Writing exponential string with two-digit exponent

I have to create a text input file with a very specific format from LabView, the numbers to be expressed in exponential notation with a two-digit exponent term, padded with a leading zero if required(i.e. 1.2345E+01 instead of the LabView default 1.2345E+1) I was wondering if anyone had found a built-in way to do this, or if I need to write my own string modification function. Thanks!

No dedicated LV function to do that. But the solution is not very complicated. See the attached vi.
May be this time, I'll be the first to answer (private joke )
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
         E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
Format_Exponent.vi ‏20 KB

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    Because you already gave Mike 5 points for "Helpful" and it was the only other post in your thread until now.
    I can imagine that he is tossing and turning in his bed, losing sleep over this hideous injustice and will have difficulty getting out of bed tomorrow.
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    How are you sending the hex? Is your string control set for hex display or normal? If it's set for normal, then if you send something like 'AD', then you aer sending the ASCII characters 'A' and 'D' and that's not the same thing. I don't believe the I/O assistant can send hex but you can modify the basic serial write and read to do so. Just right click on the string control and select 'Hex Display'. You can also enter the data in a numeric control (set for dex display) and use a type cast or an array of U8's and use the Byte Array to String function. Hex data usually doesn't use any kind of termination characters such as CR/LF.
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    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
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            <cfargument name="txt" type="string" required="true" />
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            <cfquery name="qAbrvs" datasource="cfBAA_odbc" result="rsltAbrvs">
         <!--- I'm assuming that at this point the query has run and there are records in the result set --->
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        <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str, "#idx_str#", )  <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
        </cfloop>               <!--- What am I looping on?  What is the index? How do I do the string replacement? --->
            <!--- The chunck below is a parital listing from my Delphi Object Pascal function that does the same thing
                   I need to know how to write this part in CF9
          while not Eof do
              s := StringReplace(s, '[' +FieldByName('TBL_NM').AsString + ']', FieldByName('ABRV').AsString, [rfReplaceAll]);
        <cfreturn output_txt>
    I'm mainly struggling with syntax here.  I know what I want to happen, I know how to make it happen in another programming language, just not CF9.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

    RedOctober57 wrote:...
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    <cfset var output_str="#txt#">  <!--- I'm creating a local
    variable so I can manipulate the data handed in by the TXT parameter.
    Is this necessary or can I just use the txt parameter? --->
    No you do not need to create a local variable that is a copy of the arguments variable as the arguments scope is already local to the function, but you do not properly reference the arguments scope, so you leave yourself open to using a 'txt' variable in another scope.  Thus the better practice would be to reference "arguments.txt" where you need to.
    I know what I want to happen, I know how to make it happen in another programming language, just not CF9.
    Then a better start would be to descirbe what you want to happen and give a simple example in the other programming language.  Most of us are muti-lingual and can parse out clear and clean code in just about any syntax.
    <cfloop index="idx_str" list="#qAbrvs#">      <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
    I think you want to be looping over your "qAbrvs" record set returned by your earlier query, maybe.
    <cfloop query="qAbrvs">
    <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str, "#idx_str#", )  <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
    Continuing on that assumption I would guess you want to replace each instance of the long string with the short string form that record set.
    <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str,qAbrs.TBLNM,qAbrs.ABRV,"ALL")>
    </cfloop>               <!--- What am I looping on?  What is the index? How do I do the string replacement? --->
    If this is true, then you are looping over the record set of tablenames and abreviations that you want to replace in the string.

