Wsdl that references xsd's

Hello experts,
My wsdl has reference to a xsd. The problem is, when I try to import the wsdl, I do not see the entire request structure which is required while doing the mapping.
I have both the wsdl and xsdu2019s in the same folder.
I did go through the forum and tried what was suggested.
I have changed the parameter in the wsdl:
<xs:import schemaLocation="Distance.xsd"
Earlier schemaLocation was pointing to a url. Now I am pointing it to the xsd file name.
I have uploaded the wsdl and the xsd as external definition's under the same namespace. I can see the xsd name under "External Reference" tab of the wsdl as well. But the wsdl does not show the entire structure while doing the mapping.
Could you please advise if I need to change any other parameters as well.
Thank you.

Hi Radha,
Under External References tab in WSDL ,there are two columns, Source and Name:
Source should have xsd name and Name should have the name of External Definition which uses this xsd
Can you see values populated for both Source and Name?
If not,you have to go to the External Definition for your referenced xsd,there are two entries ,File and Source
In File ,you must have given XSD name.
Copy the same XSD name and enter it in source.
Basically value of this Source and value of Source under External Regerences tab in wsdl should be same.
Kindly let us know if this resolves your problem.

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    But when I am trying to create the web services by weblogic workshop its throwing error as "URL is not well formed" for those XSDs which I have imported in my WSDL. I have kept all my XSDs and WSDLs in the same folder.
    The WSDL has given below :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:impl="" xmlns:MessageContext="MessageContext" xmlns:AlertUpdateRequest="AlertUpdateRequest" xmlns:AlertFetchResponse="AlertFetchResponse" xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="">
         <import namespace="MessageContext" location="http://localhost:7001/WebApplicationWeb/gss/xsd/MessageContext.xsd"/>
         <import namespace="AlertUpdateRequest" location="http://localhost:7001/WebApplicationWeb/gss/xsd/AlertUpdateRequest.xsd"/>
         <import namespace="AlertFetchResponse" location="http://localhost:7001/WebApplicationWeb/gss/xsd/AlertFetchResponse.xsd"/>
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              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="AlertUpdateRequest:AlertUpdateRequest"/>
              <wsdl:part name="request_header" element="MessageContext:MessageContext"/>
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              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="AlertUpdateRequest:AlertUpdateRequest"/>
              <wsdl:part name="request_header" element="MessageContext:MessageContext"/>
         <wsdl:message name="alertFetchRequest">
              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="AlertFetchResponse:AlertFetchResponse"/>
              <wsdl:part name="request_header" element="MessageContext:MessageContext"/>
         <wsdl:message name="alertFetchResponse">
              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="AlertFetchResponse:AlertFetchResponse"/>
              <wsdl:part name="request_header" element="MessageContext:MessageContext"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="AlertUpdateService">
              <wsdl:operation name="getAlertUpdate">
                   <wsdl:input name="alertUpdateRequest" message="intf:alertUpdateRequest"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="alertUpdateResponse" message="intf:alertUpdateResponse"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="AlertFetchService">
              <wsdl:operation name="getAlert">
                   <wsdl:input name="alertUpdateRequest" message="intf:alertFetchRequest"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="alertUpdateResponse" message="intf:alertFetchResponse"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="AlertUpdateServiceSoapBinding" type="intf:AlertUpdateService">
              <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
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                        <wsdlsoap:header message="intf:alertUpdateRequest" part="request_header" use="literal"/>
                        <wsdlsoap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
                        <wsdlsoap:header message="intf:alertUpdateResponse" part="request_header" use="literal"/>
                        <wsdlsoap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="AlertFetchServiceSoapBinding" type="intf:AlertFetchService">
              <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
              <wsdl:operation name="getAlert">
                        <wsdlsoap:header message="intf:alertFetchRequest" part="request_header" use="literal"/>
                        <wsdlsoap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
                        <wsdlsoap:header message="intf:alertFetchResponse" part="request_header" use="literal"/>
                        <wsdlsoap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
         <wsdl:service name="AlertUpdateServiceService">
              <wsdl:port name="AlertUpdateService" binding="intf:AlertUpdateServiceSoapBinding">
                   <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:9080/SOAPHeaderWeb/services/AlertUpdateService"/>
         <wsdl:service name="AlertFetchServiceService">
              <wsdl:port name="AlertFetchService" binding="intf:AlertFetchServiceSoapBinding">
                   <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:9080/SOAPHeaderWeb/services/AlertFetchService"/>

