Windows Update PowerShell Remoting

I am working on a script to do Windows Updates on a remote machine. I am using the runspace and powershell objects. I can query and recieve the list of updates, but as I go to download and install them I can an error which indicates that these methods cannot be run from remote computers. Should the object creation and everything be happening on the remote computer? I thought this was the whole idea of the remoting. Am I doing something wrong?

This script works great but I would like to make a suggestion.
Add $VerbosePreference = "Continue" to the top and then change all Write-Host with Write-Progress.  It has the same effect except instead of saying that it is downloading an update it is giving you a progress bar as well.  Updated script below. 
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$DebugPreference = "Stop"
function Get-WIAStatusValue($value)
   switch -exact ($value)
      0   {"NotStarted"}
      1   {"InProgress"}
      2   {"Succeeded"}
      3   {"SucceededWithErrors"}
      4   {"Failed"}
      5   {"Aborted"}
$needsReboot = $false
$UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
$UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
Write-Progress " - Searching for Updates"
$SearchResult = $UpdateSearcher.Search("IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0")
Write-Verbose " - Found [$($SearchResult.Updates.count)] Updates to Download and install"
foreach($Update in $SearchResult.Updates)
   # Add Update to Collection
   $UpdatesCollection = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
   if ( $Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0 ) { $Update.AcceptEula() }
   $UpdatesCollection.Add($Update) | out-null
   # Download
   Write-Progress " + Downloading Update $($Update.Title)"
   $UpdatesDownloader = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
   $UpdatesDownloader.Updates = $UpdatesCollection
   $DownloadResult = $UpdatesDownloader.Download()
   $Message = "   - Download {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $DownloadResult.ResultCode)
   Write-Verbose $message   
   # Install
   Write-Progress "   - Installing Update"
   $UpdatesInstaller = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
   $UpdatesInstaller.Updates = $UpdatesCollection
   $InstallResult = $UpdatesInstaller.Install()
   $Message = "   - Install {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $DownloadResult.ResultCode)
   Write-Verbose $message
   $needsReboot = $installResult.rebootRequired   
    Write-Debug "Restarting Computer please close all open apps"

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    some nodes do not reboot on their own and wait for a user confirmation.
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    Hi Thuan;
    This script is tested on these platforms by the author.:
    Verified on the following platforms
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    Windows Server 2008 R2
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    Windows Server 2003
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    Here is a little script that will create a hash table of all applicable updates, and their associated UUID's.  This can be used to look up the UUID, to use as a criteria when searching again:
    $upids = @{}
    $Searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher
    $results = $"Type='software' AND IsInstalled = 0")
    $Results.Updates |
    ForEach-Object { $upids.Add($_.Title, $_.Identity.UpdateID) }
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    What's new in Powershell 3.0 (Technet Wiki)

  • [Forum FAQ] Introduce Windows Powershell Remoting

    This article will introduce three methods of Windows Powershell Remoting:
    Method 1: WMI
    Remoting Cmdlet: Get-WMIObject
    Protocols: WMI/RPC/DCOM
    Port: Random port
    Data Encryption: Clear text
    Note: No need of the WinRM’s installation and configuration
    Method 2: PowerShell Remoting Commands
    Remoting Cmdlet: Invoke-Command
    Protocols: HTTP (wsman), MIME, SOAP, XML
    Port: 5985
    Data Encryption: Encrypted
    Note: Support any cmdlets in the parameter scriptblock, however, need the computer install WinRM, and also need to configure the WinRM on the remote computer.
    Method 3: PowerShell Remoting Interactively
    Remoting Cmdlet: Enter-PSSession
    Protocols: HTTP (wsman), MIME, SOAP, XML
    Port: 5985
    Data Encryption: Encrypted
    Note: Support any cmdlets, all cmdlets you type are executed as if they were typed on the console of the remote computer. However, need the computer install WinRM, and also need
    to configure the WinRM on the remote computer.

    2. Powershell remote in the same domain with WinRM installed:  Invoke-Command, Enter-PSSession
    2.1 PowerShell Remoting Commands: Invoke-Command
    If you only have a couple of commands to execute on the remote computer in the same domain, you can use the
    Invoke-Command cmdlet.
    For example: Server1 want to remote manage Server2
    1) Enable powershell remoting on Server2
    Launch Windows Powershell as “Run as Administrator” on server2, and run:
    Enable-PSRemoting –Force
    In Server 2012 (but not Windows 8), PowerShell remoting is enabled by default, so you don't need to do anything.
    2) Run invoke-command on server1
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName server2 -Credential domain\username -ScriptBlock {get-process}
    If the user account run with Powershell has the admin permission, there is no need to specify the credential parameter.
    The script above will run the cmdlet “get-process” on server2, and a temporary connection will be built, the result returned to server1, and the connection broken.
    If you want to run powershell script .ps1 file on server2, however, this script is stored on server1, you can achieve as below:
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName server2 -Credential domain\username -FilePath d:\1.ps1
    2.2 PowerShell Remoting Interactively: Enter-PSSession
    To work interactively, use
    Enter-PSSession to connect to a remote session, all the cmdlets you typed in your local console is executed on the remote system until you leave the remote session by using
    After configure the WinRM on server2, you can run
    enter-pssession on server1 (Figure 3):
    Figure 3:  remote with enter-pssession
    2.3 Powershell remote with Pssession:  New-Pssession
    Whenever you use Windows PowerShell Remoting with the ComputerName parameter, a temporary session is created for you and used only for this particular command. Once the command
    completes, the session is automatically closed.
    If you start to access remote systems more often or would like to keep the session state, a more efficient way is to create sessions yourself and keep them around until you no longer
    need them. To achieve this, instead of specifying the parameter computername, you can also specify Pssession in the Session parameter of the cmdlets
    invoke-command and enter-pssession (Figure 4).
    Figure 4:  persistent session
    If there is no need to use the Pssession, you can use the cmdlet
    Remove-PSSession to close the session.

  • [Forum FAQ] "Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell Remoting" error while installing RDS roles on Server 2012 R2

    When you try to install RDS role on server 2012 R2 using standard deployment, this issue may occur (Figure 1).
    “Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting”.
    Figure 1: Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting
    First of all, we need to verify the configurations as it suggested:
    1. The server must be available by using Windows PowerShell remotely.
    2. The server must be joined to a domain.
    3. The server must be running at least Windows Server 2012 R2.
    4. The currently logged on user must be a member of the local Administrators group on the server.
    5. Remote Desktop Services connections must be enabled by using Group Policy.
    In addition, we need to check if the “Windows Remote Management “service is running and related firewall exceptions have been created for WinRM listener.
    To enabling PowerShell remoting, we can run this PowerShell command as administrator (Figure 2).
    Enable-PSRemoting -Force
    Figure 2: Enable PowerShell Remoting
    However, if issue persists, we need to check whether it has enough memory to work.
    By default, remote shell allots only 150 MB of memory. If we have IIS or SharePoint App pool, 150 MB of memory is not sufficient to perform the remoting task. Therefore, we need to increase
    the memory via the PowerShell command below:
    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Shell\MaxMemoryPerShellMB 1000
    Then, you need to restart the server and the issue should be resolved.
    You can get more information regarding Remote Troubleshooting by below link:
    If you need further assistance, welcome to post your questions in the
    RDS forum.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    i found another possible reason, this solution worked for me:
    I tried to set up powershell remoting on a server and kept getting this error:
    Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cann
    ot process the request. It cannot determine the content type of the HTTP response from the destination comput
    er. The content type is absent or invalid. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help to
    After a bit of troubleshooting I discovered that the problem was that the authentication packets was to big (over 16k), this will cause WinRM to reject the request. The reason for authentication packets getting too big can be because the user is member of very
    many security groups or in my case because of the SidHistory attribute.
    The solution was to increase the MaxFieldLength and MaxRequestBytes keys in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\HTTP\Parameters
    If the keys does not exists you can create them, be sure to use the DWORD type.
    I sat MaxFieldLength to DEC value 40000 and MaxRequestBytes to DEC value 32768 and rebooted the server. Problem solved.

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    We have been asked to setup PowerShell Remoting HTTPS on our Windows 7 estate.  I was just wondering if there is a step-by-step guide (which even includes certificates creation etc.)?
    HTTP option was rejected saying it's not secure. 
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Here's a few general walkthroughs:
    Here's one that's most likely more on target for what you're after:
    It's unlikely that you'll find something that will hold your hand the entire way through, but a combination of these should get you moving in the right direction.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,830+ strong and growing)

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    Hi All, I need help in writing a script which can query an OU in active directory and then return most recent date of windows updates installation. It will also be helpful if the script can sort the names and then send output to a file (any format will
    do). I know basic of querying a local computer but not remote query, I am terrible at scripting side of powershell. Thanks people.

