WLES and minimum set of resources given closed world view

Another question:
Application EAR contains a WAR and a JAR of EJBs. The WAR has elements that lookup and use EJBs in the JAR. The EJBs reference jndi names in their deployment descriptors for various resources such as JMS resources and JDBC datasources. What is the minimum set of resources that I must add to the resource tree, and the policies/rules to go with them, to enable a single role (say, GenericRole) access to the entire application?
That is, do I need a resource for every EJB and a rule allowing any to that EJB? Can I use a virtual binding node named "ejb" and use that to grant access to all EJBs without adding them individually? If I must add them individually, what are the resource name requirements - case-sensitive <ejb-name> value in the ejb-jar.xml?
What about JNDI lookups? A single JNDI node? And, what about the "reference" lookup names in the deployment descriptors that map to the actual JNDI resource? Is that resolved by WLES?

For some applications, I've been able to give access to the application binding node and get access to the entire app. Still trying to determine what is different in the case that fails.
Anyway, the basic question has been answered.

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    sample_short.csv ‏2439 KB

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    Here I am attaching the VI, what I tried. 
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    VI_rc.vi ‏25 KB
    sample.zip ‏4166 KB

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    2 y2 z2 3 1
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    where did you give this max and min ?
    You need to type Max( column_name) in the formula of the column and dont choose the max function from the  dop down of the "Aggregation Rule"
    This should work...

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    Hi Michael,
    Recommended setting is the default setting which is 25 .dot.
    If your situation is abnormal and you see message delivery throttling state to “4” when the following performance counters are high or if you expect any of you integration
    process could have impact on following counters, then you can consider the suggestion by Microsoft. Don’t change the default setting.
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    Process memory usage threshold (MB)
    You can see these counters under “BizTalk:MessageAgent”
    You can gauge these performance counter and its maximum values if have done any regression/performance testing in your test servers. If you have seen these counters having
    high values and causing throttling, then you can update the Process memory usage.
    Or unexpectedly you’re process high throughput messages in production which is causing these counters to go high and cause throttling, then up can update the Process memory
    The above two cases where I know my expected process usage (by doing performance testing) or suddenly my production server processing has gone high due to unexpected business
    hike (or any reasons) which caused throttling, then do changes to default throttling setting.
    Just changing the default setting without actual reason could have adverse effect where you end up allocating 
    more processing capacities but the actual message processing message usage ever is low means you end up investing in underutilised resources.
    M.R.Ashwin Prabhu
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

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    don't select from menu - go to source and write it . The problem with the tools is they have a certain way of doing things and don't think we should spend time customizing jdeveloper rather concentrate on the work in hand.

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    What's the .pst file used for? Archive? Or you set up a POP3 account and want to import the emails from the .pst file?
    Another question, you mentioned you installed Outlook 2013 and it didn't open either. Was this from the beginning right after you installed Outlook 2013, or after you did something such as create a new Profile, set up a new account and tried to import the
    .pst file?
    Kindly answer my questions so I can understand the situation better.
    I've seen some of this issue caused by the anti-malware software, check your anti-malware software to see if it's trying to interfere with Outlook - things like real time email checking can sometimes cause these kinds of problems. To troubleshoot, we can
    simply disable the anti-malware software temporarily to see the result.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    10Q for letting me ask questions and feeling freely.

    Please check these queries and this may helps you to get whats happening on with CPU currently..
    SELECT getdate() as "RunTime", st.text, qp.query_plan, a.* FROM sys.dm_exec_requests a CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle) as st CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(a.plan_handle) as qp order by CPU_time desc
    Top 50 CPU usage :
    SELECT TOP 50 st.text
    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) qp
    ORDER BY qs.total_worker_time DESC
    SP_Whoisactive --- download from : http://www.brentozar.com/responder/log-sp_whoisactive-to-a-table/
    Activity Monitor and sp_who2 active also will give some idea...
    Reference links...
    Execute this script and and start doing your analysis in your server so that you will get more idea how its working and all the details...
    Sample CPU Test : Dont try this in production and try this in your test or Dev server..
    -- Query to Keep CPU Busy for 2 0 Seconds
    SET @T = GETDATE();
    SET    @F=POWER(2,30);
    You can easily change the parameter in the DATEADD and can make it run for 50 seconds.
    -- Query to Keep CPU Busy for 50 Seconds
    SET @T = GETDATE();
    SET    @F=POWER(2,30);
    Raju Rasagounder MSSQL DBA

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    -> Maybe about two thirds of the tabs I had open on my old system are gone!
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    What can I do to recover my lost tabs?
    They contain important websites that I didn't bookmark yet, articles that I wanted to read, windows with dozens of tabs on a topic that I did some research for and stuff like that.
    What does the green circle mean? Does it indicate that the sync is complete (to the Firefox servers) or just that the changes have been saved locally and set up for some next scheduled sync with the Firefox servers?
    Further info:
    I always run the newest stable release of Firefox (v19 on both systems). Old system was Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation, new system is Windows 8 Pro. My used Sync quota is about 10 MB. I had 4 Firefox windows open with different amount of tabs in each of them, from 10 to maybe 80 with an overall amount of 150-200. Most of them weren't loaded. Firefox start is set to "load last session" and tabs are set to "load when selected". Memory usage 500 MB - 1 GB.

    I have most of the items bookmarked. Having 200 - 300 tabs open saves time, since I don't have to go to the bookmarks, if the tabs are already open. One problem has been crashes, but as long as I can restore a previous session, I can still get to the data. I had quite a few tabs open when I was planning to purchase a new computer. I also follow the stock market, and the weather. I was also looking at various VIrtual Private Networking (VPN) sites. At one time, I probably had 20 - 50 tabs open, just for those. I did bookmark a few, but unfortunately lost the VPN tabs, when Firefox crashed. Even if I don`t go to a particular group of tabs very often, leaving it open is faster, especially since I will know where they are. I often put the computer in standby mode, rather than shutting it off, especially if I will remain in the same location.

