Only writing Integer pixel array to a .txt file,or showing in Frame

I want to write integer values (range:0 to 255) to a .txt file .Actually after manipulating a .jpeg/.gif image I have gotten a 2D pixel array and a 1D pixel array that can be easily shown in console but I want to write this pixel array into a .txt file. Using of writeInt() is not working. Actually after using this faction the created file contain information which is non-alphanumeric /alphanumeric characters......
following is error free the code: Plz. See only and only into the �class TestImage�and plz look after line marked by //�my_problem_to_be_resolved.�It is just few lines of code .I promise you will not be bothered.Plz��..
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
class Image {
protected int width,height;
// 'samples' stores the image pixel values.
protected int[][] samples;
// Constructor: Reads the image from the
// specified file name.
public Image(String filename)
throws Exception { read(filename); }
// Returns the pixel width of the image.
public int getWidth() { return width; }
// Returns the pixel height of the image.
public int getHeight() { return height; }
// Reads the image from the specified file
// name into the 'samples' array. Throws an
// exception if the image is stored in an
// unsupported file format (currently only
// .GIF, .JPG, and .PNG are supported by Sun).
public void read(String filename)
throws Exception {
// Extract the file name suffix.
String ext = filename.substring
// Create a file object for the file name.
File fileImage = new File(filename);
// Get a list of ImageReaders that claim
// to be able to decode this image file
// based on the file name suffix.
Iterator imageReaders = ImageIO.
ImageReader imageReader;
// Grab the first ImageReader in the list.
if (imageReaders.hasNext())
imageReader = (ImageReader);
// If we get here we cannot decode the image.
else throw new IIOException
("Unsupported image format");
// Create a file input stream object to
// read the image date.
FileImageInputStream imageInputStream =
new FileImageInputStream(fileImage);
// Tell the ImageReader object to read data
// from our file input stream object.
// Get the width and height of the image.
width = imageReader.getWidth(0);
height = imageReader.getHeight(0);
// Read the image from the file input stream,
// and close the input stream when done.
BufferedImage bufImage =;
// Get a raster object so we can extract the
// pixel data from the BufferedImage.
WritableRaster wRaster =
// Create our 'samples' 2d-array.
samples = new int[height][width];
// Extract the image data into our 'samples'
// array.
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
samples[row][col] =
// Write the image stored in the 'samples'
// array to the specified file. The file name
// suffix should be a supported image file
// format (currently either .JPG or .PNG).
public void write(String filename)
throws Exception {
// Extract the file name suffix.
String ext = filename.substring
// Create a file object for the file name.
File fileImage = new File(filename);
// Get a list of ImageWriters that claim to
// be able to encode images in the specified
// image file format based on the file name
// suffix.
Iterator imageWriters = ImageIO.
ImageWriter imageWriter;
// Grab the first ImageWriter in the list.
if (imageWriters.hasNext())
imageWriter = (ImageWriter);
// If we get here we cannot encode the image.
else throw new IIOException
("Unsupported image format");
// Create a file output stream object to
// write the image data.
FileImageOutputStream imageOutputStream
= new FileImageOutputStream
// Tell the ImageWriter to use our file
// output stream object.
// The ImageWriter.write() method expects a
// BufferedImage. Convert our 'samples' array
// into a BufferedImage.
BufferedImage bufImage =
// Encode the image to the output file.
// Draws the image stored in the 'samples'
// array on the specified graphics context.
public void draw(Graphics gc,int x,int y){
BufferedImage bufImage =
// Converts the 'samples' array into a
// BufferedImage object. Students do not have
// to understand how this works.
private BufferedImage
createBufferedImage() {
// Create a monochrome BufferedImage object.
BufferedImage bufImage = new
// Create a WriteableRaster object so we can
// put sample data into the BufferedImage
// object's raster.
WritableRaster wRaster =
// Copy the 'samples' data into the
// BufferedImage object's raster.
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
// Return the newly created BufferedImage.
return bufImage;
} // End of Class Image
class TestImage {
public static void main(String args[])
throws Exception {
// Create a frame to display the image.
Frame frame = new Frame("Test Image");
Graphics gc = frame.getGraphics();
try {
// Read the image from the file.
Image img = new Image("C:/lilies.jpg");
int height=img.getHeight();
int width =img.getWidth();
     File image_object_arry=new File("C:/Image_array.txt");
     FileOutputStream image_object_arry_stream= new FileOutputStream(image_object_arry);
     DataOutputStream int_image_object_arry_stream=new DataOutputStream(image_object_arry_stream);
//Conversion of two dimensional pixel arrry into one dimensional array
int intPixels1[] = new int [height * width];
int k = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= width; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j <= height; j++) {
intPixels1[k] = img.samples[i][j];
int_image_object_arry_stream.writeInt((int) intPixels1[k]);
