Wierd MS Word Problems

Ever since 10.4.3, when I scroll up and down the document, there are cut off lines that repeat many times. Also, when I resize the widow, it does funky things, not letting me do what I want, and sometimes, I get a frame within the window, which I can't adjust properly. When I save it, it's fine. After re-opening, the same thing happens. Tried many documents – the same thing happens. I'm using Word version 11.2.
What's going one?
PB 1.67 15 Superdrive   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

Sorry for the typo.
What's going on?

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    So you are using this directly plugged into the stock Display card in a Blue & White G3 with NO adapter?
    The Mac is probably still set for a higher resolution that the SONY can do, and has not noticed the display has changed.
    Video pros says that Video can be plugged and unplugged all day long with no bad effects. If your old display is still around, try setting it to 640 by 480, save changes, and swap the other one in "live" at that resolution.
    Other tricks:
    Reset the PRAM. This will send you back to a default setting while booting up, but may change when the system becomes active.
    Boot from a CD. This ignores the settings on your Hard drive, and boots to a very simple resolution like 640 by 480 to ensure that Most Macs can start up with it.

  • MS Word Problem

    I use MS Windows XP (SP 3), MS Office 2003 (v. 11), and Acrobat 9 Professional.
    I am having problems with MS Word.
    First, it takes a long time to load a document. Second, when I close the document, I get a message that the system has encountered a problem and asks permission to send an error report. If I choose "Don't Send." it closes the document.
    Whatever the problem is, the real problem is that is affecting other applications. I cannot use Acrobat to convert the document to a .pdf file.
    Please help.
    Thank you.
    Doctor T.

    Sounds like you may have some macro in WORD causing a problem, but it appears to be a WORD problem not an Acrobat problem. For PDF creation you can print from WORD to the Adobe PDF printer. If the PDF Maker is not working and you want to go that route, open Acrobat and use Help>Repair.

  • Microsoft Word problem with PDF Mac OS

    Using Word from Office 2011 under Snow Leopard, if I use the normal 'Print>Save as PDF' the resulting PDF makes my Acrobat Pro 9 hang and I have to force quit it. Saving the files a .doc format makes no difference. I did not have this problem with Office 2004 and Snow Leopard.
    If instead I open the resulting PDF in Preview and then run 'Print>Save as Adobe PDF' the file will work in Acrobat 9.
    Excel does produce a working PDF via the  'Print>Save as PDF' route as does Mail.
    Thanks in advance for any thoughts?

    I, too unexpectedly ran into this problem yesterday while doing my [usually] routine client billing. I have an invoice template in MS Word (now version 2011), and I create PDF copies and email them to my clients.
    I spent half the day yesterday trying to get to the bottom of this issue, and it was certainly comforting to see in the forum that at least a few other people are experiencing the same symptoms. I have now verified everything that others have reported in this thread:
    1. The problem occurs when saving a text document (MS Word 2011 or Apple Text Edit in Rich Text mode) to PDF using the PDF conversion tools in the Mac OS Print dialog (Save as PDF or Save as Adobe PDF).
    2. The problem only occurs when your document contains OpenType PostScript fonts (e.g Adobe's Myriad Pro, Minion Pro, etc.) The problem does not occur when you're document contains only Adobe PostScript Type 1 fonts, TrueType fonts, or OpenType True Type fonts from Microsoft (e.g. Calibri or Cambria)
    3. Apple's Preview application is impervious to this problem, but Adobe Acrobat 9 (Mac or PC) chokes on files generated this way.
    4. If you generate the PDF using the simple "Save as PDF" in the Mac OS Print dialog, the file will seemingly save ok, but Acrobat 9 will hang when it tries to open the file.
    5. If you generate the PDF using the "Save as Adobe PDF" option in the Mac OS Print dialog, the PDF exporter will hang, and the file will not get generated.
    6. If you generate the PDF by saving the PDF Preview from Word or by opening the "simply" generated PDF in Apple Preview and then re-save the PDF, Acrobat 9 will open the file but display alphabet soup wherever the OpenType PostScript font was used.
    7. For some reason, neither Excel and PowerPoint 2011 seem to exhibit this problem when using OpenType PostScript fonts and exporting to PDF from the Mac OS Print dialog.
    Now, here's the clincher: This problem DOES NOT OCCUR if your Mac is running the previous version of Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.6).
    I purchased a new MacBook Pro laptop a couple months ago, and about two weeks ago, Apple pushed out what they called the Mac OS X 10.6.7 update for "early 2011 MacBookPro computers." Naturally, I installed the updgrade back then, and this is the first time I've exercised the PDF export from Word since then.
    I also have a MacPro tower, which is still running OS 10.6.6, and I can export PDF documents contaiing OpenType PostScript fonts with no problem in Acrobat from that machine.
    Bottom Line: Apple's latest Snow Leopard upgrade to OS 10.6.7 is causing this problem, but getting it fixed is going to require cooperation between Apple, Adobe and Microsoft...
    In the mean time, if you're using Apple's Time Machine and you want to revert your Mac OS to version 10.6.6, here's a link to an Apple Tech Note about how to do that: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Mac/10.6/en/15216.html
    I've contacted Tech Support at all three companies, and of course, each one thinks that it's the other comany's problem...but perhaps since this essentially an Adobe Acrobat issue, Adobe can take the lead in troubleshooting it.
    Bob K

