Highlighting correct answer after failing question?

I'm trialling Captivate 7 and have worked out how to do pretty much everything I need it to do. I have 3 or 4 mini-quizzes scattered through the presentation all of which allow 3 attempts before moving on. What I'd like to do, however, is before moving on, show or highlight the correct answer(s). Is there a way to do that?

Hello and welcome,
Normally this will be done during Review: correct answer indicated (by a checkmark) as well as the given answers. But Review can only happen after the whole quiz has been done, using a button on the Score slide.
It could be done, maybe a bit difficult for a newbie. Question slides do pause (you see the double vertical line in the Slide timeline), and that pause is used twice: playhead remains paused when the user clicks Submit and sees the Feedback captions, then he has to press Y or click on the slide to let the playhead continue. Look at the actions accordion in Quiz Properties panel: both Success and Last Attempt are by default set to 'Continue'.
More information: http://blog.lilybiri.com/question-question-slides-in-captivate    and    http://blog.lilybiri.com/question-question-slides-part-2
If you understand this work flow, you could time a highlight (box or something else), to start immediately after that pausing point. Since the playhead will continue, that highlight will appear, but be visible only for the duration after the pausing point. If that is not sufficient, you can make the quiz slide longer.
Here I change the duration of the Quiz slide to 5 secs, which means that the Highlight box will be visible for (5 - 1.5) = 3.5secs before the playhead reaches the end of the slide and goes to the next slide

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    Have you taken the time to determine what happens when you perform the requested actions?
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  • Setting XML based exam to where there are two correct answers in a question

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    PROBLEM id="1">
                    <QUESTION>What is the State Capital of California:</QUESTION>
                    <CHOICE letter="a">San Fransisco.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="b">San Diego.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="c">Los Angelas.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="d" correct="true">Sacremento.</CHOICE>
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    Here is the AS code.
    package exam {
        import flash.net.* //to create URLRequest and load XML file
        import flash.events.* //for Load events
        //import flash.display.* //for testing purposes - remove when testing complete
        //This class downloads the XML document, and then inserts info into arrays and variables.
        //Also provides text of questions and correct answers when requested.
        internal class XaMLDiplomat extends EventDispatcher {
            //for loaded XML doc
            private var myXML:XML;
            //for loading in XML
            private var examLoader:URLLoader;
            private var numQstns:Number; //count of total questions in a section
            private var sectStart:Number;
            //contains exam questions - ALL ARRAYS ARE ZERO RELATIVE -> actual question numbers = array index + 1
            private var questions:Array;
            //contain associated answer choices
            private var choiceA:Array;
            private var choiceB:Array;
            private var choiceC:Array;
            private var choiceD:Array;
            private var choiceE:Array;
            private var choiceF:Array;
            //array of the correct answers
            private var answers:Array;
            //use custom Mixer class to randomize order
            private var myMixer:Mixer;
            private var isRandom:Boolean;
            public function XaMLDiplomat () { //NEED TO ADD ARGUMENTS (docLocation)
                //create URLRequest from argument
                var examSite:URLRequest = new URLRequest("protected/exam.xml");
                //create a loader for the XML
                examLoader = new URLLoader();
                //add listener for load completion
                examLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fullyLoaded);
                //var ugly:Mixer = new Mixer(25);
            //Load listener - creates XML object, and checks it for multiple sections. If multiple, it asks users
            //which section they want - FIRST it needs to check database for any completed sections.
            //If single, it goes ahead and starts array creation for first (& only) section
            private function fullyLoaded (e:Event):void {
                myXML = new XML(examLoader.data);
                //myXML.prettyPrinting = false;
                //still need to pull out SYSTEM data and pass it along...
                var system:XMLList = myXML..SYSTEM;
                var sysObj:Object = new Object();
                sysObj.examTitle = system.TITLE.toString();
                sysObj.totalMin = system.MINUTES.toString();
                sysObj.retakePW = system.RETAKEPW.toString();
                var numSections:Number = myXML..SECTION.length();
                if (numSections == 1) {
                dispatchEvent(new MultiSectEvent(MultiSectEvent.SECTIONS, numSections, sysObj));
            //Assigns arrays to instance variables for the selected section
            internal function generateArrays (sectn:Number):void {
                var whichSection:XMLList = myXML..SECTION.(@id == String(sectn));
                var probList:XMLList = whichSection.PROBLEM;
                numQstns = probList.length();
                sectStart = Number(probList[0].@id);
                questions = new Array();
                choiceA = new Array();
                choiceB = new Array();
                choiceC = new Array();
                choiceD = new Array();
                choiceE = new Array();
                choiceF = new Array();
                answers = new Array();
                for (var i:Number=0; i<numQstns; i++) {
                    var curProb:XMLList = probList.(@id == String(i+1));
                    if (curProb.QUESTION.hasSimpleContent()) {
                        questions[i] = curProb.QUESTION.toString();
                    }else {
                        questions[i] = dropTags(curProb.QUESTION[0]);
                    choiceA[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "a").toString();
                    choiceB[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "b").toString();
                    choiceC[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "c").toString();
                    choiceD[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "d").toString();
                    choiceE[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "e").toString();
                    choiceF[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "f").toString();
                    answers[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(hasOwnProperty("@correct") && @correct == "true")[email protected]();
                //randomizing test
                //var makeRandom:Boolean;
                //system.RANDOM.toString() ==  'true' ? makeRandom = true : makeRandom = false;
                //myMixer = new Mixer(numQstns,makeRandom);
                trace("Question: "+questions[3]);
                trace("a: "+choiceA[3]);
                trace("b: "+choiceB[3]);
                trace("c: "+choiceC[3]);
                trace("d: "+choiceD[3]);
                trace("\r\n answer: "+answers[3]); */
            //method for external classes to acquire text of current exam question
            internal function getQuestion (qnum:Number):Object {
                var returnObj:Object = new Object();
                var randomQ:Number = myMixer.getRandomNumber(qnum-1);
                returnObj.q = questions[randomQ];
                returnObj.ca = choiceA[randomQ];
                returnObj.cb = choiceB[randomQ];
                returnObj.cc = choiceC[randomQ];
                returnObj.cd = choiceD[randomQ];
                returnObj.ce = choiceE[randomQ];
                returnObj.cf = choiceF[randomQ];
                returnObj.num = qnum;
                return returnObj;
            private function dropTags (txt:XML):String {
                var txtString:String = "";
                for each (var child:XML in txt.*) {
                    if (child.nodeKind == "text") {
                        txtString += child.toString();
                    }else {
                        txtString += " " + child.toXMLString();
                return txtString;
            private function dropTags (txt:String):String {
                var sliceStart:Number = txt.indexOf(">");
                var sliceStop:Number = txt.lastIndexOf("<");
                return txt.slice((sliceStart+1), sliceStop);
            internal function getAnswer (num:Number):String {
                return answers[num];
            internal function getQCount ():Number {
                return numQstns;
            internal function getSectStart():Number {
                return sectStart;
            internal function getRealNum (num:Number):Number {
                return myMixer.getRandomNumber(num-1);

