X205-SLI5 Fan Control?

I've had my X205 SLI5 for quite a while, I'm sure its dusty and I'm going to end up cleaning it out, I'm hoping that opening up the laptop wont void my warranty though. I've tried a few different tools to try to control the fans, none work, I'm wondering if there is any way anyone knows of to control the fans on my X205, I've read a few different posts in several forums but its mostly responses from people relating to the overheating issue. However I was wondering if a moderator or anyone with any experience with this issue or tools related to this issues could help out. I have the latest Bios update and it runs the fans slightly fast, but clearly not fast enough to keep the computer cool enough. I can get this thing running over 200 Degrees F, easily, thats the heat for the GPU's, they are usually within about 5 degrees of eachother, its frustrating, the CPU isnt so bad cause it runs at about 160 Degrees F, still hot, but at least not over 200. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or anything like that, tools would be great too for manual fan speed adjustments. I dont have anything obstructing the fan vents, I usually have my laptop elevated from the center even though its slightly uncomfortable, it will lower the temperatures of the GPU's by up to 20 Degrees F. If you have any suggestions for anything besides cleaning it out, please let me know.
Dual nVidia 8600M GT's Overclocked
4 GB of Ram
Triple Boot XP, Vista, Windows 7

Mystery to me. See this site.
   Delete files using Disk Cleanup
I checked several times but could not find anything on my C drive.
Maybe shadow storage is getting out of hand. Notice that Disk Cleanup gives you the opportunity to delete all but the most recent restore points.
You can control shadow storage using the commands here at an elevated command prompt (cmd.exe).
Notice that you can set the maximum with Vssadmin resize shadowstorage. 
If you learn more about the problem, please let us know. It's the first time I've heard a story like this.

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  • In my macbook pro 15 inch mid 2012 model, my cpu and gpu will get very hot, when gaming or rendering sometimes over 200F. The fans only spin at max about 2900 rpm, when their max is 6400. I downloaded a fan control app, but how can i fix it?

    In my macbook pro 15 inch mid 2012 model, my cpu and gpu will get very hot, when gaming or rendering sometimes over 200F. The fans only spin at max about 2900 rpm, when their max is 6400. I downloaded a fan control app, but how can i fix it?

    Hi rhaughan,
    I see that you have concerns about your operating temperature of your computer while using resource-heavy applications such as gaming applications. I have an article that will address some of the concerns you have mentioned:
    Mac notebooks: Operating temperature - Apple Support
    While there are third-party utilities that measure the temperature of a notebook computer, it is important to understand that these utilities are not measuring the external case temperature. The actual case temperature is much lower. Never use third-party applications to diagnose possible hardware issues—instead, contact Apple or go to an Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    You should also see this article for even further information about your fans:
    Learn about the fans in your Mac - Apple Support
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

  • User-devel​oped Fan Control for the S10(e)

