Wordpress blog in iframe / BC

I have made a Muse-site for a client with an integrated wordpress blog (iframe). The blog is also hosted on their webspace.
So far so good - But now they want in-browser editing for the whole site, and I was about to upload to Business Catalyst. But I don't quite know.. What is going to happen with the blog when I redirect the domain name to Business Catalyst?
And how is this setup affecting SEO?

Hi Tapir,
If you are embedding the wordpress blog in an iFrame then publishing to BC shall not have any effect on the iFrames, however, the domain when pointed to BC will no longer serve the blog hosted on their webspace, which will break the iFrames.
I will recommend that you import the wordpress blogs to BC and get rid of the iFrames and use BC modules instead to manage the blogs and for the SEO you will have to create the URL re-directs. I am including the help documents for these topics below.
Embedding and styling blogs
https://my.adobeconnect.com/_a295153/p6wv1sik1gq/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=no rmal
Importing blog posts from an external blog
Create page redirects
- Abhishek Maurya

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    Blogging is an effective and inexpensive way of engaging with your customers. Creating blog posts constantly provide search engines fresh content to index, which eventually help set you up as an authority in your domain. Blogging help you connect with your target audience and build trust within your own industry, by providing valuable information about your business.
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    Overview of Pre-requisites
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    WordPress version compatible with your OpenCart installation.
    Access to cPanel.
    Acquire ZIP file for the “WordPress Blog Feed” extension from the  OpenCart site.
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    How to Install WordPress Blog?
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    Step 2 – In this step, you need to upload “Wordpress Blog Feeds” extension zip file into your OpenCart directory.
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    Summing Up!
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    You can try adding a wordpress blog to your Muse site. You should be able to do this. There shouldn't be any issue with it's functionality (You may need to work some more on the design part - This is just in case there is some issue with the wordpress code and the code generated by Muse in the backend). Please also have a look at this related post: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4825190

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    I would see if this Apple support document can provide any help first.
    [iPod missing in My Computer or in iTunes for Windows|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1369?viewlocale=en_US]

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    Hi Dominic
    That's the one thing I can't do right now.  The website & customized (and integrated) blog all share the same menu structure in a common Dreamweaver library item.  So when you update the library item for the menus, this update is shared across both website and blog.  Currently the menus are relatively addressed, for example:
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    It seems like you might have to rename them to jpg.
    WordPress › Support » Security error when uploading jpeg image using new macbook
    Let me know if it works.

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    This is a subject for Wordpress support.    If they can't develop websites that are w3.org compliant, you'll want to use a different blogger.  Also if this difficulty is with Safari, let us know, and we can ask the moderators to move this thread to the Safari forum.

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    RikRamasay14 - thank you for your reply. unfortunately the link you provided goes to a blank page with "There is currently no text in this page." message.
    The link seems to have applied to my text incorrectly.
    This is where it was supposed to go: http://codex.wordpress.org/Integrating_WordPress_with_Your_Website

  • Wordpress blogs and Safari

    This isn't new, but I've reached the point of sufficient frustration to post something here.
    The blogging framework at Wordpress.com seems to be as good as useless in Safari (5.1.5), on both my iMac and the latest version on my iPad. On the iPad I have the Wordpress blogging app, which works fine, but I share the iPad with my wife and cannot always use it when I want to post a blog.
    Searching the web, I seem to find quite a bit of rather inconclusive correspondence about incompatibilities between Safari and Wordpress. This, usually seems to end in suggestions to use a different web browser. Also seem to be lots of recommendations to delete cookies, cache contents etc, generally to no effect.
    Today, my iMac is running really well, yet it simply will not open my Wordpress blog, not any other Wordpress blog I want to read. I even blew the dust off my Windows laptop and tried with that, using Internet Explorer. It loaded them just fine. Every experiment I have tried points to a major incompatibility between Safari and Wordpress.
    Neither Wordpress nor Apple seem to be owning up to this.
    Anyone solved this issue?

    Issue with Safari 5.1.10 on my Mac 10.6.8: Since yesterday all my WP sites are dead, WP Login failed. Safari tells me: "Safari can’t open the page “http://gamewidgets.onemac.net/” because the server where this page is located isn’t responding."
    Cleared Cache, checked all sort of files...No luck !
    FTP with ForkLift get funny, works perfectly with FileZilla !
    ALL perfectly working in Firefox and Chrome with NO issues at all(Display, Login...) - I'm totally confused !!!
    Oi, Apple you screw it !
    Update: My host(onemac.net) now complitly failed working in Safari - AGAIN with Firefox and Chrome with NO issues at all - Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhh

Maybe you are looking for