Writing txt file to int array

The project I was assigned is to write a program that takes numbers from a text file (all on one line, separated by spaces) and store them into a 5-element array. The program is supposed to check and see if the array is big enough to hold all the numbers from the text file, and if it isn't, it is supposed to double that array size. I've written the following code and it compiles, but it will not run due to this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
     at java.io.Reader.<init>(Reader.java:61)
     at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(InputStreamReader.java:55)
     at ArrayReader.main(ArrayReader.java:16)
----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
----jGRASP: operation complete.
This is what I have so far. If anyone could help me or point out anything I missed it would be greatly greatly appreciated.
import java.io.*;
public class ArrayReader
     public static void main(String[] args)
          File file = new File("numberlist.txt");
          FileInputStream fis = null;
          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(fis));
          int i = 5;
          int x = 0;
          int[] array;
          array = new int;
               fis = new FileInputStream(file);
               for (x = 0; x < array.length; x++)
                         if (x > array.length)
                              i = i*2;
                              System.out.println("Array too small. Doubling size to: " + i);
                              array[i] = fis.read();
          catch(FileNotFoundException e)
               System.out.println("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() +
                                        " could not be found on filesystem");
          catch(IOException ioe)     
               System.out.println("Exception while reading the file" + ioe);
          for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++)

ursusmajx wrote:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
     at java.io.Reader.<init>(Reader.java:61)
     at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(InputStreamReader.java:55)
     at ArrayReader.main(ArrayReader.java:16)Start by looking at line 16 in ArrayReader.main. It's not lie 16 in the code you posted here, so either you haven't posted the code you tried to run or you're not running the code you think you are.
I do see where you are using fis before assigning it a value.

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    This program has to read a txt file to create Food objects which will consist of a food name, a serving size, and a number of calories. A text file is read which contains the calories contained in specific food items. From this data, an array of Food objects will be created and used to populate a combo box for user selection. The Food objects will also be used in calculating the balance calories for a given user on a given day.
    User input will be used to create User objects which will be user name, age, gender, height, weight, and Food Diary objects (composition). The Food Diary objects will consist of Date (composition), Food object (composition), number of servings, and a balance. Food Diary objects will consist of the activity on any given day (see text area in sample output screen below). All User objects are saved to a file as objects and can be retrieved on subsequent runs of the program.
    The program will calculate the number of calories the user is allowed per day to maintain the user�s current weight (see below for formula to use for this).
    BMRMen = 66 + (13.7 * weightPounds/2.2) + (5 * heightInches*2.54) - (6.8 * age)
    BMRWomen = 655 + (9.6 * weightPounds/2.2) + (1.8 * heightInches*2.54) - (4.7 * age)
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class FoodDiaryGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         JLabel               lblName, lblAge, lblWeight,lblHeight,lblFemale,lblMale,lblFood;
         JTextField          txtName, txtAge, txtWeight,txtHeight;
         JButton               btnSave, btnNewUser;
         JTextArea           outputArea;
         JComboBox          cbFood;
         int currentIndex=0, lastIndex=4;
         public FoodDiaryGUI()
              super ("Food Diary Calculator");
              lblName=               new JLabel("Name: ");
              lblAge=                    new JLabel("Age: ");
              lblWeight=               new JLabel("Weight(lbs): ");
              lblHeight=               new JLabel("Height(inches): ");
              lblFemale=               new JLabel("Female: ");
              lblMale=               new JLabel("Male: ");
              lblFood=               new JLabel("Choose a Food: ");
              txtName=               new JTextField(15);
              txtAge=                    new JTextField(3);
              txtWeight=               new JTextField(6);
              txtHeight=               new JTextField(6);
              outputArea=               new JTextArea(9,20);     
              cbFood=                    new JComboBox();
              cbFood.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 20));
              Container c = getContentPane();
              JPanel northPanel = new JPanel();
              northPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              btnSave=               new JButton("SAVE");
              btnNewUser=               new JButton("NEW USER");
              JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel();
              centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              JRadioButton rbMale = new JRadioButton(maleString);
         JRadioButton rbFemale = new JRadioButton(femaleString);
         //Group the radio buttons.
         ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
         //Register a listener for the radio buttons.
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent rb) {
         picture.setIcon(new ImageIcon("images/"
         + rb.getActionCommand()
         + ".gif"));
              JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
              southPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              southPanel.add (outputArea);
              //add listener to button components.
              public void actionPreformed(ActionEvent e)
                   if (e.getSource()==btnSave)
              public static void main (String[] args)
                   FoodDiaryGUI application = new FoodDiaryGUI();
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    THE .txt file is as:
    100% NATURAL CEREAL *1 OZ*135
    40% BRAN FLAKES, POST*1 OZ*90
    i hope this forum site has to many java professionals and this problem is nothing for them. for me it is great.

