Will resetting my DRM erase my iTunes Library?

Okay, this is kind of a long story, I will try to make it short.
There is an online music store that specializes in video game soundtracks. Their song files can only be played with Windows Media player after download, but they do encourage burning the songs to CD and downloading them to iTunes. They are also having trouble getting Windows Media Player 11 tp recognize their license.
I bought soundtracks, I have Media Player 11, it does not recognize the licenses so it will not let me burn the songs to CD so I can put on my iTunes. The company support group suggested I use Napsters DRM Reset program to reset the licences, but the program warns doing with will erase all my music licences and I will need to contact the non-Napster vendors I bought the music from to get the license renewed.
My question is this. The only songs I have on Windows Media player are these soundtracks. The rest of my library is iTunes. Will running this program affect my iTunes library/song license in anyway?
~~ Chikana

From your description, the DRM on those tracks is probably "Plays For Sure," which is licensed by Microsoft and is usable in WMP. It has nothing at all to do with the DRM on iTunes purchased tracks, which is known as "Fair Play" and is exclusive to Apple. Modifying one will have no effect on the other.

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    DrewPowell wrote:
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    That suggests that another application has stashed old QuickTime componentry in your system files.
    So just in case we'll go looking for older QuickTime componentry in the most common locations for it to be stashed.
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    If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, open the "SysWOW64" folder.
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    Hi there Br0x,
    You may want to try rebuilding the iTunes library as an initial troubleshooting step. Take a look at the article below for more information.
    iTunes: How to re-create your iTunes library and playlists
    -Griff W.

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    To authorize/deauthorize a computer, go to the Store dropdown menu in the iTunes app.

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