Wsdl endpoint problem

Hi everyone, i need some help, I have a wsdl that points to an external server, if I test the wsdl in WSNavigator I need to chance the end point to "Defined by the user" and set the ip of the external server because by default is "localhost" there, my problem is that when my app execute the model, it tries to reach localhost not the ip given when the wsdl was imported. My question is how i need to import the wsdl to my app to be available to change the endpoint.
Thanks !

This is how you change the endpoint dynamically in code.
            <model object>.wdSetInvocationModifier(new IWDWSInvocationModifier() {
                   public void doModifyInvocation(final Object port) {
                       if ( port instanceof Stub ) {
                         final Stub stub = (Stub)port;
                       } else if (port instanceof DInterfaceInvoker) {
                         final DInterfaceInvoker invoker = (DInterfaceInvoker)port;
                         invoker.setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, <endpoint>);
                       } else{
                          throw new RuntimeException(<Error Message>);
                     public void doModifyAfterInvocation() {}
Hope this solves your problem.

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  • WSDL - Java problem

    Hi all,
    I have been trying to generate a web service from a WSDL file (which, in my opinion, is the best way to create a web service when you don't already have a program). But there's some problems I run across which I can't seem to find the solution for.
    My traject should be: WSDL -> Java Files -> Compiling -> Deployment, where my primary WSDL should not be changed (or just endpoint address)
    I use JWSDP 1.2.
    When I try to replicate the helloservice, static stub example with my own WSDL file, I receive the following error:
    wscompile.bat -gen:server -d build -classpath build config-wsdl.xml
    error: generator error: no encoder for type "{}date" and Java type "java.util.Calendar"
    can anyone explain what this is?
    I tried -import and -keep instead of -gen:server, to get my Java files. This worked and created a lot of java files and even an implementation file, where I could create my webservice. So far it looked good, but after compiling and deploying, the service does not work. The problem is that the generated classes all have changed names (first letter lowercase, instead of uppercase), resulting in a non-working application.
    SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.sun.xml.rpc.server.http.JAXRPCContextListener
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MyService/MyProtocol_myOperation_ResponseStruct
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.sun.xml.rpc.server.http.JAXRPCRuntimeInfoParser.loadClass(
    Where myOperation in my WSDL file is called 'MyOperation'
    So now I'm stuck, can anybody help me or give me a step-by-step how to create a service

