WLPS/WLCS 2.0.1: Performance tip

Performace tip for WLCS 2.0.1 [User.getProperty() vs
JSP programmers should take advantage of speedy user property
retrieval from the local cache by using the "useCache=true"
attribute with the JSP tags <um:getproperty> and <um:setproperty>
(http://e-docs.bea.com/wlcs/p13ndev/jsptags.htm#1058056 ).
If you are getting and setting user properties in a servlet then
you should prefer the methods of
com.beasys.commerce.user.jsp.beans.CachedProfileBean over
com.beasys.commerce.axiom.contact.User so that you can take
advantage of caching. Even on the first invocation of
CachedProfileBean.getProperty() it is significantly faster than
User.getProperty(). Subsequent invocations of
CachedProfileBean.getProperty() are orders of magnitude faster. The
CachedProfileBean is what the JSP tags use.
A separate CachedProfileBean is instantiated for each user whose
profile is to be manipulated. See the attached javadoc for the
details of instantiating a CachedProfileBean for a
com.beasys.commerce.axiom.contact.User versus a Unified User Profile
(UUP) user of your own creation. If you want to use the
CachedProfileBean in a clustered environment then you need to keep
an instance in each user's session to make it cluster-aware. For
example, if you want to set a user property then you should retrieve
the CachedProfileBean from the user's HttpSession, use
setProperty(), and return the CachedProfileBean to the session. Of
course, when you get a property you should retrieve the
CachedProfileBean from the user's session instead of instantiating a
new one.
If you use the CachedProfileBean in a t3 client or in a servlet
deployed on a server that is not WLCS/WLPS then you will have to set
the environment property "commerce.properties" to
"weblogiccommerce.properties". The CachedProfileBean needs
weblogiccommerce.properties to figure out where to do JNDI lookups.
You can set this property on the command line when you start your t3
client (or server) like this:
java -Dcommerce.properties=weblogiccommerce.properties MyT3Client
The CachedProfileBean was not javadoc'ed for the WLCS 2.0.1
release. It was javadoc'ed for the WLCS 3.1.1 release, but changes
were made between releases. The javadoc for the WLCS 2.0.1 release
is attached.
Thank you for using WebLogic.
Ture Hoefner
BEA Systems, Inc.
2590 Pearl St.
Suite 110
Boulder, CO 80302

Here's a follow-up related to User.setProperty( ) vs.
CachedProfileBean.setProperty( ).
To reiterate what Ture stated, CachedProfileBean is preferred over User
because property values can be retrieved from the local cache. However,
when setting properties, CachedProfileBean can be slower if you're doing a
number of set statements in a row. Here's why.
User is an entity bean. The CachedProfileBean lives in the session; it's
purpose is to avoid using the User entity bean unless it has to (since
entity beans generally mean poor performance).
As the number of references to an entity bean grows, the risk of deadlock
increases. For this reason, the CachedProfileBean doesn't have a reference
to the user entity bean. The setProperty method of CachedProfileBean needs
to first get a reference to the entity bean, then update the property. This
is what can make it slower than User.setProperty( ). If the setInCache
parameter is true, it will also set the value in the cache.
We advise against using the User.setProperty( ) method, especially for
highly shared entity beans, since deadlocks may occur. For example, avoid
using User to set a property for a user that has a Group specified as a
successor; Groups are highly shared entity beans, increasing the chance of
You generally should not mix User.setProperty( ) and
CachedProfileBean.getProperty( ). Since User.setProperty( ) updates the
database but not the cache, you may be left with a dirty cache.
Our best advice is to stick with CachedProfileBean, but wrap all your set
statements in a transaction (e.g., javax.transaction.UserTransaction).
There are two benefits of this. First, all the sets will succeed or fail as
a unit. Second, you'll see a performance gain since you're saving on
database connections. If you have a large number of set statements in a
row, you will see a significant performance increase if you wrap them in a
transaction, since you're only using one database connection rather than one
per set statement.
- Ginny

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    Thank you for your help.
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    After making the tweaks, I was able to slide the settings with instant previews even with Noise Reduction (luminance) set to zero.
    Robert Shomier:
    Thank you for the link, I have seen that before and followed the directions. I upgraded to 16GB of RAM two weeks ago after reading the tips.
    Thank you guys again..

