Wide character support

I have a server which needs to return multi-byte character info to the client applications? But i find that
wchar and wstring are not supported types in the IDL. So how can i achieve my requirements using

If you are use Java Use char (see WLE documentations for detail mapping explainations.) If you are using C++ only work around I see is using IDL type long (CORBA::Long).
WChar are always reprsented as 16-bit Unicode character. That means Unicode can represent 65,536 (2^16) characters.
Convert values from long to wchar on client end.
"Subha Balaji" <[email protected]> wrote:
I have a server which needs to return multi-byte character info to the client applications? But i find that
wchar and wstring are not supported types in the IDL. So how can i achieve my requirements using

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    (please view using simplified chinese encode )
    environment sets:
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    my C program code:
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    This type of question/discussion belongs in {forum:id=50} forum.
    Very recently a thread there touched the topic of Turkish character support.
    Please read it: Western European Characterset to Turkish in sql
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    If you found this or someone's comments helpful or like what that person has to say, please give some Kudos to their post!

  • [solved] ntfs-3g: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

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    #nickinicki-laptop koko # touch /mnt/vista/ò
    touch: cannot touch `/mnt/vista/ò': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
    nickinicki-laptop koko # grep -v \# /etc/locale.gen
    en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
    en_US ISO-8859-1
    es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8
    es_ES ISO-8859-1
    es_ES@euro ISO-8859-15
    it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8
    it_IT ISO-8859-1
    it_IT@euro ISO-8859-15
    pt_BR.UTF-8 UTF-8
    pt_BR ISO-8859-1
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    nickinicki-laptop koko # locale
    nickinicki-laptop koko # grep -i locale /etc/rc.conf
    # LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
    nickinicki-laptop koko # mount.ntfs-3g -o locale=$LANG /dev/sda1 /mnt/vista
    nickinicki-laptop koko # touch /mnt/vista/ò
    touch: cannot touch `/mnt/vista/ò': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
    nickinicki-laptop koko # tail /var/log/messages.log
    Aug 27 18:45:57 nickinicki-laptop ntfs-3g[3660]: Version 2009.4.4 integrated FUSE 27
    Aug 27 18:45:57 nickinicki-laptop ntfs-3g[3660]: Mounted /dev/sda1 (Read-Write, label "VISTA", NTFS 3.1)
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    Aug 27 18:45:57 nickinicki-laptop ntfs-3g[3660]: Mount options: silent,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,fsname=/dev/sda1,blkdev,blksize=4096
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    Aug 27 18:46:19 nickinicki-laptop ntfs-3g[3660]: Could not convert filename to Unicode: 'ò': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
    Does anybody has a clue on what's happening?
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by kokoko3k (2009-08-28 16:25:21)

    I know i'm writing this thread alone, but i'm experimenring more and more.
    I was able to reproduce the issue even on an totally up-to-date system (every package upgraded to the latest version) using an ntfs filesystem on a file image:
    Gozer ~ # cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg
    ########### Install latest ntfs-3g:
    Gozer pkg # pacman -U ./ntfs-3g-2009.4.4-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
    loading package data...
    checking dependencies...
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################################################] 100%
    (1/1) upgrading ntfs-3g [########################################################] 100%
    ########### Make a 100MB file:
    Gozer pkg # dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/image.ntfs bs=1024 count=100000
    100000+0 records in
    100000+0 records out
    102400000 bytes (102 MB) copied, 0.899782 s, 114 MB/s
    ########### force mkfs.ntfs to make an ntfs filesystem there:
    Gozer pkg # mkfs.ntfs /tmp/image.ntfs -F
    /tmp/image.ntfs is not a block device.
    mkntfs forced anyway.
    The sector size was not specified for /tmp/image.ntfs and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 512 bytes.
    The partition start sector was not specified for /tmp/image.ntfs and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 0.
    The number of sectors per track was not specified for /tmp/image.ntfs and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 0.
    The number of heads was not specified for /tmp/image.ntfs and it could not be obtained automatically. It has been set to 0.
    Cluster size has been automatically set to 4096 bytes.
    To boot from a device, Windows needs the 'partition start sector', the 'sectors per track' and the 'number of heads' to be set.
    Windows will not be able to boot from this device.
    Initializing device with zeroes: 100% - Done.
    Creating NTFS volume structures.
    mkntfs completed successfully. Have a nice day.
    ########### My locales:
    Gozer pkg # locale
    ########### Make the mountpoint and load the loop module
    Gozer pkg # mkdir /mnt/ntfs.test
    Gozer pkg # modprobe loop
    ########### mount the filesystem through ntfs-3g-2009.4.4-1
    Gozer pkg # ntfs-3g -o loop,locale=$LANG /tmp/image.ntfs /mnt/ntfs.test/
    ########### Try to create a file with accented letters and get the error:
    Gozer pkg # touch /mnt/ntfs.test/àèìòu
    touch: cannot touch `/mnt/ntfs.test/àèìòu': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
    Gozer pkg # ls -la /mnt/ntfs.test/àèìòu
    ls: cannot access /mnt/ntfs.test/àèìòu: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
    ########### umount the filesystem
    Gozer pkg # umount /mnt/ntfs.test
    ########### Get the outdated ntfs-3g package from arch rollback machine repo and install it
    Gozer pkg # wget http://arm.kh.nu/extra::2009-1-1/os/i686/ntfs-3g-1.5130-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
    --2009-08-28 09:39:35-- http://arm.kh.nu/extra::2009-1-1/os/i686/ntfs-3g-1.5130-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
    Resolving arm.kh.nu...
    Connecting to arm.kh.nu||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 360413 (352K) [application/x-tar]
    Saving to: `ntfs-3g-1.5130-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz'
    100%[=========================================================================>] 360,413 277K/s in 1.3s
    2009-08-28 09:39:36 (277 KB/s) - `ntfs-3g-1.5130-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz' saved [360413/360413]
    Gozer pkg # pacman -U ./ntfs-3g-1.5130-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
    loading package data...
    checking dependencies...
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################################################] 100%
    (1/1) upgrading ntfs-3g [########################################################] 100%
    ########### Mount the filesystem again with ntfs-3g-1.5130-1
    Gozer pkg # ntfs-3g -o loop,locale=$LANG /tmp/image.ntfs /mnt/ntfs.test/
    ########### Try to create a file with accented letters:
    Gozer pkg # touch /mnt/ntfs.test/àèìòu
    Gozer pkg # ls -la /mnt/ntfs.test/àèìòu
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2009-08-28 09:41 /mnt/ntfs.test/àèìòu
    ...This time everything worked as expected!
    Can someone try all this and reports his results here please?
    Last edited by kokoko3k (2009-08-28 07:49:38)

