Widget calendar and time

I recently moved to Seoul, from Portland, and I'm trying to get this figured out. I changed the time and date on my computer to Seoul time, but I'd like to keep my widget calendar and clock to Portland time for quick reference.
However, I changed the clock date and time, and when I put in "portland" for the clock, it stays at Seoul time. Does my computer think I'm still in Portland? I'm confused. How do I get it to work like I want it to?

Hi pdxmeghan,
I'm from Vancouver but am living near Guangzhou, China. I solved this problem by changing my computer time to Canton time and then placing 2 widget clocks on my desktop so that I have both Vancouver time and Canton time whenever I click widgets on the dashboard. You can have as many widget clocks running at the same time as you like, from what I can tell.
To change the time on them you simply click the small " i " button on the bottom right side at which point the clock turns over and you input the time and city. Hope this helps. Vee.

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    Valentine350z wrote:
    while keeping the Region to United Arab Emirates
    Not possible, I think.  Tell Apple how you feel about this at

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    Go to Settings>General>International and make sure that Calendar is set to Gregorian
    and that ins Settings>General>Time and Date is set to Automatic
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync/delete all music and resync
    To delete all music go to Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Music>Tap edit in upper right and then tap the minus sign by All Music
    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions: Your fix is related to the daylight savings time in your computers calender. Open up your computers clock and insure that you have the correct time zone selected. Put a check mark in the Daylight Savings Time choice and then check the computers time. Change it if necessary and then resync your iPhone. This should fix your problem.
    Good Luck

  • Entourage Calendar and Time Machine

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    Time Machine backs up snapshots of your entire Entourage database (which includes mail, contacts, notes and calendars). So yes, in theory you should be able to retrieve an older version of the database. (home/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 or 2008/Identities/Main Identity/Database)
    However, it sounds like your syncing system has wiped the "cloud" version of the calendar, so you may want to turn off your syncing or even disconnect from the network before you recover, to prevent wiping out your recovered database.

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    Me too with the same problem. If I move to a different time period (say from Week to Day) after changing the displayed time zone, it does refresh.

  • Restore MobileMe calendars from Time Machine

    The new MobileMe Calendar  and Time Machine don't play nice together. This Apple Tech Note says:
    'Important: Do not rely on traditional methods for backing up calendar data, such as exporting the iCal database, Time Machine, MobileMe Backup, or iTunes backups of iOS devices. Any changes to the data in the cloud will be more up-to-date than data in those backups and override a restore done from those backups.'
    So if you accidentally delete your calendars,  they are deleted on MobileMe: you restore the cached versions from TM, and MobileMe promptly brings them up to date by deleting them again.
    However it is possible to restore from Time Machine by following the following steps:
    Turn off your internet connection. Make sure that it really is completely off.
    Restore from Time Machine. This should restore your calendars to list under your MobileMe username.
    Now carry out this process with each calendar:
    Select a calendar listed under your MobileMe login name.
    From the File menu choose Export...>Export. An .ics file will be saved at your designated destination.
    Create a new calendar with the same name as the one you've just exported from, choosing 'On My Mac'.
    From the File menu choose Import... Select the .ics file and choose to import it into the calendar you just created (make sure you don't import it into the MobileMe version).
    Now your calendars are listed under 'On My Mac' as well as under your MobileMe login name.
    Reconnect to the internet. Your MobileMe calendars will disappear as before. Now carry out the following process with each of the 'On My Mac' calendars:
    Select your 'On My Mac' calendar. From the File menu choose 'Export...' then 'Export...'; from the sub-menu. This will create an .ics file at the location chosen in the Export dialog.
    From the File menu choose 'New Calendar' then your MobileMe login name in the sub menu.
    A new calendar called 'Untitled' will appear in your sidebar under your MobileMe login name. Change its name to that of the calendar you exported.
    From the File menu choose 'Import...' then 'Import...' from the sub-menu. A navigation pane will open: navigate to and choose your exported .ics file.
    iCal will ask you where to import this to. Click the drop-down menu and select the MobileMe version of your calendar (make sure not to choose the 'On My Mac' version). Import.
    Your calendar contents will appear in the MobileMe version of the calendar but this may take some time. You need to leave iCal running until the rotating icon at the top of the sidebar disappears.
    You can now delete the 'On My Mac' version of the calendar (control-click it in the sidebar list and choose 'Delete').
    You should back up your calendars periodically by exporting the .ics files as in step 1 above and keeping them safely.