    I am referring to the script below, how can I get the result to output in an XLS or CSV format, I tried couple of combinations but couldn't get it to work.# This script shows the last time that a successfull Windows Update was installed.clsadd-PSSnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement 
    $OnlineServers = @() 
    Get-QADComputer -SearchRoot ''-OSName "Windows*Server*"| %{ 
      $PingResult = Get-WmiObject-Query "SELECT * FROM win32_PingStatus WHERE address='$($_.Name)'"If ($PingResult.StatusCode -eq 0)  
         # Add the current name to the array$OnlineServers+= "$($_.Name)" 
    foreach ($Serverin$OnlineServers ) 
            $key = “SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install” 
            $keytype = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine 
            $RemoteBase = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($keytype,$Server) 
            $regKey = $RemoteBase.OpenSubKey($key) 
            $KeyValue = $regkey.GetValue(”LastSuccessTime”) 
            $System = (Get-Date-Format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")  
            if    ($KeyValue-lt $System) 
                Write-Host " " 
                Write-Host $Server"Last time updates were installed was: "$KeyValue

  • Cannot Install Windows Updates on Server 2008 R2 - Error Code 80070002

    I'm having issues installing updates among other issues that seem to be related.
    I'm not able to view a list of Installed Updates. Also Server Manager fails when it tries to list the Roles and Features on the server.
    I get this error message in server manager
    I get this error when I try and do a manual install of MSXML 4.0 SP2
    When I try and run sfc /scannow:
    Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation
    I've tried the following:
    .NET repair tool
    The Readiness tool -
    Resetting Windows Update Components -
    The automatic troubleshooter "WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab" -
    Latest from the CBS log file:
    2014-08-14 15:02:35, Info                  CBS    Starting TrustedInstaller initialization.
    2014-08-14 15:02:35, Info                  CBS    Loaded Servicing Stack v6.1.7601.17592 with Core: C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17592_none_672ce6c3de2cb17f\cbscore.dll
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CSI    00000001@2014/8/14:19:02:36.522 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee399f0ad @0x7fef79a9849
    @0x7fef79734e3 @0xff0be97c @0xff0bd799 @0xff0bdb2f)
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    Could not load SrClient DLL from path: SrClient.dll.  Continuing without system restore points.
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CSI    00000002@2014/8/14:19:02:36.524 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee399f0ad @0x7fef79f6816
    @0x7fef79c2aac @0x7fef79735b9 @0xff0be97c @0xff0bd799)
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CSI    00000003@2014/8/14:19:02:36.525 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7fee399f0ad @0x7fef7c58738
    @0x7fef7c58866 @0xff0be474 @0xff0bd7de @0xff0bdb2f)
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    Ending TrustedInstaller initialization.
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    Starting the TrustedInstaller main loop.
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    TrustedInstaller service starts successfully.
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    SQM: Initializing online with Windows opt-in: False
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    SQM: Cleaning up report files older than 10 days.
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    SQM: Requesting upload of all unsent reports.
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    SQM: Failed to start upload with file pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_std.sqm, flags: 0x2 [HRESULT = 0x80004005
    - E_FAIL]
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    SQM: Failed to start standard sample upload. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    SQM: Queued 0 file(s) for upload with pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_all.sqm, flags: 0x6
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    SQM: Warning: Failed to upload all unsent reports. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    No startup processing required, TrustedInstaller service was not set as autostart, or else a reboot is still
    2014-08-14 15:02:36, Info                  CBS    NonStart: Checking to ensure startup processing was not required.
    2014-08-14 15:02:37, Info                  CSI    00000004@2014/8/14:19:02:37.667 PopulateComponentFamiliesKey - Begin
    2014-08-14 15:02:38, Info                  CSI    00000005 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:162{81}]"amd64_hal.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_fd214455f7d01c16"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    00000006 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:140{70}]"amd64_mdmmcd.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_75f2f184549e8f36"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    00000007 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:142{71}]"amd64_mdmmcom.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_812d4a3d3edaed64"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    00000008 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:140{70}]"amd64_mdmmct.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_a7d732137db062c6"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    00000009 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:142{71}]"amd64_mdmmega.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_995cdac734df71e6"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    0000000a PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:144{72}]"amd64_mdmmetri.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_0c74b3dc07900de3"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    0000000b PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:144{72}]"amd64_mdmmhrtz.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_a55d8d9d74018205"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    0000000c PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-a..lprovider.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_41183708c1b5eca0"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    0000000d PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-a..ompat-adm.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_1770b9ac6464f96e"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    0000000e PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-b..atacenter.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_en-us_f18072837d519058"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    0000000f PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-b..serverweb.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_en-us_0680b8dbb9bb3b0b"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    00000010 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-c..rvices-camanagement_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_461bddfc1b1d8882"
    2014-08-14 15:02:39, Info                  CSI    00000011 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-d..-adsiedit.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_en-us_eabb7fec550b2fac"
    2014-08-14 15:02:40, Info                  CSI    00000012 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:40, Info                  CSI    00000013 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:194{97}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-diskcopy.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_cb72ed81259f5f62"
    2014-08-14 15:02:40, Info                  CSI    00000014 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:192{96}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-dwm-adm.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_8cdb64cf3d2e1f51"
    2014-08-14 15:02:40, Info                  CSI    00000015 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-f..truetype-arialblack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_4540bd0a80a4a192"
    2014-08-14 15:02:40, Info                  CSI    00000016 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-h..providers.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_2c3b936d3d73e8ea"
    2014-08-14 15:02:40, Info                  CSI    00000017 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:194{97}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-help-efs.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_7b42dfac415afe76"
    2014-08-14 15:02:42, Info                  CSI    00000018 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-l..geexpress.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_18a6dfd0b144425f"
    2014-08-14 15:02:42, Info                  CSI    00000019 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-l..priseia64.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_en-us_dd8a17a6ae27c46c"
    2014-08-14 15:02:42, Info                  CSI    0000001a PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-l..standardv.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_8092a76ab10c358b"
    2014-08-14 15:02:43, Info                  CSI    0000001b PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-p..vchostreg.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_b2906da4f261daf9"
    2014-08-14 15:02:43, Info                  CSI    0000001c PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-r..ance-diag.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_0aa841d0afc8562e"
    2014-08-14 15:02:43, Info                  CSI    0000001d PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-s..agnosticsengine-adm_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_af31be1d191f101a"
    2014-08-14 15:02:43, Info                  CSI    0000001e PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-s..csengine-nativehost_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_761ad65676427bd9"
    2014-08-14 15:02:43, Info                  CSI    0000001f PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-s..itlockeraccessagent_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_a37185ebed3561d4"
    2014-08-14 15:02:44, Info                  CBS    Archived backup log: C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\
    2014-08-14 15:02:45, Info                  CSI    00000020 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-w..ouppolicy.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_9ac2938a2572fd95"
    2014-08-14 15:02:45, Info                  CSI    00000021 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:196{98}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-webenroll.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_df5e63b27c378d72"
    2014-08-14 15:02:45, Info                  CSI    00000022 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:204{102}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:46, Info                  CSI    00000023 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:172{86}]"amd64_prnlx00v.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_f15b45768a38ee43"
    2014-08-14 15:02:47, Info                  CSI    00000024 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:144{72}]"amd64_wiaca00f.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_9c640a1de4358225"
    2014-08-14 15:02:47, Info                  CSI    00000025 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:47, Info                  CSI    00000026 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:47, Info                  CSI    00000027 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:47, Info                  CSI    00000028 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:168{84}]"msil_rmconfighelper.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_en-us_4a474daab25dc8c5"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    00000029 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:190{95}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-events_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_3f1bbf2cf11ac44b"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    0000002a PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:184{92}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-exe_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_cf5f9aad50446c26"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    0000002b PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:192{96}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-message_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_938e93ff8676acaf"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    0000002c PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:184{92}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-sip_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_ceb83cd750c49126"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    0000002d PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:202{101}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-r..comserver.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_403d230b6e5b87e4"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    0000002e PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-t..nition-server.en-gb_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_d02d64e79a7a8fbd"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    0000002f PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-t..nition-server.en-us_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_d5aafabf9706aa20"
    2014-08-14 15:02:48, Info                  CSI    00000030 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:200{100}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:49, Info                  CSI    00000031 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:194{97}]"x86_microsoft-windows-bootconfig.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_c4baaf9824d2fc4c"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000032 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..-lpksetup.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_en-us_e7729b5db351ae7a"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000033 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..anagement.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_952103538e95283d"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000034 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..serverhpc.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_0c2373da8ea83bcf"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000035 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:196{98}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..verembeddedsolution_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_477beb6858bdf981"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000036 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:188{94}]"x86_microsoft-windows-msieftp.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_b44a626bc200312a"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000037 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:196{98}]"x86_microsoft-windows-n.._service_runtimeapi_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_8b6b5562c22f4547"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000038 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:196{98}]"x86_microsoft-windows-r..stion-detector-core_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_f8beaf4e716bb761"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    00000039 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:196{98}]"x86_microsoft-windows-rasrtrfiltr.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_52dd99b3adb074a7"
