[Win-ILL 10]How to check overprint  & color for Pattern Swatches?

Hi all,
Im using Visual C++ 6.0 & Illustrator 10.
Please tell how to check whether overprint is applied to an object inside a Pattern Swatch(I dont want to Expand the object)
I also want to get the color for the object inside the Pattern Swatch
.Any Solution for this?

The reference to port 427 is in any firewall on the computer.  Network communication is done over these ports and the job of the firewall is to monitor and block these ports.
This document might also be relevant for the problem.
I was an HP employee.
Please mark the post that solves your problem as "Accepted Solution"

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    Hello Ramya,
    Did you check in [SCN|How to color a row of  alv grid]

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    There is no button involved in the following code, but it may
    be of use to you:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    private var origColor:uint;
    private function init():void {
    origColor = dc.getStyle("selectionColor");
    public function setBackGrdColors(newColor:uint):void {
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", origColor);
    var dayOfWeek:Number = dc.selectedDate.day;
    switch(dayOfWeek) {
    case 0:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 1:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 2:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 3:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 4:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 5:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 6:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    <mx:VBox horizontalAlign="center" verticalGap="20">
    <mx:DateChooser id="dc" textAlign="left"
    <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
    <mx:CheckBox id="sun" label="Sun"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="mon" label="Mon"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="tue" label="Tue"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="wed" label="Wed"/>
    <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
    <mx:CheckBox id="thu" label="Thu"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="fri" label="Fri"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="sat" label="Sat"/>
    <mx:HBox width="300" horizontalAlign="center">
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    Here I have Table temp_final_plan
    Here i want to update if already exit...below is the procedure....
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE spu_final_profit_plan
    -- Constant declarations
      ln_errnum number := 0;
    -- Variable declarations
       ls_errmsg app_errors.err_msg%TYPE;
       ls_appmsg app_errors.app_msg%TYPE;
       ls_appid  app_errors.app_id%TYPE;
    -- Cursor declaration for final_update_el
    CURSOR cur_final_update_el IS
        select '910' ent,
               '9127316' center,
               sum(avg_mtd_01) sum_avg_mtd_01,
               sum(avg_mtd_02) sum_avg_mtd_02,
               sum(avg_ytd_01) sum_avg_ytd_01,
               sum(avg_ytd_02) sum_avg_ytd_02
          from mon_act_cypy
         where rec_type = 'A'
           and sum_flag = 'D'
           and yr = '2008'
           and substr(ctr_or_hier, 1, 2) = 'el'
           and ent || sub_ent in
               (select ent || sub_ent
                  from ent_ref
                 where roll_ent || roll_sub_ent = '999100')
         group by post_acct
        having sum(avg_mtd_01) <> 0
            or sum(avg_mtd_02) <> 0
            or sum(avg_ytd_01) <> 0
            or sum(avg_ytd_02) <> 0;
    -- Cursor declaration for final_update
    CURSOR cur_final_update IS
        select b.plan_ent b_plan_ent,
               b.plan_ctr b_plan_ctr,
               a.post_acct a_post_acct,
               sum(a.avg_mtd_01) sum_avg_mtd_01,
               sum(a.avg_mtd_02) sum_avg_mtd_02,
               sum(a.avg_ytd_01) sum_ytd_mtd_01,
               sum(a.avg_ytd_02) sum_ytd_mtd_02
          from mon_act_cypy a,
               plan_unit_tbl b
         where a.ent || a.ctr_or_hier = b.ent || b.ctr_or_hier
           and a.rec_type = 'A'
           and a.sum_flag = 'D'
           and a.yr = '2008'
           and b.hier_tbl_num = '001'
           and a.ent || a.sub_ent in
               (select ent || sub_ent
                  from ent_ref
                 where roll_ent || roll_sub_ent = '999100')
         group by b.plan_ent, b.plan_ctr, a.post_acct
        having sum(a.avg_mtd_01) <> 0
            or sum(a.avg_mtd_02) <> 0
            or sum(a.avg_ytd_01) <> 0
            or sum(a.avg_ytd_02) <> 0;
    -- Begin the procedure body
    -- Insert / Update final profit plan for final_update query using cursor
       FOR rec_final_update_el IN cur_final_update_el
       EXIT WHEN rec_final_update_el%NOTFOUND;
       IF rec_final_update_el. THEN
          UPDATE temp_final_plan
             SET sum_avg_mtd_01 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_mtd_01,
                 sum_avg_mtd_02 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_mtd_02,       
                 sum_avg_ytd_01 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_ytd_01,       
                 sum_avg_ytd_02 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_ytd_02,       
           WHERE ent = rec_final_update_el.ent
             AND center = rec_final_update_el.center
             AND post_acct = rec_final_update_el.post_acct;
          INSERT INTO temp_final_plan VALUES(rec_final_update_el.ent,
       END IF;
       END LOOP;
    -- Insert / Update final profit plan for final_update query using cursor
       FOR rec_final_update IN cur_final_update
       EXIT WHEN rec_final_update%NOTFOUND;
       IF rec_final_update. THEN
          UPDATE temp_final_plan
             SET sum_avg_mtd_01 = rec_final_update.sum_avg_mtd_01,
                 sum_avg_mtd_02 = rec_final_update.sum_avg_mtd_02,       
                 sum_avg_ytd_01 = rec_final_update.sum_avg_ytd_01,       
                 sum_avg_ytd_02 = rec_final_update.sum_avg_ytd_02,       
           WHERE ent = rec_final_update.b_plan_ent
             AND center = rec_final_update.b_plan_ctr
             AND post_acct = rec_final_update.a_post_acct;
          INSERT INTO temp_final_plan VALUES(rec_final_update.b_plan_ent,
       END IF;
       END LOOP;
    -- EXCEPTION handling section
    -- Fire OTHERS Exception case by default
    -- ROLL BACK Transaction, if any failure
       ln_errnum := SQLCODE;
       ls_errmsg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100);
    -- Log the ERRORS into APP_ERRORS table using SPU_LOG_ERRORS procedure
       spu_log_errors(ln_errnum, ls_errmsg, ls_appid, ls_appmsg);
    -- End of the stored procedure
    END spu_final_profit_plan;