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    This thread didn't answer it? http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5381716&messageID=10685151#10685151
    You can use Javascript client side: http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_client.asp
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    For the server, adding Templates is the easiest and first optimization you should consider. If you are marshalling and unmarshalling from XML to POJO's (plain ole Java objects), consider something like XMLBeans of JAXB instead of using XSL continuously. If you are going from POJO to XML to HTML, consider instead using something simple like JSP's instead.
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    작성날짜 : 2003-06-10
    [Import 의 Performance]
    Oracle import를 실행 시 많이 걸리는 시간을 줄이기 위해 다음의 현상을
    적용해 보자.
    1) System 적 변경
    - DB 를 다시 create 할 경우 DB_BLOCK_SIZE를 증가시킨다.
    이 block size 가 큰 경우, 더 작은 I/O cycle 이 발생한다.
    이 변경값이 permanent한 경우는 변경 전과 비교한 모든 효과를 고려한다.
    - 1개의 커다란 rollback segment 를 생성하고, 이외의 rollback segment는
    모두 offline 한다.
    - 1개의 rollback segment는 import 되어질 table 중 가장 큰 것의 50%
    정도로 잡는다. import 는 기본적으로 insert into table_name values
    (,,,,,) 이고 이 경우 rollback segment 에는 rowid 만 들어가게 되므로
    2개의 같은 size 인 extent를 갖는 rollback 을 생성하면 된다.
    - import 가 끝날 때까지 database 를 NOARCHIVELOG mode로 유지한다.
    이는 archive log 를 생성하는 overhead 를 없앨 수 있다.
    - rollback segment와 마찬가지로, 커다란 redo log file을 생성한다.
    클수록 log switch 가 발생하지 않으므로 import 시는 좋다.
    작은 size 의 redo log 는 offline 하도록 한다. alert.log 에 나타나는
    'Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 17, Checkpoint not
    complete'의 메시지는 좀 더 크거나 더 많은 갯수의 redo log file 이
    필요함을 나타낸다.
    - 가능하다면 table, rollback, redo log file 이 다른 disk에 있도록 한다.
    이는 i/o contention을 줄일 수 있다.
    2) Init.ora Parameter 변경
    - LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL을 redo log file의 size 보다 크게 준다.
    이 숫자는 OS block 을 의미하여 unix 에서는 512 byte 이다.
    이를 크게 하면 log swich time을 줄일 수 있다.
    - SORT_AREA_SIZE를 증가시킨다.
    인덱스를 아직 생성하지 않았다 하더라도, unique, primary key는 있기
    이 값의 증가는 같은 machine 안에 별도의 어떤 작업이 있는가,
    free memoty 가 얼마 만큼 있느냐에 따라 다르긴 하지만 평상 시의 5-10
    배로 한다.
    만일 machine이 swapping이나 paging이 발생하면 더욱 크게 해준다.
    3) Import Options 변경
    - COMMIT=N option을 사용한다.
    이를 사용하면 buffer의 data 가 insert되고 commit함이 아니라, 각
    object(table) 의 모든 data가 insert 후 commit 된다.
    만일 rollback 이 작다면 이 option 을 이용할 수 없다.
    - BUFFER 크기를 크게 한다.
    이것 역시 시스템의 다른 activity 나, 데이타베이스 크기에 따라 다르다.
    이 값이 크면 export file을 access 하는 횟수를 줄일 수 있다.
    - import 시 INDEXES=N option을 사용한다.
    만일 index를 생성 시는 SORT_AREA_SIZE 는 더욱 커야 한다.
    Reference Documents

