Wmii matrix theme

Due to popular request I will explain how I set up my matrix wmii desktop theme. I'm using wmii-hg from aur.
Why you should use this theme:
- Your friends will think you are a l33t h4x0r
- Green is easy on the eye when using your computer in a room with all the lights off
- If you are a fan of the matrix you will love this
Programs used in screenshot:
urxvt (terminal)
thunar (file manager)
cmatrix (matrix code emulator)
weechat (irc client)
htop (process viewer)
archey (system information)
vim (editor)
Note that I didnt have a vim color scheme in this screenshot but If you cant live without syntax highlighting then I recommend using the elflord colorscheme.
Type this command in to vim or add it to your ~/.vimrc.
:colorscheme elflord
Theme information:
Font: Terminus
Icon theme: Any Color You Like 0.8 (#00CC00)
GTK theme: Terminus
How to set up icon theme
1. Download the icon theme here.
2. Run the file script.sh in your terminal
3. Enter this 6 digit hex number when it prompts for what color to use:
4. Move the folder ACYL_Icon_Theme_0.8 to /usr/share/icons as root:
5. Add this to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0. If the file doesnt exist then create it.
How to set up GTK theme
1. Download the GTK theme here
2. Extract and move to /usr/share/themes as root.
3. Add this to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0.
How to set up GTK font
1. Install the font package
$ pacman -S terminus-font
2. Add this to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0
gtk-font-name="Terminus 9"
Config files:
! urxvt ---------------------------------------------------------------------
URxvt.buffered: true
URxvt.background: black
URxvt.foreground: #00cc00
URxvt.cursorColor: #00ff00
URxvt.underlineColor: green
#URxvt.font: xft:profont:pixelsize=11:antialias=false
URxvt.font: xft:Terminus:pixelsize=12:antialias=false
URxvt.saveLines: 1024
URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: true
URxvt.scrollWithBuffer: false
URxvt.scrollBar: false
URxvt.perl-ext: default,matcher
URxvt.urlLauncher: /usr/bin/firefox
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
#URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed
! transparency ---------------------------------------------------------------
!URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
!URxvt*tintColor: black
!URxvt*shading: 40
! terminal colors ------------------------------------------------------------
! matrix colorscheme by zowki
*foreground: #000000
*background: #00cc00
! Normal
! color0 black
! color1 red
! color2 green
! color3 yellow
! color4 blue
! color5 purple
! color6 cyan
! color7 white
*color0: #000000
*color1: #55ff55
*color2: #00cc00
*color3: #00cc00
*color4: #005500
*color5: #55ff55
*color6: #00cc00
*color7: #00cc00
! Light
! color8 black
! color9 red
! color10 green
! color11 yellow
! color12 blue
! color13 purple
! color14 cyan
! color15 white
*color8: #000000
*color9: #55ff55
*color10: #55ff55
*color11: #55ff55
*color12: #005500
*color13: #55ff55
*color14: #55ff55
*color15: #00cc00
#!/bin/sh -f
# Configure wmii
# Configuration Variables
# Colors tuples: "<text> <background> <border>"
WMII_NORMCOLORS='#00cc00 #000000 #00cc00'
WMII_FOCUSCOLORS='#000000 #00cc00 #00cc00'
WMII_MENU="dmenu -b -fn '$WMII_FONT' -nf '$1' -nb '$2' -sf '$4' -sb '$5'"
WMII_9MENU="wmii9menu -font '$WMII_FONT' -nf '$1' -nb '$2' -sf '$4' -sb '$5' -br '$6'"
# Column Rules
wmiir write /colrules <<!
/.*/ -> 58+42
# Tagging Rules
wmiir write /tagrules <<!
/XMMS.*/ -> ~
/MPlayer.*/ -> ~
/.*/ -> sel
/.*/ -> 1
# Status Bar Info
status() {
echo -n $(acpi -b | sed 's/.*, \{0,2\}\([0-9]\{1,3\}%\),.*/Bat: \1 | /') '|' $(uptime |
sed 's/.*://; s/,//g') '|' $(date)
# Event processing
# Processed later by `wmiiloop' and evaled.
# Duplicate the eval line and replace 'eval' with 'echo' for details.
eventstuff() {
cat <<'!'
# Events
Event Start
case "$1" in
Event Key
fn=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/_/g')
Key_$fn "$@"
Event CreateTag
echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" "$@" | wmiir create "/lbar/$@"
Event DestroyTag
wmiir remove "/lbar/$@"
Event FocusTag
wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "$WMII_FOCUSCOLORS" "$@"
Event UnfocusTag
wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" "$@"
Event UrgentTag
wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "*$@"
Event NotUrgentTag
wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "$@"
Event LeftBarClick
wmiir xwrite /ctl view "$@"
# Actions
Action quit
wmiir xwrite /ctl quit
Action exec
wmiir xwrite /ctl exec "$@"
Action rehash
proglist $PATH >$progsfile
Action status
set +xv
if wmiir remove /rbar/status 2>/dev/null; then
sleep 2
echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" | wmiir create /rbar/status
while status | wmiir write /rbar/status; do
sleep 1
Event ClientMouseDown
client=$1; button=$2
case "$button" in
do=$(eval $WMII_9MENU -initial "${menulast:-SomeRandomName}" Nop Delete Fullscreen)
case "$do" in
wmiir xwrite /client/$client/ctl kill;;
wmiir xwrite /client/$client/ctl Fullscreen on;;
# Key Bindings
Key $MODKEY-Control-t
case $(wmiir read /keys | wc -l | tr -d ' \t\n') in
echo -n $Keys | tr ' ' '\012' | wmiir write /keys
wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod $MODKEY;;
wmiir xwrite /keys $MODKEY-Control-t
wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod Mod3;;
Key $MODKEY-space
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select toggle
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel default
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel stack
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel max
Action $(actionlist | eval $WMII_MENU) &
sh -c "$(eval $WMII_MENU <$progsfile)" &
wmiir xwrite /ctl "view $(tagsmenu)" &
Key $MODKEY-Return
eval $WMII_TERM &
Key $MODKEY-Shift-space
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel toggle
wmiir xwrite /client/sel/ctl Fullscreen toggle
Key $MODKEY-Shift-c
wmiir xwrite /client/sel/ctl kill
Key $MODKEY-Shift-t
wmiir xwrite "/client/$(wmiir read /client/sel/ctl)/tags" "$(tagsmenu)" &
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select left
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select right
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select down
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select up
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel left
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel right
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel down
Key $MODKEY-Shift-$UP
wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel up
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
cat <<!
Key $MODKEY-$i
wmiir xwrite /ctl view "$i"
Key $MODKEY-Shift-$i
wmiir xwrite /client/sel/tags "$i"
# WM Configuration
wmiir write /ctl << EOF
grabmod $MODKEY
border 1
# Feed events to `wmiiloop' for processing
eval "$(eventstuff | sed 's/^[ ]//' | { . wmiiloop; })"
echo "$Keys" | tr ' ' '\n' | wmiir write /keys
# Functions
Action() {
action=$1; shift
if [ -n "$action" ]; then
Action_$action "$@" \
|| conf_which $action "$@"
proglist() {
paths=$(echo "$@" | sed 'y/:/ /')
ls -lL $paths 2>/dev/null \
| awk '$1 ~ /^[^d].*x/ && NF > 2 { print $NF }' \
| sort | uniq
# Misc
Action status &
proglist $PATH >$progsfile &
xsetroot -solid "$WMII_BACKGROUND" &
# Setup Tag Bar
seltag="$(wmiir read /tag/sel/ctl 2>/dev/null)"
wmiir ls /lbar |
while read bar; do
wmiir remove "/lbar/$bar"
wmiir ls /tag | sed -e 's|/||; /^sel$/d' |
while read tag; do
if [ "X$tag" = "X$seltag" ]; then
echo "$WMII_FOCUSCOLORS" "$tag" | wmiir create "/lbar/$tag"
echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" "$tag" | wmiir create "/lbar/$tag"
# More functions
tagsmenu() {
wmiir ls /tag | sed 's|/||; /^sel$/d' | eval $WMII_MENU
actionlist() {
{ proglist $WMII_CONFPATH
echo -n $Actions | tr ' ' '\012'
} | sort | uniq
conf_which() {
which=$(which which)
prog=$(PATH="$WMII_CONFPATH" $which $1); shift
[ -n "$prog" ] && $prog "$@"
# Stop any running instances of wmiirc
echo Start wmiirc | wmiir write /event || exit 1
wmiir read /event |
while read event; do
set -- $event
event=$1; shift
Event_$event $@
done 2>/dev/null
~/.zshrc (just the prompt)
%B╼%b '
Last edited by zowki (2010-05-06 16:29:27)