    this may or may not be the probel, but as it stands right now, when you select and anser it becomes hi-lighted and when you click off and select another answer the previous answer is deselected and the current answer is hi-lighted. I need to allow for multiple selections. This code is what is doing to current select/de-select functionality.
    package exam {
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.text.*;
        //This class displays the current question, and contains the Choices for the question
        public class QMachine extends Sprite {
            private var QObject:Object; //object from XaMLDiplomat, containing necessary text
            private var limit:Number;
            private var QNumTxt:TextField;
            private var QTxt:TextField;
            private var txtStyle:StyleSheet;
            private var choiceA:Choice;
            private var choiceB:Choice;
            private var choiceC:Choice;
            private var choiceD:Choice;
            private var choiceE:Choice;
            private var choiceF:Choice;
            public function QMachine (hite:Number) {
                limit = hite;
                var style:Object = new Object();
                style.fontFamily = "Arial";
                //style.fontWeight = "bold";
                style.fontSize = "16";
                style.color = "#333333";
                txtStyle = new StyleSheet();
                QNumTxt = new TextField();
                QNumTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
                //QNumTxt.embedFonts = true;
                QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>1) </p>";
                QNumTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
                QNumTxt.x = 10;
                QNumTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
                QTxt = new TextField();
                QTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
                //QTxt.embedFonts = true;
                QTxt.width = 300;
                QTxt.multiline = true;
                QTxt.wordWrap = true;
                QTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                QTxt.htmlText = "<p>Question 1</p>";
                QTxt.x = 35;
                QTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
                choiceA = new Choice("a");
                choiceA.x = 350;
                choiceB = new Choice("b");
                choiceB.x = 350;
                choiceC = new Choice("c");
                choiceC.x = 350;
                choiceD = new Choice("d");
                choiceD.x = 350;
                choiceE = new Choice("e");
                choiceE.x = 350;
                choiceF = new Choice("f");
                choiceF.x = 350;
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectResponse, true);
            internal function newQuestion (obj:Object, prior:String = ""):void {
                QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.num + ".</p>";
                QTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.q + "</p>";
                choiceB.y = choiceA.height + 5;
                if (obj.cc == undefined || String(obj.cc) == "") {
                    choiceC.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
                    choiceC.visible = true;
                if (obj.cd == undefined || String(obj.cd) == "") {
                    choiceD.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                    choiceD.visible = true;
                if (obj.ce == undefined || String(obj.ce) == "") {
                    choiceE.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                    choiceE.visible = true;
                if (obj.cf == undefined || String(obj.cf) == "") {
                    choiceF.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                    choiceF.visible = true;
                var curHite:Number;
                if (choiceF.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                }else {
                    curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
                if (prior != "") {
                    if (prior == "a") {
                    }else if (prior == "b") {
                    }else if (prior == "c") {
                    }else if (prior == "d") {
                    }else if (prior == "e") {
                    }else if (prior == "f") {
            private function shrinkText() {
                choiceB.y = choiceA.y + choiceA.height + 5;
                choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
                choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                var curHite:Number = 0;
                if (choiceF.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                }else {
                    curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
            private function selectResponse (e:MouseEvent):void {
                var letter:String = e.target.parent.getLetter();
                dispatchEvent(new ResponseEvent(ResponseEvent.SELECTION, letter));
            internal function setPriorResponse() {