    작성날짜 : 2003-06-10
    [Import 의 Performance]
    Oracle import를 실행 시 많이 걸리는 시간을 줄이기 위해 다음의 현상을
    적용해 보자.
    1) System 적 변경
    - DB 를 다시 create 할 경우 DB_BLOCK_SIZE를 증가시킨다.
    이 block size 가 큰 경우, 더 작은 I/O cycle 이 발생한다.
    이 변경값이 permanent한 경우는 변경 전과 비교한 모든 효과를 고려한다.
    - 1개의 커다란 rollback segment 를 생성하고, 이외의 rollback segment는
    모두 offline 한다.
    - 1개의 rollback segment는 import 되어질 table 중 가장 큰 것의 50%
    정도로 잡는다. import 는 기본적으로 insert into table_name values
    (,,,,,) 이고 이 경우 rollback segment 에는 rowid 만 들어가게 되므로
    2개의 같은 size 인 extent를 갖는 rollback 을 생성하면 된다.
    - import 가 끝날 때까지 database 를 NOARCHIVELOG mode로 유지한다.
    이는 archive log 를 생성하는 overhead 를 없앨 수 있다.
    - rollback segment와 마찬가지로, 커다란 redo log file을 생성한다.
    클수록 log switch 가 발생하지 않으므로 import 시는 좋다.
    작은 size 의 redo log 는 offline 하도록 한다. alert.log 에 나타나는
    'Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 17, Checkpoint not
    complete'의 메시지는 좀 더 크거나 더 많은 갯수의 redo log file 이
    필요함을 나타낸다.
    - 가능하다면 table, rollback, redo log file 이 다른 disk에 있도록 한다.
    이는 i/o contention을 줄일 수 있다.
    2) Init.ora Parameter 변경
    - LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL을 redo log file의 size 보다 크게 준다.
    이 숫자는 OS block 을 의미하여 unix 에서는 512 byte 이다.
    이를 크게 하면 log swich time을 줄일 수 있다.
    - SORT_AREA_SIZE를 증가시킨다.
    인덱스를 아직 생성하지 않았다 하더라도, unique, primary key는 있기
    이 값의 증가는 같은 machine 안에 별도의 어떤 작업이 있는가,
    free memoty 가 얼마 만큼 있느냐에 따라 다르긴 하지만 평상 시의 5-10
    배로 한다.
    만일 machine이 swapping이나 paging이 발생하면 더욱 크게 해준다.
    3) Import Options 변경
    - COMMIT=N option을 사용한다.
    이를 사용하면 buffer의 data 가 insert되고 commit함이 아니라, 각
    object(table) 의 모든 data가 insert 후 commit 된다.
    만일 rollback 이 작다면 이 option 을 이용할 수 없다.
    - BUFFER 크기를 크게 한다.
    이것 역시 시스템의 다른 activity 나, 데이타베이스 크기에 따라 다르다.
    이 값이 크면 export file을 access 하는 횟수를 줄일 수 있다.
    - import 시 INDEXES=N option을 사용한다.
    만일 index를 생성 시는 SORT_AREA_SIZE 는 더욱 커야 한다.
    Reference Documents

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    Back to lurking, now ...

    Hi Carl,
    Can you please log a bug for this.We will investigate the issue.
    Adobe ColdFusion Team.

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    advertisements, perform dynamic user segmentation etc. etc.
    All without a single line of Java or JSP code. Just start up the WLPS or
    WLCS templates, boot-up the Campaign Manager and start clicking!
    There cool! Check 'em out - you can download all three here:
    Daniel Selman

    We were using WLCS 3.2 and WLS 5.1 SP8 so far, we got a patch
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    Case: 222714). This patch had some new classes (e.g.
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    changed the code. The site is live now. I'm now trying to find the
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    Ajay Upadhyaya
    "Daniel Selman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3adf2542$[email protected]..
    We recently put WLPS and WLCS 3.5 on the web. These new releases add new
    features and run on WLS 6.0 allowing you to use new WLS features, such as
    two-phase commit across different databases.
    In addition we have completed a new product offering - the CampaignManager.
    Campaign Manager is a Swing application that allows business users tocreate
    targeted, personalized campaigns for sites running WLPS or WLCS. You can
    define discounts, send emails, select personalized content, track
    advertisements, perform dynamic user segmentation etc. etc.
    All without a single line of Java or JSP code. Just start up the WLPS or
    WLCS templates, boot-up the Campaign Manager and start clicking!
    There cool! Check 'em out - you can download all three here:
    Daniel Selman

  • Aperture 3 library performance tip after upgrading

    This tip may be helpful for anyone experiencing slow project/album loading and beachballing even with no background processes running in aperture 3.
    I was having some major issues with performance in aperture 3 with all library/project/album and book loading operations. It was very odd because Adjustment performance is very good.
    All my imported aperture 2 books would beach ball for about 50 seconds to load, and then each page would take 10 seconds to load after clicking on it. In comparison my aperture 2 library was near instantaneous.
    After exporting the project as a separate library, rebuilding the library, repairing permissions, nothing was working.
    As a last ditch effort before opening up Shark - I decided to open up the library in the finder, and manually delete all of the original previews. I then opened up the library in aperture and manually updated all the previews by highlighting all the thumbnails and right clicking -> update previews.
    Once this process completed I quit aperture and restarted to see if I was still getting any slowdowns and the problem is now gone! Library loading and project switching operations are speedy as ever now, and the book navigation is faster than aperture 2 now.
    Hope this helps anyone with performance issues.