    Hello and welcome.
    When you've searched the internet and found this thread, it's possible that you are an owner of a Lenovo Ideapad S10 or S10e which has a little problem with the behaviour and/or the noise of the fan. In this post you will get all the informations you need to handle this problem for yourself. It should also be the same on every S9/S9e.
    Just a few comments before we begin:
    This is not an official support or solution by Lenovo.
    We are just normal users as you are, but we get rid of the fan and wanted to find a way to handle it. So if you want to try anything of the methods described here you have to know that you'll do all this only at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damages of your device. You should only use these methods if you know what you are doing.
    Please note that this thread is only for discussing, improving, trouble shooting and perhaps extending the fan control utilities. Any general complaints about the fan problem itself should be placed in the original thread right here: http://forums.lenovo.com/lnv/board/message?board.i​d=IdeaPad_Netbook&thread.id=795. It already has 80+ pages (the link goes to the first page) and it is better to exclude all the fan control stuff because there it's very difficult to keep an overview.
    Here you may post all of your questions, ideas/brainstorming, concerns, thanks and so on and you are really invited to participate and be an active member. 
    In this first part of this post I'm going to summarize all information about using a fan control utility. For any newbie it will be enough to read this post to get all necessary information. The second part does the same for developement of fan control utilities as we still have no known or working fan control utility for Linux, Mac OS X and other OSs I've forgotten - for now.
    For getting started you need a S10 or S10e with an up-to-date BIOS. For the S10 it's the 90 67, for the S10e the 66.
    The battery issue
    Under very specific circumstances - that we haven't figured out yet - it might happen that your Lenovo S9/10(e) no longer detects the battery while using S10FanControl or S10Fan. It might occur after 2 minutes, it might occur after 2 months, it might never occur. It does not occur using Notebook Hardware Control.
    It can be solved by removing the battery, waiting 10 seconds and put it back in. Then the battery is re-initialized and the detection works again.
    S10FanControl - Windows
    The first utility is S10FanControl created by user dresslerc. The current version is, available here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yd5xmnrnijf/S10FanCt​rl1.0.0.1.zip. After you've downloaded it you just have to extract it and start the .EXE in the "Release" folder. Here are the notes and the description dresslerc posted right here:
    I've uploaded a version which everyone can use to test with.  Remember this is still a TEST version although I think it works for the most part.  It should work both on the S10/S10e.
    Please install the .NET Framework 2.0 or later first.
    Then click here to download the exe:  http://www.mediafire.com/?jlg2enkjdxn
    Once downloaded, extract the files and hit hte S10FanCtrl.Exe.  Once this program launches you should be able to control the fan.  Keep in mind that if you lower the fan speed then it'll take upto 30 seconds before the S10 registers the change, so be patient.
    I've only tested this on the latest BIOS 59.  I am sure it will work on the 57 as well but the individual speeds might not work properly on that version.  Please try it out and report back.
    The only issue that I heard so far is that occasionally the fan will kick in regardless if in Manual/Smart Mode.  Also the temp it shows may not be accurate.  If you find any other issues please let me know what they are so I can attempt to fix them.
    Once we have all the kinks worked out then I will release the source. 
    Heres a quick Video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PKl70ZgmFg 
    Application Use:
    BIOS Controlled - Fan is controlled by the BIOS
    Smart Mode - Fan is controlled based on the conifguration in the options.  You can set the threshold here at what temp you want the fan to kick in...
    Manual - Fan is controlled manually by the slider.
    If you want to have the program startup automatically, then place a shortcut of the app in the PROGRAM FILES -> STARTUP folder.  Then you may want to go to the options and make the application minimize at startup.
    It seems there are some issues with the app and the S10e or previous BIOS versions.  Will post a fix asap.
    The source code for S10FanControl is available here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=7a3fb99d33817c0​8c2b435915e8821d7e04e75f6e8ebb871, written in Visual Basic .NET 2008.
    S10Fan - Windows
    The second utility is a tool written by user slash:
    Hi guys,
    Well it looks like Lenovo dropped this matter after all. Anyway, I have here another fan controller to add to the bunch. I have been using it for some time now without any problems. It is for both S10 and S10e.
    What the program does is basically the same as others. The S10's fan speed is controlled according to the ACPI thermal zone temperature. By over writing the values which resides at offset 50h of the EC register at an appropriate timing, the ACPI thermal zone temperature is over ridden. The program is written in C and uses WinIo created by Sysinternals. The GUI version is available now.
    It should be noted that the fan speed temperature thresholds differs with BIOS version. For 14CN67WW and 14CW90WW  the fan changes speed at temperatures 60c, 65c, 70c, and 80c. Furthermore, the BIOS will automatically shutdown the S10 if the temperature reaches 90c.
    The program has a fail safe mechanism that automatically disables itself if the actual ACPI thermal zone temperature goes above 85c. This allows the BIOS to regain control and the fan will work as intended by Lenovo. If the temperature drops below 85c the program will take over control again.
    To run the program, you will need administrative privileges.
    Known working BIOS versions:  14cn58ww,  14cn60ww, 14cn67ww, 14cn90ww
    The program will work with any BIOS version as long as the BIOS uses the 50h EC register readouts to control the fan.
    build 2009.05.24
    Higher priorities for EC commands.
    Usage: The program will run in the system tray. Double click or right click and use the menu to open the program. To determine the BIOS temperature thresholds, use the 'Setup' button. To run at boot time, place a short cut in the startup folder.
    http://www.mediafire.com/file/njhz0icym2t/S10Fan.z​ip build 2009.05.23
    Usage: S10Fan.exe
    Added GUI.
    build 2009.05.17
    Usage: S10Fan.exe 60 65 70 80 70 75 80 85
                S10Fan.exe test