    Can I use Time Machine to go back and restore my old calendars so I can find that data that I lost!
    You may be able to find the individual events in Time Machine, but depending upon the number of "Files" in the "Events" folder, they may be difficult to identify.
    I don't want to replace the information in my Calendars, only look back at some old ones!
    The data will be located in your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Calendars folder, which (depending upon the number of calendars) will have corresponding folders with alpha/numeric names for each one of your calendars. Open the alpha/numeric folders and you will find an Info.plist file and an "Events" folder. You can use Text Edit to open the plist file, on your current calendars which will help you to identify/narrow down the correct calendar. The "Events" folder will contain separate event files for each event with icons that display the date of the event. It will help if you know the date of your lost event(s).
    Use Time Machine to recover the individual event. If/when you find the event(s) restore to your Desktop, double click the event and import it into iCal.
    Also, I did a Backup in iCal. Where are those files stored?
    If you did a backup using iCal, and do not remember where you specified for the backup, use Spotlight to identify where the backup file was placed. Use .icbu for the search term.
    Good Luck.

  • Calender and time error after g-3 start up

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    Then, the calendar and time has to be reset.
    Then everything works fine.  Shuts down normally, but won't start up again from power switch.
    I checked the 3.6 volt battery on logic board; it has the correct voltage.

    MacMadJason wrote:
    "Hey, I would phone your local apple store and arrange a genius appointment."
    Won't work. Most of the "geniuses" were still watching "Sesame Street" whe the G43 was hot stuff. Apple would work on My 2003-vintage G4 PowerBook, so surely won;t look at a G3.
    Your computer is newer than the ones this forum covers, and there are some amazing experts in the G-series PowerMac Tower forums here:
    (assuming you have the tower and not an iMac)
    From a forum standpoint, it's hugely important to clearly state in your post or profile whether your G3 is the "platinum-biege" model or the "Blue & White," as there are major architectural differences in the logic boards. If someone has to "assume," you could get some very bad advice indeed.
    And, BTW, the Beige version needs a full power PRAM battery, Too many people have been tricked by measuring the battery in hand, where is shows full power. Put it in-circuit and the voltage will drop a lot. Under best conditions, that battery s only good for 3-4 years, assuming the computer is never off the mains. If you have a Beige G3, the PRAM battery rule is "Replace; don't bother testing."
    I had a battery lying about that could no longer work in either of my Beige G3s. I bought a used PowerMac 6100 for a song but it had no battery. I used the old battery that did not have enough power for a G4 but it was completely adequate in the 6100 for months.

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    Re: That garbage is unreadable.
    If you really want help, stop messing with the fonts and post so that others can read and offer suggestions.
    Or better yet... try a search, I'm certain you'll find a solution to whatever issue you're experiencing.
    I have found that many times it is the things that make you most angry that push you to action. This was the case here. Thank you for causing me to get so angry that I found the answer myself.

  • Problem with Calendar and drag and drop a name to a Time spot with palm desktop. Full name does not appear only last name.

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    Also when If list (Company,Last Name) then go to calendar Some of my contacts are out of order but if I drag and drop them into the calendar day the full name appears. Is there any why of fixing this ? Or having it work properly ?
    Im running  XP pro
    Palm Desktop Version 4.1.4
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (Rogers)
    Message Edited by corrado on 07-21-2008 08:55 AM

    Any Idea how to fix the problem that I am getting when using the (Company,Last Name) and the contacts being out of order in the calander ? I have some last names starting with A then it goes to D then a B then a stack more A and none of then have a Company field filled out in them in them...
    Thanks for looking into that for me but it seems really stange to offer the option but not put in the first name in the calander when you drage the name over. I hope this is fixed in the future. Can anyony sugest another desktop platform I can use if I cant fix my problem with the   (Company,Last Name) problem?
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (Rogers)

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    Settings>Mail, Contacts & Calendar
    Scroll till you see calendar and set default calendar to the one you want.