    Stick to using a single userid and a single posting of a question:

  • Problem about writing txt file and  utl_put_line

    After some research on the internet I found the way how to writre files from Oracle 11g to a txt file.
    I read that utl_put_line only holds 32k per line and adds a new line at the end of each row but my problem it´s that if I want to open the file with SQL Server :D it doesn't recognize the CRLF so there is no end line and the last column has the data from the next row. The files are created on Linux so if I open them on Windows i have to convert into DOS format but if I try to open that file with Excel everything works fine, so I was wondering if there is a limit of columns or number of characters that can be on a txt file.
    There is my pl sql that I used to create my txt files:
    cursor r1 is
    select * from dqstage.st_nomdetalle
    where sistema = 'NOR'
    and procesar = 0
    and identidad=02;
    cursor r2 ( p_parid number) is
    select * from dqstage.st_nomsubdetalle
    where par_id = p_parid
    and procesar = 0
    and sistema = 'NOR'
    and substr(nombrearchivo,6,2)=02;
    vcadena varchar2(4000);
    --vcadena1 varchar2(4000);
    vcadena1 clob;
    vcadena2 long;
    c number:=0;
    vencabezados long;
    archivo sys.utl_file.file_type;
    archivo:= SYS.UTL_FILE.FOPEN(location=>'UPEPE_DIR',filename=>'nor02.txt',open_mode=>'w',max_linesize=>32767);
    sys.utl_file.put_line(archivo, vencabezados);
    for i in r1 loop
    vcadena := i.fileid||'|'||i.nombrearchivo||'|'||i.tiporegistro||'|'||i.identificadorregistro||'|'||i.fechaemisionpago||'|'||i.clavetiponomina||'|'||i.clavect||'|'||i.turnoct||'|'||i.rfc
    for j in r2 (i.fileid) loop
    vcadena1 := vcadena1||'|'|| j.tipoconcepto||'|'||j.conceptopago||'|'||j.monto||'|'||j.periododel||'|'||j.periodoal||'|'||j.fuentefinanciamiento ||'|'||j.origen||'|'||j.errores;
    end loop;
    sys.utl_file.put_line(archivo, vcadena2);
    end loop;
    As you can see I write the column names first and with a loop I add the data, so I can have a very large column at the end.
    How can I add the CRLF at the end of each line to have it working with Windows?

    user2068122 wrote:
    After some research on the internet I found the way how to writre files from Oracle 11g to a txt file.
    I read that utl_put_line only holds 32k per line and adds a new line at the end of each row but my problem it´s that if I want to open the file with SQL Server :D it doesn't recognize the CRLF so there is no end line and the last column has the data from the next row. The files are created on Linux so if I open them on Windows i have to convert into DOS format but if I try to open that file with Excel everything works fine, so I was wondering if there is a limit of columns or number of characters that can be on a txt file.
    Oracle is simply passing a string of characters to the OS to be written to a file in the host OS's native text format. That format is different from Windows and nix.  Windows will append a CR-LF pair to the end of the provided character string, as its end-of-record delimiter.  nix will append only a CR (or is it LF?) as its end-of-record delimiter. This is purely and OS issue that Oracle knows or cares nothing about. It is also something that must always be kept in mind when passing files between *nix and Windows.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Reading .txt file into char array, file not found error. (Basic IO)

    Iv been having some trouble with reading characters from a text file into a char array. I havnt been learning io for very long but i think im getting the hang of it. Reading and writing raw bytes
    and things like that. But i wanted to try using java.io.FileReader to read characters for a change and im having problems with file not found errors. here is the code.
    File theFile = new File("Mr.DocumentReadMe.txt");
    String path = theFile.getCanonicalPath();
    FileReader readMe = new FileReader(path);
    char buffer[] = new char[(int)theFile.length()];
    int readData = 0;
    while(readData != -1)
    readData = readMe.read(buffer);
    catch(Exception e)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e,
    "Error!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    The error is: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\Kaylan\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Mr.Document\dist\Mr.DocumentReadMe.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
    The text file is saved in the projects dist folder. I have tried saving it elsewhere and get the same error with a different pathname.
    I can use JFileChooser to get a file and read it into a char array with no problem, why doesnt it work when i specify the path manually in the code?

    Well the file clearly isn't there. Maybe it has a .txt.txt extensionthat Windows is kindly hiding from you - check its Properties.
    String path = theFile.getCanonicalPath();
    FileReader readMe = new FileReader(path);You don't need all that. Just:
    FileReader readMe = new FileReader(theFile);And:
    char buffer[] = new char[(int)theFile.length()];You don't need a buffer the size of the file, this is bad practice. Use 8192 or whatever.
    while(readData != -1)
    readData = readMe.read(buffer);
    }That doesn't make sense. Read the data into the buffer and repeat until you get EOF? and do nothing with the contents of the buffer? The canonical read loop in Java goes like this:
    while ((count = in.read(buffer)) > 0)
      out.write(buffer, 0, count); // or do something else with buffer[0..count-1].
    jEditorPane1.setText(String.valueOf(buffer));Bzzt. That won't give you the content of 'buffer'. Use new String(buffer, 0, count) at least.