    I'm not sure what you mean by, 'How to check with table for cursor..?' but I'll offer a comment on your Code Snippet. I think you want to know how to check if a record exists so you know if you need to perform an INSERT or an UPDATE.
    Here is a snippet of your code. I'll put my comments in "Comment" style in your code.
    -- Insert / Update final profit plan for final_update query using cursor
       FOR rec_final_update_el IN cur_final_update_el
    /* There is no need to test for %NOTFOUND since you are using Cursor FOR Loop! 
    ** This construct automatically exits when the last record is processed. */
       EXIT WHEN rec_final_update_el%NOTFOUND;
    /* Is this where you would like to know how to Check if the record already exist??
    ** I asked this because, 'rec_final_update_el.' is not valid syntax.  Are you looking for
    ** an Cursor Attribute or Method you can check here? 
    ** I would suggest a Primary Key or Unique Index on ENT, CENTER, and POST_ACCT
    ** on the TEMP_FINAL_PLAN table. Then simply perform an INSERT and code an
    ** Exception to UPDATE when you get a DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX exception.  Otherwise,
    ** you will need to simply run an Implicit or Explicit Cursor to test if the row exists and
    ** use this return value to determine if you should INSERT or UPDATE.  */
       IF rec_final_update_el. THEN
          UPDATE temp_final_plan
             SET sum_avg_mtd_01 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_mtd_01,
                 sum_avg_mtd_02 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_mtd_02,       
                 sum_avg_ytd_01 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_ytd_01,       
                 sum_avg_ytd_02 = rec_final_update_el.sum_avg_ytd_02,       
           WHERE ent = rec_final_update_el.ent
             AND center = rec_final_update_el.center
             AND post_acct = rec_final_update_el.post_acct;
          INSERT INTO temp_final_plan VALUES(rec_final_update_el.ent,
       END IF;
       END LOOP;I hope I've answered your question, but if I haven't please provide more details so we can better understand your request.

  • How to change the color for HTML words in JEditorPane?