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    [1307872770:973655][6510/47655809107168] MASTER: bulk_msg: Send buffer after copy due to PERM
    [1307872770:973667][6510/47655809107168] MASTER: send_bulk: Send 266 (0x10a) bulk buffer bytes
    [1307872770:973672][6510/47655809107168] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid -1, type bulk_log, LSN [21][986648] perm
    [1307872770:973693][6510/47655809107168] MASTER: will await acknowledgement: need 1
    [1307872771:26623][6510/47655809107168] MASTER: rep_send_function returned: 110
    [1307872771:126380][6510/1162996032] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type log, LSN [21][946345]
    [1307872771:126407][6510/1162996032] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid -1, type dupmaster, LSN [0][0] nobuf
    [1307872771:126695][6510/1162996032] MASTER: rep_start: Found old version log 17
    [1307872771:126753][6510/1162996032] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid -1, type newclient, LSN [0][0] nobuf
    [1307872771:126833][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: starting election thread
    [1307872771:126876][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: Start election nsites 2, ack 1, priority 100
    [1307872771:126890][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: Election thread owns egen 69
    [1307872771:127423][6510/1173485888] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type newclient, LSN [0][0]
    [1307872771:130079][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: Tallying VOTE1[0] (2147483647, 69)
    [1307872771:130113][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: Beginning an election
    [1307872771:130134][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid -1, type vote1, LSN [21][986728] nobuf
    [1307872771:130147][6510/1173485888] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid -1, type master_req, LSN [0][0] nobuf
    [1307872771:130438][6510/1152506176] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type vote1, LSN [21][946437]
    [1307872771:130460][6510/1162996032] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type alive, LSN [21][986728]
    [1307872771:130467][6510/1152506176] CLIENT: Updating gen from 68 to 70
    [1307872771:130482][6510/1162996032] CLIENT: Received ALIVE egen of 71, mine 69
    [1307872771:130503][6510/1162996032] CLIENT: Election finished in 0.003602000 sec
    [1307872771:130515][6510/1162996032] CLIENT: Election done; egen 70
    [1307872771:130534][6510/1152506176] CLIENT: Received vote1 egen 71, egen 71
    [1307872771:130581][6510/1152506176] CLIENT: Tallying VOTE1[0] (0, 71)
    [1307872771:130593][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: starting election thread
    [1307872771:130619][6510/1152506176] CLIENT: Incoming vote: (eid)0 (pri)100 ELECTABLE (gen)70 (egen)71 [21,946437]
    [1307872771:130642][6510/1152506176] CLIENT: Not in election, but received vote1 0x282c 0x8
    [1307872771:130674][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Start election nsites 2, ack 1, priority 100
    [1307872771:130692][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Election thread owns egen 71
    [1307872771:130704][6510/1194465600] CLIENT: starting election thread
    [1307872771:130733][6510/1194465600] CLIENT: Start election nsites 2, ack 1, priority 100
    [1307872771:132922][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Tallying VOTE1[1] (2147483647, 71)
    [1307872771:132949][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Accepting new vote
    [1307872771:132958][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Beginning an election
    [1307872771:132973][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid -1, type vote1, LSN [21][986728] nobuf
    [1307872771:132985][6510/1194465600] CLIENT: election thread is exiting
    [1307872771:133012][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Tallying VOTE2[0] (2147483647, 71)
    [1307872771:133037][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Counted my vote 1
    [1307872771:133048][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Skipping phase2 wait: already got 1 votes
    [1307872771:133060][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Got enough votes to win; election done; (prev) gen 70
    [1307872771:133071][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Election finished in 0.002367000 sec
    [1307872771:133084][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Election done; egen 72
    [1307872771:133111][6510/1089075520] CLIENT: Ended election with 0, e_th 1, egen 72, flag 0x2a2c, e_fl 0x0, lo_fl 0x6
    [1307872771:133170][6510/1173485888] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type alive, LSN [0][0]
    [1307872771:133187][6510/1173485888] CLIENT: Racing replication msg lockout, ignore message.
    [1307872771:173744][6510/1162996032] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type vote2, LSN [0][0]
    [1307872771:173769][6510/1162996032] CLIENT: Racing replication msg lockout, ignore message.
    [1307872771:231593][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: Ended election with 0, e_th 0, egen 72, flag 0x2a2c, e_fl 0x0, lo_fl 0x1c
    [1307872771:231629][6510/1183975744] CLIENT: election thread is exiting
    [1307872777:443794][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    [1307872971:644194][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    [1307873165:844583][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    [1307873360:44955][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    [1307873554:245347][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    [1307873748:445736][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    [1307873942:646117][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    [1307874136:846509][6510/1131526464] CLIENT: init connection to site with result 115
    .... and infinite stay to this situation
    My question is why the Master is suddenly transformed into CLIENT and why it's never returning to the MASTER
    Thanks in advance ...
    here is the log for the client
    [1307872315:455113][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type log, LSN [21][984396]
    [1307872315:455134][1282/1160603968] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type log, LSN [21][984483] perm
    [1307872315:609962][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][984733] perm
    [1307872315:764958][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][984986] perm
    [1307872315:919962][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][985238] perm
    [1307872316:75018][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][985491] perm
    [1307872316:229959][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][985741] perm
    [1307872316:384949][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][985993] perm
    [1307872316:499899][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][986141] perm
    [1307872316:539895][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type log, LSN [21][986221]
    [1307872316:540078][1282/1171093824] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type log, LSN [21][986307]
    [1307872316:540100][1282/1160603968] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type log, LSN [21][986394] perm
    [1307872316:694950][1282/1171093824] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type bulk_log, LSN [21][986648] perm
    [1307872316:847349][1282/1129134400] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid -1, type log, LSN [21][946345]
    [1307872316:847698][1282/1171093824] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type dupmaster, LSN [0][0]
    [1307872316:847999][1282/1181583680] MASTER: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type newclient, LSN [0][0]
    [1307872316:848168][1282/1171093824] MASTER: rep_start: Found old version log 17
    [1307872316:848222][1282/1181583680] CLIENT: Racing replication msg lockout, ignore message.
    [1307872316:848398][1282/1171093824] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid -1, type newclient, LSN [0][0] nobuf
    [1307872316:848504][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: starting election thread
    [1307872316:848542][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: Start election nsites 2, ack 1, priority 100
    [1307872316:848566][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: Election thread owns egen 71
    [1307872316:849634][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: Tallying VOTE1[0] (2147483647, 71)
    [1307872316:849654][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: Beginning an election
    [1307872316:849680][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid -1, type vote1, LSN [21][946437] nobuf
    [1307872316:851403][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type vote1, LSN [21][986728]
    [1307872316:851448][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Received vote1 egen 69, egen 71
    [1307872316:851470][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Received old vote 69, egen 71, ignoring vote1
    [1307872316:851481][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type alive, LSN [21][986728] nobuf
    [1307872316:851538][1282/1171093824] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 68 eid 0, type master_req, LSN [0][0]
    [1307872316:851558][1282/1171093824] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type alive, LSN [0][0] nobuf
    [1307872316:854254][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_process_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type vote1, LSN [21][986728]
    [1307872316:854275][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Received vote1 egen 71, egen 71
    [1307872316:854317][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Tallying VOTE1[1] (0, 71)
    [1307872316:854339][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Incoming vote: (eid)0 (pri)100 ELECTABLE (gen)70 (egen)71 [21,986728]
    [1307872316:854353][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Existing vote: (eid)2147483647 (pri)100 (gen)70 (sites)2 [21,946437]
    [1307872316:854369][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Accepting new vote
    [1307872316:854379][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Phase1 election done
    [1307872316:854395][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: Voting for 0
    [1307872316:854407][1282/1160603968] CLIENT: /opt/bdb/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 17 gen = 70 eid 0, type vote2, LSN [0][0] nobuf
    [1307872317:960344][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: After phase 2: votes 0, nvotes 1, nsites 2
    [1307872317:960389][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: Election finished in 1.111809000 sec
    [1307872317:960401][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: Election done; egen 72
    [1307872317:960412][1282/1192073536] CLIENT: Ended election with -30974, e_th 0, egen 72, flag 0x282c, e_fl 0x0, lo_fl 0x0
    Kill me !!
    --- my source
    on the master I run manually :
    txn_rate 1
    loop_rate 10
    loop 1 20000
    * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
    * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    * $Id$
    * In this application, we specify all communication via the command line. In
    * a real application, we would expect that information about the other sites
    * in the system would be maintained in some sort of configuration file. The
    * critical part of this interface is that we assume at startup that we can
    * find out
    *      1) what our Berkeley DB home environment is,
    *      2) what host/port we wish to listen on for connections; and
    *      3) an optional list of other sites we should attempt to connect to.
    * These pieces of information are expressed by the following flags.
    * -h home (required; h stands for home directory)
    * -l host:port (required; l stands for local)
    * -C or -M (optional; start up as client or master)
    * -r host:port (optional; r stands for remote; any number of these may be
    *     specified)
    * -R host:port (optional; R stands for remote peer; only one of these may
    * be specified)
    * -a all|quorum (optional; a stands for ack policy)
    * -b (optional; b stands for bulk)
    * -n nsites (optional; number of sites in replication group; defaults to 0
    *     to try to dynamically compute nsites)
    * -p priority (optional; defaults to 100)
    * -v (optional; v stands for verbose)
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <db_cxx.h>
    #include "RepConfigInfo.h"
    #include "dbc_auto.h"
    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::cerr;
    using std::endl;
    using std::ends;
    using std::flush;
    using std::istream;
    using std::istringstream;
    using std::ostringstream;
    using std::string;
    using std::getline;
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <readline/readline.h>
    #include <readline/history.h>
    #define     CACHESIZE     (10 * 1024 * 1024)
    #define     DATABASE     "quote.db"
    #define     DATABASE2     "quote2.db"
    const char *progname = "excxx_repquote";
    #include <errno.h>
    #ifdef _WIN32
    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #include <windows.h>
    #define     snprintf          _snprintf
    #define     sleep(s)          Sleep(1000 * (s))
    extern "C" {
    extern int getopt(int, char * const *, const char *);
    extern char *optarg;
    typedef HANDLE thread_t;
    typedef DWORD thread_exit_status_t;
    #define     thread_create(thrp, attr, func, arg)                    \
    (((*(thrp) = CreateThread(NULL, 0,                         \
         (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(func), (arg), 0, NULL)) == NULL) ? -1 : 0)
