Wide screen PSD Graphics to FCP

I am setting up graphics and photos in PhotoShop settings NTSC DV Widescreen, 720 X 480 Pixel aspect ratio D1/DV NTSC Widescreen (1.2). When I import them into FCP they revert to 4x3. If I open them in QT pro and save them as video the work fine. I am not finding documentation on the process. My question is shouldn't FCP recognize the PSD files as widescreen? What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to find documentation on the process. Maybe I don't know the right way to ask.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

After droping your graphic in your timeline, check the Distort setting in the Motion tab, and check it's in 0.
In SD both 4:3 and 16:9 frames are 720x480 in NTSC. The difference is in pixels aspect ratio. The OP used 1.2.
(from DVDSP User Manual, but it's the same for FCP).
Hope it helps !

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    Sorry, but it seems that the Rage 128 card is only capable of up to 1280x1024 3D, according to ATI.
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    Identifier "lg"
    HorizSync 30-83
    VertRefresh 56-75
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen 1"
    Device "videocard"
    Monitor "lg"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Subsection "Display"
    Depth 24
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    The "Virtual" line has no influence on the real screen size. It enables you to have a bigger screen than your display device (e.g. Virtual=2000x1000 and real display=1024x768) using scrolling.
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    Try to disable hardware acceleration.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    If disabling hardware acceleration works then check if there is an update available for your graphics display driver.
    If the problem if with Flash videos then try to "disable the hardware acceleration" in the Flash Player.
    See also:
    * https://support.mozilla.org/kb/Cannot+view+full+screen+Flash+videos
    Flash "Display settings" window:
    * http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/help01.html

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    The '''''Yahoo! Toolbar''''' and the '''''Babylon''''' extension have been reported to cause that problem. They seem to invisibly extend downward over the top of the web page display area. Disable or uninstall those add-ons.
    *See --> http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Uninstalling+add-ons
    *See --> http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Cannot%20uninstall%20an%20add-on
    *See --> http://kb.mozillazine.org/Uninstalling_toolbars
    *See --> https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Troubleshooting+extensions+and+themes
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You may need to update some plug-ins. Check your plug-ins and update as necessary:
    *Plug-in check --> http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Shockwave%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-shockwave Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Adobe%20Reader%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-and-updating-adobe-reader Installing/Updating Adobe Reader in Firefox]
    *Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Managing%20the%20Flash%20plugin#w_updating-flash Updating Flash in Firefox]
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Java%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-or-updating-java Installing or Updating Java in Firefox]

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    hi gainor
    the trouble is your actual footage really is tall and thin! thats how the anamorphic flag works... it just tells FCP to display the video as widescreen (even though the raw image data is not).
    try exporting using Quicktime Conversion , and in the options set the "Size" to something 16:9 ish (like 720x405)

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    Can anyone explain why this is?  And is there a fix?
    Thanks for your advise in advance!

    Thanks for the input.
    I am viewing on my computer monitor because I don't have a video board for external output. I need to render out to a DVD for final playback, so I am stuck making adjustment on my computer screen. I am editing a progressive timeline so isn't my "Premiere program monitor" computer screen accurate for progressive material or is premiere always converting to interlaced?
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    iMac Intel   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    go to the FCP menu and choose Easy Setup. then in that window first check the "Show All" checkbox to the right of the popup, then from the popup itself choose "DV-NTSC Anamorphic"
    now, any new video you capture, and any new sequence you creat, should have the correct setting,
    for the existing clips you have already captured, and sequences you have created:
    If it's not already in List View, set your Browser window to display as a list by choosing View menu > Browser Items > as List, the scroll the browser window to the right until you see the column headed "Anamorphic".
    You can put a tick in that column by just clicking in it. Do it for each clip and sequence that is widescreen but does not have yet have a tick in that column
    hope it helps

  • Dv wide screen pal problem

    I’m tying to make some titles in live type.
    The project settings in fcp are pal wide screen. I’m making an in and out point in the time line and then exporting by going file export QuickTime movie. The movie is a reference file.
    I’ve opened live type and tried place or place background movie but this is where it seems to go wrong.
    The clip looks like is 4:3 and looks squashed. When I look in the project settings its not the same as final cut.
    In the settings I have the following choice for pal
    ccir 601 pal 5:4
    ccir 601 pal sq. 4:3
    The project in fcp is pal dv anamorphic. Do I need to change these setting to be correct in live type or do I ignore them?
    I’ve tried typing in 720x576 and for pixel aspect ratio 1.46. The canvas changes size but the video clip doesn’t. I have to select the clip and and click stretch to canvas. Is all of this normal or am I doing something wrong?