    2014-08-14 15:02:50, Info                  CSI    0000003a PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:190{95}]"x86_microsoft-windows-regsvr32.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_191bcef0c24d6bfc"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000003b PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000003c PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]"x86_microsoft-windows-t..extension.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_45e6f39742808f67"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000003d PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]"x86_microsoft-windows-t..rk-msimtf.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_e4d46cbfc094f384"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000003e PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]"x86_microsoft-windows-u..lsettings.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_3fc4fe6fb4bdaec2"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000003f PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:190{95}]"x86_microsoft-windows-winre-recoverytools_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_d7553e5fcf6b6373"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000040 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]"x86_microsoft-windows-wlangpclient.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_d71954ccc0bef83a"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000041 PopulateComponentFamilies ignoring identity-less key [l:198{99}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000042 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:132{66}]"amd64_hal.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_77e8041b44c19aa9"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000043 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:140{70}]"amd64_hiddigi.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_284235e9c962f280"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000044 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:140{70}]"amd64_hidserv.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_ffad27e3e33e1d7b"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000045 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:110{55}]"amd64_mdmmcd.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_none_22a8db0f018e3889"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000046 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:112{56}]"amd64_mdmmcom.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_none_31c07cb3cb15bc4b"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000047 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:110{55}]"amd64_mdmmct.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_none_f9562a50e08c3d79"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000048 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:112{56}]"amd64_mdmmega.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_none_063982a7934e1f59"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    00000049 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:114{57}]"amd64_mdmmetri.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_none_daf34a3d0a1e0e04"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000004a Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:114{57}]"amd64_mdmmhrtz.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_none_e6e342238c4a5672"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000004b Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-a..lprovider.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_8af97888bc8b9fef"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000004c Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-a..ompat-adm.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_821ab8b6ffcd8211"
    2014-08-14 15:02:51, Info                  CSI    0000004d Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-b..rstandard.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_ab6fc212f9f4e893"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000004e Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:164{82}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-diskcopy.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_6302e953cde376bd"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000004f Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:162{81}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-dwm-adm.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_e17bae3ee7b72886"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000050 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:170{85}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-f..truetype-arialblack_31bf3856ad364e35_none_0760da1d6e711a0d"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000051 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-h..providers.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_b352d37ee7af6775"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000052 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:164{82}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-help-efs.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_61c13f6e2023f349"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000053 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-l..geexpress.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_17c6801ba1ed9668"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000054 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-l..priseia64.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_f8a97f4cf74424cd"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000055 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-l..standardv.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_cd062e328582099c"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000056 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-p..vchostreg.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_0b6320bab723301e"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000057 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:170{85}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-s..agnosticsengine-adm_31bf3856ad364e35_none_2d921027cf470dc5"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000058 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:170{85}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-s..csengine-nativehost_31bf3856ad364e35_none_2821f4ae1a431e3e"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000059 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:158{79}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-sysdm.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_0858f6439944b79d"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000005a Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]"amd64_microsoft-windows-w..ouppolicy.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_e6d8645b06cbf362"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000005b Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:172{86}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000005c Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:136{68}]"amd64_mshdc.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_eb809c3a5bcf098f"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000005d Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:146{73}]"amd64_networking-mpssvc.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_dec64a5527731c75"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000005e Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:142{71}]"amd64_prnlx006.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_3f3836061538b064"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000005f Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:142{71}]"amd64_prnlx00v.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_0a24838850eed8a4"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000060 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:142{71}]"amd64_prnlx00w.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_a9503b8d1dddb145"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000061 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:142{71}]"amd64_prnlx00z.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_86d349fa84aa3b28"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000062 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:142{71}]"amd64_prnms002.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_0f4e2e4ae11b4862"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000063 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:134{67}]"amd64_tape.inf-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_973842fa62a48c80"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000064 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:168{84}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000065 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:168{84}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000066 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:170{85}]""
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000067 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:138{69}]"msil_rmconfighelper.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_587cf87bf10d4e8a"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000068 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:160{80}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-events_31bf3856ad364e35_none_d601b7800debedba"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000069 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:154{77}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-exe_31bf3856ad364e35_none_51d98b2a035913f7"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000006a Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:162{81}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-message_31bf3856ad364e35_none_89b9ccaee0e1b776"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000006b Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:154{77}]"wow64_microsoft-windows-powershell-sip_31bf3856ad364e35_none_51e8f9d0034ad6f7"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000006c Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:164{82}]"x86_microsoft-windows-bootconfig.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_e91165d43a042067"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000006d Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:168{84}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..-lpksetup.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_c56a4fd729d7a973"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000006e Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:168{84}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..anagement.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_63d825b64ab5a9be"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    0000006f Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:168{84}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..serverhpc.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_7962778a6725523c"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000070 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:166{83}]"x86_microsoft-windows-l..verembeddedsolution_31bf3856ad364e35_none_f5b3c13a343f599a"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000071 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:158{79}]"x86_microsoft-windows-msieftp.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_cdbac8c0b6c636f9"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000072 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:166{83}]"x86_microsoft-windows-n.._service_runtimeapi_31bf3856ad364e35_none_f8313852616ba684"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000073 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:166{83}]"x86_microsoft-windows-r..stion-detector-core_31bf3856ad364e35_none_f1331bb5f89dd2ba"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000074 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:166{83}]"x86_microsoft-windows-rasrtrfiltr.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_86e21fc24740da24"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000075 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:160{80}]"x86_microsoft-windows-regsvr32.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_a61362bfb6bda237"
    2014-08-14 15:02:52, Info                  CSI    00000076 Install-map entry missing component key in populate: [l:168{84}]"x86_microsoft-windows-s..iprovider.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_en-us_1447213805498c8a"
    2014-08-14 15:02:53, Error                 CSI    00000077 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #1556704# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysOpenKey(flg
    = 0, key = {provider=NULL, handle=0}, da = (KEY_READ|KEY_WOW64_64KEY), oa = @0xd3e2e0->OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {s:48; rd:NULL; on:[156]"\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners\x86_microsoft-windows-security-secedit_31bf3[gle=0xd0000034]
    2014-08-14 15:02:53, Error                 CSI    00000078@2014/8/14:19:02:53.07 (F) d:\win7sp1_gdr\base\wcp\sil\merged\ntu\ntsystem.cpp(3676): Error STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
    originated in function Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysOpenKey expression: (null)
    2014-08-14 15:02:53, Error                 CSI    00000079 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #1556703# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::OpenExistingKey(f
    = 0, da = (KEY_READ), oa = @0xd3e7a0, key = NULL, disp = (null))[gle=0xd0000034]
    2014-08-14 15:02:53, Info                  CBS    NonStart: Failed to get store. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-08-14 15:02:53, Info                  CBS    Failed to ensure no startup processing was required. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-08-14 15:02:53, Info                  CBS    Failed during startup processing, continuing with Trusted Installer execution [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-08-14 15:02:53, Info                  CBS    Startup processing thread terminated normally
    2014-08-14 15:02:54, Info                  CSI    0000007a@2014/8/14:19:02:54.282 PopulateComponentFamiliesKey - Begin

