Wireless Chipset in Tecra M10-1CH

can you please tell me the complete Wireless Chipset in Tecra M10-1CH?

The Tecra M10-1CH has been equipped with two different WLan cards.
So your notebook can uses the ATHEROS 11B/G (13CH) XB63L Wlan card or the
Intel WiFi 5100AGN.
The WLan drivers for both Wlan cards can be found here:

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    I have a little bit searched using Google and if you search for wpa enterprise windows xp you will hundreds of search results how to do this on Windows XP.
    Check this!!!
    Furthermore it seems that you have to install a Windows update firstly before you can use WPA Enterprise:

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    If I understand you right all devices listed properly in device manager and you dont have yellow exclamation marks?!
    Normally for high definition sound cards you need two patches from Microsoft:
    KB835221 and KB888111.
    Normally these patches are integrated in SP3 but this only works if you install the sound driver after SP3. So if you have an older version of XP without SP3 you must update to SP3 first and then install the display driver.
    So in your case you should remove the current sound driver and restart the notebook. Then use CCleaner to clean the registry and system folders. Restart the notebook again. Then download and install the newest sound driver from the Realtek Hompage.

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    In order to use the 3G you should firstly check if the 3G ericsson module was properly installed.
    In case there is an yellow exclamation mark visible in the device manager, the 3G driver should be reinstalled.
    I found on the Toshiba EU driver page:
    [Ericsson 3G Win 7 driver|http://www.toshiba.eu/innovation/download_driver_details.jsp?service=EU&selCategory =2&selFamily=5&selSeries=148&selProduct=813&selSho rtMod=null&language=13&selOS=30&selType=295&yearup load=&monthupload=&dayupload=&useDate=null&mode=al lMachines&search=&action=search&macId=&country=all &selectedLanguage=13&type=295&page=1&ID=71930&OSID =-1&driverLanguage=42]
    Furthermore ensure that the 3G RF Power Control Utility has been installed properly.
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    [3G RF Power Control Utility for Win 7 64bit|http://www.toshiba.eu/innovation/download_driver_details.jsp?service=EU&selCategory =2&selFamily=5&selSeries=148&selProduct=813&selSho rtMod=null&language=13&selOS=30&selType=322&yearup load=&monthupload=&dayupload=&useDate=null&mode=al lMachines&search=&action=search&macId=&country=all &selectedLanguage=13&type=322&page=1&ID=73658&OSID =-1&driverLanguage=42]
    Hope the 3G network would functions after the reinstallation of both tools.

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    How do I find out the name of my interface?
    Last edited by psycho_tea_drinker (2013-07-03 12:36:40)

    psycho_tea_drinker wrote:
    hokasch wrote:
    Check your chipset (lspci), see if the corresponding kernel module got loaded. Look for dmesg errors. Another way to check device names (from the wiki):
    $ ls /sys/class/net
    How do I check if the kernal module got loaded?
    lspci | grep net
    > only shows my ethernet controller
    > does not show it ethier
    I forget to mention that it is a USB wifi dongle (Tplink TL-WN722N). And I'm also running within virtualbox - I hope that does not complicate matters?
    Probably. You'll need to make sure that VB guest can see your USB ports. You'll need the VB wiki pages for that though.
    I don't use it, so can't help, sorry.
    Last edited by skanky (2013-07-03 13:12:46)

  • Tecra M10 - Stuck CTRL key issue -- perhaps to do with BIOS?

    Hello and thanks for reading.
    I recently switched my Tecra M10 to Windows 7 (from XP) and it soon developed the dreaded "stuck CTRL key" issue. This causes the keyboard to behave as if the CTRL key is permanently depressed. Sometimes hitting a combination of keys, or bringing up the onscreen keyboard, temporarily solves the issue, but then it returns.
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    So firstly, if anyone knows a remedy that works for this particular machine, I would be very grateful to learn it!
    Then, there are two things I've not yet done: update BIOS and disable pinch zoom.
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    ... which is version 3.00 and seems to be most recent. My own version is 1.90.
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    For the pinch zoom, I've been told that disabling it does sometimes cure the CTRL problem -- but I can't find any pinch zoom facility on the M10. I suspect it simply doesn't have one. Is that right?
    Many thanks for any help you can give.