    Here's how I do it. I hope this won't annoy other people since this will be a long code post.
    1) Create the java interface:
    package MyService;
    import MyService.holders.*;
    public interface DateServiceInf extends java.rmi.Remote {
         public void setDate(java.util.Date date) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
         public void getDate(DateHolder dholder) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
    2) Create the java implementation:
    package MyService;
    public class DateServiceImpl implements MyService.DateServiceInf{
         java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();     //current date
         public DateServiceImpl() {
         public void getDate(MyService.holders.DateHolder dholder) throws java.rmi.RemoteException{
         public void setDate(java.util.Date date) throws java.rmi.RemoteException{
     = date;
    3) Create the holder class:
    package MyService.holders;
    public class DateHolder {
         private java.util.Date date;
         public DateHolder() {
              date = null;
         public java.util.Date getDate() {
              return date;
         public void setDate(java.util.Date date) {
     = date;
    Compile the whole thing now.
    (you can skip to step 5 below)
    4) Using Apache axis to generate the wsdl file, assume the unzip axis1.1 is located at d:\axis-1_1 (windows bat file) and jdk at c:\j2sdk1.4.0: (make sure all files above are located in the proper directories (packages).
    @echo off
    set AXIS_HOME=d:\axis-1_1
    set AXIS_LIB=%AXIS_HOME%\lib
    set AXISCLASSPATH=%AXIS_LIB%\axis.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\commons-logging.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\saaj.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\log4j-1.2.8.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\xml-apis.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\xercesImpl.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\wsdl4j.jar
    c:\j2sdk1.4.0\bin\java -cp %AXISCLASSPATH%;. org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -l"" -n "urn:MyService" -p"MyService" "urn:MyService" -o MyService.wsdl MyService.DateServiceInf
    Here is the generated file using axis:
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="urn:MyService" xmlns:impl="urn:MyService" xmlns:intf="urn:MyService"
    xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:wsdlsoap=""
    xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:tns2="http://holders.MyService"
    xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns="">
    <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://holders.MyService">
    <import namespace=""/>
    <complexType name="DateHolder">
    <element name="date" nillable="true" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
    <wsdl:message name="setDateResponse">
    <wsdl:message name="getDateResponse">
    <wsdl:message name="setDateRequest">
    <wsdl:part name="in0" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
    <wsdl:message name="getDateRequest">
    <wsdl:part name="in0" type="tns2:DateHolder"/>
    <wsdl:portType name="DateServiceInf">
    <wsdl:operation name="getDate" parameterOrder="in0">
    <wsdl:input name="getDateRequest" message="impl:getDateRequest"/>
    <wsdl:output name="getDateResponse" message="impl:getDateResponse"/>
    <wsdl:operation name="setDate" parameterOrder="in0">
    <wsdl:input name="setDateRequest" message="impl:setDateRequest"/>
    <wsdl:output name="setDateResponse" message="impl:setDateResponse"/>
    <wsdl:binding name="MyServiceSoapBinding" type="impl:DateServiceInf">
    <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
    <wsdl:operation name="getDate">
    <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
    <wsdl:input name="getDateRequest">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:MyService"/>
    <wsdl:output name="getDateResponse">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:MyService"/>
    <wsdl:operation name="setDate">
    <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
    <wsdl:input name="setDateRequest">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:MyService"/>
    <wsdl:output name="setDateResponse">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:MyService"/>
    <wsdl:service name="DateServiceInfService">
    <wsdl:port name="MyService" binding="impl:MyServiceSoapBinding">
    <wsdlsoap:address location=""/>
    5) Generate the wsdl using the Sun's implementation. Assume that the installation is located at: C:\j2sdkee1.4
    @echo off
    c:\j2sdk1.4.0\bin\java -cp . org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -l"" -n "urn:MyService" -p"MyService" "urn:MyService" -o MyService.wsdl MyService.DateServiceInf
    (those are 2 lines: echo and java)
    You may get a warning here.
    Here is the generated file from Sun:
    xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:soap-enc="" xmlns="">
    <import namespace=""/>
    <complexType name="DateHolder">
    <element name="date" type="dateTime"/></sequence></complexType></schema></types>
    <message name="DateServiceInf_getDate">
    <part name="DateHolder_1" type="ns2:DateHolder"/></message>
    <message name="DateServiceInf_getDateResponse"/>
    <message name="DateServiceInf_setDate">
    <part name="Date_1" type="xsd:dateTime"/></message>
    <message name="DateServiceInf_setDateResponse"/>
    <portType name="DateServiceInf">
    <operation name="getDate" parameterOrder="DateHolder_1">
    <input message="tns:DateServiceInf_getDate"/>
    <output message="tns:DateServiceInf_getDateResponse"/></operation>
    <operation name="setDate" parameterOrder="Date_1">
    <input message="tns:DateServiceInf_setDate"/>
    <output message="tns:DateServiceInf_setDateResponse"/></operation></portType>
    <binding name="DateServiceInfBinding" type="tns:DateServiceInf">
    <operation name="getDate">
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace=""/></input>
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace=""/></output>
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/></operation>
    <operation name="setDate">
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace=""/></input>
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace=""/></output>
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/></operation>
    <soap:binding transport="" style="rpc"/></binding>
    <service name="DateService">
    <port name="DateServiceInfPort" binding="tns:DateServiceInfBinding">
    <soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL"/></port></service></definitions>

