Write custom cellEditor class

is it possible to write a custom cellEditor class. I need this for a dynamically created table. The reason for this is that i need to display structured data in one column. I want to show 3 different IWDElements in one cell.
Best regards,

No, that's not possible with the NW04 table. You could instead dynmically build a container with matrix layout.

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    SE24 is for  defining classes .. are you sure this is for customer exits ?..
    Use a formula variable filled by a customer exit... go to TCode CMOD and follow the normal procedure for defining Exits.. look up the forums for detailed steps on how to write an exit..
    Hope it helps...

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    Message was edited by:

    Since our this requirement is in Quotes module, its not using OAF. It is using plain JSPs and java classes.
    What i was thinking is, create the Option values as flex fields, and write a custom java class to fetch these data from the flex tables and use it in the JSP.
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    what do you mean by "run custom class"? If you mean calling methods of that class then no. But it is easy to write a simple report which will call required methods.

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    Solved the issue myself. I write it here so other people can
    find it.
    Basically, you can't do loadMovie directly to CustomMovieClip
    class instance.
    It will mess up all the methods you have defined in the
    Workaround is to do loadMovie to a variable in the class.
    Complete working example is here:
    1. Create a project MCTest.flp
    2. Prepare Movie1.swf (a simple shape)
    3. Create a Flash document MCTest.fla
    4. Create a ActionScript file CustomMovieClip.as:
    class CustomMovieClip extends MovieClip {
    function onPress() {
    6. Create a symbol CustomMovieClipContent:
    Behavior: Movie Clip
    Draw nothing.
    5. Create a symbol CustomMovieClip:
    Behavior: Movie Clip
    Identifier: CustomMovieClip
    AS 2.0 Class: CustomMovieClip
    Export for ActionScript: Yes
    Export in first frame: Yes
    Open editor and drag&drop CustomMovieClipContent, name
    it 'contents'
    6. Edit ActionScript in MCTest.fla>Scene 1>Layer
    1>1st Frame
    attachMovie("CustomMovieClip", "customMovieClip1", 0,
    {_x:100, _y:100});
    7. Preview and you see two movie clips.
    Click on the object, and "onPress" is printed in the output.

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    Thanks in advance

    Here is a basic exmaple.
    interface ExampleInterface {}
    class ExampleInterfaceImpl implements
    ExampleInterface {
         private boolean doSomething = false;
         public void setDoSomething(boolean doSomething) {
              this.doSomething = doSomething;
         public void doIt() {
              System.out.println("Look! I am doing it!");
    public class Example {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    ExampleInterfaceImpl exImpl = new
    ew ExampleInterfaceImpl();
              if(exImpl instanceof ExampleInterface) {
    }Hello George,
    So where is the check performed for say the
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    then it can be Serialized?
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  • NAM 3.2.1 Custom Authentication Class for BASIC not loaded

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    public String getType() {
    return AuthnConstants.PROTECTED_PASSWORD;
    Next I wanted to create a custom BASIC auth class by changing the type
    to AuthnConstants.BASIC / AuthnConstants.PROTECTED_BASIC
    public String getType() {
    return AuthnConstants.PROTECTED_BASIC;
    but now IDP complains about the unsupported type.
    <amLogEntry> 2012-12-20T15:11:17Z WARNING NIDS Application:
    AM#300105006: AMDEVICEID#FC77EC2A45509E7B: Failed to load
    authentication class due to unsupported type: ITdBasicTestClass
    Im running NAM 3.2.1 single box appliance for development/testing.
    There is an old thread here, that looks like the same issue:
    Any hits?
    PS: What i really want to solve is strip out the Domain from the
    username on basic authentication since most MS apps/clients provide the
    username in format DOMAIN\USER...
    reibenwein's Profile: https://forums.netiq.com/member.php?userid=1382
    View this thread: https://forums.netiq.com/showthread.php?t=46430

    hmmm, well try writing the value out to stderr and see if you can at least make sure you are getting
    a good read.
    Like a System.out.println(AuthnConstants.PROTECTED_PASSWO RD);
    I ran into some strange stuff where some constants had no values for no apparent reason when they
    I would also try supplying the actual value instead of the constant and see if it goes through that
    way. ("ProtectedBasic")
    On 1/10/2013 11:14 AM, reibenwein wrote:
    > Hi!
    > I copied com.novell.nam.authentication.PasswordClass to start with my
    > test custom auth class. It includes a method getType() like this:
    > /**
    > * Get the authentication type this class implements
    > *
    > * @return returns the authentication type represented by this
    > class
    > */
    > public String getType() {
    > return AuthnConstants.PROTECTED_PASSWORD;
    > }
    > --> IDP loads my custom auth class, as long as a leave getType()
    > returning AuthnConstants.PROTECTED_PASSWORD! But this is form base
    > authentication. According to the API documentation (see page 17 in
    > namc_enu.pfd within the sdk download), getType should
    > returnAuthnConstants. PROTECTED_BASIC for secure Basic authentication
    > (or AuthnConstants.BASIC for non SSL Basic auth). So i changed getType()
    > like this:
    > /**
    > * Get the authentication type this class implements
    > *
    > * @return returns the authentication type represented by this class
    > */
    > public String getType() {
    > return AuthnConstants.PROTECTED_BASIC;
    > }
    > --> and then IPD comes with the error "Failed to load authentication
    > class due to unsupported type"...
    > regards,
    > Thomas