vampt3k wrote:
SWEET!!! Thanks.
I want to my friends to think I'm a 1337 h4x0r as well (except I like blue better )
One question, I'm using GNOME. Does wmii go on top of Gnome? Because I notice in your "archey" it says:
"Desktop Environment: None Found"
What does that mean? You are not using a desktop environment?
Thanks. I'm in the process of removing of reformatting my laptop  wit Arch Linux and I want it to look exactly like this ... except blue
If you like it blue, you may just try exchanging the G and B in the RGB color hex in all the colors from zowki's theme, e.g. #xxyyzz ==> #xxzzyy; in theory, this way you make a righteous blue version from the original green
To do that, try something like this:
sed -i 's/\(#[0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)/\1\3\2/ig' <file>
@zowki, how crazy! Why not make a PKGBUILD/tarball out of it ? jk
Last edited by lolilolicon (2010-02-21 09:08:36)

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    Looks like one of the system dataobjects wasn't properly loaded.
    I believe you have some/most tables for the Active Data Cache (populated during install) because it appears you are able to start the Oracle BAM Active Data Cache service and get to the Start Page.
    Here's the xml for the system dataobject that appears to be missing.
    Note: I assume you have version, the latest version of BAM.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <OracleBAMExport Version="862.0" Build="3.4.5109.0">
    <DataObject Version="14" Name="Custom Parameters" ID="_Custom_Parameters" Path="/System/Custom Parameters" External="0">
    <Description><![CDATA[This data object contains user defined Custom Parameters that are available across all reports.]]></Description>
    <Column Name="Name" ID="_Name" Type="string" MaxSize="64" Nullable="0" Public="1" TipText="The name of the Custom Parameter that appears in reports." />
    <Column Name="Value" ID="_Value" Type="string" MaxSize="1000" Nullable="0" Public="1" TipText="The value of the Custom Parameter." />
    <Column Name="Description" ID="_Description" Type="string" MaxSize="1000" Nullable="1" Public="1" TipText="Optional long description." />
    <Indexes />
    <Contents />
    Paste this into notepad and save as customparameters.xml
    Then import using DOS running this command:
    icommand cmd=import file=filename.xmlThen try to recreate the report again.
    Check that you have all system dataobjects in Architect:
    System\Alerts\External Actions
    System\Custom Parameters\Custom Parameters
    System\Views\Action Form Templates
    System\Views\Chart Themes
    System\Views\Matrix Themes
    System\Views\Util Templates
    Depending if you have installed and started the Oracle Plan Monitor service, you'll see this also:
    System\Plan Monitor\Oracle BAM Plan Monitor\Journal
    System\Plan Monitor\Oracle BAM Plan Monitor\Lock
    System\Plan Monitor\Oracle BAM Plan Monitor\Plan Status
    System\Plan Monitor\Oracle BAM Plan Monitor\Service Status
    IF you have any missing system dataobjects, I would suggest drop the Oracle user account used to install BAM so you would delete all it's tables. Then recreate the same user account with resource and connect privileges. Then run cacheinit.exe from your OracleBAM\BAM directory. This will recreate the entire ADC for you.

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    800x600 is generally the highest resolution that can be used for TV out.
    A TV set doesn't have enough horizontal resolution for more than about 800 pixels across, and even then under best conditions. The vertical resoultion depends on the TV standard, and is around 600 lines for PAL and 500 for NTSC.
    If you find you can't read icon labels, etc. at 800x600, try increasing the font sizes - If using Windoze, right click on the desktop, select Properties -> Appearance and either look in the Schemes list and select one of the Large schemes, or work through the Item list, and increase font sizes where you can.
    Incidentally, "RGB" implies separate connections of the Red, Green and Blue signals from the PC to the TV - which is fairly rare. A computer monitor has an RGB connection, but a TV usually doesn't. You are using "SVHS", aka "S-Video", or more technically "Y/C" to connect to your TV. This involves two signals, a "Y", or luminance, or black-and-white signal (roughly 33% Red + 50% Green + 17% Blue), and the "C" or Chrominance (Colour) signal, which is actually made up of two components, R-Y and B-Y. The TV has to separate the C signal back to the R-Y and B-Y, then matrix them with the Y signal to get back to the R, G and B signals. There will inevitably be some losses and errors in the encoding, decoding process; also the badwidth (relates to resolution) of the R-Y and B-Y signals needs to be limited before encoding, so you tend to lose fine colour detail. Still, at least it's not as bad as Composite video, where the Y and C components are combined into one signal, which have to be separated by the TV set back into Y and C before further processing. And it's even worse if your TV doesn't have an A/V input, and you have to use a VCR to modulate it onto a TV channel (RF Out), which must then be demodulated by the TV back to composite video before further processing! (I've left out discussion of synchronising pulses for simplicity).
    Just a bit of background information for you, the test is on Thursday  

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    2. How did you learn/find out about Linux?
    3. Why have you chosen Linux over other operating systems available?
    4. Why did you choose to use your current distribution?
    5. Do you still use any closed source programs that are not available for Linux?
    6. Tell me the reasons that you contribute to the community?
    7. What do you think motivates others to contribute to the community?
    8. In your opinion, what reasons do you think others provide software to everyone for free?
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    11. Are you a member of other non-software communities? Such as a church, voluntary organizations or charities?
    12. Does your open source work spillover with any other areas of your life?
    13. If you provide support on forums such as these, why do it for free?
    You DO NOT have to answer all 13 of the questions above. Please just pick out the ones that you feel are most important or interesting to answer. If someone else says something that you think is interesting feel free to respond to them if you agree or disagree.
    If anyone wants to take this discussion further with me than the forum, I will absolutely love too! Just please send me a private message on here and we can figure out further ways of contacting each other.
    I plan on using your user names on this forum to identify people in my paper. If any of you are uncomfortable with me using your username in my paper, please let me know! I will be monitoring this thread on a day by day basis for the next two months or so, until my thesis is complete. If you guys have any other questions that pop up, please do not hesitate to ask! Thank you all in advance for responding!

