Will SPFILE='+DATA/mydb/spfilemydb.ora' be overwritten?

Hi there
Env: Oracle 10gR2 + ASM - RHEL 5.8 64bit
The database is on ASM, I created pfile using "create pfile='pfile_name'  from spfile". I modified the pfile and then started the instance using "startup pfile='pfile_name'.
Now if I issue "create spfile='+DATA/mydb/spfilemydb.ora' from pfile='pfile_name'" command, will the existing "spfile" (which resides in ASM) be overwritten?
I would like to have it overwritten.
Best regards
Message was edited by: user130038

user130038 wrote:
Hi there
Env: Oracle 10gR2 + ASM - RHEL 5.8 64bit
The database is on ASM, I created pfile using "create pfile='pfile_name'  from spfile". I modified the pfile and then started the instance using "startup pfile='pfile_name'.
Now if I issue "create spfile='+DATA/mydb/spfilemydb.ora' from pfile='pfile_name'" command, will the existing "spfile" (which resides in ASM) be overwritten?
I would like to have it overwritten.
Best regards
Message was edited by: user130038

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  • Error in .oci.GetQuery(conn, statement, ...) :    ORA-29400: data cartridge error ORA-24323: ????? ORA-06512: at "RQSYS.RQTABLEEVALIMPL", line 24 ORA-06512: at line 4