  • Need a fast implement: Unicode character support

    Dear Primavera Developer Team,
    We are in urgent need for a full range of Unicode character support in P6. Our customers in Vietnam really interested in P6 but problem remain when we want to input our language into the software. A strange thing is that with Primavera Contract Mangement we have no issue with those Unicode character but P6 both thick client and web app do not support so. It is a pain for us.
    Hope you consider this as soon as possible :((
    Duy Huynh

    Inxsible wrote:
    rson451 wrote:
    Inxsible wrote:I would be interested in your search as well, because I currently use mirage and feh to set my wallpapers...but I am looking for something lighter than mirage, but one which can do rotation as well, so I dont have to connect my HDD to the windows machine, just to set some pictures right.
    Offtopic, but did you know feh has a right click menu?  Rotation is in this menu.
    Oh yes, I do know the right click. but I guess I never looked hard enough for the rotation as I do it very infrequently. Thanks for the tip.
    How would I set feh, so that when I double click a image file, feh would start up and show that image? If I can get that (and I haven't tried that yet), I guess I can get rid of mirage then.
    That's not an feh config, that's a config for whatever file manager you are using.  I'm not sure of the options you'd need to pass feh because I always run it on the command line.

  • Wide Character Strings support in WLE CORBA Servers IDL

    From the WLE documentation i see that the IDL does not support wstring or wchar.
    I have a requirement to pass back a multi-byte character to the clients. How can i achieve the same?
    Also can i use wstrings within the code? Is the restriction only for the IDL?

    If you are use Java Use char (see WLE documentations for detail mapping explainations.) If you are using C++ only work around I see is using IDL type long (CORBA::Long).
    WChar are always reprsented as 16-bit Unicode character. That means Unicode can represent 65,536 (2^16) characters.
    Convert values from long to wchar on client end.
    "Subha Balaji" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have a server which needs to return multi-byte character info to the client applications? But i find that
    wchar and wstring are not supported types in the IDL. So how can i achieve my requirements using

  • MediaSources doesn't support file name with asian(wide) charact

    I played a file with asian characters in Windows media player 0 and it played fine. I tried to play it with media source, it wouldn't even add it to the organizer much less play it. Is there a fix for this?

    Go to Control Panel. Select "Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options". Select "Regional and Language Options". Select the Advanced setting page. Under "Language for non-Unicode programs", select the desired language.

  • Chinese Character Support On MediaSource Organi

    I have MP3 song with filename in Chinese characters. On my Windows XP, I can view the filename in Chinese character using Windows File Explorer. Even the ID Tag also no problem. But when I use MediaSource Organizer, all my chinese character MP3 filename displayed as rubbish. Is there anyway I can make MediaSource to display chinese character without resorting to third party software since by nati've, Windows XP support chinese character viewing features.

    caniggia wrote:
    Hi guys. I'm using Win2000 version and it's diff. from XP.
    Anyone can help on this? Thks!
    You will need to install a language viewer. For example, to view Chinese/Korean/Janpanese, you can install NJ Star viewer.

  • Implementation of double-byte character support in the Database

    Hi experts,
    There is an oracle standard edition database running on windows platform. The application team needs to add a column of the datatype double byte (chinese characters) to an existing table. By doing so, will we have to change the character set of the database ? Would implementing this cause any impact on the database ?
    Is it possible to change the existing single byte column to the double byte column in a table?
    Edited by: srp on Dec 18, 2010 2:21 PM

    I think you should post your request to Globalization Support forum Globalization Support with following details:
    what is the APIs used to write data ?
    what are the APIs used to read data ?
    what is the client OS ?
    what is the value of NLS_LANG environment variable in client environment
    Note that command line SQL*Plus under Windows does not display Unicode data: try to use instead SQL Developer.
    1. run in SQL*Plus:
    SQL> desc t;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    X                                                  NUMBER(38)
    Y                                                  NVARCHAR2(10)
    SQL> insert into t values(1, unistr('\8349'));
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from t;
             X Y
             1 ■
    SQL> select dump(y, 1016)  from t;
    Typ=1 Len=2 CharacterSet=AL16UTF16: 83,49Run in SQL Developer:
    select * from t
    X                      Y         
    1                      草       

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    The current Mini supports:
    *This model simultaneously supports 1920x1200 on an HDMI or a DVI display (using the included HDMI-to-DVI adapter) and2560x1600 on a Thunderbolt or Mini DisplayPort display or even a VGA display (with an optional Mini DisplayPort-to-VGA adapter, which is compatible with the Thunderbolt port).

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    Yep apparently it does support the full Japanese character set.

Maybe you are looking for