// System.out.println(intPixels1[k]);
k = k+1;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
class Image {
protected int width,height;
// 'samples' stores the image pixel values.
protected int[][] samples;
// Constructor: Reads the image from the
// specified file name.
public Image(String filename)
throws Exception { read(filename); }
// Returns the pixel width of the image.
public int getWidth() { return width; }
// Returns the pixel height of the image.
public int getHeight() { return height; }
// Reads the image from the specified file
// name into the 'samples' array. Throws an
// exception if the image is stored in an
// unsupported file format (currently only
// .GIF, .JPG, and .PNG are supported by Sun).
public void read(String filename)
throws Exception {
// Extract the file name suffix.
String ext = filename.substring
// Create a file object for the file name.
File fileImage = new File(filename);
// Get a list of ImageReaders that claim
// to be able to decode this image file
// based on the file name suffix.
Iterator imageReaders = ImageIO.
ImageReader imageReader;
// Grab the first ImageReader in the list.
if (imageReaders.hasNext())
imageReader = (ImageReader);
// If we get here we cannot decode the image.
else throw new IIOException
("Unsupported image format");
// Create a file input stream object to
// read the image date.
FileImageInputStream imageInputStream =
new FileImageInputStream(fileImage);
// Tell the ImageReader object to read data
// from our file input stream object.
// Get the width and height of the image.
width = imageReader.getWidth(0);
height = imageReader.getHeight(0);
// Read the image from the file input stream,
// and close the input stream when done.
BufferedImage bufImage =;
// Get a raster object so we can extract the
// pixel data from the BufferedImage.
WritableRaster wRaster =
// Create our 'samples' 2d-array.
samples = new int[height][width];
// Extract the image data into our 'samples'
// array.
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
samples[row][col] =
// Write the image stored in the 'samples'
// array to the specified file. The file name
// suffix should be a supported image file
// format (currently either .JPG or .PNG).
public void write(String filename)
throws Exception {
// Extract the file name suffix.
String ext = filename.substring
// Create a file object for the file name.
File fileImage = new File(filename);
// Get a list of ImageWriters that claim to
// be able to encode images in the specified
// image file format based on the file name
// suffix.
Iterator imageWriters = ImageIO.
ImageWriter imageWriter;
// Grab the first ImageWriter in the list.
if (imageWriters.hasNext())
imageWriter = (ImageWriter);
// If we get here we cannot encode the image.
else throw new IIOException
("Unsupported image format");
// Create a file output stream object to
// write the image data.
FileImageOutputStream imageOutputStream
= new FileImageOutputStream
// Tell the ImageWriter to use our file
// output stream object.
// The ImageWriter.write() method expects a
// BufferedImage. Convert our 'samples' array
// into a BufferedImage.
BufferedImage bufImage =
// Encode the image to the output file.
// Draws the image stored in the 'samples'
// array on the specified graphics context.
public void draw(Graphics gc,int x,int y){
BufferedImage bufImage =
// Converts the 'samples' array into a
// BufferedImage object. Students do not have
// to understand how this works.
private BufferedImage
createBufferedImage() {
// Create a monochrome BufferedImage object.
BufferedImage bufImage = new
// Create a WriteableRaster object so we can
// put sample data into the BufferedImage
// object's raster.
WritableRaster wRaster =
// Copy the 'samples' data into the
// BufferedImage object's raster.
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
// Return the newly created BufferedImage.
return bufImage;
} // End of Class Image
/*class TestImage {
public static void main(String args[])
throws Exception {
// Create a frame to display the image.
Frame frame = new Frame("Test Image");
Graphics gc = frame.getGraphics();
try {
// Read the image from the file.
Image img = new Image("C:/srk.jpg");
// Display the image.
// Flip the image upside down
// Display the flipped image.
// Write the new image to a file
} catch (Exception e) {
("Exception in main() "+e.toString());
class TestImage {
public static void main(String args[])
throws Exception {
// Create a frame to display the image.
Frame frame = new Frame("Test Image");
Graphics gc = frame.getGraphics();
try {
// Read the image from the file.
Image img = new Image("C:/lilies.jpg");
int height=img.getHeight();
int width =img.getWidth();
File image_object_arry=new File("C:/Image_array.txt");
FileOutputStream image_object_arry_stream=new FileOutputStream(image_object_arry);
     DataOutputStream int_image_object_arry_stream=new DataOutputStream(image_object_arry_stream);
//Conversion of two dimensional pixel arrry into one dimensional array
int intPixels1[] = new int [height * width];
int k = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= width; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j <= height; j++) {
intPixels1[k] = img.samples[i][j];
int_image_object_arry_stream.writeInt((int) intPixels1[k]);
// System.out.println(intPixels1[k]);
k = k+1;
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception in main() "+e.toString());
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception in main() "+e.toString());

