WSUS- Can it do the job or should I look at something else?

Hi all,
I've been asked to look at a way of patching around 20 servers regularly, utilizing only a four hour window per week. The servers are pretty much used 24/7 and tend to be highly relied upon, but I'm allowed to install updates for just 4 small hours in very
early morning. I'm considering the use of WSUS (as it seems the most obvious) but I need to be devil's advocate here and ask if there is something else out there that may be a viable option.
I need to be able to test in smaller groups or single server before rolling out updates, as well as maintain the ability to surpress auto-reboot, and be able to schedule roll out.
ANY IDEAS? you guys have never let me down before!

Do you have any third party applications that also require patching?  If not, then I would stick with WSUS.  It can easily accomplish what you are looking to do.

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    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
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