    The first 4 values are the BIOS temperature thresholds, the latter 4 are new thresholds that we want to over ride with. To determine the BIOS temperature thresholds, use the 'test' option.
    build 2009.03.16
    Usage: S10Fan.exe 70 75 80 85
    For updates and newer releases please check slash's post: http://forums.lenovo.com/lnv/board/message?board.i​d=IdeaPad_Netbook&view=by_date_ascending&message.i​...
    Notebook Hardware Control - Windows
    The third utility is a profile for Notebook Hardware Control. I've adapted it from a profile for the Lenovo N500 which I've found here: http://nhc.yourcopy.de/overview/. With the manual for creating the profiles that can be found here: http://www.notebook-treff.de/board/database/hilfsp​rogramme-f%C3%BCr-nhc/92-how-to-create-an-acpi-fil​... I was able to change the ACPI commands to work on the S10(e).
    Installation and setup is divided in two steps. The program Notebook Hardware Control (NHC) is available at http://www.pbus-167.com/. Install the program, but do not start it for now. Then you need my NHCConfig utility, available here: http://forum.eeepcnews.de/download/file.php?id=147​6. It detects your model number and BIOS-version via WMI and writes a proper S10(e) profile to the NHC acpi directory. The GUI is German if you have a German Windows and English if not. Additional languages can be added.
    After you've extracted the ZIP-file you have to start the nhcc.exe (requires .NET Framework 2.0). At first a message appears that you use the program at your own risk. Then you can choose if you want to apply your own settings (experts) or if you just want the program to run with my defaults (newbies). In the settings window you can see your system details on the left, you can set up your thresholds in the middle and you can set the fan speed you want on the right. Then click on execute. 
    Now start NHC. Go to the "Settings" tab and click on "Show all NHC options and settings". Then a few more tabs appear. Go to the "ACPI" tab and check if the "ACPI Control System" is running (if everything works, the message "ACPI Control System running" will appear, otherwise it says "ACPI control system is not yet configured for this system"). Now click on "Show ACPI Control System details".
    Here you can change the temperature values the fan control depends on (the settings from NHCC are the default values). On the bottom of the window you can see the "Current CPU temperature". That is the value you have to deal with. In general it has a value of around 60°C. In the middle you can see four user editable temperature values. You can leave the values as they are if everything works. The on/off values are responsible for the temperatures at which the fan starts running and stops again after cooling the device. The level values are responsible for the fan speed, for example you can set the off_level higher to let the fan run all the time at the lowest level, if the values do not fit for your device or whatever.
    You can switch between NHC and BIOS control by disabling or enabling the "ACPI Control System" or by closing NHC.
    With every utility it is possible that it takes some time until you see an effect after you've started the program. Any failure of the programs should be no big problem because the only thing that should happen is that the BIOS controls the fan. Another issue that might occur due to the way the fan is controlled is that the fan may start running for a very short time and it looks like the fan control has lost control. The fan should stop immediately or at least after a few seconds.
    Keep in mind that running the S10(e) with a fan control means that the S10(e) has to deal with higher temperatures. That could mean that the device will not last for 10 years but only 9 years (who uses a netbook so long...?). In every case you need a tool for monitoring your cpu temperature. We know that especially Core Temp 0.99.5 and Real Temp 3.00 do a very good job. That is important because the temperature values you need to set up the fan control are different from the values reported by the cpu sensor, they are between 15°C and 20°C higher. A normal temperature reported by the monitoring should be around 40°C, with the NHC default values the fan starts running at 52°C and stops at 38°C.
    END using fan control
    BEGINNING developing fan control
    Controlling the S10(e)'s fan is a litte bit difficult because it looks like there is no way to control it directly. But it is possible to manipulate the temperature the BIOS fan control depends on. As long as the built-in fan control thinks that the cpu is cool enough the fan stays off. And that is exactly the point where we can attack.
    The fan control depends on a field called RTMP in the memory of the embedded controller. It can be accessed via "_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ERAM", the offset of RTMP is 0x50 (hex) or 80 (dec). It is a direct I/O read/write. The complete NHC command for reading the value is: ACPI.FIELD.ReadByOffset("_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ERAM", ref value, 0x50, 8) with "value" as the variable which gets the value.
    What program logic do you need? You need a timer or something else that conducts an always-refresh cycle. It sounds very easy: You read the value, manipulate it and write it back. And it is that easy, you just have to keep some things in mind.
    This refresh has to be done very often. The procedure must be very thin and quick. Also the bus that is used to communicate with the EC is a problem, but since the S10e BIOS 66 it became a minor problem for me because it looks like the built-in fan control now depends on some kind of average value over the last few seconds and it doesn't really matter if one write-cycle is failing.
    The read-event must be placed before the write-event. Otherwise you just read your manipulated value. The field is filled by the system regularly, so you just have to test if the read_value is different from the written_value, then you know that the field was filled with a "fresh" value. Like "if read_temperatue <> written_temperature then real_cpu_temperature = read_temperature else do nothing".
    About the values you have to write back... you will have to test and play a bit. My experience is that you can select three fan levels, starting at 59°, 62° and 70° - at least with the NHC profile and my S10e it's like that. It's some trial 'n' error. My fan stays off at < 59°, but you should select a very low value for fan_off like 30°. In my opinion it switches off much faster the lower the written value is. But it's just a feeling, I haven't measured it.
    Perhaps some users from countries with other languages than German and English can add tags for "fan", "control" and "noise".
    Note from Moderator:  Minor edits in title and disclaimer.
    Message Edited by JaneL on 04-25-2009 02:32 PM

