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN  Cost: 2,864  Bytes: 70,446  Cardinality: 354                                          
                             17 NESTED LOOPS                                     
                                  15 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 51  Bytes: 191  Cardinality: 1                                
                                       13 NESTED LOOPS OUTER  Cost: 50  Bytes: 180  Cardinality: 1                           
                                            10 HASH JOIN  Cost: 48  Bytes: 133  Cardinality: 1                      
                                                 6 NESTED LOOPS                 
                                                      4 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 38  Bytes: 656  Cardinality: 8            
                                                           2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORT2.DIM_JOBCODE Cost: 14  Bytes: 448  Cardinality: 8       
                                                                1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORT2.STAN_PROM_JB_IDX Cost: 6  Cardinality: 95 
                                                           3 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORT2.SETID_JC_IDX Cost: 2  Cardinality: 1       
                                                      5 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORT2.DIM_JOBCODE Cost: 3  Bytes: 26  Cardinality: 1            
                                                 9 INLIST ITERATOR                 
                                                      8 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORT2.DRV_PS_JOB_FAMILY_TBL Cost: 10  Bytes: 51  Cardinality: 1            
                                                           7 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORT2.DRV_PS_JOB_FAMILY_TBL_CL_SETID Cost: 9  Cardinality: 1       
                                            12 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORT2.DRV_PSXLATITEM_RPT Cost: 2  Bytes: 47  Cardinality: 1                      
                                                 11 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORT2.PK_DRV_RIXLATITEM_RPT Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1                 
                                       14 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) REPORT2.DRV_PS_JOBCODE_TBL_SEQ_KEY_RPT Cost: 0  Cardinality: 1                           
                                  16 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORT2.DRV_PS_JOBCODE_TBL_RPT Cost: 1  Bytes: 11  Cardinality: 1                                
                             19 BUFFER SORT  Cost: 2,863  Bytes: 4,295,552  Cardinality: 536,944                                     
                                  18 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE REPORT2.DIM_PERSON_EMPL_RCD Cost: 2,813  Bytes: 4,295,552  Cardinality: 536,944                                
                        21 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) REPORT2.Z_PK_JOBCODE_PROMPT_TBL Cost: 2  Bytes: 12  Cardinality: 1                                          
                   24 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORT2.DRV_PS_JOB_RPT Cost: 11  Bytes: 1,349,920  Cardinality: 51,920                                               
                        23 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORT2.DRV_PS_JOB_JOBCODE_RPT Cost: 2  Cardinality: 8                                          

    user550024 wrote:
    I am really surprise that the stat for good sql are little old. I just computed the states of bad sql so they are uptodate..
    There is something terribly wrong..Not necessarily. Just using the default stats collection I've seen a few cases of things suddenly going wrong. As the data increases, it gets closer to an edge case where the inadequacy of the statistics convinces the optimizer to do a wrong plan. To fix, I could just go into dbconsole, set the stats back to a time when they worked, and locked them. In most cases it's definitely better to figure out what is really going on, though, to give the optimizer better information to work with. Aside from the value of learning how to do it, for some cases it's not so simple. Also, many think the default settings of the database statistic collection may be wrong in general (in 10.2.x, at least). So much depends on your application and data that you can't make too many generalizations. You have to look at the evidence and figure it out. There is still a steep learning curve for the tools to look at the evidence. People are here to help with that.
    Most of the time it works better than a dumb rule based optimizer, but at the cost of a few situations where people are smarter than computers. It's taken a lot of years to get to this point.

  • Why two different URLS lead to same thread?

    My action engine nugget here
    showed up at the botom of the LV page as one ot the most Kudoed and when I hit that link it takes me to here
    THey both seem to be the same thread but different URLs. Why?
    Just curious*,
    * Don't expect me stop asking question now. It is way to late for that to help.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction
    Go to Solution.

