Wrong OS installed on new MacBook Pro. What to do?

MacBook Pro was supposed to have Snow Leopard installed but came with Lion preinstalled. Lion is no good for me. Should I return the computer or try to install Snow Leopard over Lion? I've read of people having problems trying to install Snow Leopard over Lion. I ordered from Amazon so returning shouldn't be a problem.

Amazon has no control at all over what OS is installed on a Mac you order through it. You can return your machine, but you'll have to take potluck with respect to what OS will be installed on its replacement. And with each passing day, the likelihood of getting one with Snow Leopard is diminishing. I recommend replacing Lion with SL on the machine you have now.

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    If your in Europe then I use Vodafone, and have been happy.  I also tether my Android phone, depending whc has better reception (though the Android is free with easytether)



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    3 days old?, just pack the machine up and tell them you want another one, that this one is a lemon.
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    Boot your computer while pressing Command-R. You can reinstall Lion from here. Covered here:

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