My Friend, you need to put your code within CODE tags
And I suspect if anyone would go through your code this way.
Assuming your problem is to write pixel values to a file you may use this,
        // Create file
        FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("out.txt");
        BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
        for(int i =0; pixels.length() ; i++)
       //Close the output stream
       }catch (Exception e){//Catch exception if any
      System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

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    because it's not compatible with nullI think it should be okay to just remove the null condition check since there are no null elements in a primitive array when writing.
    Use Integer.parseInt() [] to convert the String into an Integer when you read it back and use Integer.toString() to be able to write it as a String.

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    ive managed to solve it. For those who come across this thread and want to know the solution i needed to use MemoryImageSource with the pixels inorder to pass them to the createImage method :o)

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    The StreamTokenizer class will help you read the input, separating numbers from commas. Once you have the number as a String, the classes like Double and Integer have constructors that accept String arguments and do the hard work for you:
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    function onCss(e:Event):void {
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    Please have a look at 4th line, there is a gap between 89 and 32.
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    1 60 72 88 41 58
    2 50 45 37 86 13
    3 44 41 99 54 24
    4 12 89 32 89
    5 48 97 25 85 55
    6 22 46 34 90 98
    7 75 85 5 1
    8 86 23 39 69 52
    9 42 18 75 13 72
    10 24 77 27 18 30
    11 34 42 5 12
    12 31 87 47 75 8
    13 19 16 74 55 77
    14 26 57 5 63 81
    15 51 7 95 100 8
    16 33 93 82 85 72
    17 55 21 49 25 3
    18 15 29 33 18 61
    19 33 42 64 66 63
    20 51 36 97 39 19
    21 51 60 32 25 51
    22 88 34 29 76 10
    23 37 93 9 38 100

    scan each line with the following code
    it adds each line to a new array
    //scan file
            try {
                Scanner Filescan = new Scanner(new File("directory"));
                while (Filescan.hasNextLine()) {
                catch (Exception e)
                System.out.println (" File has not been found");