    From your description I am assuming that you are using JAX-WS, if not get back to me as I might have another bug to look at.
    The problem is that the annotation @Oneway needs to be added to the methods in java files for this to work correctly. You can either do this manually or use the PI in the code editor. I have raised bug 6266513 to track the fact this annotation is not written out properly. I have logged bug 6266556 to track the nillable=true and extranious elements you will see when you do add @Oneway.
    Thanks for the quality of your bug report, and we would of course welcome any other feedback good or bad you would like to give us.
    Gerard Davison
    JDeveloper Web Services Team

  • FB3B2 unable to import WSDL files that contain XSD imports

    Much to my dismay, the new WSDL import wizard does not seem
    to work on WSDL files that import XSD files. When "Finish" is
    pressed, an error dialog states "The WSDL definition could not be
    parsed. The wizard cannot complete successfully."
    I created a sample WSDL that uses the most basic of XSD
    files to demonstrate. Remove the import line from the WSDL and it
    will import, with the line it will not.

    Hi Jeff,
    How are you specifying the WSDL URI?
    - If as an absolute path on your machine, make sure there are
    no spaces in that path – there is a known issue about path
    with spaces and WSDL with imports, and we’re on it. We tried
    out your sample WSDL this way and it works.
    - If you are specifying it as an HTTP url (accessing it over
    the Apache HTTP server, for example), the workaround is a little
    more complicated. There are indeed some unresolved issues with the
    ActionScript generator. Try putting the wsdl and xsd files inside a
    folder in the webroot, and another copy of the xsd in the webroot.
    This worked for me - the problem is about locating the imported
    document correctly: the introspection correctly uses the sibling
    xsd file, while the generator incorrectly looks for that file one
    level up. We’ll look into this and fix it.
    Please let me know if it starts working or if it still does
    not generate the ActionScript client classes. Thank you.
    Also, please be aware of another known issue about WSDL with
    (For WSDLs that import other documents, the cached WSDL file should
    include the content of the imported documents).

  • PI 7.1 import wsdl that uses paths not working

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    I have a question. Our company is using wsdl's that have external http links to xsd documents. This is a valid wsdl per XML SPY and Soap Util.
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    <xs:import namespace="urlToA.xsd"/>
    <xs:import namespace="http://schemas/shared/EMFSchemaV1" schemaLocation="http://url_TO_A_.xsd"/>
    <xs:import namespace="http://schemas/shared/EMFSoapFaultV1" schemaLocation="http://anotherurlTOA.xsd"/>
    <xs:element name="request">
         <xs:element ref="init:Project"    xmlns:init="http://schemasdefinedabove"                                             minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    Basically it makes a reference to schemas defined in links, it seems the wsdl being generated as an external definition in SAP doesn't follow the links to fill in the xsd definition.
    Is there a method to have sap import the xsd's in the location they are being referenced?

    Yeah, you also need to import these remote xsd's in XI. Download them and create an external definition for each one of them.
    Then, within each external definition, fill the "Source" field with the schema Location that the wsdl is waiting for. For example, in the external definition for the 1st xsd, fill its Source field with the value
    Check in the wsdl's References tab whether it found the references correctly (for each expected location, you should see the corresponding external definition).

  • Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition for service

    Dear all
    I have a very simple composite applicationexposing a web service. When I deploy the application I get:
    There was an error deploying the composite on soa_server1: Deployment Failed: Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition for service {http://soa/sf/login}bpelprocess1_client_ep and port loginPort_pt. Please make sure that the port attribute for the binding defined in the composite file is correct by checking the namespace, service name, and port name. In addition, check that the WSDL associated with the binding namespace is imported and currently reachable (check the import nodes at the top of the composite file). Finally, validate the HTTP proxy settings for the server.
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    Any pointers will be really appreciated.
    The composite is this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!-- Generated by Oracle SOA Modeler version 1.0 at [2/28/13 2:25 PM]. -->
    <composite name="SOA2" revision="1.0" label="2013-02-28_14-25-14_553"
    mode="active" state="on" xmlns=""
    <import namespace="http://soa/sf/login" location="loginToSFDC.wsdl"
    <service name="bpelprocess1_client_ep" ui:wsdlLocation="loginToSFDC.wsdl">
    <interface.wsdl interface="http://soa/sf/login#wsdl.interface(loginPort)"/>
    < port="http://soa/sf/login#wsdl.endpoint(bpelprocess1_client_ep/loginPort_pt)"/>
    <component name="BPELProcess1" version="2.0">
    <implementation.bpel src="BPELProcess1.bpel"/>
    <property name="bpel.config.transaction" type="xs:string" many="false">required</property>
    The WSDL used to generate the BPEL is:
    <?xml version= '1.0' encoding= 'UTF-8' ?>
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns1=""
    xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:flt=""
    xmlns:obj="" xmlns:typ=""
    xmlns:mime="" xmlns:soap=""
    <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="xsd/partner_types.xsd"/>
    <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="xsd/partner_faults.xsd"/>
    <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="xsd/partner_objects.xsd"/>
    <message name="loginInMessage">
    <part name="loginIn" element="typ:login"/>
    <part name="LoginScopeHeaderIn" element="typ:LoginScopeHeader"/>
    <part name="CallOptionsIn" element="typ:CallOptions"/>
    <message name="loginOutMessage">
    <part name="return" element="typ:loginResponse"/>
    <portType name="loginPort">
    <operation name="loginOp">
    <input message="tns1:loginInMessage"/>
    <output message="tns1:loginOutMessage"/>
    <binding name="loginPortSOAP11Binding" type="tns1:loginPort">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="loginOp">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="http://soa:8101/login/loginOp"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="in"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="return"/>
    <binding name="loginPortSOAP12Binding" type="tns1:loginPort">
    <soap12:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="loginOp">
    <soap12:operation style="document" soapAction="" soapActionRequired="false"/>
    <soap12:body use="literal" parts="in"/>
    <soap12:body use="literal" parts="return"/>
    <service name="loginSrvc">
    <port name="login_port_11" binding="tns1:loginPortSOAP11Binding">
    <port name="login_port_12" binding="tns1:loginPortSOAP12Binding">
    <partnerLinkType name="ProviderRole"
    <role name="Role1">
    <portType name="tns1:loginPort"/>

    I don't see a loginPort_pt port in the wsdl, but it is referenced by the composite...
    There's only ports login_port_11 and login_port_12 defined...

  • Enumerate methods from a WSDL service reference

    Hi all,
    I have a service reference that exposes many methods. I wish to enumerate these into test strings, but I have no idea how to do this easily. I've created the
    service reference "ServiceReference1" and can see each method when I type "ServiceReference1.", but I can't see how to export the items as text. Nor can I do it via the object browser.
    Any help is greatly received.

