Wrong data in EWA

when I check the EWA generated from my solution manager, I notice that the dates provided to show the database growth are from 2006 while the report is generated in 2009. Also the customer name is not shown in the EWA.
is there anyone who can help me out on this one?
kind regards

the problem has been solved by SAP.
I implemented the following notes:
Note 997535 - DB02: Problems with History Data.
Note 966309 - Contents of table TCOLL in SAP_BASIS 700
kind regards

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    Hi Xuandao,
    You would need to Use Cell Binding and Trigger concept to accomplish this.
    Its simple, however, you would have to work on a trial and error basis to understand this concept as implementing the same is subject to your dashboard and WEBI Design.
    Open you LiveOffice.
    Insert your WEBI, Now, go to Object Properties of your WEBI, select the second tab that says Prompt, Here, it lists the prompts that you have for your WEBI. This would also enlist your BEx variables as well. Select this BEx variable and click on the button that says Prompt at the bottom of this window. Here, select choose Excel Data Range and click on the cell select button on the right (small button that lets you choose what cell you want to bind this prompt to), Now select a free cell that would not be even populated later on when you run the dashboard say A1 (remember the value that you select). Click on OK and again OK. The WEBI Refreshes and you can see all the prompt values at the cell A1. These are all the possible values stored for your BEx prompt variables (these values are fetched from BW system dynamically).
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    Let me know.
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    1. Mail shows email from the future: received mail dated 27/10/2007. In Entourage the same mail is dated 27/01/2007. All other months are OK. Remember we use European date settings (dd/mm/yyyy). Therefore I guesed something goes wrong with the dateformat.
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    3. However looking in the source information of the mail it showed not the date of the mail header but an entirely different date. Therefore I concluded that the root of the error in not Mail App or Dotmac (allthough those could also be wrong...)
    4. For exporting my mail from Outlook2007 to Entourage I used the tool O2M from Light Machines. Checking their help produced the following information:
    "Entourage shows the wrong date for imported emails
    This is an Entourage bug, but we created a workaround for it in O2M 1.02. If you're not sure which version of O2M you have, run O2M and check the version number in the program's title bar. If the version number doesn't say 1.02 or higher, download a new copy of O2M, install it over your old copy, and export your Outlook mail again — the date problem will be fixed when you import your newly exported mail into Entourage." and additionally:
    "Mail shows the wrong date for imported emails
    It may be your email has non-US date formats to begin with. If this is the case, you may want to change your date settings on both your Windows and Macintosh machines to US/English before performing your conversion and importing operations.
    O2M converts US/English dates to the standard MBOX format. If the date in the header is formatted differently from the US/English version of Outlook, the dates may not convert well. We don't currently support date formats other than US/English."
    5. Conclusion: I have to live with this as my XP machine is already used elsewhere.

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    Does anyone have any idea what might be causing the fault? And more importantly how to correct it?

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    I can open the sparse bundle backup file and see the correct backup information, but I have no option when I open Time Machine to pick ANY previous backups.
    This all started with Macbook problem, and I'm really thinking they should figure this out - but assuming they wont, I'm looking for suggestions on how to safely get the 'real' information recovered from Time Capsule.
    PS - OS X Lion on both systems - Macbook Pro 15" i7, 750GB

    JDHam wrote:
    Got the new Macbook and ran the Migration assistant to restore all data from the time capsule.
    The data was not correct, and I suspect it was something to do with the future dates.
    Possibly.  Migration Assistant uses the most recent backup, so if the dates were wrong, you may have gotten the wrong data.
    You should be able to see the other backups -- but you may need to start from a different user account (Migration Assistant creates a new account, and the transferred account may not have permission to the backups.  See Problems after using Migration Assistant for an explanation.
    A better option may be to do a full system restore, from a different backup.  See Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #14 for detailed instructions.  You'll want to pick a backup from before the dates went wrong.