    Speak up if anyone has problems migrating because of previews or is successful in migrating without previews. I suspect this is my problem. I get to:
    Upgrading Library 7% complete (updating master metadata - 5,068 remaining)
    After restoring from a file vault with Aperture 2, I get to the same spot, with or without previews. Although this is a slightly different issue, I tried deleting previews within Aperture and reimporting. I got to the same exact spot as before. The computer becomes nearly unresponsive, and I have to force quit Aperture after hours of sitting at 5,068 remaining.

  • WD ABAP performance tips and tricks

    Hi all,
    I was wondering if there is any good approach to build WD applications so performance does not have to suffer. Do you know of any good documentation on this topic?
    Thank you,

    Hello, Georgy,
    From my experience, I follow some guidelines. These can be correct or not, but from my researches across SDN and other sources (help.sap.com and Ulli's book), it's proven to be good guidelines. Of course, I'll be presenting here only those tips related to WDA, not ABAP. Here they are:
    1. Design your Context nodes carefully:
    - Avoid non-Singleton nodes;
    - Make your supply functions as simple as possible;
    2. Controllers:
    - If you use a component (such as ALV or MESSAGE_MANAGER) frequently, instantiate it at WDDOINIT and save it as a public attribute of the COMPONENTCONTROLLER. This way, whenever you need to call a method of the component, you can refer to wd_comp_controller->attribute->method.
    - Instead of using dynamic programming to control properties of view elements (visibility, read-only, text, etc), use context attributes. This way, you can control, for instance, the visibility of an element in any method, not only inside WDDOMODIFYVIEW;
    4. Methods:
    - Use the WDA framework correctly: if you need to consist user entered data, use WDDOBEFOREACTION; if you need to control aspects of the view, use WDDOMODIFYVIEW;
    - Learn the Phase Model better than the back of your hands
    Well, that's some guidelines I use, and I'd like you to comment it also, or further expand this list.

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    Our design is triangle shaped structure. There is a main application getting fed from two sub applications and these two sub applications are connected also by a transparent partition. One of the sub applications is the same as the main application. Same number of dimensions with the same dimensions. The second sub application is a smaller subset of the main application with less dimensions. All the transparent partitions defined as "(@IDESCENDENTS("Managerial Statement of Operations") @IDESCENDENTS("Income Statement Ratios") @IDESCENDENTS("Operating Ratios") @IDESCENDENTS("Statistics")@IDESCENDENTS("System Administration")) @IDESCENDENTS("Time") @IDESCENDENTS("Income Statement Type") @IDESCENDENTS("Funding Type") @IDESCENDENTS("Network Indicator") @IDESCENDENTS("Product") @IDESCENDENTS("Market Segment") @IDESCENDENTS("State") @IDESCENDENTS("Scenario") @IDESCENDENTS("Trading Partner") @IDESCENDENTS("Organization")" at the source and "(@IDESCENDENTS("Managerial Statement of Operations") @IDESCENDENTS("Income Statement Ratios") @IDESCENDENTS("Operating Ratios") @IDESCENDENTS("Statistics")@DESCENDENTS("System Admin - PL")) @IDESCENDENTS("Time") @IDESCENDENTS("Income Statement Type") @IDESCENDENTS("Funding Type") @IDESCENDENTS("Network Indicator") @IDESCENDENTS("Product") @IDESCENDENTS("Market Segment") @IDESCENDENTS("State") @IDESCENDENTS("Scenario") @IDESCENDENTS("Trading Partner") @IDESCENDENTS("Organization")" at the target. The dimensions are "Account", "Time", "Scenario", "Market Segment", "Income Statement Type", "Funding Type", "Product", "State", "Organization", "Trading Partner", and "Network Indicator". Thanks.

  • Motion 4 Performance Tips

    Can anybody give me any advice how to get maximum performance in Motion for my macbook pro? I have 4gb ram, 256 vram.
    Is it possible to turn off ram preview, and render the clips like in FCP? Cause my system slows down at moderate/advanced compositions.
    Would I be better off getting after effects, will it be easier on my system?
    -Mads Meskalin


  • Plsql performance tips?

    Can any one give pointers to any good plsql performance doc.
    I would like to know if ->
    if l_align is null or l_align not in ( 'L', 'R' 'C') then
    end if;
    if l_align not in ( 'L', 'R' 'C') or l_align is null then
    end if;
    will be faster.
    Is there any place having data like this.