    Ben wrote:
    THey both seem to be the same thread but different URLs. Why?
    I would think that the forum is just a huge database of posts with a front end that formats the pages dynamically.
    Apparently, a post can be addressed either from a global ID (URL#2) or from a board/boardID (URL#1). Same difference.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Two different Forums for Logic Studio ?

    Am I right that this is in fact the real Logic Studio discussions forum , while the other forum called "Logic Studio" has only a few threads.
    A bit confusing - what is the difference between "Pro" and "Studio", isn't it the same thing now ?
    As far as I remember Logic 8 was the last "Logic Pro" ???
    I think the two forums could be merged in to one "Logic Forum".
    Just an idea...

    The "Logic Studio" forum seems to be Mainstage and Soundtrack related... 
    Unnecessary and confusing in my opinion. This is in fact the forum that relates to the Logic DAW application.

  • HT1660 why two different itunes libraries?

    My music and movie files got too large, so I've moved my iTunes library to an external hard drive.
    I since got a new computer and am trying to set it up.
    All is working fine with movies and music. BUT- why do I have a separate itunes Library on my Mac?  It seems that the only files there are my apps.
    I'd prefer to have ALL of my iTunes library files in one location.  How did this happen and is it normal?
    Can I move everything to one library?

    These specific steps should apply to your setup:
    Use File > Library > Organize Library > Rearrange files in folder "iTunes". This puts the media folder into the current layout.
    Use File > Library > Organize Library > Consolidate files. This copies in the mobile apps and any other files that might not have been consolidated.
    Copy the files iTunes Library.itl, iTunes Library Extras.itdb, iTunes Library Genius.itdb & sentinel (hidden) and the folder Album Artwork from <Profile>/Music/iTunes to the <root> folder of your external drive Iomega_HDD. Ignore the xml file and other folders for now, they are taken care of elsewhere.
    Option-start-iTunes and open the library file at Iomega_HDD/iTunes Library.itl.
    Check things work.
    Close iTunes, rename the folder Iomega_HDD/iTunes as Iomega_HDD/iTunes Media, start iTunes, check the media folder is now called Iomega_HDD/iTunes Media, edit if not then close and reopen iTunes.
    Close iTunes, create a folder called Iomega_HDD/iTunes, move the iTunes library files, Album Artwork & iTunes Media folders inside Iomega_HDD/iTunes.
    Option-start-iTunes and open the library file at Iomega_HDD/iTunes/iTunes Library.itl, check the media folder is now called Iomega_HDD/iTunes/iTunes Media, edit if not then close and reopen iTunes.
    Check things work again. Enjoy the music!
    If at any stage things aren't working properly rewind the most recent change or ask for further help with details of exactly where you've got to.
    These steps should get everything sorted with the minimum amount of copying.
    Ideally you need a backup of the whole iTunes folder on another drive for security. Having set things up in this fashion it becomes easy to switch to the alternate copy if & when the need arises.
    PS the folder currently at Iomega_HDD/iTunes/Album Artwork should be redundant and can be deleted.

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    tried to access same db object(stored_procedure_1), its showing like
    Error: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'stored_procedure_1', database 'test',schema 'dbo'. 
    Both the users are using windows authentication for access the objects. Could you suggest me the way to resolve this?

    Thanks for your response
    Erland Sommarskog....
    my stored procedure "stored_procedure_1"
    does not has any granted permissions to execute. But still user A
    able to execute the sp from UI, where user B not able to do it.  If any permission provided for a particular object, then only it will display in the above query whatever u have given.  
    Any other possibilities??
    Venkat G

  • [GT 70-20C] why two bios in download

    On MSI bios download page, there is two bios for Win 8 and two bios for Win 7
    notes about win 8 versions are Raid mode and AHCI mode
    bios for Raid mode is rejected by my bios, I don't try the AHCI mode. Live update say that my bios is up tu date
    in my current bios I have the selection for 3 modes SATA, AHCI, and Raid mode
    I had no trouble to re-install in raid mode but I ask myself why two different bios on the site
    selecting raid mode then intel matrix storage to build the raid
    super raid utility under windows lock but the system work fine
    if anybody have any idea