    #define     thread_join(thr, statusp)                         \
    ((WaitForSingleObject((thr), INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) &&          \
    GetExitCodeThread((thr), (LPDWORD)(statusp)) ? 0 : -1)
    #else /* !_WIN32 */
    #include <pthread.h>
    typedef pthread_t thread_t;
    typedef void* thread_exit_status_t;
    #define     thread_create(thrp, attr, func, arg)                    \
    pthread_create((thrp), (attr), (func), (arg))
    #define     thread_join(thr, statusp) pthread_join((thr), (statusp))
    // Struct used to store information in Db app_private field.
    typedef struct {
         bool app_finished;
         bool in_client_sync;
         bool is_master;
         bool no_dummy_wr;
    } APP_DATA;
    static void log(const char *);
    void checkpoint_thread (void );
    void log_archive_thread (void );
    void dummy_write_thread (void );
    class RepQuoteExample {
         void init(RepConfigInfo* config);
         void doloop();
         int terminate();
         static void event_callback(DbEnv* dbenv, u_int32_t which, void *info);
         void print_stocks_size(Db *dbp);
         // disable copy constructor.
         RepQuoteExample(const RepQuoteExample &);
         void operator = (const RepQuoteExample &);
         // internal data members.
         APP_DATA          app_data;
         RepConfigInfo *app_config;
         DbEnv          cur_env;
         thread_t ckp_thr;
         thread_t lga_thr;
         thread_t dmy_thr;
         // private methods.
         void print_stocks(Db *dbp);
         void print_env(DbEnv *dbenv);
         void prompt();
    RepQuoteExample *g_runner=NULL;
    RepConfigInfo *g_config=NULL;
    class DbHolder {
         DbHolder(DbEnv env, const char _dbname) : env(env)
              dbp = 0;
              if (_dbname) dbname=_dbname;
              else dbname=DATABASE;
         ~DbHolder() {
         try {
         } catch (...) {
              // Ignore: this may mean another exception is pending
         bool ensure_open(bool creating) {
         if (dbp)
              return (true);
         dbp = new Db(env, 0);
         u_int32_t flags = DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
         if (creating)
              flags |= DB_CREATE;
         try {
              //dbp->open(NULL, DATABASE, NULL, DB_BTREE, flags, 0);
              //dbp->open(NULL, dbname, NULL, DB_BTREE, flags, 0);
              dbp->open(NULL, NULL, dbname, DB_BTREE, flags, 0);
              return (true);
         } catch (DbDeadlockException e) {
         } catch (DbRepHandleDeadException e) {
         } catch (DbException e) {
              if (e.get_errno() == DB_REP_LOCKOUT) {
              // Just fall through.
              } else if (e.get_errno() == ENOENT && !creating) {
              // Provide a bit of extra explanation.
              log("Stock DB does not yet exist");
              } else
         // (All retryable errors fall through to here.)
         log("please retry the operation");
         return (false);
         void close() {
         if (dbp) {
              try {
              delete dbp;
              dbp = 0;
              } catch (...) {
              delete dbp;
              dbp = 0;
         operator Db *() {
         return dbp;
         Db *operator->() {
         return dbp;
         Db *dbp;
         DbEnv *env;
         const char *dbname;
    class StringDbt : public Dbt {
    #define GET_STRING_OK 0
         int get_string(char **buf, size_t buf_len)
              size_t copy_len;
              int ret = GET_STRING_OK;
              if (buf == NULL) {
                   cerr << "Invalid input buffer to get_string" << endl;
                   return GET_STRING_INVALID_PARAM;
              // make sure the string is null terminated.
              memset(*buf, 0, buf_len);
              // if there is no string, just return.
              if (get_data() == NULL || get_size() == 0)
                   return GET_STRING_OK;
              if (get_size() >= buf_len) {
                   ret = GET_STRING_SMALL_BUFFER;
                   copy_len = buf_len - 1; // save room for a terminator.
              } else
                   copy_len = get_size();
              memcpy(*buf, get_data(), copy_len);
              return ret;
         size_t get_string_length()
              if (get_size() == 0)
                   return 0;
              return strlen((char *)get_data());
         void set_string(char *string)
         StringDbt(char *string) :
         Dbt(string, (u_int32_t)strlen(string)) {};
         StringDbt() : Dbt() {};
         ~StringDbt() {};
         // Don't add extra data to this sub-class since we want it to remain
         // compatible with Dbt objects created internally by Berkeley DB.
    Db *g_repquote=NULL;
    RepQuoteExample::RepQuoteExample() : app_config(0), cur_env(0) {
         app_data.app_finished = 0;
         app_data.in_client_sync = 0;
         app_data.is_master = 0; // assume I start out as client
         app_data.no_dummy_wr = 0 ; //prevent to run dummy write
    int (*old_rep_process_message)
              __P((DB_ENV *, DBT *, DBT *, int, DB_LSN *));
    int my_rep_process_message __P((DB_ENV arg1, DBT arg2, DBT arg3, int arg4, DB_LSN arg5))
         printf("EZ->>> my_rep_process_message:%p\n",arg5);
    void RepQuoteExample::init(RepConfigInfo *config) {
         app_config = config;
         if (app_data.no_dummy_wr)
              printf("No dummy !!!\n");
         // Configure bulk transfer to send groups of records to clients
         // in a single network transfer. This is useful for master sites
         // and clients participating in client-to-client synchronization.
         if (app_config->bulk)
              cur_env.rep_set_config(DB_REP_CONF_BULK, 1);
         // Set the total number of sites in the replication group.
         // This is used by repmgr internal election processing.
         if (app_config->totalsites > 0)
         // Turn on debugging and informational output if requested.
         if (app_config->verbose)
              cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPLICATION, 1);
         cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, 1);
         cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_RECOVERY, 1);
         cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPLICATION, 1);
         cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_ELECT, 1);
         cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_LEASE, 1);
         cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_SYNC, 1);
         cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, 1);
         // Set replication group election priority for this environment.
         // An election first selects the site with the most recent log
         // records as the new master. If multiple sites have the most
         // recent log records, the site with the highest priority value
         // is selected as master.
         // Set the policy that determines how master and client sites
         // handle acknowledgement of replication messages needed for
         // permanent records. The default policy of "quorum" requires only
         // a quorum of electable peers sufficient to ensure a permanent
         // record remains durable if an election is held. The "all" option
         // requires all clients to acknowledge a permanent replication
         // message instead.
         // Set the threshold for the minimum and maximum time the client
         // waits before requesting retransmission of a missing message.
         // Base these values on the performance and load characteristics
         // of the master and client host platforms as well as the round
         // trip message time.
         cur_env.rep_set_request(20000, 500000);
         // Configure deadlock detection to ensure that any deadlocks
         // are broken by having one of the conflicting lock requests
         // rejected. DB_LOCK_DEFAULT uses the lock policy specified
         // at environment creation time or DB_LOCK_RANDOM if none was
         // specified.
         // The following base replication features may also be useful to your
         // application. See Berkeley DB documentation for more details.
         // - Master leases: Provide stricter consistency for data reads
         // on a master site.
         // - Timeouts: Customize the amount of time Berkeley DB waits
         // for such things as an election to be concluded or a master
         // lease to be granted.
         // - Delayed client synchronization: Manage the master site's
         // resources by spreading out resource-intensive client
         // synchronizations.
         // - Blocked client operations: Return immediately with an error
         // instead of waiting indefinitely if a client operation is
         // blocked by an ongoing client synchronization.
         app_config->this_host.port, 0);
         for ( REP_HOST_INFO *cur = app_config->other_hosts; cur != NULL;
              cur = cur->next) {
              cur_env.repmgr_add_remote_site(cur->host, cur->port,
              NULL, cur->peer ? DB_REPMGR_PEER : 0);
         // Configure heartbeat timeouts so that repmgr monitors the
         // health of the TCP connection. Master sites broadcast a heartbeat
         // at the frequency specified by the DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_SEND timeout.
         // Client sites wait for message activity the length of the
         // DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_MONITOR timeout before concluding that the
         // connection to the master is lost. The DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_MONITOR
         // timeout should be longer than the DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_SEND timeout.
         cur_env.rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_SEND, 5000000);
         cur_env.rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_MONITOR, 10000000);
         // The following repmgr features may also be useful to your
         // application. See Berkeley DB documentation for more details.
         // - Two-site strict majority rule - In a two-site replication
         // group, require both sites to be available to elect a new
         // master.
         // - Timeouts - Customize the amount of time repmgr waits
         // for such things as waiting for acknowledgements or attempting
         // to reconnect to other sites.
         // - Site list - return a list of sites currently known to repmgr.
         // We can now open our environment, although we're not ready to
         // begin replicating. However, we want to have a dbenv around
         // so that we can send it into any of our message handlers.
         cur_env.set_cachesize(0, CACHESIZE, 0);
         cur_env.set_flags(DB_REP_PERMANENT, 1);
         //cur_env.set_flags(DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC, 1);
    /*     u_int32_t maxlocks=300000;
         if (maxlocks != 0)
         u_int32_t maxlocks_o=300000;
         if (maxlocks_o != 0)
         u_int32_t maxmutex=300000;
         if (maxmutex != 0)
         DbEnv          *m_env=&cur_env;
         m_env->set_flags(DB_TXN_NOSYNC, 1);
         m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_ACK_TIMEOUT, 50 * 1000); //50ms
         m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_CHECKPOINT_DELAY, 0);
         //m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_CONNECTION_RETRY, 30 * 1000 * 1000); // 30 seconds
         m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_ELECTION_TIMEOUT, 1 * 1000 * 1000); // 5 seconds
         m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_FULL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT, 5 * 1000 * 1000); // 5 seconds
         m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_CONNECTION_RETRY, 5 * 1000 * 1000);
         //m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_ELECTION_RETRY, 10 * 1000 * 1000); //10 seconds
         //m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_MONITOR, 80 * 1000 * 1000); //80 seconds
         //m_env->rep_set_timeout(DB_REP_HEARTBEAT_SEND, 500 * 1000); //500 milli seconds
         //The minimum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting retransmission
         u_int32_t rep_req_min = 40000; //40 000 microsec = 40 mili
         //The maximum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting retransmission
         u_int32_t rep_req_max = 1280000;// 1 280 000 microsec = 1.28 sec
         u_int32_t rep_limit_gbytes = 0;
         u_int32_t rep_limit_bytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100MB
         m_env->rep_set_request(rep_req_min, rep_req_max);
         m_env->rep_set_limit(rep_limit_gbytes, rep_limit_bytes);
         cur_env.open(app_config->home, DB_CREATE | DB_RECOVER |
         DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_TXN , 0);
         //keep old function for chain
         /*int _i;
         cur_env.log_get_config(DB_LOG_DIRECT, &_i);printf ("DB_LOG_DIRECT = %d\n",_i);
         cur_env.log_get_config(DB_LOG_DSYNC, &_i);printf ("DB_LOG_DSYNC = %d\n",_i);
         cur_env.log_get_config(DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE, &_i);printf ("DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE = %d\n",_i);
         cur_env.log_get_config(DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY, &_i);printf ("DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY = %d\n",_i);
         cur_env.log_get_config(DB_LOG_ZERO,&_i);printf ("DB_LOG_ZERO = %d\n",_i);
         // Start checkpoint and log archive support threads.
         (void)thread_create(&ckp_thr, NULL, checkpoint_thread, &cur_env);
         (void)thread_create(&lga_thr, NULL, log_archive_thread, &cur_env);
         (void)thread_create(&dmy_thr, NULL, dummy_write_thread, &cur_env);
         cur_env.repmgr_start(3, app_config->start_policy);

