Windows 7 sp1 Windows 10 upgrade

My laptop is running Windows 7, SP1. HP programs on this site has shown this to be true even though the "Upgrade to Windows 10 app" is not showing up on my screen.When I go to the Windows 10 website, its diagnostic program states that I am running Windows 6.1 and also states that 6.1 is not compatible to update to 10.Which website is correct, and how do I update to Windows 10?  

Hi, Whidow 6.1 actually is Windows 7. Microsoft has few ways to give it product a code normally based on the original code like Windows XP is/was Windows 5.1, Windows 8.1 is Windows 6.3 .... . Please use the following list: Your machine should be qualified for upgading to Windows 10 free. Please use the following instructions: Regards.

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  • I want to install Windows 7 in bootcamp on my imac with Lion 10.7, but only have a Windows 7 upgrade disk.  I also have a full Vista.  Can I install in bootcamp using the Windows 7 upgrade disk?  If so, what do I need to know about how?

    I want to install Windows 7 on my imac in bootcamp.  I have a windows 7 upgrade disk and a full vista disk.  Normally on a PC I would install Vista, then upgrade to Windows 7.  I see that bootcamp 4 only supports Windows 7.
    Can I install the Windows 7 upgrade disk without first installing Vista?  Will this work in bootcamp?

    Install 7. Don't bother with applying drivers and such, just reboot again from DVD and install again, it will see the existing system and this time activation will be possible.
    Vista is mess, takes longer etc. Hope you have SP1 version of 7. And for Vista, only SP2+ are even supported now, by MS.

  • [Desktop 3000 K100] Successful Windows 7 upgrade/install?

    I recently decided to move from Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit to Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit on my Lenovo Desktop 3000 K100 machine.
    I already decided to go with a custom/clean install(I'm experienced in that area), instead of using the upgrade feature.
    The question is that, have any of You(the 3000 K100 owners) tried and successfully moved to Windows 7 themselves, and now are happily enjoying the new OS, with no issues?
    I've noticed that the K100 system is not listed in the "upgrade capable systems list":
    But then again does Lenovo mean the actual "Free Windows 7 Upgrade Program", where they provide you with the free license for intended Windows 7 OS(you do pay for delivery of the Windows 7 dvd though, if I'm correct), or just that the drivers do not exist for the OS.
    If it's the second reason, then I believe there's no worries since many articles on the web said that Windows Vista is essentially Windows 7 in a newer candy wrapping. Hence all the drivers should be working fine and be compatible for it.
    I also ran the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisory, and at the beginning it told me that I should upgrade my Vista to SP1 before doing the upgrade. I did so successfully and now the Upgrade Advisory says that I'm set for the Windows 7(Not sure why I had to install SP1 thought, after all I'm doing a clean install). Even all the drivers were checked/marked as compatible for the Windows 7.
    Already made all the necessary backups so I'm good there.
    I did notice one post on these forums about the owner of 3000 K100 having major problems with Windows 7 upgrade. The post is located here:
    He did mention that he had made a bios update, and that might have been the main problem(I never touch bios, nor update it unless it is essential thing to do for me), but then again I may be very wrong about it.
    So here I'm asking You, the owner of 3000 K100, if the move from Windows Vista to Windows 7 was smooth for you, or did you encouter problems and therefore should I stay away from that idea?

    i've a Lenovo 3000 K100 with Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits : it's working very well. No drivers to install, very stable.

  • Windows 10 Upgrade Checked PC Shows Issues With Drivers

    I have a Toshiba Satellite C655D, running Windows 7 Home Premiumwith the Service Pack 1 (SP1), 64 bit operating system. When I open up the Windows 10 Upgrade Reservation window, I clicked on the button on the upper left hand corner which open up a side panel on the left hand side. I go down and click on "Check your PC." It then gives me the message "This PC can be upgraded but there may be some issues." Because of those issues the following devices might not work properly, Those devices are, "Terminal Service Keyboard Driver" and "Terminal Server Mouse Driver."
    I posted this same message over at the Microsoft forums and someone told me to check with Toshiba to see if there are any drivers or patches that need to be updated. I've checked here at Toshiba and thus far there are no updated drivers or patches I need to download. In fact here at the Toshiba forums they have set up a thread with links that lead to Microsoft for anyone who has questions about Windows 10. It appears no one from either side knows what any of this means or how to resolve it.
    Does this mean I won't be able to download this free upgrade to Windows 10? Or can I still download the free upgrade to Windows 10 but have to download separate drivers? If I have to download separate drivers where do I download the proper ones that are compatible for my computer and Windows 10?
    So my original questions still stands. All help will be appreciated!