  • Loading a map + variables "drawn" in a txt file into an array

    hey guys, somewhat new to java, i have an assignment for school that requires me to create an "AI" that can solve a maze, easy enough. I used a 2 dimensional array for the maze, where 1 = wall, 0 = path, 3 = visited. etc, as far as the navigating goes, it's all done. The problem: i need to be able to load a maze from a file, the file looks like this:
    7 20 <-- rows/columns
    0 10 <------ start
    6 5 <---- finish
    xxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxx
    x        x            xxx      x
    x   xxxxxx      xxx     xxx
    x  xxxxxxx  xxxx  xxxxxx
    x  x            xx           xxx
    x xx     xxxxxxx  xx       x
    xxxxxoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSo basically i need to store the first numbers in variables so i know what size array to create and where to start solving the maze and then i somehow need to figure out a way to transofrm that drawing into an array. Was looking into parsing the text and trying to use tokens to separate it, but i honestly can't figure out how. If someone can drop a few hints or some functions i can use, i'd much appreciate it!

    Read the Java Doc API for

  • Reading files into an array

    so im new to this and having problems.
    we have to read a .txt file into an array so when a user types a word in a text box it will search the file and reutrn found if the word is there and not found it the word is not there. but it is not reading the text file here is the code so far
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Checker
    // Declares Values in the array
         static String [] anArray = new String[1000];
         // declares variables needed in code later
         int i;
         String s;
         static int count = 0;
         static String b;
         static JTextArea j = new JTextArea();
         public void readFile() throws IOException{
         File inFile = new File("words.txt");
         FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(inFile);
    BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
    while (true){
    b = bufReader.readLine();
    anArray[count] = b;
    if(b==null) throw new EOFException("Hello, end of file reached");
         // public static void main(String args[]){
         // File outFile = new File("words.txt");
         //FileOutputStream outFileStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
         // PrintWriter outStream = new PrintWriter(outFileStream);
         // outStream.println("help");
    // File inFile = new File("words.txt");
    // FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(inFile);
    // BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
    /* while (true){
    b = bufReader.readLine();
    anArray[count] = b;
    if(b==null) throw new EOFException("Hello, end of file reached");
    public String checkword(String Word ) {
    // Tries the code, runs through until an exception is found.
    try {
    for ( i = 0; i < anArray.length; i++)
    if (Word.equals(anArray))
    // If exception is found, throws a new exception
    if (Word.equals(anArray[i])) throw new Exception(); // end if
    } // end if
    } // end for
    } // end try
    catch (Exception ae ) {
    // if the word is found return a message found and its position in array.
    return "Found, at position "+i;
    }// end catch
    // if its not in the array return a not found message
    return "Not found";
         } // end
    } // end
    and the gui class :
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class CountDown extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    // Defines the GUI components
    private JTextField Word = new JTextField(9);
    private JButton Guess = new JButton("Enter String");
         private JLabel Message = new JLabel("not found");
         // Creates a new instance of the Checker class.
    Checker ch = new Checker();
    public CountDown() // constructor
    setTitle("Count Down");
    Container c = getContentPane();
    c.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
    // Add the components
    // Add action Listener for Button to work
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    // When the button is pressed do this code
    if(e.getSource() == Guess)
    // Looks in the checker class to compare the word user enters, to the words in the array.
    // Returns a message if the word exists with its position in the list or
    // Returns a message if the word does not exisit.
    Message.setText( ch.checkword(Word.getText()));
    public class CountDownA
    public void main(String[] args)
    CountDown Game = new CountDown();
    any help is appriciated asap

    Yuck! I echo jverd's sentiment. Please only post the specific pieces of code that you are having trouble with, and use the forum 'code' tags.
    But to answer your question, I don't see where you're calling the readFile() method from. If you're not calling readFile, that might explain why nothing is being read.
    As for the design of the readFile method, another 'yuck'. heh Don't use exceptions to break out of a loop. If you MUST break out of a loop, use break. But a loop like this doesn't need break. Try something like this:while( (b = bufReader.readLine()) != null)
         anArray[count++] = b;
    }Also, in stead of creating an array of some arbitrary fixed length, I recommend using a collection class such as ArrayList.
    In stead of this:static String [] anArray = new String[1000];
    anArray[count++] = b;it would be better to use something like this:static ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<String>();

