Writing Namelist with DELIM option

Greetings Programmers of Fortran:
I am in some confusion about using Sun f95 to compile code to write out the contents of a namelist. I note that I am unable to compile the WRITE statement using the DELIM='APOSTROPHE' option in order to place apostrophes on either side of strings. I note that this appears to be allowed with Intel's fortran (ifort) and other compilers. Am I missing a Sun compiler directive or something else here?
Here's a little example:
The compiler output looks like this:
"test.f95", Line = 11, Column = 19: ERROR: This control item specifier is not allowed for this I/O statement.
f90comp: 15 SOURCE LINES
(Note that column 19 refers to the DELIM specifier - the font may not appear fixed here.)
It compiles and runs without the DELIM specifier:
NAME = Obama
I would like to be able to enclose any character strings in apostrophes or quotes. I appreciate anybody's help with this matter. Thank you.

I want to clarify that things did not copy well into my original post. The * symbol is missing for some reason. It really is there. Here's the code again:
And here is the compiler output again for
"test.f95", Line = 6, Column = 19: ERROR: This control item specifier is not allowed for this I/O statement.
f90comp: 9 SOURCE LINES
As I write this on the forum screen I can see the * symbol in the WRITE statement. I hope the previous does not cause confusion.

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    Musaafir wrote:
    I've no idea how i can even start using arabic vowels on Microsoft Word for Apple
    You can't do Arabic on MS Word for Mac.  This app has never supported RTL scripts, so you need to use something else.  Mellel is best, but Pages 5, TextEdit, Nisus Writer, Open/LibreOffice should work OK.
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    Hi Ankit,
    In your scenario, you can achieve your requirement in report level other than in query. Add a Filter like:
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    TechNet Community Support

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    Hello .
    Some NLS charsets (such as UTF8) require more than one byte to store accented characters like "Ȩ", "ȿ", "�", "�", "ȵ", "ȭ" in the database.
    For example, when a 10 character string is inserted into a varchar2(10) column, the above messages may be signaled if your string contains accentuated characters such as "Ȩ", "ȿ", "�", �", "ȵ", "ȭ". used in languages like German
    One solution
    If the UTF8 NLS charset is being used with French, German ... characters in an Oracle database, then the size of the target column length should be set accordingly.
    Set the NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_CHARACTERSET database parameters.
    One approach is to change the Database settings as follows:
    According to the Oracle documentation, column length semantics determine whether the length of a column is specified in bytes or in characters. You use BYTE to specify that the length is in bytes, and you use CHAR to specify that the length is in characters. CHAR length semantics is also known as codepoint length semantics.
    Because some character sets require more than one byte for each character, a specification of 10 BYTE for a column might actually store less than 10 characters for certain character sets, but a 10 CHAR specification ensures that the column can store 10 characters, regardless of the character set.
    You set the length semantics for an Oracle database using the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS initialization parameter, and all VARCHAR2 and CHAR columns use the setting specified for this initialization parameter as the default. If this initialization parameter is not set, then the default setting is BYTE.
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    Praveen Lobo

    Hi Praveen,
    Use this code, its working:-
    DATA : it_sort TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
           wa_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.
    *          SORT W.R.T. CUSTOMER NAME
      wa_sort-spos = 1.
      wa_sort-fieldname = 'NAME1'. "field customer name
      wa_sort-tabname = 'IT_KNA1'. "internal table with records
      wa_sort-up = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_sort TO it_sort.
      CLEAR wa_sort.
    "this will sort the ALV o/p for customer with same name
    "now the name will not be repeated
    "records with same name will be grouped
        i_callback_program                = sy-repid "report id
        it_fieldcat                       = it_field "field catalog
        it_sort                           = it_sort "sort info
        t_outtab                          = it_kna1 "internal table
        program_error                     = 1
        OTHERS                            = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Hope this solves your problem.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Tarun Gambhir
    Edited by: Tarun Gambhir on Dec 31, 2008 1:13 PM

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    Your request comes from an unrecognized email domain. Apple accepts email requests only from email domains for Apple-authorized carriers.
    Please re-submit your request using your official carrier domain.
    but this email is authorized, what to do??
                                                                                                              respectfully, Beba

    If you have forgotten then these links are the only way to resolve
    As long as you have owned the iPhone from new and your Apple id is the one used to activate when new
    OR have you recently purchased the iPhone secondhand ?