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    This is an example of the content:
    sleep time resolution: 10.03 ms.
    ### TRAIN ###
    1318806315.550533 1318806315.686240 0
    1318806315.550554 1318806315.686249 1
    1318806315.550561 1318806315.686681 2
    1318806315.550572 1318806315.687085 3
    1318806315.550578 1318806315.687599 4
    1318806315.550584 1318806315.687923 5
    1318806315.550589 1318806315.688252 6
    1318806315.550595 1318806315.688697 7
    1318806315.550600 1318806315.689252 8
    1318806315.550607 1318806315.689578 9
    1318806315.550614 1318806315.689928 10
    1318806315.550619 1318806315.690322 11
    1318806315.550626 1318806315.690446 12
    1318806315.550632 1318806315.691041 13
    1318806315.550638 1318806315.691605 14
    1318806315.550644 1318806315.691854 15
    1318806315.550650 1318806315.692438 16
    1318806315.550657 1318806315.692447 17
    1318806315.550663 1318806315.693073 18
    1318806315.550671 1318806315.693384 19
    1318806315.550678 1318806315.693516 20
    1318806315.550685 1318806315.694069 21
    1318806315.550692 1318806315.694625 22
    1318806315.550702 1318806315.694634 23
    1318806315.550711 1318806315.695067 24
    1318806315.550721 1318806315.695167 25
    1318806315.550730 1318806315.695621 26
    1318806315.550737 1318806315.696067 27
    1318806315.550745 1318806315.696533 28
    1318806315.550752 1318806315.696756 29
    1318806315.550757 1318806315.696945 30
    1318806315.550764 1318806315.697381 31
    1318806315.550770 1318806315.702614 32
    1318806315.550777 1318806315.703059 33
    1318806315.550783 1318806315.703223 34
    1318806315.550790 1318806315.703740 35
    1318806315.550797 1318806315.703857 36
    1318806315.550803 1318806315.704109 37
    1318806315.550809 1318806315.704277 38
    1318806315.550816 1318806315.704355 39
    1318806315.550822 1318806315.704641 40
    1318806315.550828 1318806315.704808 41
    1318806315.550836 1318806315.705043 42
    1318806315.550842 1318806315.705215 43
    1318806315.550848 1318806315.705320 44
    1318806315.550854 1318806315.705624 45
    1318806315.550860 1318806315.705766 46
    1318806315.550866 1318806315.706175 47
    1318806315.550874 1318806315.706268 48
    1318806315.550880 1318806315.706441 49
    ### TRAIN ###
    1318806316.151192 1318806316.286930 0
    1318806316.151215 1318806316.286941 1
    1318806316.151221 1318806316.287444 2
    1318806316.151227 1318806316.287880 3
    1318806316.151236 1318806316.288402 4
    1318806316.151243 1318806316.288879 5
    1318806316.151249 1318806316.289402 6
    1318806316.151256 1318806316.289825 7
    1318806316.151262 1318806316.290206 8
    1318806316.151268 1318806316.290515 9
    1318806316.151274 1318806316.290991 10
    1318806316.151279 1318806316.291262 11
    1318806316.151286 1318806316.291912 12
    1318806316.151294 1318806316.292299 13
    1318806316.151302 1318806316.292758 14
    1318806316.151309 1318806316.293196 15
    1318806316.151338 1318806316.293663 16
    1318806316.151345 1318806316.294089 17
    1318806316.151352 1318806316.294614 18
    1318806316.151359 1318806316.295027 19
    1318806316.151365 1318806316.295347 20
    1318806316.151371 1318806316.295902 21
    1318806316.151377 1318806316.296305 22
    1318806316.151383 1318806316.296687 23
    1318806316.151389 1318806316.296852 24
    1318806316.151395 1318806316.297227 25
    1318806316.151401 1318806316.297645 26
    1318806316.151407 1318806316.298074 27
    1318806316.151413 1318806316.298556 28
    1318806316.151419 1318806316.298831 29

    Here is what came about:  Thank you.....
        1   ??  Ss     0:05.97 /sbin/launchd
       10   ??  Ss     0:00.70 /usr/libexec/kextd
       11   ??  Ss     0:00.63 /usr/sbin/notifyd
       12   ??  Ss     0:00.18 /usr/sbin/diskarbitrationd
       13   ??  Ss     0:06.22 /usr/libexec/configd
       14   ??  Ss     0:01.76 /usr/sbin/syslogd
       15   ??  Ss     0:03.95 /usr/sbin/DirectoryService
       16   ??  Ss     0:00.83 /usr/sbin/distnoted
       18   ??  Ss     0:00.67 /usr/sbin/ntpd -c /private/etc/ntp-restrict.conf -n
       21   ??  Ss     2:17.45 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.frame
       22   ??  Ss     0:00.05 /sbin/SystemStarter
       25   ??  Ss     0:00.56 /usr/sbin/securityd -i
       28   ??  Ss     0:24.51 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fr
       29   ??  Ss     0:02.25 /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder -launchd
       30   ??  Ss     0:01.61 /System/Library/CoreServices/
       31   ??  Ss     0:00.09 /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent
       33   ??  Ss     0:59.28 /usr/libexec/hidd
       34   ??  Ss     0:01.76 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Ve
       36   ??  Ss     0:00.01 /sbin/dynamic_pager -F /private/var/vm/swapfile
       42   ??  Ss     0:00.78 /usr/sbin/blued
       43   ??  Ss     0:00.05 autofsd
       49   ??  Ss     0:03.73 /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd
       74   ??  Ss     3:02.86 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.frame
       86   ??  Ss     0:00.02 /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions
       96   ??  Ss     0:00.25 /usr/sbin/coreaudiod
       99   ??  Ss     0:02.08 /sbin/launchd
      103   ??  S      0:05.71 /System/Library/CoreServices/
      104   ??  S      0:04.73 /System/Library/CoreServices/
      105   ??  S      0:33.21 /System/Library/CoreServices/
      107   ??  S      0:00.01 /usr/sbin/pboard
      109   ??  S      0:01.46 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.frame
      115   ??  S      0:01.74 /System/Library/CoreServices/
      116   ??  S      0:00.07 /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/
      118   ??  S      0:00.60 /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent -l Aqua
      125   ??  S      0:00.12 /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Ag
      126   ??  S      0:04.87 /Library/Printers/Kodak/AiO_Printers/KodakAiOBonjour
      132   ??  S      0:00.27 /Applications/
      134   ??  S      0:00.20 /System/Library/CoreServices/Folder Actions Dispatch
      141   ??  S      0:22.13 /System/Library/Input Methods/
      143   ??  S      0:00.37 /Applications/ -psn_
      156   ??  S      0:01.44 /System/Library/Frameworks/IMCore.framework/iChatAge
      161   ??  Ss     0:00.29 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framewo
      170   ??  Ss     0:00.88 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framewo
      179   ??  S      0:00.21 /usr/sbin/aosnotifyd
      185   ??  S      0:16.08 /Applications/ -
      189   ??  S      0:00.73 /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents
      216   ??  S      1:19.03 /Applications/ -psn_
      218   ??  S      2:08.52 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/
      399   ??  S      0:05.20 /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/Image Capture
      400   ??  S      0:49.10 /Applications/ -psn_
      406   ??  S      9:36.94 /Applications/ -psn_
      408   ??  S      0:00.19 /Applications/
      410   ??  S      0:02.14 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.frame
      415   ??  Ss     0:00.16 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.f
      470   ??  S      3:03.95 /Applications/ -ps
      477   ??  S      0:02.78 /Applications/
      491   ??  S      0:00.16 /Applications/
      493   ??  S      0:03.83 /Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleTalkPlugin
      494   ??  S      0:17.89 /Applications/
      495   ??  S      0:00.16 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaIOService
      838   ??  S      0:41.48 /Applications/ -psn_0_28
      887   ??  S      0:02.56 /Applications/Address
      935   ??  S      0:00.17 /Applications/ -ps
      975   ??  S      1:45.30 /Applications/ -psn_
    1114   ??  SNs    0:12.32 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fr
    1311   ??  S      0:00.17 /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/
    1312   ??  S      0:00.46 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AirTrafficHost.fra
    1559   ??  S      0:00.03 /Library/Application Support/Adobe/SwitchBoard/Switc
    1592   ??  SNs    0:00.15 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Fr
    1621   ??  Ss     0:00.17 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
    1653   ??  U      0:00.51 /Applications/Utilities/
    1655 s000  Ss     0:00.41 login -pf krista
    1656 s000  S      0:00.01 -bash
    1663 s000  R+     0:00.00 ps ax
    krista-stones-macbook-pro-2:~ krista$