    Great opening post Carsten!
    The latest bios:
    http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/documen​t.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-71252 (BIOS 66)
    The FSB can be reduced from 133MHz to 100MHz using SetFSB, this also reduces the heat:
    clockgen = SLG8SP513V
    If you add a shortcut to the startup folder the program will start at startup. Under properties you can change the target to:
    "C:\Program Files\SetFSB\setfsb.exe" -s100 -b1 -cg[SLG8SP513V] -w20
    So it starts with a FSB of 100Mhz, in the background, with the right clock generator, after 20 seconds.
    Message Edited by quazar on 04-25-2009 05:07 AM

  • Does using a program like fan control damage my mbp?

    I heard good things about this program so I downloaded it and it cools off the machine wonderfully. However, I was wondering if it caused damage to the machine as the fans are running at about 3 times what they ran before? Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks.

    I would hazard a guess that if it did have anything to do with the failure of the hardware in any way, the manufacturer would void your warranty. Any repair needed would be chargeable.
    Mac OS X, Boot Camp and the EFI firmware all have system settings created by the manufacturer. Using a program which alters their recommended settings or changes the behaviour of hardware devices within the machine, goes against the terms of the warranty.
    I would ask Apple about Fan Control and get them to confirm that any damage which may be caused (or may not be caused) by a third party program willl not void your warranty.
    In some respects, it's like overclocking a PC. Whilst it may be more beneficial to the system and provide better performance, the maufacturer of the computer can not be expected to repair something which has been damaged by the end user 'tweaking' settings to get better performance.
    In the case of Fan Control, I have not used it so can not refer to the licence terms, the liability of possible damage done to the machine by using this program will either be at the end users own responsibility or the manufacturer of the software. This should be checked prior to installing and using the program.
    I would suggest any program which alters the running of the machine will invalidate your warranty in the event of hardware failure.

  • 848P Neo-LS Fan Control

    As said - no control of the damn fans (Case/CPU) on my 848P Neo-LS. On the CoreCenter the button lits up on mouseover, but when pressed, nothin' happens (as said in manual, press to toggle user/auto modes for fan control).
    Also CoreCenter doesn't show the Case fan's speed, but Northbridge (NB fan) fan's speed, which is obviously 0. Also NB temp is N/A. Also +12V is N/A. Also the FSB stays always at 101 Mhz, not 100. No overclocking done.
    Today upgraded the CoreCenter to the most recent vers (, and the button doesn't lit up anymore...?
    When I installed SpeedFan 4.17, it allows me to control the Case fan's speed from 2300 - 2700, but nothing more. Interesting.
    CPU - Celeron 2.0
    RAM - 256 MB Kingston
    CPU Fan - OEM intel fan A80856-003
    Case Fan - MJ 802512
    Both fans with speed sensors, of course.
    Should I update the bios?
    Help somebody!