    hockeyfighter09 wrote:1. How long have you been using Linux?
    Roughly 3 years, with about 2 of those full-time. Tried out for 6 months a couple of years before that, but didn't stick.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:2. How did you learn/find out about Linux?
    Older relatives/friends mentioned it in passing due to my interest in computers, was pointed to the (then-new) Ubuntu and actually given a CD (which I never used). Did read up a bit about it at the time, though.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:3. Why have you chosen Linux over other operating systems available?
    Frustration with fixing Windows. Most of that came from my tinkering with it with a bunch of patches/hacks/cracks etc, necessitating a reformat every few months. Oh, and viruses would pop-up once in a while. Mac was always out of my budget (was a student, am still not done with my post-grad).
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:4. Why did you choose to use your current distribution?
    Ubuntu got quite frustrating from two aspects:-
    1. 'Freeze' policy kept creating lousy bugs. I would have maybe 12 external ppas enabled and of course they wouldn't always play nice with each other, simply because the repos I had been so in awe of when first starting out didn't actually contain all that many useful programs. Used Mint for a while, same problem (now I understand it was the same base).
    2. SNR of forums - When I first joined ubuntuforums it was like heaven-on-earth, so HELPFUL, so many replies almost instantly. It took me roughly 1 and a half months to notice that probably only 2 regular posters were worth listening to, the rest were trying to help with no knowledge to back them up.
    So I tried Sidux, OpenSuse, Fedora, and finally read about Arch. Installed it side-by-side, and viola, it was fun! I like tinkering, basically, and Arch allows me to do it far more than Ubuntu/Windows (I class Ubuntu as similar to Windows by now) ever did.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:5. Do you still use any closed source programs that are not available for Linux?
    Yes, some games through wine (not sure if that counts as 'available for Linux'. I do not boot into Windows at all, anymore (though its on my laptop).
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:6. Tell me the reasons that you contribute to the community?
    One of the best things I like about open-source is how most active projects have a community around them. So its not just software, but people working together (of course with heirarchies etc.), fits my Utopian view of how things 'should be(tm)'. I'm a sucker for Utopia, so I try to feed the community as far as possible.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:7. What do you think motivates others to contribute to the community?
    A combination of 6. and substituting social deficiencies. Some come across as not actually having much of a social life (probably lack of those sharing nerdy interests in their area) and substituting that in online communities. This isn't really Linux specific, more internet-community specific.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:8. In your opinion, what reasons do you think others provide software to everyone for free?
    Perspective of personal developer (one-man projects), I think its a mix of altruism (probably 20-30%), pride (50%) and commercial sensibility (the rest). Most of it is pride, the knowledge that many use my software.
    For companies, as mentioned above, its very financially viable, especially in already-saturated markets.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:9. In what ways do you feel contributing to the community could benefit someone's future/career?
    Not much, honestly. My career-line is education/engineering, so not much scope there. For someone in the computer sciences, of course there'd be more benefit, but not more than investing the same amount of time into part-time work to expand your portfolio. So for the INDIVIDUAL I believe participating in the community does not bring future/career benefits, we do it because we enjoy the community and want to see it succeed.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:10. What is it about contributing or programming that you enjoy most? Is there any aspects you dislike?
    The sense of achievement, that what you do is useful to someone. The BIG dislike is when other members of the community don't feel the same way. There will always be members who are demanding (customer mentality) or abrasive (big tough guy mentality). Both are 'big city' mentalities with no place in the 'homely-little-town' community of Linux (that's how I see it anyway).
    Oh, and noobs answering questions with no knowledge (something I've done before as well) are more annoying than noobs asking questions, personal opinion
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:11. Are you a member of other non-software communities? Such as a church, voluntary organizations or charities?
    I'm very active in my church (various leadership roles), and regularly help out at my fiance's NGO (mostly video work, ffmpeg and cinelerra stuff). A child sponsor and blood donor, etc. etc.
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:12. Does your open source work spillover with any other areas of your life?
    I don't 'work' on open-source, so a bit of a N/A here. What small patches I provide, or the moderating I do here, is just small contributions. Doesn't spill over to any other areas of my life, because computers are like that, compartmentalized away from the 'real world' (cue Matrix theme tune).
    hockeyfighter09 wrote:13. If you provide support on forums such as these, why do it for free?
    Like I said, in a small village community setting, people help and are helped for free. I do tech support for friends/relatives in RL for free, so on the forums, for very little time invested, why not?
    In answer to litemotiv - yes control is MUCH more important than freedom. I've never really been taken by all of RMS' screaming and ranting. I'm an engineer by training, I want to know what's going on (to a reasonable degree) and control it. Philosophical discussions are interesting but ultimately a waste of time.


    i'm starting this new topic for everyone to share their maemo5 screenshots, maemo5 have unlimited possibilities for customizing it, so its nice looking at what others did with thier n900s, for inspiration and stuff......
    i'm running 6 homescreens, matrix theme with the plastic pack.... and the humanity icons .
    here are 2 of my homescreens (still working on the others) .
    if you like, kudos !
    please everyone share your homescreens and mods....
    Reality is wrong....dreams are for real... 2pac .
    don't forget to hit that green kudos
    Screenshot-20101031-210357.jpg ‏261 KB
    Screenshot-20101031-210537.jpg ‏346 KB

    Here are mine as of today, changed some icons to be from the Mac iconset, others just were in keeping with that. Anyone from TMO knows i change mine a fair bit, but this is how it is today. For anyone wondering, screen 1 is 'home' with battery % cmd, desktop switcher icons, OMWeather, digiclock (usually this is set to arizona and i have desktop clock widget showing London, but something is causing my widgets to disappear so that and Moonphase widget are off the screen for now), then app search widget, settings, photos, contacts, phone, email and conversations.
    Screen 2 is web, icons are twitter, feedingit, firefox, microb, opera and macuco, with 'connectnow' widgets at top.
    screen 3 is media.
    screen 4 is photo applet and yellow notes.
    screen 5 is email and calendar with password safe
    screen 6 is games and commands
    other mods include changing the menu button (the guitar) and when pressed and a notification the icons are also different.
    Screenshot-20101101-154556.png ‏275 KB
    Screenshot-20101101-154604.png ‏292 KB
    Screenshot-20101101-154609.png ‏297 KB

  • Questionable Assignment...

    Public Matrix add(Matrix theM){
    //implement the method such that it adds an object of matrix of the same size to
    //returns the result as an object of Matrix.
    I dont know what that means...
    * Write a description of class Matrix here.
    * Kenneth Waters
    * Lab05
    * 3/20/2005
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Matrix
        private double[][] m;
        private int rowN;
        private int colN;
        public Matrix(double[][] aM)
            rowN = aM.length;
            colN = aM[0].length;
            m = new double[rowN][colN];
            m = aM;
        public Matrix(String filePathName, int rows, int cols)
            int row = 0;
            m = new double[rows][cols];
              Scanner s1 = new Scanner (new File(filePathName));
                while (s1.hasNextLine())
                    int col = 0;
                    String input = s1.nextLine();
                    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( input );
                while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() )
                    String value = tokenizer.nextToken();
                    double parseValue = Double.parseDouble(value);
                    m[row][col] = parseValue;
                catch(FileNotFoundException e)
        public void display()
            for (int row = 0; row < m.length; row++ )
                for (int column = 0; column < m[ row ].length; column++)
                System.out.printf( "%.2f ", m[row][column] );
        public int getRowNumber(){
            return rowN;
        public int getColNumber(){
            return colN;
        public double getElement(int row, int col){
            return m[row][col];
        public double[] getRow(int row){
            return m[row];
        public double[] getCol(int col)
            double[] res  = new double[ rowN ];
            for(int i = 0; i < rowN; i++)
                res[i] = m[i][col];
                return res;
        public double getMax(){
            double largest = 0.0;
            for (int row = 0; row < m.length; row++ )
                for (int column = 0; column < m[ row ].length; column++)
                if( m[row][column] > largest ){
                    largest = m[row][column];
            return largest;
        public double getRowSum(int rowNumber){
            double sum = 0.0;
            for(int c = 0; c < colN; c++)
                sum = sum + m[rowNumber][c];
                return sum;
        public double[] getRowSums(){
                double[] sums = new double[colN];
                for(int r=0; r < rowN; r++)
                    sums[r] = getRowSum(r);
                return sums;
        public double getColSum(int colNumber)
            double sum = 0.0;
            double[] res  = new double[ colN ];
            for(int i = 0; i < rowN; i++)
                res[i] = m[i][colNumber];
                sum += res;
    return sum;
    public double[] getColSums()
    double[] sums = new double[rowN];
    for (int i = 0; i < colN; i++)
    sums[i] = getColSum(i);
    return sums;
    public Matrix multiply(double aNumber){
    double[][] s = new double[rowN][colN];
    for(int r = 0; r < rowN; r++)
    for(int c = 0; c < colN; c++)
    s[r][c] = aNumber*m[r][c];
    return new Matrix(s);
    public Matrix add(Matrix theM){
    That method is one of the last i have to implement. I left it open at the end so you know wher ein the code it is. I dont expect anyone to do it, just help me determine what im doing exactly, lol. Thanks