  • Write array into txt file

    Hi Guys!
    I need a VI which writes the content of an array into a txt file.
    I have an array like this:
    Peti    Teri
    Zoli    Hajni
    Tomi    Heni
    Pali    Robi
    In the file the first line should be a full timestamp (date, time), and then would come the content of the array. The name of the file would also be a timestamp.
    Thank you for your help in advance!

    Hi Victronica and welcome to NI Forums!
    If you have some custom data, then it is up to ou to tell excel how to interpret said data (what information to put where, etc.) A simple solution would be to flatten your cluster elements into strings, and write those strings into an excel sheet using ActiveX. An example on how to write a table of strings is available in the example finder, and I also have it attached here in LabVIEW 2013.
    Kind regards:
    Andrew Valko
    National Instruments Hungary
    Excel - Write ‏17 KB

  • Termination txt file not generating for EEA report for canada

    When executing the EEA report for Canada ,the report output does not show any error for all the sample data.
    When I generate the txt files, it shows that all 4 files ( i.e. Employee.txt  , promo.txt , term.txt , error.txt) exported successfully.
    BUT when I check the folder created in C driver , I can only see Employee file and PROMO file. The TERM file is not getting created for the PERNRs with termination actions .
    ANY IDEA why is that so?
    Summarized Employment Equity report:
           General data
               Industry sectors
                   Transportation & storage indus     1
               Employment status categories
                   Full-time employees                1
                   Part-time employees                0
                   Temporary employees                0
                   Other employees                    0
                   Casual employees                   0
                   New Bruns.                         1
               Designated CMAs
                   New Brunswick less CMA             1
               Peak Dates
                   All employees                  2012/02/09 - 2012/03/03
                   Temporary employees            2012/06/01 - 2012/06/01
           Employee data:                                  1
               00300838 claire ballings
               Event  Status Ind.Se Prov/CMA NOC/Job  Gender Abor.Mino.Disab Salary From    - to
               O      F      07     NB/      0641/02  Women  X               100000 20120209-20120225
               O      F      07     NB/0088  0641/02         X               100000 20120226-20120303
                F      F      07     NB/0088  0641/02         X               100000 20120304-20121231
    Export generated employee files for WEIMS       1 
    But when I check the folder in C drive , no TERM file is created !
    Edited by: Sarika Saini on Mar 7, 2012 2:08 PM

    This report generates the TERM.txt file only if the terminated employee has contract type - Temporary in IT0001 .