    int RepQuoteExample::terminate() {
         try {
              // Wait for checkpoint and log archive threads to finish.
              // Windows does not allow NULL pointer for exit code variable.
              thread_exit_status_t exstat;
              (void)thread_join(lga_thr, &exstat);
              (void)thread_join(ckp_thr, &exstat);
              (void)thread_join(dmy_thr, &exstat);
              // We have used the DB_TXN_NOSYNC environment flag for
              // improved performance without the usual sacrifice of
              // transactional durability, as discussed in the
              // "Transactional guarantees" page of the Reference
              // Guide: if one replication site crashes, we can
              // expect the data to exist at another site. However,
              // in case we shut down all sites gracefully, we push
              // out the end of the log here so that the most
              // recent transactions don't mysteriously disappear.
         } catch (DbException dbe) {
              cout << "error closing environment: " << dbe.what() << endl;
         return 0;
    void RepQuoteExample::prompt() {
         cout << "QUOTESERVER";
         if (!app_data.is_master)
              cout << "(read-only)";
         cout << "> " << flush;
    void log(const char *msg) {
    time_t currentTime;
    // get and print the current time
    time (&currentTime); // fill now with the current time
         char buff[255];
         char *p;
         for(p =buff ; *p != '\n'; p++);
         *p = '\0';
         cerr << buff << " - " << msg << endl;
    // Simple command-line user interface:
    // - enter "<stock symbol> <price>" to insert or update a record in the
    //     database;
    // - just press Return (i.e., blank input line) to print out the contents of
    //     the database;
    // - enter "quit" or "exit" to quit.
    void RepQuoteExample::doloop() {
         DbHolder dbh1(&cur_env,DATABASE);
         DbHolder dbh2(&cur_env,DATABASE2);
         DbHolder *dbh=&dbh1;
         DbTxn *txn;
         string input;
    bool truncate = false;
         char *c;
         int loop_rate = 0;
         int txn_rate = 500;
         while (prompt(), /*getline(cin, input)*/c=readline(NULL)) {
              int start_loop = 0;
              int end_loop = 0;
              int start_loop_d = 0;
              int end_loop_d = 0;
              istringstream is(input);
              string token1, token2, token3;
    truncate = false;
    start_loop = 0;
    end_loop = 0;
              // Read 0, 1 or 2 tokens from the input.
              int count = 0;
              if (is >> token1) {
                   if (is >> token2)
                   if (is >> token3)
              if (count == 1) {
         if (token1 == "truncate" ) {
                        truncate = true;     
                   else if (token1 == "env" ){
         else if (token1 == "verbose" ) {
                        app_config->verbose = !app_config->verbose;
                        if (app_config->verbose)
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPLICATION, 1);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, 1);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_RECOVERY, 1);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_ELECT, 1);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_LEASE, 1);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_SYNC, 1);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, 1);
                             log("verbose is on");
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPLICATION, 0);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, 0);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_RECOVERY, 0);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_ELECT, 0);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_LEASE, 0);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REP_SYNC, 0);
                             cur_env.set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, 0);
                             log("verbose is off");
         else if (token1 == "print" ) {
                        count = 0;      
         else if (token1 == "db1" ) {
                        log( "switch to Db1");
                        count = 0;      
         else if (token1 == "db2" ) {
                        log( "switch to Db2");
                        count = 0;      
                   else if (token1 == "exit" || token1 == "quit") {
                        app_data.app_finished = 1;
                   } else {
                        log("Format: <stock> <price>");
    else if (count == 2)
                   if (token1 == "loop_rate" ){
         loop_rate = atoi(token2.c_str());
                   if (token1 == "txn_rate" ){
         txn_rate = atoi(token2.c_str());
    else if (count == 3)
    if (token1 == "loop" ) {
    start_loop = atoi(token2.c_str());
    end_loop = start_loop + atoi(token3.c_str());
    if (token1 == "delete" ) {
    start_loop_d = atoi(token2.c_str());
    end_loop_d = start_loop_d + atoi(token3.c_str());
              // Here we know count is either 0 or 2, so we're about to try a
              // DB operation.
              // Open database with DB_CREATE only if this is a master
              // database. A client database uses polling to attempt
              // to open the database without DB_CREATE until it is
              // successful.
              // This DB_CREATE polling logic can be simplified under
              // some circumstances. For example, if the application can
              // be sure a database is already there, it would never need
              // to open it with DB_CREATE.
              if (!dbh->ensure_open(app_data.is_master))
              try {
                   if (count == 0)
                        if (app_data.in_client_sync)
                             log( "Cannot read data during client initialization - please try again.");
                   else if (!app_data.is_master)
                        log("Can't update at client");
                   else {
                        if (truncate)
    u_int32_t no_remove;
                        txn = NULL;
    cur_env.txn_begin(NULL, &txn, DB_TXN_NOWAIT);
              (*dbh)->truncate(txn, &no_remove, 0);
    // commit
    txn = NULL;
    } catch (DbException &e) {
    std::cout << "Error on txn commit: " << e.what() << std::endl;
                        //     } catch (DbDeadlockException &) {
                        if (txn != NULL)
    // std::cout << "Error on txn commit: " << std::endl;
    else if (start_loop)
    int j=0;
    for (int i=start_loop; i<=end_loop; i=i+txn_rate)
    //transaction begin
                   txn = NULL;
                   cur_env.txn_begin(NULL, &txn, 0);
    for (j=i; j<=end_loop && j<=(i+txn_rate); j++)
                                  Dbt key, value;
         std::string key1, value1;
         std::stringstream sstrm;
         sstrm << "key" << j << ends;
         key1 = sstrm.str();
                   key.set_data((void *)key1.c_str());
         int payload = rand() + j;
                                  sstrm << "price" << payload << ends;
         value1 = sstrm.str();
                   value.set_data((void *)value1.c_str());
         // Perform the database put
         (*dbh)->put(txn, &key, &value, 0);
                             printf("Kill me !!\n");
                                  // commit
                        txn = NULL;
                   } catch (DbException &e) {
                        std::cout << "Error on txn commit: " << e.what() << std::endl;
                             if (loop_rate>0)
                                  usleep(txn_rate * 1000 * 1000 / loop_rate);
                        else if (start_loop_d)
    int j=0;
    for (int i=start_loop_d; i<=end_loop_d; i=i+100)
    //transaction begin
                   txn = NULL;
                   cur_env.txn_begin(NULL, &txn, 0);
    for (j=i; j<=end_loop_d && j<=(i+100); j++)
                                  Dbt key, value;
         std::string key1, value1;
         std::stringstream sstrm;
         sstrm << "key" << j << ends;
         key1 = sstrm.str();
                   key.set_data((void *)key1.c_str());
         // Perform the database put
         (*dbh)->del(txn, &key, 0);
                                  // commit
                        txn = NULL;
                   } catch (DbException &e) {
                        std::cout << "Error on txn commit: " << e.what() << std::endl;
                             const char *symbol = token1.c_str();
                             StringDbt key(const_cast<char*>(symbol));
                             const char *price = token2.c_str();
                             StringDbt data(const_cast<char*>(price));
                             (*dbh)->put(NULL, &key, &data, 0);
              } catch (DbDeadlockException e) {
                   log("please retry the operation");
              } catch (DbRepHandleDeadException e) {
