Workflow Listner Query !

Hi there,
I have come from an MQ backgorund so the concepts of MQ are not that strange to me. However, I do have one overiding thought regarding the listner in the Oracle Workflow.
My app is not in production yet so I have not really had the chance to flesh this out.
It is important that my application can respond to messages being placed into the queue real time ie very very very fast. If I need sub second responses how can the workflow listner facilitate this ? The lowest denomination seems to be seconds which is a very long time for the type of work I am engaged in.
Perhaps someone could advise.

What listener are you referring to? There is plenty of queue monitoring going on in Oracle Workflow with regard to the database side of things with the inbound and outbound queues as well as on the java side with the listeners over there. So what do you mean?
And just to take a stab at it...if you make any listeners you can have them continuously call dequeue on a queue, which will make them wait on it. So the instant (or as fast as Oracle can get to it) a message comes ready in a queue, your process will pick up on it. Thats as quick as I think you are going to get.

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    ,       pap2.full_name selected_person
    ,       pap.full_name created_by
    ,       fad_l.creation_date attachment_creation_date
    ,       wav.display_name
    ,       fl_l.file_name
    ,       fdt_l.description
    --,       fl_l.file_data
    ,       fl_l.file_id      media_id
    ,       pssh.activity_id
    ,       wpa.activity_name
    ,       pssh.pk1
    ,       pssh.transaction_history_id
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    ,      fnd_documents_tl fdt_l
    ,      fnd_document_categories_tl fdct_l
    ,      fnd_lobs fl_l
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    ,      pqh_ss_step_history pssh
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    ,      per_all_people_f pap
    ,      per_all_people_f pap2
    ,      wf_process_activities wpa
    ,      wf_activities_vl wav
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    In case anyone finds this thread in the future, I found the answer to my question here: what is the  PK1_VALUE in FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS for HR SIT Transactions
    So for absence related attachments pqh_ss_step_history.pk1 = per_absence_attendances.absence_attendance_id.

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    Hi All,
    We are on SRM 7.0 and using application controlled workflow.
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    HEADER I1021 Created
    HEADER I1038 Complete
    HEADER I1106 Shopping cart ordered
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       You can find the PCW help in the below link
    Can you please share your start condition ?

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    Report which will do archiving is WORKITEM_WRI.
    Give this ABAP program name in SM37 selection screen and check.
    But you should do the archiving before checking the job:-)
    Check the below link which will be useful to you.

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    you have to look into SOAINFRA user's table as gyan mentioned above
    for detail find the below links:
    Where the task payload is stored in the dehydration store
    Query a HumanTask payload using TaskQueryService  SOA

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    Thanks in advance.

    I am workiing on a similiar workflow for an upcoming artilce that dicusses how to query the AEM CQ JCR: tml .
    This sample app queries the JCR for customer data, supports filtering, and displays the result set in a grid contol located in the client:
    Although this article will not be posted until Feb 23 --I can provide a few pointers. Like most workflows in computer science -- you can  perform a task in more than 1 way. I find that you get more power when you wrap the JCR Query Manager API within an OSGi component and develop the service to expose an operation that queries the JCR and returns the result set.
    You can return the result set to the client and display the data in a web page - similiar to the pic above. Of course -- you can do the same workflow using sling -- its a matter of preferece IMHO. I prefer to develop OSGi services to do the heavy lifting and let the client call the service and display the data.
    For example - to call the OSGI service from a client:
    com.adobe.aem.CustomerService cs = sling.getService(com.adobe.aem.CustomerService .class);
    String XML = cs.getCustomerData(filter) ;
    In this workflow -- the query results are stored in an XML DOM and returned to the client -- where the data is parsed and displayed. The complete artilce will be posted next Fri.
    Here is a snippet of the backend Java logic that is wrapped in the OSGi and queries the JCR that is called from the client:
    public Document getCustomerData(String filter) {
                        Customer cust = null;
                         List<Customer> custList = new ArrayList<Customer>();
                        try {
                           Session session = this.repository.loginAdministrative(null);
                           // Obtain the query manager for the session ...
                     javax.jcr.query.QueryManager queryManager = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager();
                     //Setup the query based on user input -- 3 options are   All Customers,
                     //Active Customer or Past Customer
                     String sqlStatement="";
                               //Setup the query to get all corresponding customer nodes -- which are of node type nt:unstructured
                     if (filter.equals("All Customers"))
                               sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE CONTAINS(desc, 'Customer')";
                     else if(filter.equals("Active Customer"))
                                         sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE CONTAINS(desc, 'Active')";
                     else if(filter.equals("Past Customer"))
                                        sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE CONTAINS(desc, 'Past')";
             //Execute the query and get the results ...
                     javax.jcr.query.Query query = queryManager.createQuery(sqlStatement,"JCR-SQL2");
                     javax.jcr.query.QueryResult result = query.execute();
                     //Iterate over the nodes in the results ...
                     javax.jcr.NodeIterator nodeIter = result.getNodes();
                     while ( nodeIter.hasNext() ) {
                                              //For each node-- create a customer instance
                                              cust = new Customer();
                                              javax.jcr.Node node = nodeIter.nextNode();
                                              //Set all Customer object fields
                                              //Push Customer to the list
                     // Save the session changes and log out
         //Return the customer data within an XML DOM
                           return toXml(custList);
                  catch(Exception e)
                  return null;
    Hope this helps..