    Someone will say "Post your full model number and part number from the sticker on the bottom" and I apparently got here first, so I might as well post that.    That way, people know the full specs of your machine. I didn't get that hardware check when I clicked the white window icon.   I just got a screen to input my email address.(eta:   I went back and found that, clicked it.   It found no hardware issues.   It said the Toshiba DVD player might not work.  Try running the Win8 upgrade assistant and see what it says, because it might provide more detail.) There is a Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant, and apparently they say use that to check your hardware for Win 10.  I ran it on my L505-ES5034 an early i3 Windows 7 machine.   It didn't find any issues.    I ran it on my U505-S2012 or whatever it is, Windows 7 machine with a touch screen, and it told me that the touch screen may possibly not be compatible with Windows 8.    There are different requirements for Win8 touch screen vs. Win7, though.  But I didn't get any warmings about terminal services, which I associate with remote access. Jerry Lippey and I are running the Win 10 evaluation builds on older Core2 Duo machines.   Mine is a 2009 or 2010 model.  I really haven't seen any hardware issues.  I've had numerous problems with Cortana and start menu and desktop stop working and refuse to restart, though.

  • Satellite A300D-15B - Webcam won't work after Windows 7 upgrade

    My webcam doesnt work after Windows 7 upgrade. I have installed the drivers but still having no luck

    The webcam is listed in device manager under the Imaging devices
    There you should see USB Video Device.
    If its not listed there, then I think that the device malfunctions or its disconnected.
    The webcam is an usb device and its connected to USB controller.
    I read in different threads that in some cases the cable could be loose and therefore the webcam would not be listed in device manager.
    I such case the display lid needs to be disassembled and the cables should be checked.
    In my opinion its a job for an technician.

  • Installing Windows 7 Upgrade Edition on a new Macbook Pro

    Hi all,
    I am a recent convert to Apple after becoming more and more disillusioned with Windows for the past 10 or so years. I have ordered a shiny new 15" 2011 MBP and can't wait for it to arrive!
    My issue is that I am going to need to install Windows for occassional use with certain software as well as occassional gaming. I have a legitimate copy of Windows XP (as well as ME and 98) which I am perfectly happy with - However I understand that the new Macbooks will no longer support WinXP via Bootcamp?
    I am a student and have recently purchased a copy of the Windows 7 upgrade edition to rectify this, but I have now read that you cannot perform a "clean" install from the upgrade edition?
    I'm afraid I am finding this all very confusing. I do own a legitimate copy of WinXP, and am eligable for the Win7 upgrade, so any help getting this installed on my new Macbook? I would hate to have to keep my ancient desktop around just for Windows, as this would defeat the object of my new purchase.
    I have found the following guide; de-media.aspx
    Does anyone know if this will work in my case or has anyone tried on a brand new MBP?
    Thanks in advace for any advice and guidance you can offer.