                   log("please retry the operation");
              } catch (DbException e) {
                   if (e.get_errno() == DB_REP_LOCKOUT) {
                   log("please retry the operation");
                   } else
    void RepQuoteExample::event_callback(DbEnv* dbenv, u_int32_t which, void *info)
         static char buf[256];
         APP_DATA app = (APP_DATA)dbenv->get_app_private();
         info = NULL;          /* Currently unused. */
         switch (which) {
         case DB_EVENT_REP_CLIENT:
              app->is_master = 0;
              app->in_client_sync = 1;
              sprintf(buf,"%s - %s",progname,"CLIENT");
         case DB_EVENT_REP_MASTER:
              app->is_master = 1;
              app->in_client_sync = 0;
              sprintf(buf,"%s - %s",progname,"MASTER");
              app->in_client_sync = 1;
              // Did not get enough acks to guarantee transaction
              // durability based on the configured ack policy. This
              // transaction will be flushed to the master site's
              // local disk storage for durability.
              log("Insufficient acknowledgements to guarantee transaction durability.");
              app->in_client_sync = 0;
              printf("Kill me !!\n");
              dbenv->errx("ignoring event %d", which);
    void RepQuoteExample::print_stocks_size(Db *dbp) {
         DB_BTREE_STAT *statp;
    dbp->stat(NULL, &statp, 0);
    cout << "***************************************** >>>>>>>>>>> : database contains " << (u_long)statp->bt_ndata << " records\n";
    void RepQuoteExample::print_env(DbEnv *dbenv) {
    void RepQuoteExample::print_stocks(Db *dbp) {
         StringDbt key, data;
    #define     MAXKEYSIZE     10
    #define     MAXDATASIZE     20
         char keybuf[MAXKEYSIZE + 1], databuf[MAXDATASIZE + 1];
         char kbuf, dbuf;
         memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
         memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
         kbuf = keybuf;
         dbuf = databuf;
         DbcAuto dbc(dbp, 0, 0);
         cout << "\tSymbol\tPrice" << endl
              << "\t======\t=====" << endl;
    int no_records =0;
         for (int ret = dbc->get(&key, &data, DB_FIRST);
              ret == 0;
              ret = dbc->get(&key, &data, DB_NEXT)) {
              key.get_string(&kbuf, MAXKEYSIZE);
              data.get_string(&dbuf, MAXDATASIZE);
              cout << "\t" << keybuf << "\t" << databuf << endl;
    cout << "********************** NO Records " << no_records << endl;
         cout << endl << flush;
    static void usage() {
         cerr << "usage: " << progname << " -h home -l host:port [-CM]"
         << "[-r host:port][-R host:port]" << endl
         << " [-a all|quorum][-b][-n nsites][-p priority][-v]" << endl;
         cerr << "\t -h home (required; h stands for home directory)" << endl
         << "\t -l host:port (required; l stands for local)" << endl
         << "\t -C or -M (optional; start up as client or master)" << endl
         << "\t -r host:port (optional; r stands for remote; any "
         << "number of these" << endl
         << "\t may be specified)" << endl
         << "\t -R host:port (optional; R stands for remote peer; only "
         << "one of" << endl
         << "\t these may be specified)" << endl
         << "\t -a all|quorum (optional; a stands for ack policy)" << endl
         << "\t -b (optional; b stands for bulk)" << endl
         << "\t -n nsites (optional; number of sites in replication "
         << "group; defaults " << endl
         << "\t     to 0 to try to dynamically compute nsites)" << endl
         << "\t -p priority (optional; defaults to 100)" << endl
         << "\t -v (optional; v stands for verbose)" << endl;
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
         RepConfigInfo config;
         char ch, portstr, tmphost;
         int tmpport;
         bool tmppeer;
         config.no_dummy_wr = false;
         // Extract the command line parameters
         while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "E:a:bCh:l:Mn:p:R:r:vw")) != EOF) {
              tmppeer = false;
              switch (ch) {
              case 'a':
                   if (strncmp(optarg, "all", 3) == 0)
                        config.ack_policy = DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ALL;
                   else if (strncmp(optarg, "quorum", 6) != 0)
              case 'b':
                   config.bulk = true;
              case 'C':
                   config.start_policy = DB_REP_CLIENT;
              case 'E':
    config.start_policy = DB_REP_ELECTION;
              case 'h':
                   config.home = optarg;
              case 'l':
                   config.this_host.host = strtok(optarg, ":");
                   if ((portstr = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
                        cerr << "Bad host specification." << endl;
                   config.this_host.port = (unsigned short)atoi(portstr);
                   config.got_listen_address = true;
              case 'M':
                   config.start_policy = DB_REP_MASTER;
              case 'n':
                   config.totalsites = atoi(optarg);
              case 'p':
                   config.priority = atoi(optarg);
              case 'R':
                   tmppeer = true; // FALLTHROUGH
              case 'r':
                   tmphost = strtok(optarg, ":");
                   if ((portstr = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
                        cerr << "Bad host specification." << endl;
                   tmpport = (unsigned short)atoi(portstr);
                   config.addOtherHost(tmphost, tmpport, tmppeer);
              case 'v':
                   config.verbose = true;
              case 'w':
                   config.no_dummy_wr = true;
                   //config.priority = 2;
              case '?':
         // Error check command line.
         if ((!config.got_listen_address) || config.home == NULL)
         RepQuoteExample runner;
         try {
         } catch (DbException dbe) {
              cerr << "Caught an exception during initialization or"
                   << " processing: " << dbe.what() << endl;
         return 0;
    // This is a very simple thread that performs checkpoints at a fixed
    // time interval. For a master site, the time interval is one minute
    // plus the duration of the checkpoint_delay timeout (30 seconds by
    // default.) For a client site, the time interval is one minute.
    void checkpoint_thread(void args)
         DbEnv *env;
         APP_DATA *app;
         int i, ret;
         env = (DbEnv *)args;
         app = (APP_DATA *)env->get_app_private();
         for (;;) {
              // Wait for one minute, polling once per second to see if
              // application has finished. When application has finished,
              // terminate this thread.
              for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
                   if (app->app_finished == 1)
                        return ((void *)EXIT_SUCCESS);
              // Perform a checkpoint.
              // original line
              if ((ret = env->txn_checkpoint(0, 0, 0)) != 0) {
              //if ((ret = env->txn_checkpoint(0, 0, DB_FORCE)) != 0) {
                   env->err(ret, "Could not perform checkpoint.\n");
                   return ((void *)EXIT_FAILURE);
    // This is a simple log archive thread. Once per minute, it removes all but
    // the most recent 3 logs that are safe to remove according to a call to
    // DBENV->log_archive().
    // Log cleanup is needed to conserve disk space, but aggressive log cleanup
    // can cause more frequent client initializations if a client lags too far
    // behind the current master. This can happen in the event of a slow client,
    // a network partition, or a new master that has not kept as many logs as the
    // previous master.
    // The approach in this routine balances the need to mitigate against a
    // lagging client by keeping a few more of the most recent unneeded logs
    // with the need to conserve disk space by regularly cleaning up log files.
    // Use of automatic log removal (DBENV->log_set_config() DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE
    // flag) is not recommended for replication due to the risk of frequent
    // client initializations.
    void log_archive_thread(void args)
         DbEnv *env;
         APP_DATA *app;
         char **begin, **list;
         int i, listlen, logs_to_keep, minlog, ret;
         env = (DbEnv *)args;
         app = (APP_DATA *)env->get_app_private();
         logs_to_keep = 3;
         for (;;) {
              // Wait for one minute, polling once per second to see if
              // application has finished. When application has finished,
              // terminate this thread.
              for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
                   if (app->app_finished == 1)