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    I'm currently trying to configure a workflow scenario with Interactive Forms by Adobe.
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    I have already configured the Adobe Document Services. The test program FP_PDF_TEST_00 works.
    I'm working on SAP NW '04s ECC6.
    Thanks for your replies,

    Welcome to Adobe Interactive Forms Development.
    Well to start with, you got two options to go ahead...
    Option-1 :
    Using ISR Based Adobe Interactive Forms Development, where we develop forms using SFP transaction and attach them to a scenario which is defined in QISRSCENARIO txn. To get a better understanding about this ISR/PCR's, check this one.
    Option-2 :
    Using Web Dynpro based Adobe Interavtive Forms Development, where we design our Web Dynpro Application which has the Adobe Form. To have a better understanding of this development scenario, check this site.
    Well coming to your Workflow related query, My suggestion is to refer the Standard PCR based Workflows WS50000031 & WS50000041.
    Yes, you can very much use the Standard forms in your custom workflows, for this you require to attach your workflow template number to the ISR Scenario.
    My replies are well understood only after refering to the above mentioned links.
    Hope this helps.
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

  • Need to Perform Check again and again in Oracle Workflow

    Hi All,
    I have one requirement in Oracle Workflow where if there is any hold applied on any Invoice and if the hold is released then workflow should get cancel immediately.
    I have one workflow activity which can check the current status on workflow by querying AP_HOLDS_ALL table.
    How I can perform the same check again and again to check the current status so that I can immediately cancel the workflow?? Please suggest if anybody has any idea like do-while Loop etc to achieve the requirement.

    WF Definition loops are expensive for the background process and take good amount of data in wf_item_activity_statuses and wf_item_activity_statuses_h. I would recommend defining a business event to be raised from the form/module where the base table is updated. Then you create a subscription to that event and the function associated to that subscription can abort the workflow process.
    So there would not be a need to constantly check for a condition.

