Wireless External Harddrive?

I use a 17'' powerbook w/ tiger and have a firewire/usb 2.0 maxtor external harddrive. Is there any way to access this hard drive wirelessly? I have scoured the internet in search of products for this purpose and could only find the Linksys, but that uses a proprietary hard drive format and does not work w/ macs, as it does not support os x extended partitions.
Worst case, could I do this with a LAN hard drive w/ the airport express?
Any help, specifically links to products that can accomplish this, would be extremenly appreciated.

Take a look at the D-Link DNS-G120. It support FAT32 and NTFS formats. Again, no mention of direct support for Macs. I don't know of any adapters of this type that support drives with MacOS formatting.
You could use a LAN hard drive, and connect it to a wireless network using a wireless bridge device. An Airport Express could be used as a wireless bridge device - but only on an existing wireless network based around an Airport Extreme Base Station or another Airport Express.

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    The iPad does not support a USB host port, so no external hard drive will be recognized.  Seagate has a new wireless portable hard drive that creates a hotspot for up to 3 devices and is fully compatible with the iPad as external storeage:
    Video of drive in actions:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRaVAeYhONc
    Review: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-18/portable-​wi-fi-drive-turns-ipad-into-cineplex-rich-jaroslov​...
    Not sure when these will be available in Best Buy.
    If you find my post useful or informative, please click the icon below with the plus sign and star to give kudos. Thank you!

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    Make sure it's not something as simple as the battery bulging up and exerting upward pressure on the trackpad, keyboard, and USB / FW ports.
    That's what happened to my Macbook and it showed similar symptoms.
    I simply took out the battery and let the MacBook rest for a 48 hours.  Then I ran it strictly on the power supply and it ran fine.
    At that point I bought a replacement generic battery through Amazon for about $40 including shipping and taxes.  I figured why waste money on the Apple original part if it was that very Apple original battery that went bad and bulged up like a toad? 
    MacBook has been running just fine for months now, maybe a year.

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