Workflow usability in 10.1.4

We are currently looking at the upgrade of portal (we are users of 9iAs and used a little bit of the 10g) and I have some questions.
Has anyone used the Workflow Portlets? How easy is it to set up? How easy is it to use?
Can users contribute a new content item and view the progress of their content through workflow?
Anyone that has used this new feature can you please share your experiences.
Also, does anyone know if Oracle Instant Portal has to be installed separately from Oracle Portal?
If you don't want to post you can e-mail me at [email protected]
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Hi Jessica
I've tried a bit the seeded workflow portlets. They work fine, there is a portlet for checking workflow status, and an other one for item approval.
But ... that's all. If they suit your needs, you can use them, it's really simple. But you can't imporve them, for instance if you want the users to receive an email alert during the workflow process you'll have to develop your own stuff.
Also do NOT use Oracle Workflow if you want to develop your own workflow system, as it is depreciated and disapears in the 11g versions (replaced with BPEL).

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  • Cannot Save Re-Usable Workflow as a Template.

    Cannot Save Workflow as a Template. It is a resuable WF . It was working until last week. Suddenlly it gives an error saying - Cannot find Site Assets Library. Site Assets Library does exist . Please Suggest !! 

    Refered to this thread :
    For those who might face similar issues in future - There were couple of broken list on the site. Deleted those broken list. The Designer Link to list/ Libraries got restored. Everything works as expected now.

  • Workflows completes but goes to "Sorry something went wrong" page

    SharePoint Version: 2013
    Workflow Version: 2010
    My Title: Junior SharePoint Administrator
    I have been working weeks on a project to use workflows for a business process. It is as simple as setting variables and sending email to people.
    I have successfully created a site workflow and published it. When I start the workflow, it starts fine but then show me this (very annoying and always unhelpful) error --> Sorry,
    something went wrong. An unexpected error has occurred.
    Funny thing, the workflow stills completes fine and I get the email notification I created in the workflow! No errors messages in the workflow history either - completely clean.
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    Help please? :)

    get the time that the error occurs, and recheck the log file that during this time, whether there is related information.
    what's your workflow do? what's the result by using other user account to start the workflow.
    Qiao Wei &lt;br/&gt; My blog:<a href=""></a>

  • Custom SharePoint 2013 workflow activities in site template throw error on site creation

    Hi all,
    I have created a number of custom activities for SharePoint 2013 Workflows and I am using them on an Office 365 environment. The custom activities are packaged as a sandbox solution and deployed on my Office 365 site. Everything works as expected.
    I have now created a site with all the functionality I need, including some Site and List workflows - all of them containing my custom activities. I saved the site as a template - including content - and the process was completed successfully.
    My problem is that when I try to create a site based on that template, I get the following error:
    Microsoft.Workflow.Client.ActivityNotFoundException: The activity named 'WorkflowXaml_66b9230b_823e_4783_82b8_daf481237847' from scope '/spo/d42a4487-9465-4347-9f2c-a2718e92fc02/74d0f9e7-fb35-493d-86fb-ab7aa27da7e0/c2e1bf45-cf67-4e13-9755-421cf92395f8'
    was not found. HTTP headers received from the server - ActivityId: 0997496a-5a15-4b83-82eb-727881eefa67. NodeId: . Scope: . Client ActivityId : c82f6e9c-9f8f-808b-7679-f2c0f92a339d. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error
    After a number of trials and errors, I am certain that this relates to my custom activities. i have already tested all of the following scenarios:
    Delete the workflow with the custom actions: Site is created successfully.
    Create a new workflow with no custom actions and save the site as a template:
    Site is created successfully.
    Save the site template including a workflow with my custom activities, but not including content:
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    Create a new custom workflow activities sandbox with one custom activity that just writes something to the history list - just to make sure that this is not related to any specific solution. Save the site as a template:
    Site creation throws the same error.
    Packaged my workflow (with my custom activities) as a wsp from SharePoint Designer and deployed it as a custom solution. Activated the feature in the target site. The workflow gets created and executing finally. Saved the site as template: Site
    creation throws the same error.
    Same as above, but without activating the feature in the target site: Site created successfully, workflow works fine after I activate the feature in the new site.
    My custom activities feature is always enabled in the site I save as template - in all of the above scenarios.
    I have tested all of the above scenarios both on SharePoint 2013 on-premise and Office 365. There is
    a forum post regarding some inconsistencies in the wsp file, but unfortunately this is not my case. Am I doing something wrong? Are custom 2013 workflow activities not supported in site templates - which would not actually make any sense, as it would "break"
    the fundamental concept of re-usability.
    Any ideas/feedback/guidance?
    Thanx in advance

    I am facing the same issue. Kindly help me out if any of them have solved similar issue. 
    Your help would be appreciated.

