WTF Sony Picture Package?

My Sony Picture Package will not run even though i have
installed Flash Player. It says I still need to install the program
for it to run properly. Does anyone know how to solve this

Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
A quick look at Google suggests that your video camera is a MiniDV camera with an iLink/Firewire connector. Simply connect the camera to your iMac using a 4pin-to-6pin Firewire cable (example) and load up iMovie to import the footage.
iMovie tutorials (link).
There is no need to use any other software; Sony provide that for Windows users you don't have any provided.
kind regards
EDIT: Actually it appears the Firewire/iLink port is actually on a dock - do you have that?

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    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
    A quick look at Google suggests that your video camera is a MiniDV camera with an iLink/Firewire connector. Simply connect the camera to your iMac using a 4pin-to-6pin Firewire cable (example) and load up iMovie to import the footage.
    iMovie tutorials (link).
    There is no need to use any other software; Sony provide that for Windows users you don't have any provided.
    kind regards
    EDIT: Actually it appears the Firewire/iLink port is actually on a dock - do you have that?

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    This means that Flash Player is indeed installed on your system (v10.1.85.3 ActiveX for Internet Explorer, v10.1.102.64 plugin for Firefox).
    To make sure that Flash Player is indeed working, can you see the Flash animation at ?  If yes, then I don't know why the SONY software does not recognize it; perhaps it is too old?
    If I were you, I would try the new SONY software that I linked in the earlier post.

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    There is a pitfall using smart objects if you create templates and use  replace content to to replace the embedded object to create a picture package for other images.  For it to work well the replacement object need to be the same size as the original object.  All the smart object layers in a picture package share a common single smart object.  Each smart object layer has an associated transform which is not replaced or changed when you replace the embedded smart object content.  If the replacement object size is not the same as the original image the associated transforms may produce something you not expecting....
    I posted this a few days ago:
    If you are using windows and perpetual CS6 version not the subscription CS6 version you can install the CS5 optional Plug-in and get Picture Package working.    CS6 subscription version removed some Plug-in support that is used by the CS5 Pictture Package plug-in.    Mac users can not use Picture package in any version of CS6. The CS5 Mac picture package plug-in is a 32bit Plug-in and CS6 is 64bit only.
    Window and Mac users can use  Contact Sheet II however IMO its nothing like a Picture Package feature.    I have made available a Photo Collage Toolkit for Photoshop.  In it there is a script PasteImageRoll that is more like a Picture Package function for a single tile size Picture Package then Contact Sheet II.  I also modified my Batch collage script to populate a collage template using a single image file for all image location.  So you can Populate a template of your design as a Picture Package.
    Paste Image Roll Script and Picture Package Support Documentation.   Photo Collage Toolkit Documentation and Examples
    Note: My batch script was written to populate collages its operation will be much slower then Photoshop old Picture Package plug-in. The script will save layered PSD files which can tweak before you print.   Paste Image Roll script requires no template and just creates a new document which it tiles your images into.  It does not save or print it just creates a layer document which can tweak and print.  You can also Flatten and save an image file.

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    Thanks for your help (in anticipation)...

    hmm - thanks for that - sounds like I will have to try and find some info and assistance regarding the scripting - it may be something I need to look into at a later time in the future....
    At the moment though I will have to plod along with this method I guess!
    Thanks for your assistance...

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    This is a glaring omission that has been noted since day 1 of Aperture 1.0, made more frustrating by the very robust printing features available in Lightroom. Surely Apple is aware of the problem, and hopefully they will find a fix in 1.6 or 2.0 or whatever comes next, but it's aggravating to know that a fairly sophisticated app like Aperture requires shareware oddities like ImageBuddy or Portraits-n-Prints in order to get packages working.
    Time to fix this one, Apple. (Get the book tool working usefully while you're at it too!)

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    In Photoshop 11.0.1? Bridge 3.x? Or…?
    Try this older tech note:

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    Which operating system are you using with pse 13?
    Which version of photoshop elements and operating system were you using before?
    How were you printing the picture package in your older version?

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    Did you look in the photoshop cs5.1 plugins folder to see if the ContactSheetII.plugin and WebContactSheetII.plugin are still there?
    On some peoples systems, upgrading to Yosemite, for some reason, deletes some of the photoshop cs5/cs5.1 files.

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    I think the Bridge Output Module comes as standard with CS6, but I might be wrong.  Even if you have CC, you can download the Output Module.
    Install Adobe Output Module

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    Adobe changed plug-in support In the Subscription version of CS6 so some old plugins like Picture Package and Web Photo Galery no longer work.
    Adobe does not do a good regression testing they do not maintain Photoshop so it backwards compatible with previous versions of Photoshop.  They remove features they have added and break features. Its a good idea to keep old version and not so old version of  Photoshop around.
    CC 2014 added and removed features and removes some support.
    I have written Photoshop scripts that I use to do thing like Picture Package and Web Photo Gallery.
    Paste Image Roll Script and Picture Package Support

  • My new Photoshop CS4 doesn't have 'Picture Package'...?

    I go to File > automate and Picture Package is not in the pop up menu. I can't access it from Bridge either Tools > Photoshop...Photoshop help says it is still a feature in CS4. What step am I missing? a bug?

    What PDF plug-in are you talking about Dave? The picture package plug-in
    that was in Photoshop wasn't a PDF plug-in, it didn't generate PDF files. It
    took your picture package back in to Photoshop as a regular Photoshop
    document, the same with the contact sheet plug-in. The complaint has nothing
    to do with a PDF plug-in, it has to do with Adobe fixing it so that the only
    output method (like the slideshow in Lightroom) is the very crAAppy PDF
    format. They took away functionality just to push their format, now if their
    format was appropriate and was what most people were using when the plug-in
    was in Photoshop then that is fine, but I can bet you that most people after
    using the plug-in in Photoshop didn't save it as PDF all that often. More
    likely it was either printed and then trashed or printed and then saved as a
    TIF or PSD or JPG. That is my complaint.
    As for the crack post, well I would suggest you pull you head out of yours
    and at least pretend that you have a clue about what is being said. Equating
    my complaint to crack is just stupid.
    As for ImageReady we have known for several versions that ImageReady was at
    first a lame duck and then a dead one and that become very clear once Adobe
    bought Macromedia. Fireworks is a 1000 times the program ImageReady was.

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