    mr chop wrote:
    I’m tying to make some titles in live type.
    The project settings in fcp are pal wide screen. I’m making an in and out point in the time line and then exporting by going file export QuickTime movie. The movie is a reference file.
    I’ve opened live type and tried place or place background movie but this is where it seems to go wrong.
    The clip looks like is 4:3 and looks squashed. When I look in the project settings its not the same as final cut.
    In the settings I have the following choice for pal
    ccir 601 pal 5:4
    ccir 601 pal sq. 4:3
    The project in fcp is pal dv anamorphic. Do I need to change these setting to be correct in live type or do I ignore them?
    I’ve tried typing in 720x576 and for pixel aspect ratio 1.46. The canvas changes size but the video clip doesn’t. I have to select the clip and and click stretch to canvas. Is all of this normal or am I doing something wrong?
    Yes, I was having the same problem too !!

  • Convert to wide screen

    I've just filmed some stuff on a Sony handycam that defaults to a wide screen setting. Thus I've got some wide screen DV.
    I've been having trouble importing it to FCP HD so used iMovie. iMovie squashed the DV into 4x3 (or whatever it is) so everything looks tall and thin.
    I now have a quick time movie of squashed thin faces which I have imported to FCP HD.
    Is there any way of stretching it back out to anamorphic/wide screen?

    double click it, in the Browser window, so that it loads into the Viewer window ... does it look right now?
    the reason it does not look right yet, in the Canvas window, is that you had already edited it into a sequence before you changed it's settings .... an edited clip remembers the settings that it had had when it was applied.
    try editing it again into the sequnece and see if that looks better.

  • Unable to get HD Wide Screen 16:9 to fill the screen on TV.

    Problem: I am not able to get HD Wide Screen 16:9 to fill the screen on TV. Leaves dark bands on the top and bottom of picture.
    What I'm working with: Mac Pro Quad-Core Intel Xeon Processors with 2GB Memory soon to be 6GB & 30 inch screen. QuickTime Pro 7.5.5, Final Cut Express 4.0.1, and iDVD, 7.0.2.
    New JVC, GZ-HD3U camcorder with QuickTime conversion software, recently updated, provided by JVC with the camera to change native TOD. files created in the camcorder to native MPEG2 files in Quicktime at a size of 1920 x 1080.
    Two TV's, one Wide Screen HD and the other standard screen. I have changed the TV aspect rations back and forth from 4:3 to 16:9 and the only thing that changes is the size of the black bands on the top and bottom of the screen. The black spaces are larger in 16:9, making the picture appear squeezed.
    I am using RW DVD discs so I can continue to try different setups without wasting discs and so far I have tried about 12 different arrangements. Two methods work but they are export conversions to a 4:3 aspect ratio and 720X480DV/DVCPRO-NTSC. Certainly this is a work around, but doing this looses the Wide Screen HD effects provided by the original JVC movies.
    When I import the clips, and I've tried a number of different imports from QuickTime to Final Cut Express, I make sure that the Sequence set up matches or comes as close as possible to the imported clips. I've tried exporting them from FCE without changes and I have exported them using QuickTime to change them to different formats using nearly everything available trying to get the clips or sequences ready to import to iDVD.
    In iDVD I have set up using both aspect ratios and it appears as thought setting up in 16:9 makes the spaces above and below even larger on TV. In fact it creates these spaces above and below even on the 720X480DV/DVCPRO-NTSC clips that work just fine on the 4:3 aspect ratio settings on the same TV.
    If anyone has overcome this problem, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. So far, I've spent over a 100 hours on it to no avail.

    Tom, I don't know where to go in FCE to create a AVCHD AIC Sequence. I can find the
    1920X1080i60 in the Sequence format without any problem. And in QT don't know where to select AIC but I select Apple Intermediate Codec, and under compressor I select HDV 1080i interlaced frame rate 29.97. Under Export Size Settings I don't know rather to select 1920 x 1080 HD or HD 1920 x 1080 16:9 and what about preserve aspect ratio using and Deinterlace Source Video?
    Part two: When I create a Sequence in FCE with the 1920X1080i60 designation, and then import a QT HD 1920X1080 16:9 Intermediate Codec clip into a bin and then open the clip in that sequence I'm asked if I want to match the clip to the sequence and if I don't I have rendering. If I match them the rendering, as you said, goes away. However, I notice that when I check out the Item Properties on them after the above process, the Aspect ratio in the clip and Sequence, suddenly becomes HD 1440x1080. Is this normal?

Maybe you are looking for