  • Help needed with wsdl compilation problem

    Hi all,
    I am trying to perform a wsdl2java run on a wsdl, but it keeps failing and I can't work out why.
    Can anyone help me spot the problem?
    Here is the problem I get:
    [WARN] Type {}MntcHistory missing!
    [WARN] Type {}MaintenanceHistory missing!And here is the full wsdl
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsdl="" name="LeaseBaseMntcHistory" targetNamespace="">
         <xsd:schema xmlns = ""
               targetNamespace = ""
              <xsd:element name="FleetID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="CountryID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="RegID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="CompanyID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="ChassisID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="FleetDetails">
                             <xsd:element ref="FleetID"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="CountryID"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="RegID" minOccurs="0"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="CompanyID" minOccurs="0"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="ChassisID"/>
              <xsd:element name="MntcHistory">
                             <xsd:element ref="FleetDetails"/>
         <xsd:schema xmlns = ""
               targetNamespace = ""
              <xsd:element name="Date" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="Mileage" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="StatusCD" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="Operation" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="Details">
                             <xsd:element ref="Detail" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <xsd:element name="FleetID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="RegID" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="MaintenanceHistory">
                             <xsd:element ref="FleetID"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="RegID"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="LstUpdateDate"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="MntcWorkHistory"/>
              <xsd:element name="LstUpdateDate" type="xsd:string"/>
              <xsd:element name="MntcWorkHistory">
                             <xsd:element ref="MntcWork" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <xsd:element name="MntcWork">
                             <xsd:element ref="Date"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="Mileage"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="StatusCD"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="LineItems"/>
              <xsd:element name="LineItems">
                             <xsd:element ref="LineItem" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <xsd:element name="LineItem">
                             <xsd:element ref="Operation"/>
                             <xsd:element ref="Details"/>
              <xsd:element name="Detail" type="xsd:string"/>
        <wsdl:message name="MntcHistory">
            <wsdl:part name="parameters" type="ns0:MntcHistory"/>
        <wsdl:message name="MaintenanceHistory">
            <wsdl:part name="parameters" type="ns1:MaintenanceHistory"/>
        <wsdl:portType name="portType">
            <wsdl:operation name="LeaseBaseClientOp">
                <wsdl:input message="tns:MntcHistory"/>
                <wsdl:output message="tns:MaintenanceHistory"/>
        <wsdl:binding name="intfwsLeaseBaseClientEndpoint0Binding" type="tns:portType">
            <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
            <wsdl:operation name="LeaseBaseClientOp">
                <soap:operation style="rpc" soapAction="/Processes/LeaseBaseClientOp"/>
                    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="" parts="parameters"/>
                    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="" parts="parameters"/>
        <wsdl:service name="intfLeaseBaseClient-service">
            <wsdl:port name="intfwsLeaseBaseClientEndpoint0" binding="tns:intfwsLeaseBaseClientEndpoint0Binding">
                <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/Processes/intfwsLeaseBaseClientEndpoint0"/>
    </wsdl:definitions>Thanks in advance!

    You may try something like the modified code below.
    Noticiable changes :
    #1 - Removed the parentheses. Your original code won't yield alias list but a list of finder objects, which is the reason why Preview opens the image. (The statment 'open finderObject' behaves the same as double clicking it in Finder)
    #2 - Only delete the original jpeg files which are converted to tiff.
    #3 - Build new path for converted image.
    #4 - Save in new path. (When saving image in a format other than its original format, always save the image to a new file and do not attempt to overwrite the source file.)
    on run
    tell application "Finder"
    set PicturesFolder to (path to home folder as string) & "Pictures:SenseCam:" as alias
    set Photographs to get entire contents of PicturesFolder as alias list -- #1
    end tell
    set DonePhotos to {} -- #2
    tell application "Image Events"
    repeat with Photo in Photographs
    set Photo to Photo's contents
    set oldPath to Photo as string
    if oldPath ends with ".jpg" then
    set newPath to oldPath's text 1 thru -5 & ".tif" -- #3
    set ImageRef to open Photo
    save ImageRef as TIFF in newPath -- #4
    close ImageRef
    set end of DonePhotos to Photo -- #2
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    delete DonePhotos -- #2
    end tell
    end run
    Hope this may help,