                I had  installed  R Enterprise in my Oracle base on win7,using the R 2.13.2, ORE 1.1,  I can using the part function: like
    options(STERM='iESS', str.dendrogram.last="'", editor='emacsclient.exe', show.error.locations=TRUE)
    > ore.connect(user = "RQUSER",password = "RQUSERpsw",conn_string = "", all = TRUE)
    > ore.is.connected()
    [1] TRUE
    > ore.ls()
    [1] "IRIS_TABLE"
    > demo(package = "ORE")
    Demos in package 'ORE':
    aggregate               Aggregation
    analysis                Basic analysis & data processing operations
    basic                   Basic connectivity to database
    binning                 Binning logic
    columnfns               Column functions
    cor                     Correlation matrix
    crosstab                Frequency cross tabulations
    derived                 Handling of derived columns
    distributions           Distribution, density, and quantile functions
    do_eval                 Embedded R processing
    freqanalysis            Frequency cross tabulations
    graphics                Demonstrates visual analysis
    group_apply             Embedded R processing by group
    hypothesis              Hyphothesis testing functions
    matrix                  Matrix related operations
    nulls                   Handling of NULL in SQL vs. NA in R
    push_pull               RDBMS <-> R data transfer
    rank                    Attributed-based ranking of observations
    reg                     Ordinary least squares linear regression
    row_apply               Embedded R processing by row chunks
    sql_like                Mapping of R to SQL commands
    stepwise                Stepwise OLS linear regression
    summary                 Summary functionality
    table_apply             Embedded R processing of entire table
    > demo("aggregate",package = "ORE")
      ---- ~~~~~~~~~
    Type  <Return> to start : Return
    > #
    > #     O R A C L E  R  E N T E R P R I S E  S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y
    > #
    > #     Name: aggregate.R
    > #     Description: Demonstrates aggregations
    > #     See also summary.R
    > #
    > #
    > #
    > ## Set page width
    > options(width = 80)
    > # List all accessible tables and views in the Oracle database
    > ore.ls()
    [1] "IRIS_TABLE"
    > # Create a new table called IRIS_TABLE in the Oracle database
    > # using the built-in iris data.frame
    > # First remove previously created IRIS_TABLE objects from the
    > # global environment and the database
    > if (exists("IRIS_TABLE", globalenv(), inherits = FALSE))
    +     rm("IRIS_TABLE", envir = globalenv())
    > ore.drop(table = "IRIS_TABLE")
    > # Create the table
    > ore.create(iris, table = "IRIS_TABLE")
    > # Show the updated list of accessible table and views
    > ore.ls()
    [1] "IRIS_TABLE"
    > # Display the class of IRIS_TABLE and where it can be found in
    > # the search path
    > class(IRIS_TABLE)
    [1] "ore.frame"
    [1] "OREbase"
    > search()
    [1] ".GlobalEnv"          "ore:RQUSER"          "ESSR"              
    [4] "package:ORE"         "package:ORExml"      "package:OREeda"    
    [7] "package:OREgraphics" "package:OREstats"    "package:MASS"      
    [10] "package:OREbase"     "package:ROracle"     "package:DBI"       
    [13] "package:stats"       "package:graphics"    "package:grDevices" 
    [16] "package:utils"       "package:datasets"    "package:methods"   
    [19] "Autoloads"           "package:base"      
    > find("IRIS_TABLE")
    [1] "ore:RQUSER"
    > # Select count(Petal.Length) group by species
    > x = aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length,
    +               by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +               FUN = length)
    > class(x)
    [1] "ore.frame"
    [1] "OREbase"
    > x
         species  x
    1     setosa 50
    2 versicolor 50
    3  virginica 50
    > # Repeat FUN = summary, mean, min, max, sd, median, IQR
    > aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length, by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +           FUN = summary)
         species Min. 1st Qu. Median  Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
    1     setosa  1.0     1.4   1.50 1.462   1.575  1.9    0
    2 versicolor  3.0     4.0   4.35 4.260   4.600  5.1    0
    3  virginica  4.5     5.1   5.55 5.552   5.875  6.9    0
    > aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length, by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +           FUN = mean)
         species     x
    1     setosa 1.462
    2 versicolor 4.260
    3  virginica 5.552
    > aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length, by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +           FUN = min)
         species   x
    1     setosa 1.0
    2 versicolor 3.0
    3  virginica 4.5
    > aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length, by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +           FUN = max)
         species   x
    1     setosa 1.9
    2 versicolor 5.1
    3  virginica 6.9
    > aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length, by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +           FUN = sd)
         species         x
    1     setosa 0.1736640
    2 versicolor 0.4699110
    3  virginica 0.5518947
    > aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length, by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +           FUN = median)
         species    x
    1     setosa 1.50
    2 versicolor 4.35
    3  virginica 5.55
    > aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length, by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species),
    +           FUN = IQR)
         species     x
    1     setosa 0.175
    2 versicolor 0.600
    3  virginica 0.775
    > # More than one grouping column
    > x = aggregate(IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Length,
    +               by = list(species = IRIS_TABLE$Species,
    +                         width = IRIS_TABLE$Petal.Width),
    +               FUN = length)
    > x
          species width  x
    1      setosa   0.1  5
