X79A-GD45 Intel 4930K

Recently I have purchased an X79A-GD45 motherbroad. I wanted to install Intel Core i7-4930k CPU but the bios stops with FF error code. After some seeking I have found the reason: my mainboard doesn't have UEFI/BIOS v1.5 on it, and the only solution is the bios update. Since I can not reach my bios using my unsupported CPU I can not flash it.
I think this is a very disappointing situation because msi's website says full support with this configuration.
Could you suggest some alternative solution how to flash my bios without buying a new CPU or bring it to computer service? (The service does not have LGA-2011 CPU)
Thanks for any help. 

There is absolutely no alternative. You need a supported cpu or let the board be flashed by a pc-shop. Would be quite odd if a good pc-shop had no Sandy Bridge E cpu as all X79 boards from all manufactures do require an update for Ivy Bridge E support. Of course it is impossible that a board manufactured before Ive Bridge E bios support has been implemented could support those cpus out of the box. Your complaints concerning MSI is therefor not correct. Depending on your location MSI would flash the board too as this service is offered for many markets.
>>How to contact MSI.<<

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    hdd western digital blue
    psu thermaltake 720 watt sm
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    it's getting blue screen all the time.
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    if you still have that Value RAM stick (by using that to post and get the system up and running) you could try updating the BIOS to Version 2.7 (Latest) by >>Use the MSI HQ Forum USB flasher<< using option 1 and pointing it at the archive for 2.7 found on the product page here http://www.msi.com/product/mb/X79AGD45.html#/?div=BIOS and retry the RAM you have that seems to be causing you problems as it may just be that which is the problem!

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    "was told to contact Intel" Whoever said that is a moron, Intel has nothing to do with MB not having a later BIOS to support the CPU. The only way Intel would be concerned is if it was an Intel manufactured/marketed MB. At the very least Amazon should have offered to update the BIOS and it only should have cost you shipping back to Amazon for that. Since MSI no longer puts the sticker on the the BIOS chip with the BIOS version on it the only way to come close to what BIOS the MB has is by the S/N:.
       601-7760-040B1301291472  1301 date code = 2013 01
     It may be an annoyance for you but your situation would be the same for any MB manufacturer.
     There are plenty of us that build our own PC that have had to get an earlier CPU or have a shop to update the BIOS for later CPU support. I've had to do that at 2 or times myself and was lucky enough to be able to borrow a CPU each time and it only cost me shipping for the CPU which was pretty cheap. I took it in stride as it's one of the hazards encountered when building your own PC. There's no one you can blame in particular for that. It happens and you have to deal with however you might need to the same as any other minor tribulations in your lifetime.

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    Any suggestions in the next level of debug.
    Yes. Sell it and purchase a CPU that is supported. MSI stopped putting green stickers on the chips that had the BIOS version printed on them, so it makes it harder to determine what is installed.
    Just a guess, but I believe if I read it right, the manufacture date is Jan. of 2013, but that information isn't going to help for a CPU that isn't going to be supported anyway. 