    To be sure I opened the case and stopped the fans by hand (I don't use the corecenter prg - piece of crap), to see that i have mistaken both fans (in SpeedFan prg). The one who varies by 400 rpm is the Cpu fan.
    The bios health screen doesn't show +12V at all - just aint there...
    The MSI tech support sez - flash the bios, and if anything doesnt change, the CoreCell chip has gone (faulty, whatever).
    Flashed the bios (1.0 - 1.9 now). No changes.

  • Enabling system fan control on lenovo s30

    Hi there, i am familiar with the BIOS setup for fan control, except, i do not know how to load a "user profile" vs factory default. Does S30 even support user fan control, my d20 would allow me to select several presets, however, the s30 bios only allows two options one of them being user preset? How do i load this preset (i want the fans running at higher rpm for additional cooling). Any insight is appreciated.

    There are a few differences in the fan control design between 20 series and 30 series.  In 20 series, you're correct that there were a couple of selectable presets available.  For 30 series, we took a different approach where the fan speed control was set to a standard profile for all users.  We did, however, have the ability for our BIOS team to create unique fan tables that would be meant for specific customer environments.  The only way to use one of these custom tables would be to work directly with our BIOS team as each table would need to be manually created.  So custom tables are not supported for general field use.  
    We chose that route on 30 series because a very large majority of our customers never changed the default fan settings (the thermals on 20 series were so good they rarely had a reason to do so).  
    Is there a specific reason you want to change the fan control, or is this just a tinkering-type question?

  • IdeaPad S12 - fan control

    I'm the proud owner of a S12.
    I've got the same problem as a lot of people with the S10: the loud fan. It's just running after a while and not switching off again. Is there anybody out there who could fix this problem with a little prog or using nhc as some did with the S10.
    The programs from this forum for the S10 don't work on the S12.
    Thanx a lot!!!

    Hi, sorry no good news ...due S12 differences ... its not possible to control fan via  NHC/NHC control for S10 got to work for the S12 ....as in this post Carsten says
    No S12 Fan Control  and other programs didnt work at all...
    sincerely KalvinKlein
    Thinkies 2x X200s/X301 8GB 256GB SSD @ Win 7 64
    Ideas Centre A520 ,Yoga 2 256GB SSD,Yoga 2 tablet @ Win 8.1

  • Custom Hardware Fan Control - problem if speed pin not connected?

    Hi There,
    I am planing to install a hardware fan control (poti) to my MacPro 1.1 rear fan. (because I have a defective northbridge temperature sensor and the fan is running at maximum speed... so i thought of slowing it down with a fan control for the pci slots)
    I read that the pinning of the Fan is: Gnd, 12V, Speed, Control Pin (analog Voltage)
    So when i would attach a fan control (just a poti) between some +5v and the Control Pin I think I should be able to control the fan manualy - am i right?
    But then the speed signal is not the speed the mac pro fan control software think of... so would it be a problem e.g. if i disconnect the speed pin from the mainboard fan connector?
    what would happen then? is the mac pro powering up the other fans for some kind of failsafe?
    Or have you other suggestions how I can lower the speed of the rear fan manually?
    thanks in advance,

    2010 2.8 Special $2119 - and throw in 6-core 3.3GHz yourself for $590
    Take a look at the project some have undertaken to go with water block.
    Send the motherboard in to have a 'skilled' electrician? repair the board perhaps.
    4 fans, 3 under the control of SMCFAnControl utility. Maybe disable the one fan and make up for it with your own fan and running the others efficiently.
    There are also VGA copper coolers.
    FBDIMMs bleed heat: maybe the RAM fan cooler kit in there to deal with large source of heat. New higher density DIMMs are better made and few DIMMs = less heat even if 4GB.
    Use ice packs, dry ice and liquid nitrogen to super cool :-)

  • Proper Fan-Control by Lenovo?