  • WSDL/XSD problem

    I deployed one pl/sql web services using jdeveloper10g to oc4j. within this webservices, there are two operations which reture two set of xml data.
    For each operation call, the biztalk server need to validate against xsd files that we provide to them.
    Here are the problems:
    1. The xsd was generated from database. but in the soap body, there are two extra tags being added by (see below)
    there two <ns0:getSuppliersCsResponseElement> and <ns0:pdatasetOut> are not in my original xsd file. so biztalk returned failure when it validate message body. Shall I change me xsd to add these two or there is anyway doing this?
    2. I have two operations with different xsd files. How to attach correct or both xsd files within the soap message? or can i do something with WSDL file to inclulde two schemalocations?
    3. the soap body can be over 100MB big. How to streaming the message?

    The following is the WSDL file generated by Jdeveloper
    <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://webdevdb/Tt.wsdl"
    elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns="http://webdevdb/Tt.wsdl" xmlns:wsdl=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap12-enc="">
    <element name="getRfitemsCsElement" type="decimal" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="getRfitemsCsResponseElement" type="tns:TtUser_getRfitemsCs_Out" nillable="true"/>
    <complexType name="TtUser_getRfitemsCs_Out">
    <element name="pdatasetOut" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="getSuppliersCsElement" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="getSuppliersCsResponseElement" type="tns:TtUser_getSuppliersCs_Out"
    <complexType name="TtUser_getSuppliersCs_Out">
    <element name="pdatasetOut" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <message name="Tt_getRfitemsCs">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:getRfitemsCsElement"/>
    <message name="Tt_getRfitemsCsResponse">
    <part name="result" element="tns:getRfitemsCsResponseElement"/>
    <message name="Tt_getSuppliersCs">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:getSuppliersCsElement"/>
    <message name="Tt_getSuppliersCsResponse">
    <part name="result" element="tns:getSuppliersCsResponseElement"/>
    <portType name="tt">
    <operation name="getRfitemsCs">
    <input message="tns:Tt_getRfitemsCs"/>
    <output message="tns:Tt_getRfitemsCsResponse"/>
    <operation name="getSuppliersCs">
    <input message="tns:Tt_getSuppliersCs"/>
    <output message="tns:Tt_getSuppliersCsResponse"/>
    <binding name="ttSoap12Http" type="tns:tt">
    <soap12:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="getRfitemsCs">
    <soap12:operation soapAction="http://webdevdb/Tt.wsdl/getRfitemsCs" soapActionRequired="false"/>
    <soap12:body use="literal"/>
    <soap12:body use="literal" parts="result"/>
    <operation name="getSuppliersCs">
    <soap12:operation soapAction="http://webdevdb/Tt.wsdl/getSuppliersCs" soapActionRequired="false"/>
    <soap12:body use="literal"/>
    <soap12:body use="literal" parts="result"/>
    <service name="tt">
    <port name="ttSoap12HttpPort" binding="tns:ttSoap12Http">
    <soap12:address location=""/>