  • X79A GD45 Slow start and slow boot into windows with SSD

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    Silvertone Strider 850w PSU
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    Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
    Date:          18/10/2012 22:07:07
    Event ID:      100
    Task Category: Boot Performance Monitoring
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Event Log
    User:          LOCAL SERVICE
    Computer:      Steve-PC
    Windows has started up:
         Boot Duration      :   22130ms
         IsDegradation      :   false
         Incident Time (UTC)   :   ‎2012‎-‎10‎-‎18T21:05:20.624800300Z
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance" Guid="{CFC18EC0-96B1-4EBA-961B-622CAEE05B0A}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-10-18T21:07:07.018586500Z" />
        <Correlation ActivityID="{02EB6910-F800-0002-44BE-684874ADCD01}" />
        <Execution ProcessID="1268" ThreadID="1336" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-19" />
        <Data Name="BootTsVersion">2</Data>
        <Data Name="BootStartTime">2012-10-18T21:05:20.624800300Z</Data>
        <Data Name="BootEndTime">2012-10-18T21:07:04.226181600Z</Data>
        <Data Name="SystemBootInstance">8</Data>
        <Data Name="UserBootInstance">4</Data>
        <Data Name="BootTime">22130</Data>
        <Data Name="MainPathBootTime">12230</Data>
        <Data Name="BootKernelInitTime">13</Data>
        <Data Name="BootDriverInitTime">696</Data>
        <Data Name="BootDevicesInitTime">4960</Data>
        <Data Name="BootPrefetchInitTime">1575</Data>
        <Data Name="BootPrefetchBytes">228585472</Data>
        <Data Name="BootAutoChkTime">0</Data>
        <Data Name="BootSmssInitTime">4198</Data>
        <Data Name="BootCriticalServicesInitTime">190</Data>
        <Data Name="BootUserProfileProcessingTime">36</Data>
        <Data Name="BootMachineProfileProcessingTime">0</Data>
        <Data Name="BootExplorerInitTime">205</Data>
        <Data Name="BootNumStartupApps">1</Data>
        <Data Name="BootPostBootTime">9900</Data>
        <Data Name="BootIsRebootAfterInstall">false</Data>
        <Data Name="BootRootCauseStepImprovementBits">2308</Data>
        <Data Name="BootRootCauseGradualImprovementBits">0</Data>
        <Data Name="BootRootCauseStepDegradationBits">0</Data>
        <Data Name="BootRootCauseGradualDegradationBits">0</Data>
        <Data Name="BootIsDegradation">false</Data>
        <Data Name="BootIsStepDegradation">false</Data>
        <Data Name="BootIsGradualDegradation">false</Data>
        <Data Name="BootImprovementDelta">0</Data>
        <Data Name="BootDegradationDelta">0</Data>
        <Data Name="BootIsRootCauseIdentified">true</Data>
        <Data Name="OSLoaderDuration">511</Data>
        <Data Name="BootPNPInitStartTimeMS">13</Data>
        <Data Name="BootPNPInitDuration">5049</Data>
        <Data Name="OtherKernelInitDuration">1426</Data>
        <Data Name="SystemPNPInitStartTimeMS">6472</Data>
        <Data Name="SystemPNPInitDuration">607</Data>
        <Data Name="SessionInitStartTimeMS">7083</Data>
        <Data Name="Session0InitDuration">3095</Data>
        <Data Name="Session1InitDuration">259</Data>
        <Data Name="SessionInitOtherDuration">843</Data>
        <Data Name="WinLogonStartTimeMS">11282</Data>
        <Data Name="OtherLogonInitActivityDuration">706</Data>
        <Data Name="UserLogonWaitDuration">133</Data>

  • X79A-GD45 (8D) OCP always enabled?

    Hi guys,
    Is there a way to disable the OCP in the X79A-GD45 (8D)? It seems I have 2 options: "Default" and "Enhanced". Enhanced buys me a little bit more room, but currently I'm stuck at 4.5GHz @ 1.425V. Anymore voltage and the processor just immediately clicks off as soon as I start Prime95.
    I have a very hardcore water-cooling system. ApogeeXT + quad radiator + 2x MCP35X to drive the whole thing, so I can probably put some serious voltages into the thing if the board will let me.

    Sorry, it would be nice to list the CPU eh? It's a 3930K.
    You are already overvolting the CPU past Intel's published datasheet absolute maximum as it is for a 3930k or 3960X by .25v's.
    Anyways, I'm convinced that Intel's datasheets are much too conservative. I have an i7-920 here that has been running 4 GHz @ 1.5V for almost 2 years now. The thing also hit 100C (obviously this was an air cooler) from time to time when I ran torture tests on it and yet nothing bad has come of it yet. I'm an EE by trade so I understand the problems of inverse relationship between lifespan and voltage, but you can't really destroy modern day silicon chips unless you SERIOUSLY exceed the voltages (25%+)
    I'm currently water-cooled with a Apogee XT and a quad radiator and dual pumps, so the temp on the processor even at 1.425 is 55C under load so cooling is not the issue here.
    Just keeping cranking the volts to it until it is stable or pops at the set speed.
    That's kind of my point, the motherboard OCP protection won't let me crank the volts. I witness this problem whether I'm multiplier locked to 1.2 GHz or 4.6 GHz. Actually my CPU will take 1.6V and boot at 5.2 GHz to Windows desktop. But as soon as I put any kind of load on it, the OCP kicks in and ends my fun. My question is, is there a way of disabling it? The manual says that it can be disabled, but I assume this is because they just took a GD65 manual and changed 65 to 45. Is MSI good with BIOS updates for this sort of thing or should I go ahead and return the board and get something a bit more.. supported?

