X1 display looks like broken

we currently have three X1 carbon at our company. two got the same problem today: the screen looks like its broken, see images.
do you have any idea whats going on there? its a little bit strange that both have the exact same issue on the same day (but different models). could there be an automatic update be broken?
thx stefan
Link to image 1
Link to image 2
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Hello, sorry for my late reply...I was at the service partner, display was replaced without any problems.it's no software/driver issue, just the hardware. two displays broken at the time - funny coincidence... best regards, Stefan

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    Hi JoeBeth,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like your colors have become inverted on your display. This is a feature of Universal Access. Please refer to the attached article for information on this feature with instructions to toggle it on and off. 
    Mac OS X displays inverted image colors (white on black, reverse type)
    Have a great day,

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    If you have an i7, it can't be running 10.5.4 reliably. At minimum it can run 10.6.3. So that might be part of the problem if you managed to to load an older operating system on the Mac than the Mac itself can handle. Your My Settings or posted OS link has 10.5.4, even though you are using an i7. If you meant to select 10.6.4, pardon me.
    Generic adapters are usually not as reliable as quality adapters, but also if you have 1080p display, I recommend checking your progressive setting under Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Displays Options.
    I'm assuming you tried the same cables on the desktop as the notebook. If you don't have a mini-Displayport connection on the desktop to test with, you can't rule out the cables.
    http://www.macsales.com/ offers several adapters you can use with your notebook for HDMI. You might want to check with them, or find a non-generic adapter.

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    #<u>If you are not seeing the Menu Bar (File, Edit, View History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help)</u> hold down the ALT key while pressing the three keyboard letters VTM.
    #*<u>To turn off the Menu bar at any time and use the Firefox button</u> (click on it to drop down the new Menu), click View > Toolbars, click on Menu Bar to remove the check mark. You can always turn it on again using the ALT+V+T+M in step 1 above.
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    #<u>To display other toolbars not being displayed</u>, repeat this process View > Toolbars and click on items that do not have a check mark; that will place a check mark next to those items and cause them to be displayed.
    #<u>To move items around on the toolbars</u>, you can drag them to the desired location when the Customize Toolbar window is open: View > Toolbars > Customize.
    #'''<u>The Reload/Refresh button and the Stop button have been "unified/combined" on the right end of the URL/Location/Address bar</u>''' (where you type a site address).
    #*When the Customize Toolbar window is open (View > Toolbars > Customize), the two separate buttons are shown between the URL/Location/Address bar and the Search bar. You can drag those 2 buttons wherever you want them but the order is important when the two are adjacent to one another (side-by-side) :
    #**Refresh/Reload on the left and Stop on the right, the buttons will be "unified/combined"
    #**Stop on the left and Reload/Refresh on the right, the buttons will be separated
    #**If left between the URL/Location/Address bar and the Search bar:
    #***Refresh/Reload on the left and Stop on the right, the buttons will be "unified/combined" as part of the URL/Location/Address bar on the right end of it
    #***Stop on the left and Refresh/Reload on the right, the buttons will be individually shown outside and to the right of the URL/Location/Address bar

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    hello, I have this problem too but the spotlights come from the bottom.  This started about 2 weeks ago. I took my Macbook Pro (early 2008) to Apple just a couple days ago and they said that my hardware is working just fine. Im not under warranty anymore so I didnt opt to buy a new display.  They showed me a quick fix to the problem, press CONTROL + SHIFT + the EJECT button on top right and the screen goes to sleep, press any key to wake up screen and the spotlights are gone.  Of course this is not a long term fix but its something.  Here is a link to this problem from Apple, http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1258 , they've had this problem since 2008.  Hope this helps.

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    !@#%^&'the !@#$%^&'top
    !@#$%^&'Romney !@#$%^'retakes
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    -Cover Flow/Browse by Cover
    -Playlists (eg. Recently Added, My Top Rated)
    -Anything else
    Also i was wondering if you can use the search feature for 'My Movies' rather than just rented movies?
    Any one who can give me answers i would be so grateful
    Message was edited by: Jonaldinho
    Message was edited by: Jonaldinho

