Wrong graphic at HTML-report

In a first sequence I export a graphic to a HTML-report, which I close afterwards. In the second sequence I export an other graphic (generated by the same SubVI, so same size/looking (polar plot or XY-graph), but different data and other picture-variable at each sequence) to another HTML-report , but sometimes (not always) LabView 7express adds the graphic from the first report to the second one. The second picture-file (jpg) was not created then, but the link to the picture in the second HTML-report referes "technical correct" to the wrong (first) picture.
If I export the reports twice (without changing anything), the problem disappears in most cases.
Do you have any idea how I can solve this problem?
Thank you!

This sounds like a type of race condition or possibly a problem with multiple pointers to the same memory location.  Without seeing some code, it will be very hard to troubleshoot.  Could you post an example that show off this problem?
Bob Young
Bob Young - Test Engineer - Lapsed Certified LabVIEW Developer
DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Alliance Member
mailto:[email protected]

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  • Generate HTML report with ANT

    I'm  new to FlexPMD. I have just generated my firsts reports. I try to generate HTML reports.
    I browse the documentation, this forum and the web and I find informations to :
    - generate documentation with Hudson
    - generate documentation with Maven
    - generate documentation with XSLT pmd.xml -> html
    Ok, I try to keep it simple. So I don't want to use Hudson.
    I'm using ANT, and I currently don't want to install/learn Maven.
    I'm using FlexUnit with ANT. And It's really simple to generate reports :
    <junitreport todir="${report.flexunit.loc}">
                <fileset dir="${report.flexunit.loc}">
                    <include name="TEST-*.xml" />
                <report format="frames" todir="${report.flexunit.loc}/html" />
    I'm really new to FlexPMD, so I don't have currently a big knowledge, but it seems impossible to generate a HTML report just like junitreport. (1 line in an ANT task)
    I test the XSLT transformation found on this forum (thread "XSLT pmd.xml -> html"). It's really cool. But it's seems difficult, for example, to extract the wrong code part and add it to the HTML page.
    So, what is the simpler solution to generate HTML report just with FlexPMD/ANT ?
    Thanks !

    Currently you generate a PMD report with ANT  like this :
    <! -- define taskdef  -->
    < taskdef name="pmd"  classname="com.adobe.ac.pmd.ant.FlexPmdAntTask"  classpath="${build.pmd.loc}/flex-pmd-ant-task-${flexpmd.version}.jar">
             < classpath>
                 < path refid="flexpmd.base" />
                 < pathelement  location="${build.pmd.loc}/commons-lang-2.4.jar" />
                 < pathelement  location="${build.pmd.loc}/flex-pmd-core-${flexpmd.version}.jar" />
                 < pathelement  location="${build.pmd.loc}/flex-pmd-ruleset-api-${flexpmd.version}.jar"  />
                 < pathelement  location="${build.pmd.loc}/flex-pmd-ruleset-${flexpmd.version}.jar"  />
                 < pathelement  location="${build.pmd.loc}/plexus-utils-1.0.2.jar" />
             < /classpath>
    < /taskdef>
    then generate XML  report like this :
    < pmd  sourceDirectory="${src.loc}" outputDirectory="${report.loc}"  ruleSet="${build.pmd.loc}/rules.xml"/>
    The  XML contains some file nodes :
    < file  name="/Users/user/workspace/AS3_UTILS/src/utils/align/gridAlignSpaceNumber.as">
           < violation beginline="22" endline="22" begincolumn="0"  endcolumn="27" rule="adobe.ac.pmd.rules.naming.TooShortVariable"  ruleset="All Flex Rules" package="utils.align"  class="gridAlignSpaceNumber.as" externalInfoUrl="" priority="5">This  variable name is too short (3 characters minimum, but 1 actually).  Detects when a field, local, or parameter has a very short name<  /violation>
    < /file>
    The  message is in the text node  < violation>TEXT< /violation>
    For  me, we miss an important part of the message : the portion of the "bad"  code.
    It could be very usefull if PMD can generate  something like this :
    < file  name="">
           < violation beginline="" endline="" begincolumn=""  endcolumn="" rule=""  ruleset="" package=""  class="gridAlignSpaceNumber.as" externalInfoUrl="" priority="">
            < description>TEXT< /description>
            < code><CDATA[MY CODE
    MY CODE]>< /code>
        <  /violation>
    < /file>
    With this, we can  generate "full" HTML report with XSLT transform easily.
    I  understand that it modify the standard XML schema of the output.
    So,  perharps it could be an option like this :
    < pmd fullDescription="true"  sourceDirectory="${src.loc}"  outputDirectory="${report.loc}"  ruleSet="${build.pmd.loc}/rules.xml"/>
    What do you think ?
    Thanks !