  • MSI X79A-GD45 8D - B2 at boot

    Just bought a Asus GTX680 4gb graphic card to replace my gigabyte HD7970 GHz edition card.
    My system works just fine with the HD card but when putting in the GTX680 card it stucks before the bios windows and only shows the message B2.
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    Bought the computer in december and got the following setup:
    MSI X79A-GD45 8D
    Intel Core i7 3930K 3.2GHz
    Corsair 32GB (4x8192MB) CL9 1600Mhz
    Corsair SSD Force 3 Series 120GB
    Noctua NH-D14 SE2011
    Corsair AX 750W 80+ Gold Modular
    GK ATI Gigabyte HD7970 Ghz Ed 3GB
    Anyone here that might have any knowledge about this? Would be very grateful for any assistance
    PS. i did see a thread mentioning turning of legacy which helped someone with this problem but did not help in my case.

    My fault, I mean an update for the VGA, not the mainboard. A brand X UEFI/BIOS would in fact kill your mainboard. Using a HDD with an OS on it from another machine is not really a good test as the drivers, chipset, etc. can be completely wrong. X79 default is AHCI Mode, and if the other HDD OS was installed under IDE Mode, that makes sense it wouldn't boot past the log in.
    Just an FYI, but have a look in this section of the forum that is VGA related, and as you can see, there are a lot of issues with GOP VBIOS and graphics cards with Windows 8. MSI files will not work on your VGA though.
    Do you think a work around could be to install the latest bios update and install windows 7 instead? i.e would that hypothetically reset drivers in the bios that might been install with windows 8?
    I've heard horror stories about once Windows 8 is installed with it's embedded key, trying to install Windows 7 is a total disaster. It might work if a switch is made to the other BIOS chip and then installed Windows 7?     Might be worth a try. It would sure maybe answer the question about the GOP VBIOS being needed on that VGA.

  • Cpu speed is clocked down during heavy use (msi x79a-gd45) ?

    I overclocked my cpu, intel i7 3930K, 32 gb ram win 7 on msi x79a-gd45
    cpu base clock : 100
    adjust cpu ratio 42
    intel turbo disabled
    dram freq @1600
    cpu core temp 1.290
    hyper thread enabled
    Everything else is auto
    This pc is running at 4.2 in general but when I do render type heavy cpu rendering cpu speed starts going down to 2900, they oscillate betwen 4200 and 2900/2700. I am trying to get it start around 4000. TO me it is kind of pointless that the cpu would clock down when I need them not too. I do not mind if they are clocked down when they are not in use. 
    I have 750 W with corsair hydro h60
    I asked this issue before but I was not able to resolve. I am hoping that someone else might be able to help me out here .

    Quote from: PirateDog on 07-December-13, 17:08:38
    Yes, with a Turbo OC on the Core Ratios (set them all to 44X) in CPU Features sub menu plus the CPU V. and CPU Ratio must both be set to Auto. EIST and C1E enabled. Enhanced Turbo enabled. Overspeed Protection disabled.
    If the mainboard also has the VDroop option, then set it to 100%. Have you tried the CPU Ratio OC at 44X with the CPU V. in Auto already? If it is stable, then no need to try the Turbo method of OC. With CPU V. in Auto, you can enable EIST and C1E and get power saving features to work. CPU V. must be in Auto for the voltage to decrease at low use or idle (33C).
    Hi  PirateDog
    Thanks for your reply, very helpful
    So I now have
    Cpu base 100
    ratio 44
    EIST enabled (intel turbo disabled, enhanced turbo disabled)
    Dram auto
    Cpu Core V auto
    C1E Enabled
    C-State disabled
    Cpu Phase Control Disabled
    VDroop +%100
    This setup seemed to push my average cpu temps by around 7C degrees, so I am around 64C if all are at max. I am not sure if this issue is from another place but worth mentioning. I am not sure if this is still in the good range. On the other hand this setup seems to lower my average idle temps couple degrees.
    Before I was using
    Cpu base 100
    ratio 44 Cpu Core V auto
    Dram 1600
    and everything else was either disabled or set to auto
    Any further recommendations?