  • Conversion from word problems with images

    Hi ,
    I managed to make a conversion table to structure the documents of out company.I am having a proble with images.I am importing the word file to our template with a custom EDD document.When the import finishes I am having all images at almost correct places.The issue is when i apply the custom conversion table all the images at anchored at insertion point.The correct position would be at below current line.I am stuck and I can not find a solution to this.
    My EDD is as follows:
    EDD Version is 12.0
    Structured Application: ReportPlain
    F:\FramemakerBooks\Part B -Section 3.fm
    April 14, 2014
    Element (Container): Author
    General rule:          <TEXT>
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Use paragraph format: ReportAuthor
    Element (Container): Emphasis
    General rule:          <TEXTONLY>
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Text range.
    Use character format: Emphasis
    Element (Equation): Equation
    Element (Container): EquationPara
    General rule:          Equation
    Text format rules
    Element paragraph format: Equation
    Element (Container): Extract
    General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef)*
    Attribute list
    Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Use paragraph format: Extract
    Element (Container): Figure
    General rule:          (<TEXT> | Frame)*
    Attribute list
    Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional
    Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional
    Default:          Figure
    Name: Imported           Choice           Optional
    Choices:          Yes, No
    Default:          No
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Use paragraph format: Figure
    Element (Footnote): Footnote
    General rule:          <TEXT>
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Use paragraph format: Footnote
    If context is: * < Table
    Use paragraph format: TableFootnote
    Element (Graphic): GRAPHIC
    Initial graphic element format
    In all contexts.
    Insert anchored frame.
    Anchored Frame Object Style:FiguredCentered
    Element (Graphic): Frame
    Initial graphic element format
    If context is: Figure[Imported = "Yes"]
    Insert imported graphic file.
    Insert anchored frame.
    Element (Container): Head
    General rule:          <TEXT>
    Text format rules
    Count ancestors named:          Section
    If level is: 1
    Context label: H1
    Use paragraph format: Heading1
    Else, if level is: 2
    Context label: H2
    Use paragraph format: Heading2
    Else, if level is: 3
    Context label: H3
    Use paragraph format: Heading3
    Else, if level is: 4
    Context label: H4
    Use paragraph format: Heading4
    Else, if level is: 5
    Context label: H5
    Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn
    Numbering properties
    Autonumber format:
    If context is: {first} < Report
    Use paragraph format: ReportTitle
    Else, if context is: HeadingRunIn
    Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn
    Element (Container): HeadingRunIn
    General rule:          Head, Para+
    Element (Container): Item
    General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Para)*
    Format rules for first paragraph in element
    If context is: List[Type = "Plain"]
    No additional formatting.
    Else, if context is: List[Type = "Bulleted"]
    Use paragraph format: Bulleted clean
    Else, if context is: {first}
    Use paragraph format: Numbered1
    Use paragraph format: Numbered
    Element (Container): List
    General rule:          Item+
    Attribute list
    Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional
    Name: Type           Choice           Optional
    Choices:          Plain, Bulleted, Numbered
    Default:          Bulleted
    Automatic insertions
    Automatically insert child:          Item
    Element (Container): Para
    General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Footnote | Table )*
    Attribute list
    Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional
    Text format rules
    If context is: {after Head }
    Use paragraph format: Body
    Else, if context is: {after List}
    Use paragraph format: BodyAfterHead
    Use paragraph format: Body
    Element (Container): Part
    Valid as the highest-level element.
    General rule:          (Para | Footnote | Table | Section )*
    Attribute list
    Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional
    Control flags: Read-only
    Automatic insertions