    * Write a description of class Matrix here.
    * Kenneth Waters
    * Lab05
    * 3/20/2005
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Matrix
        private double[][] m;
        private int rowN;
        private int colN;
        public Matrix(double[][] aM)
            rowN = aM.length;
            colN = aM[0].length;
            m = new double[rowN][colN];
            m = aM;
        public Matrix(String filePathName, int rows, int cols)
            int row = 0;
            m = new double[rows][cols];
              Scanner s1 = new Scanner (new File(filePathName));
                while (s1.hasNextLine())
                    int col = 0;
                    String input = s1.nextLine();
                    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( input );
                while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() )
                    String value = tokenizer.nextToken();
                    double parseValue = Double.parseDouble(value);
                    m[row][col] = parseValue;
                catch(FileNotFoundException e)
        public void display()
            for (int row = 0; row < m.length; row++ )
                for (int column = 0; column < m[ row ].length; column++)
                System.out.printf( "%.2f ", m[row][column] );
        public int getRowNumber(){
            return rowN;
        public int getColNumber(){
            return colN;
        public double getElement(int row, int col){
            return m[row][col];
        public double[] getRow(int row){
            return m[row];
        public double[] getCol(int col)
            double[] res  = new double[ rowN ];
            for(int i = 0; i < rowN; i++)
                res[i] = m[i][col];
                return res;
        public double getMax(){
            double largest = 0.0;
            for (int row = 0; row < m.length; row++ )
                for (int column = 0; column < m[ row ].length; column++)
                if( m[row][column] > largest ){
                    largest = m[row][column];
            return largest;
        public double getRowSum(int rowNumber){
            double sum = 0.0;
            for(int c = 0; c < colN; c++)
                sum = sum + m[rowNumber][c];
                return sum;
        public double[] getRowSums(){
                double[] sums = new double[colN];
                for(int r=0; r < rowN; r++)
                    sums[r] = getRowSum(r);
                return sums;
        public double getColSum(int colNumber)
            double sum = 0.0;
            double[] res  = new double[ colN ];
            for(int i = 0; i < rowN; i++)
                res[i] = m[i][colNumber];
                sum += res;
    return sum;
    public double[] getColSums()
    double[] sums = new double[rowN];
    for (int i = 0; i < colN; i++)
    sums[i] = getColSum(i);
    return sums;
    public Matrix multiply(double aNumber){
    double[][] s = new double[rowN][colN];
    for(int r = 0; r < rowN; r++)
    for(int c = 0; c < colN; c++)
    s[r][c] = aNumber*m[r][c];
    return new Matrix(s);
    public Matrix add(Matrix theM){
    Matrix result = new Matrix(m);
    for (int row = 0; row < m.length; row++ )
    for (int column = 0; column < m[ row ].length; column++)
    result.m[row][column] = m[row][column] + theM.m[row][column];
    return result;
    public Matrix multiply(Matrix theM){
    Matrix result = new Matrix(m);
    for (int row = 0; row < m.length; row++ )
    for (int column = 0; column < m[ row ].length; column++)
    result.m[row][column] = m[row][column] * theM.m[row][column];
    return result;
    * Write a description of class TestMatrix here.
    * @author (your name)
    * @version (a version number or a date)
    public class TestMatrix
        public static void main(String[] s)
            double[][] a = { {2.0,3.25,4.1},{0,1.75,5.2}};
            double[][] a1 = { {2.9,4.1,6.8},{10.12345,0.55,-5}};
            Matrix m = new Matrix(a);
            Matrix m1 = new Matrix(a1);
            System.out.println("The matrix m is ");
            m.display();    //display method tested
            System.out.println("The first row is ");
            m.getRow(0);    //displayRow method tested
            System.out.println("The first column is ");
            m.getCol(0);    //displayCol method tested
      //test getElement, getRowNumber, and getColNumber methods
            double store = m.getElement(m.getRowNumber()-1,m.getColNumber()-1);
            System.out.println("The last element is "+store);
      //test getRowSum and getRowSums methods
            System.out.println("The row sums are");
            for (int r=0; r < m.getRowNumber(); r++)
                System.out.println(""+(m.getRowSums())[r]); //calling getRowSums method
                //or System.out.println(""+m.getRowSum(r)); by calling getRowSum method
           //test add method
      System.out.println("the sum of ");
            System.out.println("and ");
            System.out.println("is ");
            //test multiply method
      System.out.println("the product of ");
            System.out.println("and ");
            System.out.println("is ");
            //add other codes to test each of the rest methods

  • Matrix Values Dissappearing after I add them

    I am loading a user defined matrix with data from a query which (thanks to the info in this forum, works...!) But after  the matrix has been populated and control returned back to SAP the data dissappears (interestingly the links still work)
    Also the bubble event is set to false.(I dont want the real system form to appear)
    Anyone have a pointer of what I am doing wrong? or not doing

    Hello George,
    the column has to be bound to either a UserDataSource or DBDatasource.
    There are issues on numeric User datasource, You can't clear it for example (Set cell value in matrix)

  • Photo Matrix from folder

    Hello how are you?
    I really really need your help.
    I have an aleatory number of squared pictures (ex: 4x4 of 6x6, or 10x10, etc) that may change everytime.
    These files together become a "big picture".
    What I want is an action to photoshop make a collage respecting the number of rows and collumns.
    So, row 1 would have: Picture 1.png in collum 1; picture 2.png in collum 2
    than row 2 would have: picture 3.png in collum 1; picture 4.png in collum 2
    How can I do that?
    Can I make an action that if I settle the matrix size, photoshop can take all the pictures from one folder and fulfill that matrix?
    Thank you so much!

    Hello!  I cannot believe I could have all these help in such a short time, you guys are amazing!!!
    I am really a beginner, so yall are my photoshop guides! So I am sorry if I have so many questions.
    What I am looking for is much much more simple than what i have been reading from you guys. 
    I am a beginner and i don't know what I am doing.
    I saw the script, thank you, but First of all (and most important):
    how do I save the script?
    where do I save the script?
    and how do i run the script?
    So, hands on:
    I went to your web page, I thought I was the only one in the world trying to do this crazy thing, so I was releived that I could have some help.
    I saw that your final result is a poster that have 4 collums x 14 lines, with no border and no spacing.
    I work in an orphanage and I have a folder 4x4 (640 pixels x 640 pixels) pictures in alphabetic order
    What I want is:
    a square poster, that the number os lines is equal the number of collumns.
    I will receive a folder with images that all of them are either .jpg or .png, in alphabetic order, 640 pixels x 640 pixels.
    What I DONT WANT is:
    Neither of the pictures cannot have any alteration (size, resolution, dpi, colors, etc)
    No border and no spacing
    I CANNOT be aleatory, it has to follow the alphabetic order
    I dont want them to be in different layers
    I dont want to use alpha channels
    I just want the square shape, pictures to be side by side,  in alphabetic order, like in your example
    If my folder have pictures from zero to 15, the final poster with 4 collumns x 4 rows would be:
    picture0.jpg   picture1.jpg   picture2.jpg   picture3.ppg
    picutre4.jpg   picture5.jpg   picture6.jpg   picture 7.jpg
    picture8.jpg   picture9.jpg   picture10.jpg picture11.jpg
    picture12.jpg picture13.jpg picture14.jpg picture15.jpg
    Can this be a simple action?
    Thank you all so much,
    [ unreadable colors removed by admin ]

  • Urgent HELP required on forming the Matrix of data using PL/SQL

    Hi All,
    I'm new to this thread and require your urgent help in this regard.
    I've got a requirement for building a 5000 X 5000 matrix using PL/SQL. My original data tables have 5000 rows each and I need to do a correlation analysis using this data and need to store in a physical table and not in-memory. Is this feat achievable using mere PL/SQL? I understand that Oracle DB has a limitation of 1000 columns(but not sure) and hence I'd like to know whether there is any work-around for such scenarios. If not, what are the other alternative method(s) to achieve this feat? Do I need to use any 3rd party tools to get this done? An early reply from the experts is highly appreciated.
    Thanking you all Gurus in advance.

    Welcome to OTN!
    I'll get to your quesiton in a moment, but first some welcome information. Many OTN posters consider it impolite to mark threads as "urgent". We are volunteers and have jobs of our own to do without people we don't know making demands. You are brand new and deserve some patience but please understand this. It is very likely before I finish this post someone will complain about the word "urgent" in your subject.
    On to more interesting things :)
    You can do the matrix, but are out of luck with a 5000 x 5000 table because Oracle only allows 1000 columns per table. There are ways to work around this.
    How do do the matrix depends on what you want to do. You can do this different ways. You can create a table beforehand and use PL/SQL or simple SQL to populate it, or use the CREATE TABLE AS syntax to create and populate it in one step if you can get the underlying SQL to work the way you want, something like
    create table my_table as
      select a.*, b.*
        from table1 a, table2 bcan populate a matrix from 2 tables with an intentional cartesian join (the WHERE clause was left out intentionally, provided your data is already in the data base.
    If not you can use a PL/SQL routine to populate the data.
    There are a couple of ways to solve the 1000 column limit. The easiest way might be to have 5 collections of 1000 columns each. A more complicated but more elegant soltion would be to have nested collections, allowing 2 colliections that you can loop through - a collection of collections. Nested collections can be hard to work with. A third way would be to use nested tables in the database but I personally do not like them and the insert, update, and delete statements for nested tables are hard to use.
    I'm not going to give a code example because I am not sure which solution is best for you. If you have further questions post them.

