Witch one should i go with?

I'm deciding between to solutions.
MBP w. Retina (2,6GHz 16GB RAM 512GB storage) and Thunderbolt Display.
iMac 27" (3,4GHz 16 GB RAM 1TB storage) and MBP 13" ( 2,5GHz 8GB RAM 500GB storage)
I hope you will help me.
Thanks! :-)

I really, really like the Thunderbolt Display - with it, you have your portable Mac and an (almost) ultimate docking station. I have one in a box by my bed - I'm moving in 13 days and haven't unpacked it yet - but I took a good luck at it at the Apple Store and did my research on it before buying it. It's really a professional-grade display (hence the price) unlike some of the $300-400 displays you can find.
I would go with the rMBP and the Thunderbolt Display - that's, in essence, what I'm doing (sans the rMBP - I have a standard late 2011).
My 2¢...

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                           /bic/zcdpcntry .
                                  /bic/zcdpcntry IS INITIAL .
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    lv_i NUMBER :=1;
    lv_ID add_post.ID%TYPE;
    lv_auteur add_post.auteur%TYPE;
    lv_titel add_post.titel%TYPE;
    lv_community add_post.community%TYPE;
    lv_rating add_post.rating%TYPE;
    lv_description add_post.description%TYPE;
    CURSOR move_posts iS
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    FROM add_post
    OPEN move_posts;
    FETCH move_posts INTO lv_ID, lv_auteur, lv_community, lv_titel, lv_rating, lv_description;
    INSERT INTO wouter_published_posts VALUES (lv_ID, lv_auteur, lv_community, lv_titel, lv_rating, lv_description);
    --EXIT WHEN move_posts%NOTFOUND;
    CLOSE move_posts;

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    bottom: 0px;
    background-color: #AE016E;

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