  • How can I show the correct answers in a quiz on Adobe Presenter 10?

    Hi all.
    I'm newer on Adobe Presenter.
    I've finished all questions on the quiz, but I like to show the correct answer after the user select a wrong answer and submit it.
    I've tried many thing and the correct answer isn't displayed.

    The correct answers are displayed after the quiz is completed and the user Reviews the quiz. If you want the correct answer to be revealed to the user in the quiz, then you will need to customize the feedback messages to state the correct answer. They are just text boxes on the slides, so you should be able to easily add text to them.

  • Show correct answers on a quiz?

    When using the question slides, is there any way to have Cp4
    show the correct answers after the user puts their answer in rather
    than just the generic incorrect box?
    I'm figuring on making a slide to follow the question that
    shows the correct answers, but if there's a cooler way to do it,
    I'd like to hear it.

    That's what I ended up doing. For most of the questions the
    message box works just fine, but for the matching one there are too
    many variables, especially when the quiz is set to mix the
    questions every time.
    Thanks for the replies!

  • How. Do I get the answers to challenge questions for my account

    I forgot the answer to the challenge questiond. How do I reset them?

    rafaeltylus wrote:
    ... I failed to correctly answer my security questions. .
    See Here > Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
              Ask to speak with the Account Security Team...
    Or Email Here  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact
    More Info >  Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions
    You can only set up and/or change a Rescue Email Before you forget the questions/answers.

  • Issue with font of correct answers

    As you can see below, the correct answer provided during question review is too large to fit within the box that is provided for it. I have scoured the user manual and forums to figure out which object this is in order to change its font, but I have yet to find a list of what the names of each object (quizzing and standard) actually represent, i.e. which one to change in the object style manager in order to fix the issue below. Help?

    Hi there,
       Is it possible for you to share the published *.swf and the .Cptx file with us so that we can investigate the issue in our end. Please email the Files to: [email protected]  Also share the version  detailes of Captivate 5.5(ENG, or other Localized Version?) you are using and on which platform, Win/Mac?
    Nimmy Sukumaran.

  • Helpful answers available: 5. Correct answers available: 1

    I see the "Helpful answers available: 5. Correct answers available: 1" statement on top of unanswered threads. Even though there are no helpful or correct answers to the question. Why ?

    That statement is a description of what the author of the thread has available to them.
    The phrasing of such a description could possibly be better, but it is what it is.
    The person that originally posted the question to the forums can toggle up to five responses as "helpful" and can choose to mark one response as "correct".
    Of course, that action can (and often is) simply ignored.

  • Displaying correct answers

    Hey guys,
    I have some quizes I am doing in captivate 6 and what I was wondering is how I could go about setting the quizes up so that if the user enters an incorrect answer, we would get not only the standard:
    But we could get an additional information which displays what the correct answer was/is
    It would display the above standard "Sorry, incorrect answer " message that it currently displays but additionally it would dislay the "the correct answer for this question is:" and then display the correct answer. We wouldn't reset the question and give them another chance at it, but for end user edification purposes, is it possible to dislay the correct answer to an incorrect response?
    Is this type of advanced action possible?
    Thank you so much for any help!

    Ok...admission time. Totally didn't put two and two together on that one. I am sorry for asking such a stupid question. I'm new to the quiz angle of this. It was so obvious that I feel kind of dumb. Thanks for the gentle reminder that all you have to do is add the text to the little red block.
    This discussion thread will self-destruct....

  • Showing correct answers

    Is there a simple way to show the correct answer on a question slide as soon as a user submits an incorrect response?