  • X79A-GD45 (8D) - question

    is there any way to allow hardware virtualization on the x79a-gd45 (8d)  board ?
    sorry my english,
    thanks for reply

    UEFI > Overclocking > CPU Features > Intel Virtualization Tech > must be [Enabled]
    If you want Intel VT-D its the same way to enable it.

  • My first overclock (msi X79A-GD45)+(i7 3820)

    Hi all!
    This is my first time here, I am lokking for someone that can help me to overclock my pc.
    My components:
    MB: Msi X79A-GD45 ( latest bios)
    CPU: i7 3820
    RAM: 16 GB DDR3 Quad channel 1600 mhz
    ALI: corsair modular 750 bronze
    heatsink: corsair hydro series 110
    Windows 8.1 64 bit
    I don't know why my cpu remains stuck at 37x even if I put the multipler to 40...

    Quote from: darkhawk on 20-June-15, 10:54:40
    You can only lower the multiplier on non-k version Intel CPU's.
    Judging by your post, you probably didn't know that.
    Unfotuantely I have to correct that i7 3820 (like all socket 2011 i7 cpus) is unlocked. Only Xeon cpus for 2011 are not.
    andrea.montis.pitti, here is an example of oc with the i7 3820. Make sure to disable power saving features like C-State.
    Quote from: flobelix on 04-November-12, 01:10:08
    Current machine: MSI X79-GD65 (8D) (MS-7760) Bios 1.18 B7, Core i7 3820 (C2) @ 4428.84 MHz (103*43) 1.296V

  • Z87-G45 vs X79A-GD45 Plus

    I have checked the MSI site and found that X79A-GD45 Plus is one of the newest motherboard who supports 6 cores intel 2011 socket
    On the other hand i found that Z87-G45 is the very  new motherboard but supports only 1150 socket
    If i buy the z87 motherboard then how can i buy a compatible 6 core intel processor

    You can't. There is no socket 1150 6-core cpu and as it seems there won't be any. If you want more than 4 cores you have to go for socket 2011.

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  • X79A-GD45 Plus wont load windows with RAID mode

    Hi all, I have this issue,
    I have use this mobo for a year without any problems. I have attached C: system in port 0, and a 5 disk in the following ports (1-5) in RAID0, I dont remember the Intel i7 processor model. But like I said never had a problem
    Yestarday I change the box from coolermaster to silverstone, so I took the mobo, i7, power supply, HDs, etc, and I did a fresh install windows 7 64 ultimate on the new silverstone
    My problem is after the new win7 install, all MCI drivers from the original DVD, all windows updates, create RAID0 (ctrl I), bios in RAID mode, and everything configured OK, windows wont start, I get to windows logo, then the machine crash and reboot again
    Also today I did a new win7 64 professional install and this time I use all the update drivers from MSI website and still can load windows, keep crashing when win logo appears
    This happens in RAID mode with all 5 disks connected, even when they are not connected
    AHCI and ide load windows and works perfect
    I cant understand what is the problem, I will appreciate is some one can help me
    Thanks in advance
    UPDATE: I think i did the win7 install when BIOS was on RAID mode, can this cause not loading windows? should be done on IDE or ACHI ?

