Widescreen Matte dissolve problem

Bit confused on this.
My dissolves no longer work when a widescreen matte is applied to the clip. When the matte is removed, the dissolve works perfectly.
Any ideas?

Try making your edits without the widescreen matte. When done, nest that sequence in a new one and apply the matte here to the whole nested sequence.
Hope that makes sense !

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    Make sure everything is rendered in the timeline
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    PowerBook G4 12   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    There are probably several good ways, but when I wanted to do aomething similar in a project, I made a luma matte (mine was "sculpted") and composited the footage using Travel Matte - Luma.
    As long as your matte for the 4:3 footage matches the 9:16 format, it should be painless.

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    apply a matte to the layer above.
    You can create one in Photoshop,
    or download my Letterboxer Plugin (free, and I guess will not work in FCP X. :-(
    Or use the one Andy Mees has built. ( http://web.me.com/andymees/Free_and_Easy/main/Entries/2008/1/23_Andy%E2%80%99s_L etterbox_2.html )

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    probably better to nest the layered dissolves sequence and apply the widescreen matte to the nest
    alternatively, as you suggest, just create your own widescreen matte with slugs, or make a matte in photoshop (or you can download a widescreen matte generator plugin from Dave Slater's ProAppTips website at http://proapptips.com/tips/filemgmt/singlefile.php?lid=23 ... i think you'll need to register to access the page)
    hope it helps

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    here are two solutions for your problem:
    1) Make your own widescreen bars out of black mattes and place them in the tracks above your video.
    2) Nest your edited sequence (the one with the motion) into another sequence and put the widescreen matte on that one.
    #2 is the preferred route. #1 would just make for more rendering time.
    Worth remembering that when you letterbox a 4:3 movie, for the best result you need to assess each shot's composition as it stands after the letterbox has been added. Each shot may need to be reframed, perhaps a little resizing too to push out distracting edging from otherwise obscured elements. For this reason alone #1 is by far the better approach. As for rendering, you will need to do so regardless of method.
    Good luck

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    here are two solutions for your problem:
    1) Make your own widescreen bars out of black mattes and place them in the tracks above your video.
    2) Nest your edited sequence (the one with the motion) into another sequence and put the widescreen matte on that one.
    #2 is the preferred route. #1 would just make for more rendering time.
    Worth remembering that when you letterbox a 4:3 movie, for the best result you need to assess each shot's composition as it stands after the letterbox has been added. Each shot may need to be reframed, perhaps a little resizing too to push out distracting edging from otherwise obscured elements. For this reason alone #1 is by far the better approach. As for rendering, you will need to do so regardless of method.
    Good luck

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    Use the Photoshop preset for DV/D1 widescreen as a template and paste your photos into that.
    You will need to use Photoshop's Transform controls to frame your photos and have to decide what part of the top and/or bottom gets cropped off.
    If you want to zoom or pan, use the original photos in Motion and make sure the photo fills the screen at its smallest size. Again, you will have to sacrifice the top or bottom of the photo to some extent.
    If you absolutely must see all of the photo's content, consider using a complimentary background fill, perhaps with some blurring. Place your photo on top and shrink it down to within the safe area.

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    Thank you for all of you responses. everything is as it should be.
    Now i have to go back and redo my music videos titles to fit the letterbox.
    I very much appreciate your help.
    the answer is
    1 create new sequence.
    2 drag current sequence into new sequence.
    3 drag new timeline of new sequence into the monitor window.
    4 go to video filters and choose widescreen matte.
    5 set it to 2.35 .1
    6 it should be reflected in the canvas window.
    be aware that you may have to readjust your titles.

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    try nesting first and then applying the widescreen matte filter to the nest
    an alternative is to create a matte in photoshop and place that above the other clips in your sequnece, or use a couple of slugs cropped to provide the upper and lower mattes, or just one slug with the mask shape filter applied so as to create a widescreen cutout to your clips below...
    or you can use my widescreen matte generator which you can place on a higher track and away you go. you can get it here: http://homepage.mac.com/andymees

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    When I apply widescreen filter, nothing happens.
    Any ideas? Or am I missing something?

    I bet you enlarged (scaled) the images to for, so that you just don't see the matte anymore. They scale with the clip. As they do rotate also.
    Obviously you'll need to build a matte on the top layer to have a consistent matte.
    Create one in Photoshop or use my free plugin:
    The photoshop-way renders faster by the way. My plugin is easier in the way that you can use it within FCP. You can decide yourself.

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    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

    I tried nesting and it had no impact.  I changed the blend mode on opacity to "pin light" and that fixed the issue for the titles where the title was on video 2 and the main video was on video 1
    But the problem still remains where I am dissolving to adjacent clips on video 1 as seen below.  The area where the matte exists does not seem to be subject to the dissolve.

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    After we add the widescreen filter to 2 clips and make a dissolve between them, the black matte change size during the dissolve and back to normal after dissolve.
    This only happen in FCP 6.02 and it were fine in FCP 5.0.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance.

    Make sure that the clips are fully rendered... no coloured bars above the timeline.

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    I'm looking for a way to keep the bars all the way through the end of the Dip to Color Dissolve.
    No such luck yet.
    Thanks to anyone that can help,

    The good thing about nesting though is that you can adjust the clips in the original sequence and then they'll update in the nest.
    Else check this out too:

  • 2 pass VBR dissolve problems poll?

    This is driving me nuts and I'm curious how many others are in the same boat. When encoding to m2v in 2 pass mode, no matter what I do about 1/2 my dissolves turn into blotchy messes. Apple tells me I'm the first (and only) one to report this problem. Working with apple I have tried everything they had to offer and no improvement. I have read the discussions and have tried those other fixes posted (i.e. inserting encoding markers in trouble spots).
    I am curious how many of you are in the same spot? Have you actually tried to trouble shoot with Apple Tech Support? Did they basically give up on you like they have on me (even though the problem has not been solved Apple says they will only continue to talk with me if I buy the 799 per year support package) Has anyone found an actual fix to this issue?
    Also I have tried downloading some demo's of other encoders. Using the same test file (a self contained QT) I have none of the same problems. The best one so far has been MCCoder, but have not been able to get the audio to work with that. The video was even better than Bitvice. I must admit I really like the look of the video that comes out of compressor in 2 pass vbr mode, but if I can't get the dissolves to work its useless.
    I'm not thrilled that it looks like my only alternative is going to be to buy a new encoder. It does not seem right to me that if there is a problem with this software that Apple is not taking responsibility to fix it. My thought is if there were enough of us this with the same issue, somehow we could make something happen. Perhaps Apple is counting on either there are not enough of us, or that we won't be able to communicate with each other and organize.
    I remain,
    frustrated in San Francisco
    Art B.

    I think, encode markers are something that should not be needed unless trying to squeeze the last bit of quality out of a low(-ish) bitrate encode. Dissolves and scene changes and such are something a compressor should detect by itself and act accordingly - but this is just an opinion on how things should be.
    Burner issues should be easy to distinguish from compressor issues. Issues caused by burner will probably manifest themselves similar to a scratched DVD or a bad signal in digital television broadcast, whereas issues from Compressor should appear less "out-of-the-place" (for example, a green square in the middle of sky would be out-of-the-place)
    Maybe you could put your reference .mov online along with the bad .m2v encode of it and let others with good compressor setups take a shot at encoding it.

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