  • Only writing Integer pixel array to a .txt file,or showing in Frame

    I want to write integer values (range:0 to 255) to a .txt file .Actually after manipulating a .jpeg/.gif image I have gotten a 2D pixel array and a 1D pixel array that can be easily shown in console but I want to write this pixel array into a .txt file. Using of writeInt() is not working. Actually after using this faction the created file contain information which is non-alphanumeric /alphanumeric characters......
    following is error free the code: Plz. See only and only into the �class TestImage�and plz look after line marked by //�my_problem_to_be_resolved.�It is just few lines of code .I promise you will not be bothered.Plz��..
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import javax.imageio.stream.*;
    import java.awt.image.Raster;
    import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
    class Image {
    protected int width,height;
    // 'samples' stores the image pixel values.
    protected int[][] samples;
    // Constructor: Reads the image from the
    // specified file name.
    public Image(String filename)
    throws Exception { read(filename); }
    // Returns the pixel width of the image.
    public int getWidth() { return width; }
    // Returns the pixel height of the image.
    public int getHeight() { return height; }
    // Reads the image from the specified file
    // name into the 'samples' array. Throws an
    // exception if the image is stored in an
    // unsupported file format (currently only
    // .GIF, .JPG, and .PNG are supported by Sun).
    public void read(String filename)
    throws Exception {
    // Extract the file name suffix.
    String ext = filename.substring
    // Create a file object for the file name.
    File fileImage = new File(filename);
    // Get a list of ImageReaders that claim
    // to be able to decode this image file
    // based on the file name suffix.
    Iterator imageReaders = ImageIO.
    ImageReader imageReader;
    // Grab the first ImageReader in the list.
    if (imageReaders.hasNext())
    imageReader = (ImageReader)
    // If we get here we cannot decode the image.
    else throw new IIOException
    ("Unsupported image format");
    // Create a file input stream object to
    // read the image date.
    FileImageInputStream imageInputStream =
    new FileImageInputStream(fileImage);
    // Tell the ImageReader object to read data
    // from our file input stream object.
    // Get the width and height of the image.
    width = imageReader.getWidth(0);
    height = imageReader.getHeight(0);
    // Read the image from the file input stream,
    // and close the input stream when done.
    BufferedImage bufImage =
    // Get a raster object so we can extract the
    // pixel data from the BufferedImage.
    WritableRaster wRaster =
    // Create our 'samples' 2d-array.
    samples = new int[height][width];
    // Extract the image data into our 'samples'
    // array.
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
    for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
    samples[row][col] =
    // Write the image stored in the 'samples'
    // array to the specified file. The file name
    // suffix should be a supported image file
    // format (currently either .JPG or .PNG).
    public void write(String filename)
    throws Exception {
    // Extract the file name suffix.
    String ext = filename.substring
    // Create a file object for the file name.
    File fileImage = new File(filename);
    // Get a list of ImageWriters that claim to
    // be able to encode images in the specified
    // image file format based on the file name
    // suffix.
    Iterator imageWriters = ImageIO.
    ImageWriter imageWriter;
    // Grab the first ImageWriter in the list.
    if (imageWriters.hasNext())
    imageWriter = (ImageWriter)
    // If we get here we cannot encode the image.
    else throw new IIOException
    ("Unsupported image format");
    // Create a file output stream object to
    // write the image data.
    FileImageOutputStream imageOutputStream
    = new FileImageOutputStream
    // Tell the ImageWriter to use our file
    // output stream object.
    // The ImageWriter.write() method expects a
    // BufferedImage. Convert our 'samples' array
    // into a BufferedImage.
    BufferedImage bufImage =
    // Encode the image to the output file.
    // Draws the image stored in the 'samples'
    // array on the specified graphics context.
    public void draw(Graphics gc,int x,int y){
    BufferedImage bufImage =
    // Converts the 'samples' array into a
    // BufferedImage object. Students do not have
    // to understand how this works.
    private BufferedImage
    createBufferedImage() {
    // Create a monochrome BufferedImage object.
    BufferedImage bufImage = new
    // Create a WriteableRaster object so we can
    // put sample data into the BufferedImage
    // object's raster.
    WritableRaster wRaster =
    // Copy the 'samples' data into the
    // BufferedImage object's raster.
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
    for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
    // Return the newly created BufferedImage.
    return bufImage;
    } // End of Class Image
    class TestImage {
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws Exception {
    // Create a frame to display the image.
    Frame frame = new Frame("Test Image");
    Graphics gc = frame.getGraphics();
    try {
    // Read the image from the file.
    Image img = new Image("C:/lilies.jpg");
    int height=img.getHeight();
    int width =img.getWidth();
         File image_object_arry=new File("C:/Image_array.txt");
         FileOutputStream image_object_arry_stream= new FileOutputStream(image_object_arry);
         DataOutputStream int_image_object_arry_stream=new DataOutputStream(image_object_arry_stream);
    //Conversion of two dimensional pixel arrry into one dimensional array
    int intPixels1[] = new int [height * width];
    int k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i <= width; i++) {
    for(int j = 0; j <= height; j++) {
    intPixels1[k] = img.samples[i][j];
    int_image_object_arry_stream.writeInt((int) intPixels1[k]);
    // System.out.println(intPixels1[k]);