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    None of the FAQs (or the Community choices below) address new devices, they are all about APPS and iCloud stuff.

    If it is an existing iCloud ID, you should be able to just go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with it.

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    ORA-01580: error creating control backup file /backup/snapcf_TST.f
    ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options
    DB Version:
    while taking datafiles i am not getting any errors , i am using same mount points for both (data&control files)

    [oracle@localhost dbs]$ oerr ora 27054
    27054, 00000, "NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options"
    // *Cause:  The file was on an NFS partition and either reading the mount tab
    //          file failed or the partition wass not mounted with the correct
    //          mount option.
    // *Action: Make sure mount tab file has read access for Oracle user and
    //          the NFS partition where the file resides is mounted correctly.
    //          For the list of mount options to use refer to your platform
    //          specific documentation.

  • Error while executing BBP_UPDATE_PORG Tr Code with ADD Option

    Hi All,
    I changed the Back end Vendor Master Data - Purchasing View (Example Accounting Number) and run the BBPUPDVD Tr code in SRM. The Business Partner (Vendor) data is updated correctly in SRM System from Back End System.
    We have set of purchasing organisations like one local (SRM) Purchasing Organisation and respective Back end Purchasing Organisation (account number). When ever I run BBPUPDVD, the SRM system updates the backend vendor master data  with back end purchasing organisation into SRM Standard tables. Then I am running BBP_UPDATE_PORG Tr code to have updated data into SRM Local Purchasing Organisation. I am receiving error message.
    Example Scenario:
    step 1: Present values in Vendor Master Vendor Number 100250, Purchaing Organisation : 1010 A/c Number: 100250-1010
    and I changed the account number as 10025o-test for vendor 100250 and pur organisation 1010.
    step 2: I run the BBPUPDVD in SRM System.
    Step 3: I checked the values in BBPMAININT - vendor data (for backend vendor number 100250 and backend pur organisation - 1010). The SRM system replicates the values correct.
    Step 4: I executed BBP_UPDATE_PORG and replaced the local (SRM) business partner (for local vendor number - 100250 and local purchasing organisation) - REPLACE Option. Then SRM replaces the SRM Business Partner (local) Data with Back end Vendor Master Data and also Back End vendor master data is deleted in SRM System. Now I have updated business partner details in SRM System as SRM Local an no SRM Back End Vendor Master Data in SRM System. This step is working fine.
    Step 5: One more time I am executing BBP_UPDATE_PORG Tr code with Add option to have SRM Back End Details (in SRM System) from SRM Local Details (SRM System). Then the system is error message in SM13 Tr code.
    Kind Note: There is no SRM Back End Vendor details in SRM System which I want to have with the help of executing BBP_UPDATE_PORG Tr code with Add option.
    For analysis I went to ST22 (dump Analysis), the SRM gave an error message like:
    Runtime Error          DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND
    Date and Time          09/15/2008 10:56:58
         Screen output without connection to user.
    What happened?
         Error in ABAP application program.
         The current ABAP program "SAPLBBP_PARTNER_MAINT" had to be terminated because
          one of the
         statements could not be executed.
         This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.
    Information on where terminated
        The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLBBP_PARTNER_MAINT" in      "BBP_PORG_INSERT".
        The main program was "RSM13000 ".
        The termination occurred in line 59 of the source code of the (Include)      program "LBBP_PARTNER_MAINTU11"
        of the source code of program "LBBP_PARTNER_MAINTU11" (when calling the editor      590).
        The program "SAPLBBP_PARTNER_MAINT" was started in the update system.
       57 * update database
       58   IF NOT LT_FRG0060_NEW[] IS INITIAL.
       60   ENDIF.
       62   IF NOT LT_FRG0061_NEW[] IS INITIAL.
       64   ENDIF.
    Kindly guide me or provide solution.
    We are in SRM 4.0 and ECC 5.0.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Edited by: KOYYA SUDARSANA NAIDU on Sep 15, 2008 9:09 PM
    Edited by: KOYYA SUDARSANA NAIDU on Sep 17, 2008 8:46 PM