  • Matrix-like PKs based on three optional IN-constrained strings?

    I have a DB of actions that I want to represent. I want to model a number of actions as you know them from classic GUIs:
    As I analyzed the problem, I came to the conclusion, the keys above (which they ultimately are) have at least three parts:
    1. an action: VARCHAR(20) CHECK (action IN ('open', 'save', 'export', 'reverseEngineer', ...))
    2. a preposition: VARCHAR(4) CHECK (preposition IN ('as', 'to', 'from', ...))
    3. a target: VARCHAR(20) CHECK (target IN ('file', 'directory', 'database', ...))
    So the rule to construct the final key would be:
    <action> + <preposition> + <target>
    to model all sorts of combinations/permutations (forget about uppercasing the preposition and target if there for a moment).
    As you can see from the strings, I have three dimensions of predefined values from which I construct the final key. Not every combination is possible, I want to represent valid combinations by an extra table having entries like:
    INSERT INTO ValidActions ('open', '', '')
    INSERT INTO ValidActions ('open', '', 'file')
    INSERT INTO ValidActions ('save', 'as')
    INSERT INTO ValidActions ('export', 'to', 'directory')
    INSERT INTO ValidActions ('reverseEngineer', 'from', 'database')
    My question is now:
    How do I solve this, given that the PK is composed of ... PRIMARY KEY (action, preposition, target) ... and that an action has an OPTIONAL preposition and target? I have not come to a final decision, but I might relax the action to be optional, too, and then demand that either <action> OR <target> MUST be set.
    How do I model matrix-like composed PKs consisting of a number of optionals? I currently see no other way of adding empty strings '' to the check constraint, however AFAIK Oracle does not make a difference between NULL and the empty string ''. How would such a solution look like?
    I could use the final string as PK, but how do I make sure that string consists of the predefined ones only?
    PS: note action and target are actually two separate tables.

    What about using a model like this? I used surrogate keys because I wasn't sure if the ACTION, PREPOSITION and TARGET values were truly immutable. You could easily remove these from the model and use the respective columns as the PK for each table.
    ,       ACTION          VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO ACTIONS VALUES(4,'reverseEngineer');
    ,       TARGET          VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO TARGETS VALUES (2,'directory');
    INSERT INTO TARGETS VALUES (3,'database');
    );Based on your sample data the following result is produced:
      2  ,       PREPOSITION
      3  ,       TARGET
      4  FROM            ACT_PRE_TAR
      8  /
    open                       file
    save            as
    export          to         directory
    reverseEngineer from       database

  • The problems with Logic (as I see them)