    k = k+1;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import javax.imageio.stream.*;
    import java.awt.image.Raster;
    import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
    class Image {
    protected int width,height;
    // 'samples' stores the image pixel values.
    protected int[][] samples;
    // Constructor: Reads the image from the
    // specified file name.
    public Image(String filename)
    throws Exception { read(filename); }
    // Returns the pixel width of the image.
    public int getWidth() { return width; }
    // Returns the pixel height of the image.
    public int getHeight() { return height; }
    // Reads the image from the specified file
    // name into the 'samples' array. Throws an
    // exception if the image is stored in an
    // unsupported file format (currently only
    // .GIF, .JPG, and .PNG are supported by Sun).
    public void read(String filename)
    throws Exception {
    // Extract the file name suffix.
    String ext = filename.substring
    // Create a file object for the file name.
    File fileImage = new File(filename);
    // Get a list of ImageReaders that claim
    // to be able to decode this image file
    // based on the file name suffix.
    Iterator imageReaders = ImageIO.
    ImageReader imageReader;
    // Grab the first ImageReader in the list.
    if (imageReaders.hasNext())
    imageReader = (ImageReader)
    // If we get here we cannot decode the image.
    else throw new IIOException
    ("Unsupported image format");
    // Create a file input stream object to
    // read the image date.
    FileImageInputStream imageInputStream =
    new FileImageInputStream(fileImage);
    // Tell the ImageReader object to read data
    // from our file input stream object.
    // Get the width and height of the image.
    width = imageReader.getWidth(0);
    height = imageReader.getHeight(0);
    // Read the image from the file input stream,
    // and close the input stream when done.
    BufferedImage bufImage =
    // Get a raster object so we can extract the
    // pixel data from the BufferedImage.
    WritableRaster wRaster =
    // Create our 'samples' 2d-array.
    samples = new int[height][width];
    // Extract the image data into our 'samples'
    // array.
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
    for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
    samples[row][col] =
    // Write the image stored in the 'samples'
    // array to the specified file. The file name
    // suffix should be a supported image file
    // format (currently either .JPG or .PNG).
    public void write(String filename)
    throws Exception {
    // Extract the file name suffix.
    String ext = filename.substring
    // Create a file object for the file name.
    File fileImage = new File(filename);
    // Get a list of ImageWriters that claim to
    // be able to encode images in the specified
    // image file format based on the file name
    // suffix.
    Iterator imageWriters = ImageIO.
    ImageWriter imageWriter;
    // Grab the first ImageWriter in the list.
    if (imageWriters.hasNext())
    imageWriter = (ImageWriter)
    // If we get here we cannot encode the image.
    else throw new IIOException
    ("Unsupported image format");
    // Create a file output stream object to
    // write the image data.
    FileImageOutputStream imageOutputStream
    = new FileImageOutputStream
    // Tell the ImageWriter to use our file
    // output stream object.
    // The ImageWriter.write() method expects a
    // BufferedImage. Convert our 'samples' array
    // into a BufferedImage.
    BufferedImage bufImage =
    // Encode the image to the output file.
    // Draws the image stored in the 'samples'
    // array on the specified graphics context.
    public void draw(Graphics gc,int x,int y){
    BufferedImage bufImage =
    // Converts the 'samples' array into a
    // BufferedImage object. Students do not have
    // to understand how this works.
    private BufferedImage
    createBufferedImage() {
    // Create a monochrome BufferedImage object.
    BufferedImage bufImage = new
    // Create a WriteableRaster object so we can
    // put sample data into the BufferedImage
    // object's raster.
    WritableRaster wRaster =
    // Copy the 'samples' data into the
    // BufferedImage object's raster.
    for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
    for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
    // Return the newly created BufferedImage.
    return bufImage;
    } // End of Class Image
    /*class TestImage {
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws Exception {
    // Create a frame to display the image.
    Frame frame = new Frame("Test Image");
    Graphics gc = frame.getGraphics();
    try {
    // Read the image from the file.
    Image img = new Image("C:/srk.jpg");
    // Display the image.
    // Flip the image upside down
    // Display the flipped image.
    // Write the new image to a file
    } catch (Exception e) {
    ("Exception in main() "+e.toString());
    class TestImage {
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws Exception {
    // Create a frame to display the image.
    Frame frame = new Frame("Test Image");
    Graphics gc = frame.getGraphics();
    try {
    // Read the image from the file.
    Image img = new Image("C:/lilies.jpg");
    int height=img.getHeight();
    int width =img.getWidth();
    File image_object_arry=new File("C:/Image_array.txt");
    FileOutputStream image_object_arry_stream=new FileOutputStream(image_object_arry);
         DataOutputStream int_image_object_arry_stream=new DataOutputStream(image_object_arry_stream);
    //Conversion of two dimensional pixel arrry into one dimensional array
    int intPixels1[] = new int [height * width];
    int k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i <= width; i++) {
    for(int j = 0; j <= height; j++) {
    intPixels1[k] = img.samples[i][j];
    int_image_object_arry_stream.writeInt((int) intPixels1[k]);
    // System.out.println(intPixels1[k]);
    k = k+1;
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Exception in main() "+e.toString());
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Exception in main() "+e.toString());