    2      setosa   0.2 29
    3      setosa   0.3  7
    4      setosa   0.4  7
    5      setosa   0.5  1
    6      setosa   0.6  1
    7  versicolor   1.0  7
    8  versicolor   1.1  3
    9  versicolor   1.2  5
    10 versicolor   1.3 13
    11 versicolor   1.4  7
    12  virginica   1.4  1
    13 versicolor   1.5 10
    14  virginica   1.5  2
    15 versicolor   1.6  3
    16  virginica   1.6  1
    17 versicolor   1.7  1
    18  virginica   1.7  1
    19 versicolor   1.8  1
    20  virginica   1.8 11
    21  virginica   1.9  5
    22  virginica   2.0  6
    23  virginica   2.1  6
    24  virginica   2.2  3
    25  virginica   2.3  8
    26  virginica   2.4  3
    27  virginica   2.5  3
    > # Sort the result by ascending value of count
    > ore.sort(data = x, by = "x")
          species width  x
    1   virginica   1.4  1
    2   virginica   1.7  1
    3  versicolor   1.7  1
    4   virginica   1.6  1
    5      setosa   0.5  1
    6      setosa   0.6  1
    7  versicolor   1.8  1
    8   virginica   1.5  2
    9  versicolor   1.1  3
    10  virginica   2.4  3
    11  virginica   2.5  3
    12  virginica   2.2  3
    13 versicolor   1.6  3
    14     setosa   0.1  5
    15  virginica   1.9  5
    16 versicolor   1.2  5
    17  virginica   2.0  6
    18  virginica   2.1  6
    19     setosa   0.3  7
    20 versicolor   1.4  7
    21     setosa   0.4  7
    22 versicolor   1.0  7
    23  virginica   2.3  8
    24 versicolor   1.5 10
    25  virginica   1.8 11
    26 versicolor   1.3 13
    27     setosa   0.2 29
    > # by descending value
    > ore.sort(data = x, by = "x", reverse = TRUE)
          species width  x
    1      setosa   0.2 29
    2  versicolor   1.3 13
    3   virginica   1.8 11
    4  versicolor   1.5 10
    5   virginica   2.3  8
    6      setosa   0.4  7
    7      setosa   0.3  7
    8  versicolor   1.0  7
    9  versicolor   1.4  7
    10  virginica   2.1  6
    11  virginica   2.0  6
    12  virginica   1.9  5
    13 versicolor   1.2  5
    14     setosa   0.1  5
    15 versicolor   1.6  3
    16 versicolor   1.1  3
    17  virginica   2.4  3
    18  virginica   2.5  3
    19  virginica   2.2  3
    20  virginica   1.5  2
    21  virginica   1.6  1
    22  virginica   1.4  1
    23     setosa   0.6  1
    24     setosa   0.5  1
    25 versicolor   1.8  1
    26  virginica   1.7  1
    27 versicolor   1.7  1
    > # Preserve just 1 row for duplicate x's
    > ore.sort(data = x, by = "x", unique.keys = TRUE)
          species width  x
    1      setosa   0.5  1
    2   virginica   1.5  2
    3  versicolor   1.1  3
    4      setosa   0.1  5
    5   virginica   2.0  6
    6      setosa   0.3  7
    7   virginica   2.3  8
    8  versicolor   1.5 10
    9   virginica   1.8 11
    10 versicolor   1.3 13
    11     setosa   0.2 29
    > ore.sort(data = x, by = "x", unique.keys = TRUE, unique.data = TRUE)
          species width  x
    1      setosa   0.5  1
    2   virginica   1.5  2
    3  versicolor   1.1  3
    4      setosa   0.1  5
    5   virginica   2.0  6
    6      setosa   0.3  7
    7   virginica   2.3  8
    8  versicolor   1.5 10
    9   virginica   1.8 11
    10 versicolor   1.3 13
    11     setosa   0.2 29
    but    when I  use the following The ore.doEval command  get the errors,
    > ore.doEval(function() { 123 })
    Error in .oci.GetQuery(conn, statement, ...) :
      ORA-29400: data cartridge error
    ORA-24323: ?????
    ORA-06512: at "RQSYS.RQEVALIMPL", line 23
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    and  I  try to run the        demo("row_apply", package="ORE")  get the  same errors:
    demo("row_apply",package = "ORE")
      ---- ~~~~~~~~~
    Type  <Return> to start : Return
    > #
    > #     O R A C L E  R  E N T E R P R I S E  S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y
    > #
    > #     Name: row_apply.R
    > #     Description: Execute R code on each row
    > #
    > #
    > ## Set page width
    > options(width = 80)
    > # List all accessible tables and views in the Oracle database
    > ore.ls()
    [1] "IRIS_TABLE"
    > # Create a new table called IRIS_TABLE in the Oracle database
    > # using the built-in iris data.frame
    > # First remove previously created IRIS_TABLE objects from the
    > # global environment and the database
    > if (exists("IRIS_TABLE", globalenv(), inherits = FALSE))
    +     rm("IRIS_TABLE", envir = globalenv())
    > ore.drop(table = "IRIS_TABLE")
    > # Create the table
    > ore.create(iris, table = "IRIS_TABLE")
    > # Show the updated list of accessible table and views
    > ore.ls()
    [1] "IRIS_TABLE"
    > # Display the class of IRIS_TABLE and where it can be found in
    > # the search path
    > class(IRIS_TABLE)
    [1] "ore.frame"
    [1] "OREbase"
    > search()
    [1] ".GlobalEnv"          "ore:RQUSER"          "ESSR"              
    [4] "package:ORE"         "package:ORExml"      "package:OREeda"    
    [7] "package:OREgraphics" "package:OREstats"    "package:MASS"      
    [10] "package:OREbase"     "package:ROracle"     "package:DBI"       
    [13] "package:stats"       "package:graphics"    "package:grDevices" 
    [16] "package:utils"       "package:datasets"    "package:methods"   
    [19] "Autoloads"           "package:base"      
    > find("IRIS_TABLE")
    [1] "ore:RQUSER"
    > # The table should now appear in your R environment automatically
    > # since you have access to the table now
    > ore.ls()
    [1] "IRIS_TABLE"
    > # This is a database resident table with just metadata on the R side.
    > # You will see this below
    > class(IRIS_TABLE)
    [1] "ore.frame"
    [1] "OREbase"
    > # Apply given R function to each row
    > ore.rowApply(IRIS_TABLE,
    +              function(dat) {
    +                  # Any R code goes here. Operates on one row of IRIS_TABLE at
    +                  # a time
    +                  cbind(dat, dat$Petal.Length)
    +              })
    Error in .oci.GetQuery(conn, statement, ...) :
      ORA-29400: data cartridge error
    ORA-24323: ?????
    ORA-06512: at "RQSYS.RQROWEVALIMPL", line 26
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    whether my oracle's version has no the RDBMS bug fix, and other  problems? Thanks