    Sorry to hear that in-place upgrade is still failed. It also indicates the operating system is non-recoverable.
    You may have to rebuild the server.
    If rebuilding is not an acceptable solution, you can open a ticket with CSS support.
    Hi Daniel, the price indicated on the site. Is it the price until the incident is resolved? (no matter whether it takes days or weeks)
    Every second counts..make use of it. Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
    IT Stuff Quick Bytes

  • Has there been updates to transcription support in a PS 4 Windows Update? Behaviour has changed...

    I utilise PowerShell transcription support heavily in my PS scripts. Essentially I utilise transcription as a replacement to having a logging framework - all logging is performed via Write-Host, Write-Verbose and Write-Debug calls, and then logged to file
    via a call to Start-Transcript at the start of script execution.
    Transcription support in PS versions prior to 5 is limited in that it is hard coded in the Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript commands to throw an exception if the host is not an instance of Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost. Also, to make it even more difficult,
    Stop-Transcript throws an error when there is no active transcript; but there is no way to detect if there is. Therefore, I use reflection to get the ConsoleHost.IsTranscribing internal property value to determine whether to call Stop-Transcript at script
    completion. This logic has worked fine for PS versions 2, 3 and 4. However, more recently I believe a Windows Update patch has changed the way the transcription works. It appears that PS 4 now supports transcription functionality that I thought was PS 5 (CTP)
    specific - nested transcription sessions (i.e. you can now continually call Start-Transcript and it will create more sessions, rather than throw an error when there is an active session).  Also, the internals of how transcription is managed must have
    changed because the IsTranscribing property no longer returns the correct value. I am unsure if there is now a "supported" way of checking for this rather than hacking into the internals of the host. This change results in my script creating multiple
    transcription sessions as it does not know there is already transcription started.
    Does anyone know if there has been any updates in PS 4 for the transcription functionality? Or any other details regarding this?