    I have read in an issue of Mac Format about installing Windows in VirtualBox? I'm not really sure how this differs from using BootCamp and what the advantages/disadvantages are...
    Virtualization through Virtualbox (or Parallels or Fusion,) allows you to create a "virtual machine." In this virtual machine, you install Windows or Linux or whatever OS, just like you would a physical machine. But the "machine" is just some software and you view the machine as window within OSX. Think of it like a word processing program like Microsoft Word. You run Word to create documents. You can have multiple documents, but the documents can only be "run" within Word. And you can have multiple documents open at the same time and you can switch back and forth between documents without having to reboot OSX. So it is with virtualization. You can create multiple virtual machines (if you have enough hard drive space, just like Word.) You can run multiple virtual machines (if you have enough RAM, just like Word.) It's just that the "documents" are now operating systems rather than word processing or spreadsheets. The big advantage is that you don't have to reboot out of OSX in order to use Windows.
    ...i'm looking to mostly use windows for gaming, would this method be suitable for that as i see I would not have to restart the system.
    And then we come to the disadvantage. A virtual machine has "virtual hardware". The "guest" operating system doesn't actually "see" the physical hardware directly. Instead a virtual motherboard, virtual hard drive, virtual keyboard, etc, are "presented" to the guest OS. The virtualization software must "interpret" the requests from the guest OS into things the physical hardware must do. As with any interpretation, there is a delay. Think of it like if you spoke only French and you talk through an interpreter to someone who only spoke Swahili. It works, but is slower than if you were able to speak Swahili. For most things, this is fine. The weak link is the virtual video card. A simple game like solitaire doesn't need much graphics power so the "slowness" is not an issue. But a FPS game like Call Of Duty or Crysis, where graphics performance is critical, a virtual machine often chokes. So the use of virtualization in gaming really depends on the game.
    BTW, there is another technology called emulation that is similar to virtualization, but in general is slower than virtualization. Emulation is used when the CPU required for the guest OS is different than what the physical host has. For example, if you wanted to run Windows on a PowerPC Mac. This is why the Mac changing to Intel CPUs was so exciting because it allowed the use of the faster virtualization technology for Macs to run Windows.
    So the decision to use Boot Camp or virtualization depends on your needs. Me personally, I work with virtual machines daily due to my work with testing servers and such. With virtualization I am able to run several virtual machines simultaneously and so can simulate a whole network all within my Macbook. My work doesn't involve much graphics tasks with games, Photoshop, video, etc, so virtualization is fine. If your game is a FPS, then you probably wouldn't find virtualization acceptable. But "simple" games it may be fine. Virtualbox is free, but Parallels and Fusion sometimes do better with certain games. Parallels and Fusion have trial versions so you may want to try them as well. If you do, when you create the virtual machines, do NOT activate Windows until you're sure you're going to purchase. The various products do NOT use the same file format so converting a virtual machine to another format is tricky. If you do activate Windows, then decide to use a different product but are unable to convert the virtual machine, it's not a big deal to call Microsoft for the reactivation, but it is inconvenient, so better to avoid activation until you're sure.

  • Windows 7 upgrade: discs will include the option for a 32 to 64-bit upgrade via a clean install?

    I would like to know whether the Lenovo Windows 7 upgrade discs will include the option for a 32 to 64-bit upgrade via a clean install?  I called Mentor today and was told the answer is no, but I was hoping someone here could tell me differently.
    If "no" is truly the answer, I would like to voice my complaint: The upgrade discs from Microsoft (i.e. the retail upgrade discs) include both the 32 and 64-bit versions, so I don't completely understand why Lenovo's upgrade program doesn't offer the same thing.  I purchased my T500 in August, and back then Vista Ultimate 64 was not offered, so I chose Vista Ultimate 32 thinking that I could later upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate 64.  This assumption was based off of the info. on Microsoft's website indicating that all upgrades would contain the 32 and 64-bit versions.  I even customized my computer with 4 gigs of RAM thinking that I could take advantage of the extra gig once I installed Windows 7 64. 
    I don't understand what Lenovo or Mentor Media have to gain by restricting a 32 to 64-bit install.  I voiced this opinion to Mentor Media over the phone, who responded by saying that I should be happy since I am receiving a "free" upgrade.  I don't think this is an accurate assessment for two reasons: (1) I had to pay $17.03 for shipping, and I still haven't received the upgrade and (2) The total cost of my computer was almost $3,000, and the purchase was made a mere few weeks before Windows 7 was released.  $3,000 is a lot of money.  I waited for the details of the Windows 7 Upgrade Program to be announced BEFORE purchasing my machine.  When I finally bought my computer I accounted Windows 7 into the price I was paying.  In addition, when I bought this computer I did so expecting good customer service as a given.  Not providing a 64-bit upgrade without a rational explanation as to why does not qualify as appropriate customer service.
    As most of you know, 4 gigs of RAM is useless with a 32-bit OS.  Also, NOW Lenovo is building new T500s with the option of having Windows 7 Ultimate 64 (why wasn't Vista Ultimate 64 offered when I bought my computer???).  And the price for choosing Windows 7 Ultimate 32 is EQUAL to the price for choosing Windows 7 Ultimate 64, which proves that there is no cost difference.  I just want to know what Lenovo has to gain by denying customers a 64-bit upgrade?  There would really be no additional cost since as I mentioned before, Microsoft's retail upgrade includes the 32 and 64-bit OS on one disc.  If anything I would think that it's costing Lenovo money to strip the 64-bit install from the upgrade discs.
    Can anyone please address my problems?  Do you think there is anyone at Lenovo I could contact to voice my opinions?  I have been a loyal Thinkpad customer for over 5 years now, and I expect better from Lenovo.  Thank you for reading!
    moderator note: core question add to title, as stated in the forum rules and it will help others too answer your questions.