    Oracle R Enterprise 1.1. requires Oracle Database, On Linux and Windows.  Oracle R Enterprise can also work with an or database if it is properly patched.
    Embedded R execution will not work without a patched database.  Follow this procedure to patch the database:
    1. Go to My Oracle Support:http://support.oracle.com
    2. Log in and supply your Customer Support ID (CSI).
    3. Choose the Patches & Updates tab.
    4. In the Patch Search box, type 11678127
    and click Search
    5. Select the patch for your version of Oracle Database,
    6. Click Download to download the patch.
    7. Install the patch using OPatch. Ensure that you are using the latest version of OPatch.

  • How we will use date n currency fields in bdc

    how we will use date n currency fields in bdc

    When you have to upload using BDC, always use char type fields.
    For date, use date(10) type c.
    write sy-datum to date. Date will be as per using setting, either mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy...
    For currency also, you need to declare as
    data1(15) type n and
    data2(15) type c.
    Now suppose you have a value 12545421.91 . As per user setting it can be 12545421,91.
    In this case, first push the value to NUMC type.
    data1 = 1254521.91 and then data2 = data1 / 100.
    This will change it in required format and can be populated in the bdc table.

  • Who will write data from datafile to db_buffer

    Dear Experts.
    please tell me Who will write data from datafile to db_buffer.
    and What is checkpoints?

    Server processs write data from data file to db_buffer.
    checkpoints do many thing
    mainly write data from buffer cache to datafiles on checkpoints. ie it synchronizes buffer cache with data file.