  • Batch file to html report generator:

    I want to create reports based of the batch file that I run.
    I created a batch file to run a number of programs for this PC tune up service that we do at the University I work at.  This is mostly a "learn for my own benefit" project, but if it works and looks nice I would like to make it availible to
    my co workers.  
    Here is what I have so far for the batch:
    @echo off
    echo Do you need to install
    echo  Microsoft Antivirus?
    echo Type y / n (lowercase)
    set /p antivirus=
    if %antivirus%== y goto msantivirus
    if %antivirus%== n goto mbam
    goto start
    echo ProgramFiles(x86) var:
    if not defined ProgramFiles(x86) (
        start mseinstall32.exe 
    else (
        start mseinstall64.exe 
    echo Do you need to install
    echo  Malwarebytes?
    echo Type y / n (lowercase)
    set /p malwarebytes=
    if %malwarebytes%== y start  mbam-setup-
    if %malwarebytes%== n goto cleaner
    goto mbam
    echo Do you need to install
    echo  CCleaner?
    echo Type y / n (lowercase)
    set /p CCleaner=
    if %CCleaner%== y start  start ccsetup416.exe
    if %CCleaner%== n goto msconfig
    goto cleaner
    echo Do you need to run
    echo  MSCONFIG?
    echo Type y / n (lowercase)
    set /p microsoftconfig=
    if %microsoftconfig%== y start msconfig
    if %microsoftconfig%== n goto print
    goto msconfig
    echo Do you want to print
    echo  a report?
    echo Type y / n (lowercase)
    set /p print=
    if %print%== y start (i don't know what to do here)
    if %print%== n goto done
    goto done
    echo You have finished the Zonetech scan. Press any key to exit.
    pause >null
    Here is what I have for the HTML (its based of another site I made so there is some leftover stuff in it):
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> Zone Tech Computer Health Form </title>
    <meta name= "viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link href= "css/bootstrap.min.css" rel= "stylesheet">
    <link href= "css/styles.css" rel= "stylesheet">
    <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top">
    <div class= "container">
    <a href= "#" class= "navbar-brand"> BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY ZONE TECH</a>
    <button class = "navbar-toggle" data-toggle = "collapse" data-target = ".navHeaderCollapse">
    <span class = "icon-bar"> </span>
    <span class = "icon-bar"> </span>
    <span class = "icon-bar">  </span>
    <span class = "icon-bar"> </span>
    <span class = "icon-bar">  </span>
    <div class= "collapse navbar-collapse navHeaderCollapse">
    <ul class = "nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
    <li class= "active"><a href = "#">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href = "#">Blog <b class= "caret"></b></a></li>
    <li class = "dropdown">
    <a href = "#" class = "dropdown-toggle" data-toggle = "dropdown">Social Media</a>
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    <li><a href = "#contact" data-toggle="modal" >Contact</a></li>
    <div class = "container text-center">
    <div class ="jumbotron">
    <h1> Computer Health Report</h1>
    <img src="img/smallerbroncologo.png" />
    <div class= "container" >
    <div class = "row">
    <div class = "col-md-3">
    <h3><a href = "#">Virus Scan </a></h3>
    <p>A Virus Scan checks your computer to see if any malicious software is present.</p>
    <a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default" > read moe </a>
    <div class = "col-md-3">
    <h3><a href = "#">Adware Scan </a></h3>
    <p>We check your computer for programs that may present themselves as legitimate services to "repair" your computer for money or sites that redirect your internet browser.</p>
    <a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default" > read moe </a>
    <div class = "col-md-3">
    <h3><a href = "#">Registry Scan </a></h3>
    <p>Sometimes programs you have installed don't uninstall right or fully.  Othertimes your programs may stop working because there is wrong infomration in the registry.  We clean and optimize the registry
    to help make your computer work better</p>
    <a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default" > read moe </a>
    <div class = "col-md-3">
    <h3><a href = "#">Start Up Scan </a></h3>
    <p>If your computer is booting slowly, sometimes the cause is to many programs trying to start up when windows starts up.  If to many programs try to start up at once it clogs up the computers processor and makes
    it run slow.   We check to make sure that only the essential programs are running so your computer runs better.</p>
    <a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default" > read moe </a>
    <div class = "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-bottom" >
    <div class = "container" >
    <p class = "navbar-text pull-left"> Site by Travis </p>
    <div class = "modal fade" id = "contact" role = "dialog">
    <div class = class "modal-dialog">
    <div class = "modal-content">
    <div class = "modal-header">
    <p> Contact Tech Site </p>
    <div class= "modal-body" >
    <p>There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are
    going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on
    the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from  </p>
    <div class = "footer">
    <a class= "btn btn-default" data-dismiss = "modal" >close</a>
    <a class= "btn btn-primary" data-dismiss = "modal" >close</a>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/latest/jquery.js"> </script>
    <script src="js/bootstrap.js"> </script>
    Here is what I want to do:
    I want to make an interactive html report based on an HTML site I made.  I want to take the y (meaning yes) inputs for the strings( anitivirus, malwarebytes, ccleaner, and Microsoftconfig which are from the batch) and make them indicate something has
    been done on the HTML that I created.  Essentially, I see the yes inputs putting check marks (or something) in the sections of my HTML document that are related to the programs I ran in the batch.  The sections in the HTML page are called Virus Scan,
    Adware Scan, Registry Scan, and Start up scan and they are paired to the variables antivirus, malwarebytes, ccleaner, and microsoftconfig.  
    I hope this makes sense.
    Thanks for any help