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    the MRP return the figure 19 to order, when it should be 24 taking into account order multiple and minimum order qty...
    Could you explain me why
    we run SBO B1 2007 SP00 PL49

    This is the definition of your questions:
    Order Multiple u2013 you can set a multiplication factor for ordering the item e.g. in
    case you define 5 in this field and14 items are required, the MRP will recommend to
    order 15 items (3X5=15). If 18 items are required, the recommendation will be to
    order 20 items (4X5).
    Minimum Order Qty u2013 you can type a minimum quantity for ordering items by the MRP.
    The planning data is apply when there is a requirement (sales order, forecast, production orders (for the child item) and reserve invoice.

  • Microsoft Office Excel crashing and loosing work not saved or closed

    I spent around two hours this afternoon importing 12 months of bank statements into Excel. Half way through a message box appeared saying Excel had stopped working and needed to close down, did I want to send a report. Also there was a check box if I wanted Excel to restart with the last details. I checked this and it worked fine. I even saved a couple of examples whilst I worked on it.
    After two hours, feeling a bit jaded, I left the computer with Excel running and when I returned sometime later and logged back in Excel had closed down, not present, and when I fired it back up there was no evidence of the files I had saved in Finder. I looked in every conceivable place but no files. Open Recent didn't show the files either.
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    Has anyone else experienced this behaviour?

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  • [svn] 4793: Fix bug SDK-17734 Path with width and height set different than path data has incorrect bounds

    Revision: 4793
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-02-02 11:20:06 -0800 (Mon, 02 Feb 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix bug SDK-17734 Path with width and height set different than path data has incorrect bounds
    Fix: When calculating the bounds position we should take into account the implicit scaling factor actualSize/naturalSize. Also did some refactoring, getting rid of the protected method calculateTopLeft.
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-17734
    Reviewer: Ryan
    tests: mustella gumbo/layout/GraphicElement
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/flex4/src/mx/graphics/graphicsClasses/GraphicElement.a s

    Thank you so much for replying.
    Yes I have removed and reinstalled WMP.
    I had good results with the PD6 application installed on the default path onto the C: drive with the one exception that if the application was launched by accident and the user data path was not available, the PD6 application would blow away my custom user path registry settings. Now that I know what they are I have made a .reg file to repair my registry to my desired user data paths.
    Installing the application on the removable drive appeared to help prevent me from launching the application by accident and overwriting my registry with default user paths.
    So which is the less of the two evils?
    If the application directory is not available, windows media player still tries to launch the .msi for installing PD6.
    If I install the application to the C: drive but the user data to the removable drive, launching the PD6 application without the user data drive will still corrupt my registry settings for a user data path.
    Both these issues seem like a logical (if not easy) fix that should be done in the PD6 application and installation package. I mean really, cannot anyone tell me why windows media player is checking the PD6 application directory? Why in PD4 did we have an option control for setting the user data path from the PD4 application? Why is this option not in the PD6 application, just the installer?
    I am given a choice during installation to move the user data to another non default location. Why else would this be provided if not to accommodate my kind of request to store the user data into an alternate location other than “My Document”. Certainly Palm is not trying to force the users on how to protect and store their personal data?
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)

  • Rounding value and Minimum lot size

    Hi all,
    Finish material is X and Raw material is Y.
    Bom- For Preparing Xu2019s 1 Qty, 1 Qty of Y is required 
    In Material Master of Y - Rounding value and minimum lot size is 10,
    Project needs 5Qty of X.
    When MD51 for Project execute u2026 PR of Y must be of 10 as per rounding value and minimum lot size, but it is creating PR of 5 qty.
    Above scenario working properly if I take MRP run with MD02 for material X for 10qty, after MRP PR of Y will be created for 10qty.
    With Regards,

    By default, the lot size works as lot-for-lot quantity in the make-to-order and project scenario.
    Go to OMI4 select your Lot size and define Lot Size: SOP  1 or 2Lot-for-lot with rounding. Better create new Lot size as ZX with these setting.
    If you always want lots to be created for the multiple of the rounding value, you must specify a minimum a multiple of the rounding value.
    Example: minimum lot size: 10 and rounding 10.
    Please try and come back.

  • Volumes and Qtrees set up for SAP and Oracle

    Hi Gurus
    I Need your help Please
    I need to get Volumes and Qtrees set up for SAP and Oracle.
    I found a document from NetApp that helped a lot about the structure.
    But what I donu2019t know and canu2019t find anywhere is sizing for the volumes and Qtrees.
    I really need some guidelines on sizing these below:
    FlexVol saplog
    FlexVol sapdata
    FlexVol mirrlogs
    Thanks and appreciate your help

    > I have gone through the Inst Guide and I was surprised to see only 50 MB for Oracle software directory ?
    Where did you read that?
    > The sizing given in Installation guide is for typical setup or do we need to size as per our requirement ?
    The sizing give there is for the initial system setup. It does not contain customer specific requirements.
    The usual process is:
    - you contact your hardware vendor
    - you use http://service.sap.com/quicksizer together with him and fill in the data
    - the hardware vendor will offer you the storage and the machines for the setup
    - the vendor configures with you the storage and the necessary filesystem layout based on that sizing
    Each customers setup is different and requires the experience and knowledge from the respective hardware vendor how to set up the system so it performs well.
    You can follow the suggestions given here, this will be enough for the initial setup but the system will grow. This is not taken into account in the installation guide because it's customer specific.

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