                        return ((void *)EXIT_SUCCESS);
              // Get the list of unneeded log files.
              if ((ret = env->log_archive(&list, DB_ARCH_ABS)) != 0) {
                   env->err(ret, "Could not get log archive list.");
                   return ((void *)EXIT_FAILURE);
              if (list != NULL) {
                   listlen = 0;
                   // Get the number of logs in the list.
                   for (begin = list; *begin != NULL; begin++, listlen++);
                   // Remove all but the logs_to_keep most recent
                   // unneeded log files.
                   minlog = listlen - logs_to_keep;
                   for (begin = list, i= 0; i < minlog; list++, i++) {
                        if ((ret = unlink(*list)) != 0) {
                             "logclean: remove %s", *list);
                             "logclean: Error remove %s", *list);
                             return ((void *)EXIT_FAILURE);
    #define DATABASE_DUMMY "dummy.db"
    void create_dummy_db(DB_ENV env, DB *dbp)
    DB_ENV *dbenv=env;
    int ret;
    u_int32_t db_flags;
    if ((ret = db_create(dbp, dbenv, 0)) != 0)
    dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "create_dummy_db: db_create");
    db_flags = DB_AUTO_COMMIT | DB_CREATE;
    //if ((ret = (*dbp)->open(*dbp,NULL, DATABASE, NULL, DB_BTREE, db_flags, 0)) != 0)
    if ((ret = (*dbp)->open(*dbp,NULL, NULL, DATABASE_DUMMY, DB_BTREE, db_flags, 0)) != 0)
    dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "create_dummy_db: DB->open");
    void reopen_dummy_db(DB_ENV env, DB *dbp)
    DB_ENV *dbenv=env;
    int ret;
    u_int32_t db_flags;
    if ((ret = db_create(dbp, dbenv, 0)) != 0)
    dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "create_dummy_db: db_create");
    db_flags = DB_AUTO_COMMIT | DB_CREATE;
    //if ((ret = (*dbp)->open(*dbp,NULL, DATABASE, NULL, DB_BTREE, db_flags, 0)) != 0)
    if ((ret = (*dbp)->open(*dbp,NULL, NULL, DATABASE_DUMMY, DB_BTREE, db_flags, 0)) != 0)
    dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "reopen_dummy_db: DB->open");
    void perform_db_operation(DB_ENV env, DB *dbp, bool bRead)
    //main loop
    //DB *dbp=NULL;
    DB_ENV *dbenv=env;
    int ret;
    u_int32_t db_flags;
    DBT key, data;
    char buf[20]="dummy", *rbuf;
    if (*dbp == NULL)
    create_dummy_db(dbenv, dbp);
    if (! bRead)
         memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
         memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
         key.data = buf;
         key.size = (u_int32_t)strlen(buf);
         data.data = rbuf;
         data.size = (u_int32_t)strlen(rbuf);
         if ((ret = (*dbp)->put(*dbp, NULL, &key, &data, 0)) != 0)
              if (ret == DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD)
                   //create_dummy_db(dbenv, dbp);
                   reopen_dummy_db(dbenv, dbp);
                   (*dbp)->err(*dbp, ret, "DB->put :");
              if (ret != DB_KEYEXIST)
                   (*dbp)->err(*dbp, ret, "perform_db_operation: DB->put");
              DB_BTREE_STAT *statp;
              (*dbp)->stat(*dbp,NULL, &statp, 0);
              std::cout<<"dbp read stats: key#"<< statp->bt_nkeys <<std::endl;
    void dummy_write_thread(void args)
         DbEnv *env;
         APP_DATA *app;
         char **begin, **list;
         int i, listlen, logs_to_keep, minlog, ret;
         DB *m_dbp; // a pointer
         env = (DbEnv *)args;
         app = (APP_DATA *)env->get_app_private();
         logs_to_keep = 3;
         for (;;) {
              if (! app->no_dummy_wr)
                   if (app->is_master)
                        //env->txn_checkpoint(0, 0, DB_FORCE);
              usleep(1 * 1000 * 1000);
                   if (app->is_master)
                        //DB *db_quote=g_repquote->get_DB();
                        //if (g_repquote)
                        //     g_runner->print_stocks_size(g_repquote);
                        //env->txn_checkpoint(0, 0, DB_FORCE);
              usleep(4 * 1000 * 1000);
    my script to simulate the split brain
    [ -z "$node1" ] && node1=
    [ -z "$node2" ] && node2=
    trap myend 0 1 2 3 6 9 14 15
         echo "Receive signal to stop test..."
         echo "done"
         exit 1
         echo -n "Split-Brain at node $node..."
         snmpset -m ALL -v 2c -c svil ifAdminStatus.41 i 2 >/dev/null 2>&1
         echo "done"
         echo -n "Undo Split-Brain at node $node..."
         snmpset -m ALL -v 2c -c svil ifAdminStatus.41 i 1 >/dev/null 2>&1
         echo "done"
         local r=$(ssh root@$1 "tail -2 /tmp/BDB.log" | grep -c CLIENT)
         [ $r -gt 1 ] && ret=1 || ret=0
         return $ret
         local r=$(ssh root@$1 "tail -2 /tmp/BDB.log" | grep -c MASTER)
         [ $r -gt 1 ] && ret=1 || ret=0
         return $ret
         echo -n "Waiting for MASTER at node $node ... "
         is_master $node
         while ( [ ! $r -eq 1 ] )
         usleep 500000
         is_master $node
         echo -n "."
         echo "done"
         local r
         local tm
         echo -n "Waiting for SLAVE at node $node ... "
         is_slave $node
         while ( [ ! $r -eq 1 ] )
              usleep 500000
              is_slave $node
              echo -n "."
              [ $tm -gt 120 ] && break
         [ $tm -gt 120 ] && ret=0 || ret=1
         echo "done"
         return $ret
         local nt
         [ -z "$1" ] && node=$node2
         while ((1))
              printf "*************** TEST [%02d] ********************\n" $nt
              echo -n " waiting $x sec ..."
              sleep $x
              echo "done"
              [ ! $r -eq 1 ] && echo "`date` - test [$nt] - fails ..." || echo "`date` - test [$nt] - OK ."
              [ ! $r -eq 1 ] && nfails=$((nfails+1))
              perc_failure=$(echo "100.0 - $nfails / $nt * 100.0" | bc -l)
              echo "************************************************ [% Success test $perc_failure % ]"
              echo -n " waiting $x sec ..."
              sleep $x
    here is the makefile to run to two environments
    i run:
    - make run
    and in another window sh test_split_brain.sh
    all: RepQuoteExampleEric install
    RepConfigInfo.o: RepConfigInfo.cpp RepConfigInfo.h
         g++ -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/include/ -g -O0 -c RepConfigInfo.cpp -o RepConfigInfo.o
    RepQuoteExampleEric: RepQuoteExampleEric.cpp RepConfigInfo.o
         g++ -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/include/ -g -O0 RepQuoteExampleEric.cpp RepConfigInfo.o -o RepQuoteExampleEric -L /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ -lreadline -lcurses -ldb_cxx
         -ssh -X root@$(node1) "killall -9 /root/RepQuoteExampleEric"
         -ssh -X root@$(node2) "killall -9 /root/RepQuoteExampleEric"
    run: RepQuoteExampleEric kill install clean_env
         ssh -X root@$(node1) "xterm -geom 100x20+100+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/RepQuoteExampleEric -h /opt/bdb/ -l -r -a quorum -b -n $(nsite) -v | tee /tmp/BDB.log\"" &
         ssh -X root@$(node2) "xterm -geom 100x20+800+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/RepQuoteExampleEric -h /opt/bdb/ -l -r -a quorum -b -n $(nsite) -v -w | tee /tmp/BDB.log\"" &
    run_node2: clean_env2
         ssh -X root@$(node2) "xterm -geom 100x20+800+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/RepQuoteExampleEric -h /opt/bdb/ -l -r -a quorum -b -n $(nsite) -v -w | tee /tmp/BDB.log\"" &
    debug_node2: clean_env2
         ssh -X root@$(node2) "xterm -geom 100x20+800+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/RepQuoteExampleEric -h /opt/bdb/ -l -r -a quorum -b -n $(nsite) -v -w | tee /tmp/BDB.log\"" &
         sleep 3
         ssh -X root@$(node2) /sbin/pidof RepQuoteExampleEric >/tmp/pid
         ssh -X root@$(node2) ~/kdbg /root/db-5.1.19/examples/cxx/excxx_repquote/RepQuoteExampleEric -p `cat /tmp/pid`
    run_debug_node1: RepQuoteExampleEric kill install clean_env
         ssh -X root@$(node1) "xterm -geom 100x20+100+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/kdbg /root/RepQuoteExampleEric\" " &
         ssh -X root@$(node2) "xterm -geom 100x20+800+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/RepQuoteExampleEric -h /opt/bdb/ -l -r -a quorum -b -n $(nsite) -v\"" &
    run_debug_node2: RepQuoteExampleEric kill install clean_env
         ssh -X root@$(node1) "xterm -geom 100x20+100+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/RepQuoteExampleEric -h /opt/bdb/ -l -r -a quorum -b -n $(nsite) -v\" " &
         ssh -X root@$(node2) "xterm -geom 100x20+800+100 -e \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1/lib/ /root/kdbg /root/RepQuoteExampleEric\"" &
    install: RepQuoteExampleEric
         scp RepQuoteExampleEric root@$(node1):~
         scp RepQuoteExampleEric root@$(node2):~
    clean_env: clean_env1 clean_env2
         ssh -X root@$(node1) rm -rf /opt/bdb/*
         ssh -X root@$(node2) rm -rf /opt/bdb/*