  • Approver not determined process controlled workflow in SAP SRM 7.0

    Hello all,
    I have setup process controlled workflow in SAP SRM 7.0 EHP3 for shopping cart approval.
    I have 4 approval levels.
    I have used item-based Decision for entire document because for some items i want system approval.
    In implementation of BADI /SAPSRM/BD_WF_RESP_RESOLVER, in the method /SAPSRM/IF_EX_WF_RESP_RESOLVER~GET_AREA_TO_ITEM_MAP, i am skipping the items for which i want system approval.
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    am i missing anything in BADI /SAPSRM/BD_WF_RESP_RESOLVER??
    Please let me know.
    Yayati Ekbote

    Hi Adrian,
    Yes it is possible to display custom workflows in the Universal Worklist,  However, I am not sure what you are trying to do with a routing table.  If the workitems are of type decision, you can use UserDecisionHandler (action handler) configured in the XML file to use the Approve/Reject functionality - we are talking about webflow connector here correct?  R/3 connector?
    Beth Maben
    EP - Senior Support Consultant II
    SAP Active Global Support
    Global Support Centre Ireland
    **SDN Forum Moderator:
    SAP Enterprise Portal: Application Integration
    **SDN Universal Worklist Wiki:

  • Workflow in SAP R/3 4.6B

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    Many thanks in advance for your advise and opinions.

    Hi Dheepak,
    after certain discussion with my colleagues I found that your answer confirms our basic opinion.
    Thank you for many, many times for your information, we are now sure how to proceed.
    Good luck.

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            I created a re-usable workflow in SPdesigner  and i created a initiation form for this workflow.
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           Here my requirement is if i select any one of the 4 values in the dropdown list based on that  the 5 checkboxes values may change to either true or false i.e check and uncheck. 
    Can anybody suggest me how to approach to achieve this target.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Rajesh,
    One way you can make this work is create 4 conditions in the workflow and for each condition create actions.
    To be specific, use the If Else condition.
    The conditions will be based on the which dropdown value is select.
    Your workflow will look something like this.
    If dropdownlist equals 1
    Add or Update checkbox values
    Else If dropdownlist equals 2
    Add or Update checkbox values
    Else if dropdownlist equals 3
    Add or Update checkbox values
    Else if dropdownlist equals 4
    Add or update checkbox values
    Clear as mud? :-)
    Let me know.
    Daniel Christian (MCTS)

  • More Usable Image Detail - Adobe Camera Raw Beats Canon DPP

    Let me start with a question:
    When you do your raw conversions, do you convert to an image that's got the same number of pixels as your camera's imager has photosites?
    If so, why?  I ask because I'm convinced that - with modern software - to get the most usable detail out of a raw image one should convert directly to an upsampled size.  You might think that in trying to get "more megapixels from the same camera" I'm just fooling myself, but again and again when I look at the problem of maximizing the output from existing equipment (which, face it, is everyone's goal, no matter how good the equipment) I keep seeing that there is an advantage to selecting from the upsampled resolutions in Camera Raw.  Of course, the computer must be up to handling the additional data.
    In actual terms, my Canon 40D has 3888 x 2592 photosites (plus some guard pixels around the edges) making 10 megapixels, yet I find converting to 6144 x 4096 (25 megapixels) to be advantageous - ESPECIALLY when I use my sharpest lenses.
    I happened to be doing a head to head comparison between Canon 50mm f/1.8 and Canon 50mm f/1.4 lenses, and the difference between the two appeared pretty subtle - UNTIL I converted to the aforementioned upsampled resolution, and then the more expensive f/1.4 lens clearly stepped ahead.  There was simply extra detail I hadn't been seeing clearly at the native pixel size of the camera's imager, but which stood out clearly at the larger size.
    This reaffirmed my previous observations that conversion directly to upsampled resolutions in Camera Raw brings out additional detail.
    This screen grab shows part of the converted image, as produced by DPP and Camera Raw, both at 6144 x 4096 pixels as produced by the converters and displayed at 100% zoom.  Note that the detail (e.g., in the terrain) is finer and more real looking in the Camera Raw conversion, while the DPP image seems to have more sharpening artifacts.
    If you're interested in experimenting to see how much detail you can lift out of this same image, the raw file is here:
    I don't have a copy of any other converters, for example Capture 1, to see how they'd do.