    My Friend, you need to put your code within CODE tags
    And I suspect if anyone would go through your code this way.
    Assuming your problem is to write pixel values to a file you may use this,
            // Create file
            FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("out.txt");
            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
            for(int i =0; pixels.length() ; i++)
           //Close the output stream
           }catch (Exception e){//Catch exception if any
          System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

  • Writing the ASCII value of a character found in a .txt file

    I have a program that reads in a file and outputs certain characters to a new smaller file. The program works fine (thanks to some forum help) but I now need to print the ASCII value of the characters that are written to the file.
    The problem I'm having (besides writing the ascii value of the char) is that the Unix .txt file has some weird properties. When I run the program on a .txt test file that I created with spaces in it, the program ignores the space characters.
    Yet, when I run the program on the Unix file it wites the 'spaces' to the output file. That is why I want to write/print the ASCII value of the "blank "character in the Unix .txt file.
    I already serached the forum and did a Google search for Char to ASCII conversion but I didn't find anything.
    Here's the code and the clips of the ouput files:
    package source;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Scanner4
         public static void main(String[] args)
         public static void getContents()
              char charArray[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z',
                                           '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','$','.', '#', '-', '/', '*', '&', '(', ')',' '};
              String Chars = null;
              String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
              int iterator = 0;
              int i = 0;
              int charNum = 1;
              int lineCount = 1;          
             // StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
             //declared here only to make visible to finally clause
             BufferedReader input = null;
             BufferedWriter out = null;
             try {
                         //use buffering
                         //this implementation reads one line at a time
                         input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( "C:\\testFile\\test1.txt" ));
                         out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( "C:\\Scan file test\\Write\\test.txt" ));
                         String line = null;
                    out.write( "Character\tLine Number\tCharacter Number" + lineSep ); 
                              while (( line = input.readLine()) != null)
                               i = 0;
                               charNum = 1;
                               iterator = 0;
                              while( i < line.length() )
                                             for( int count = 0; count < charArray.length; count++)
                                                  if( (charArray[count] != line.charAt(iterator)) && (count+1 == charArray.length) )
                                                       out.write( "[" + line.charAt(iterator) + "]\t\t" + "[" + lineCount + "]\t\t" + "[" + charNum + "]" + lineSep);
                                                  if( charArray[count] == line.charAt(iterator) )
                                        charNum +=1;
                                        iterator +=1;
                                 lineCount +=1;
             catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();     System.out.println("File not found.");}          
                 catch (IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();               System.out.println("IO Error.");}
                                 if (input!= null){
                               //flush and close both "input" and its underlying FileReader
               catch (IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();  System.out.println("IO Error #2.");}
    My created .txt file:
    1. a!asdsad
    2. @
    3. #
    4. $
    5. %sdfsdf
    6. ^
    7. &
    8. *
    9. (
    10. )
    11. _
    12. +sdfsdfsdf
    13. -
    14. =
    15. ~
    16. `
    17. dfgdfg;
    18. :
    19. '
    20. "fghfghf
    21. ,
    22. dfgdfg<
    23. .
    24. >fghfghfg
    25. /
    26. gggggggggggggggggggggggg?
    27. a
    Output for my .txt file:
    Character     Line Number     Character Number
    [!]          [1]          [5]
    [@]          [2]          [4]
    [%]          [5]          [4]
    [^]          [6]          [4]
    [_]          [11]          [5]
    [+]          [12]          [5]
    [=]          [14]          [5]
    [~]          [15]          [5]
    [`]          [16]          [5]
    [;]          [17]          [11]
    [:]          [18]          [5]
    [']          [19]          [5]
    ["]          [20]          [5]
    [,]          [21]          [5]
    [<]          [22]          [11]
    [>]          [24]          [5]
    [?]          [26]          [29]************************************************************************
    Output generated after reading the .txt file from the unix box:
    Character     Line Number     Character Number
    [ ]          [1]          [17]
    [ ]          [1]          [18]
    [ ]          [1]          [19]
    [ ]          [1]          [6530]
    [ ]          [2]          [2041]
    [']          [29]          [1834]
    [']          [29]          [2023]
    [']          [30]          [1834]
    [']          [30]          [2023]
    [']          [30]          [2066]
    [']          [47]          [2066]
    [']          [67]          [2067]
    [']          [77]          [2066]
    [+]          [80]          [28]

    Thanks I didn't even think to try and cast it to an int...
    The tool I'm using to create my .txt in windows is Notepad.
    I wrote a program to simply copy the original (3GB) Unix file and terminated it early so I could see what was there. What I found was some text and symbols and a lot of space between brief bursts of text. I can't really copy and paste an example because the amount of space is too large, it's basically a 3GB unformatted .txt file...
    Unix file was created on: unknown
    It sounds like the .txt file that I copied from the Unix box was formatted differently. But I thought that the formatting had more to do with end of line issues, not blank space between characters. Because a blank space should be seen by my program and ignored...
    Here's the ASCII value of the "blank" spaces:
    Character     Line Number     Character Number
    [ ]          [1]          [17]     Ascii Value: [0]
    [ ]          [1]          [18]     Ascii Value: [0]
    [']          [868]          [2066]     Ascii Value: [39]
    [,]          [877]          [186]     Ascii Value: [44]
    [,]          [877]          [276]     Ascii Value: [44]
    Also, the Ascii value printed for the blank spaces looks like the number zero here but it looks like it has strange points on the bottom of it in my output file. It looks like the extended ASCII character 234 &#937;