  • Custom event class vs metadata event

    Custom event class vs metadata event. Which one is prefered?
    I personally think class is more flexible but take more time to
    write. What do you think and can you share your opinions?

    newShape will not dispatch your event because it is not one
    that the Shape
    class dispatches by default. But you can dispatch any event
    through any
    EventDispatcher, i.e.
    private function functionOne():void
    trace("Function One");
    newShape.dispatchEvent(new eventManager("Some other
    private function functionTwo(event:eventManager):void
    trace("Function Two");
    // trace(event.theMessage) // would need to declare
    theMessage public
    // output 1: EventManagerFired
    // output 2: Some other important message.
    // trace output:
    Function Two
    Function Two
    Some other important message.

  • How do you invoke custom java classes???

    Could someone post a detailed method of invoking custom java classes that works including what files go where, settings and the way it is invoked etc.
    I have tried various ways from this forum and in the documentation without success. I am using IDM 8. I found these instructions regarding how you would do it if you were writing custom resource adaptors in the deployment tools guide:
    To install a resource adapter you’ve customized:
    1. Load the NewResourceAdapter.class file in the Identity Manager installation
    directory under
    (You might have to create this directory.)
    2. Copy the .gif file to idm/applet/images.
    This .gif file is the image that displays next to the resource name on the List
    Resources page, and it should contain an image for your resource that is
    18x18 pixels and 72 DPI in size.
    3. Add the class to the resource.adapter property in
    4. Stop and restart the application server. (For information about working with
    application servers, see Identity Manager Installation.)
    I tried the instructions here but placed my custom class in a folder entitled custom instead of /adapter/sample. Not sure about instruction 3 or whether it is relevent. Anyway nothings working.
    Edited by: masj78 on Nov 25, 2008 3:50 AM
    Edited by: masj78 on Nov 25, 2008 4:03 AM

    The way to add custom class is the same as you followed , put them in the WEB-INF/classes.
    To use the custom adapter ,
    Go To Resources - > Configure Types -> Add Custom Resource .
    Type in the fully qualified class name of the custom adapter you added.and Save.
    Now the new adapter you added should showup in the list of available adapters when you try to
    configure a new adapter.
    (Make sure that the prototype XML of your custom adapter is correct so that it displays the correct name / type for the adapter in the adapter list.

  • How do I write an external class with global constants?

    Hi you all !
    First I want to explain what exactly I want to do:
    I have an application that should run in different resolutions. The app runs fullscreen, and I don't use Layouts or something, just a single Frame with a Graphics Object.
    Now to handle the different resolutions, I want to write an external class with some constants to use. The usage in my main Class should be something like this:
    class blah
    private Constants myConstants;
    public blah()
    if (highResolution)
    myConstants = new hiResConstants();
    myConstants = new loResConstants();
    }or somthing like that. The important fact is that I can choose the constants at runtime and that I am NOT forced to use methods to get the values, cause something like
    System.println(String.valueOf(myConstants.getScreenWidth());sux if you have methods using 5 or more parameters.
    Anybody out there who understood my problem and can help me??? PLEASE?
    best regards,

    First, what's so much worse about
    Is the extra five characters really that bad? (Note
    you don't need the String.valueOf method call.)Well actually it was a wrong example I gave here, but it's not the call that makes me shake but the implementation:
    public int screenWidth = 1024;vs.
    int getScreenWidth()
    return 1024;
    }Here it makes a bigger difference, even when you think of managing about 100 or even more constants.
    Second, why do you have methods that take five or more
    parameters!?Well, maybe this example show up what I mean:
    if (cursorIsInArea(100,100,200,200,areaId))
    doSomeStuff();Ok, I could use Rectangles here, but if you think of the timing here (I draw 30 frames / sec and this check comes about every frame or the animation would be choppy) I refuse to create an Object everytime I make this call.
    Btw: Is it worth thinking about the time of execution like I did in this example? OO is a neat thing, but is it that fast?
    I don't think isCursorInArea(new Rectangle(100,100,200,200),areaId) is such a great idea, but I might be wrong.
    It sounds like you're trying to compound a bad design
    with an even worse design for no good reason!Well, I'm not that experienced Java programmer to judge about that, but I (and my profs at university too) found my codes well structured and designed so far.
    PS: the string.valueOf(123) call came from cut&paste:
    system.out.println(string.valueOf(number1)+string.valueOf(number2));Try this without the function.... ;-)

  • Custom Validator Class not found in Class Path

    I have developed a custom validator class for User Self Registration request. However, when OIM is unable to find the custom validator class and generates teh following error:
    [oracle.iam.platform.pluginframework] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: oiminternal] [ecid: 76584c4849877d50:-45bb4068:13c8294bd72:-8000-0000000000001236,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.iam.platform.pluginframework.InternalStore] [APP: oim#] [SRC_METHOD: getPluginInstance] Not able to load class com.infotech.tra.CustomValidator.SelfRegisterUserCustomValidator from classpath
    At what path should the jar file be placed?