    Noel Carboni wrote:
    Hudechrome wrote:
    I hope that Noel will offer results that compare the Canon RAW in ACR with both resolutions as well.
    Not sure I follow you completely...  Just to be clear, can you lay out what "both resolutions" means?  I'll be more than happy to go through different processes and present comparison images - I just want to be sure I understand just what you're asking for.
    Oh, and you're right - some subjectivity necessarily will appear here.  I might just like the "look" of one process while you prefer the "look" of another.
    Lastly, one of my workflows involves sharpening images with my own fractal sharpening actions, and I am testing to see which converter process output produces the best result from that as well.
    I had to read that twice to make sure I knew what it meant!
    What I am trying to say is to show the results of both converters in the native resolution and the 25M upsampled.resolution.
    On another note, I have been playing around with the details of noise and sharpening in DXO and ACR, looking at 300%. It's both good and bad. If you are willing to mess with the ACR settings at 300%, then ACR has the edge, even comparing to manual tweaks in DXO. They do correctly optimize, however, except that point isn't as good as ACR. The depressing point is all the tweaking to do on an individual basis. Can you imagine tweaking 100 or more images that way? Then you get to move over to other corrections.
    We are splitting tiny hairs here, and the bottom line is if you are going to make 30x40 prints from a given file, you may want to use ACR all the way and bite the bullet. If the Auto corrections for the lens employed in ACR is well done, as it seems for my Nikon 18 to 105, the workload is relaxed.
    Finally, the ACR corrected image will need final sharpening at higher values than the DXO, and at that point, they come together a bit more...sharpening anomalys and all that.
    The final fuss levels takes me back to my 8x10 days, where these kinds of determinations (max quality level) takes place under the focusing cloth, and deliberate selection of POV is carefully considered. Today, it's in front of the monitor. But instead of a few sheets of film to process, we have 100's to do.
    I thoroughly enjoy working with the files on the computer, but not so much having to deal with less than optimum technical details right out of the camera. Barrel distortion? Hasselblad was not satisfied with the "normal" corrections in it's general optics, which were damn good, so came out with the 100mm Planar that was awesome! All they gave up was max aperture, and picked the FL at a value that provided for the best corrections. So I recall anyway.
    Why should we be required to do these kinds of post corrections? Digital editing involves throwing away information, and ther appears to be enough so that correcting these deficiencies still gives a wonderful image. Just imagine what it would be like if all you need to do is to open the file and adjust values to taste, with all that information density available exclusively for that part. You don't even need to use a focusing magnifier!
    Gotta run!