    Hi Anna,
    Thanks for the response. Can you make sense of the info below? Transcription appears completely broken
    on the build on my machine, which I have not installed any PS CTP on. I am worried a hotfix such as KB3000850 which has also caused me the grief here:
    ...has been installed via Windows Update. I am running Windows 8.1 and all latest updates applied as at 23 April.
    My $PSVersionTable is the same as yours except for "BuildVersion" 6.3.9600.17400. I can also call Start-Transcript continually and it will keep creating sessions. Once I do this all sessions receive data once I
    enter more commands in the console (i.e. each file is getting the same data). This is the behaviour I would have expected in PS 5 with the transcription updates, but not in a PS 4 update.
    NOTE: In addition to this, the data being fed into the transcription file is NOT the same format as the standard transcription format. The transcription file contains different data and
    is not a true reflection of what is on the console). The following data is being output to the transcription file after each command:
    CurrentMatchIndex              ReplacementIndex             ReplacementLength CompletionMatches
    0                             8 {System.Management.Automat...
    In addition to that (I haven't had a chance to look into this in detail), but the log files that are being generated by the PS module I have written are now containing a heap of contents that appear to be generated each time an exception
    is thrown (even if it has been caught?)
    "PS>TerminatingError(Invoke-Expression): xxxxxxx" and
    "PS>TerminatingError(): "The pipeline has been stopped.""
    messages, but no host, verbose, or debug data (i.e. terminating error details only, which I have never seen in the transcript file before). That's correct -
    the transcription file doesn't contain any of the data it used to, just error info that did not used to be in there!!
    Please assist urgently, this is a critical issue for me.

  • How do I disable the hardware acceleration in Flash player on a Windows XP machine remotely?

    How do I disable the hardware acceleration in Flash player on a Windows XP machine remotely?
    I have a few hundred computers running Adobe Flash Player.
    The operation system is Windows XP.
    They are Compaq 6005 desktop PC’s, with an inbuilt ATI radeon HD 4200 video card.
    We have a persistent issue where viewing a flash video (e.g. something on youtube) causes the video card driver to crash.  You are left with no video signal to the monitor.  Audio continues and the computer still responds to commands. This only happens when watching flash video.
    We have tried:
    Updating flash plugin (numerous versions)
    Updating the video card drivers (we have tried the last three video card driver versions, including the HP drivers and ATI drivers)
    Updating the browsers (this problem happens with IE8/9 and Firefox10/11/12)
    There seems to be two ways to work round this issue.  One is to disable the video acceleration in the ‘troubleshoot’ section in the advanced part of the display settings area in windows.  The other way is to start a flash video, right click, go to ‘settings’ and untick the box marked ‘Enable Hardware Acceleration’.
    Doing either of these things allows the user to view flash videos with no apparent issues.
    Is there a way to disable the hardware acceleration in Flash without visiting the PC?  Perhaps an undocumented option in the mms.cfg file? I understand that you can use an option to skip the video card check, and so force hardware acceleration on, can you do the opposite?
    Thanks in advance

    I have had over 200 views, and no suggestions as to how this could be fixed.
    I have also posted in the general flash forum, that thread has fewer views.
    If I should put this question in a different forum please let me know which one.
    If what I am asking is not possible is there a mechanism for escalating this issue or requesting a feature for the next version of flash?

  • Windows updates won't install

    I have a remote user whose Windows updates won't install. He has a Dell laptop with Windows 7 Pro 32-bit. You can bring up the update windows and start the install but, at exactly 10 seconds, it just says "Updates failed" and doesn't really give
    any more information.
    I saw the Windows update service was stopped, I started it and that didn't seem to help. I also tried the update troubleshooter and that didn't do anything. I checked for malware and didn't find any, and he has plenty of disk space. I didn't see
    anything in Even Viewer or Reliability Monitor either.
    What could it be?
    Chris Hansen

    Hi Chris,
    Firstly, please check if those Windows Update have already installed:
    1. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type
    Update, and then, in the list of results, click Windows Update.
    2.In the left pane, click View update history.
    3. Click Installed Updates at the top of the page, there check if any Windows Update installed recently.
    If there is no any Windows Update installed, try to
    reset the Windows Update component to check if it could resolve the issue.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issues starting Windows Update (Getting an Error message)

    Hello, I have gotten a computer within the last 3 months and for that time everything was running fine. However, within the last day or two (after Windows installed an optional update) I have been having issues with opening "Windows Update". I
    have googled the error message I am getting and most of the things are describing this same problem with windows media player, which I am not having the issue with. So far, I have tried clearing out my search history in the windows metro settings, cleaning
    my registry, rebuilt my index, and doing an entire windows restore (which worked untill I re-installed the update) I am using Windows 8.1.
    This is the error message I am getting:
    What happens is I search for windows update, click on it, then it does nothing then after a few minutes that error message pops up. Sometimes along with the windows update program, sometimes not. Often not, and then after a few good minutes a bunch of windows
    update windows will pop up for each time I clicked it. 
    Lastly, I am also having a problem restarting my computer and I believe it may be tied to this issue it just stays at the restart screen for ever untill I manually hit the button to turn off the computer. 
    Do I need to do another system restore and this time don't install the update? Or, is there an easier fix to this problem?

    This is the error message I am getting:
    [}.settingcontent-ms  Server execution failed]
    Here's one way to find what is not working:
    cd /d  %LocalAppData%\Packages
    dir/a/b/s  *.settingscontent-ms  |  find  "Classic_{36e"  |  clip
    Then open a Notepad window and do a Ctrl-o Ctrl-v and Enter
    Somehow I think the failure may have more to do with the program which "executes" the .settingcontent-ms  file extension...
    C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Packages>assoc .settingcontent-ms
    C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Packages>ftype SettingContent
    File type 'SettingContent' not found or no open command associated with it.
    What a surprise!  OTOH consistency found in W8's continual obfuscation and unhelpfulness.  ; }
    For a guess about something hopefully related that you could try see
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\ImmersiveControlPanel\AppxManifest.xml
    Otherwise, as usual I would be running ProcMon to try to understand what was going on.
    Good luck
    Robert Aldwinckle

  • Windows Update Error 80080005 Windows 7 Client with WSUS 3.0 SP2 server

    Hello everyone, I've looked around at other threads related to my issue, and I can't seem to find a correct answer.
    I have a computer lab that I've recently installed a Windows 7 Enterprise image onto 35 Dell Optiplex computers (most are 380's, a few older 360's).
    I created the image using MDT2010 and used one of the 380's as a reference.
    All has been well for about a month or two but recently 6 computers are giving me Windows Update errors with the error code of 80080005.
    I have a WSUS 3.0 SP2 server running, and all of my other computers seem to be getting their updates just fine.  WSUS has the problematic computers in it's database, but it shows that they haven't checked in for "x" days.
    I have Avast 4.8 Professional installed, I have OpenDNS configured to block bad websites, ____, etc. and I also use an Untangle server to prevent access to bad websites.  I've ran a Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware scan on the affected computers, as well
    as Windows Defender scan, and Windows Live OneCare scans, and all have found no malicious software.
    I have also tried resetting the Windows update service as described here: as well as a script that supposedly does the same thing, but also resets all previous
    update events, but I can't find the script source right now (I had ran it last week, and it didn't work).
    I'm currently running a SFC /Scannow on one of the computers, and now it has finished.  It gives the error: Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service.  I'll have to google that next.
    The last windows update that ran on the computer that I'm working on now was installed on 11-18-2010 and was a Windows Defender Update (KB915597 Def: 1.93.1985.0)
    Previous to that was 11/9/2010 2 updates: KB977165 and KB981852.
    I guess I'll have to look at all of the other machines to see if they have the same updates installed.
    Anyway, has anyone else had this problem?  I've seen vista home editions, and RC's but no real Windows 7 Pro+ RTM versions in business environments where updates were controlled by WSUS.
    Thanks for any help that you can provide!
    By the way, I only work at this location once a week (tuesdays, well thursdays too, but I'm next door to this building, but I have remote access), so bare with me on trying to fix things.