    Daventry wrote:
    Is there any way to request a 64-bit OEM?  Why should Lenovo care whether I want a 32-bit or 64-bit as long as it's the same edition (Ultimate edition)?
    if your system shipped with a 32-bit version of vista then you will be sent 32-bit windows 7 upgrade media.   the reason for this is two-fold.
    first, because this is upgrade media, it's impossible to install a 64-bit version of windows over a 32-bit version.   doing so would require a clean installation and upgrade media simply won't allow this.   this is the case with retail media, too.   if you had 32-bit vista installed and wanted to upgrade it to 64-bit using retail media, you'd have to wipe your system or set up a dual-boot.
    second, the COA (certificate of authenticity) on the bottom of your system is for vista.   because of this, your new license is of an upgrade from vista to 7.   this is how microsoft licenses it and it is their policy, not lenovo's.   microsoft's policy with OEMs is that you must install vista first, then upgrade to 7 (unless, of course, you purchased your system native with 7 on or after the 22nd).   since your original lenovo preload is of a 32-bit OS, the issue becomes circular and you'll have to refer again to the first reason.
    i understand your frustration and wish this stuff were made easier for everyone.   it's repetative reading post after post of people with 4GB installed who don't understand the limitations of a 32-bit environment.   i wish both manufacturers and users switched to 64-bit OSes sooner.   the same thing happened when the industry went from 16-bit windows 3.11 to 32-bit windows NT4/95 and limitations went from 16KB all the way up to 4GB (which, in 1995, no one thought we'd ever exceed).   the difference is that people were complaining on BBSes over 14.4k modems instead of on GUI-based forums using broadband connections.   times sure have changed.
    ThinkStation C20
    ThinkPad X1C · X220 · X60T · s30 · 600

  • Windows 8 upgrade on Satellite P300 - possible?

    I want my P300 upgrade to windows 8. Is this possible, and easy to do ?
    Thank you.

    Yes, it is possible to install Win 8 but since the Satellite P300 is not a part of the Win8 supported notebook models, you will not find Win 8 drivers.
    You will have to search and collect such drivers at your own hand
    So this can be a little bit problem but its definitely possible to use Win 8
    recommend checkign this pages:
    +Windows 8 Upgrade - Notes and Restrictions+
    +Upgrade installation of Windows 8+
    +Clean Install of Windows 8+

  • Windows 8 Upgrade on Netbook

    Good day!
    I would like to ask how can I upgrade and use Windows 8 properly in my device if my screen resolution is limited upto 1024x600 only. I bought my device last November 2012 and don't want to buy a new device just to experience and use Windows 8 OS.
    My Device Name: HP Mini 110-3500
    Serial Number:[Personal Information Removed]
    Operating System: Windows 7 Starter, 32-bit, and 1GB RAM
    Thank you and looking forward for your responses.