    But it's a C# question I thought. I want to know how to enumerate something in C#, ok, it's related to web services, but the answer should be C# code only.
    Yes, your answer should be C# code only. But
    Most of us are working on mixed platforms and languages so it's not always C# but when you post in this forum you need to make sure that the issue at hand is
    related to C#; From your description, your case related to Web Services. You should post
    Thanks  for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition for service name

    I have a wsdl shared in mds and a composite with a bpel process that consumes that wsdl, but when that happens I get the following error:
    oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: Unable to find the WSDL service defined for service name {}ServiceConfigurationRules_pt. Please make sure that the port attribute for the binding defined in the composite file is correct by checking the namespace and service name in the #wsdl.endpoint element. In addition, check that the WSDL associated with the binding namespace is imported and currently reachable (check the import nodes at the top of the composite file). Finally, validate any HTTP proxy settings for the server.
    I checked the composite, the wsdl and the endpoint and everything is ok. At the momment to avoid the error, the wsdl is local, but this is not a real solution, what I really need is to make it work with the mds.
    Can somebody help me?
    Thank for advance.

    here is my wsdl:
    xmlns:ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0="" xmlns:tns=""
              <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
    xmlns:commondt-v1-0="" xmlns:ns1=""
    xmlns:ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0="" xmlns:tns=""
    xmlns:mime="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soap12="">
                   <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="oramds:/apps/schemas/RESB/RulesParmsInput_2.xsd"/>
         <message name="ServiceActivationRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest"/>
         <message name="ServiceActivationResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationResponse"/>
         <message name="ServiceActivationException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationException"/>
         <message name="GetAddActivationConfigurationRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationRequest"/>
         <message name="GetAddActivationConfigurationResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationResponse"/>
         <message name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
         <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationRequest"/>
         <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationResponse"/>
         <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationException"/>
         <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeRequest"/>
         <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeResponse"/>
         <message name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException"/>
         <message name="GetServiceConfigurationException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
         <message name="GetAntenaSenialRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialRequest"/>
         <message name="GetAntenaSenialResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialResponse"/>
         <message name="GetAntenaSenialException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
         <message name="OrderPayPerViewRuleRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleRequest"/>
         <message name="OrderPayPerViewRuleResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleResponse"/>
         <message name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleException"/>
         <message name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeRequest"/>
         <message name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeResponse"/>
         <message name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException"/>
         <message name="CompareResourceTechnologyRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyRequest"/>
         <message name="CompareResourceTechnologyResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyResponse"/>
         <message name="CompareResourceTechnologyException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyException"/>
         <message name="GetBasicProductMigrationRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationRequest"/>
         <message name="GetBasicProductMigrationResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationResponse"/>
         <message name="GetBasicProductMigrationException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationException"/>
         <message name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerRequest">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerRequest"/>
         <message name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerResponse">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerResponse"/>
         <message name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException">
              <part name="parameter" element="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException"/>
         <portType name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt">
              <operation name="GetAddActivationConfiguration">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationResponse"/>
                   <fault name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAddActivationConfigurationException"/>
              <operation name="ResourceChangeMigration">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationResponse"/>
                   <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationException"/>
              <operation name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgrade">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeResponse"/>
                   <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException"/>
              <operation name="GetAntenaSenial">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialResponse"/>
                   <fault name="GetReasonResponseException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetAntenaSenialException"/>
              <operation name="OrderPayPerViewRule">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleResponse"/>
                   <fault name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:OrderPayPerViewRuleException"/>
              <operation name="GetServiceActivation">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationResponse"/>
                   <fault name="ServiceActivationException" message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationException"/>
              <operation name="GetOperationForWOServiceType">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeResponse"/>
                   <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException" name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException"/>
              <operation name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomer">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerResponse"/>
                   <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException" name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException"/>
              <operation name="GetBasicProductMigration">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:GetBasicProductMigrationResponse"/>
                   <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest" name="GetBasicProductMigrationException"/>
              <operation name="CompareResourceTechnology">
                   <input message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyRequest"/>
                   <output message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:CompareResourceTechnologyResponse"/>
                   <fault message="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceActivationRequest" name="CompareResourceTechnologyException"/>
         <binding name="ServiceConfigurationRules_ptSOAP11Binding" type="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceConfigurationRules_pt">
              <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
              <operation name="GetAddActivationConfiguration">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException">
                        <soap:fault name="GetAddActivationConfigurationException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="ResourceChangeMigration">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationException">
                        <soap:fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgrade">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException">
                        <soap:fault name="ResourceChangeMigrationUpgradeException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="GetAntenaSenial">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="GetReasonResponseException">
                        <soap:fault name="GetReasonResponseException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="OrderPayPerViewRule">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException">
                        <soap:fault name="OrderPayPerViewRuleException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="GetServiceActivation">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="ServiceActivationException">
                        <soap:fault name="ServiceActivationException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="GetOperationForWOServiceType">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException">
                        <soap:fault name="GetOperationForWOServiceTypeException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomer">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException">
                        <soap:fault name="GetMaxResourcesForCustomerException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="GetBasicProductMigration">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="GetBasicProductMigrationException">
                        <soap:fault name="GetBasicProductMigrationException" use="literal"/>
              <operation name="CompareResourceTechnology">
                   <soap:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameter"/>
                   <fault name="CompareResourceTechnologyException">
                        <soap:fault name="CompareResourceTechnologyException" use="literal"/>
         <plnk:partnerLinkType name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt_PL">
              <plnk:role name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt_Role">
                   <plnk:portType name="tns:ServiceConfigurationRules_pt"/>
         <service name="ServiceConfigurationRules_pt">
              <port name="ServiceConfigurationRules_ptPort" binding="ServiceConfigurationRules-v1-0:ServiceConfigurationRules_ptSOAP11Binding">
                   <soap:address location="http://host:port/soa-infra/services/default/ServiceConfigurationRules/ServiceRules"/>
    Thank you.