  • How to capture first two digit in a number

    I have numbers with differeent lenth in a variable How to capture first two digit??

    We can achieve that using the following methods:
    DATA : loc_1  type string,
                loc_2(2) type c.
    loc_1 = '123423428340923990'.
    loc_2 = loc_1+0(2).
    Here you will get only the first two digits.
    You can use move statement also.
    MOVE LOC_1(2) TO loc_2.
    If you are having mixed string with characters and digits mixed together i.e. like this 'test01test03sample01'.
    You can so that using this method.
    data : lv_length type I.
    loc_1 = 'test01test03sample0'.
    LV_LENGTH = STRLEN( loc_1 ).
    *&-- Read from first string validing the numeric fields and move your first two digits to the required variable --&*
    Hope it will be useful.
    Edited by: Sakthi Saravanan C on Oct 8, 2010 6:45 PM

  • Time stamps to string with seconds

    Good Day
    Im writing a program for my DAQ system. Its required that my
    data is saved with hours, mins and secs. The get date/time
    string VI seems to only output a string with the date and with
    hours and minutes. 
    How would I include the seconds into the outputed string.
    Thank You for your time.

    The vi has an boolean input 'want seconds' default is FALSE. Wire a TRUE and your done
    For a more flexible output there is also the
    Format Date/Time String Function
    Owning Palette: String Functions
    Requires: Base Package
    Displays a timestamp value or a numeric value as time in the format you specify using time format codes. For example, %c displays locale-specific date/time. Time-related format codes include the following: %X (locale-specific time), %H (hour, 24-hour clock), %I (hour, 12-hour clock), %M (minute), %S (second), %<digit>u (fractional seconds with <digit> precision), and %p (a.m./p.m. flag). Date-related format codes include the following: %x (locale-specific date), %y (year within century), %Y (year including century), %m (month number), %b (abbreviated month name), %d (day of month), and %a (abbreviated weekday name).
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

  • Network-Shared Variable - read string with CVI

    I need to read an NSV string with CVI.  I have been digging into accessing and writing NSV with CVI, but they are all scalar value.  What should I do with strings, clusters and arrays?

