Wrong name listed under Network Servers

Hi, I know this might be a trivial issue, but I am fairly new to Xserves and recently had to reinstall Mac OS X Server on our Xserve.
Now, for some unknown reason, when I go to _Network > Servers_, it lists the Xserve as "imac-kfallon" which is one of the imacs on our network, instead of "pascal-xserve", which is what the Xserve is called.
When I go to _System Preferences > Sharing_, the name is listed correctly (pascal-xserve). How can I change the name under _Network > Servers_ to the correct one?

I managed to sort it out using the changeip command in the terminal to change the hostname.
Once restarted, the Xserve had the correct name.

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    There are several possible causes for this behavior.
    1. Two (or more) computers on the local network have the same Bonjour name, such as "X's-MacBook-Pro.local". Resolve the name conflict by renaming one or more of them in the Sharing preference pane.
    2. You have two simultaneous connections to the same local network: probably Ethernet and Wi-Fi. If applicable, disconnect the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi.
    3. A Mac wakes from sleep due to network traffic. This is a bug in OS X that may only affect some models.
    4. A device that gets its network address from the router wakes from sleep, and the address it was using before has been assigned to another device.
    5. A third-party wireless router has incompatible settings or firmware. In that case, refer to the manufacturer or ISP for support. Restarting the router may help, temporarily.
    6. If the router is an Apple device, it may need to be restarted.
    7. A third-party Bonjour device on the network is malfunctioning. Finding out which is a process of elimination.
    8. There is more than one DHCP server on the network. Typically, there would be two or more wireless access points configured to act as routers.
    9. See also this support article.

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    I feel your pain. All I can offer is what I found worked for me in my upgrade from 3.9 to 4.9--and the WHY of that is not clear to me. Perhaps it could have been done better by trashing the .plist files that are listed above . . .
    But, several things--you have provided little in the way of the details of your situation--what are you trying to connect and what error windows are you getting. So, if it's not exactly like macmend then maybe you should start a new thread/topic and provide more info. And, if you read my post at the linked thread you would see that it took me a long time to piece my personal answer together--depending on who reads your question that may be faster or slower. BUt, don't give up--I did a number of searches in the search discussion bar to the right and followed along to try to find other people who were having the same problem. The answer is probably simple if everything was working right before hand. And that is the question--was everything right before you did the upgrade--did you "repair permissions" and did you perchance "repair disk" using install CD before you did the upgrade? These kind of details can provide more info so that someone can help you with your issue. Good luck.

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    u can execute this code
    Set NoCount On
    Declare @CurrID int,@ExistValue int, @MaxID int, @SQL nvarchar(1000)
    Declare @TCPPorts Table (PortType nvarchar(180), Port int)
    Declare @SQLInstances Table (InstanceID int identity(1, 1) not null primary key,
                                              InstName nvarchar(180),
                                              Folder nvarchar(50),
                                              StaticPort int null,
                                              DynamicPort int null,
                                              Platform int null);
    Declare @Plat Table (Id int,Name varchar(180),InternalValue varchar(50), Charactervalue varchar (50))
    Declare @Platform varchar(100)
    Insert into @Plat exec xp_msver platform
    select @Platform = (select 1 from @plat where charactervalue like '%86%')
    If @Platform is NULL
    Insert Into @SQLInstances (InstName, Folder)
    Exec xp_regenumvalues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
                                 N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL';
    Update @SQLInstances set Platform=64
    Insert Into @SQLInstances (InstName, Folder)
    Exec xp_regenumvalues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
                                 N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL';
    Update @SQLInstances Set Platform=32
    Declare @Keyexist Table (Keyexist int)
    Insert into @Keyexist
    Exec xp_regread'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
                                  N'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL';
    select @ExistValue= Keyexist from @Keyexist
    If @ExistValue=1
    Insert Into @SQLInstances (InstName, Folder)
    Exec xp_regenumvalues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
                                  N'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL';
    Update @SQLInstances Set Platform =32 where Platform is NULL
    Select @MaxID = MAX(InstanceID), @CurrID = 1
    From @SQLInstances
    While @CurrID <= @MaxID
          Delete From @TCPPorts
          Select @SQL = 'Exec xp_instance_regread N''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'',
                                  N''SOFTWARE\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server\' + Folder + '\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\IPAll'',
          From @SQLInstances
          Where InstanceID = @CurrID
          Insert Into @TCPPorts
          Exec sp_executesql @SQL
          Select @SQL = 'Exec xp_instance_regread N''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'',
                                  N''SOFTWARE\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server\' + Folder + '\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\IPAll'',
          From @SQLInstances
          Where InstanceID = @CurrID
          Insert Into @TCPPorts
          Exec sp_executesql @SQL
          Select @SQL = 'Exec xp_instance_regread N''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'',
                                  N''SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server\' + Folder + '\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\IPAll'',
          From @SQLInstances
          Where InstanceID = @CurrID
          Insert Into @TCPPorts
          Exec sp_executesql @SQL
          Select @SQL = 'Exec xp_instance_regread N''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'',
                                  N''SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server\' + Folder + '\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\IPAll'',
          From @SQLInstances
          Where InstanceID = @CurrID
          Insert Into @TCPPorts
          Exec sp_executesql @SQL
          Update SI
          Set StaticPort = P.Port,
                DynamicPort = DP.Port
          From @SQLInstances SI
          Inner Join @TCPPorts DP On DP.PortType = 'TCPDynamicPorts'
          Inner Join @TCPPorts P On P.PortType = 'TCPPort'
          Where InstanceID = @CurrID;
          Set @CurrID = @CurrID + 1
    Select serverproperty('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') as ServerName, InstName, StaticPort, DynamicPort,Platform
    From @SQLInstances
    Set NoCount Off