    This shows the 2.0+ top level interface change and how Store content is shown.
    Currently you can't use search for My Movies or My whatever, it only works in the Store. Might change, might not. Apple's business model seems to be pushing towards rentals/purchases whereas originally it was a media extender for your own or Apple purchased content before all rentals became available earlier this year in the US and last week in the UK.
    They have added genres for My Movies so if you tag a movie as horror, sci-fi, drama, family holidays, westerns etc it should show as a genre.
    On Mac there's a great tagger called MetaX (might be worth a look as there's a video there showing some of teh tags that can be applied) - I would not be surprised if there's something similar on the PC.
    One last thing, although you've encoded your video as h264 and it plays on Xbox it will not necessarily play on AppleTV unless if fits the specs for playback found here:
    Not trying to put you off, but that could be an issue for you.
    In the same way some things I've encoded for AppleTV don't work on my PS3.
    Message was edited by: Alley_Cat

  • HT4972 I am trying to install iOS 6 on my IPAD2 but none of the screens that you display look like mine and there is no click to update button.

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    If you have an iPad 1, the max iOS is 5.1.1. For newer iPads, the current iOS is 6.1.3. The Settings>General>Software Update only appears if you have iOS 5.0 or higher currently installed.
    iOS 5: Updating your device to iOS 5 or Later
    How to install iOS 6
    iOS: How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you are currently running an iOS lower than 5.0, connect the iPad to the computer, open iTunes. Then select the iPad under the Devices heading on the left, click on the Summary tab and then click on Check for Update.
    Tip - If connected to your computer, you may need to disable your firewall and anitvirus software temporarily.  Then download and install the iOS update. Be sure and backup your iPad before the iOS update. After you update an iPad (except iPad 1) to iOS 6.x, the next update can be installed via wifi (i.e., not connected to your computer).
    Tip 2 - If you're updating via wifi, place your iPad close to your router to preclude getting a corrupted download.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Today I got my brand new iPod nano. I connected it to my computer approx. 30 minutes ago.
    The window in iTunes opened and I could chouse all the details. So far, so good.
    But what about the display? I can only see a black and white display with the word "iPod" in the middle of the first line and a symbol of a battery on the right.
    In the middle you can see a picture of part of the cable connection and beyond the Message "Connected. Eject before disconnecting".
    So, when will I see the home screen or the buttons? Does anyone know? Have I done somthing wrong? Or do I have to wait until the batterie is full for the first time?
    Thank you very much an greetings from Germany,

    Hello thetwy,
    Try the reset while the ipod is plugged into the computer. Steps here:
    If that does not work, use a different usb port on your computer, and/or, try the reset on a different computer.
    Hope this helps.

  • Qosmio G10 - display looks like a chequered flag

    All of sudden the other day my screen turned into a what I can only describe as a chequered flag (very small squares).
    I have downloaded so many spyware / driver cleaner / registry cleaners / optimisers but nothing seems to fix the problem.
    I can boot into safe mode and see the display, but when i try and remove the nvidia display drivers I get all these errors:
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstal l\nvidia drivers
    Element not found
    software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstal l\nvidia drivers
    Element not found
    software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstal l\nvidia drivers\subcomponents
    There are no more files
    software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstal l\nvidia drivers
    I then boot up normally (after downloading the latest drivers from toshiba's site) and install the drivers but the same thing happens.
    The chequered flag screen isn't always the same or the same colour. If I could do a screenshot I would but I can't.
    I am tempted to do a full reinstall as I have been trying to fix this for 3 days now with no luck.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    You should ask the Toshiba service partner in your country (UK) for the help.
    There you will find a right service partner:

  • My display screen looks like a photograhic negative, what is wrong?

    The display looks like a photgraphic negative.  Is there a simple way to change it back?

    You're welcome

  • Looks like missing drivers

    I have an original MacBook Pro (with ATI x1600). Just today, the display looked similar to what a Windows display looks like without drivers (256 color). The display color is set to "millions." Also, this happens outside of the OS. You can see it happening on the grey Apple and spinning gears, and it also happens when I am booted to the install DVD, as well as Safe Mode. I ran a hardware diagnostic on it, and everything passed. Also, I connected an external monitor, and the display on it is fine.
    This is a clean install with all updates applied.
    Any ideas??

    No great ideas, but I think I would at least try the SMC and PRAM resets.

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    When I take a picture or look at certain sites on the Internet the picture that is displayed looks like a black and white negative.  Any ideas on how to correct this?  Thanks.

    Have you checked Settings>General>Accessibilty>White on Black>Off?

Maybe you are looking for