    Automatically insert child:          Head
    Text format rules
    Element paragraph format: Body
    Element (Container): Purpose
    General rule:          <TEXT>
    Text format rules
    Element paragraph format: ReportPurpose
    Element (Container): Section
    General rule:          (Section,Head |Section | Para | List  | Table | Figure  | HeadingRunIn )*
    Attribute list
    Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional
    Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional
    Default:          Section
    Automatic insertions
    Automatically insert child:          Head
    Element (Container): Subscript
    General rule:          <TEXTONLY>
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Text range.
    Font properties
    Superscript/Subscript: Subscript
    Element (Container): Superscript
    General rule:          <TEXTONLY>
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Text range.
    Font properties
    Superscript/Subscript: Superscript
    Element (Table): Table
    General rule:          TableTitle?, TableHead?, TableBody
    Attribute list
    Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional
    Control flags: Read-only
    Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional
    Default:          Table
    Control flags: Read-only
    Initial table format
    In all contexts.
    Table format: Format A
    Element (Table Body): TableBody
    General rule:          TableRow+
    Element (Table Cell): TableCell
    General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Frame| Para)*
    Text format rules
    Element paragraph format: Bodycell
    Element (Table Heading): TableHead
    General rule:          TableHeadRow+
    Element (Table Cell): TableHeadCell
    General rule:          <TEXT>
    Element (Table Row): TableHeadRow
    General rule:          TableHeadCell+
    Element (Table Row): TableRow
    General rule:          TableCell+
    Element (Table Title): TableTitle
    General rule:          <TEXT>
    Text format rules
    Element paragraph format: TableTitle
    Element (Container): Term
    General rule:          <TEXTONLY>
    Text format rules
    In all contexts.
    Text range.
    Use character format: Emphasis
    Element (CrossReference): XRef
    Attribute list
    Name: IDRef           ID Reference           Required
    Control flags: Read-only
    Limit values for format change list properties
    First indent
    Maximum: 39.0"
    Minimum: 0.0"
    Left indent
    Maximum: 39.0"
    Minimum: 0.0"
    Right indent
    Maximum: 39.0"
    Minimum: 0.0"
    Space above
    Maximum: 32767.0 pt
    Minimum: -32767.0 pt
    Space below
    Maximum: 32767.0 pt
    Minimum: -32767.0 pt
    Line spacing
    Maximum: 32767.0 pt
    Minimum: -32767.0 pt
    Tab stop position
    Maximum: 39.0"
    Minimum: 0.0"
    Font size
    Maximum: 400.0 pt
    Minimum: 2.0 pt
    Maximum: 1000.0%
    Minimum: -1000.0%
    Maximum: 1000.0%
    Minimum: 10.0%
    Cell margins
    Maximum: 32767.0 pt
    Minimum: 0.0 pt
    Maximum: 32767.0 pt
    Minimum: 0.0 pt
    Maximum: 32767.0 pt
    Minimum: 0.0 pt
    Maximum: 32767.0 pt
    Minimum: 0.0 pt
    And my conversion table is:
    Wrap this object or objects          In this element          With this qualifier
    TC:          TableCell
    P:Body          Para
    P:Normal          Para
    P:Heading 5          Head          head5
    E:Head[head5],(Para | Frame | List | Table )*          Section          section5
    P:Heading 4          Head          head4
    E:Head[head4],(Para | Frame | List | Table |  [section5])*          Section          section4
    P:Heading 3          Head          head3
    Head[head3],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section4])*          Section          section3
    P:Heading 2          Head          head2
    Head[head2],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section3])*          Section          section2
    P:Heading 1          Head          head1
    Head[head1],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section2])*          Section          section
    T:Table          Table (promote)
    TT:          TableTitle
    TH:          TableHead
    TB:          TableBody
    TF:          FOOTING
    TR:          TableRow
    RE:RootElement          Part
    P:List Paragraph          Item
    Item+          List
    G:          GRAPHIC(promote)
    RE:RootElement          Part
    I am almost done with the template"Application"I just need to place the pictures in the correct position.Can anyone point me to the right direction?
    Thanks a lot in advance