    Download and run Microsoft's Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant. It is located on this web document.
    Have you checked on your netbook's web support portal to see if there are drivers for Windows 8?
    I just checked and that answer is a no. 
    The Upgrade Assitant should help you decide make a informed dicision on what you want to do in relation to your mini and Windows 8.
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • Windows 8 upgrade

    I recently upgraded my HP Touchsmart 310-1020 Desktop PC from Windows 7 to Windows 8.  After the upgrade, I received a message that ATI needs to be upgraded.  When finding out how to do that, I found out I should have upgraded drivers prior to the Windows 8 upgrade.  How do I fix it now?

    Here are the specs for your HP TouchSmart 310-1020 Desktop Computer. According to the specs, this model uses integrated AMD Radeon HD 4270 graphics. Please download and install the AMD Catalyst™ Display Driver by clicking on "Catalyst Software Suite" from the linked page. If this doesn't work the first time though, uninstall any/all "AMD Display Drivers" before trying to install this driver again.
    Please send KUDOs
    {------------ Please click the "White Kudos" Thumbs Up to say THANKS for helping.
    Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
    HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
    HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
    HP a1632x - Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6320y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
    HP p7-1026 - Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6787c - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

  • Windows 8 Upgrade - Supported Toshiba Notebook Models

    Hi Community
    If you want to know if your notebook is supported by Toshiba Win 8 Upgrade, please check this page:
    +The below table lists all the Toshiba models by short part numbers which are currently supported for the Windows 8 upgrade program.+

    _*By the way:*_
    If you are looking for specific *Windows 8 drivers* for your Toshiba Notebook, visit the Windows 8 drivers page for the upgrade assistant:

  • Windows 8 upgrade - U310

    I wanted to know if Lenovo will have Windows 8 upgrade for 15 euros which goes along with U310 with SSD disc so will not erase SSD cache feature and will be compatible with Windows 8? Toshiba did this thing when Windows 7 came out for their computers. I am kindly asking for help because Lenovo support in Slovenia is terrible.

    roxy2k wrote:
    I'm using U310 Touch comes with Windows 8.0, trying to upgrade to Windows 8.1 many times and got the error code:  0x80240031.
    Try the factory restore and upgrade again, same error code, also try WiFi and Ethernet connection and same error code.
    Any idea or resolution ?  I need to upgrade to Windows 8.1 in order to install apps cause it required Windows 8.1 to install.
    Many thanks in advance.
    Link to picture
    Moderator note; picture(s) converted to link(s) About Posting Pictures In The Forums
    Try the update troubleshooter then check if you installed the required updates. See this link.

  • Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant failed on Satellite P775

    I tried running the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant on my Satellite P775.
    It started by displaying
    Checking Components; download Windows 8 Components data.
    Reading Components.
    Got component TOSHIBA Wireless LAN Indicator
    ... etc ...
    Got Component TOSHIBA Contrasena de supervisor
    Reading Windows Components.
    then displayed a Message Box
    "Failed to read Target (Windows 8) INI file."
    How can I solve this?

    Thanks for the reply.
    Yes I followed that procedure.
    My model is Satellite P775-112 PSBY3E and is listed as being compatible
    After installing Windows 8, I noticed that the DVD drive was no longer accessible, as described in the following thread:
    So I disabled the Windows Service "Toshiba Optical Disc Drive Service" (TODDSrv.exe, and the DVD drive is now visible. However Toshiba Video Player still does not work (says it has compatibility issues) and I can not view DVD videos.
    I then ran the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant, which failed immediately with the error "Failed to read Target (Windows 8) INI file".
    I found some posts on the forum with a similar error with the Windows 7 Upgrade Assistant (Failed to read Target (Windows 7) INI file. None of the posts has a clear description of what this error means but I've tried all of the suggestions.
    Here's a list of what I've tried:
    - Rebooted
    - Upgraded BIOS to latest version (2.10)
    - Run Upgrade Assistant as Administrator
    - Run Upgrade Assistant with "Toshiba Optical DIsc Drive Service TODDSrv.exe started or stopped.
    My main problems at the moment are:
    - Toshiba Optical DIsc Drive Service causes DVD drive to disappear
    - Toshiba Video Player won't run
    - No way to view DVDs
    I'd be happy to install the drivers and applications individually if the Upgrade Assistant doesn't work - is there anywhere I can download them?