    Hi Sir,
    In the JTextPane , we could change the word's color by using:
    Style style = doc.addStyle("test",null);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(style, Color.red);
    we can change the text into red color,which range is from 10 to 30.
    But how to change the color for HTML words in JEditorPane?

    you can use an AttributeSet to apply the foreground color. Let's say, doc is a HTMLDocument, then SimpleAttributeSet set = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    doc.getStyleSheet().addCSSAttribute(set, CSS.Attribute.COLOR, "#0D0D0D"); would apply a color to a given AttributeSet. The AttributeSet with your color then can be applied to a selected range of text in a JEditorPane by   /**
       * set the attributes for a given editor. If a range of
       * text is selected, the attributes are applied to the selection.
       * If nothing is selected, the input attributes of the given
       * editor are set thus applying the given attributes to future
       * inputs.
       * @param editor  the editor pane to apply the attributes to
       * @param a  the set of attributes to apply
      public void applyAttributes(JEditorPane editor, AttributeSet a) {
        ((HTMLDocument) editor.getDocument()).getStyleSheet().addCSSAttribute(set, CSS.Attribute.COLOR, "#0D0D0D");
        int start = editor.getSelectionStart();
        int end = editor.getSelectionEnd();
        if(end != start) {
          doc.setCharacterAttributes(start, end - start, a, false);
        else {
          MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes =
            ((SHTMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit()).getInputAttributes();
      } Ulrich

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    You have to set the Canvas color or as I said earlier you need to use one of the available color schemas on the OAS or Builder runtime.
    If you want to use user defined colors in the builder, then you need to create a new color palette and use it.
    I personally haven't tried it, but there is a section in the online help that describes how to do this.

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    I believe you can do it in the Presets Manager.

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    You could try using the raw converter. Open one file and edit it (File>Open, pick the image and choose Camera Raw as the format before you click Open). Then open the next image and click the little four-lined square on the upper right side of the ACR window and choose Previous Conversion from the flyout menu.

  • How to set different color for items in selectManyCheckbox

    I would like to change item text background color for each item on selectManyCheckbox (different for each item).
    It is only 5 items so that could be static reference or select.
    I know only how to change background for all items
    af|selectManyCheckbox::item-text {
    How to select concrete item text and change color for only them?
    I found similar problem:
    css - Set background color of every individual checkbox of p:selectManyCheckbox - Stack Overflow
    but this dont work for me because I dont have in adf tr structure
    I need somethink like this:
    af|selectManyCheckbox::item-text XXXX - select here one of the item by number on list or id  {

    thanks Alejandro and Federico for answers.
    I use JDev I dont write it in previously post because I think that is a more css then adf problem.
    I have 5 selectItem based on simple List<String> {"text1", "text2", "text3", "text4". "text5"}:
    <af:selectManyCheckbox label="List" id="smc2"
                          <af:selectItem label="text1" value="text1" id="si47"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text2" value="text2" id="si43"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text3" value="text3" id="si46"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text4" value="text4" id="si45"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text5" value="text5" id="si44"/>
    and I would like to color first selectItem text to orange, second to red.. etc, The list is a static list. Not would be changed.
    After Alejandro answer I build simple for each element (anyCollection contains item with two fields: textValue and label {(text1,text1), (text2,text2)...}
      <af:forEach items="#{bean.anyCollection}"
                            <af:selectItem id="si48" value="#{item.textValue}"  styleClass="yourClassName#{var.index}"
    And now if I have my var called "item" I can write 5 css style classe yourClassName#{var.index} with different color, but there is a problem:
    Attribute styleClass is not defined for af:selectItem
    If it will be so simple I will just add 5 style classes for each selectItem
    <af:selectItem label="text1" value="text1" id="si47" styleClass="yourClassName0"/>
    <af:selectItem label="text2" value="text2" id="si43" styleClass="yourClassName1"/>
    Should I use other component then adf facer rich?

  • How to define specific color for specific data in WebI?

    Hi everybody,
    I wonder how I could connect data shown in e.g. a vertical stacked bar chart to a specific color. The assignment of color in a chart is done by Webi automatically after pulling a a variable to a chart. Later on it is possible to change to color via the color palette. But how can I define a specific color for specific values of an attribute? (E.g. calue is Chicago -> color is blue; value is NY -> color is red.. etc ) Is it possible?
    Does anybody know the trick?
    Thanks in advance!

    Please refer the below links along similar lines .
    Bilahari M

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    Hi friends,
    I want to check the BP for Archiving.
    So I am trying to set the Archiving Flag in BP Status Tab
    But the Archiving Falg Check box is never in Display Mode and so I am not able to check the BOx. What is the use of that box if it can't be accessed ? Any clues on how to check it ?
    Many thanks

    You can run DACONTROL transaction to set the deletion flag for business partner.

