X3100: Doom 3, Half-Life 2

I've read all sorts of contradictory information about this on this and other websites. Can someone *who has actually tried them* please tell me whether the Mac or Windows versions (through Boot Camp) of Doom 3 or Half-Life 2 are playable on the newest MacBooks that have the X3100 graphics?
Thanks everyone!

I have tried the PC version of Doom 3 (I think it was the demo version) and found its performance unacceptable.
Would be interested to hear about Half-Life 2 though.

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    Any advice please.

    same problem with 6. by the way.
    you have to edit/replace a file, i did it and it worked great, sorry, i dont remember exactly which one, search with google, there were a lot of people that already had the same problem when doom was released earlier this year. It has nothing to do with your settings !!!! Dont screw them up , its not worth it, you can on the other side change to 5., might help, but it didnt for me because Doom recognized the higher speaker config...dont ask me why they programmed it so LAME
    the fix is out there, go get it ;-)

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    tom5760 wrote:If you have Half Life registered on your Steam account, you can just download and install Steam from http://storefront.steampowered.com/down … nstall.msi and install it (google for how to install .msi files with steam).  Once you log into your account, you should be able to just download the games you want to play.
    Seconded. However, I don't think you even have to have a Steam account to download the installer. To run it do:
    cd /path/to/installer/SteamInstall.msi
    wine start SteamInstall.msi

  • Half Life 2

    I have Bootcamp on My MacBook and I am running Half Life 2 on it and it works just fine untill it does an Auto Save then Half Life quits I don't know if it is the graphics or what I have a 15gb partion with 7gb left and 1gb of ram it is a core duo 1.83GHz so it should run. any help

    "I have Bootcamp on My MacBook"
    You should probably post your question in the Boot Camp discussions or a Half Life forum:

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    A couple of weeks later and the situation is as following:
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    -The DVD works fine as I was able to install and run Aperture on my MacBook
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    I recently updated my system and installed HL2 : Episode 2 to test it out with, but I noticed that I wasn't getting any surround sound. Sound was either only coming out of the centre speaker or I could only set the audio options to 2 speakers.
    Anyway, to cut a long story short, I tried a lot of things out and, thanks to the posts on this forum and others, finally came up with a working solution. Now I'm just posting it on here in case anyone else has the same issues.
    1) Install the modded Audigy 2 driver based on the new X-Fi release, available here:
    As this is a modded driver, released because there was no corresponding driver for Audigy 2 cards, do check that an official one hasn't been released since this post.
    2) Install the Creative ALchemy Uni'versal .00.04 application (based on the "free" X-Fi version of ALchemy) available here:
    Note that, as far as I can ascertain, at the present time versions beyond .00.04 are no different to .00.04, they just have wider compatibility. Again, do check that a new version hasn't come out since this post.
    3) As Half Life 2 isn't detected as a supported game in ALchemy, you'll have to add it manually. The path will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[user-name]\half-life 2.
    THIS IS IMPORTANT : You also have to change the Buffers and Duration from the default settings, otherwise the sound will be crackly, at least it was for me. The numbers I found on the web (here : http://connect.creativelabs.com/alch...orm.aspx ID=76) are Buffers=5, Duration=0, and they work just fine.
    4) Ensure you have the correct speaker setup selected in the Creative Audio Console - I have a 6. setup so I chose 7. - and also you might want to turn off CMSS3D here too - I read that it was making the game sound weird and tinny.
    You might also want to just check that Vista's own speaker configuration is correct too - disable any optional speakers not connected and set the speaker size for each set.
    5) Run up Half Life and select at least 5. speakers in the audio options. For me, it wouldn't accept 7., just kept reverting back to 5., but that's good enough if it works!
    You should be done! I hope this helps someone and saves them the time that it took me to get where I am.
    Cheers, N.
    In case it makes a difference, my system specs are:
    Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
    4GB Corsair PC6400-CL4 RAM
    Asus P5N32-E Plus Motherboard
    Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
    BFG 8800GT OC 52MB Graphics Card
    edit: added [user-name] into HL path that got taken out

    ProjectBorn wrote:
    Thanks for the info, question though, does dsound.dll need to be added to the HL2 folder?
    Yes... but ALchemy will add this file into the folder for you when you add Half Life 2 to its ALchemy-enabled list.

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  • AppleMobileDeviceService.exe uses Half-Life server port number 27015

    I don't think this is a problem, but have noticed several discussions on the Internet which seem confused by this.
    UDP port 27015 is the standard port used by Half-Life servers to communicate with clients.
    TCP port 27015 seems to be used by AppleMobileDeviceService.exe to communicate locally with iTunes.exe and iTunesHelper.exe.
    Since they are different protocols, there shouldn't be any conflict, but I haven't seen any mention of this in discussions I've found and I know a lot of people who, when the open up a firewall for a particular port, will open in for both UDP and TCP.
    I don't know if this is a vulnerability, i.e. if an open firewall port would allow anything on the PC to be compromised, but I'm surprised Apple chose a port number which is so well-known, rather than a new arbitrary one, as there does seem to be the potential for a problem.
    In any event, I intend to keep TCP port 27015 closed in my firewalls!