  • Mac Pro RAID configuration advice needed to address photography workflow

    I am a semi-professional photographer and I am moving off a Windows machine and over to a Mac Pro.
    I am waiting for the new Mac Pro to arrive and have purchased (4) 500GB SATA drives to replace the 250GB drive the system will arrive with.
    I am considering setting up drive #1 as a stand alone boot drive. The second and third drives would be set up in a RAID 0 config and the 4th drive set up as a RAID 1 drive which would mirror the content on my RAID 0 set of drives to automatically backup the content on drives 2 & 3.
    I think it would be beneficial if I describe my image processing workflow briefly so that you can understand why I am considering this RAID configuration (I've never set up a RAID configuration in the past so this is all new to me).
    Image Processing Workflow
    It isn't uncommon for me to return from a photo shoot with an 8GB Compact Flash card full (approx 750 8mb RAW files).
    1) I plan on uploading my card to the boot drive (#1) where I would hold them temporarily.
    2) I would sort thru the images and trash 80% immediately in most cases.
    3) Next I would open up the "keepers" and do the initial post processing in Adobe RAW and save them to drives 2 & 3 (the RAID 0 set).
    4) Further post processing (the heavy lifting and the most taxing operations in Photoshop and associated filters) would take place as I access these files from the RAID 0 set of drives.
    5) All of my files would be mirrored to drive 4 as I work them. Once post-processing is complete I would copy the files from drive #4 (RAID 1)to an additional external 500GB drive for archiving purposes and then eventually delete the files from drive #1 and the RAID 0 set.
    6) Once drive #4 (and the external drive) is nearly filled I would pull both and archive them and replace both with fresh drives.
    Is there anything wrong with taking this approach? Can a single drive be set up in a RAID 1 configuration to mirror a set of drives in a RAID 0 configuration?
    Is there anything else I should be considering?
    Thanks for any assistance you guys can provide! I appreciate it!!

    For the purposes of 500GB drives in RAID, I would go with WD RE2. they format to 465GB and performance falls off @ 65% and beyond anyway.
    I even "short-stroke" drives to just 60% and then stay within 1/3 full - if I want to insure the maximum I/O.
    Memory: 4GB is pretty much minimum but using more than 8GB isn't efficient. Ideal: 4 x 2GB.
    Shame that the Hitachi 1TB drive costs over $399 for now, fast and might be better than 10K Raptor. There are also 750GB drives for $249, but the RE2 isn't quite ready to ship.
    Never want to get into using 75% or more usually, though large (8-20 drives) RAIDs can hold sustained I/O for video editing and multiple streams.
    One 750GB or 1TB (930GB formatted, 800GB "usable") might make sense.
    How about a SATA drive case w/ hot-swap. Think of 1TB "floppy" if you will :-)) Unlimited archiving of projects.
    All you want is an inexpensive eSATA 1x 2-channel PM controller and any cases. Two drives that you can use drive trays as needed.
    there are also 'spare' drive sleds if you want to have the option of popping a drive out, and use it internally. $29 each or $49 a pair. - link to TransIntl site
    Vista 64-bit can or does work quite well now on Mac Pro... if you ever get into a jam and just need to. SP1 by end of the year will even have more support for UEFI 2.0 (Apple uses Intel EFI 1.1).

  • Copy document from one library to other when workflow is completed in sharepoint.

    I have created a state machine workflow for document library for template approval process .When workflow is completed ,i need to need to copy that document to other library on the same site.

    SharePoint Designer has a "Copy list item" workflow action on it.  I'm, not sure if this is accessible via Visual Studio but if it's not, you can create a re-usable workflow in SPD with a view of importing it into VS.  It should, in
    theory give you the code equivalent of the SPD Action.
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

  • Adding Word attachment to a SOFM object and then to Workflow container

    I have a Web Dynpro for ABAP application that should send attachments of uploaded files to a workflow container. I have already managed to do this, and it works fine for TXT files, but when I try to attach a WORD (.DOC) file the file looks corrput when I open it from the SAP inbox.
    When uploading files in Web Dynpro it is as an XSTRING.  I have tried out the following alternatives regarding convertion of the XSTRING before it is inserted in the SOFM object:
    1) Convert from XSTRING to STRING using codepage 4110.
    Then it is split into a string table of 255 chars
    2) Convert from XSTRING to STRING using codepage 4102
    Then it is split into a string table of 255 chars
    3) Convert from XSTRING to BINARY format
    I use function module 'SWL_SOFM_CREATE_WITH_TABLE'
    and then  swf_create_object lr_sofm 'SOFM' ls_sofm_key.
    before I call some macros to fill the container.
    Anyone else who have tried to do this with success? I'm greatful for any help.
    Regards, Tine

    Hello there.
    This is probably an usability question that you should ask Microsoft, not us. In any case, you probably need to open the document (it's probably a document that can't be open inside Firefox, so use the appropriate software) and copy it from there.
    I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