    Hello Everyone,
    Please keep in mind that I am writing this with the intention of expressing my frustrations, and what I feel would make Logic a better program. I realize not everyone will agree with the importance of what I say, but I am a firm believer of HAVING THE OPTIONS. Let the users choose what works for them and how they can best accomplish the tasks that they need to with their individual workflow.
    That being said, here is my list of Logic's faults and why I often call Logic "Illogic".
    * Logic should have a feature to automatically save your song every X number of minutes. Final Cut Pro does this, why doesn't Logic? It should prompt you "Logic can automatically save your project if you save it" (assuming the current file is 'autoload') to remind users that they should create a project name and save their work.
    * There should be a preference option for all windows to open as 'float'. Once upon a time holding option while double clicking parts would open them as a float (though having to hold down option every time in my opinion is an inconvenience, because I personally ALWAYS want my windows open as a float), however.. now in 7.2 that does not seem to work anymore. So, theoretically after you set your prefence to 'always float', then the when you hold option or control and click on a particular window, it will bring that window to the foreground...
    * The loop region at the top of the screen is larger than the time-line ruler tab. This is the #1 annoying thing about logic. so many times, I click on an area of the ruler tab to start playing at a specific section.. and somehow I ACCIDENTALLY click on the loop area... If I could ask for ANYTHING it would be that there is an option to disable LOOPING turning on and off from clicking up there. My 2nd request would be that the ruler tab be re-sizeable so that it can be larger than the loop area. This is especially the case for the matrix window where it default opens up to a sizing where the actual time line is so tiny, and the loop region is HUGE.... Every time I open a matrix window I have to resize this and again the loop area is 2x as big as the timeline area, so I end up wasting screen space just to avoid the annoying loop feature being trued on. My suggestion is, require that the loop button on the transport be the only way to turn on the loop feature (other than key commands), and only when it's turned on can loop points to be set. Why is the loop area so big anyway?!?!
    * Logic should offer a TALK BACK MIC button which will utilize the built-in apple microphone or iSight microphone and allow that to be sent to the audio interface. This would be an extremely useful feature for studio recording setups.
    * Starting logic takes approximately 5 minutes for me. It says "scanning exs24 instruments" for the majority of the time, and I admit my sample library is huge. however, my sample library has not changed in over a year. Why does logic have to continuously scan it??? Can it not make a reference of how many files, compare and if its larger-- then scan???
    Song Loading:
    * When audio files are not found during loading a song, it asks you the first time what you want to do "search", "manual", and "skip"... if you click "skip", and then it finds another missing file, it no longer presents you with the "SKIP" option.. but forces you to either search or skip all.. Let's say you have a project that used 5 audio files that are all missing because you had them on a different hard drive, but have copied the data somewhere else. The first two files it asks for you don't need.. but you know where the 3rd file is.. So your plan is to skip the first two files and then click manually for the 3rd.. but oh.. YOU CAN'T DO THAT! You have to find your first 2 files if you want to even have the option to locate your 3rd file... Unless you are planning to locate the files within the audio window-- but still, Logic should not be so unfriendly.
    Further, If you choose "manual", and what you're looking for isn't where you thought it was-- You realize you actually want to search for it.. So you click cancel and guess what.. It assumes you want to skip it, and so you either have to reload your project again, or deal with this in the audio window. Bottom line is this window should always have "Search", "Manual", "Skip", and "Skip All".
    * When you open another project, Logic DUMPS all of the audio instrument data in memory. This is one of the worst things about logic. If you are working between multiple files-- such as when scoring a film, and you are using different files for different cues, then this becomes a complete nightmare and a waste of your time. Logic should be assessing "What instruments are in common between these two projects"... And utilizing all audio instruments to the best of the machine's memory capacity. There is no reason for Logic to behave like this.. I've had to revert back to previous versions of the same song because some data was different, and I am just trying to visually compare various settings one from the other.. Just clicking from one project's window to the other requires me to have to wait 3-4 minutes while Logic loads all these audio instruments (WHICH ARE IDENTICAL IN BOTH PROJECTS BY THE WAY!!!).. This is just incredibly dumb, and creatively stifling.
    * BUG * -- Mind you, if you have two projects open, and you close one.. Logic begins loading all the audio instruments of the remaining project.. If you close that project as it's loading audio instruments, Logic will crash.
    Matrix Stuff:
    * BUG * If you have a part with lots of notes, and you begin to make a selection and scroll horizontally through all the content until then entire part is covered in the selection... After you release the mouse button and make this selection, quite often many random notes are unselected. This can be demonstrated by watching the following quicktime move:
    * When you select a single note in the matrix window, it sounds.. This is a GREAT feature... However, when you make a selection of multiple of notes, they all sound at the same time.. This is just plain dumb. It once blew up my speakers... There is NO reason why a multiple selection would need to sound.. It's just dumb.. bad for your speakers, bad for your ears. The rule should be, if selection box = yes, then sound = no... else, sound = yes.
    * When viewing the matrix window while recording, all note events disappear until after recording stops. This is highly annoying (and illogical) as it causes confusion if you are relying on watching the note events in that part to know where you are supposed to come in.
    * The grid cannot be set to divisions other than 2 or 3. Musicians use 5 and 7!!! And also, can logic please offer an option to display the grid as NOTE symbols... It is much more musician friendly to see a 16th note with a 3 over it than "24". 24 means nothing to me as a musician.
    * Quantizing should allow custom input for tuplets.. So that users can quantize odd figures such as 13:4 for example.
    * If you move the song locator to a specific time location in the arrange window, and then double click a part to open it in the matrix window, the window is not opened to the locator's position. Thus causing annoyance and confusion as far as what the user is even looking at.
    * During horizontal scrolling of the window, the locator temporarily disappears, making it difficult to find where the locator is-- which usually is a marker for us to know what we are trying to find-- ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU OPEN A WINDOW AND IT'S NOT EVEN DISPLAYING THE SONG LOCATOR'S POSITION!!!
    * If you have two parts on the same arrange track, adjacent to each other and you enter the matrix window of the first part.. (assuming the link/chain icon is lit) When you scroll to the end of the note data, logic automatically takes you to the next part... The problem with this as it is, is that it does not take you to the FIRST note event of the text part, but rather continues to align the song locater with where ever it previously was (so you end up viewing somewhere further down in the next part).. To clarify, say you have a part what begins at MM-7 and ends at MM-14, the 2nd part begins at MM-15 and ends at MM-22.. If you begin scrolling the song locator past measure 15, then suddenly you see measure 22. When you really should be seeing measure 15. This is confusing and weird.
    * Every time you enter the matrix window of a part, the chain/link button is on. For me, this is incredibly annoying. There should be a way to set this so that the button's default is OFF...
    * When you move the mouse around the matrix window, whatever pitch corresponds to the vertical location of the mouse--- that particular key of the piano keyboard on the left side of the window should highlight so you could clearly see what note you are hovering over.. Logic tries to help with this by offering things like contrast options for C D E, but this clearly would be much more helpful.
    * With the velocity tool you can (MOST OFTEN ON ACCIDENT) double click on empty space in the window and cause all note events in all parts to appear on the screen-- Yet once you do this, you can't double click on a particular part's note to only display that part again. You have to switch to the arrow tool to do this. This is inconsistent and ILLOGICAL...
    ON A SIDE NOTE: PLEASE ENABLE A FUNCTION TO DISABLE THIS "ALL NOTES OF ALL PARTS APPEAR" when double clicking on empty space feature! I want NOTHING to happen when I double click within the matrix window... Make it a button within the window or just an option in the drop down menu only. * BY THE WAY * When you DO double click the background of the matrix window and multiple parts appear.. If you move notes of one part to match it up with other, it is incredibly slow. there is a 1-2 second pause each time you move a note move.. My g5 fan goes on each time I do this.. I'm sorry, there shouldn't be anything too CPU intensive to accomplish this simple task!!! I am only viewing 2 parts at the same time and it's slowing down my cpu...
    * Occasionally when I adjust note lengths, I accidentally double click on an actual note.. This opens the event list editor, and there is an intermittent bug where this note sounds-- and for some reason when the event list opens, the note sounds on top of itself a million times, so the result is a super loud flanged note which again, almost blows up my speakers and hurts my ears... PERSONALLY, I would like an option that DISABLES the note event list from opening by double clicking. Preferences currently has "double clicking a midi region opens: <selectable>"--- why not also have "double clicking a NOTE in matrix window does: <selectable>"-- and please allow "DO NOTHING" to be one of the options.
    * Why does the finger tool only change the end position of the note event??? Should this not be replaced with the bracket tool which appears automatically when using the arrow tool on closely zoomed in notes? This finger tool seems like an outdated old logic feature which has been replaced and improved upon. What would be nice is to have this bracket tool where we can be assured we are altering note start and end positions without moving things.
    * In the hyper-draw >> note velocity section--- This is highly annoying to work with... It's far from user friendly. first of all, to move a note's velocity position, you have to click on the "ball".. if you click on the line, it does nothing.. Because the ball is so small to begin with, quite often the user is going to miss the ball and somehow begin to "START LINE"-- Which is weird because it's activated by holding the mouse button down briefly. There really should be a "line tool" for this, because "START LINE" is too easily accidentally activated-- this is frustrating for the user. Most important though, these 'velocity markings' should be adjustable by clicking on the line as well-- not just the ball.. there should be a 2-3% area around each ball/line which logic will recognize as part of the ball/line so that it can easily be moved. I also feel that there should be some specific features for this section, such as a way to select multiple note velocities and apply a random pattern to them, or apply a logarithmic curve to the line tool. Yes, you can accomplish this stuff somewhat with the transform tool-- but this way would be more user friendly, and allow a lot more creative flow.
    Event list/Tempo list:
    * When one event is selected, by moving down X number, holding shift+clicking SHOULD select all events between those two points. However, the shift key for some reason acts as the OPTION key does in the finder-- (meaning it will only add one additional selection at a time).. This is highly inconsistent with the actual behavior of a Mac... Open a finder window and hold shift and click on items that are not vertically next to each other and a group is selected... Now do it in logic, and it causes GREAT frustration and annoyance. What happens if you have a million note events that you want to erase? You have to go page by page and click with shift on each one?? Or drag a selection and wait for logic to scroll you to where you want to go?????????? No thanks.
    Arrange stuff:
    * "REGIONAL CONTENT" (meaning the visual representation of note events) does not accurately depict the event data as note lengths cannot be visually identified. Everything shows up as a generic quarter note... My #1 suggestion is that regional content should be customizable so that you can view it in a miniature matrix data style. The biggest problem for me is that I cannot see where my notes end-- I can only see where they start, this makes it very difficult to identify what I am looking at.
    * Track automation data should only be inputable by the pencil tool. I cannot mention how many times automation data has accidentally altered when using the arrow tool. The pencil tool should allow you to raise and lower the lines reflecting automation data... What is the point using the pencil tool for automation if it's only function is to create "points" yet you can also create points with the arrow tool..??? Pencil tool should act as the arrow tool does in the sense that it raises or lowers automation data.
    * Recording preferences do not offer the option to automatically merge new part with existing part when a region is NOT selected. How annoying is it to have to select a part every time you want to record something just so it will be included in that original part!
    * Ruler at the top of the screen should also give an option for tuplets. 5, 7, etc.
    * When in record mode, if you click on the ruler to another time position, all audio instruments cut out and it takes approximately 3-4 seconds before tracks begin playing audio. This becomes very annoying if you are trying to do a pick up and want to just start 1 measure before hand.
    * There should be a way to EASILY (without having to cable two tracks together in the environment) temporarily link multiple tracks together so that automation data will be duplicated. So theoretically you can link 3-4 tracks together, and by adding automation data to one, you are adding it to all 4.
    * If a part is soloed, and you hit record. The part stops being soloed and you can no longer hear it. This makes it impossible to record a pick up on a soloed track unless it's locked, but it shouldn't need to be locked.
    * When you are zoomed in tightly, and you are trying to align notes within two parts on different tracks (meaning using the PSEUDO NOTATION DATA that appears in the part to align), there needs to be a VERTICAL line that snaps to the note closest to the mouse cursor. When trying to do this in parts that are a far vertical distance apart, it becomes VERY difficult to eye this alignment. Logic does this with automation data.. but for some reason they left it out for actual part alignment...
    * There should be a way to force the downbeat of a measure to occur at any given moment... What I mean by this, is composing for film is an absolute PAIN in Logic. Scenes, last for odd amounts of time, and Logic's reference manual claims that you can solve this by using various tempo tricks, however it is ineffective for the most part. What Logic needs is the ability where you can click on a drop down menu item within the arrange window and FORCE that where ever the song locator is, the rest of the measure is eliminated and a new measure downbeat occurs right there. This will allow you to always have new scenes on the downbeat of a measure without having to mess with your tempo and meter.
    Hyper Edit Window:
    * I can't even begin to comment on this... The hyper edit window is one of the worst things I have ever seen in a music/audio program. It is a horrible interface, you can't get it to do anything correctly without messing everything up. This thing needs a complete overhaul... I mean, just try to create a simple crescendo with note velocity and it will take you all night.. Try to add pitch bend data, and it adds note velocity data as well.. It's a total nightmare, and I would love to hear someone's practical application of this window.
    Score Window:
    * The method that the song position locator moves along with the notation is very strange. It is not at all how a person's eyes function when reading music. A much more logical approach to this would be for a transparent colored block of some type to highlight an entire measure, and each note head will glow as it sounds. The current way is so strange, it speeds up and slows down-- makes absolutely no sense, and it is more disruptive than anything.
    * When the Hyper Draw > note velocity area is exposed, if you use the velocity tool to increase/decrease a particular note's volume, the data in the hyper draw window does not update in real-time as you use the velocity tool. This behavior is inconsistent with the matrix > hyper draw's note velocity section-- where as in that area, the velocity ball/lines do update in realtime.
    * when you are in many levels of subdirectories and you are auditioning instruments, it becomes very time consuming and annoying to have to continually trace through all the subdirectory paths. There should be a feature directly under the load instrument window that takes you to the subdirectory of the current instrument.
    * Seems when SONG SETTING > MIDI > "chase" is turned on... When starting sequences using audio instruments, (I am using a harp sample within the exs24), there is a latency hiccup upon starting, which is very disruptive when trying to listen to a short isolated moment in a composition. And I do want to chase note events in general-- but this present situation makes it difficult for me to work. I would suggest that you can specify tracks to exclude chasing.. Or fix the latency hiccup issue.
    Thank you.