  • Error while crawling LOB contents in SP 2013:'Could not find default endpoint element that references contract in the ServiceModel client configuration section

    I created custom BDC Model using Visual Studio. In ReadList method i am getting data using Web Service call. Using this External Content Type (BDC Model) i created one external list and it is populating with data.
    I created one new content source in search service application using this BDC Model and when crawled this content source i am getting the below error.
    Error while crawling LOB contents. ( Error caused by exception: Microsoft.BusinessData.Runtime.RuntimeException MethodInstance with Name 'ReadList' on Entity (External Content Type) with Name 'Entity1' in Namespace 'bcsex.BdcModel1' failed
    unexpectedly. The failure occurred in method 'ReadList' defined in class 'bcsex.BdcModel1.EntityService1' with the message 'Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'ServiceReference1.Service1Soap' in the ServiceModel client configuration
    I included the bindings and client end point configuration settings in web.config file located at
    \\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\Port_Number, but still getting the same error.
    Please help. Thanks a lot.

    The Issue resolved by including the bindings and client end point configuration settings in
    machine.config file located at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\ and also restarted the server after config changes.

  • SQL 2012 and later will fail to publish a database for any tables with a default constraint that references a user defined function.

    Script will create database, 3 database objects and publish. 
    The error is due to the generation script to create the conflict tables that is not stripping out default constraints that reference a UDF. 
    As you can see below, the failure is on the generation script for the conflict table.
    The conflict table should be a bucket table that shouldn’t enforce data integrity. 
    See how the default constraints for the columns someint and somestring were stripped out of the generation logic however the default constraint that utilizes a UDF persist and uses the same object name that was used on the production table (The
    bold line) , this occurs if I explicitly name the constraint or let the system generate the name for me like in the example posted. 
      The only way I could see getting around this right now is to drop all default constraints in the system that uses a UDF, publish then add the constraints back which is vulnerable to invalid data and a lot of moving
    steps.  This all worked with SQL 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008r2, it’s stopped working in SQL 2012 and continues to not work in SQL 2014. 
    Error messages:
    Message: There is already an object named 'DF__repTable__id__117F9D94' in the database.
    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
    Command Text: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MSmerge_conflict_MergeRepFailurePublication_repTable](
            [id] [varchar](8) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__repTable__id__117F9D94]  DEFAULT ([dbo].[repUDF]()),
            [somedata] [varchar](64) NULL,
            [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NULL,
            [someint] [int] NULL,
            [somestring] [varchar](64) NULL
    Stack:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ReMapSqlException(SqlException e, SqlCommand command)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.AgentExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand command, Int32 queryTimeout)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteDiscardResults(CommandSetupDelegate commandSetupDelegate, Int32 queryTimeout)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.YukonMergeConflictTableScriptingManager.ApplyBaseConflictTableScriptToPublisherIfNeeded(String strConflictScriptPath)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.BaseMergeConflictTableScriptingManager.DoConflictTableScriptingTransaction(SqlConnection connection)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.RetryableSqlServerTransactionManager.ExecuteTransaction(Boolean bLeaveTransactionOpen)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.BaseMergeConflictTableScriptingManager.DoConflictTableScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSmoScriptingManager.GenerateTableArticleCftScript(Scripter scripter, BaseArticleWrapper articleWrapper, Table smoTable)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSmoScriptingManager.GenerateTableArticleScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSmoScriptingManager.GenerateArticleScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.GenerateObjectScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.DoScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.DoScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.DoScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.GenerateSnapshot()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.SnapshotGenerationAgent.InternalRun()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.Run() (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 2714)