  • Oracle SQL template to create re-usable DDL/DML Scripts for Oracle database

    I have a requirement to put together a Oracle SQL template to create re-usable DDL/DML Scripts for Oracle databases.
    Only the Oracle DBA will be running the scripts so permissions is not an issue.
    The workflow for any DDL is as follows:-
    1) New Table
    a. Check if the table exists from the system/admin views.
    b. If table exists then give message "Table Exists"
    c. If table does not exist then execute DDL code
    2) Add Column
    a. Check if Column exists for a given table from system/admin views
    b. If column exists in the specified table,
    b1. backup table.
    b2. alter table to make changes to the column
    b3. verify data or execute dml script convert from backup to the new change.
    c. If Column does not exist
    c1. backup table
    c2. alter table to add column
    c3. execute dml to populate column with default value.
    The DML scripts are for populating base tables with data required for business operations.
    3) Add new row
    a. check if row exists by comparing old values of each column with new values to be added for the new record.
    b. If exists, give message row exists
    c. If not exists, add new record.
    4) Update existing record (We have createtime columns in these tables so changes can be tracked)
    a. check if row exists using primary key.
    b. If exists,
    b1. deactivate the record using the "active" column of the table
    b2. Add new record with the changes required.
    c. If does not exist, add new record with the changes required.
    Could you please help with some ideas which can get this done accurately?
    I have tried several ways, but I am not able to put together something that fulfills all requirements.
    Thank you,

    First let me address your question. (This is the easy part.)
    1. The existence of tables can be found in DBA_TABLES. Query it and and then use conditional logic and execute immediate to process the DDL.
    2. The existence of table columns is found in DBA_TAB_COLUMNS. Query it and then conditionally execute your DDL. You can copy the "before picture" of the table using that same dba view, or even better, use DBMS_METADATA.
    As for your DML scripts, they should be restartable, reversible, and re-run-able. They should "fail gracefully" on error, be written in such a way that they can run twice in a row without creating duplicate changes.
    3. Adding appropriate constraints can prevent invalid duplicate rows. Also, you can usually add to the where clause so that the DML does only what it needs to do without even relying on the constraint (but the constraint is there as a safeguard). Look up the MERGE statement to learn how to do an UPSERT (update/insert), which will let you conditionally "deactivate" (update) or insert a record. Anything that you cannot do in SQL can be done with simple procedural code.
    Now, to the heart of the matter...
    You think I did not understand your requirements?
    Please be respectful of people's comments. Many of us are professionals with decades of experience working with databases and Oracle technology. We volunteer our valuable time and knowledge here for free. It is extremely common for someone to post what they feel is an easy SQL or PL/SQL question without stating the real goal--the business objective. Experienced people will spot that the "wrong question" has been asked, and then cut to the chase.
    We have some good questions for you. Not questions we need answers from, but questions you need to ask yourself and your team. You need to reexamine this post and deduce what those questions are. But I'll give you some hints: Why do you need to do what you are asking? And will this construct you are asking for even solve the root cause of your problems?
    Then ponder the following quotations about asking the right question:
    Good questions outrank easy answers.
    — Paul Samuelson
    The only interesting answers are those which destroy the questions.
    — Susan Sontag
    The scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers as ask the right questions.
    — Claude Levi-Strauss
    You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
    — Mahfouz Naguib
    One hears only those questions for which one is able to find answers.
    — Friedrich Nietzsche
    Be patient towards all that is unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves.
    — Rainer Maria Rilke
    What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.
    — Jonas Salk
    Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.
    — Voltaire
    The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer.
    — Thomas J. Watson

  • How to use two tasks in Workflow

    Hi Everybody !
    Can Any one tell me, How to use two tasks in one activity step type of  Workflow CRM?
    My requirement is... I have to execute two tasks in single activity step in Workflow. Is it possible.if it is possible tell me the flow Please.
    Thanks in advance.
    Raghava Vakada.

    You can define one as a "Before" or "After" method if that is usable for you. (defined in tab Methods for Activity steps)
    Otherwise there is also the step flag "Advance with dialog" (tab Details on Activity steps, but the tab it is found on depends on your version) which allows one user to seamlessly execute two consecutive tasks.
    So depending on your real need there may be several options available. If all that is needed is that the same user can execute the two tasks then Advance with Dialog is perhaps the best choice. If the user then cancels execution of the second activity the work item is available for execution. If you define an After method and the user cancels execution the work item has still been completed since its (main) method has been completed.