  • Writing and reading txt file, GUI components

    This program has to read a txt file to create Food objects which will consist of a food name, a serving size, and a number of calories. A text file is read which contains the calories contained in specific food items. From this data, an array of Food objects will be created and used to populate a combo box for user selection. The Food objects will also be used in calculating the balance calories for a given user on a given day.
    User input will be used to create User objects which will be user name, age, gender, height, weight, and Food Diary objects (composition). The Food Diary objects will consist of Date (composition), Food object (composition), number of servings, and a balance. Food Diary objects will consist of the activity on any given day (see text area in sample output screen below). All User objects are saved to a file as objects and can be retrieved on subsequent runs of the program.
    The program will calculate the number of calories the user is allowed per day to maintain the user�s current weight (see below for formula to use for this).
    BMRMen = 66 + (13.7 * weightPounds/2.2) + (5 * heightInches*2.54) - (6.8 * age)
    BMRWomen = 655 + (9.6 * weightPounds/2.2) + (1.8 * heightInches*2.54) - (4.7 * age)
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class FoodDiaryGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    JLabel lblName, lblAge, lblWeight,lblHeight,lblFemale,lblMale,lblFood;
    JTextField txtName, txtAge, txtWeight,txtHeight;
    JButton btnSave, btnNewUser;
    JTextArea outputArea;
    JComboBox cbFood;
    int currentIndex=0, lastIndex=4;
    public FoodDiaryGUI()
    super ("Food Diary Calculator");
    lblName= new JLabel("Name: ");
    lblAge= new JLabel("Age: ");
    lblWeight= new JLabel("Weight(lbs): ");
    lblHeight= new JLabel("Height(inches): ");
    lblFemale= new JLabel("Female: ");
    lblMale= new JLabel("Male: ");
    lblFood= new JLabel("Choose a Food: ");
    txtName= new JTextField(15);
    txtAge= new JTextField(3);
    txtWeight= new JTextField(6);
    txtHeight= new JTextField(6);
    outputArea= new JTextArea(9,20);
    cbFood= new JComboBox();
    cbFood.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 20));
    Container c = getContentPane();
    JPanel northPanel = new JPanel();
    northPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    btnSave= new JButton("SAVE");
    btnNewUser= new JButton("NEW USER");
    JPanel centerPanel = new JPanel();
    centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    JRadioButton rbMale = new JRadioButton(maleString);
    JRadioButton rbFemale = new JRadioButton(femaleString);
    //Group the radio buttons.
    ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
    //Register a listener for the radio buttons.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent rb) {
    picture.setIcon(new ImageIcon("images/"
    + rb.getActionCommand()
    + ".gif"));
    JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
    southPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    southPanel.add (outputArea);
    //add listener to button components.
    public void actionPreformed(ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getSource()==btnSave)
    public static void main (String[] args)
    FoodDiaryGUI application = new FoodDiaryGUI();
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    THE .txt file is as:
    100% NATURAL CEREAL *1 OZ*135
    40% BRAN FLAKES, POST*1 OZ*90
    i hope this forum site has to many java professionals and this problem is nothing for them. for me it is great.

    Stick to using a single userid and a single posting of a question:

  • Help! How to read a .txt file into a Java class and make 2D array?

    Hi guys,
    Im a newbie with arrays, just started really using them.. please bear with me if I don't seem to understand much..
    I have a .txt file that contains either a square or rectangle (random width and length).. How can I read each line into a Java class into a 2D array with rows and columns?

    Example :
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.File;
    public class ReadInto2DArrayExample {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ArrayList array = new ArrayList();
            char [][] twoDimesionArray = null;
                JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
                if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                    File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
                    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
                    String data;
                    //Read from file
                    while ((data = reader.readLine()) != null)
                        //Convert data to char array and add into array
                    //Creating a 2D char array base on the array size
                    twoDimesionArray = new char [array.size()][];
                    //Convert array from ArrayList to 2D array
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++)
                        twoDimesionArray[i] = (char [])array.get(i);
                    //Test the 2D Array
                    for (int y = 0; y < twoDimesionArray.length; y++)
                        char [] temp = twoDimesionArray[y];
                        for (int x = 0; x < temp.length; x ++ )
            catch (Exception ex)

  • Array to store .txt file data

    I have a .txt file containing lines like the following:
    I'd like to store the strings as numbers and place them into an array, but I'm unsure how to do so.
    Any help would be appreciated

    The StreamTokenizer class will help you read the input, separating numbers from commas. Once you have the number as a String, the classes like Double and Integer have constructors that accept String arguments and do the hard work for you:
    // someString came from the file
    // you checked to see if it had a "." and it didn't, so
    // you know it's an integer
    Integer myInteger = new Integer( someString );
    int myInt = myInteger.getInt();

  • I have a VI and an attched .txt data file. Now I want to read the data from the .txt file and display it as an array in the front panel. But the result is not right. Any help?

    I have a VI and an attched .txt data file. Now I want to read the data from the .txt file and display it as an array in the front panel. But the result is not right. Any help?
    try2.txt ‏2 KB
    read_array.vi ‏21 KB

    The problem is in the delimiters in your text file. By default, Read From Spreadsheet File.vi expects a tab delimited file. You can specify a delimiter (like a space), but Read From Spreadsheet File.vi has a problem with repeated delimiters: if you specify a single space as a delimiter and Read From Spreadsheet File.vi finds two spaces back-to-back, it stops reading that line. Your file (as I got it from your earlier post) is delimited by 4 spaces.
    Here are some of your choices to fix your problem.
    1. Change the source file to a tab delimited file. Your VI will then run as is.
    2. Change the source file to be delimited by a single space (rather than 4), then wire a string constant containing one space to the delimiter input of Read From Spreadsheet File.vi.
    3. Wire a string constant containing 4 spaces to the delimiter input of Read From Spreadsheet File.vi. Then your text file will run as is.
    Depending on where your text file comes from (see more comments below), I'd vote for choice 1: a tab delimited text file. It's the most common text output of spreadsheet programs.
    Comments for choices 1 and 2: Where does the text file come from? Is it automatically generated or manually generated? Will it be generated multiple times or just once? If it's manually generated or generated just once, you can use any text editor to change 4 spaces to a tab or to a single space. Note: if you want to change it to a tab delimited file, you can't enter a tab directly into a box in the search & replace dialog of many programs like notepad, but you can do a cut and paste. Before you start your search and replace (just in the text window of the editor), press tab. A tab character will be entered. Press Shift-LeftArrow (not Backspace) to highlight the tab character. Press Ctrl-X to cut the tab character. Start your search and replace (Ctrl-H in notepad in Windows 2000). Click into the Find What box. Enter four spaces. Click into the Replace With box. Press Ctrl-V to paste the tab character. And another thing: older versions of notepad don't have search and replace. Use any editor or word processor that does.