    Ok, for the sake of completeness, I have completed the instructions given by Miya Yao.
    After stopping the Windows Update Service (from an Admin Command prompt window), renaming the SoftwareDistribution folder to SDold, then starting the update service again, I still receive the same error when checking for updates.
    The windows update log shows this (starting from about 4am) and I just reset the service at about 9:10, which you can see in the log.
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 f20 Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {8957B50F-46F1-44C4-A347-20D4C5E91D47}]
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU # WARNING: Search callback failed, result = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 f20 Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 80080005
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU #########
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {8957B50F-46F1-44C4-A347-20D4C5E91D47}]
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU #############
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2010-12-21 14:19:02
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-12-22 08:00:00
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 04:19:02:342 940 cd4 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 04:19:07:350 940 f20 Report REPORT EVENT: {A472759C-BEE7-4161-84E8-41F1C1D03AB4} 2010-12-21 04:19:02:342-0500 1 148 101 {61CA813A-7585-442E-A66B-B0D15CE6BDC0} 1 80080005 SelfUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x80080005.
    2010-12-21 04:19:07:350 940 f20 Report CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8
    2010-12-21 04:19:07:350 940 f20 Report WER Report sent: 7.4.7600.226 0x80080005 61CA813A-7585-442E-A66B-B0D15CE6BDC0 Scan 101 Managed
    2010-12-21 04:19:07:350 940 f20 Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2010-12-21 04:24:22:767 940 f20 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available
    2010-12-21 04:24:22:767 940 f20 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = a6d6dc1c-d844-451c-8609-3879e6cacb33, target group = , DNS name = lab24.sja.local
    2010-12-21 04:24:22:767 940 f20 PT Server URL = http://server2:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx
    2010-12-21 04:24:22:814 940 f20 Report Uploading 2 events using cached cookie, reporting URL = http://server2:8530/ReportingWebService/ReportingWebService.asmx
    2010-12-21 04:24:22:814 940 f20 Report Reporter successfully uploaded 2 events.
    2010-12-21 06:59:23:020 940 b4c AU AU was unable to detect updates for more than 48 hours
    2010-12-21 06:59:28:027 940 c78 Report REPORT EVENT: {511B1C92-939C-4E97-A51B-50E75FCB7AEF} 2010-12-21 06:59:23:020-0500 1 149 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Unable to Connect: Windows is unable to connect to the automatic updates service and therefore cannot download and install updates according to the set schedule. Windows will continue to try to establish a connection.
    2010-12-21 06:59:28:027 940 c78 Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:476 940 2f4 AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:476 940 2f4 AU Triggering Online detection (interactive)
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:476 940 b4c AU #############
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:476 940 b4c AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:477 940 b4c AU #########
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 b4c AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {B65ACC67-ED84-45D4-9774-D0475806E74B}]
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Agent *************
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Agent *********
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Agent * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:488 940 e38 Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:489 940 e38 Setup Client version: Core: 7.4.7600.226 Aux: 7.4.7600.226
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:489 940 e38 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2010-12-21 09:02:03:496 940 e38 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:071 940 e38 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:078 940 e38 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:080 940 e38 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:087 940 e38 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:100 940 e38 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:107 940 e38 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:123 940 e38 Setup Determining whether a new setup handler needs to be downloaded
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:123 940 e38 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Handler\WuSetupV.exe:
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:129 940 e38 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:129 940 e38 Setup SelfUpdate handler update NOT required: Current version: 7.4.7600.226, required version: 7.4.7600.226
    2010-12-21 09:02:06:129 940 e38 Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.4.7600.226"
    2010-12-21 09:02:15:386 940 b4c AU AU received policy change subscription event
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Setup WARNING: Cbs StartSession, error = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Setup FATAL: Applicability evaluation for setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.4.7600.226" failed, error = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Setup FATAL: SelfUpdate check failed, err = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Agent * WARNING: Skipping scan, self-update check returned 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Agent *********
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Agent *************
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e38 Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {B65ACC67-ED84-45D4-9774-D0475806E74B}]
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU # WARNING: Search callback failed, result = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 80080005
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU #########
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {B65ACC67-ED84-45D4-9774-D0475806E74B}]
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU #############
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2010-12-21 19:02:36
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-12-22 08:00:00
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:02:36:165 940 e8c AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:02:41:172 940 e38 Report REPORT EVENT: {678C2913-B3B3-4F14-9310-C2E2B1F3334A} 2010-12-21 09:02:36:165-0500 1 148 101 {61CA813A-7585-442E-A66B-B0D15CE6BDC0} 1 80080005 SelfUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x80080005.
    2010-12-21 09:02:41:172 940 e38 Report CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8
    2010-12-21 09:02:41:172 940 e38 Report WER Report sent: 7.4.7600.226 0x80080005 61CA813A-7585-442E-A66B-B0D15CE6BDC0 Scan 101 Managed
    2010-12-21 09:02:41:172 940 e38 Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2010-12-21 09:06:07:779 940 b4c AU ########### AU: Uninitializing Automatic Updates ###########
    2010-12-21 09:06:37:809 940 b4c Handler FATAL: UH: 0x80080005: StartSession failed in CCbs::IsCbsPending
    2010-12-21 09:06:37:840 940 b4c Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2010-12-21 09:06:37:872 940 b4c Service *********
    2010-12-21 09:06:37:872 940 b4c Service ** END ** Service: Service exit [Exit code = 0x240001]
    2010-12-21 09:06:37:872 940 b4c Service *************
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:104 940 e84 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: -0500) ===========
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:104 940 e84 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:104 940 e84 Misc = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:104 940 e84 Service *************
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:104 940 e84 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:104 940 e84 Service *********
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:108 940 e84 Agent * WU client version 7.4.7600.226
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:108 940 e84 Agent * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:108 940 e84 Agent * Access type: No proxy
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:108 940 e84 Agent * Network state: Connected
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:453 940 e84 DtaStor Default service for AU is {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:462 940 e84 DtaStor Default service for AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:464 940 e84 Agent WARNING: failed to access the auth cab, fatal error 0x80070003
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:464 940 e84 Agent WARNING: Invalid service in the backup data store; cleaning up
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:465 940 e84 Agent WARNING: Failed to add and register service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d to the data store 0x80240031
    2010-12-21 09:08:37:465 940 e84 Agent WARNING: Default Service Recovery: Attempting to add pending registration for service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d to the data store
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:474 940 e84 Report CWERReporter::Init succeeded
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:474 940 e84 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:475 940 e84 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing global settings cache ***********
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:475 940 e84 Agent * WSUS server: http://server2:8530
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:475 940 e84 Agent * WSUS status server: http://server2:8530
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:475 940 e84 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:475 940 e84 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:475 940 e84 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:476 940 e84 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:477 940 e84 AU # WSUS server: http://server2:8530
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:477 940 e84 AU # Detection frequency: 22
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:477 940 e84 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (Policy)
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:477 940 e84 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 3:00
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:477 940 e84 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (Policy)
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:478 940 e84 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-12-22 08:00:00
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:751 940 e84 Report *********** Report: Initializing static reporting data ***********
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:751 940 e84 Report * OS Version = 6.1.7600.0.0.65792
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:751 940 e84 Report * OS Product Type = 0x00000004
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:772 940 e84 Report * Computer Brand = Dell Inc.
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:772 940 e84 Report * Computer Model = OptiPlex 380
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:775 940 e84 Report * Bios Revision = A01
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:775 940 e84 Report * Bios Name = Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A01
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:775 940 e84 Report * Bios Release Date = 2010-03-11T00:00:00
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:775 940 e84 Report * Locale ID = 1033
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:777 940 e84 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:777 940 e84 AU Initializing featured updates
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:777 940 e84 AU Found 0 cached featured updates
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:777 940 e84 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:778 940 e84 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:09:22:778 940 e84 AU AU finished delayed initialization
    2010-12-21 09:09:27:781 940 36c Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:421 940 bf0 AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:422 940 bf0 AU Triggering Online detection (interactive)
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:422 940 e84 AU #############
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:422 940 e84 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:422 940 e84 AU #########
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 e84 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {F1E8D669-5A48-4C25-832F-4A5ABD80270F}]
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Agent *************
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Agent *********
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Agent * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:425 940 36c Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate
    2010-12-21 09:10:20:426 940 36c Setup Client version: Core: 7.4.7600.226 Aux: 7.4.7600.226
    2010-12-21 09:10:22:715 940 36c Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2010-12-21 09:10:22:725 940 36c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2010-12-21 09:10:22:745 940 36c Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\
    2010-12-21 09:10:22:750 940 36c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2010-12-21 09:10:22:765 940 36c Setup Determining whether a new setup handler needs to be downloaded
    2010-12-21 09:10:22:765 940 36c Setup SelfUpdate handler is not found. It will be downloaded
    2010-12-21 09:10:22:765 940 36c Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.4.7600.226"
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:778 940 36c Setup WARNING: Cbs StartSession, error = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:778 940 36c Setup FATAL: Applicability evaluation for setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.4.7600.226" failed, error = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:778 940 36c Setup FATAL: SelfUpdate check failed, err = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:779 940 36c Agent * WARNING: Skipping scan, self-update check returned 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:779 940 36c Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:779 940 36c Agent *********
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:779 940 36c Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:779 940 36c Agent *************
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:779 940 36c Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:779 940 ba0 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {F1E8D669-5A48-4C25-832F-4A5ABD80270F}]
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:780 940 ba0 AU # WARNING: Search callback failed, result = 0x80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:780 940 ba0 AU # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 80080005
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:780 940 ba0 AU #########
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:780 940 ba0 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {F1E8D669-5A48-4C25-832F-4A5ABD80270F}]
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:780 940 ba0 AU #############
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:783 940 ba0 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:783 940 ba0 AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2010-12-21 19:10:52
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:783 940 ba0 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-12-22 08:00:00
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:783 940 ba0 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
    2010-12-21 09:10:52:784 940 ba0 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0