    Quote from: Svet on 30-August-13, 19:23:23
    you are doing something wrong, describe your steps
    I follow the procedure
    It consists in
    1/ format USB key in FAT 32
    2/ download then copy the EFI folder at the root of the usb key
    3/ copy to the EFI/boot folder the files from the bios archive
    - E1763IMS.70C
    4/ desactivate security boot
    5/ reboot on USB (F11)
    The nsh file start correctly the sequence
    AfuEfix64.efi E1763IMS.70C /p /b /n /k /r /shutdown
    But after checking E1763IMS.70C reject it as not compatible
    the procedure work with E1763IMS.50C
    Note that MSI has released .50E and .70E today
    I have read on another forum that superraid is only a commercial appellation but it should use in fact the standard intel raid.

  • Can we condense the two ODBC forums

    Under Technologies | Windows, there are two different forums for discussing ODBC and nothing, apparently, to differentiate the two forums. Under the old structure, this at least accomplished the objective of having ODBC discussions with two different navigation paths, since different users might look for the forum differently. Now, however, there's no real function to having two different forums. Can we condense them into one?

    Thanks Bulut for your reply,
    But by going through View creation involves ABAP help, that I dont want.
    However, is it poosible to use View while creating the reports in Report Painter? I am not sure.
    I want to know whether can we create a table which is used for report painter, so that I can use for creating the Library and then the reports.
    I hope you understand my point.

  • Why two FLOAT values are stored differently?

    Curious as to why two FLOAT values are stored differently. Inserting
    two FLOAT values one with value of 99E9 and the other with 12E-9.
    Value for 99E9 was stored in the database as 99000000000 and 12E-9
    was stored in the database as 1.2E-8. Why were they stored in
    different formats? I am using Oracle9i

    Please don't cross post between the Database - General and PL/SQL forums.
    Please check the other thread at Re: FLOAT Value Doubt

  • Why can't two different users use Itunes on the same computer with different log ins

    Why can't two different users use Itunes on the same computer with different log ins

    Pmorgan5672 wrote:
    Why can't two different users use Itunes on the same computer with different log ins
    They can, but not at the same time.
    If one user left iTunes running, and another user tries to use iTunes from a different Windows user ID, that second user will get an error message.  If they really want to use iTunes, they either have to beg the first user to log in and close iTunes, or else they have to restart the computer.
    If you are asking the technical reason why, it is something about context switching.

  • Why does my iTunes show apps in two different groups?

    When I open my iTunes 10 and look at the Apps tab, it shows my iPhone and iPad apps distributed amongst two different groups: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Apps and iPhone and iPod Touch apps.  I don't really understand this as I don't have a iPad.  An I only loaded a few apps to my iPod Touch years ago.  Seems to me that the Listing should be showing apps sorted by the "Authorized Devices" to which they have been installed.
    Another complication is that I have two Apple Store accounts...my US account from when I bought my first iPod Touch while living in the US and then a Thai account since I am living in Thailand and it makes payment easier.  Isn't there a way to see the apps loaded into my Library sorted by Apple Store account??
    Apple software is becoming more and more like the Microsoft products we all love to hate.  Sadly, ease of use for the user is out the door.  It's why I continue to use iTunes 10 and OS 10.6.8...stable and I know what I get and don't get already :-?
    Thanks for the feedback.

    You got it right.  Thank you.

  • Why does my Finder have two different languages in the Menu?

    My Finder seems to be showing two different languages? Most of the menu items, like File, Edit, View, Go and Help are all in English (my preferred language under System Pref, International, Language). However, i am not exactly sure when (or what i did), but some of the menu items under Finder (Shutdown, Sleep, Restart etc.) and under Window (all of the menu items) were in a Chinese language.
    So i went to the System Pref, Internaltional, Language and unchecked them. So that only the English variants were selected. I restarted....and all it did was change the same menu items that were in Chinese to a Norwegian (????) type language.
    I have reinstalled my OS 10.4 and it was still the same. I then ran all the updates....and it was still the same.
    I have run the Optional Install on the OS 10.4 disk, and tried the Language Translators reinstalled....and still the same.
    Apart from formatting.....does anyone have any suggestions?