  • Server Name not found on Servers' List

    I have an installation on SAP B1 8.8 on which the server and 3 of the four clients are operating normally. The fourth client (ran on Windows 7) is not showing the server name on the "Company Select" form. Instead of it it is showing only "(local)". As a result, of course, the list of companies shown below is empty. I tried to re-install but with no good.
    Again, the other clients on the network are working fine.
    Does anyone have faced similar situation?

    hi Gerasimos,
    Greetings of the day.
    which windows 7? 64 bit or 32 bit?
    first of all do a clean uninstall.
    delete all SAP folder in c:\program files, c:\common files\business objects.
    delete all SAP folders from application data coming under documents and settings for all users, administrators.
    delete all temp files under c:\windows, documents and settings\ each user and\or administrators\local settings.
    download msicuu2.exe from microsoft.com, install and run it, will clean registry if anything available.
    install SAP B1.
    then go to LAN adaptor settings, under network settings, under IPV4 and in adapter settings, specify the static IP address if any and in the default gateway specify the IP address of the server.
    uncheck IPV6.
    start SAP B1
    it should work.
    let me know.
    thanks and regards.
    Vijay M. Patil.

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    I have just updated my iPad2 with iOS 6.3.1. and now I am unable to access my home network. The Wi-Fi icon in the status bar is not shown.
    Under settings, Wi-Fi it shows my network name and under the Wi- Fi menu, chose a Network it shows it is searching for my network by name and continues to run and run without finding the network.
    Prior to updating to iOs 6.3.1 my system worked perfectly.
    Can anybody help please.

    1. Turn off router for 30 seconds and on again
    2. Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings

  • How do i get a list of SQL Servers from network?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to get a list of SQL Servers from the network and put them into a drop-down combo box. I try to search on Google and i can only find some C# source codes which doesn't help me at all. I'm wondering if JAVA has the similar method to do so.
    btw, I'm using MSSQL Server 2005, JDBC 1.2, JDK 1.6.0_24

    jschell wrote:
    flyto9 wrote:
    I'd been told to create a user friendly no brainer user interface In typical business scenarios involving databases that is ridiculous.
    A company that has multiple database servers must ALREADY understand the complexities of managing and using those databases.
    true, but you know as well as I do that requirements documents are usually not written by people with the least understanding on those complexities...
    And if a company assigns such a project to someone like OP who clearly doesn't know how to deal with such requirements documents, that only shows their morosity all the more clearly :)
    Assuming that I'm able to find a list of TCP connections on network, how do I know which of them are sqlserver?That isn't what I said. A "protocol" is a description of a methodology involving functionality and communication which solves a particular problem.
    There is a "protocol" which describes how to find MS SQL Servers. You don't make it up yourself. You find the description, read what it says and implement it.Or more likely (like Oracle) there's no such security problem in MS SQL Server and instead it relies on the client knowing the connection details or it'll never find them.