  • Powershell workflow generating false e-mail alerts

    I have a powershell script that gathers all of the trusted domains in our environment and then sends each domain name to another script to time the amount of time it takes to receive a response to an unqualified (isolated) name query in AD.
    Script 1 code:
    #Load the Active Directory Module
    Import-module activedirectory
    #Search the local schema for all trusted domain objects
    $ADDomainTrust = Get-ADObject -Filter {ObjectClass -eq "trustedDomain"} -Properties * | Sort-Object cn
    #Define workflow to pass domain names to trustsearch script
    workflow Get-domains
      param( $trusteddomainlist)
      foreach -parallel ($trusteddomain in $trusteddomainlist)
        $trust = $
          InlineScript {C:\trustsearch.ps1 $using:trust}
    Get-domains -trusteddomainlist $ADDomainTrust
    As you can see, I'm using a "foreach -parallel" workflow to query each trusted domain simultaneously. This is done to alert us to a potential problem as quickly as possible, without having to wait for the entire script to finish.
    Here's the code for the second (isolated name query) script. It sends me an e-mail if the query takes over 60 seconds. 
    Script #2 code:
    foreach($domain in $trust){
    $startDTM = (get-date)
    $objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("junk")
    $strSID = $objUser.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
    $endDTM = (get-date)
    $totaltime = (($endDTM-$startDTM).TotalSeconds)
    $ftotaltime = "{0:N2}" -f $totaltime
    Function SendMail
    #SMTP server name
         $smtpServer = "<SMTP server IP address>"
         #Creating a Mail object
         $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
         #Creating SMTP server object
         $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
         #Email structure
         $msg.From = "<sender e-mail address>"
         $msg.ReplyTo = "<reply e-mail address>"
         $msg.To.Add("<recipient e-mail address>"
         $msg.subject = "Isolated Name monitor warning"
         $msg.body = @"
         Isolated name queries are running slowly. A script measures how long the NAMCK domain controllers take to resolve an unqualified name query. It usually takes no more than 60 seconds to execute. It is currently taking $ftotaltime seconds.
    This may indicate a trust issue or a problem with a downstream trusted domain.
    #Sending email 
    If ($ftotaltime -gt "60.00")
    Unfortunately, I'm getting a lot of false positives....e-mail alerts when query responses are taking only 7 or 8 seconds, not just over 60. It seems to happen most during the first 2 or 3 minutes the script runs. I think it has something to do with it running
    in parallel, because when I remove the "foreach -parallel" functionality, I don't get any false positives.
    Does anyone have suggestions on how to cut down or even eliminate the false positives without removing the "foreach -parallel" functionality?

    I think the problem is here:
    If ($ftotaltime -gt "60.00")
    You're doing a string comparison, when you need to be doing a numeric comparison:
    If (60.00 -lt $ftotaltime)
    $ftotaltime = "{0:N2}" -f $totaltime
    you're uisng the string format operator (-f) which is going to produce a string. String comparisons of numbers won't produce the expected results:
    PS C:\> "9.00" -gt "60.00"
    Using the numeric double value 60.00 (instead of the string value "60.00"), and putting it on the LH side of the comparison will cause $ftotaltime to be coerced to a double, and you should get the expected results.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • Error when selecting Activity Guide item from BPM Workspace

    I've installed SOA/BPM onto my local machine.
    I've deployed an Activity Guide example. This loads fine when i create an instance, the GUI loads and i can see the process progress on the left hand side.
    I have created my own test app and deployed it. I can see an instance in the Activity Guide List; however when selecting it the GUI doesn't load and i get an ADF error thrown.
    I can view the task from the Task List and open the GUI just fine. It only seems to be when selecting it from the Activity Guide List that i experience the problem.
    The error i can see in the logs is this:
    Caused by: java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is:
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
         at Source)
         ... 112 more
    Any ideas?
    Kind Regards

    I've had the same issue with activity guides in the last couple of days and thought I had been doing something wrong. Wish I'd seen your post sooner.
    Guessing it's a bug - know there's a patch set out - perhaps it's fixed in that.

  • Approval Hierarchy

    Issue :-1
    I am sending an document for approval ( Standard Purchase order) .
    1. Mr "A" has entered the data and sent for approval and the document is in "IN PROCESS"
    2.Mr "B" has received the notiification and submitted for approval .
    Problem :
    From his notification the document has been sent as "APPROVED" but the document is still showing "IN PROCESS"
    What I Tried
    1. Checked the approval hierarchy -- correct
    2. Ran the workflow background engine - with deferred - Y -- completed
    3. Ran the fill employee hierarchy - completed
    but no luck

    Check the Purchase Order Approval Workflow. Query the same in Workflow Administrator.
    It seem Approver B is not having authority to Approver the Document. Supervisor of B is not present or end-dated and Workflow is not able to find the Correct Approver.
    Purchase Order is has dynamic Approval, in which it will not build the entire list during but will send for the next level of Approver once current approver approve the notification.
    You check the setup for Approval. If its Employee Supervisor Herirachy then check for the Supervisor of B. Else check the reporting position of B's position and its setup is correct or not.
    If its Position Herirachy.