    Get help: http://help/2714
    Server COL-PCANINOW540\SQL2012, Level 16, State 0, Procedure , Line 1
    Could not create constraint. See previous errors. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 1750)
    Get help: http://help/1750
    Server COL-PCANINOW540\SQL2012, Level 16, State 0, Procedure , Line 1
    Could not create constraint. See previous errors. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 1750)
    Get help: http://help/1750
    Pauly C
    USE [master]
    CREATE DATABASE [MergeRepFailure]
    USE [MergeRepFailure]
    create view
    [dbo].[repView] as select right(newid(),8) as id
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[repUDF]()
    RETURNS varchar(8)
    declare @val varchar(8)
    select top 1 @val = id from [repView]
    return @val
    create table repTable
    id varchar(8) default([dbo].[repUDF]()),
    somedata varchar(64) null,
    rowguid uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL default(newid()),
    someint int default(1),
    somestring varchar(64) default('somestringvalue')
    insert into reptable (somedata) values ('whatever1')
    insert into reptable (somedata) values ('whatever2')
    /*test to make sure function is working*/
    select * from reptable
    /*Publish database*/
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N'MergeRepFailure', @optname = N'merge publish', @value = N'true'
    declare @Descrip nvarchar(128)
    select @Descrip = 'Merge publication of database ''MergeRepFailure'' from Publisher ''' + @@servername +'''.'
    print @Descrip
    -- Adding the merge publication
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergepublication @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @description = N'@Descrip',
    @sync_mode = N'native', @retention = 14, @allow_push = N'true', @allow_pull = N'true', @allow_anonymous = N'true',
    @enabled_for_internet = N'false', @snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N'true', @compress_snapshot = N'false', @ftp_port = 21,
    @ftp_subdirectory = N'ftp', @ftp_login = N'anonymous', @allow_subscription_copy = N'false', @add_to_active_directory = N'false',
    @dynamic_filters = N'false', @conflict_retention = 14, @keep_partition_changes = N'false', @allow_synctoalternate = N'false',
    @max_concurrent_merge = 0, @max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots = 0, @use_partition_groups = null, @publication_compatibility_level = N'100RTM',
    @replicate_ddl = 1, @allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot = N'false', @allow_web_synchronization = N'false', @allow_partition_realignment = N'true',
    @retention_period_unit = N'days', @conflict_logging = N'both', @automatic_reinitialization_policy = 0
    exec sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @frequency_type = 4, @frequency_interval = 14, @frequency_relative_interval = 1,
    @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 1, @frequency_subday_interval = 5, @active_start_time_of_day = 500, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959,
    @active_start_date = 0, @active_end_date = 0, @job_login = null, @job_password = null, @publisher_security_mode = 1
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergearticle @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @article = N'repTable', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'repTable', @type = N'table',
    @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x000000010C034FD1, @identityrangemanagementoption = N'manual',
    @destination_owner = N'dbo', @force_reinit_subscription = 1, @column_tracking = N'false', @subset_filterclause = null, @vertical_partition = N'false',
    @verify_resolver_signature = 1, @allow_interactive_resolver = N'false', @fast_multicol_updateproc = N'true', @check_permissions = 0, @subscriber_upload_options = 0,
    @delete_tracking = N'true', @compensate_for_errors = N'false', @stream_blob_columns = N'false', @partition_options = 0
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergearticle @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @article = N'repView', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'repView',
    @type = N'view schema only', @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x0000000008000001,
    @destination_owner = N'dbo', @destination_object = N'repView', @force_reinit_subscription = 1
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergearticle @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @article = N'repUDF', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'repUDF',
    @type = N'func schema only', @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x0000000008000001,
    @destination_owner = N'dbo', @destination_object = N'repUDF', @force_reinit_subscription = 1