    'm an employee at National Instruments and I wanted to make sure you didn't miss the Network Variable API that is provided with LabWindows/CVI, the National Instruments C development environment. The the Network Variable API will allow you to easily communicate with the LabVIEW program over Shared Variables (http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4679). While reading these links, note that a Network Variable and a Shared Variable are the same thing - the different names are unfortunate...
    The nice thing about the Network Variable API is that it allows easy interoperability with LabVIEW, it provides a strongly typed communication mechanism, and it provides a callback model for notification when the Network/Shared variable's properties (such as value) change.
    You can obtain this API by installing LabWindows/CVI, but it is not necessary to use the LabWindows/CVI environment. The header file is available at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2010\include\cvinetv.h, and the .lib file located at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2010\extlib\msvc\cvinetv.lib can be linked in with whatever C development tools you are using.
    Thomas N.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Installing 11.5 over CR9 breaks parameter passing? (strings with digits)

    This is soo very weird. Our app uses CR9 and there has generally not been a problem with customers running it in parallell with more recent versions of CR, until this. I got a report from a client that certain reports would crash with a general protection. It was absolutely impossible to duplicate, until I installed the same bookkeeping app, an app that apparently installs Enterprise 11.5.
    After that, passing a parameter (m_Report->ParameterFields->GetItemByName(itemName)->AddCurrentValue(itemValue);) will crash, but only, and only if the string has a digit somewhere in the beginning, say the first 10 or so positions??
    Ie, I can pass: "blablabla blabla blablabla1", but not "1blabla" or even "blabla1blabla"

    Thanks for your quick answer!
    For initial testing, I only had the actual 3rd party app that updated CR, but I then created a virgin Xp under VMWare, then tried installing both Xi (As we have Xi in house, but when we upgraded our deveoper system bought it with the option to use CR9) and the CR 12 runtime. Then installed our own (CR9) app. I was not able to duplicate the problem with those two setups, so I assume that the problem must lie in some of the DLLs shipped with that "other" app or with the way they install it.
    I have emailed the vendor asking for more info and I will also run a snapshot of their install to try to find out what files they replace.
    Even if we have stayed with CR9, we have seen very little problems with customers who have other versions of CR and the reason for us staying with CR9 is because another vendor (A banking app) that most of are clients use are also on CR9 and have no plans to upgrade.
    I realise that the problem might not be with CR at all, but it was just so weird (ie a numeric within the start of a string) that I posted here in the hope that someone else might have seen it.
    Edited by: Anders Gustafsson on Oct 25, 2008 10:09 AM (typo)

  • String with embedded single quote

    Hi, all. We're trying to pass a string from one procedure to another, which will then do an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE on it. However, there are single quotes withing the string, and they're driving us nuts! This is what the concatenated string should look like when passed to the pw_execDDL procedure:
    insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof, is_valid,proof_num) values ('MEAG', to_date('02-OCT-05','DD-MMM-YY'), 'Y',1);
    Here's the concatenation process that doesn't work, and there are functions being called within the string:
    chr_sql := 'insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof, is_valid,proof_num) values (' || '''' || prm_inoc_id || '''' || ', ' || 'to_date(' || '''' || prm_proof1 || ''''||','||'''' ||'DD-MMM-YY'||''''||')' || ', ' || '''' || fw_is_proof_valid(prm_birth_date, prm_proof1) || '''' || ',1);';
    pw_execDDL(chr_sql); /* call the procedure to do the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE */
    Help! We've tried every combination -- using two single quotes together, three, and four, and still no luck. Thanks.

    insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof,
    is_valid,proof_num) values ('MEAG',
    to_date('02-OCT-05','DD-MMM-YY'), 'Y',1);
    This statement can be made in a string with the following affectation:
    chr_sql := 'insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof, is_valid,proof_num) values (''MEAG'', to_date(''02-OCT-05'',''DD-MMM-YY''), ''Y'',1)';
    Note please that each single quote in your original string must be specified using two single quotes and that is all. It is more readable and more easy to do it this way.

  • ADF Faces - two-digit-year-start has no effect?

    Hi all,
    I have problem with entering date with an af:selectInputDate control:
    the user enters the date and on an onblur event, the adf field
    automatically reformats it:
    10.10.10 ->10.10.2010
    10.10.60 ->10.10.1960
    The user (customer) wants 2 things to change:
    1. if the given two digit year <= actual year (06):
    10.10.06 ->10.10.2006
    10.10.07 ->10.10.1907
    2. by entering a date, adf have to be accept the date without dots too:
    101006 ->10.10.2006
    1.: I tried to set theconfig param: <two-digit-year-start>2006</two-digit-year-start> (or with an EL expression) in the adf-faces-config.xml but it has no effect.
    Is it a totally wrong idea or is it a bug?
    Any other idea?
    2.: Is it possible to solve this problem with a built in control or converter? Or do i have to write my own converter?
    Thanks for any help!

    The exception is gone - I must have had something wrong in my classpath. However, I still see the warnings. Are those warnings expected when using ADF in conjunction with myfaces?

  • Formatting a string with Display String

    I have a field in my database that is a string with numbers in it and I need it formatted like so: "xx-xx-xx-xxx" nine characters long.
    For example: 92438014
    I need it to look like: 09-24-38-014
    14-12-34-892 etc..
    can anyone help me with some code that will do this for me? I'm not the best at crystal custom formatting.
    thank you
    Edited by: MarcieHennessy on Oct 14, 2009 10:47 PM

    I was on this site searching for an answer to my problem, and you provided the solution for me with your response to the above.  However, my problem was a bit different.  I needed a way to format a 9-digit number string into a standard Social Security number format.  I used your formula from above, and WOW - it worked!  If I could award you double Forum Points, I would.  But, since I can't do that, I will just say thanks, and ask God to bless you profusely.
    Kathryn J. Ryan.

  • How to deal with two tables in the Data Base

    Hi Experts,

    If you are using the same database and referencing two tables then you dont need special configuration for it. You use single jdbc adapter. In ESR you create two statment structure one for each table. This is one option. The second option is use join statment and write query and in this case one statment data structure.
    Please go through the help sap link for the jdbc document structure.
    The second option can be done using the below structure.
    <anyName action=u201D SQL_QUERYu201D >
    <access>SQL-String with optional placeholder(s)</access>
    </anyName > 

  • Can't Recall Two-Digit Screensets! Ideas?

    I can't figure out why I'm unable to recall two-digit screensets other than from the Screenset menu. I'm holding down Control, have tried both the number pad and QWERTY number keys, the fn button (I'm on the new flat Apple keyboard): nada.
    Any ideas? It's driving me batty.

    It could be that the behaviour has changed, since it was a loong time ago I dealt with this.
    Let me look and see how LP8 behaves here.
    Hmm. I don't have 0 or control-0 mapped to anything (verified in the key commands window) and I cannot save or recall screensets 10, 20 etc. So I do not see the behaviour you describe, I see it working like the manual describes, as least so far...
    Edit: Ah, I see, if you use the duplicate commands, and pick your screenset destination from the dialog, you can indeed use screensets 10, 20 etc, you just can't recall it from the keyboard...
    Something's lurking at the back of my brain from mailing lists past that makes me think this was always the case - not really a bug as such just an implementation quirk...
    So yes, it appears that those 0-numbered screensets are technically available, just that they shouldn't really be used because they cannot be recalled from the keyboard.

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