    This is the way I was looking at it.  Essentially a html file is a text file.  I have already written the html file I want to have displayed.  I just want the batch to make a slight change to the text in part of it.  If I could
    do that I would be happy.  Is there any way to do that with the batch?
    Editing files never has been and is still not something that batch files do easily.  I ti si not the intention of batch to do this.
    If you are trying to learn something, try learn-ing something that is not obsolete.  Batch is not worth the time when we have PowerShell,  If you ant to alter an HTML dynamically then use an HTA.  It is easy and well supported.

  • [FlexPMD] flexpmd.html report created with zero bytes [Plz help]

    hi folks,
    initially i integrated FlexPMD with Maven.
    when i tried to build it creates the following:
    two folders:
    * CSS --- contains css files
    * Images --- contains image files
    two files:
    flexpmd.html -- created with zero bytes
    pmd.xml -- it lists the violations.
    my pom.xml
    then i tried to integrate with Hudson, i configured this pmd.xml with hudson, its showing empty graph(see below)
    could you tell me , why this flexpmd.html is generated with zero bytes and why i'm not able to see plotted graph
    i tried the following version 1.0.RC4,1.0.RC5 and 1.1. but these versions also creating empty html report and some versions not running under hudson.
    please provide the correct version and details to solve this issue.
    please help in this issue, no help except this forum... i googled already did nt get any help.
    correct me if i'm wrong.
    thanks in advance.

    What do you have in the console log?
    Please, try with 1.1.