        I know you originally posted this question on the general FrameMaker forum. I suggest below that you post a follow-up question there.
       The structure-based part of the issue is that neither a conversion table nor an EDD can change properties of an existing anchored frame. It seems that when you open your Word document in FrameMaker, the graphics come in positioned at the insertion point. That doesn't change when you apply the conversion table. Your EDD does specify object style FiguredCentered as the initial format for GRAPHIC elements. The keyword here is "initial". The EDD can indicate a style for new anchored frames that are created by inserting an element. It does not allow you to change existing anchored frames.
      So the real problem is how to make a global change to all existing anchored frames (either assigning an object style or changing the position to Below Current Line) so that you don't have to change them one at a time. I am not aware of a way to do so with existing FrameMaker commands. You could use a script or plug-in, or save the document as MIF and make a global change with a text editor in the MIF file. You might ask on the general FrameMaker forum if someone there knows an easier approach.

  • Robohelp 8 for Word: Problem with the Hotspot Topic

    Hello Everybody:
    I'm a beginner user of Robohelp 8 for Word trial version. My project is a WinHelp 2000, imported from a version X3, and I have a problem with Robohelp when I save the value "Topic" of the property "Jump" of the tab what is called "General" at the window "Hotspot Properties". This Hotspot is part of a Shed Image (accesible from Help Image Properties > Shed ...  > Image Workshop > Properties button). After edit the topic, I press the "Aceptar" (OK) button (note that I use a Windows XP SP3 Spanish Version and some buttons are located)  and close the Hotspot Properties window, and I close Image Workshop window too.
    If immediately after I open the Image Workshop window and the same hotspot property window edited before, Robohelp lose the new value "Topic" and only it puts one letter. When I make the compilation they are multiple errors like this: HC3025: Warning: ESTA0058_2.SHG :  Jump to undefined Topic ID: "A".
    Please, help me. Thank you very much.
    P.D.: This image shows the problem:

    The licence you bought was for RoboHelp Office which includes both the RoboHelp for Word and RoboHelp HTML applications. Each of these three has it's own installation file so I suspect that they have installed just the RoboHelp HTML application. They should have the details for the RoboHelp for Word application, or better still the RoboHelp Office application which gives you the options of what to install according to your needs.
      The RoboColum(n)
      Colum McAndrew