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    If Not txtVendorName.Text = "" Then
    Sql = Sql & " AND (Upper(V.VNAMEL) LIKE '%' || Trim(Upper(:VendorName))|| '%') "
    End If

    Sorry guys english is not my first language and i will try to be clear and specific.
    I have a search page where customeres can do searching either using a text box or two dropdowns i have on my page. they have the option of doing search either using a text box or dropdowns or both.Everything seems to work fine but if users does not leave the text box blank. but they leave the text box blank and do searching using the two dropdowns then the page comes up empty and i checked my query and i should get a value. Attacehed my code for you to look at it.
    Sub VendorSearch()
    gvSearch.Visible = True
    Dim MinPDate As String = drPur.SelectedItem.ToString
    Dim MaxMDate As String = drPurM.SelectedItem.ToString
    Dim liThisOne As ListItem
    Dim strState As String = ""
    For Each liThisOne In lstState.Items
    If liThisOne.Selected Then
    strState = strState & "'" & liThisOne.Value & "'" & ","
    End If
    Dim Sql As String = " SELECT distinct V.VENDOR ""Vendor Id"",R.ADDRNUM,V.VNAMEL ""Vendor Name"",R.AADDR1,R.ACITY,R.VASST1, "
    Sql = Sql & "R.ASTATE State,R.AZIPCODE, to_char(Max(P.DATEPUR),'YYYY/DD/MM') ""Plan Purchased Date"" , "
    Sql = Sql & "TRIM (r.aaddr1 || decode(trim(r.aaddr2),null,'',' - ') || r.aaddr2) Address,"
    Sql = Sql & " substr(decode(trim(r.vasst1),null, 'N/A','000/000-0000?','N/A','000/000-0000','N/A', r.vasst1),1,12) Fax, "
    Sql = Sql & " substr(decode(trim(r.aphone),null, 'N/A','000/000-0000?','N/A', r.aphone),1,12)Phone "
    Sql = Sql & " AND (P.DATEPUR >= TO_DATE('1999-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')) "
    Sql = Sql & "AND P.DATEPUR In ( select Max(P.DATEPUR) from PLANHOLD P where P.vendor = R.VENDOR) "
    'If txtVendorName.Text <> "" Then
    ' Sql = Sql & " AND (Upper(V.VNAMEL) LIKE '%' || Trim(Upper(:VendorName))|| '%') "
    'End If
    If (strState.Length > 0 And lstState.SelectedIndex <> 0) Then
    strState = Left(strState, strState.Length - 1)
    strState = "(" & strState & ")"
    Sql = Sql & "AND R.ASTATE IN " & strState
    End If
    If (drPur.SelectedIndex <> 0 And drPurM.SelectedIndex <> 0) Then
    Sql = Sql & " AND to_number(to_char(p.datepur, 'YYYY')) between " & "'" & MinPDate & "'" & " AND " & "'" & MaxMDate & "'"
    End If
    ' Dim Para As String
    ' SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.
    If Not txtVendorName.Text = "" Then
    Sql = Sql & " AND (Upper(V.VNAMEL) LIKE '%' || Trim(Upper(:VendorName))|| '%') "
    End If
    'If Not IsDBNull(SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters(":VendorName")).val Then
    ' Sql = Sql & " AND (Upper(V.VNAMEL) LIKE '%' || Trim(Upper(:VendorName))|| '%') "
    'End If
    Sql = Sql & " AND V.VOBSOLET = 'N' "
    Sql = Sql & "ORDER BY V.VENDOR "
    Response.Write("Sql " & "<br/>" & Sql & "<hr/>")
    SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = Sql
    End Sub

  • How to change the color for the af:messages by skins ?

    Hello All
    How i can change the text color for the af:messages by skins,i want change the color for the messages paragraph not for message header
    Because i know how to change the message header color text by
    color: Red;
    1. You Must Select etc...
    2. Hello All
    i want to change the color nor for the header (Error) ,i want change it for the messages 1 and 2 and its text.
    Mohammad Weshah

    Hi Frank
    Unfortunately it dose not work.
    Any another options for this issue .

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    We are working on one project where we have to install adobe remotely and silently on around 5K machines. I am wondering how to check all adobe reader silent installation switches.
    Any help would be great
    Thanks And Regards
    Vaibhav Singh
    [personal info removed by moderator]

    What do you mean by "check" the silent switches? Do you mean you want the documentation for enterprise deployment?
    (Worth mentioning just in case: you will need a deployment license from Adobe).

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