  • WSDL validation problem with WS-I

    I created a WSDL with jDeveloper following the Oracle Tutorial
    At the point where i have to validate the WSDL with the WS-I tester i get an error message:
    Assertion: BP2701
    The wsdl:definitions namespace is not:
    All the entrys inside teh WSDL are written from jdeveloper.
    the output WSDL looks like:
    <definitions targetNamespace="urn:CreditRating"
    <schema targetNamespace="http://CreditRating.xsd"
    <element name="ssn" type="string"/>
    <element name="rating" type="int"/>
    <element name="error" type="string"/>
    <message name="CreditRatingRequestMessage">
    <part name="ssn" element="types:ssn"/>
    <message name="CreditRatingResponseMessage">
    <part name="rating" element="types:rating"/>
    <message name="CreditRatingFaultMessage">
    <part name="error" element="types:error"/>
    <portType name="CreditRating">
    <operation name="processCreditRating">
    <input message="tns:CreditRatingRequestMessage"/>
    <output message="tns:CreditRatingRequestMessage"/>
    <fault message="tns:CreditRatingFaultMessage" name="negativCredit"/>
    <binding name="CreditRatingSoapHttp" type="tns:CreditRating">
    <soap:binding style="document"
    <operation name="processCreditRating">
    <soap:operation soapAction="urn:CreditRating/processCreditRating"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="ssn"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="ssn"/>
    <fault name="negativCredit">
    <soap:fault use="literal" name="negativCredit"/>
    <service name="CreditRatingService">
    <port name="CreditRatingServiceSoapHttpPort"
    <soap:address location="tbd"/>
    I can not see where the porblem is. Can someone help me please?
    Tanks Bs

    Hi ,
    there is not any problem in code or in function.
    You just need to double click on Excel field where you are having that problem of ####.
    Whenever display size of cell is less then the data size then it's showing as ###. so you just need to double click on it and make it as per data length...

  • WSDL Policy Problem

    Hi All
    I'm  facing this issue...
    My Process Integration version is: 7.1 EHP1
    When create a WSDL, this comes with the WS_POLICY by default in true!
    and thats my problem....
    I'll try to explain all my Steps:
    1.- in the ESR I Have created all the necesary (DT, MT, SI, MM, OP)
    2.- in te Directory, i Have created all objects: Receiver, Sender, I.Det, R.Det.
    3.- Right click on Sender Agreement -> Display WSDL
    4.- this windows comes with 2 things: 1 the WSDL URL and 2, the WSDL per se
    if I download the WSDL, I can change manually  the ws_policy from "true" to "standard" or "false", and with this it works fine... but this solutions doesn't works for me... I need to use the WSDL URL (http://XXXXX:50100/dir/wsdl?p=sa/10eee4f1d18632f182bf5eb4b42cfcdb)
    but, if I use, the WSDL URL, the definition inside it comes with ws_policy = TRUE and I can't change it.
    I have followed this link: /people/holger.stumm2/blog/2010/03/19/wsdl-wspolicy--what-is-it-und-how-can-i-get-rid-of-it-in-pi
    wich talks about how to replace the call of WS_POLICY with STANDARD,
    this is my real URL:
    this is my URL changed.
    but I see than this is pointing to SAP ECC and not to PI... here I'm confused.
    if this works I could see the messages from Legacy to PI in the SXI_MONITOR???
    basically what I can see with this is: a direct call to the "service interface" wich I have activated in the SPROXY.
    But I think than the Policy status can't be changed in PI...
    when I look in the Service Interface WSDL TAB I can see, than already it has the policy in true, I have set the Security profile to "NO" but the WSDL TAB shows: <wsp:UsingPolicy wsdl:required="true" />
    if someone knows how to fix it I'll apreciate it
    Thanks and Regards

    I know it's an old topic, but we've got the exact same problem here.
    We want to remove the policy tags in the WSDL generated by PI (7.11), or at least set  <wsp:UsingPolicy wsdl:required="false" />
    Our webservice is consumed by another application that stumbles upon these tags. Now, everytime we have to remove these tags manually. Hope someone can provide me with a solution. Thanks in advance.