    More information, after running a profile trace the following 2 statements, the column with the default on a UDF returns a row while the other default does not.  This might be the cause of this bug.  Is the same logic to generate the object on
    the subscriber used to generate the conflict table?  
    exec sp_executesql N'
    select, schema_name(so.schema_id)
    from sys.sql_dependencies d
    inner join sys.objects so
    on d.referenced_major_id = so.object_id
    where so.type in (''FN'', ''FS'', ''FT'', ''TF'', ''IF'')
    and d.class in (0,1)
    and d.referenced_major_id <> object_id(@base_table, ''U'')
    and d.object_id = object_id(@constraint, ''D'')',N'@base_table nvarchar(517),@constraint nvarchar(517)',@base_table=N'[dbo].[repTable]',@constraint=N'[dbo].[DF__repTable__id__117F9D94]'
    exec sp_executesql N'
    select, schema_name(so.schema_id)
    from sys.sql_dependencies d
    inner join sys.objects so
    on d.referenced_major_id = so.object_id
    where so.type in (''FN'', ''FS'', ''FT'', ''TF'', ''IF'')
    and d.class in (0,1)
    and d.referenced_major_id <> object_id(@base_table, ''U'')
    and d.object_id = object_id(@constraint, ''D'')',N'@base_table nvarchar(517),@constraint nvarchar(517)',@base_table=N'[dbo].[repTable]',@constraint=N'[dbo].[DF__repTable__somein__1367E606]'
    Pauly C

  • Exporting projects that reference images in other projects

    Hello, all. I'm wondering if anyone out there has had luck exporting projects that reference images in another project. I've just given this a try, and I get empty images (dotted gray outlines that can't be multi-selected and can't be "managed" as referenced files, even though it knows where the original file should be).
    Here's how I have things set up:
    1. main project with referenced images
    2. secondary project with an album that references images in the main project (secondary project shows 0 images, but album in secondary project shows N images)
    I export the secondary project, and import it into another Aperture instance. All images show up as dotted outlines.
    Furthermore, if I go into list view, the Activity Monitor does something bizarre. It shows the # thumbnails remaining as a moving target. See the video below for an example.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
    Screen captures:
    Missing images as dotted outlines:
    Small video of thumbnail creating bug:

    I do this sort of thing constantly and things a whole lot more complicated. It works fine on all three of my laptops and my macpro. I actually just tried to simulate the exact conditions you describe and I will tell you what happened.
    1)Create new empty project in library A called "export"
    2)Create new empty album in that project.
    3)Dragged multiple images from different projects (all referenced) into that new album.
    4)Used file->export project with the consolidate images checked. Imported that project into a new/different library.
    All of the images showed up and they all showed up as managed masters as expected. So I then relocated the masters from that project and did the same thing in reverse, back to the old library. I ended up with another project called "export (1)" with all of the images referenced and having nothing to do with the original project or the original referenced masters - as expected.
    I did the testing not to figure it out but to validate that nothing had changed or broken since the last update.
    You are either not doing what you think you are doing or your library/library is forked - you may want to try a rebuild or just create a brand new set of libraries and try to validate that it will work with a brand new set of libraries to try to isolate the issue to 1 - your existing libraries or 2 - your installation.