    > I was looking at the following BIOS update. which is version 3.00 and seems to be most recent. My own version is 1.90.
    There are different Tecra M10 models on the market.
    Check the labels at the bottom of the unit. There you should find some numbers like for example PTMB0E-01K00LGR
    The first 6 characters are important: for example PTMB0E
    I assume your notebook belongs to European series.
    In such case you should check the Toshiba EU driver page for possible BIOS update.
    However, on Toshiba EU driver page you will find also the BIOS v3.0 for all European Tecra M10 units.
    Anyway, back to the CTRL button issue: guess what, you should connect an external USB keyboard and should check how the CTRL button acts.
    In case the USB keyboard would work properly, the CTRL button of internal keyboard is affected and you will need to replace the internal keyboard.
    PS: it could be possible that the option "sticky keys" has been enabled. To disable this function, you have to press SHIFT button 5 times in the row.

  • Blue Screen of death on Tecra M10 runing Win XP

    My Toshiba Tecra M10 has been running like a dream for three years never once hiccuping
    UNTIL the other day.
    My Toshiba Laptop is constantly cycling with a BSoD - then i goes to start windows - it looks like it is going to succeed - it gets to the password log on screen - then a few blank screens - then BSoD again repetitively
    I am running XP Pro SP 3
    I could not manage to get my laptop to stop doing this so i pulled the battery and then the power lead and started it up again then when it went to BSoD i took a picture of the screen with my Digital Camera luckily i have one that focuses instantly and take the picture instantly too
    the ERROR is
    Tech Info
    STOP 0x000000C2 (0x00000043, 0xC38C0000, 0x00000000. 0x00000000)
    I have not changed anything on my PC recently and i have tried all the safe mode start up's and last known good configuration but it still cycles round and round and round
    this laptop is not connected to anything and is bog standard with one 2Mb memory module in it
    the last known good configuration does not work either nor does any of the other 'safe' options
    So i slipped out the HDD and tried booting from my XP CD - not the Toshiba recovery one i have not tried that one in the Laptop yet.
    Rather unsurprisingly with no HDD in the Laptop i got a different error
    STOP 0x0000007B (0xF78D2524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
    which is i believe inaccessible boot device - i know it cant see the HDD as it is sitting on my desk but would expect it to boot from the XP CD.....NO?
    I tried setting all the boot parameters to default as well - no difference
    With the HDD in - the laptop boots as far as the windows user log in screen without any problem but does not stop at that screen - after a few blank screens the BSoD comes up and off it goes again.
    In the advanced boot options I changed the auto start on error parameter so it does not loop forever. and that did stop it looping for one boot cycle...........seems changing that parameter is not a permanent change
    Then i went into the BIOS and changed the SATA Controller mode from AHCI to IDE and the STOP 0x0000007B (0xF78D2524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) error is gone now and the pc goes on trying to install Windows until i needs to see the HDD and then gives up trying to install XP with a NO HHD error (the HHD is of course sitting on my desk) so that was an expected valid error.............
    putting the HDD back in without changing the BIOS back brings up the STOP 0x000000C2 (0x00000043, 0xC38C0000, 0x00000000. 0x00000000) error

    OK *AN UPDATE* after rebuilding the TECRA...............................*SADLY NOTHING LOGICAL HERE*
    With the 160GB drive in (original TECRA drive) C2 ERRORS
    With a GOOD 80GB drive in (original Satellite drive XP Pro) 7B ERRORS
    With a New 1TB drive with XP Pro installed 7B ERRORS
    With no drive in the TECRA and any of the above drives in a USB to SATA CADDY 7B ERRORS
    Even with a drive in the TECRA and booting from the USB drive i got 7B ERRORS
    With an XP PRO CD in 7B ERRORS
    With The ULTIMATE BOOT CD in it will run a memory test, a DOS in NTFS prompt, will run CHKDSK and will do a few other things APART FROM do a SYSTEM RECOVERY OR RUN the Ultimate CD (WINDOWS) application when it will generate 7B ERRORS
    Since i had taken a full back up of the 160GB drive and since i was totally exhausted mentally and was running out of ideas there was nothing to lose by trying the Toshiba Product Recovery CD
    BIG PROBLEM although it said Microsoft Windows XP Professional on the CD when it loaded it said it was about to re-install Windows Vista.
    So i stopped that had a cup of tea and tried a few more things some of them listed above.
    Finally totally out of any logical ideas and with absolutely nothing to loose and thinking which Toshiba i7 to purchase ('sOUCH) i thought well if this CD recovers to Vista i can then try re-installing XP Pro if the Vista OS will boot cleanly.
    SO i put in the Product Recovery CD and went for another cup of tea..............................................A ND i now *seem* to have a working XP PRO system.
    So the TECRA seems to have risen from the dead........................in truly miracle like fashion
    The Plan before BSoD was to put the 1 TB HDD in the TECRA (it is now in the slower Satellite M105) (with a 2GB memory upgrade on the way) and to upgrade the memory on the TECRA to 4GB.
    So before i start rebuilding the TECRA with all the software and files on it that i need (a few days work at least) i *might* try putting in the 1TB drive to see if it runs with that drive in it now.
    Message was edited by: Flying Scot
    Message was edited by: Flying Scot