    In my firewall (Sunbelt Personal Firewall) I'm showing two local point connections from the AMDS at port 27015 (both on the TCP protocol) as well as a listening point at port 27015 for the TCP protocol. I'm not sure where you got your information StarNamer, but source dedicated servers use both TCP and UDP ports.
    UDP 1200 (Friends Network)
    UDP 27000 to 27015 (Gameport)
    UDP 27020
    TCP 27030 to 27039
    TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)
    See this page for more information: http://planethalflife.gamespy.com/View.php?view=HL2Guides.Detail&id=4&game=3

  • WinXP 64-bit (Half Life,CS,Doom3 problems)

    I finally got this system running well.
    The main reason for upgrading the hardware was for gaming. I know my Video card is weak but I will get a 6800 ASAP.
    I loaded Half Life (Counter Strike and CZ), Steam [which loaded HL CS Source Beta, and Doom3. I can run steam. However when I try to open Counter Strike or HL I get a quick screen flash and nothing happens. Do I need to move or modify the HL launcher file? Will it work at all? I can launch and play the HL Source Beta version and it is awsome. However my clan (team) and friends are playing the normal version of CS, (1.6).
    any ideas?

    A few important things to point out:
    1.  Win XP 64-bit is not ready for prime-time yet, and for the most part, gaming benchmarks run on XP 64-bit are slower than the same benchmarks run on the same machine using 32-bit Win XP.  The main reason for this is that 64-bit hardware drivers are (for the most part) nowhere near as refined as their 32-bit counterparts.  I recall reading a recent review where it was stated that 64-bit drivers for the ATI Radeon crashed/refused to run with several games/gaming benchmarks.  It's possible that this is the source of your problem (the article also noted that the 64-bit nVidia drivers worked quite well with all the games/gaming benchmarks, so maybe once you have your 6800U everything will work just fine).  Regardless, it may be a good idea to "borrow" a copy of 32-bit Win Xp again and try installing/using that instead of the 64-bit version.
    2.  Your probably can't boot from the old HDD because the copy of Win XP on it has hardware drivers installed for a system who's configuration is different than that of your new computer.  Making it work *should* be possible (if extremely tedious).  You'll need to place the HDD back in a computer where it will boot properly, and then remove your existing chipset/hardware drivers and install drivers appropriate to your new setup.  Once this is done try the drive in the new computer again.  Note that if something goes wrong here, then the OS will not boot in EITHER system.
    3.  HyperThreading is typically used to refer to the P4's ability to cause itself to be viewed as two logical processors by the operating system.  I'm not sure if the term applies to the Athlon64 at all, and regardless, it does not mean that that you get to have two computers at once functioning independently of each other...just that the system is more efficient at handling multiple threads running at once (so if there are two demanding programs running at once, the HyperThreading system should in theory outperform the non-HyperThreading one...although even without HyperThreading support, any modern CPU has all sorts of efficient ways of handling multiple threads simultaneously).  
    4.  If you want to have two OS's booted at once, it can be done however...there are special programs you can use, like VirtualPC, that will let you boot a second OS from within your first OS (so that you can, for example, run linux on top of Windows).  The downside to this is that there's a performance hit that you take when you start running operating systems on top of each other like this (the first oeprating system consumes its normal amount of resources, and then there's an added layer of interpretation necessary to translate commands from the second OS into commands the first OS can understand and then have the first OS execute the commands and then have the results passed back in to the second OS...and so on).
    ...also, you may want to try disabling DEP.
    Hope this helps.

  • Im playing half life 2 on my 1.83 macbook!

    Ive just installed half life 2 on my 1.83 macbook and it runs fine, perhaps slightly better than my PC! Yeah, I know it would runs much better on a modern PC, but for me, it runs fine. Ive only done the first bit of the game, but so far on hight settings im getting around 20fps, and on low setting im getting 40 odd fps
    getting back into the original halflife too, its great fun online.
    Im sure the thing that makes it run ok is that i have 2gb ram, so the graphics are prob using 128mb.

    HL-2 is pretty graphics hungry so i'm impressed your Macbook can take it That 2Gb of RAM can't hurt, i guess.
    When i installed it on my PC is blew up after the first two levels, though, so i won't tempt fate too much.
    I wonder if ES:IV Oblivion wil run on it... (ironic laugh)

  • Fix for Half Life 2 & Radeon VPU Recover / Crash / Lock up...