  • Error: demo.model.AppModule: Application module demo.model.AppModule has a view instance EmpByEmail1 that references an invalid view object.

    Error: demo.model.AppModule: Application module demo.model.AppModule has a view instance EmpByEmail1 that references an invalid view object.
      intially i created view object named EmpByEmail.........for that EmpByEmail1 is created in datacontrols....i deleted EmpByEmail in demo.model by mistake and i created again with same name EmpBYEmail another view object...again another EmpByEmail2 is created in datacontrols.....
    while i am running i am getting following error:::::::
    Error: demo.model.AppModule: Application module demo.model.AppModule has a view instance EmpByEmail1 that references an invalid view object.

        Please seasrch for the EmpByEmail1 file in ur project and remove all the details in the Page Def and UI and then try again.
    Due to the EmpByEmail1 existance in page Def this may occur . It may help , still if it was not working then I am sorry for that.

  • Custom Timer Job to execute WCF web service error - Could not find default endpoint element that references contract

    I am currently creating custom timer job to call WCF web service to perform nighty job to update employee document library metadata. If I update regular list/library items it updates correctly on a specified interval basis. However when I try to integrate
    the WCF client, it throws error shown below :
    Could not find default endpoint element that references contract EmployeeServiceReference.
    EmployeeServiceClient in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element.
    I followed exact instructions Andrew Connell has provided but included my logic in execute()
    void Execute(Guid
    var empClient =
    var employee = empClient.EmployeesMethod();
    I have tried all approaches to manually adding app.config settings in sharepoing web.config but still it throws the error mentioned. It seems that application config and sharepoint site config binding issue still exist and cannot be resolved.
    value="[email protected]"
    Will you please help resolving this issue?

    You can use any of the three approaches:-
    1) Access web application's web.config programmatically in Execute() method.
    2) Store the configuration in xml and upload it to SharePoint document library then read from there
    3) Programmatically configure a WCF endpoint.
    Regards, Shruti

  • BPM. Creating element in container that references the sync. interface

    I couldn't select  synchronous, abstract interface for container element.
    i see only async interfaces.
    How to get sync interfaces there?

    sorry, problem is solved.
    help is not correct on this link
    wrong line is:
    In the Synchronous Interface field, select the <b>container element</b> that references the synchronous, abstract interface for sending the request message and receiving the reply message.

  • PI does not combine .wsdl file with .xsd files.

    I imported .wsdl file with necessary .xsd files in PI system (7.1).
    PI does not find fields in .wsdl already necessary .xsd files imported with .wsdl file.
    Is there anyone to help me to solve problem with test it in PI system.
    I send .wsdl file and necessary .xsd files as attachment his mail address.

    Did you try opening the wsdl file in some XML tool...if there is problem in referring the XSD then it will be visible in the tool itself.....even I am working on PI7.1 and some of the WSDLs are referring XSDs...and i had no problem in using them.....dont know what is failing in your case
    Do you want me to send .wsdl and .xsd files zipped into your mail box
    instead you can post your wsdl file and the corresponding XSD here in SDN....even a dummy structure would do....we are not allowed to do personal email comunication

  • Text messaging some are green and some are blue does that reference that they have orhave not been received

    Some of my text messages are green and some are blue,does that reference some delivered some not.  Why is there a difference in color.  Some of my texts seem to not go through

    Blue = iMessage...
    Green = Text message... SMS
    Using Messages  >

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