  • Need new power cable for Tecra M10

    Good morning. My Tecra M10 power cable has split (after 4 years use). Can somebody point me to the correct product to order?
    I have more information if required.
    Kind regards

    You need a new AC adaptor.
    The AC adaptor should support the following values: 15V x 5A
    From my knowledge the AC adaptor with the part number PA3378E-3AC3 should be compatible.
    Usually you should be able to order the compatible AC adaptor from Toshiba authorized service provider in your country or google simply using the mentioned part number to get a list of online resellers.

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    on my new Tecra M10, after logging in I get a Fatal Error message "Toshiba Power Saver. Fatal error has ocured. This program will terminate. code 0x0.
    I cannot install a new download of power saver until I UN-install the existing.
    When I try to UN-install via Control panel, I get the same fatal error.

    Friend of me had the same problem and he told me that it was possible to remove Toshiba Power Saver in safe mode. Therefore go in advanced boot menu and select safe mode. After this try removing Power Saver as normal.
    Check this!
    Furthermore you could try removing Power Saver using an additional tool like CCleaner. This is a very nice tool where you can remove programs and optimize the registry. I like this freeware program.

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    You're more than welcome. I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to help you with the specific detailed instructions you need to resolve your problem. But, I hope I can point you in the right direction.
    First off, Toshiba uses various makes of BIOS in their notebooks like Award, Insyde, etc. In fact, they even use various makes of BIOS for specific individual models. So, trying to figure out your BIOS make, from the name on the BIOS chip would help.
    Next, download the latest BIOS version for your model and OS bit combination. Like BIOS v.3.3 for Windows 7 64bit. Sometimes the BIOS upgrades are OS specific, sometimes they're not. Download the file to its own directory on another computer. This may be a zip file, or an exe file that is actually a self extracting - self installing BIOS update. Next, use winrar or jZip or a similar program and extract all the files in the archive. This might be a 2 step process, eg you download a zip file and extract all the files only to find one exe file. In that case, run the archive program again on the exe file, and extract all its files to their own directory.
    The files you'll need from the above should *.com files inside a sub-directory called BIOS.
    Next, you need to try to find a 'bootable' BIOS update program for your make of BIOS, like an Award BIOS update USB or disk bootable program, ie NOT a Windows based update program.
    Then, you can trying surfing around for the specific instructions to help you out. Try surfing these links or for something similar:
    BIOS Recovery Procedures
    INSYDE BIOS Recovery Method
    Or you might want to consider paying a certified Toshiba tech a maximum of one hours labour to try to recover your BIOS for you.
    Toshiba Australia Service Centre search page
    Let us know what happens. Good luck.

  • I can't install my license Windows XP on Tecra M10

    For some reason I can't install Windows XP on the new Tecra M10 Laptops that my company just got in. I deleted the Windows Vista Partitions off the hard drive using Delpart that way it would let me at least install Windows XP.
    After that I put our Volumn licensing CD in the laptop and it starts to boot the CD and half way through a Blue Screen of Death comes up saying "A Problem has been detected an Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer." This happens every time I try to install XP from scratch. The laptops came with the Windows XP SP3 recovery disks. I put that in and had the laptop put back to factory defaults with Windows XP thinking that could fix the issue.
    After doing that I tried to install XP again and the same thing keeps coming up. Please help me out.
    Thank You

    The solution is simply;
    I presume your Windows XP doesnt include the necessary SATA driver and therefore a BSOD appears.
    This happened also on a notebook from other user. The BSOD appeared always until the SATA drivers have been included.
    You need the Intel Storage Manger package.
    http://downloadcenter.intel.com/download.aspx?url=/17061/eng/f6flpy3286.zip&DwnldId=17061&ProductID=2101&lang=e ng
    Downloaded this package and include the SATA files into the Win XP using the nLite software.
    For nLite details google a little but.

