X-window problem with SAPGUI

I'm trying to configure the SAP GUI correctly.  I have it installed at /opt/SAPClients on Fedora 4.  I can login as root (/opt/SAPClients/SAPGUI6.40rev4/bin/guilogon) and it starts just fine-- but then under Add New Connection, only (none) is displayed in the System dropdown box.  How do I get it to recognize the system?  I started the other stuff fine using sapstart nw4host.
When I su to nw4adm or kevin (a local account), the GUI will not even start, and I get the following error:
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
I think this is a conflict in X-windows-- does anyone know how to resolve this?

Solved.  The problem is that you should give permission to other users (i.e. the
superuser) to use your open graphical X console. To do that, use the "xhost"
command. Once you log into the X environment, just open a text console and
xhost +
This give permission to any user on any machine to use your graphic terminal.
Then, you can do "su" and run ethereal as root. When you log-out, the access
permission is unset.
Please, note that the previous command give permission to ANY user in ANY host
to send windows to your grahical console. If you prefer to restrict the
access only to users in the local host or to given users, please refer to the
"xhost" command manual.

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    2. Make a note of the location where you install JDK. The Rapid Install wizard
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    Step 9 on page 3-16.)
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    Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Installation Steps on Windows XP
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    $ find . -type f 2>/dev/null | grep -i gcc
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    ln (1) - make links between files
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    mktemp (1) - make temporary filename (unique)
    OracleApps@green /usr
    $ find . -type f 2>/dev/null | grep -i make
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    C:\OAppsInstall\redCD\Disk1\rapidwiz>echo off
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    I can't tell what the SP was where the problem was fixed. Unfortunately, the fix is within JavaScript and not within ABAP coding. You could fix it the following way though:
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    Best regards,

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    I am facing problems while playing back the recording done through SAPGUI(record).
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    Thanks & regards,

    Hello Sasmita, hello SAP Developer,
    just to clarify: the ResetGUI flag doesn't doesn't determine whether a new GUI session should be opened or not. It only determines whether the transaction in this SAPGUI command will be started newly (if ResetGui='X') or not (if ResetGui=' ').
    In the meantime I noticed that I forgot one important issue in my last answer: opening a new session can also be caused by a change in the logical system name of the target system. So altogether we have three parameter that might lead to opening a new session: the ConnectionID, the SessionID and the logical system name. If one of these parameters in the current SAPGUI command is different from the parameters in the earlier SAPGUI commands, a new GUI session will be opened.
    One example:
    - First SAPGUI command: ConnectionID '/app/con[0]', Session ID 'ses[0]', target system 'MY_TARGET_SYS'
    - Next SAPGUI command:
      a) ConnectionID '/app/con[0]', Session ID 'ses[1]', target system 'MY_TARGET_SYS' -> a new GUI session will be opened, because the SessionID is different.
      b) ConnectionID '/app/con[0]', Session ID 'ses[0]', target system 'MY_TARGET_SYS2' -> a new GUI session will be opened, because the logical name of the target system is different.
      c) ConnectionID '/app/con[0]', Session ID 'ses[0]', target system 'MY_TARGET_SYS' -> no new GUI session will be opened, because everything stayed the same.
    One comment on the logical target system name: only the name has to be different. Even if two logical system names point to the same target system, this will still open a new GUI session.
    So, if you want to ensure that the SAPGUI commands are replayed in the same GUI session, you have to ensure that these three parameters are the same in all SAPGUI commands of the execution.
    One last remark: in eCATT as of 6.40 there is always the start option "Execute all SAPGUI commands in a single session per destination". This start option will overwrite the behaviour caused by different combinations of ConnectionId and SessionID. In this case only the logical system name is relevant for opening a new GUI session or not.
    Best regards,

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    The better graphics option ie 780M for that Imac with the I7. I would also suggest a TB drive instead of Firewire which is higher latency and lower bandwidth for drives.

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    Run SAPGUI for Java
    options -> preferences -> design -> font
    here you can change font specific settings.

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      Windows XP Pro  

    Thats a proof that I was right, then Im gonna do that in school tomorrow morning, right now I go to bed because its 02:46am, nighty and thx for help

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    Before i installed Linux the Recovery worked fine. Is there a chance of using the HDDRecovery from Windows Disk D or i have to boot from Recovery DVD?

    In my opinion Linux has muddled up the partitions or MBR and possibly this is the reason why the HDD recover does not work seems the Recover DVD is your option ion order to set the notebook back to factory settings.
    By the way: I didnt install the Linux on my notebook but I use Linux using the Knoppix Live CD

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    I'm having problems with automatic installation of IS-H*Med using a computer with Windows Vista. It doesn't start. I must to install it manually, and when the user request the OCX, it hangs up.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance and regards,
    Alejandro Gómez.
    P.D.:  Excuse my bad English.

    Hola Alejandro,
    could you please elaborate on your problem a little bit in detail?
    I suppose, you don't mean the SAP system itself, since as far as I know, it (the application server side) is not supporting Windows Vista at all.
    According to this <a href="https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/66971">SAP note 66971</a> only SAPGUI 7.10 supports Windows Vista. Do you use this version of SAPGUI?
    What does not start? SAPGUI? The planning grid?(Which is the only i.s.h.med specific OCX as far as I know).
    Did you open a customer support message for this?
    kind regards,
    anton wenzelhuemer

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    Here is a link to show you what i mean.
    Thanks in advance for your kind and prompt attention.

    Wow psychadelic!
    I found xcompmgr to be rather buggy when I used to use it. Try xcompmgr-dana (dcompmgr I think)  or Compton. I used to use Compton and it worked pretty well.
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    Numeorus posts here, over by DSL forums(Broadband Reports),Microsoft's website and a few othere websites detail this issue.
    I am extremely shocked and surprised that Verizon has not tried to fix this issue by working with both the makers of the Actiontech Router as well as Microsoft to find out what the problem is and how to fix it.
    I would just like to reiterate I strongly believe this is primarily a FIOS internet issue since I previously had Comcast HSI for over a year with the same Windows Vista laptop and I NEVER had that problem. Also,  I can connect to my neighbors wireless connection(she uses Comcast HSI) and when I do, the globe stay on all the time on my computer and the internet does not lose connection.
    I know that there are a couple of Verizon employees here. Please tell the higher ups who handle FIOS internet that this is a major issue that needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
    P.S: Please don't tell me to go by my own router because then, I will have to deal with the issues of setting it up to work with Fios TV and the related VOD, widgets, remote DVR compatability issues to deal with. I don't think I can deal with the additional headaches. 

    FIOS is short for fiber optics.  fiber optics is different technology than DSL.   
    With that said, if you search the Microsoft databases for vista issues with fiber optics, (CURRENTLY THERE IS ONLY ONE PROVIDER OF FIBER TO THE HOUSE, that being Verizon, so yes you can also search Vista issues with verizon and\or fios) and you will find that Microsoft already acknowledges this issue with their software.  AND they offer you a fix.

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