    this is excellent patrick. can you number your points so that the thread can be discussed?
    1. yes
    2. ok
    3. great idea
    4. even better idea. you could set something up with aggreagate device i suppose but it would be better to have the feature to hand.
    5. you need to look into your project manager prefs. scan the paths and the links to the audio files will be saved meaning they will load up in a fraction of the time.
    6. yes this is nuts. you can skip all and sort it out with PM but then you shouldn't have to.
    7. this exists already. perhaps it ought to be a default but you need to set your esx prefs to 'keep common samples in memeory when switching songs'. then it will do just as you wish it to. you can also use the au lab in the devlopers kit which will allow you to load in au units etc seperately from logic, which logic can then access. this is a good way of getting around the 4 GB memory limit with logic too.
    8. ok, don't know about this bug.
    9. yep happens here too.
    10. doesn't worry me this one. you can turn off midi out.
    11. yes this is silly.
    12. well, i think this is something we can get used to. i am a musician and i am used to seeing '24'.
    13. you can already set up groove templates to allow for quantizing irrational tuplets. i do it all the time. i would like to see step input for irrational tuplets though.
    14. yes this is silly. the button for the KC 'content catch' is getting very worn out.
    15. ok.
    16. not sure i understand this one.
    17. yes this drives me nuts too. i have to lock screensets to get this to stay off.
    18. you can use KCs for 'go into/out of sequence' - but yeah.
    19. ok
    20. there are a couple of features that use old technology that cause hangs and poor performance. score is a good example of that. maybe the matrix is too. the score is being updated we assume with newer technology maybe the matrix will too.
    21. there are probably better ways of adjusting velocity than using matrix or hperdraw velocity. have you tried holding control-option and click dragging a note in score?
    22. as i pointed out in 20, this is an old feature. you could change things to be consistent with modern macs and annoy long term users such as myself, or leave them and let them be inconsistent to confuse newbies. i think depending on what it is we oldies could upgrade our work habits.
    23. this one doesn't worry me so much.
    24. good point (no pun intended).
    25. well, i find the opposite - that merging new parts to objects i have accidentally selected to be annoying. perhaps more detailed prefs?
    26. yep.
    27. this will be down to your audio settings. you can improve this lag but it will be dependant on the capabilities of your system.
    28. i don't know why this feature doesn't work in logic. it is supposed to have ti already and i just don't understand why it doesn't. maybe it will be fixed in the next upgrade.
    29. agreed.
    30. ok - i have other work flows for this but it would be nice.
    31. i don't agree that logic is a pain to score with to film, i do it nearly everyday. but you are discribing an interesting feature which might be worth discussing more. i think you might find yourself getting alarming and unmiscal results doing this that will end up having to be sorted out the conventional way. but its a good idea.
    32. oh yes.
    33. yeah - this could be improved.
    34. ok, well i wouldn't go about it this way, but yeah there is generally sticky spots with regards to updating of information al around logic.
    25. very very good idea.
    26. there are lots of problems with the chase function. very annoying. i certainly agree with this.
    in general, some of these could well be done as their own threads. some of the missing functionality may exist. if you can confirm a bug then you are on stronger ground when you submit feedback. but this list is full of fantastic ideas.

  • Help desiging a 10g Oracle Report with Matrix and Lexical Parameters - Long

    Hello all:
    I apologize in advance for this long post.... I'm using Oracle Reports 10g ( First -- the question:
    I need to create a Matrix where the rows come from one database table
    (TABLE1) and the columns and cell contents come from a linked query (pulled from TABLE2) that is generated with lexical parameters based on the current TABLE1 row. The lexical parameters contain a WHERE clause for the TABLE2 query. Basically, I have a linked query between TABLE1 and TABLE2. I need to generate a Matrix around it.
    Does anyone know if this is even possible?
    Here's the background on the application, if that is helpful...
    I have an application where I maintain database tables containing names/addresses along with information pertaining to them. As part of the processing, I need to produce reports that contain statistics based on values in the table. For example, each row has a field RTYPE that identifies the Record Type (1-Suppress, 2-Buyer, 3-Inquirer). Each row also has a last purchase date field. The statistics produced for this field would look like this:
              2001     2002     2003     11/03     12/03 01/04     02/04 03/04     04/04     05/04 ...
    Buyer      100 150 250 30 25 15 8 9 22 83
    Inquirer     1000 800 493 ...
    Suppress ... ...
    Totals ... ...
    Each cell contains the count of the number of records that have the corresponding RTYPE and Last Purchase date. The dates across the top are determined by the most recent purchase date in the file. We count the last 12 months, month by month, and then anything older than that is grouped by
    year of purchase. So, the column headings are variable.
    The SQL query for this example looks like this:
    SELECT CASE WHEN rtype = '2' THEN 'Buyers'
    WHEN rtype = '3' THEN 'Inquirers'
    WHEN rtype = '1' THEN 'Suppress'
    END YYMM_8,
    END FmtDate_8,
    GROUP BY CASE WHEN rtype = '2' THEN 'Buyers'
    WHEN rtype = '3' THEN 'Inquirers'
    WHEN rtype = '1' THEN 'Suppress'
    There might be a better way to write this, but that isn't the issue at the moment.
    I have many different tables, each with different fields. I need to produce counts on each of those fields. Some of those fields have a limited number of values where I need to count the occurrences and attach a description (like the RTYPE counts above). Others, like Last Purchase Amount, require counts within ranges (between 0 and 9.99, 10 and 19.99, etc.). Still others are "multiple choice"-style fields (such as products purchased), where we have multiple single-char flags that are not null when the corresponding products are purchased. In this case, we need to produce statistics that look like this:
              2001     2002     2003     11/03     12/03 01/04     02/04 03/04     04/04     05/04 ...
    Product 1 .........
    Product 2 .........
    The worst of the bunch is a field where I need to count the occurrence of each value within it (hundreds of values) without entering descriptions, so I don't know how many rows will appear ahead of time. This is used for "source codes" that identify where the name/address came from. They look similar to the RTYPE above, but the leftmost column contains each value from the field rather than a description. There are so many possible values and they change so often that it isn't feasible to enter a description for each one.
    Right now, I manually create an Oracle Report for each table when I design/load it. This is becoming difficult to manage, since I have over 150 of them now. Each of these reports can have any number of matrices to display (the largest right now has about 25).
    The new table structure to generate these reports consists of two tables: A COUNTHDR table and a COUNTROW table. The COUNTHDR table represents a single Matrix within the report. It contains info such as a heading for the Matrix and whether column totals should be calculated or not. The COUNTROW table contains a description for each row and an SQL Fragment that contains an appropriate WHERE clause to match the description. In the event of a "source code" style count, COUNTHDR has the name of the field to count. COUNTROWs won't exist, so I'll be handling those counts differently. But, ignoring that issue for now, the report structure looks like this:
    + Q1 +
    + COUNTHDR +
    + COUNTROW +
    | linked query
    + Q2 +
    + COUNTDTL +
    Q2 is the query with lexical parameters for the table and "where clause" that identifies the actual statistic I need counted. I need fields from COUNTROW and COUNTDTL to form a Matrix.
    Can this be done? How?
    Of course, if anyone out there has a better idea on how to achieve my goal of not writing a report per table, please let me know!! :-)
    Eric Raskin
    PS. This structure does not exactly duplicate my original query, since multiple Matrix rows are created by the single SQL query given in the example. Instead, I'll end up executing an SQL query for each row, which is less than desirable. The design will need some tweaking...
    PPS. I have tried handling this problem by pre-counting the target table and storing the results in a COUNTCOL table, containing the details of the matrix. This actually does work, but the performance is terrible. I have one "source code"-style count that generated over 20,000 detail cells, including all the "0" cells needed to fill out the matrix. If you don't generate the "0" cells, you get holes in the matrix presentation and/or error messages (which I can explain if you wish). I never did get Oracle Reports to print this one -- I gave up after an hour of runtime on a P4 3GHz machine connected via Gigabit Ethernet to the server. Hence the attempt to push the SQL Queries back into the Oracle Report itself.
    Eric H. Raskin Voice: 914-765-0500
    Professional Advertising Systems Inc. Fax: 914-765-0503
    200 Business Park Dr Suite 107 [email protected]
    Armonk, NY 10504