    작성날짜 : 2005-08-18
    모든 오라클 데이타 블럭은 sequence 번호(seq)와 incarnation 번호(inc)를
    갖고 있다. ORA-1578 에러는 seq=0 이고 inc <> 0 (새로운 블럭이 아님)일 때
    발생한다. ORA-1578 에러는 ORA-600[3339] 에러와 함께 발생하곤 한다.
    ORA-1578 에러가 발생하면 corruption이 발생한 화일 번호와 블럭 번호를
    알려준다. 여기서는 이 때의 화일번호를 f, 블럭번호를 b 라고 부르기로 한다.
    <해결 방법>
    1) 우선 해야 할 일은 어떠한 오브젝트가 corrupt 되었는가를 알아내는 것이다.
    다음의 스크립트를 이용하면 알 수 있다.
    SQL>select segment_name, segment_type
    from dba_extents
    where file_id = f and
    b between block_id and block_id + blocks - 1;
    2) 만약 해당 세그먼트가 인덱스이면 drop 시키고 다시 생성하면 된다.
    3) 만약 해당 세그먼트가 테이블이면 corrupt된 블럭의 데이타는 손상된 것이다.
    4) 만약 해당 테이블이 들어있는 export 화일이 있다면 손상된 테이블을 drop
    시키고 import 받는 것이 제일 간단한 방법이다. 하지만, 만약 export 받은
    화일이 없거나 backup해 놓은 화일도 없다면 해당 테이블에 인덱스가 생성되어
    있는 경우에 한해서 다음의 방법을 사용해서 복구를 하도록 한다.
    5) 해당 테이블에 대한 인덱스가 생성되어 있다면 이를 이용해서 corrupt된
    블럭을 피해갈 수 있다. 이 방법은 다음과 같다.
    - empno, ename, deptno 를 컬럼으로 가지는 emp 테이블이 corrupt 되었다고
    가정하자. 그리고, empno 컬럼에 인덱스가 생성되어 있다고 하자. 클러스터화
    되지 않은 모든 테이블은 Unique한 rowid를 가진다.
    rowid를 varchar2/hexadecimal 형식으로 표현하려면 rowidtochar 함수를 이용
    SQL> select rowidtochar(rowid) from emp;
    rowid는 총 18자로 block address(8자), dot(1자), row address(4자),
    dot(1자), file address(4자)로 구성되어 있다.
    SQL> select empno, rowid
    from emp
    where empno > 0
    위의 스크립트를 실행시키면 다음과 같은 결과를 얻게 된다.
    100 00000003.0000.0006
    101 00000003.0001.0006
    102 00000003.0002.0006
    103 00000003.0003.0006
    500 00000004.0000.000A
    501 00000004.0001.000A
    755 0000001A.0005.000A
    756 0000001A.000C.000A
    만약 인덱스가 character 컬럼에 대한 것이었다면 위의 query 문장을 다음과 같
    이 바꿀 수 있다.
    SQL> select empno, rowid
    from emp
    where empno > '';
    예를 들어 다음과 같은 에러 메시지가 떨어졌다고 하자.
    01578, 00000, "ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 10, block # 4)
    그러면, 다음의 스크립트를 사용하여 손상된 블럭에 있는 employee 에 대한
    empno를 구할 수 있다.
    SQL> select empno from emp
    where empno > 0
    and rowidtochar(rowid) like '00000004.%.000A';
    500 00000004.0000.000A
    501 00000004.0001.000A
    이제 emp 테이블과 같은 구조를 갖는 새로운 테이블을 만든다.
    SQL> create table temp
    as select * from emp
    where 1 = 2;
    그런 다음 손상된 부분을 피해서 새로운 테이블에 손상된 테이블의 데이타를
    SQL> insert into temp select * from emp where empno < 500;
    SQL> insert into temp select * from emp where empno > 501;
    손상된 테이블을 drop 시키고 temp 테이블의 이름을 emp로 변경한다.
    그리고, 백업된 자료나 문서 자료를 통하여 손상된 부분에 대한 정보를 추가한다.
    6) 손상된 블럭에 여러 개의 row가 존재하고 있다면 다음의 방법을 이용한다.
    SQL> create table empnos as
    select empno from emp
    where empno > 0
    and rowidtochar(rowid) not like '00000004.%.000A';
    이 스크립트를 이용하면 손상된 block에 포함되지 않는 empno들을 알 수 있다.
    다음의 스크립트를 계속 실행시켜 복구를 한다.
    SQL> create table temp as select * from emp where 1 = 2;
    SQL> insert into temp
    select emp.empno, emp.ename, emp.deptno
    from emp, empnos
    where emp.empno > 0
    and emp.empno = empnos.empno;
    7) 만약 Data Dictionary의 table이나 index에서 손상된 block이 발생했다면
    지원을 요청해야 한다.