  • Guided Business Process modelling with Activity Guide

    HI everybody ,
    Please suggest where the bmp-services-client.jar will be available?
    I am getting the following error upon deployment of human task forms which are using the ADF data controls for workflow :-
    Caused By: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    The human task forms are taskflow components of a soa composite containing a bpmn process which stitches these taskflows into an Activity Guide.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Shailendra Nema.

    Another roadblock when trying "Guided Business Process modelling with Activity Guide"
    I get the following error when trying to access the AG instance from the AG ADF client --
    Runtime error in AG Query Service. Failure in queryAGDisplayInfos.
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    Caused By: javax.ejb.EJBException: EJB Exception: : java.lang.NullPointerException
    Caused By: java.lang.NullPointerException
    I am able to access the workitem in worklistapp and the composite instance process flow shows that the first activity in the bpm process is in Running state.
    Please suggest.

  • Analyzing tables refresh date DAC issue

    Hi all,
    I'm new with DAC so probably this is a silly question but I think is how we learn
    So I have an execution plan in DAC that without any changes from 8h is taking 12h to run. My last execution was on the 02-Aug and the execution that was ok was on the 26th of July.
    After checking the tasks I realized that for one of the workflows the query to the source is now taking 4h instead of the usual 1h.
    I've spoken to the DBA's and they told me that the table should be analyzed. I've checked in DAC and the analyze option is checked for that table in tab Task --> Target Tables.
    I checked DAC log file for that task and it says it was done with success (log file from 02-Aug), I also checked that table in the database and it seems it was analyzed with in the right date (it says 02-Aug, I used SQL Developer to check this) but in DAC --> Setup --> Physical Data Sources --> Refreshed Dates, for that specific table the value for the Analyze Date is before I've started getting the performance issue (it has 26-July).
    Any ideas why this date is not being updated here? Anyway if the database has the right date so the table is being analyzed right? And this is only a DAC refresh problem and the DBA's need to search more to find out what is wrong in the database right?
    Thank you,

    As I understand it, the refresh date goes hand in hand with the physical data source for the datawarehouse.
    After each batch the refresh_date gets set to the cutoff timestamp of the current run, i.e. it in effect indicates for the destination database what date the data goes up to.
    The next batch run will take this date and then only load data after that date.
    So if you switch your destination DB but leave your refresh_date untouched then you're going to get incomplete data because so far as the DAC's concerned you've already loaded the data.
    I could have misunderstood your question so please don't take this as gospel. But it does sound like you need to manually update the refresh dates and set them to whatever timestamp your desired destination DB was last successfully loaded.
    BTW you might want to post future queries in this forum: Business Intelligence Applications

  • Error while querying workflow message attributes for task

    Can some one please help me with this error?
    I get this error when I submit a task in worklist app. I have figure out that it is causing due to one payload in the table in the task. If remove that payload I am able to submit the task.
    Error while querying workflow message attributes for task a99d1cf3-5e91-4c4a-8660-aeae91bfbec0 with version 5.
    Check the underlying exception and the database connection information. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
    oracle.jbo.JboException: Error while querying workflow message attributes.
    Error while querying workflow message attributes for task a99d1cf3-5e91-4c4a-8660-aeae91bfbec0 with version 5.
    Check the underlying exception and the database connection information. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
         at oracle.adf.model.bean.DCBeanDataControl.invokeMethod(
         at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCInvokeMethod.callMethod(
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBinding.doIt(
         at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl.invokeOperation(
         at oracle.adf.model.bean.DCBeanDataControl.invokeOperation(
         at oracle.adf.model.adapter.AdapterDCService.invokeOperation(

    Can anybody help me on this?
    I did some google but I get this only which is not much helpful.

  • Query to find out which workflow(s) use a particular message ? wf_messages

    Hi guys
    Hoping someone can help.
    I've a list of particular notfication messages, which are stored in the WF_MESSAGES_TL and WF_MESSAGES table, and I need to find out which workflows use them.
    Can anyone tell me what table I can query to find this out ?
    There's no referential integrity which I can use to find this out, and google has turned up nothing so far.
    Any ideas ?
    Thanks a lot

    You can use this and tweak it around:
    select p.process_item_type, p.process_name, p.activity_name, a.message
    from wf_process_activities p, wf_activities a
    where p.process_item_type=a.item_type and and
    a.end_date is null;-- means the active/current activity

Maybe you are looking for

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