With wich version can I picture vignettieren?

With wich Version of photo shop can I Picture vignettieren?

Hello Mauzi,
first: Vignettieren = Signieren? I yes, one possibility would be to put a watermark (signature) onto the images.You could create a .psd file with the text you want, and then drag it over your finished version before you save.
On the other hand you could try (I'm not sure about PSE, Becaus I work with PS CC) these digimarks. Please have a look there:
Digimarc (DMRC) - Enable Media the Digimarc Way . I quote: A problem could be "Digimarc plug-ins require a 32-bit operating system. They are unsupported in 64-bit versions of Windows and Mac OS."
And in any case here's a link to an Adobe website Photoshop Help | Digimarc copyright protection and a video about crating watermarks:
Good luck!

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    hi kirsti
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    thank you
    Am 02.05.2012 19:06, schrieb Kirsti Aho:
          Re: Can't open file--"not compatible with this version"
    created by Kirsti Aho <http://forums.adobe.com/people/Kirsti-CA> in
    /Community Help Application/ - View the full discussion

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    Check for Updates.
    http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee374/Diavonex/Album%208/78d42b19fa42e8d83b5 5a65e1333373f_zpsf58bbe10.jpg

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    Is there a way to build LabVIEW program so I don't have to do this job every time we update Acrobat Reader?
    This LabVIEW program is written in LabVIEW 6.1, but I se the problem is the same in LabVIEW 8.2.
    Jan Inge Gustavsen
    Show PDF-file - Adobe Reader 7-0-5 - LV61.vi ‏43 KB
    Read PDF file.jpg ‏201 KB
    Show PDF-file - Adobe Reader 5-0-5 - LV61.vi ‏42 KB

    hi there
    try the vi
    ..vi.lib\platform\browser.llb\Open Acrobat Document.vi
    it uses DDE or the command line to run an external application (e.g. Adobe Acrobat)
    Best regards
    CL(A)Dly bending G-Force with LabVIEW
    famous last words: "oh my god, it is full of stars!"

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