  • Uploading a List of Alternate Words problem

    I am trying to upload the list of alternative words.
    [oracle@dev1 bin]$ ./searchadminctl -p oraidev1 altWord -upload configFile /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.1.8/oradata/alt_word.xml
    In the XML Content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <config productVersion="">
    <altWord name="oes">
    <alternate>Oracle Secure Enterprise Search</alternate>
    <altWord name="eip">
    <alternate>PSA EIP Portal</alternate>
    <altWord name="pas">
    <alternate>Port Development Authority</alternate>
    but, it's displays,
    Please specify additional input parameter for altWord upload.
    How will do this one?
    I am try again. Now display the following:
    [oracle@dev1 bin]$ ./searchadminctl -p oraidev1 altWord -upload -configFile /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.1.8/oradata/alt_word.xml
    Input file "/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.1.8/oradata/alt_word.xml" is not a valid XML file. Please consult the log file for more information.
    Where can i get the corresponding log file?
    Message was edited by:

    Sorry to all....
    Solve this problem. what happend is, In the oracle document,
    They mentioned,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <config productVersion="">
    <altWord name="oes">
    <alternate>Oracle Secure Enterprise Search</alternate>
    And forgot to close the <altWords> tag. so, its display the error.
    Thanks for your time!!

  • PDF -- Word problems

    As a teacher, i purchased Adobe Export PDF to create Word documents as exams for students.
    I am very unhappy with the quality of the product being created.
    The graphs and pictures especially are not converted well enough to be submitted to students as exams.
    So do i ask for a refund or is there a way around this problem ???

    Hi, Jane,
    If you have not share your pdf on the link that Sarabjit provided, could you send me your PDF file ([email protected]), so I can take a look? I suspect that your pdf file was produced with certain third party pdf creator, which data components are not compatible with our Export PDF.
    Jyh-Jiun Liou

  • Huge Word problem after 10.6.2 Update

    Hello I have a macbook pro 13" with 10.6.2. I use Microsoft Word 2004 daily and this morning after I updated to 10.6.2 it underlines every word I type as being wrong when the words are perfectly fine. Has anyone had the same experience? What can I do about this?

    You guys saved my life! I figured out that the dictionary was not set to any language (figure that one out) (I wish Microsoft was completely gone from my life) Anyways thanks alot to everyone who commented! I really appreciate it! Problem solved.

  • Big word problems....help please !

    it seems the compatibility between mavericks and yosemite when using word is bad.....any word docs i try to work with now have issues after loading up yosemite....i cant page down to move the line of words down, the back button wont delete the space before.....like right now i try to page down and start writing a new line here but it just wont work !....i have tried to chreck this through word help and how compatabilty is used or turned on or off,secondly, it mentioned unicode within the document but i got out of my depth.....i have also tried to update for the mac from microsoft but after downloading it just said it couldnt save it to my mac hard drive....or any other drive,flashcard usb etc etc....***....frustrating.......word version is evidently 14.4.5 2010 (97 - 2011 ?) and mac is version 10.10 yosemite....    is there something i can do please ?.....thanks paul

    For problems with products made by MS you can also search/ask in the forums devoted to those:

  • Microsoft Word problem! HELP!

    Today I tried to open Microsoft Word and I got this message:
    "Microsoft Word cannot be opened because of a problem.
    Check with the developer to make sure Microsoft Word works with this version of Mac OS X. You may Need to reinstall the application. Be sure to install any available updates for the application and Mac OS X."
    Then I tried to open the other Microsoft programs & I got the same message. I've had my MacBook Pro for about 2 months now so I'm still kind of new with this. I didn't get the trial version of these programs, I bought the CD to install them.

    You don't need all of them. The ones you must apply (assuming you're starting from 12.0.0) are:
    Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 1 (12.1.0)
    Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 2 (12.2.0)
    Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.2.5 Update
    However, you can't install updates that are older than your current version. What you should do is:
    1) First, back up you Office files; PowerPoint, Word, Excel and the Entourage database. The last is the Main Identity folder in your user account.
    2) On the CD, and also in the Office folder on the hard drive is a small app named "Remove Office". Run that to remove every trace of Office from the hard drive.
    3) Reinstall Office from the CD.
    4) Apply the available updates. After the initial install, you can run any of the Office apps and choose Help > Check for Updates. It will let you know what you need to download so you're not wasting your time on incremental downloads you don't need.
    5) Restore your files if necessary. Make sure to put the "Main Identity" folder back where it was. Entourage will pick it up and continue on without asking to create a new user mail account.