  • Portal Service from wsdl testing problem

    Hi all,I use Developer Studio to generate sap portal wsdl client,when I finished generating,I want to do test.But it throws the Exception like that
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not able to initialize Web Service configuration for service TPOStatusService#
    com.ilog.pct.tpo.proxy.TPOService.getProblemInfo(     at com.ilog.pct.tpo.pages.KpiPage$KpiPageDynPage.doProcessAfterInput(
    I don't know what's the problem.Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
    The followings is my wsdl:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:impl="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <!--WSDL created by Apache Axis version: 1.3
    Built on Oct 05, 2005 (05:23:37 EDT)-->
      <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
       <element name="getProblemInfo">
          <element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
       <element name="getProblemInfoResponse">
          <element name="getProblemInfoReturn" type="impl:ProblemInfo"/>
       <simpleType name="ProcessStatus">
        <restriction base="xsd:string">
         <enumeration value="1"/>
         <enumeration value="2"/>
         <enumeration value="3"/>
       <complexType name="Vehicle">
         <element name="cost" type="xsd:double"/>
         <element name="count" type="xsd:int"/>
         <element name="fixcost" type="xsd:double"/>
         <element name="name" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
       <complexType name="ArrayOfVehicle">
         <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="item" type="impl:Vehicle"/>
       <complexType name="ProblemInfo">
         <element name="numbervehicles" type="xsd:int"/>
         <element name="numbervisit" type="xsd:int"/>
         <element name="processStatus" nillable="true" type="impl:ProcessStatus"/>
         <element name="shipvisit" type="xsd:int"/>
         <element name="total" type="xsd:double"/>
         <element name="vehicle" nillable="true" type="impl:ArrayOfVehicle"/>
       <complexType name="SvcException">
         <element name="errorMsg" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
       <element name="fault" type="impl:SvcException"/>
       <wsdl:message name="getProblemInfoResponse">
          <wsdl:part element="impl:getProblemInfoResponse" name="parameters"/>
       <wsdl:message name="getProblemInfoRequest">
          <wsdl:part element="impl:getProblemInfo" name="parameters"/>
       <wsdl:message name="SvcException">
          <wsdl:part element="impl:fault" name="fault"/>
       <wsdl:portType name="TPOProcessSvc">
          <wsdl:operation name="getProblemInfo">
             <wsdl:input message="impl:getProblemInfoRequest" name="getProblemInfoRequest"/>
             <wsdl:output message="impl:getProblemInfoResponse" name="getProblemInfoResponse"/>
             <wsdl:fault message="impl:SvcException" name="SvcException"/>
       <wsdl:binding name="TPOProcessSvcSoapBinding" type="impl:TPOProcessSvc">
          <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
          <wsdl:operation name="getProblemInfo">
             <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
             <wsdl:input name="getProblemInfoRequest">
                <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
             <wsdl:output name="getProblemInfoResponse">
                <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
             <wsdl:fault name="SvcException">
                <wsdlsoap:fault name="SvcException" use="literal"/>
       <wsdl:service name="TPOProcessSvcService">
          <wsdl:port binding="impl:TPOProcessSvcSoapBinding" name="TPOProcessSvc">
             <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:8080/tpo-web/services/TPOProcessSvc"/>

    Your installation for SAP JCO is not correct. Download the SAP JCO from and install it on your computer as the installation guide says.
       The above error is due to missing file librfc32.dll. If you are using windows operating system. Put the dll files in windows/system32 directory. thank you.
    Read the following thread. this should definitely solve your problem.
    PS: reward points if this hepls. thank you
    Message was edited by: Prakash  Singh

  • Accessing WSDL gives problem..........

    Hi all,
    I'm using NWDS SP12. I'm trying to create deployable proxy out of one WSDL file, which is residing in the server that needs authentication to access that. So, when I give URL to that particular WSDL when generating proxy, I'm not able to do so. How do I give authentication parameter there???
    Then I had tried downloading that WSDL file to my local file system and tried with that also...but no luck...
    Do anyone have any idea????

    Hi Bhavik,
    Thanks for replying.
    I think that was the problem with SP11.....but in SP12 its working fine. I'm able to consume any other services, means I'm able to create proxy for other services like Google.....
    But problem here is, my WSDL file is on the server which requires authentication to access WSDL. So, when I try to give the URL of WSDL its giving HTTP 401 error(unauthorised access). So, the question is "how do I give those parameters while generating proxy for WSDL?"