  • "xm list" command shows wrong name

    I have created a virtual machine called "testobi1" using VM Manager. And when I run "xm list" command then it shows the wrong name "50_testobi1"
    [root@test01 ~]# xm list
    Name ID Mem VCPUs State Time(s)
    *50_testobi1* 1 1024 1 -b---- 0.8
    Domain-0 0 543 8 r----- 87.1
    Any suggestion on how to correct *50_testobi1* to *"testobi1"*?
    I have changed the name line in /OVS/running_pool/50_testobi1/vm.cfg file, restarted whole VM server but no success.
    Thank you for your help.

    as09 wrote:
    Actually I thought that I would connect to domain by given name in VM Manager. For example: * #xm console testobi1* But now I will have to remember prefix counter information which is auto set. what could be reason for such design?I suspect it's to ensure that all guests always have a unique name, but that's just a guess.
    When I try to create domain manually on command line without VM Manager then it created domain name as given and did not prefix counter to it.Correct -- the prefix is created by Oracle VM Manager itself, as it adds the guest to the database. You'll notice that when you import a manually created guest, it will be given a prefix by Oracle VM Manager during the import process.

  • I bought an album and not all the songs came up listed under the artist name.  They came up as separate songs and not as part of an album.  How do I fix this?

    I bought an album and not all the songs came up listed under the artist name.  They came up as separate songs and not as part of an album.  How do I fix this?

    Hello pjmelli921,
    You have to locate the album in itunes. Highlight each track, hold the ctrl button and left click each one.
    Do a right-click on the highlighted blue, select get info, say yes to editing multiple tracks.
    Hit the options tab, change "part of a compliation" to yes, select ok on the bottom right.
    Resync ipod. This should fix it on your ipod after the resync.
    Hope this helps.

  • Windows VPN clients can't use network servers after 10.5.1 upgrade

    We have two Xserves, both formerly running 10.4.11. One is the OD master, the other a replica. The replica is also the VPN server, and is a DHCP server for the small number of IP addresses reserved for VPN clients.
    The OD master upgrade went fine. I completely reinstalled the OD replica, set the replica up again, and set up the VPN server. It supports L2TP/IPsec connections only.
    After the upgrade, Mac users running Tiger or Leopard can connect to the VPN server and connect to network services without any problems. Windows users can connect, but cannot actually USE anything on my office network. For example, if you try to connect to a web server either by fully qualified domain name or by hostname, the connection from the browser simply times out.
    In the Windows command line I can verify that I have an active connection by pinging and using the tracert command (equivalent of traceroute on UNIX). Hostname resolution works, too. But nothing happens when you try to open a web browser, which is mostly what my users need to do.
    It doesn't matter whether you're logging in with an OD user account or a local account defined solely on the VPN server. Same behavior in Windows.
    I had to take an older XServe running 10.4.11 out of our data center, move it to the office, and set it up on the same external network connection. 10.4.11 server works, 10.5.1 doesn't, from the same Windows client, set up exactly the same way.
    I've been through the hoops with Apple Enterprise support, who now tell me that Engineering kicked it back to them and told them they'd charge me $695 to get it fixed, because it's ostensibly custom configuration work. If that's true, why is Windows XP listed under L2TP/IPSec support on page 127 of the Leopard Network Services Admin guide? I don't want a custom fix, I just want it to work the way it's supposed to work. Or I want Apple to retract the claim that OS X Server is the best workgroup server solution for Macs and Windows.
    Anyone else encounter this problem or know of a fix?

    Had the same problems, started after i tried out the firewall in Leopard server.
    Seems that not all settings are reset even after turning the firewall off.
    To reset the firewall to its default setting:
    1 Disconnect the server from the Internet.
    2 Restart the server in single-user mode by holding down the Command-s keys during
    3 Remove or rename the address groups file found at /etc/ipfilter/
    4 Remove or rename the ipfw configuration file found at /etc/ipfilter/ipfw.conf.
    5 Force-flush the firewall rules by entering the following in Terminal:
    $ ipfw -f flush
    6 Edit the /etc/hostconfig file and set IPFILTER=-YES-.
    7 Complete the startup sequence in the login window by entering exit:
    The computer starts up with the default firewall rules and firewall enabled. Use Server
    Admin to refine the firewall configuration.
    8 Log in to your server’s local administrator account to confirm that the firewall is
    restored to its default configuration.
    9 Reconnect your host to the Internet.
    This solved the problem for me...

Maybe you are looking for