  • Excel for Mac and Word problems

    Hi, I have a problem with the graph feature in Excel(mac). Whenever I create a graph in excel and make it look like say, this:
    and then copy that graph and paste it into Word(mac), I get this:
    The problem is that the graph in word has the pattern, but it's very small, here it is at 500% magnification in word(mac):
    If I do this in windows (either through parallels or a windows computer and transfer) I get the same graph pasted in word as I created in excel. If I create the file using the mac versions and then transfer it to a windows computer, The patter looks like it should, that is, like the one I created in excel(mac).
    So it only looks off when I create the file using the mac versions, and view it on the mac, that same file looks correct on windows computers. If I do it on a windows computer and view it on the mac, the file also looks correct.
    So what can be causing this? I'm using a 24inch iMac C2D btw. thanks in advance!
    macbook pro 2.33GHZ C2D week 49 Mac OS X (10.4.9)

    Since Office is not an Apple product, you'll probably want to use a forum dedicated to Microsoft's Mac products such as <http://www.microsoft.com/mac/community/community.aspx?pid=newsgroups> rather than an Apple forum
    Be sure to search the forum first in case someone has already had a similar question answered.

  • HT201250 Time Machine Solution to Microsoft Word Problem

    Can Time Machine be used to remedy a problem with Microsoft word for MAC?  Suddenly, any new or revised document in "Word" cannot be saved.  Word freezes when I'm trying to save a document.  I went into Time Machine and clicked on word to resolve the problem, but it just duplicated what I already saved. Is there any way to get back to where the Microsoft Word Program was using Time Machine?  Please help.  Another question:  If I uninstall and reinstall "word", can I use the same product ID to reinstall the program?

    OK - this is solved.
    I followed the instructions from the right hand column under "Re: I cannot enter time machine when I press the icon to enter time machine".
    Basically it was some sort of disply glitch. Unplugging the Cinema Display and restarting the computer allowed the system to enter the "outer space" view again.
    Plugging in the Cinema Display again hasn't recreated the problem.
    Thanks for helping out.

  • Some chinese words problem in Javamail via MS Exchange Server

    Dear All
    I have a Javamail problem.
    When I use Javamail to send email via MS Exchange Server, there are some chinese words will become corrupt code and not all chinese words. i.e ("��", The code in big5 is "F9 D6").
    If I use Javamail + Linux SendMail, this problem will not happen. All chinese words will display correctly by the same program. Anybody else know why and how to resolve it?
    The following code is part of my program.
    String mailHost = "";
    String subject = "TESTING WORD ��";
    String mailBody = "TESTING WORD ��";
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("mail.smtp.host", mailHost);
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
    msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTO);
    msg.setSubject("=?big5?B?" + enc.encode(subject.getBytes()) +"?=");
    msg.setContent(mailBody, "text/html; charset=big5");

    clearly looks like an MS Exchange problem to me. May be they are not encoding the 8 bit data properly? So, you are using MS Exchange to send it and which client do you use to read the mail sent?

  • 3 Words Problem

    There are 3 WORD application files on my harddrive. One works well, the other two are wonky.
    Problem one: The one I like is in the dock. But how do I know WHICH ONE IT IS on my hard drive?
    Problem two: After I identify the 2 I don't want, how do I delete not only those applications, but all the little files they "own" in different places?

    Control-click on the one you like and choose Show In Finder from the menu which appears. From here, use the Disk Copy application in your /Applications/Utilities/ folder to create a blank image, move the other two to that image along with a text file saying where they were on your hard disk, and then delete them from the main portion of the hard disk. If you don't have an uninstaller for those versions of Word, you may not be able to completely uninstall them without doing an Archive & Install of Mac OS X; some applications place files in areas of your hard disk which are hard to find, and different versions of Word may share the same files.

Maybe you are looking for