  • Webservice from WSDL - Endpoint URL unchanged

    Hi all,
    I'm following the JDeveloper tutorial here.... this the endpoint URL is left as - this gets transformed into....
    ...I believe at the point the webservice is generated from the WSDL.
    I have a couple of questions....
    1. Where does it get the localhost & 7101 from - at the point of generating the webservice how does it know where I want to deploy it ?
    2. When I generate my webservice from WSDL my URL is left unchanged - it deploys ok to my SOAServer (not the JDeveloper integrated one) but not with the endpoint I used in the WSDL - how do I find this endpoint ?

    OK, I managed to find the endpoint by hacking a few bits of information together....I assumed the port number because I knew the HTTP port number for my SOAServer, the context root is displayed in the deployment log, I then tagged on the Port Name from my WSDL .... et voila !
    Still begs the questions....
    1. Is it supposed to overwrite the URL in my original WSDL ?
    2. Is there no easier way of finding out the endpoint for a deployed WS ?

  • WSDL endpoint protocol for process

    We have a number of processes in LiveCycle being used as web services called from a PDF embedded in workspace.
    The processes are split across three Livecycle ES2 nodes with JBoss 4.2.
    When I consume the WSDL via https in Designer I would expect for the endpoint to point to the cluster name on https too. However, The generated WSDL marks the wsdlsoap:address location with an http prefix rather than https
    This is causing the service call lookups to break ! I know this is the cause as when I run this on the only box which can bypass the load balancer (which is also doing SSL termination), everything works.
    Anyway I can get to this binding via orchestration at all ??

    Hi Garry,
    You can use a custom Data Type named "WebServiceSettingsBean" in a LiveCycle process. This process can be configured to have a dynamic WSDL binding.
    I hope that may helps.

  • ColdFusion WSDL Integration Problem

    I am trying to use a thrid-party WSDL system from a CFMX 7.01
    installation on Windows 2003. A request to a simple (i.e. no
    parameters) method returns good data:
    <cfinvoke webservice=""
    method="getVersion" returnvariable="results">
    However, using a more complex method throws an error
    <cfinvoke webservice=""
    method="getCategory" returnvariable="results">
    <cfinvokeargument name="categoryid" value="294"/>
    <cfinvokeargument name="seller" value="jamaica"/>
    ERROR MSG (click the link):
    I checked the WSDL against the following validator and
    everything seems to be functioning correctly:
    NOTE: Using the getCategory method use "294" for categoryid
    and "jamaica" for seller.
    Using DreamWeaver, the WSDL service cannot be added to the
    Components toolbar (when using CF), but can be added when using any
    other document type (JSP, ASP VB, ASP #).
    What am I missing? I'm not an expert w/ WSDL, but after hours
    of trying other examples and tutorials I cannot figure out this
    problem. Any insight or help will be deeply appreciated!

    there is a problem with the webservice in the
    CategoriesService.class. that is why it wont add in dreamweaver. it
    tries to validate the wsdl for coldfusion. i have also had mixed
    results with using a wsdl file that has multiple methods with the
    same name, i.e. the three getCategoryList methods in this wsdl
    file. so if you do get it working, you may want to manually edit
    the wsdl to use only one method and access the modified wsdl file
    locally on the cf server.