  • Problem on reading and writing from from a *.txt file

    I get Problem on reading and writing from from a *.txt file. The following is the read() method...
    The software said the DataInputStream is depreciated. Can anyone help me please?
    public void read()
        File file = new File("C://Documents and Settings//Charles//My Documents//Brunel//EE2065//Assignment and Lab//Assignment 4 and Lab 4//data.txt");
        FileInputStream in = null;
        String str = "";
          in = new BufferedReader(file);
          //in = new FileInputStream(file);
            str = new BufferedReader(in).readLine();
            //str = new DataInputStream(in).readLine();
            if(str == null)
        catch(IOException e)
            System.err.println("execution error: " +e);

    Thank you for your reply. I have made some change. However, there is an incompetable type found error.
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));The following are all of the code.
    public void read()
        File file = new File("C://Documents and Settings//Charles//My Documents//Brunel//EE2065//Assignment and Lab//Assignment 4 and Lab 4//data.txt");
        FileInputStream in = null;
        //BufferedReader in = null;
        String str = "";
          in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
          //in = new FileInputStream(file);
            BufferedReader Bstr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
            //str = new BufferedReader(in).readLine();
            //str = new DataInputStream(in).readLine();
            if(str == null)
        catch(IOException e)
            System.err.println("execution error: " +e);

  • Read a txt file and save the value to array --PowerShell

    Hi Scriping guy.
      Now i have a server name list , what i want to do was to build a array based on the txt file. The txt file looks like below.
      Can anyone help me ,thanks soooo much.

    Try this
    $servers = import-csv Serverlist.txt
    foreach ($server in $servers)
    #Do Something
    Regards Chen V [MCTS SharePoint 2010]

  • Need help optimizing the writing of a very large array and streaming it a file

    I have a very large array that I need to create and later write to a TDMS file. The array has 45 million entries, or 4.5x10^7 data points. These data points are of double format. The array is created by using a square pulse waveform generator and user-defined specifications of the delay, wait time, voltages, etc. 
    I'm not sure how to optimize the code so it doesn't take forever. It currently takes at least 40 minutes, and I'm still running it, to create and write this array. I know there needs to be a better way, as the array is large and consumes a lot of memory but it's not absurdly large. The computer I'm running this on is running Windows Vista 32-bit, and has 4GB RAM and an Intel Core 2 CPU @ 1.8Mhz. 
    I've read the "Managing Large Data Sets in LabVIEW" article (http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3625), but I'm unsure how to apply the principles here.  I believe the problem lies in making too many copies of the array, as creating and writing 1x10^6 values takes < 10 seconds, but writing 4x10^6 values, which should theoretically take < 40 seconds, takes minutes. 
    Is there a way to work with a reference of an array instead of a copy of an array?
    Attached is my current VI, Generate_Square_Pulse_With_TDMS_Stream.VI and it's two dependencies, although I doubt they are bottlenecking the program. 
    Any advice will be very much appreciated. 
    Generate_Square_Pulse_With_TDMS_Stream.vi ‏13 KB
    Square_Pulse.vi ‏13 KB
    Write_TDMS_File.vi ‏27 KB

    Thanks Ravens Fan, using replace array subset and initializing the array beforehand sped up the process immensely. I can now generate an array of 45,000,000 doubles in about one second.
    However, when I try to write all of that out to TDMS at the end LV runs out of memory and crashes. Is it possible to write out the data in blocks and make sure memory is freed up before writing out the next block? I can use a simple loop to write out the blocks, but I'm unsure how to verify that memory has been cleared before proceeding.  Furthermore, is there a way to ensure that memory and all resources are freed up at the end of the waveform generation VI? 
    Attached is my new VI, and a refined TDMS write VI (I just disabled the file viewer at the end). Sorry that it's a tad bit messy at the moment, but most of that mess comes from doing some arithmetic to determine which indices to replace array subsets with. I currently have the TDMS write disabled.
    Just to clarify the above, I understand how to write out the data in blocks; my question is: how do I ensure that memory is freed up between subsequent writes, and how do I ensure that memory is freed up after execution of the VI?
    @Jeff: I'm generating the waveform here, not reading it. I guess I'm not generating a "waveform" but rather a set of doubles. However, converting that into an actual waveform can come later. 
    Thanks for the replies!
    Generate_Square_Pulse_With_TDMS_Stream.vi ‏14 KB
    Write_TDMS_File.vi ‏27 KB

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