  • Bridge CS6 occasionally displaying wrong 'Date Created' for .NEF's

    I noticed this problem only recently, and this the third time it happens (that I know of).
    Sometimes my Bridge puts a wrong Date Created (not Date File Created or Date File Modified) on a NEF RAW file, whilst the next one (taken perhaps just a few seconds or a minute later) has the proper date. Strangely the Date File Created & Modified do show the proper creation date.
    Example to clarify:
    Metadata viewed on my D90 itself
    Photo 1 taken on: 30/09/2013, 9:03:26 PM (DD-MM-YYYY)
    Photo 2: 30/09/2013, 9:07:52 PM
    Photo 3: 30/09/2013, 9:08:12 PM
    Photo 4: 30/09/2013, 9:08:34 PM
    Photo 5: 30/09/2013, 9:08:54 PM
    Photo 6: 30/09/2013, 9:09:34 PM
    viewing in bridge:
    Photo 1: Date Created: 30/09/2013, 9:03:26 PM
                   Date File Created: 30/09/2013, 9:03:26 PM
                   Date File Modified: 30/09/2013, 9:03:26 PM
    Photo 2: Date Created: 30/09/2013, 9:07:52 PM
                   Date File Created: 30/09/2013, 9:07:52 PM
                   Date File Modified: 30/09/2013, 9:07:52 PM
    Photo 3: Date Created: 23/09/2013, 7:42:02 PM
                   Date File Created: 30/09/2013, 9:08:12 PM
                   Date File Modified: 30/09/2013, 9:08:12 PM
    Photo 4: Date Created: 30/09/2013, 9:08:34 PM
                   Date File Created: 30/09/2013, 9:08:34 PM
                   Date File Modified: 30/09/2013, 9:08:34 PM
    Photo 5: Date Created: 04/09/2013, 10:14:45 AM
                   Date File Created: 30/09/2013, 9:08:54 PM
                   Date File Modified: 30/09/2013, 9:08:54 PM
    Photo 6: Date Created: 04/09/2013, 10:15:06 AM
                   Date File Created: 30/09/2013, 9:09:34 PM
                   Date File Modified: 30/09/2013, 9:09:34 PM
    As you can see, it's not a 'stable' deviation.
    I could live with it, apart from one problem: the batch rename function only has 'Date Created' as option for renaming with date.
    It's also quite annoying for my photography study, since my teachers might get confused by the wrong date in the Metadata when I turn my photo in.
    I tried compacting the cache whilst my camera's SD card wasn't connected (so the files aren't 'available' anymore), no difference.
    Another thing I tried was to hook my SD card up on a different computer, same result.
    So it might be my SD card, but that doesn't explain why the correct date is shown on my D90 itself, though.
    If anybody here has an idea how to fix / avoid this problem, help is much appreciated.

    I have never inserted the 8GB card in the D3000 before just a minute ago.
    And I just took 7 rapid photo's of my previous post (~1s interval)
    All 7 displayed actual date in my camera, the first 4 displayed a wrong date in bridge (24/09/2013, times; 2:12:16PM, 2:12:20PM, 3:09:24PM and 3:10:26PM). Last 3 displayed proper time in bridge.
    So yea, I'm pretty sure something is wrong. I'll try formatting the SD card (as suggested before) but however you look at it, this doesn't add up.
    Well I figured out one thing: if I view the photo's directly on my SD card through bridge, it shows the same date for Date Created, Date File Created and Date File Modified.
    Quite logical, to be honest, since I am viewing the date the file was created on the camera.
    However, if I export photo's with Adobe Photo Downloader (or whatever it's called again), it displays the date those copies were created (by Date File Created). Date File Modified is still ~the same as Date Created since it hasn't been modified since the original creation.
    The formatting seems to have solved the issue, for now anyway. Still have no clue why the SD card got such (occasional) cases of drunkness.

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    In the Initial screen, please remove the tick for Display Header. It will not give any header details after execution. If you want to remove only date, you just check with your ABAPer, he can help by changing in program.
    Kishore Babu

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