  • What is wrong with my txt file or merge doc?

    I'm trying to merge data from a txt file.  It's for name badges.  I've got the document designed (8-1/2 x 11" Avery 5392, 6 badges per sheet) and connected successfully to my data source.  There are only 4 types of info in the txt file (agency name, state, name, title).  When I create the merge fields for each badge position and click preview, I only get the first record repeated into each of the 6 locations on the page.  What am I missing or doing wrong?  I'm using InDesign CS2.
    I've attached the txt file.
    I've also attempted this with a csv file with and got the same results.

    I downloaded your sample files, and here is what I had to adjust:
    1, I made the master page a single page; not facing pages. I changed from inches to picas
    2. I made two layers: one for graphics and second for text, above the graphics layer
    3. I put the artwork ai file on the graphics  layer on the master page
    4. I deleted 5 of 6 duplicate text frames on page 1; leaving only the first upper left text frame
    5. I moved that lone textframe to the master page, in the same relative position
    6. Text in that text frame should have been controlled with paragraph styles, BTW, but that is a detail
    7. I returned to view page 1
    Then, going to the DataMerge panel, I turned on preview and also clicked the right-most button at the bottom of the panel to setup the merge.
    All records and Multiple Records per document page
    Then, onto the Multiple Record Layout tab:
    Top margin 16pica
    Bottom margin 3pica
    Left margin 2pica
    Right margin 2pica
    Spacing between columns 1p6
    Spacing between rows 11p6
    Check on Preview Multiple Record Layout
    OK to generate
    So, it turns out your txt file was OK as it was.
    Mike Witherell in Maryland

  • Creating a JButton for each line in a txt file

    I need to know how to creating a JButton for each line in a txt file then add an actionListener to the number of buttons (note they are in a JTable). Here is a clipet of code thanx for the help (note that this is one part of a program i am making there are 2 more classes. If u need them just ask) Thanx:
    class Diary extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         private JTextArea note;
         private JTextField name;
         private JMenuBar menu = new JMenuBar();
         private JMenu file, edit, font, background, tcolor, settings, help;
         private JMenuItem nu, copy, paste, save, exit, b8, b10, b12, b14, b16, b18, b20, b24, b30, bblue, bred, bgreen, bpink, cblue, cred, cgreen, cpink, eset, nver, using, about;
         private String[] columnNames = {
         private Vector dat = new Vector();
         private JTable filetable;
         public Diary() {
              setSize(new Dimension(500, 500));
              setTitle("Diary 2.00");
              file = new JMenu("File");
              nu = new JMenuItem("new");
              file.add(new JSeparator());
              copy = new JMenuItem("copy");
              paste = new JMenuItem("paste");
              file.add(new JSeparator());
              save = new JMenuItem("Save");
              file.add(new JSeparator());
              exit = new JMenuItem("exit");
              edit = new JMenu("Edit");
              font = new JMenu("font");
              b8 = new JMenuItem("8");
              b10 = new JMenuItem("10");
              b12 = new JMenuItem("12");
              b14 = new JMenuItem("14");
              b16 = new JMenuItem("16");
              b18 = new JMenuItem("18");
              b20 = new JMenuItem("20");
              b24 = new JMenuItem("24");
              b30 = new JMenuItem("30");
              background = new JMenu("background");
              bblue = new JMenuItem("blue");
              bred = new JMenuItem("red");
              bgreen = new JMenuItem("green");
              bpink = new JMenuItem("pink");
              tcolor = new JMenu("text color");
              cblue = new JMenuItem("blue");
              cred = new JMenuItem("red");
              cgreen = new JMenuItem("green");
              cpink = new JMenuItem("pink");
              settings = new JMenu("Settings");
              eset = new JMenuItem("Edit Settings");
              help = new JMenu("Help");
              using = new JMenuItem("Using");
              about = new JMenuItem("About");
              help.add(new JSeparator());
              nver = new JMenuItem("new Versions");
              note = new JTextArea("");
              try {
                   BufferedReader filein = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("files.txt"));
                   String sfile;
                   while ((sfile = filein.readLine()) != null) {
                        //add buttons per each line of the txt file and show em
              catch (FileNotFoundException ioe) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Iternal Error, contact [email protected] if the error persists", "", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
              catch (IOException ioe) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Iternal Error, contact [email protected] if the error persists", "", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Iternal Error, contact [email protected] if the error persists", "", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
              String[][] data = new String[dat.size()][];
              for (int x = 0; x < dat.size(); x++) {
                   data[x] = (String[])dat.get(x);
              filetable = new JTable(data, columnNames);
              filetable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(100, 500));
              JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(filetable);
              name = new JTextField("diary");
              JPanel main = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1));
              getContentPane().add(name, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.WEST);
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              if (e.getSource() == nu) {
                   int nuask = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Diary.this, "Are you sure you want to make a new entry?\nThis will erease any unsaved entry's!!");
                   if (nuask == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
              if (e.getSource() == copy) {
              if (e.getSource() == paste) {
              if (e.getSource() == save) {
                   try {
                        String sn = name.getText();
                    FileWriter outputStream = new FileWriter("saved/" + sn + ".txt");                            
                    setTitle("Diary 1.00 : " + sn);
                catch(IOException ioe) {
              if (e.getSource() == exit) {
                   int exitask = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Diary.this, "Are you sure you want to exit? Any unsaved entries will be deleted");
                   if (exitask == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
              if (e.getSource() == b8) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),8));
              if (e.getSource() == b10) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),10));
              if (e.getSource() == b12) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),12));
              if (e.getSource() == b14) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),14));
              if (e.getSource() == b18) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),18));
              if (e.getSource() == b20) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),20));
              if (e.getSource() == b24) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),24));
              if (e.getSource() == b30) {
                   note.setFont(new Font(note.getFont().getName(),note.getFont().getStyle(),30));
              if (e.getSource() == bblue) {
              if (e.getSource() == bred) {
              if (e.getSource() == bgreen) {
              if (e.getSource() == bpink) {
              if (e.getSource() == cblue) {
              if (e.getSource() == cred) {
              if (e.getSource() == cgreen) {
              if (e.getSource() == cpink) {
              if (e.getSource() == eset) {
                   new UserSettings().setVisible(true);
              if (e.getSource() == about) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Created by Collin Doering 2005 in Gr.9\n\nErrors:\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n1. No File Encryption\n2. No user and password Encryption", "", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
              if (e.getSource() == nver) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "New Version |3.00| expected July, 2005\n\nNew Features\n----------------------------------------------\n1. File Encryption\n2. User File Encryption\n3. Full help dialog\n4. More Text changing features", "", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
              if (e.getSource() == using) {
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Go ask Collin Doering\[email protected]", "", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );

    so i still do not understand how i would create one
    button per each line in a txt flle then read in the
    file that the txt file specified.This assumes you know how many lines there are in the file.
    If not, modify as per my prior post
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Testing extends JFrame
      String[] linesInFile = {"Hello","World","Goodbye","Now"};
      JButton[] btn = new JButton[linesInFile.length];
      public Testing()
        JPanel jp = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,1));
        for(int x = 0; x < btn.length; x++)
          btn[x] = new JButton(linesInFile[x]);//<---this would be where file.readLine() goes
          btn[x].addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
      public static void main(String[] args){new Testing().setVisible(true);}

  • Format probelm about the downloaded txt file

    I encounter a problem. after the 4.7 system upgrade to ECC6.0 ..(sandbox)
    Our report can't download the correct txt file.
    I wrote a test program.
    write: / '123',
             / 'abc'.
    I download from menu :system->list->save_>local file: not converted.
    but  when opening the txt file , it shows:
    2008.09.09                                                                   test                                                                          1----
    everything is in one line. and  add  the current date ..and '----
    Help.. what's the problem?
    Many thanks
    Edited by: hand consultant on Sep 9, 2008 8:13 AM

    Ganesh Modhave,
    It is strange problem. Because in the same computer, I downloaded the txt file from 4.6c system. And the result is OK.
    So I guess some upgrade issue result in the problem..
    I path the gui 710 to level 2.,,........ It's okey now ,thanks.