  • Html report naming

    Hello All
    My question is related to the two attached pdf files.
    The Report_BD file shows how I am saving a html report. There is no problem with the vi, it works fine. The issue I have is with the naming convention.
    The second pdf shows a directory listing of the report files that are generated.....a html file....and a jpeg file.
    I am unaware of the naming convention used for the jpeg file, but its name has no relation to the vi.....example shown LVtemp0337868190917.
    Now, most readers are going to say......what's wrong with this...it's only a temp file, but I have a need (believe me) to be able to name the file according to my own convention.
    The question.....can somebody enlighten me on how I might be able to PROGRAMMATICALLY change the name as it is created....a name such as "SecondPage"
    Thanks for any assistance with this.
    Best regards
    Dir_Forum.pdf ‏91 KB
    Report_BD.pdf ‏32 KB

    Hi Ray,
    there are different solutions. The first is you can change the internal code from the library where the file is generated. Another solution is to go through all files, check if it's an image and if yes change the filename to what you need. Remember the original name, open the html report and search for your remembered name inside a <img src=""></img> tag. If you've found it, replace the new name with the old one.
    Hope it helps.

  • Generate static HTML Report from Abap

    Hello dear BW-gurus,
    Let me explain our problem: we need a html report which contains the query-result (like the normal result table in a  web-query) and all corresponding (BW)documents to that query or key figures. Also all key figures formulas should be in that document.
    Up to now no problem: I use an own class which inherits from  cl_rsr_xls_grid, take the p_string (the query result as html formatted string) and concatenate all the other Information like documents or formulas html-formatted to that string. From this string I can generate a file or can countinue processing.
    But here is my problem: We need a link from the key figures in the result table to the documents or formulas of the key figures.
    please take a look to the example document:
    <b>Query result</b>
    0Datefrom   |  KPI A   |  KPI B
    01.01.06   |  1234    |  2345
    02.01.06   |  3456    |  4567
    <b>existing Documents</b>
    Doc A
    KPI = KPI A , Datefrom = 02.01.06 : "Content of Document A"
    Doc B
    KPI = KPI B , Datefrom = 01.01.06 : "Content of Document B"
    --> In this example, there should be two <a hrefs>-links:
    1. From 3456 to Doc A
    2. From 2345 to Doc B
    Anyone has an idea of how to get it working? Is the class cl_rsr_xls_grid completely wrong for that? Do I have to use a cl_rsr_www* class and cl_rsr_www_modify_table? And if so, how can I generate a sting or so with the cl_rsr_www* classes?
    thanks in forward for your help!

    Hello dear BW-gurus,
    Let me explain our problem: we need a html report which contains the query-result (like the normal result table in a  web-query) and all corresponding (BW)documents to that query or key figures. Also all key figures formulas should be in that document.
    Up to now no problem: I use an own class which inherits from  cl_rsr_xls_grid, take the p_string (the query result as html formatted string) and concatenate all the other Information like documents or formulas html-formatted to that string. From this string I can generate a file or can countinue processing.
    But here is my problem: We need a link from the key figures in the result table to the documents or formulas of the key figures.
    please take a look to the example document:
    <b>Query result</b>
    0Datefrom   |  KPI A   |  KPI B
    01.01.06   |  1234    |  2345
    02.01.06   |  3456    |  4567
    <b>existing Documents</b>
    Doc A
    KPI = KPI A , Datefrom = 02.01.06 : "Content of Document A"
    Doc B
    KPI = KPI B , Datefrom = 01.01.06 : "Content of Document B"
    --> In this example, there should be two <a hrefs>-links:
    1. From 3456 to Doc A
    2. From 2345 to Doc B
    Anyone has an idea of how to get it working? Is the class cl_rsr_xls_grid completely wrong for that? Do I have to use a cl_rsr_www* class and cl_rsr_www_modify_table? And if so, how can I generate a sting or so with the cl_rsr_www* classes?
    thanks in forward for your help!