    I am running the plugin registration utility but it generates the error mentioned below. I have verified the structure of my zip file and the structure of zip file is:
    -> SelfRegisterUserCustomValidator.zip
    Following our contents of plugin.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <plugins pluginpoint="oracle.iam.request.plugins.RequestDataValidator">
    <plugin pluginclass= "com.infotech.tra.CustomValidator.SelfRegisterUserCustomValidator" version="1.0.0" name="SelfRegisterUserCustomValidator">
    Following is the error being generated:
    Enter name (complete file name with path) of the plugin file:
    [java] Java Result: 1
    [echo] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/iam/platformservice/utils/PluginUtility
    [echo] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.iam.platformservice.utils.PluginUtility
    [echo] at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
    [echo] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    [echo] at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
    [echo] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
    [echo] at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
    [echo] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:248)
    [echo] Could not find the main class: oracle.iam.platformservice.utils.PluginUtility. Program will exit.

  • How to call a custom action class present in one DC from a different DC

    Hi Experts,
    I have to implement one email functionality in my project.This functionality works fine if I use the Standard EmailAction class present in com.sap.isa.cic.customer package,but we need to change the email IDs in some cases so,we need to create a custom class.But if I create a custom Action class in Another DC(shext) and try to call this class from the config file present in the other DC(From where the Standard class was called),I am getting no Action Instance found for the declared Action(This Happens when the class is not present ).
    From the error I interpreted that the presence of the Custom Action class is not recognised by the The DC.
    Please confirm If my understanding is correct.
    I also tried adding a a new public part in shrext and tried adding the same in the used dc for the DC from where I am trying to call the class.But the activity fails and it gives me the error that the DCs are Broken.Do I need to build the DCs after adding a public part or a used DC?
    Please answer If anybody has faced the same issue or has a solution to it.
    Arpita Saxena
    Edited by: ArpitaSaxena on Jun 23, 2011 6:51 AM
    Edited by: ArpitaSaxena on Jun 23, 2011 7:01 AM

    Hi All,
    I was able to resolve this issue myself.
    I had to include the DC crm/isa/lwc and the DC mail in the used DCs of SHREXT .
    So,all the jars got included automatically and I was able to create a new custom class for the required functionality.
    Its working fine now.

  • Facing problem to Use a custom Java class in UCCX

    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    We are using Communication manager 7.0.1 and UCCX version 7.0.1(Cisco Unified CCX Premium).  We are trying to call a Custom Java class file from UCCX scripting. We have followed the steps mentioned in the guide (How-To: Using a custom Java class in UCCX 5.x (SOAP Example)). See below link.
    After completed all the steps we have got the variable type SimpleSOAP at script but we did not found it to object constructors or object attributes (plz find the attached screenshots). We will appreciate if you plz guide us to solve the issue.
    LEADS Corporation Ltd.

    Hello, Fakhrul.
    I'm sorry to see you were not able to find the information or help you were looking for here in the Contact Center community forum.
    You may be able to find more help through the Cisco Developer Network.
    Also, you might want to consider engaging Cisco Advanced Services via your account team to assist with UCCX custom scripting.
    Thank you, and good luck.

  • Help needed in writting Customer exit - ABAP Code

    Hi Friends,
    I have a scenario in one of the query and need to write a customer exit for the same. Here is the scenario:
    I am using one input variable XXX to get input from user which feeds value to one of the charateristic  lets say "CHAR1" in query. I have one more characteristic "CHAR2" which has to get the value from the same variable XXX. This is not allowed in BI7.0 as the variable is Hierarchy Node type. It gives error that "Variable XXX is used for two different characteristics."
    So i need to create one more vaiable YYY which will get the value from XXX and then YYY will feed value to CHAR2.  I would appreciate if some one could tell me step by step how to write customer exit and give me the piece of ABAP code i need to write in my case.
    Your help will be appreciated in terms of points.

    Hi Arun,
    1. What should CHAR2 take - Hierarchy node variable or something else ?
    --> CHAR2 is a simple charateristic
    2. In your scenario - why have CHAR1 and CHAR2 ? why not have the user enter values against CHAR2 ??
    --> We dont want user to enter two input as the input values for both Chars are same.
    3. Did you try using a replacement path variable with the CHAR2 variable taking values from Variable on CHAR1 ?
    --> In BI7.0 replacement path variable only take values from Query results. So not able to do the same.

Maybe you are looking for