  • BPM in NW CE compared with Workflow

    I have aquestion regarding the positioning of BPM as a process modelling tool.
    At the moment it seems only to work with webdynpro Java screens in the 711 EHP1 download. I read on sdn the VC is also supported, and that WD ABAP is to be supported in future.
    Does this mean that it is only usable for new processes where we are prepared to develop a new UI from scratch?
    Could I use it with CRM linking into Web IC screens and processes?
    How about ERP transactions?
    Could I even link to existing ess/mss screens that are already delivered by SAP as WD Java? (I am wondering if these components have public interfaces at all)
    Thnaks for reading this far - I am just trying to cut through the marketing speak to understand how we could use this on a project.

    I found some more information here:
    Workflow in SAP NetWeaver
    I still look forward to more insight as to when to choose BPM and workflow!

  • Integrating Nik plug-ins into an Aperture workflow

    Hi. In his response to a [posted question|] about noise reduction, forum guru William Lloyd spoke highly of the Nik plug-ins.
    I also like them alot, but have stopped using them and don't recommend them because they do not integrate into my Aperture workflow in any usable way. The suite of plug-ins (there are six, iirc) are designed to be used step-wise -- and therein lies the problem. Because of what I take to be a glitch in Aperture, any changes made within Aperture to an image edited and returned by a plug-in are lost when that image is sent back out to another plug-in. (The work-around is klugly: you have to create a new Version prior to every use of a plug-in other than the first use.)
    I love the Nik tools (and paid dear for them), but haven't been able to find the right place for them on my workbench. William -- or anyone -- how have you integrated the Nik plug-ins into your Aperture workflow?
    I am considering "upgrading" my Nik suite to the Photoshop edition in order to take advantage of all the tools. I'm pretty sure used w. Photoshop, the tools create editable layers. The upgrade, however, doubles the already expensive cost of the suite (and the Aperture→Photoshop→Nik→Photoshop→Nik→Photoshop→Nik→Photoshop→Aperture trip is sure to be cumbersome).
    My goal is simple: to be able to take full advantage of the Nik tools while taking full advantage of Aperture. Any advice greatly appreciated.
    TIA, and cheers.

    Hi. In his response to a [posted question|] about noise reduction, forum guru William Lloyd spoke highly of the Nik plug-ins.
    I also like them alot, but have stopped using them and don't recommend them because they do not integrate into my Aperture workflow in any usable way. The suite of plug-ins (there are six, iirc) are designed to be used step-wise -- and therein lies the problem. Because of what I take to be a glitch in Aperture, any changes made within Aperture to an image edited and returned by a plug-in are lost when that image is sent back out to another plug-in. (The work-around is klugly: you have to create a new Version prior to every use of a plug-in other than the first use.)
    I love the Nik tools (and paid dear for them), but haven't been able to find the right place for them on my workbench. William -- or anyone -- how have you integrated the Nik plug-ins into your Aperture workflow?
    I am considering "upgrading" my Nik suite to the Photoshop edition in order to take advantage of all the tools. I'm pretty sure used w. Photoshop, the tools create editable layers. The upgrade, however, doubles the already expensive cost of the suite (and the Aperture→Photoshop→Nik→Photoshop→Nik→Photoshop→Nik→Photoshop→Aperture trip is sure to be cumbersome).
    My goal is simple: to be able to take full advantage of the Nik tools while taking full advantage of Aperture. Any advice greatly appreciated.
    TIA, and cheers.

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    I absolutely cannot stand this new version of iTunes!  I cannot find the songs next to the playlists, it no longer shows the time elapsed nor the time remaining at the top.  How can I display it the way it was before?

  • Mailbox - Drafts...shows 1, but no drafted messages appear.

    Looking for some assistance Drafts mailbox in my email shows I have 1 drafted email.  However, when I highlight on the mailbox, no drafted email is shown.  How do I remove the notification showing I have a draft in that mailbox?  It seems t

  • Prevent file path from prompt

    Howdy! I am new to working with XControls but I am working on one for fun to get better with them. The control part of the xcontrol is two file path constants and a boolean push button while the indicator part is a 2D picture. The boolean push button