  • GE60 2PL Wireless Chipset/Adaptor details

    Can anyone advise what wireless chipset/adaptor is used in the GE60 2PL laptop? Last thing I need to confirm before I take the plunge in with this laptop is what to expect speed wise from my home wifi network.

    Maybe you can get some clues from MSI software download page.
    http://www.msi.com/support/nb/GE60-2PL-Apache.html#down-driver&Win8.1 64

  • Intel wireless chipset clients random Citrix disconnects

    Currently using intel 5100 & 6200 client cards on multiple driver versions. WiSM is 7.0.116. APs are 1250 and 1260 series. Citrix is setup to send server-side keepalives for session reliability. Randomly, several times a day the client will get disconnected from the Citrix application session but maintain connectivity to the AP and other applications continue to work. Traces show the server-side keepalive reach the controller but are delayed from controller to client by 5-6 seconds. Just enough time for the Citrix server to timeout and tear down to session. Additional testing shows the delay most likely occurs somewhere from controller to AP. It occurs on multiple controllers on multiple campuses.
    We have Dell/Broadcom clients that don't experience the problem. The only commonality seems to be the Intel cards. Any ideas? CCX? I know Intel has a special relationship with Cisco regarding CCX and have developed features not available on other cards. Tried disabling power save and other CCX features but hasn't solved the issue. Any ideas are appreciated on this very strange problem.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

    Update to this issue. I've found the 5 second delay actually is occurring on the AP. Packets traverse normally through the entire network but randomly delayed at the AP. TAC is looking at it but no cause found yet. Also verified this seems to occur only with Intel wireless chipsets. Others (Broadcom etc.) don't experience the problem.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • Dv4t-5100: What is the Wireless Chipset and Graphics on this with the i5-3210M Processor?

    I would like to purchase the dv4t-5100 and would like to know the wireless chipset and also the Intel(R) Integrated Graphics (HD 3000 or HD 4000).
    I plan on purchasing the upgraded 3rd generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M Processor and keeping the basic 802.11b/g/n WLAN.
    Thank you.

    com.sophos.kext.sav 8.0.14
    com.cisco.nke.ipsec 2.0.0
    com.iospirit.driver.rbiokithelper 1.4.5
    Try un-installing these programs, starting with Sophos. Use the developer's un-install instructions.
    Sophos Un-install

  • Tecra M10 WXP resumes in my bag without wake-up

    My Tecra M10-ST9110 (PTMB3UTCFTGN) resumes from Standby spontaneously.  Wake from Lan is deactivated - in fact all wake-on something (keyboard) have been deactivated.  This happened a few times at night while docked but never inside my computer bag.  Never say never, today in my computer bag she woke up until the battery was drained.  I just hope that nothing fried inside (I am using it now to post this).
    Anybody has any ideas.  This must be a bug in BIOS.
    Notebook goes to sleep and the amber heart beat is visible.  I have not been able to reproduce this error successfully every time. It so seams that after putting the computer to a series of stantby cycles (5 or so) and finalizing in a complete shut down (just to shut down the computer once in a while), the first standby after turning the computer on (fresh boot) will wake up without reason.
    I have heard about child illnesses but this starts to be ridiculous.

    Nope it was the Wired Adapter.
    I do not know how this optiong got checked.  I hope this is it.  If your computer wakes up without apparent reason:
    Go to your network connections
    Righ click the connection
    Select Properties
    Press the configure button on the Adapter
    Go to the Power Management Tab
    Un check the "allow this device to bring the computer out of standby"
    My other Tecra M2 had this checked because it was updated at night by our administrator.  I never turned on inside my briefcase.
    Warning: Allowing this device to bring the computer out of standby may
    cause this computer to periodically wakeup to refresh its network state. If
    you travel with this computer or run it on a battery, you should not turn on
    this feature as the machine may awaken at inopportune times or consume
    the battery.

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