    Take a look in the following Metalink Notes:
    - DBMS_REPAIR example - Doc ID: NOTE:68013.1
    - Handling Oracle Block Corruptions in Oracle7/8/8i/9i/10g - Doc ID: NOTE:28814.
    - Prevention, Detection and Repair of Database Corruption - Doc ID: NOTE:76375.1
    Francisco Munoz Alvarez

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    Plz help me its urgent i have iphone i dnt want my deleted texts my phone was jailbroken if i do restore widout backup should i jailbreak again ,should i unlock again,will the data of texts premantly erased plz answr me

    Jailbroken phones cannot be discussed in an Apple forum. If you synced your phone with your computer the texts will be in the backup, so if you restore the backup you may get them back, but with a jailbroken phone it's anybody's guess what will happen.

  • How we will update data in datasources

    hi gurus,
    how we will update data in data sources say salesorder header data,
    delivery&billing data and how can we link all these.
    i think my question is not correct, but i am gettin doubt
    please  clear anybody it will helpful for me
    thanks in advance

    We have different data sources for sales order header, sales order item level, delvivyer hedear level, delivery item....
    The data will be updated based on Sales order number, delvery number etc..
    Whatever changes you do a sales order, it has a unique number. WIth this as primary key all the related updates are maintained.
    Even for sales order item detail, we refer the header number of sales order and do the updates
      *if useful******
    N Ganesh

  • Changes will cause Data to be deleted message

       Here is the issue I am experiencing:
    1. I have a UDO of Master Data type and created a custom form to Add/Update/Delete data.
    2. When I scroll through each record, I get a message "Changes will cause Data to be deleted". Continue?
    I have confirmed that the form is in OK mode. How can I make this message go away?

    Hi Gopal,
    Even if the form is in OK mode, the edits cause the form to go into Update mode, which is why you see this message.
    If it suits your scenario, set "AffectsFormMode" property to false for items which should not trigger a mode change (if loading the form from XML, set AffectsFormMode="0")
    You can also look at these form properties:

  • Is there a Java Obiect that will arrange data in alphabetical order?

    Is there a Java Obiect that will arrange data in alphabetical order?
    So no matter what order you add or put things into the object it will only return them in alphabetical order.
    Edited by: Easter1976 on Nov 5, 2007 9:55 AM

    No, you will either have to create a comparator, a sorter, or write the compareTo in such a way that it sorts your data by your wanted fields.
    So, given the class Student, you probably want something like this:
    public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {
         public int compareTo(Student s) {
              if (getLastName().compareTo(s.getLastName()) != 0)
                   return getLastName().compareTo(s.getLastName();
              if (getFirstName().compareTo(s.getFirstName()) != 0)
                   return getFirstName().compareTo(s.getFirstName();
              return 0;
    }After that, you may sort your list of students with Collections.sort(myListOfStudents);
    Alternatively, you may do it like this:
    Collections.sort(myListOfTypeSomething, new Comparator<Something>() {
         public int compare(o1, o2) {
              return o1.getAlphaSomething().compareTo(o2.getAlphaSomething());

  • If I make a new itunes account on my(now my 12 year old brother's) first generation ipod touch, will any data be deleted? I keep telling him that i don't think anything will be deleted and he keeps saying that he'll have to download everythi

    If I make a new itunes account on my(now my 12 year old brother's) first generation ipod touch, will any data be deleted? I keep telling him that i don't think anything will be deleted and he keeps saying that he'll have to download everything again. Please answer. I've asked identical questions but received no answers.