    Hi All,
    Just a heads up to a fix for anyone with a Radeon who is suffering from VPU crashes in Half Life 2. From what I can gather, I think that this can occur with a number of different boards and some Nvidia users have also suffered from this... Although they just get a lock-up or a BSOD...
    SYMPTOM: Half Life 2 (and CS:S) will lock up anywhere from 1 second to 30 minutes in to a game. The sound will loop continuously and, if you have VPU Recover enabled, you can ALT-TAB to Windows whereupon you will see a dialogue from VPU Recover asking whether you want to send a bug report to ATI.
    Other games will run fine.
    After searching around a bit, updating drivers, checking temps, running Memtest etc, etc, I have found that the following workaround will address this issue:
    1) Set AGP to 4x in BIOS,
    2) Disable Fast Writes.
    Hope this helps any one else suffering from this issue. This was occuring with Catalyst Drivers 4.12 & 5.1...

    hi Jazza!
    the best explanation for this that i've seen is that there can be power drain problems in USB 2.0. drop below 500 mA running through the port and everything goes to pot. this may well explain why switching back to USB 1.1 sometimes works like a charm, and also explains why it's important to have the ipod plugged into a high powered USB port rather than a low power port.
    i've seen a confirmed case of a USB connection going west after a scanner got plugged into the beast in question ... periodically i see other reports along these lines, too.
    Roger Whiteley, "USB Device Not Recognized" #16, 04:18am Aug 3, 2005 CDT
    love, b

  • I installed the half life 2 demo  how do i delete it from launchpad?

    i installed the half life 2 demo from steam and it created a shortcut in my launchpad. how do i delete it completely from my computer so that it wont show up in my launchpad anymore?

    Hello lisapetito
    Check the settings of your Gmail account and look to see if it is Either setup with POP or IMAP. If it is set up with POP then it will only have those changes on your Mac and not anywhere else. If you need to change it, then remove your Gmail account and then reset it up and it should correct itself.
    Using a POP account with more than one device
    OS X Mavericks: Internet Accounts preferences
    -Norm G.

  • Satellite Pro L100 PSLA4: ATI graphic card crashes in Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2

    I have a Sattelite Pro L100 (PSLA4) with ATI Radeon Xpress 200M graphics card.
    While playing Team Fortress 2 and Half Life 2 Episode 2, the system often crashes (screen goes black, then blue, then computer automatically resets). After restarting, the Microsoft Error Report tells me that it is a problem with the ATI card display driver and recommends updating the driver.
    I note Toshiba has not released a new display driver for this card since 2005, and attempts to update through the ATI website do not work.
    Is there any way to update the graphics driver, or does Toshiba have any plans to release an update.

    Hey Jimi, do you know how awesome you are? The answer is "completely".
    I have had various problems with the outdated graphics driver for quite some time, and never knew about the Omega Drivers site, but everything works now thanks to you. I couldn't update the driver using the "Install from specific location", but I just ran the setup program that I downloaded from Omega Drivers, and it installed and worked fine.
    I can't thank you enough, thank you thank you thank you thank you etc.

  • Battary half life...

    Well, I'm almost done with a complete battery drain of my nano. I wanted to see just how good the battery life is, and I've heard that its actually good for the battery to drain it and then bring it back up to full charge every once in a great while. I'm slightly worried now though. The battery is almost completely drained (In the red as I type this) but its only been about 13 hours. That is a lot better then my 4th gen, but its still only a little over half of what the battery should be.
    The only times I used the nano during this was to check and see how far the battery was a few times, and at one point I went in and shut off the 'video out' feature. Nothing else was done, I just had it go through shuffle mode with the volume all the way down.
    What do you guys think? Is 13 hour battery life good enough to keep, or should I exchange it/send it to Apple?

    I owned the 4th Gen Nano. The battery on the one I had was faulty, reason I say that is this:
    I went to the gym with it, I used it for approximately 2 hours in the gym, I started the iPod playing and just left it playing, I did not skip tracks etc. After this time the battery showed less than half remaining, I locked the iPod with the switch on the top and placed it in my bag. A day or two later I went to the gym again, I went to switch it on and it would not power up, which I found strange has I still had a bit of battery remaining.
    I charged it up again but the battery still went down has much in 2 hours worth of use, so I returned it to Argos has faulty. I wasn't able to get another Nano has they were out of stock. Instead I got a Sony Walkman, admittedly not has nice to look at has the Nano, but with the exact same songs and the exact same Shure earphones, the sound quality was much better on the Sony Walkman.
    I also found the volume on the iPod was limited too low (I had adjusted to max in the settings on the Nano I will add) but the built in one was just too low. I do not have my music on extremely loud but with certain quieter songs the volume had to been on max and this was then still a bit too low.
    On the Sony Walkman I got the volume levels are much higher, for example, I have the volume on the Walkman set to between 15-17, it goes up has far as 30. I found the volume on the Sony Walkman to be nearly twice has loud as the iPod in my opinion.
    Admittedly I do miss the ease of importing that I was used to with iTunes

  • Boot Camp, Vista, and Half-Life 2 Episode 2

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    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    the 7300GT is in no way a gemers-graphic card.
    And although HL2 isn't that much hardware-hungry, playing it in a 2560x1600 resolution (native on a 30" CD) is way too much for the card.
    But HL2 should allow you to play in better resolutions then 800x600.
    I think something like maybe 1280x1024 should be possible.
    Only real solution for full resolution might be getting a ATI X1900XT

Maybe you are looking for

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