    Hello Everyone,
    two weeks have passed since i got my Thinkpad L530 and for the most part i am happy with it. But there is one issue which gets on my nerves:
    - the absolute annoying pulsing of the fan !!!
    For me one of the most important reasons to buy this laptop were the good test-results about noise-emission and battery-duration, because i use this laptop for work. Therefore annoying fan-sounds are unacceptable.
    To solve this issue i have comb through serveral forum-threads and finally found a solution for my Win7-OS with TPFanControl. But i also use Xubuntu and on linux there are currently no working fan-applications for the SL- / L- and some E-Series
    What i have read about i'm not the only one with that problem and that issue seems known for ages....so my question is:
    - WHY do we still have to use third-party programs to get this problem solved, with the risk of breaking our hardware? Is it that hard for lenovo to offer a proper fan-control for their devices?
    Greetings, Christian W.

    ArchSoarer: thanks. This thread is almost a zombie, but I have tried your "acpi_osi=Linux" boot command. It does make the fan operate correctly EXCEPT where one suspends or hibernates, in which case I still get fan problems. I have outlined the situation here on our wiki: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tos … llite_L300 and have a link there to an attempt to fix the issue by disassembling the DSDT. I have yet to go any further and attempt to fix the DSDT errors in this laptop. For the moment, because Arch boot quite quickly I simply do not use hibernate or suspend on that laptop.

  • Lenovo S10-3 Fan Control (Linux) and overheating

    Good day to everyone.
    Let me describe the situation. My Lenovo S10-3 is always hot (even in idle) and uses internal fan very often. It irritates very much because fan is noisy (service found no problem).
    Sensors: acpi-tz ~60C, core ~50C (idle).
    But even fan is disabled (connector is pulled out from motherboard) temperature becomes not much higher --- approx 65-70C.
    Now, the question: is there any way to override BIOS fan control values? (e.g. 55C="Fan on" to 60C="Fan On")
    For the S10 series there is program named "Fan Control", but it doesn't work on S10-3 and this program is for MS Windows only. Can anyone give comprehensive ansver/guide how to control fan speed (or on/off temperature values) using native linux tools or special program? It might be very useful for others who experiences the same problem. Thanks.

    The heatsink is not connected to the surface of CPU and GPU and this is why you said that disabling the fan doesn't make any difference in the temperature. There are two pieces of thermal pad on the CPU and GPU.They are actually unusable. Remove them. Put thermal paste on the surface of CPU and GPU and heatsink and then put a piece of copper on CPU and GPU. This will make connection between heatsink and surface of CPU. This will make the fan usefull . Do this at your own risk (There is no risk. But use suitable pieces of copper is very important.) Using google will help you find about this issue

  • Fan control in notebooks

    Hi all,
    I am using Arch Linux since a few months, right after purchasing my new laptop, a Dell Precision M3800. Anyway I am a linux user since many years. I like very much the control that arch give to the user in terms of configuration possibility. My question is relate to fan control in notebooks. Even though I noticed this issue in my laptop now, I think similar observation holds also for other notebooks and linux distros. For fan control I use the fancontrol utility. Once properly configured, there is a min temperature value below which the cpu fan is off (default is 20 °C, I increased up to 45 °C) and a max temperature value (default is 55 °C and I placed 65 °C) above which the fan is running at full speed. The reason for the temperature limit changes is to emulate windows behavior in terms of noise and thermal handling. With a room temperature in the order of 25 °C, I get right after login a cpu temperature of about 35 °C. Then the temperature increases even in idle conditions up to the limit of 45 °C and then it is stabilized by the cpu fan. Chaning the temperature between 35 °C and 45 °C simply changes the time interval I have to wait until the cpu fan switches on and cpu temperature stabilizes with low load. The point is the the stable thermal situation produces a continuous switching of the fan state, let's say the fan is on for a few seconds every minute. The reason is that the fan switches off right after the cpu temperature falls below the value for which it turns on. Wouldn't be better to define two different temperatures for switching on and off? Let's say, fan on when temperature reaches 45 °C and off when it falls below 40 °C. Is there a way to do that with fancontrol or same other tool?
    Thank you in advance.