    It shouldn't be.  You can use multiple Apple ID's one one device. But keep in mind that purchases made under one ID are permanently tied to that ID.  So if you need to update an app that was purchased with a certain Apple ID, it will needed to be updated with those Apple ID credentials.

  • Apple tv 2generation non riesco ad impostare la data e l'ora !

    La mia apple Tv non mi riconosce piu' la data e l'ora e non riesco più ad accedere a iTunes.
    Mi potete aiutare ?

    Ho usato google translate quindi scusate la grammatica . Accedi con il tuo ID Apple sul tuo computer sotto "gestire ti ID Apple " . Quando il vostro ingresso in klick su " Modifica" dopo "Apple ID e indirizzo email principale " . Cambia la tua email indirizzo ( se non si dispone di un altro indirizzo e-mail , dovete ottenere uno) . Quando hai cambiato il tuo indirizzo e-mail si reseve una email di conferma al tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail , fare clic sul link " confermare ora " in questo messaggio. Dopo questo passaggio, effettuare il logout dal proprio account e quindi accedere di nuovo per assicurarsi che i funziona . Il passo successivo è quello di andare a www.icloud.com , e provare il tuo nuovo account c'entrava , se funziona è possibile effettuare il logout .
    Se tutto funziona a questo punto si tratta di un buon segno . Il passo successivo è quello di accedere nel tuo account ID Apple sul computer e tornare al email che Hade prima della modifica , confermare l'indirizzo email che verrà inviata . Esci dal tuo account e accedere di nuovo per assicurarsi che funzioni . Dopo questo passaggio inserire il tuo id och password di Apple nel vostro iPhone e se se funziona .
    Se questo non funziona devi fare un reset di fabbrica troppo e dopo questo sarà sicuramente funzionare ( almeno ha funzionato per me, dopo tutti questi passaggi ) .
    Buona fortuna !
    (https://appleid.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyAppleId.woa/109/wa/directToSignIn ?wosid=kJfXByJtbbWm6x946TXx4w&localang=en_US).

  • After upgrading IOS 7.0.2, will my data an applications remain same in my iphone 4S?

    after upgrading IOS 7.0.2, will my data an applications remain same in my iphone 4S?

    If all goes well, there should not be an issue.  However,
    you should always perform a backup before doing any
    update or upgrade as anything can happen.
    Perform both a backup via iTunes and via iCloud and perform
    a sync of all apps, music, photos, etc. with iTunes.

  • If I set the new mountian lion will my data be deleted?

    If I set the new mountian lion will my data be deleted or will they still be there?

    Before embarking on this venture, ensure that you have a bootable backup/clone of your current SL installation so you can restore it. Do note that no PPC apps work in Lion/Mtn Lion. See these for details:

  • Will the data entered under "Add a description" in iPhoto migrate with the images into Photos?

    Will the data entered under "Add a description" in iPhoto migrate with the images into Photos?

    Thanks for the reply. My particular use of iPhoto is for documents that I have photographed from archives, libraries, and other repositories across the US and Europe. For each one I have added a complete citation and notes. I am so relieved to hear that all my years of work on this will migrate with the new app!

  • If i send in my iPod for repair, will my data be deleted?

    Just Curious, since it's more expensive to fix than it is to buy a new one.

    Yes. Apple exchanges your iPod for a refurbished one. Apple does not transfer any data
    Apple says:
    Will the data on my iPod be preserved?
    No, you will receive a replacement iPod that will not contain any of your data and songs. Before obtaining service, it is important to back up your data. Apple is not responsible for the loss of information while servicing your iPod and does not offer any data transfer service.
    iPod touch customers: Before obtaining service, you can back up your data using iCloud or iTunes. Following service, your replacement iPod touch may have a newer version of the operating system (iOS) and you will need to restore your data using the method used to back it up (iCloud or iTunes). You may also need to update your App Store apps for compatibility with the newer iOS. If you experience a problem with an app purchased from the App Store, check iTunes to see if an update is available or contact the app developer directly.
    Apple - Support - Service Answer Center

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