  • Events from my subscribed to Yahoo calendar are showing up in iCal one hour off and all calendars and computers have been reset to Central Time.

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    So, how do I get these events to show up at the right time?
    Reluctant Texan

    This is a posting of a problem and solution.

  • How to change the day and time seen on the calendar

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    The ical help says this:
    To change the days of the week or the number of hours that appear in the main calendar view, choose iCal > Preferences, and make your choices from the Week and Day pop-up menus in the General pane. For example, you can choose to only see the hours from 9AM to 5PM on Monday through Friday.
    However, in my preferences pane, i don't have a either a week or day pop up menu that i can see, so i can't seem to restrict these fields. It's really frustrating as calendars are beginning at 1am!!!!
    Anybody got any ideas?
    David Tobin

    OK, but what did the help menu mean when it said..
    To view the day's, week's, or month's events, click the Day, Week, or Month button at the bottom of the iCal window.
    To change the days of the week or the number of hours that appear in the main calendar view, choose iCal > Preferences, and make your choices from the Week and Day pop-up menus in the General pane. For example, you can choose to only see the hours from 9AM to 5PM on Monday through Friday.
    To change which months are shown in the mini-month calendar (in the lower-left corner of the iCal window), click the arrows above the mini-month calendar. To see more than one month, drag the mini-month divider (the horizontal gray bar above the diamond) upward.
    To see events that are earlier or later in the day, use the scroll bar on the right side of the main calendar view.
    To change the range of time in the main calendar view that is not shaded (representing your "normal" day), choose iCal > Preferences. In the General pane, choose the times you want to appear in white (not shaded) from the "Day starts at" and "Day ends at" pop-up menus. All times outside that range are shaded.
    This suggests that you should be able to limit the hours actually shown on the calendar to a set range as opposed to just changing the shaded area.
    Have you any idea how to achieve this, as i don't see the popup menu suggested with...
    To change the days of the week or the number of hours that appear in the main calendar view, choose iCal > Preferences, and make your choices from the Week and Day pop-up menus in the General pane. For example, you can choose to only see the hours from 9AM to 5PM on Monday through Friday.
    I am confused!!
    Any other ideas?
    David Tobin

  • When I create a calendar, in iphoto 8, I had an information pane lower left corner with date and time of the picture. Can it possibly be that the iphoto developers forgot about that in iphoto 9? This was very helpful when placing images according to date.

    Today I updated to the latest iphoto version. The update itself went smooth and nice as one is used to from Apple. But when I wanted to finish my already started calendar, I have encountered two problems. The first is that I can't view the aperture library anymore directly from iphoto. Instead I have to open the iphtoto library in aperture but then my calendar isn't there. So now I have to copy images back and forth. No problem.
    However, the old iphoto had a small information area in the lower left corner which was very nice to place images on an exact date. This seems to be gone...?? Really? How am I supposed to sort images according to date and time when I have to back to the library view every time? That's not very convenient..Or am I missing something?
    Thanks for ANY help!

    The first is that I can't view the aperture library anymore directly from iphoto.
    THat is exceeding strange since iPhoto '08 could not open or share an Aperture library - that ability was first introduced in iPhoto '11 - with the latest version of iPhoto and or Aperture you can open the same library with either application - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5043
    In the current version of iPhoto the photos are sorted by date in the film strip - I've not recently done a calendar so do not remember the specifics -

  • Z10 Calendar display and time do not match (off by 1 hour)

    I live in Saskatchewan and have my Z10 date and time set to Sask -6. I go to the calendar, create a new event, enter the time as 7:30 am and save. The calendar shows the event at 8:30 am. If you select the item and edit it, it is correctly listing the time as 7:30. I am guessing that there is a bug to do with the daylight savings time (the time never changes in Saskatchewan) and I cannot find any setting to disable the time change.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi gnemeth,
    This KB article should provide more information on this issue as well as a workaround.
    "SMS and calendar appointments show one hour ahead of the BlackBerry smartphone time" KB33981
    Let me know if that helps.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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