  • WSDL Connection Problems - Workbench

    Hi, Im a fairly new user to Livecycle, and I'm running into a problem using the WSDL data connection.
    I already have 2 drop down lists being populated by a database though Adobe Workbench, What I'm trying to do is get the two selections the User selects(two different locations) and output a distance between those two points. It's for a travel expenses form I'm designing. I have a process in Workbench that when I Invoke, works correctly in letting me enter two locations and then displaying the distances between those points form a database, however when i try call the WSDL Soap address from the Form, it doesn't seem to call the process at all. I am aware you cannot call a web service thought the preview PDF button in designer, and Im checking if it works by deploying the application in workbench, then accessing it though the companies database.
    Any help would be appeciated,

    I have not had any problem calling a SOAP webservice from the PDF Preview, I would guess you have some sort of security issue.  If you open the form in Acrobat then go to Edit ... Preferences ... Security (Enhanced) there is a "cross domain log file" checkbox.  If this is not selected then set it and see if anything useful appears in the log file.
    Otherwise try some of the HTTP debuggers like Fiddler.

  • SOAP sender endpoint problem

    Hi all,
    I'm now fighting for quite a time with a SOAP sender channel.
    I generated a WSDL in the configuration. I used this wsdl in XMLSPY in order to send a request to XI.
    And I must confess that I'm totally confused with the URLs. Which one do I need to take (we're using XI 3.0):
    What is the difference between those URLs?
    And for the Java URL (port 50000): Which channel do I have to announce? The Name of the SOAP sender communication channel?
    Since XI proposes the url with 3400 port I think this one is appropriate. But whenever I use it I receive a RCVR_DETERMINATION.MESSAGE_INCOMPLETE error and the message is indicated in the monitoring as coming from "AnonymousClient". What do I do wrong? I also tried to force the SOAP adapter to use the parameters by checking the option "Use Query String" in the channel config.
    Please help!
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Frank,
    thank you for your answer.
    I added the default XI parameters.
    Concerning the userID and Password: I am asked to enter login/pwd if I call the service. Is this what you mean?
    Unfortunately this does not affect anything...
    The response I get is the following:
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
       <faultstring>System Error</faultstring>
    <s:SystemError xmlns:s="">
    What amases me is that the ns is<b>xi2.0</b>. I used the url including the part &version=3.0
    Does this url work for you (I mean including the version)
    Could the error also be related with other configuration errors (wrong receiver agreement) - I do'nt thnik so but sth goes definetively wrong.

  • Usb endpoints problem

    i have read "Using NI-VISA 3.0 to Control Your USB Devic" but i have a question about the endpoint..
    i want to ask how do i know which endpoint i am using when i am tranfering data such as bulk type.
    besides this tutorial, does there any tutorial related to usb raw device contorl?

    Hi Amuno,
    The bulk type endpoints will be numbered. They will have numbers like
    6000 usually, and you should know those numbers when you are trying to
    connect to that device. Then you just open a connection to your
    endpoint based on that number.
    If this is not clear, please let me know and I will help you further.
    Matt S.
    LabVIEW Integration Engineer with experience in LabVIEW Real-Time, LabVIEW FPGA, DAQ, Machine Vision, as well as C/C++. CLAD, working on CLD and CLA.

  • SIP trunk call to CTI port media endpoint problem

    Hi, I have the following scenario:
    CUCM ---SIP-----CUBE----SIP----ITSP
    CUCM cluster has two servers and (subscriber), we have a CTI application running on, we got a bunch of SIP DIDs from ITSP and those SIP DID numbers are mapped to CUCM internal DNs on CUBE through translation, inbound SIP calls to mapped SCCP phones work fine, media stream of internal call leg is established directly between SCCP phone and CUBE as expected. However, when inbound SIP calls to the number which maps to CTI extention, there is no audio, debug on CUBE shows that the media stream of internal call leg is between one of the CUCM servers. I want to understand why CUCM is telling CUBE to use the IP address which is NOT CTI port is registered from (in this case why would CUCM treat a CTI extention differently from a regular SCCP phone extension. For regular inbound call to SCCP phones codec between CUCM-CUBE and between CUBE-ITSP are both g11ulaw.

    "debug on CUBE shows that the media stream of internal call leg is  between one of the CUCM servers" ==>
    debug on CUBE shows that the media stream of internal call leg is  between (happens to be MTP) and CUBE

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