  • Writing the ASCII value of a character found in a .txt file

    I have a program that reads in a file and outputs certain characters to a new smaller file. The program works fine (thanks to some forum help) but I now need to print the ASCII value of the characters that are written to the file.
    The problem I'm having (besides writing the ascii value of the char) is that the Unix .txt file has some weird properties. When I run the program on a .txt test file that I created with spaces in it, the program ignores the space characters.
    Yet, when I run the program on the Unix file it wites the 'spaces' to the output file. That is why I want to write/print the ASCII value of the "blank "character in the Unix .txt file.
    I already serached the forum and did a Google search for Char to ASCII conversion but I didn't find anything.
    Here's the code and the clips of the ouput files:
    package source;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Scanner4
         public static void main(String[] args)
         public static void getContents()
              char charArray[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z',
                                           '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','$','.', '#', '-', '/', '*', '&', '(', ')',' '};
              String Chars = null;
              String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
              int iterator = 0;
              int i = 0;
              int charNum = 1;
              int lineCount = 1;          
             // StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
             //declared here only to make visible to finally clause
             BufferedReader input = null;
             BufferedWriter out = null;
             try {
                         //use buffering
                         //this implementation reads one line at a time
                         input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( "C:\\testFile\\test1.txt" ));
                         out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( "C:\\Scan file test\\Write\\test.txt" ));
                         String line = null;
                    out.write( "Character\tLine Number\tCharacter Number" + lineSep ); 
                              while (( line = input.readLine()) != null)
                               i = 0;
                               charNum = 1;
                               iterator = 0;
                              while( i < line.length() )
                                             for( int count = 0; count < charArray.length; count++)
                                                  if( (charArray[count] != line.charAt(iterator)) && (count+1 == charArray.length) )
                                                       out.write( "[" + line.charAt(iterator) + "]\t\t" + "[" + lineCount + "]\t\t" + "[" + charNum + "]" + lineSep);
                                                  if( charArray[count] == line.charAt(iterator) )
                                        charNum +=1;
                                        iterator +=1;
                                 lineCount +=1;
             catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();     System.out.println("File not found.");}          
                 catch (IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();               System.out.println("IO Error.");}
                                 if (input!= null){
                               //flush and close both "input" and its underlying FileReader
               catch (IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();  System.out.println("IO Error #2.");}
    My created .txt file:
    1. a!asdsad
    2. @
    3. #
    4. $
    5. %sdfsdf
    6. ^
    7. &
    8. *
    9. (
    10. )
    11. _
    12. +sdfsdfsdf
    13. -
    14. =
    15. ~
    16. `
    17. dfgdfg;
    18. :
    19. '
    20. "fghfghf
    21. ,
    22. dfgdfg<
    23. .
    24. >fghfghfg
    25. /
    26. gggggggggggggggggggggggg?
    27. a
    Output for my .txt file:
    Character     Line Number     Character Number
    [!]          [1]          [5]
    [@]          [2]          [4]
    [%]          [5]          [4]
    [^]          [6]          [4]
    [_]          [11]          [5]
    [+]          [12]          [5]
    [=]          [14]          [5]
    [~]          [15]          [5]
    [`]          [16]          [5]
    [;]          [17]          [11]
    [:]          [18]          [5]
    [']          [19]          [5]
    ["]          [20]          [5]
    [,]          [21]          [5]
    [<]          [22]          [11]
    [>]          [24]          [5]
    [?]          [26]          [29]************************************************************************
    Output generated after reading the .txt file from the unix box:
    Character     Line Number     Character Number
    [ ]          [1]          [17]
    [ ]          [1]          [18]
    [ ]          [1]          [19]
    [ ]          [1]          [6530]
    [ ]          [2]          [2041]
    [']          [29]          [1834]
    [']          [29]          [2023]
    [']          [30]          [1834]
    [']          [30]          [2023]
    [']          [30]          [2066]
    [']          [47]          [2066]
    [']          [67]          [2067]
    [']          [77]          [2066]
    [+]          [80]          [28]

    Thanks I didn't even think to try and cast it to an int...
    The tool I'm using to create my .txt in windows is Notepad.
    I wrote a program to simply copy the original (3GB) Unix file and terminated it early so I could see what was there. What I found was some text and symbols and a lot of space between brief bursts of text. I can't really copy and paste an example because the amount of space is too large, it's basically a 3GB unformatted .txt file...
    Unix file was created on: unknown
    It sounds like the .txt file that I copied from the Unix box was formatted differently. But I thought that the formatting had more to do with end of line issues, not blank space between characters. Because a blank space should be seen by my program and ignored...
    Here's the ASCII value of the "blank" spaces:
    Character     Line Number     Character Number
    [ ]          [1]          [17]     Ascii Value: [0]
    [ ]          [1]          [18]     Ascii Value: [0]
    [']          [868]          [2066]     Ascii Value: [39]
    [,]          [877]          [186]     Ascii Value: [44]
    [,]          [877]          [276]     Ascii Value: [44]
    Also, the Ascii value printed for the blank spaces looks like the number zero here but it looks like it has strange points on the bottom of it in my output file. It looks like the extended ASCII character 234 &#937;

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