    Hi All,
    I changed the Back end Vendor Master Data - Purchasing View (Example Accounting Number) and run the BBPUPDVD Tr code in SRM. The Business Partner (Vendor) data is updated correctly in SRM System from Back End System.
    We have set of purchasing organisations like one local (SRM) Purchasing Organisation and respective Back end Purchasing Organisation (account number). When ever I run BBPUPDVD, the SRM system updates the backend vendor master data  with back end purchasing organisation into SRM Standard tables. Then I am running BBP_UPDATE_PORG Tr code to have updated data into SRM Local Purchasing Organisation. I am receiving error message.
    Example Scenario:
    step 1: Present values in Vendor Master Vendor Number 100250, Purchaing Organisation : 1010 A/c Number: 100250-1010
    and I changed the account number as 10025o-test for vendor 100250 and pur organisation 1010.
    step 2: I run the BBPUPDVD in SRM System.
    Step 3: I checked the values in BBPMAININT - vendor data (for backend vendor number 100250 and backend pur organisation - 1010). The SRM system replicates the values correct.
    Step 4: I executed BBP_UPDATE_PORG and replaced the local (SRM) business partner (for local vendor number - 100250 and local purchasing organisation) - REPLACE Option. Then SRM replaces the SRM Business Partner (local) Data with Back end Vendor Master Data and also Back End vendor master data is deleted in SRM System. Now I have updated business partner details in SRM System as SRM Local an no SRM Back End Vendor Master Data in SRM System. This step is working fine.
    Step 5: One more time I am executing BBP_UPDATE_PORG Tr code with Add option to have SRM Back End Details (in SRM System) from SRM Local Details (SRM System). Then the system is error message in SM13 Tr code.
    Kind Note: There is no SRM Back End Vendor details in SRM System which I want to have with the help of executing BBP_UPDATE_PORG Tr code with Add option.
    For analysis I went to ST22 (dump Analysis), the SRM gave an error message like:
    Runtime Error          DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND
    Date and Time          09/15/2008 10:56:58
         Screen output without connection to user.
    What happened?
         Error in ABAP application program.
         The current ABAP program "SAPLBBP_PARTNER_MAINT" had to be terminated because
          one of the
         statements could not be executed.
         This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.
    Information on where terminated
        The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLBBP_PARTNER_MAINT" in      "BBP_PORG_INSERT".
        The main program was "RSM13000 ".
        The termination occurred in line 59 of the source code of the (Include)      program "LBBP_PARTNER_MAINTU11"
        of the source code of program "LBBP_PARTNER_MAINTU11" (when calling the editor      590).
        The program "SAPLBBP_PARTNER_MAINT" was started in the update system.
       57 * update database
       58   IF NOT LT_FRG0060_NEW[] IS INITIAL.
       60   ENDIF.
       62   IF NOT LT_FRG0061_NEW[] IS INITIAL.
       64   ENDIF.
    Kindly guide me or provide solution.
    We are in SRM 4.0 and ECC 5.0.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Edited by: KOYYA SUDARSANA NAIDU on Sep 15, 2008 9:09 PM
    Edited by: KOYYA SUDARSANA NAIDU on Sep 17, 2008 8:46 PM

Maybe you are looking for