  • PowerDesigner 16.5 SP02 HTML Report not displaying diagrams in IE8

    I am creating an HTML report in PowerDesigner 16.5 SP02 and the diagrams are not displaying in IE8.
    I am aware that these are SVG images and that a download/install of SVGViewer would fix this BUT I don't want to have to download something to view the report in IE.
    I am also aware that IE11 displays the diagrams but we are using IE8 company wide due to legacy applications that were built on it.
    Any suggestions on how to fix this when building the report? Is it possible to change format of the diagrams? I know there is a way in PD Portal but can't seem to find a way to do it in PowerDesigner.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    1st create the report using the wizard that uses the default image type.
    Go to the html source directory and find the image.
    Copy and rename it to a jpg / bmp / png etc
    Next create a custom template report.
    Once you are at the selection criteria - select the Graphic File from the Available items on the left.
    Import the graphic image as a .jpg / bmp /png etc
    continue selecting reporting options.
    once done - save as a new template
    Go back to your model and select the newly created reporting template and continue as per normal.
    I know this is not the most elegant solution but you could try the following.
    1) Go the the directory where the html report files was saved.
    2) copy and rename the image file to the desired format i.e .gif / .jpg
    3) go to the html link in the report where the image is displayed.
    4) right-click the image and select inspect element
    5) check what the name of the source .html file is
    6) edit the html page and rename the image in the .html file to what you changed it to.
    7) save and refresh
    hope this helps

  • Html report of graph

    Good Morning
    I am using the FP Image to Report vi to create a html report (png) of a FP with a graph on it.
    When the report is generated the waveform generated is not visible, that is, its not there, just the graph
    Could somebody explain why this is happening?
    Thank you.

    If you are running the program as an .exe, there is a possibility that it won't run properly on the deployment machine, because it was compiled on the development machine using Windows XP.  Although it is possible that it would work, there is no guarantee that it will (Windows Server 2008 is based off of Windows NT 6.x, like Vista and 7; XP is not).  Again, this difference may not mean that it absolutely will not work, but this raises some more questions.  One thing you could do is build/compile the program on the deployment machine.  If you do this, and the problem persists, then there is something wrong with the code (for that machine) and might need to be reworked.
    Applications Engineering Specialist - Semiconductor Test
    National Instruments

  • Print HTML Report.vi doesn't scale properly.

    LV 8.5.1, Report Generation Toolkit, XP.  Our application uses the Print HTML Report.vi to print an HTML report.
    We found that on some installations the resulting page does not scale properly.  Instead of being one page wide,
    the printout is about 1.5 pages wide (and proportionately longer), leading to our report being truncated.
    Tried different printers, different print drivers, no difference.
    Finally we noticed that the affected computers all had Internet Explorer 6 installed.  Updating to Internet
    Explorer 7 fixed the problem.  Don't know about IE8, I expect that will work as well.
    Hopefully this will help someone else who runs across this problem.  I couldn't find any reference to
    an IE > 6 dependency in the Report Generation Toolkit readme system requirement.

    Hi Charlie,
    The layout option is not wired to anything in the Standard, HTML, Excel and Word Report, but it is used in the Quick Print default case.  The Help document for this VI mentions that the layout option is ignored on Standard and HTML Reports but does not mention the Excel or Word Reports.
    This was discovered a little while ago in this discussion forum.  And a report has be filed to R&D by Ben.
    Justin Parker
    National Instruments
    Product Support Engineer

  • Print HTML Report Automatica​lly after Each UUT

    I saw the document on NI site called "Print HTML Report Automatically after Each UUT". That's exactly what I want to do with XML files. So I put it in my sequence file and it works fine, but when it opens the xml file at the first step, there's a pop-up from IE who say that "Scripts are generally safe, do you want to authorise this script" (This message is also displayed when I open my file in files explorer).
    So, the print is not automatically anymore as I must answer to this pop-up. does anybody has a solution to bypass this pop-up ?
    I tried to use the property silent on the class IWebBrowser2. Inded, the pop-up doesn't appear anymore, but my XML file isn't correctly printed. I supposed the default response of the pop-up (which is no) is applied. So the script isn't executed.
    I also tried to configure IE to not display this pop-up : No result

    I think that you need to configure your browser, can you take a look a this article:
    Nacer M. | Certified LabVIEW Architecte

  • Page break in html report

    Hi all,
    I am sending a report to external user e-mail id from SAP. The user is receiving the report in html format.
    The user asks me they need a page break on the report after each customer data. I am wondering is it possible to have a page break in html report? If yes, how it is possible?