  • Windows Update KB2919355 don't start

    i'm trying to install the KB2919355 Update since a few days now. I downloaded the installer from the microsoft web page. All other Updates are installed.
    If I try to start the Update with a double-click, the Update file starts the extracting and the installation windows appears, but the progressbar won't start to go up.
    The log file says there is another installation in progress, but i rebootet the pc and startet the installer directly after that.
    Can anyone help me?
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS TI: --- Initializing Trusted Installer ---
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS TI: Last boot time: 2014-06-03 15:23:21.489
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS Starting TrustedInstaller initialization.
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS Ending TrustedInstaller initialization.
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS Starting the TrustedInstaller main loop.
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS TrustedInstaller service starts successfully.
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS No startup processing required, TrustedInstaller service was not set as autostart
    2014-06-03 15:31:35, Info CBS Startup processing thread terminated normally
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS Starting TiWorker initialization.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS Ending TiWorker initialization.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS Starting the TiWorker main loop.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS TiWorker starts successfully.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS Universal Time is: 2014-06-03 13:31:36.105
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS Loaded Servicing Stack v6.3.9600.17031 with Core: C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17031_none_fa50b3979b1bcb4a\cbscore.dll
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CSI 00000001@2014/6/3:13:31:36.105 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7ffd02cd5d35 @0x7ffd02fd2dd7 @0x7ffd02fd2430 @0x7ff60fc1d2df @0x7ff60fc1d9e4 @0x7ffd1fbd2385)
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS Could not load SrClient DLL from path: SrClient.dll. Continuing without system restore points.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS SQM: Initializing online with Windows opt-in: False
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS SQM: Cleaning up report files older than 10 days.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS SQM: Requesting upload of all unsent reports.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start upload with file pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_std.sqm, flags: 0x2 [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start standard sample upload. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS SQM: Queued 0 file(s) for upload with pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_all.sqm, flags: 0x6
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS SQM: Warning: Failed to upload all unsent reports. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS NonStart: Set pending store consistency check.
    2014-06-03 15:31:36, Info CBS Session: 30375728_609019246 initialized by client WindowsUpdateAgent.
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355_RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-ApisetNamespace-Mincore-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: EQ, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-ApisetNamespace-Mincore-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:40, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:42, Info CSI 00000002 IAdvancedInstallerAwareStore_ResolvePendingTransactions (call 1) (flags = 00000004, progress = NULL, phase = 0, pdwDisposition = @0xa9b0acd1d0
    2014-06-03 15:31:42, Info CSI 00000003 Creating NT transaction (seq 1), objectname [6]"(null)"
    2014-06-03 15:31:42, Info CSI 00000004 Created NT transaction (seq 1) result 0x00000000, handle @0x24c
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CSI 00000005 Poqexec successfully registered in [ml:26{13},l:24{12}]"SetupExecute"
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CSI 00000006@2014/6/3:13:31:43.527 Beginning NT transaction commit...
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CSI 00000007@2014/6/3:13:31:43.543 CSI perf trace:
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CSI 00000008 CSI Store 728992125632 (0x000000a9bb5112c0) initialized
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CSI 00000009@2014/6/3:13:31:43.559 CSI Transaction @0xa9bb670d50 initialized for deployment engine {d16d444c-56d8-11d5-882d-0080c847b195} with flags 00000002 and client id [25]"TI5.30375728_609019246:1/"
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CSI 0000000a@2014/6/3:13:31:43.559 CSI Transaction @0xa9bb670d50 destroyed
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CBS Appl: Selfupdate, Component: amd64_microsoft-windows-mincoreapinamespace_31bf3856ad364e35_0.0.0.0_none_9345d40e3f833ebc (6.3.9600.17031), elevation:4, lower version revision holder: 6.3.9600.16384
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CBS Appl: SelfUpdate detect, component: amd64_microsoft-windows-mincoreapinamespace_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17031_none_043e952c12cce236, elevation: 4, applicable: 1
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CBS Appl: Package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Update: 2919355-1_neutral_GDR, Applicable: Applicable, Dis
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CBS External EvaluateApplicability, package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, package applicable State: Installed, highest update applicable state: Installed, resulting applicable state:Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CBS External EvaluateApplicability, package: Package_for_KB2919355_RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, package applicable State: Installed, highest update applicable state: Installed, resulting applicable state:Installed
    2014-06-03 15:31:43, Info CBS External EvaluateApplicability, package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, package applicable State: Installed, highest update applicable state: Installed, resulting applicable state:Installed
    2014-06-03 15:32:05, Info CBS Read out cached applicability from TiLight for package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, ApplicableState: 112, CurrentState:32
    2014-06-03 15:32:05, Info CBS Read out cached applicability from TiLight for package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, ApplicableState: 112, CurrentState:32
    2014-06-03 15:32:05, Info CBS Session: 30375728_906692368 initialized by client WindowsUpdateAgent.
    2014-06-03 15:32:06, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-03 15:32:06, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-03 15:32:06, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-03 15:32:06, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-03 15:32:14, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-03 15:32:14, Info DPX CJob::Resume completed with status: 0x0
    2014-06-03 15:32:14, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-03 15:32:14, Info CBS Opened cabinet package, package directory: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\, sandbox location: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\inst\, cabinet location: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\, manifest location: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\inst\update.mum
    2014-06-03 15:32:14, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-03 15:32:14, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-03 15:32:19, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-03 15:32:19, Info DPX CJob::Resume completed with status: 0x0
    2014-06-03 15:32:19, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-03 15:32:19, Info DPX Extraction of file: failed because it is not present in the container.
    2014-06-03 15:32:19, Info DPX DpxException hr=0x80070002 code=0x020109
    2014-06-03 15:32:19, Info CBS Not able to add file to extract: [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Exec: Asynchrous operation, session completes later
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Asynchronous Session: 30375728_906692368 finalized. [HRESULT = 0x00000000 - S_OK]
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Exec: Processing started. Client: WindowsUpdateAgent, Session: 30375728_906692368, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Exec: Using execution sequence: 152
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Reboot mark set
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Winlogon: Registering for CreateSession notifications
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Perf: Entering stage: Planning
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Disabling LKG boot option
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Exec: Creating restore point: Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, current: Resolved, targeted: Resolved
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Client specifies CbsMovePayload, or client is Windows Update, will move payload to system.
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-03 15:32:20, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-03 15:30:13:865 996 4d8 AU ReAttemptDownloadsAsUserIfNecessary, No calls in download progress.
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:120 4184 1060 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.16384, tz: +0200) ===========
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:120 4184 1060 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:120 4184 1060 Misc = Module: C:\Windows\System32\wuapi.dll
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:120 4184 1060 COMAPI ----------- COMAPI: IUpdateServiceManager::AddScanPackageService -----------
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:120 4184 1060 COMAPI - ServiceName = Eigenständiges Windows Update-Installationsprogramm
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:120 4184 1060 COMAPI - ScanFileLocation = C:\a9ec81761db03008d175\
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:589 996 db4 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ScanFile\e75dcd23-f7ef-4508-a48f-1f5881180fe1\
    2014-06-03 15:31:29:620 996 db4 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:105 996 db4 DtaStor Default service for AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:105 996 db4 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:105 4184 1060 COMAPI - Added scan package service, ServiceID = {E75DCD23-F7EF-4508-A48F-1F5881180FE1} Third party service
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:120 4184 1060 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:120 4184 1060 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Init Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:120 4184 1060 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:120 4184 1060 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:120 4184 1060 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:120 4184 1060 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:136 996 db4 IdleTmr WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 24) started; operation # 13; does use network; is not at background priority
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:136 996 db4 IdleTmr Incremented PDC RefCount for Network to 1
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:136 996 db4 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 2
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:292 996 db4 Report *********** Report: Initializing static reporting data ***********
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:292 996 db4 Report * OS Version = 6.3.9600.0.0.131088
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:292 996 db4 Report * OS Product Type = 0x00000021
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:292 996 db4 Report * Computer Brand = FUJITSU
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Computer Model = PRIMERGY TX100 S3P
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Platform Role = 1
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * AlwaysOn/AlwaysConnected (AOAC) = 0
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Revision = V4.6.5.3 R1.10.0 for D3009-B1x
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Name = BIOS Date: 12/18/12 09:10:43 Ver: 04.06.05
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Release Date = 2012-12-18T00:00:00
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Sku Number = S26361-Kxxx-Vyyy
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Vendor = FUJITSU // American Megatrends Inc.
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Family =
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Major Release = 1
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Bios Minor Release = 10
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:308 996 db4 Report * Locale ID = 1031
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 db4 Agent *** START *** Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 4184 1060 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent *** END *** Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent *************
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent *********
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent * Criteria = "DeploymentAction='Installation'"
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent * ServiceID = {E75DCD23-F7EF-4508-A48F-1F5881180FE1} Third party service
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
    2014-06-03 15:31:30:323 996 10ac Agent * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-471457994-3697983611-1614797316-500
    2014-06-03 15:31:31:230 996 10ac PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
    2014-06-03 15:31:31:230 996 10ac PT + Offline serviceId = {E75DCD23-F7EF-4508-A48F-1F5881180FE1}
    2014-06-03 15:31:31:261 996 10ac PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:324 996 10ac PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:324 996 10ac PT + Offline serviceId = {E75DCD23-F7EF-4508-A48F-1F5881180FE1}
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac Agent * Added update {ACBE97D7-83F2-410D-97CF-5A63D58D6923}.501 to search result
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac Agent * Found 1 updates and 52 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 115 out of 238 deployed entities
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac Agent *********
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac Agent *************
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac IdleTmr WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 24, operation # 13) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac IdleTmr Decremented PDC RefCount for Network to 0
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 996 10ac IdleTmr Decremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:731 4184 1080 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:840 4184 1080 COMAPI - Updates found = 1
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:840 4184 1080 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:840 4184 1080 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:31:44:840 4184 1080 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:574 996 2d0 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Copy update to cache [UpdateId = {C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32}.501] ***********
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:653 996 2d0 DnldMgr Asking handler to generate non-range requests.
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:668 996 2d0 Handler Generating request for CBS update C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda_ctc
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:668 996 2d0 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:668 996 2d0 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:668 996 2d0 Handler Detected download state is dsStart
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:668 996 2d0 Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
    2014-06-03 15:31:46:668 996 2d0 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
    2014-06-03 15:31:53:731 996 2d0 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda_ctc\
    2014-06-03 15:32:00:559 996 2d0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2014-06-03 15:32:00:591 996 2d0 DnldMgr Asking handler to generate non-range requests.
    2014-06-03 15:32:00:591 996 2d0 Handler Generating request for CBS update C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda_ctc
    2014-06-03 15:32:00:591 996 2d0 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
    2014-06-03 15:32:00:591 996 2d0 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
    2014-06-03 15:32:00:591 996 2d0 Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:122 996 2d0 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 4184 1060 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 4184 1060 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 4184 1060 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 4184 1060 COMAPI - Allow source prompts: Yes; Forced: No; Force quiet: No; Attempt close apps if necessary: No
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 4184 1060 COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 4184 1060 COMAPI - ServiceID = {E75DCD23-F7EF-4508-A48F-1F5881180FE1} Third party service
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 996 2d0 IdleTmr WU operation (CInstallCall::Init ID 25) started; operation # 27; does not use network; is not at background priority
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 996 2d0 IdleTmr Incremented PDC RefCount for System to 1
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:263 996 2d0 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 2
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 2d0 Agent Beginning install of conventional work item
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 4184 1060 COMAPI - Updates to install = 1
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent *************
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 4184 1060 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = wusa]
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent *********
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent * Updates to install = 1
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent * Title = Update für Windows (KB2919355)
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent * UpdateId = {ACBE97D7-83F2-410D-97CF-5A63D58D6923}.501
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:544 996 1164 Agent * {C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32}.501
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:794 996 1164 Handler Attempting to create remote handler process as SK\Administrator in session 1
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:825 996 1164 DnldMgr Preparing update for install, updateId = {C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32}.501.
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.16403, tz: +0200) ===========
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Misc = Module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wuaueng.dll
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Handler :::::::::::::
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Handler :: START :: Handler: CBS Install
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Handler :::::::::
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Handler Starting install of CBS update C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32
    2014-06-03 15:32:05:888 4460 1178 Handler CBS session identity: 30375728_906692368
    2014-06-03 15:32:06:075 4460 1178 Handler CBS package identity: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    2014-06-03 15:32:06:091 4460 1178 Handler Installing self-contained with source=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\, workingdir=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\inst
    2014-06-03 15:40:13:874 996 4d8 AU User login event timer expired for session id: 1.
    2014-06-03 15:40:13:874 996 4d8 AU #############
    2014-06-03 15:40:13:874 996 4d8 AU ## START ## AU: Install updates
    2014-06-03 15:40:13:874 996 4d8 AU #########
    2014-06-03 15:40:13:874 996 4d8 AU # Agent can not allow installs right now because - Another install is in progress
    2014-06-03 16:09:36:637 4460 e94 Handler CUHCbsHandler::Cancel called with fReleaseThreadNow=0