  • Windows 8 Upgrade Capable Systems Official List

    This is the official list of Windows 8 Upgrade Capable Systems from Lenovo
    This is the official link for download drivers, of course there are not yet uploaded for downloading. Coming soon...There are also at end of the page some tips for the upgrading to windows 8 and upgrade instructions for specific systems.
    And Good Luck with your system upgrade…

    You can try this test: using Windows 8 upgrade Assisstant:   
    Note: My 5years olf laptopn runs Windows 8 Pro with only one missing the Bluetooth and this has been fixed.
    Hope this helps.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Touchsmart IQ504 and windows 8 upgrade

    I tried upgrading my IQ504 from Windows 7 to Windows 8 when it was first released and had no luck. Has anyone had any luck upgrading their 504 yet and if so anything specific I should know? Thanks!

    Here are the specs for your HP TouchSmart IQ504 Desktop Computer. According to the specs, this model shipped with Windows Vista 64-bit and was introduced for sale on or about 13-Jul-2008... making it over 5 years old. Due to its age, HP has no intention of providing specific support or drivers for this model. Please read HP's position below.
    THIS is HP's position on Windows 8 support and any HP computer not originally supplied with Windows 8;
    1) Not all Windows 8 features may be available on all PCs.
    2) Your particular experience with Windows 8 will be determined by the capabilities of your PC.
    3) HP is providing upgrade instructions and drivers will be available for most Windows 7 systems sold after 1st October 2011.
    4) If you want to restore the original operating system after upgrading, you must create HP recovery media before you upgrade.
    5) Please note that if you purchased your system prior to October 1, 2011, HP has not tested these PCs or developed Windows 8 upgrade instructions or drivers for them. Upgrading such systems may be difficult or impossible.
    Important information regarding additional limitations and requirements;
    1) Screen Resolution Requirements
    2) Limitations with DVD playback software
    3) Limitations with Blu-ray playback software
    4) Limitations with TV Tuner software
    5) Secure Boot & other UEFI dependent features
    6) Limitations with touch screen capabilities
    "Windows 7 (also includes Windows Vista) PCs with touch screens will not have full Windows 8 touch capabilities after upgrade. HP PCs with touch input hardware designed for Windows 7 will provide a comparable experience for only two touch point applications after the upgrade to Windows 8. HP Windows PCs with touch input hardware will not support Windows 8 applications that require more than two simultaneous touch points. Additionally, Windows 8 edge swipes may not be available due to the recessed bezel on HP touch systems shipped with Windows 7."
    7) HP TouchSmart Magic Canvas and HP TouchSmart applications are not compatible with Windows 8 and must be uninstalled before upgrading. Note that content created using the TouchSmart applications such as Graphitti will not be available after upgrading.
    With all of that said, you may be able to clean install Windows 8 or upgrade your current OS to Windows 8 and it may work but many of its features may no longer function under Windows 8. 
    Please click the white KUDOS star to show your appreciation
    {------------ Please click the "White Kudos" Thumbs Up to say THANKS for helping.
    Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
    HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
    HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
    HP a1632x - Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6320y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
    HP p7-1026 - Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6787c - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

  • Windows 8 upgrade via newer systems??

    Hi there
    I have read numerous post on this board by HP staff helping people upgrade to Windows 8.
    One staff member said that their maybe other versions of the same machine that have been tested already that use the same hardware.
    My machine:
    HP Pavilion dv7-4143ea Entertainment  :XD964EA#ABU 
    has not been tested for windows 8.
    I was wondering if newer versions had?
    The problems I had when i tried out the upgrade was: no switchable graphics,  no fingerprint scanning , no esata, no synaptic touch(basic functionality) 
    I appreciate any help with this matter

    You can try this test: using Windows 8 upgrade Assisstant:   
    Note: My 5years olf laptopn runs Windows 8 Pro with only one missing the Bluetooth and this has been fixed.
    Hope this helps.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

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