    Hi BDAqua
    I trashed the /Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist file ......rebooted....and it didn't fix the language issue in Finder.
    I then did as you suggested (show package contents) and found the file path System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder
    I then did a Get Info....but didn't see any language section tabs.
    When i Get Info on the System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app
    I can see the language tab.....but it is all shaded out (i.e. i can't make any changes). I tried under the Ownership and Permissions tab to change the "Owner" section from System to My Name. However, this did not give me access to the language tab. I also tried to change the "Group" section to My Name (was on Wheel????). But i had no success in changing the language.
    Are there any other angles i could try?
    I have done quite an extensive search on the internet.....but haven't found anyone with the exact same issue. This was the closest... http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/index.php/t-34796.html
    But i tried everything they suggested (except the format option). I haven't posted on any other forums yet either.
    Thanks again BDAqua for all your assistance!

  • Why not make a phone that can hold two different s...

    Why not make a phone that can hold two different sim cards ?

    11-Jan-2009 10:18 PM
    hermandh wrote:
    Why not make a phone that can hold two different sim cards ?
    I guess time will come...but I don't see the main point of having two sim cards on a phone at the same time?
    Knowing the phone won't let this go on, Can you take up two calls at the same time? Probably not.

  • Why can one spot colour convert into two different sets of CMYK values?

    Working within Illustrator CC, I have an EPS file of a logo which has a colour fill value of:
    Pantone 152 U
    CMYK: 0C 51M 100Y 1K
    When I copy and paste this into a new document I get a much duller colour (orange) with colour values of:
    Pantone 152 U
    CMYK: 2C 57M 83Y 2K
    I have enabled 'ask when opening' & 'ask when pasting' for Profile Mismatches in Edit->Color Settings->'Color Management Policies' - no warning shows up.
    I have also tried turning off, changing color management policies.
    I've opened the original eps file and assigned my working space profile (Coated FOGRA39) and then try copy and pasting without success.

    In addition to John's useful comments:
    Using Pantone 512U (uncoated) isn't correct for Coated Fogra.
    Why can one spot color convert into two different CMYK sets if converted by the user?
    Assumed, the one spot color is uniquely defined by one Lab set:
    – the CMYK spaces are different
    – the CMYK spaces are the same but the Rendering Intents are different
    – the CMYK spaces are the same but the Black Point Compensations are different
       (on or off for Relative Colorimetric).
    Assumed, the spot colors are equal by name, but valid for different versions, both in Lab:
    – this obviousl at present the most common source of deviations.
    Assumed, the spot colors are defined by CMYK:
    – a chaotic situation which I wouldn't even like to dicuss.
    – CMYK to CMYK conversions should be avoided under all circumstances.
    The solutions:
    If the spot color will be printed always and everywhere by Pantone spot ink:
    – purchase an actual Pantone color fan und discuss with the printer the mixture for the selected ink.
    If the Pantone color is merely a design feature, but the doc will be printed by CMYK:
    – choose such a color and verify by soft proofing that the color is in-gamut for common CMYK spaces. 
    – read the Lab values and proceed as far as possible using Lab.
    – don't use ink names, don't use any reference to Pantone.
    – convert into to a specificic CMYK space in advance to the generation of the specific PDF.
    Best regards --Gernot Hoffmann

  • Why when I burn to disc a playlist in itunes (audio files) it will play in a portable cd player, but won't play in two different auto cd players?

    Why when I burn a playlist (audio files) to a cd-rw, it will play in a portable cd player,
    but when attempting to play in two different auto cd players it won't play and reads as "error"?

    CD-RWs tend to have a lot of problems when used for audio CDs.  I suggest you try the burn again using a CD-R.

Maybe you are looking for

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