    Ok, now I tried these Steps:
    - Starting these commands:
    dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
    dism /online /cleanup-image /CheckHealth
    dism /online /cleanup-image /RestoreHealth
    - KB2919442 is installed
    - startet clearcompressionflag.exe
    - start the KB2919355 installer
    - now I see since 1 hour the installation window, but the status bar didn't start to go up. Nothing happened since 1 hour.
    this is the cbs log since starting the installation:
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS TI: --- Initializing Trusted Installer ---
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS TI: Last boot time: 2014-06-04 13:16:05.489
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Starting TrustedInstaller initialization.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Ending TrustedInstaller initialization.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Starting the TrustedInstaller main loop.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS TrustedInstaller service starts successfully.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS No startup processing required, TrustedInstaller service was not set as autostart
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Startup processing thread terminated normally
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Starting TiWorker initialization.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Ending TiWorker initialization.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Starting the TiWorker main loop.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS TiWorker starts successfully.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Universal Time is: 2014-06-04 11:31:56.834
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Loaded Servicing Stack v6.3.9600.17031 with Core: C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17031_none_fa50b3979b1bcb4a\cbscore.dll
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CSI 00000001@2014/6/4:11:31:56.834 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x7ffbd5f25d35 @0x7ffbda352dd7 @0x7ffbda352430 @0x7ff631c2d2df @0x7ff631c2d9e4 @0x7ffbf1a92385)
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Could not load SrClient DLL from path: SrClient.dll. Continuing without system restore points.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS SQM: Initializing online with Windows opt-in: False
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS SQM: Cleaning up report files older than 10 days.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS SQM: Requesting upload of all unsent reports.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start upload with file pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_std.sqm, flags: 0x2 [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS SQM: Failed to start standard sample upload. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS SQM: Queued 0 file(s) for upload with pattern: C:\Windows\servicing\sqm\*_all.sqm, flags: 0x6
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS SQM: Warning: Failed to upload all unsent reports. [HRESULT = 0x80004005 - E_FAIL]
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS NonStart: Set pending store consistency check.
    2014-06-04 13:31:56, Info CBS Session: 30375912_2542173815 initialized by client WindowsUpdateAgent.
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355_RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-ApisetNamespace-Mincore-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: EQ, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-ApisetNamespace-Mincore-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:02, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:03, Info CSI 00000002 IAdvancedInstallerAwareStore_ResolvePendingTransactions (call 1) (flags = 00000004, progress = NULL, phase = 0, pdwDisposition = @0xa4bf9d480
    2014-06-04 13:32:03, Info CSI 00000003 Creating NT transaction (seq 1), objectname [6]"(null)"
    2014-06-04 13:32:03, Info CSI 00000004 Created NT transaction (seq 1) result 0x00000000, handle @0x244
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CSI 00000005 Poqexec successfully registered in [ml:26{13},l:24{12}]"SetupExecute"
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CSI 00000006@2014/6/4:11:32:04.663 Beginning NT transaction commit...
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CSI 00000007@2014/6/4:11:32:04.679 CSI perf trace:
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CSI 00000008 CSI Store 44402478464 (0x0000000a56980d80) initialized
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CSI 00000009@2014/6/4:11:32:04.694 CSI Transaction @0xa54f9e420 initialized for deployment engine {d16d444c-56d8-11d5-882d-0080c847b195} with flags 00000002 and client id [26]"TI5.30375912_2542173815:1/"
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CSI 0000000a@2014/6/4:11:32:04.694 CSI Transaction @0xa54f9e420 destroyed
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CBS Appl: Selfupdate, Component: amd64_microsoft-windows-mincoreapinamespace_31bf3856ad364e35_0.0.0.0_none_9345d40e3f833ebc (6.3.9600.17031), elevation:4, lower version revision holder: 6.3.9600.16384
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CBS Appl: SelfUpdate detect, component: amd64_microsoft-windows-mincoreapinamespace_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17031_none_043e952c12cce236, elevation: 4, applicable: 1
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CBS Appl: Package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Update: 2919355-1_neutral_GDR, Applicable: Applicable, Dis2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CBS External EvaluateApplicability, package: Package_1_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, package applicable State: Installed, highest update applicable state: Installed, resulting applicable state:Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CBS External EvaluateApplicability, package: Package_for_KB2919355_RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, package applicable State: Installed, highest update applicable state: Installed, resulting applicable state:Installed
    2014-06-04 13:32:04, Info CBS External EvaluateApplicability, package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, package applicable State: Installed, highest update applicable state: Installed, resulting applicable state:Installed
    2014-06-04 13:33:19, Info CBS Read out cached applicability from TiLight for package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, ApplicableState: 112, CurrentState:0
    2014-06-04 13:33:20, Info CBS Read out cached applicability from TiLight for package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, ApplicableState: 112, CurrentState:0
    2014-06-04 13:33:20, Info CBS Session: 30375912_3376749782 initialized by client WindowsUpdateAgent.
    2014-06-04 13:33:20, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-04 13:33:20, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-04 13:33:20, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-04 13:33:20, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-04 13:33:29, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-04 13:33:29, Info DPX CJob::Resume completed with status: 0x0
    2014-06-04 13:33:29, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-04 13:33:29, Info CBS Opened cabinet package, package directory: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\, sandbox location: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\inst\, cabinet location: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\, manifest location: \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\inst\update.mum
    2014-06-04 13:33:29, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-04 13:33:29, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info DPX CJob::Resume completed with status: 0x0
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info DPX Ended DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info DPX Extraction of file: failed because it is not present in the container.
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info DPX DpxException hr=0x80070002 code=0x020109
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Not able to add file to extract: [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Exec: Asynchrous operation, session completes later
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Asynchronous Session: 30375912_3376749782 finalized. [HRESULT = 0x00000000 - S_OK]
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Exec: Processing started. Client: WindowsUpdateAgent, Session: 30375912_3376749782, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Exec: Using execution sequence: 157
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Reboot mark set
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Winlogon: Registering for CreateSession notifications
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Perf: Entering stage: Planning
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Disabling LKG boot option
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Exec: Creating restore point: Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, current: Absent, targeted: Absent
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Client specifies CbsMovePayload, or client is Windows Update, will move payload to system.
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Parent: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, Disposition = Detect, VersionComp: EQ, ServiceComp: GE, BuildComp: EQ, DistributionComp: GE, RevisionComp: GE, Exist: present
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: detectParent: package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, parent found: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384, state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: detect Parent, Package: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, disposition state from detectParent: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info CBS Appl: Evaluating package applicability for package Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, applicable state: Installed
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Resume and Download Job
    2014-06-04 13:33:35, Info DPX Started DPX phase: Apply Deltas Provided In File
    and this is the windowsupdate log:
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:568 3560 d00 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.16384, tz: +0200) ===========
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:568 3560 d00 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:568 3560 d00 Misc = Module: C:\Windows\System32\wuapi.dll
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:568 3560 d00 COMAPI ----------- COMAPI: IUpdateServiceManager::AddScanPackageService -----------
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:568 3560 d00 COMAPI - ServiceName = Eigenständiges Windows Update-Installationsprogramm
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:568 3560 d00 COMAPI - ScanFileLocation = C:\46be249b623a7645d22fc834c9406a\
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:615 992 1290 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ScanFile\2d656f38-f410-4501-80a7-b0a7b571bcf4\
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:631 992 1290 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:850 992 1290 DtaStor Default service for AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:850 992 1290 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:850 3560 d00 COMAPI - Added scan package service, ServiceID = {2D656F38-F410-4501-80A7-B0A7B571BCF4} Third party service
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 3560 d00 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 3560 d00 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Init Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 3560 d00 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 3560 d00 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 3560 d00 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 3560 d00 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 992 1290 IdleTmr WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 24) started; operation # 14; does use network; is not at background priority
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 992 1290 IdleTmr Incremented PDC RefCount for Network to 1
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 992 1290 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 2
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 992 1290 Report *********** Report: Initializing static reporting data ***********
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 992 1290 Report * OS Version = 6.3.9600.0.0.131088
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:865 992 1290 Report * OS Product Type = 0x00000021
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Computer Brand = FUJITSU
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Computer Model = PRIMERGY TX100 S3P
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Platform Role = 1
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * AlwaysOn/AlwaysConnected (AOAC) = 0
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Revision = V4.6.5.3 R1.10.0 for D3009-B1x
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Name = BIOS Date: 12/18/12 09:10:43 Ver: 04.06.05
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Release Date = 2012-12-18T00:00:00
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Sku Number = S26361-Kxxx-Vyyy
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Vendor = FUJITSU // American Megatrends Inc.
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Family =
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Major Release = 1
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Bios Minor Release = 10
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Report * Locale ID = 1031
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 1290 Agent *** START *** Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent *** END *** Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent *************
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent *********
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 3560 d00 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent * Criteria = "DeploymentAction='Installation'"
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent * ServiceID = {2D656F38-F410-4501-80A7-B0A7B571BCF4} Third party service
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
    2014-06-04 13:31:51:928 992 a30 Agent * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-471457994-3697983611-1614797316-500
    2014-06-04 13:31:52:162 992 a30 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
    2014-06-04 13:31:52:162 992 a30 PT + Offline serviceId = {2D656F38-F410-4501-80A7-B0A7B571BCF4}
    2014-06-04 13:31:52:178 992 a30 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:491 992 a30 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:491 992 a30 PT + Offline serviceId = {2D656F38-F410-4501-80A7-B0A7B571BCF4}
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 Agent * Added update {ACBE97D7-83F2-410D-97CF-5A63D58D6923}.501 to search result
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 Agent * Found 1 updates and 52 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 115 out of 238 deployed entities
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 Agent *********
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = wusa Id = 24]
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 Agent *************
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 IdleTmr WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 24, operation # 14) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 IdleTmr Decremented PDC RefCount for Network to 0
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 992 a30 IdleTmr Decremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:898 3560 1258 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:991 3560 1258 COMAPI - Updates found = 1
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:991 3560 1258 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:991 3560 1258 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:32:05:991 3560 1258 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:429 992 1290 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Copy update to cache [UpdateId = {C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32}.501] ***********
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:507 992 1290 DnldMgr Asking handler to generate non-range requests.
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:507 992 1290 Handler Generating request for CBS update C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda_ctc
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:507 992 1290 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:507 992 1290 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:507 992 1290 Handler Detected download state is dsStart
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:507 992 1290 Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
    2014-06-04 13:32:09:523 992 1290 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
    2014-06-04 13:32:17:961 992 1290 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda_ctc\
    2014-06-04 13:32:27:695 992 1290 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2014-06-04 13:32:27:774 992 1290 DnldMgr Asking handler to generate non-range requests.
    2014-06-04 13:32:27:774 992 1290 Handler Generating request for CBS update C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda_ctc
    2014-06-04 13:32:27:774 992 1290 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
    2014-06-04 13:32:27:774 992 1290 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
    2014-06-04 13:32:27:774 992 1290 Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
    2014-06-04 13:32:34:711 992 1290 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 3560 d00 COMAPI -------------
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 3560 d00 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 3560 d00 COMAPI ---------
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 3560 d00 COMAPI - Allow source prompts: Yes; Forced: No; Force quiet: No; Attempt close apps if necessary: No
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 3560 d00 COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 3560 d00 COMAPI - ServiceID = {2D656F38-F410-4501-80A7-B0A7B571BCF4} Third party service
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 992 1290 IdleTmr WU operation (CInstallCall::Init ID 25) started; operation # 28; does not use network; is not at background priority
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 992 1290 IdleTmr Incremented PDC RefCount for System to 1
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:651 992 1290 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 2
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 1290 Agent Beginning install of conventional work item
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 3560 d00 COMAPI - Updates to install = 1
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 3560 d00 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent *************
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = wusa]
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent *********
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent * Updates to install = 1
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent * Title = Update für Windows (KB2919355)
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent * UpdateId = {ACBE97D7-83F2-410D-97CF-5A63D58D6923}.501
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
    2014-06-04 13:33:19:932 992 11fc Agent * {C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32}.501
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:182 992 11fc Handler Attempting to create remote handler process as SK\Administrator in session 1
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:229 992 11fc DnldMgr Preparing update for install, updateId = {C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32}.501.
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:276 4768 1034 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.16403, tz: +0200) ===========
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:276 4768 1034 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:276 4768 1034 Misc = Module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wuaueng.dll
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:276 4768 1034 Handler :::::::::::::
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:276 4768 1034 Handler :: START :: Handler: CBS Install
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:276 4768 1034 Handler :::::::::
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:276 4768 1034 Handler Starting install of CBS update C7DE6463-8565-4BC1-A722-6967E7569D32
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:292 4768 1034 Handler CBS session identity: 30375912_3376749782
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:464 4768 1034 Handler CBS package identity: Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    2014-06-04 13:33:20:479 4768 1034 Handler Installing self-contained with source=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\, workingdir=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c4f773201ad8a9011e06c2ba0e830cda\inst
    What can I try now?

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