    OP, what you're describing is called (at least in HVAC circles) hysteresis.  You may be able to find some fan control scripts that support it (googling fan control + hysteresis), or just write one yourself.  You can also control this behavior to some extent by adjusting fancontrol's polling behavior (the "INTERVAL" setting), but that has risks. 
    I think implementing hysteresis is not a particularly useful endeavor because PC temperatures can change 30 degrees or more in a few seconds when under load, which is completely unlike, say, a home thermostat where temp changes are much more gradual over time.  Realistically, you should expect to always be running at least the CPU fan at some speed, and set your "turn off" temperature for it to room temperature.  You can set different temperature set points for different fans, so you can have the CPU fan turning off at a lower temp, but have other fans off until the temp gets much higher.
    Last edited by mwillems (2015-05-31 16:35:48)

  • Fan control out of control in Windows 7 (x64)

    Anyone noticed that the fan control is not working correctly when running Windows 7 (x64) in Boot Camp? Under heavy load (100%) on both cpu cores, the thermal protection circuit actually kicks in due to the CPU cores reaching temperatures of 104 degrees (Celcius).

    No, it seems like the built-in thermal protection manages to reduce the temperature quickly enough. I've downloaded an application named MacFan, which you can manually set the fan speed.
    Url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/macfan/

  • Temp/Fan Control

    My blackbooks temp hits about a high temp of 190 degrees F. Of course this is when it has been running for a few hours. Is this bad or normal? I installed an SMC fan control utility and it allows for optimal fan usage. Would you reccomend it?

    I'll be getting my 1st Macbook in about a week, but I have had a few laptops in my time.
    They all run hot when they are being used. I ended up buying myself a Laptop Cooling Stand. You sit your laptop on them and they have 1-3 fans running to cool your laptop. They work great.
    A computer Tech, told me to always use a laptop fan as this extends the life of the laptop.
    iBreeze make a cooling stand, its on a slant for your laptop. Plus as they are USB run, it has a passthrough USB port so you don't loose a port when using the fan, like other fans.
    I hope this helps.


    I am not the only person, why on earth does MSI PAY for Afterburner and not have proper control of their cards through it?
    The stock fan control profiles SUCK and I'd be happy to have just plain ole, SIMPLE fan control. Afterburner doesnt work, MSI Gaming APP doesnt do  (horrible program BTW devs) and CCC doesnt work either... YAY!
    Someone tell me I am moron for not finding some hidden checkbox, otherwise I am pretty disappointed with my two new 290x Gaming 4G's.

    Use the attached for both.
    Create a bootable usb stick (https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=165175.0).
    Then unpack the previously provided archive (TV308MH_161.rar) and put the included file (TV308MH.161) on that stick.
    Rename TV308MH.161 to 161.rom. Put the atiflash.exe also included in the archive on the USB stick too. Now boot from the stick.
    Type atiflash -p -f -noaper 0 161.rom [ENTER] and let it flash the vbios if flashing both cards one after another with one card removed. If you want to flash both in one system the syntax listed before will just flash one card. You'd need to type then atiflash -p -f -noaper 0 161.rom [ENTER] and atiflash -p -f -noaper 1 161.rom [ENTER].

  • No fans working withouth Lubbo's fan control

    I recently installed on a Boot Camp Partition, Windows 7.
    I installed correctly all the drivers using my iMac installation CD, in windows. However i can't get the fans working, if i don't use Lubbo's Fan Control software: this is the only way to get them working.
    But this software if for the macbooks, so i can't get the fans work properly.
    My iMac is a 2011 model, if you need to know
    Can someone help, getting my fans working correctly on Boot Camp?
    Thanks to everyone.

    Apple has a big weakness and this has always been an issue.
    I used InputRemapper for years also.
    Windows on Mac is less than 100%, enough so that while I still (right now) running 7 on Mac Pro, I ended up building a couple PCs too.
    For a long time - over a year - my hope was to get SpeedFan to work, but that never happened.

Maybe you are looking for

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