    I insist : it is not possible with HTML to insert Page breaks. BUT, Tammie is right! You can use CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) to insert page breaks thanks to few lines of code in your HTML page.
    Follow this link to have a look at a very simple piece of code to illustrate this :
    Here it the code if you don't have access to this URL :
    <title>CodeAve.com/CSS - Page Break</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    Page 1
    <br style="page-break-before:always;">
    Page 2
    <br style="page-break-after:always;">
    Page 3
    Use print preview on your browser to see how<br>
    this page would print out to three pages
    Hope it helps.
    Don't forget to close the post if solved (so that search in the forum is easier), and reward points (so that SDN members are happy !) 

  • Correct URL path for images on HTML reports

    We are using Reports Server 6.0 and rwcgi60.exe to display HTML reports on the web. A number of our reports have embedded charts in them which get converted into gifs when the HTML report gets generated.
    The problem is that the HTML report has a <base href="http://machinename/cache/xyz.html"> at the top of the report. In our case, the machinename is the name of the web-server. However, when folks go to our website, they actually see our domain name rather than the internal machine name of the web-server. Hence, the images do not show up as the URL associated with the image is not accessible by folks coming from outside the web-server.
    Is there some setting that will help us set the base href associated with generated reports? Or is there some other way to get the reports to show up with images on the web?

    You can't change the base tag - but I'm not sure I understand the problem. If machinename.domain is the full name of the machine running the webserver, and this is what was used when calling the CGI, then this is what the base tag will have. Does your machine have 2 names or something - and only 1 gets resolved to some folks?
    The Oracle Reports Team http://technet.oracle.com

  • Difference between pdf and html report format

    Why HTML report printouts truncate from the right-end side, compare to the pdf report format ?, do i need to change anything
    while running report through HTML format

    The printing from html output is majorly affected by browser settings. Once you try to change the left and right margins in page setup before printing, I solved this problem in this way , it may work for you. Let me know if it works or if you overcome it by other ways.
    with regards

  • Animated gif to html report

    Hello All
    Is it possible to save an animated GIF to a html report (for publishing to web and still maintain animation)

    Firstly, thanks for showing an interest in my problem.
    I've done some searching here on the forum using keywords like html, animated gif, report etc, but haven't seen anything close to what I want to do.
    I csn save FPs as a whole into a html report, but am unsure where to even begin for an embedded item such as the gif.
    The animated gif was placed on the FP by simply cut and paste and I'm not sure how to go about saving just the gif (sans rest of the FP) to a html report and still maintain the animation properties.

  • Problem with NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using IE.vi on different machines

    We have 5 machines here in our workgroup which have the same state regarding security patches and other system updates. We recently found out that there is a problem with the NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using IE.vi on the different machines.
    If I would open the VI on MachineA the control could be loaded. If I would open the VI on MachineB the control could be loaded. If I would copy the VI from MachineB to MachineA and open the VI the control could not be loaded. If I would copy the VI from MachineA to MachineB and open the VI on MachineB the control could be loaded. MachineB could load the version from MachineA and MachineB but on MachineA only the own version will load. I have seen that both versions have the same GUID for the Microsoft Webbrowser but are different in some other aereas.
    Since printing HTML Reports is part of the application which will be distributed as application I want to know if someone else have seen such a behaviour or has got problems distributing an application.
    Also I want to know which additional information is stored in an Active-X container about the control beside the GUID.
    We have Win XP Prof SP2 with MS IE 6.0.2900.2180 on all machines in the workgroup.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

    Hi Tom,
    this is the VI <vi.lib>\Utillitiy\NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using IE.vi copied from a machine that can load and run the VI and it will print. On this machine the control in the VI is white.
    This VI will give the "Control could not be loaded" message on my machine.
    The file shdocvw.dll is 2006-10-23 16:18 size 1.460 KB and I verifyed that both machines have the same version of this file.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
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