    Hi there
    here's example of my code
    Html header of the page :
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function callMyPopup (formItem1,formItem2) {
    var formVal1 = document.getElementById(formItem1).value;
    var formVal2 = document.getElementById(formItem2).value;
    var url;
    url = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:8:&APP_SESSION.::::P8_PROJECT,P8_PDRL_NO:' + formVal1 + ',' + formVal2;
    w = open(url,"winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=600");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
    1.Test each parameter separate first - each work ?
    2.Use code above, rerig it, create multiple parameter
    3.try again...
    hope this helps...
    check your orginial source (page where items are) - what data

  • Updating and Loading a  Matrix Row with Mix of DB and Non DB fields

    I'm using SAPB1 2005 SP1 PL14 with B1DE 1.3
    I have a matrix on a form that was generated by the UDO Form Generator. The Matrix contains data associated from a Document Lines table.
    The underlying table and (therefor the matrix as well) only had 1 user field (column)
    I've added a set of additional (read only) columns to the matrix together with supporting non db user datasources for each column. I've bound the new columns to the user datasources.
    The new columns are only informational and should display data associated with the actual db field (column) in the matrix.
    I require assistance / advice with 2 requirements:
    <i>Requirement 1.
    When loading the matrix, I'd like the non DB columns to be populated with data associated with the actual DB field.</i>
    <i>Requirement 2.
    When Adding / Updating the actual DB field in the matrix, I'd like the Non DB columns to be populated with the assocaited data.</i>
    I've managed to get requirement 2 working by using a matrix onValidate Event. (not sure if this is the best approach?)
    Any idea how I can achieve requirement 1 ?

    Hi Trinidad,
    Putting the additaional columns in the table will result in me storing redundant info in the specific table.
    The values are already stored in other related tables and I'd just like to display them as additional info fields.

  • Pass intersection values when drilling through by clicking on a value in a matrix

    I have two SSRS reports. One is acting as a source report and the other as a target report.
    Both reports give information about "Customer Contact".
    My source report contains one matrix with the following attributes:
    Columns: Contact type (Email, Phone, Desk)
    Rows: Employee function (Administrative, Manager)
    Measure: Contact quantity
    The source report has two parameters on 'Contact type' and 'Employee function'
    My target report contains one matrix with the following attributes:
    Columns: Customer name
    Rows: Employee name
    Measure: Contact quantity
    The target report has two parameters on 'Contact type' and 'Employee function'
    I am using [Action] from the [Textbox property] of 'Contact Quantity' to go to my target report.
    What i want to achieve is the following:
    Lets say i select All for both parameters when running my source report.
    I get all the Contact types against all the Employee functions.
    Now the intersection between 'Email' and 'Manager' is 27.
    When i click on the value 27 in the matrix i want to go to my target report and pass trough Email and Manager so filtering can take place based on the intersection i clicked on in the source report.
    What it does now is just pass the full parameter value selected from the prompts in source report. I want to narrow it down.
    Any help? Thanks!

    Hello Qiuyun,
    Thank you very much for your reply.
    I have managed to get the drilltrough from source to target working correctly by passing the field value. I first got it to work on a small test data set and it works fine. However when i used this method on my production reports the performance became very
    bad. My first drilltrough took about 30 seconds instead of 2 seconds when i was passing the full parameter values. The next drilltrough gives back an out of memory error after quite some time (20 minutes +). 
    One important thing to mention is that these reports run on an SSAS cube. I made the following changes to the setup to get the pass field value method working.
    Initial setup: (Fast response)
    1. I start of by creating a new report.
    2. I select a the datasource (SSAS Cube) and i open the 'Query builder'.
    3. I then drag the attributes i need from the cube to the query.
    4. Afterwards i drag the attributes i want to use as parameters to the pane above the query and mark them as parameters. When finishing this step the parameters are automatically created in the design view (Report Data Pane) and within the data set of the
    report. When running the report the available values for the parameter are displayed automatically.
    5. Now i can run the report without having defined filters on the dataset. This setup performs very good but does not make it possible to pass trough field values.
    New setup: (Very slow response)
    1. I start of by creating a new report.
    2. I select a the datasource (SSAS Cube) and i open the 'Query builder'.
    3. I then drag the attributes i need from the cube to the query.
    4. I DON'T drag any attributes to the above pane (Dimension, Hierarchy, Operator, Filter Expression, Parameter) to be marked as parameters, i just finish after dragging to the query pane.
    5. Now i create my parameters manually in the design view (Report Data Pane).
    6. If i want to populate the parameters i do this by defining a separate dataset (query) per parameter to populate the drop down box. Otherwise i manually enter a string.
    7. I manually add the parameters to my dataset in the design view.
    8. Last i add filters which indicate what fields need to be filterd based on which parameter value.
    Any suggestions on how to get this working with acceptable performance?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    (If you need screenshots to clarify the steps please let me know)
    Kind regards,

  • 4/3 matrix shape in calandar in jsp

    i created the jsp page to view the calander,
    but i am getting output as the 12 months coming vertically
    i need it to b cum in 3/4 or 4/3 matrix shape
    here is my code
    <%@page import="java.util.*,java.text.*" %>
    <title>Print a month page.</title>
    <meta name="version"
    <body bgcolor="white">
         boolean yyok = false;
         int yy = 0, mm = 0;
         String yyString = request.getParameter("year");
         if (yyString != null && yyString.length() > 0)
            yy = Integer.parseInt(yyString);
             yyok = true;
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
         out.println("Year " + yyString + " invalid");
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance( );
    if (!yyok)yy = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);   
    mm = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    <form method=post action="CalendarPage.jsp">
    Enter Year : <input type="text" size="5" name="year" value="<%= yy %>"></input>
    <input type=submit value="Display"></form>
    String[] months = {
                     "January", "February", "March",
                     "April","May", "June",
                     "July", "August","September",
                     "October", "November", "December"
    int dom[] = {
               31, 28, 31, 30,
               31, 30, 31, 31,
               30, 31, 30, 31
    int leadGap = 0;
    <table border="1" width="250" align="Left">
    <td halign="top" colspan="2">
    GregorianCalendar calendar =null;
    for(int j=0;j<12;j++)
      calendar = new GregorianCalendar(yy, j, 1);     
    <tr align="right">
    <th colspan=7>
    <%= months[j] %>
    <%= yy %>
         leadGap = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1;
         int daysInMonth = dom[j];
         if (calendar.isLeapYear(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)) && j == 1)
         out.println(" ");
         for (int i = 0; i < leadGap; i++)
          out.print("<td> ");
          for (int i = 1; i <= daysInMonth; i++)
         if ((leadGap + i) % 7 == 0)
    and here is my output
    Enter Year :
    January 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    29 30 31
    February 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    26 27 28
    March 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    26 27 28 29 30 31
    April 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    May 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    28 29 30 31
    June 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3
    4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    25 26 27 28 29 30
    July 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    30 31
    August 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4 5
    6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    27 28 29 30 31
    September 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2
    3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    October 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    29 30 31
    November 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    26 27 28 29 30
    December 2006
    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2
    3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    i need it to be in matrix form
    if anyone knows tel me plzz

    First comment: yuck. Ugly scriptlet code mixed in with HTML tags.
    A developers nightmare.
    a few more constructive comments:
    you can get the number of days in the month directly from the calendar:
    You can use calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE) which will tell you the last day of the current month. That takes leap years into account as well. Check out the java.util.Calendar API for details.
    That will let you simplify your code a little.
    Next thing. From a purist point of view you should always close your tags. So if you have <td> then it should be followed by </td>
    Yes it might work, but it is much better to do things properly.
    Now on to your actual problem.
    What I would suggest is that you do a complete table for each month.
    ie get it generating like this.
    ... january ....
    1 2 3...
    ... feb ...
    Then you just use another table to lay them out by rows/columns.
    <tr><td> <table> (Jan) </table></td> <td> <table> (Feb) </table> </td> ...

Maybe you are looking for

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