    I'm sorry, here is the complete info:
    Main Board: X79A-GD45 Plus
    Bios Version: 17.8 (last update)
    Video Card: Gigabyte GV-R577UD-1GD
    PSU: Thermaltake M750w
    I7 3930k 3.2ghz
    Memory: 8ram Kingston Hyperx Blu
    SSD/ HDD: 1tb Barracuda ST1000DM003
    Raid Card: extenal card NO
    Sound Card: NA
    Any Additional hardware plugged into your system: Non
    OC: (Yes / No) NO
    Operating System: Win7 64 professional
    I have installed windows 7 ultimate, professional, home premium , in IDE mode, ACHI and RAID mode and nothing is working
    Windows is keep crashing when windos (logo) is loading, the only way I can load windows is in IDE mode, raid and achi mode I can't.
    Thanks in advance

  • MSI X79A-GD45: I can't run windows update

    Hi Guys.,
    I just finished setting-up a new PC for my friend..,
    with the following specs:
    CPU:   Intel Core i7 3820 w/ Hydro Series H80
    Mobo: MSI X79A-GD45
    RaM:   4 x 4GB G.Skill Ripjaws Z DDR3 2133 CL9Q
    GPU:   MSI R7850 Twin Frozr 2GD5/OC
    PSU:   Corsair HX 850
    Case:  Thermaltake Level 10 GT
    HDD:   1TB Seagate Barracuda
    SSD:   >>> Can't decide yet on what brand & model to purchase  :D
    OS:     Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    Everything is okay from the first boot up.., browsing the bios  (since i just used the optimal default or standard setting), windows 7 installation, drivers installation and installing and playing BF3 for a while.
    But every time I tried to run windows update., it always fail and saying ....restart the system etc (sorry I forgot the exact words  )
    How can I fix this?
    Also I want to ask regarding the memory (ram) information it only register 1600 instead of the expected 2133 (on bios and speccy)
    And 15.9GB is registering in speccy instead of 16GB (I know its just .1  :D) I'm just curious or anxious that there might be a problem     

    Thank you Sir. I think I got the problem causing this., but I can't find the answer yet. 
    Here's how I find it:  :D
    After spending almost a day trying to make it work., I finally gave up and decided to clean install the OS. (win 7 ultimate 64)
    After I re-installed the new OS there is no internet connection yet because I still have to install the LAN drivers of the motherboard.
    So I downloaded the latest drivers from another another pc, saved it on a flash drive and installed it one at a time. 
    So I installed the LAN driver.. okay.. windows update now working.
    I installed all the other motherboard (except for the Intel IRST) and ATI drivers. windows update still working. 
    Installed the latest Intel IRST... windows update stopped working again..., :(
    so I uninstalled it.. but still windows update not working. Luckily I found the system restore and restored it to the time when I haven't installed the Intel IRST.. and its working again...  :D
    NOW.... I downloaded and installed the latest Intel IRST for my motherboard from Intel's website this time but the problem is still the same! the windows update stopped working again!!!!     
    Finally.., I just use system restore again until windows update is working.. and never installed any Intel IRST.
    If you have a solution for this., please help me...

  • MSI X79A-GD45 (8D) Boot loop

    MSI X79A-GD45 (8D), Socket-2011
    Intel® Core i7-3820 Processor
    Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600MHz 16GB CL9
    Kit w/4x 4GB XMS3 modules, CL9-9-9-24, 1.5V
    AMD Radeon HD 7970
    Cooler Master GX 750W psu
    Bios: 7760vA6
    If i leave computer off for a few hours it goes into boot loop.
    Fans disc etc spins up then it shuts down, goes on like this for a while and if i'm lucky it boots after a while.
    Quick fix is to pull a memory stick and it goes directly to the hardware change message (F1/F2 to Setup)
    Turn off computer plug memory back inn and it all works as normal.
    Putting ram in a triple/quad channel setup also produces the same boot loop, never gotten to bios with that setup.

    Here are some things you can try:
    I suggest doing a full cmos clear then load optimized defaults.
    1.) Run memtest make sure all of you ram is working properly. >>Memtest86<< Try 1 sticks at a time and checking each stick this way may be nessesary to find if you have a bad stick. Also, try each dimm with a known working stick of ram.
    2.) Disable / enable XMP test each way and see if the problem goes away either way.
    3.) Raise the dramv to 1.55-1.65 volts
    4.) Set the command rate from 1t to 2t.
    5.) Inspect the cpu socket and the cpu for damage. You will need a magnifying glass and stong light to notice any bent pins in the socket.
    6.) Try different ram

Maybe you are looking for

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