    We Captivate developers are an impossible lot to please.  No matter how much functionality Adobe packs into this app, we will always come back at them with: "But how hard can it be just to add XYZ function so that it does what I want?"
    If you believe you have a great idea for a new feature to be added in Captivate 6, now is the time to submit a feature request: https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform&product=5

  • How to trigger email notification when users fail to give correct answers to reset your password in fim 2010 r2

    How to trigger email notification when users fail to give correct answers to reset your password in fim 2010 r2
    Senario:I want put wrong answering to the Questions that i was during registration if i give wrong answers to the questions then a Email Notification should be trigger to Users.
    Anil Kumar

    Hi Sylvain,
    I did all thing as you told me.First i created Criteria based Set after this we created a Workflow type Action and Actvities Type Notifcation Email template and finally i called this Workflow in MPR as Set Transition and call Set that i was created below.and
    check Advance View of Set this gives
    <Filter xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Dialect="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/11/XPathFilterDialect"
    xmlns="/Request[(Creator">http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/enumeration">/Request[(Creator = 'b0b36673-d43b-4cfa-a7a2-aff14fd90522') and (RequestStatus = 'Denied or PostProcessingError')]</Filter>
    But this is not working for me so please tell me where i am wrong.
    Anil Kumar

  • How to reveal correct answer in a quiz question

    I am using Captivate 5.5.
    Is there a way to allow the user to view the correct answer to a quiz question without having to keep clicking on the different options until they select the right one? I want to allow infinite attempts but equally, if they are in a hurry or just run out of patience, I want the user to see what the actual answer is straight away. Our learners are medics and they often have limited time.
    So the sequence could be something like this.
    1. User enters question page.
    2. Selects one answer. It is incorrect and retry message appears.
    3. User selects another answer. It is incorrect and retry message appears
    4. User decides that he/she wants to see the correct answer before moving on. Selects 'reveal answer' and is able to see what the correct answer is.
    5. User moves onto next slide (this could be another quiz question or any other type of slide
    In another package I have been using, we can specify a 'reveal correct answer' button which shows the correct answer straight away. Is there something like that in Captivate?

    I think what you mean is that the quiz question's Failure action doesn't trigger until the final attempt and that would never happen if attempts is set to Infinite.  So if you were only incrementing the variable when the quiz question registered final failure then you'd only get one crack at incrementing the variable. yes.  My bad.
    However, if you are using Multiple Choice questions, you can also trigger actions using the Advanced Answer Option.  This will trigger an action when a particular answer is selected.  So if you set this for each incorrect answer, you could increment the variable each time they select the wrong answer.
    You can also use this same Advanced Answer action to execute a conditional action that first checks the value of the variable and then shows the rollover caption or increments the variable as needed.
    Say you create a variable called WrongAnswer and initialise it with a value of 0.  Then you create a Conditional Action called CheckWrongAnswer that looks like this:
    If WrongAnswer is equal to 1 assign Wrong Answer with 2, (then on the next line) Show RolloverCaption, ELSE assign Wrong Answer with 1.
    This shows the rollover caption after the second attempt resulting in an incorrect answer.

  • How do i change my security question? I tried to buy music on itunes and it asked for verification i can not answer the security questions correctly

    How do i change my security question? I tried to buy music on itunes and it asked for verification i can not answer the security questions correctly...

    Reset Security Questions
    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID
    Manage My Apple ID
    Or you can email iTunes Support at iTunes Store Support.
    If all else fails:
      1. Go to: Apple Express Lane;
      2. Under Product Categories choose iTunes;
      3. Then choose iTunes Store;
      4. Then choose Account Management;
      5. Now choose iTunes Store Security and answer the bullet questions, then click
      6. Sign in with your Apple ID and press Continue;
      7. Under Contact Options fill out the information and advise iTunes that you would
          like your security/challenge questions reset;
      8. Click Send/Continue.
    You should get a response within 24 hours by email.
    In the event you are unsuccessful then contact AppleCare - Contacting Apple for support and service.
    Another user had success doing the following:
    I got some help from an apple assistant on the phone. It is kind of round about way to get in.
    Here is what he said to do and it is working for me...
      a. on the device that is asking you for the security questions go to "settings", > "store" >
          tap the Apple ID and choose view"Apple ID" and sign in.
      b. Tap on payment information and add a credit/debit card of your preference then select
          "done", in the upper right corner
      c. sign out and back into iTunes on the device by going to "settings"> "store" > tap the
          Apple ID and choose "sign-out" > Tap "sign -in" > "use existing Apple ID" and you
          should be asked to verify your security code for the credit /debit card and NOT the
          security questions.
      d. At this time you can remove the card by going back in to edit the payment info and
          selecting "none" as the card type then saving the changes by selecting "done". You
          should now be able to use your iTunes store credit without answering the security
    It's working for me ...I just have to put in my 3 digit security pin from the credit card I am using.
    Good Luck friends!

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    ➡ https://iforgot.apple.com/

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    radial, graduated and adjustment filters those and all the other options which do work  are immediately  "greyed out" and I've got to restart the computer to get rid. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Win 8.1 64 bit

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