    Well, if you want to know which way is faster, the best way to
    answer the question is to test the two cases.
    x pls_integer := dbms_utility.get_time;
    l_align varchar2(1);
    for i in 1..10000000 loop
    if l_align is null or l_align not in ('L', 'R', 'C') then
    end if;
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line( dbms_utility.get_time - x );
    I ran tests with 'is null' first and 'is null' last, and with an
    l_align value of NULL and NOT NULL.
    You only really see differences over millions of iterations, but
    here were my findings:
    1) Putting the 'is null' check first helps by avoiding the
    string comparisons of the IN clause.
    2) Putting the most likely (if that is even relevent) choices
    first in the IN clause will help. Testing when the value of
    l_align was 'L' was faster than when it was 'C'.
    Of course, you would never even notice the timing differences in
    real-life due to fewer iterations and so many other factors that
    slow down processing (i/o, etc.).

  • Performance Tips

    Hi Experts,
    Somebody created all the interfaces and everything working fine in production.
    I need to observe better performance of all interfaces in XI.
    Can anybody please tell me what are the areas i need to check and what is the general issues on performance.
    Answer will be rewarded.

    Hi Prasad
    A very good reference on identifying performance issues/bottlenecks is contained in Note 894509 - XI Performance Check.
    Here is the helpfull links
    XI Performance Testing Tool
    Try performance tuning :
    Also, here a some recent blogs:
    Performance Tuning Checks in SAP Exchange Infrastructure: /people/prasad.illapani/blog/2007/03/08/performance-tuning-checks-in-sap-exchange-infrastructure
    Performance Tuning Checks in SAP Exchange Infrastructure(XI): Part-II: /people/prasad.illapani/blog/2007/04/20/performance-tuning-checks-in-sap-exchange-infrastructurexi-part-ii

  • Performance tip

    For what it's worth...
    I just discovered something that affects performance massively in the develoment module. Provided you are using a dual screen configuration, if you start to develop an image and forget to switch the second screen to grid mode, LR will constantly update both the image in the development module and the preview in loupe mode.This slows down LR dramatically.
    This might happen more often than one could think. Most of the time, we are reviewing our images in grid mode while the second screen is in loupe mode. If we switch to the Develop module in this situation, the second screen remains in loupe mode.

    Yes, it's a useful reminder of something users have identified on previous occasions dating back to when the second screen feature was introduced. It's also worth noting that some pretty horrendous performance issues were as a result of Lr updating the second screen. Most of these have been addressed, but some are still lurking around. Sadly, and as Dan Tull mentioned a few days back when asking for feedback on filmstrip performance, the trade off between fixing the problem and breaking something else is too big a risk to take in a dot update.

  • Performance tips when writing reports

    Hello all,Is there a certain way to order members (dense, sparse etc) in report layout commands like <Page, <Row to improve performance, I noticed some improvement by randomly re-ordering. Is there a good thumb rule to follow , pls adviseThanks,raju

    This is what I got from Hyperion Support:Reports will have the correct numbers when generated after a calculation. Since dynamic calcs are not processed when performing a calculation, it is not calculated until you perform a spreadsheet retrieval or when you perform a report. If you have an outline with a lot of dynamic calcs, this will affect report writer performance time greatly. To optimize your Report follow the suggestions below: 1. Decrease the amount of Dynamic Calcs in your outline. If you have to, make it dynamic calc and store. 2. Use the Sparse command at the beginning of the report script. 3. Use the Column command for the dense dimensions instead of using the Page command. The order of the dense dimensions in the Column command should be the same as the order of the dense dimension in the outline. (Ex. Column (D1, D2)). 4. Use the Row command for the sparse dimensions. The order of the sparse dimensions in the Row command should be in the opposite order of the sparse dimension in the outline. (Ex. Row (S3, S2, S1)). This is commonly called sparse bottom up method. 5. If the user does not want to use the Column command for the dense dimensions, then the dense dimensions should be placed at the end of the Row command. (Ex. Row (S3, S2, S1, D1, D2)). 6. Do not use the Page command, use the Column command instead.

  • Performance Tips? - Flickering

    Hi, I am having some serious performance problems with my 3D visualisation system. How can I improve performance and reduce flickering, the code is quite long so i wont show it here, but basically the scene renders some spheres and then re-draws them every so often in different locations, the idea being that the movement of the spheres appears smooth
    any help would be much appreciated, i can show the code if anyone feels like offering specific help:)
    PS please dont point me to suns performance tuning guide, ive been through it a number of times.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Oliver
    Every time i wish to re-draw the scene i call this method, which eventually re-calls the original draw method (newSpheres). Each time each sphere is assigned a random coordinate (that is not much different from the previous).
    public void newerSpheres() {
    for(int num = 0; num < scene.numChildren(); num++) {
    if(scene.getChild(num) == newSpheres){

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